HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12427 P 165ROY L. MORROW, JR. residing at 69 BluffAvenue, Rowayton, CT 06853 party of tim fl.'at part, and MERYL GRKENBAUM, residing ut 1586 Lnkeview Drive. Hewlett, New York I 1557 party Of second par% %vtTAIKSSETH, that, the party Of the first part, in eonsiderotio~ Of Lea dollars and other velunblo con~d~rafion paid by the par~ Of the second part., duse hereby grant nnd raisons unto the party Of the second part. the heirs or sueeususre and usaigns Of the party ofthe second part fervor. ~T.l. tht certain ~ pisao.or..pa.~e..1 o( lan~, with ~e..buqdi0gs.qnd i.mprg~n*,,0a~p the~q0p .ececf,~, situate, lying and being in tho , I OwB Gl ~oumoto, ~.ounty on Y*UIIOIK flue ~lRle or ~ew York, known and desil~, need on a ceflain.map entitled, *'Smithfield Park', nnd Filed in thc Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 27, 1966 as Map No. 4770, which s~id lot is more particularly bounded and described aceordin8 to said map as follows: /.~ ~' I~ ~ =W' BEGINNING ut u point on the easterly side of Breitstndt Coufl distant 124.45 feet northerly as measured along the easterly side of Breitstadt Court from the extreme northerly end of the curve connecting as the easterly side of Breitstedt Court with the northerly side of Clem'view Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North 20 degrees 51 minutes 30 seconds .East nlonf~ the easterly side of Breitstedt Court, 22.52 feet; THENCE North 9 dc~rces 40 minutes 40 secohds East alon~ the easterly side of' Breitstadt Court, 77.48 feel: THENCE South 80 desr~es 19 minutes 20 seconds -East, 215.77 feet; THENCESouth 5 desrees 13 minutes 00 seconds West, 120 feet; THENCE North 75 desrees 19 minutes 30 seconds West 230.35 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING the same premises describ~'d in deed to the grantors recorded 07/12/05 in LIBER 12397 page 130. TOGETHER with all right, title and intensL, if nny, of tho party of the first purl in and to any streets and rends abutUnff the obeys dtuerilMd premisaa m the center llnea ther~-~f: TOG~'I'HI.:R with the appurtonancus and all tho o~stom and riglzl~ 0f the imrty of the first part. in end ~o said i~o:nises; TO HAVE AND TO IlOLD tho premises herein granted unto tho party Of the second part. tho heirs or ouccussars end ussigns of'Om par~y Of the second part forever. AND the party of the first, part covonnnts that the part)' of the first, part has not done or suffered nnything whereby tho sold premises have been c*ncumberod in any way whotuvor, except us aforeaaid. AND the piu'ty Of the first park in compliance with Section 13 ortho Lien I.aw. covennnia that tho party of the first part will receive the conaidaretian for leis conveyance tund will hold tho rtght to r~*eeive ouch consideration ss u exult fund Lo be applied first for tJ~e purpose of paying tho cnst Of tho improvement and will apply the nme first to the paymenl; of the cost of the improvement before using any part of tho total Of tho same for uny other purpose. The word "party' shell he constAmd us if it read "pa~se' whenever the sense of this indenturu se ~quirea. IN WXTNESS WHRRROF, the party of Om first, part has duly ex~cuLed thio dasd the day and y~nr first nheve written, State of New York. County of Su f folk ss.: OnDecember 7~2005 he~ommc, thaund~ndSflcd, pesonally appeared Roy I,. Morrow~ Jr Ix'mmally kno~m m me or ~,r¢,~l to me on the basis nf sat i.,i. fuch~ry evidence to be Ihu Jndividuul(s) ~no,~ nnn~.q s ) is (are) .subscribed a~ the within instrument and ncknowlcdE.ed to m~" thai he/sh~? m.%'ated I~ san~ in hi.~/their cnlx~ity(ics). and that by hiA/harAheir slgnutun:(s) on the instrument, the indivlduul(s). OF thc I~rson up, n heh,,,'J]4~ which the individual(s) aclnd, excc~ ~ State of , County of ss.: On per~*nally appeared before me. Iha undendgned. pet3onally known to me or proved to me on the Im.qis of satis- ~h~fi~ to Ihe within imt~mnt ~ ~kn~ lo ~ t~ ~/~Ah~ e~u~ t~ ~ in hi~ir c~it~i~L ~ thai by hi~r~ir sig~lu~s) on ~ in~lm~nt, the individual(s), or the ~on upon ~half of which the i~ividu~is) ~. ex~ut~ I~ inslm~nt, a~ that su~ in- dividuM ~ such ~um~ ~fo~ the u~i~ in State of County of }ss.: On perr~nnlly appeumd hafme me, I]~ undersigned. the subs~Tibing whncs.~es) m the foregoin~ imtmment, with whom i nm per,molly ncquaimnd, who. heinE, by me duly ,sm. did depose and .qny thut haA, d~.Ahey n."~ide(s) in P~UL & CAMINm FW PUBLIC, Store of N~/~ to be the individu'.dts) des~'rlhed in and who executnd the ~ goir~ in.qtmmem: that suid sub.~ribinM wimc~gcu) woa (were) prc~nt and suw said exceu~e the rote: and that said wiln~ss(us) at the ~me rim~ subscrihad hi~e~ha~ nnm~s) ~ a wi~stc~ ) t~o. ~ ,~ ,~r~ ~ ~r ~ ~*~m~f ~ And that said suh~hing wimes~es) made such ap~aruu~ ~fo~' the unde~gntM in t~i~mmm,~md ~ ~/mf/r/&mf r,~x i:d~mm~d~w~/J Wmt 0 WI~'~A.%'T An,M ~.~r GKAA'T~'S AC~3 'rm~ No. RH05304551 MORROW, JR. TO GREENBAUM Distril~ted by CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SGC'TIO~ 070.00 SLOCX 09.00 .- LOt 028.000 COU.,FrY OR TOW~ Suffolk Re~*ded m Reqmst er CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY R Eru IL~ BY MAll. TO: Kevin McLaughlin, Esq. P.O. BOX 1210 Southold, NY Zip No. 11971 Number of pages , TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Page I Filing Fcc Handling TP-584 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 eState) R.P.T.S.A. Corem· of Ed. Aflidavit Cehified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Tolal Grnnd Total 4 I Dist. Real Propert: Tax Service Agency Verification ]Section ]Block Is-et 0~0~0~36 xO0O 07000 0800 028000 Sntisfactions/Discharges/Rele,qses List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Suffolk 2005 Dec 23 09~4~:15 iqH EO~ard P,Roeaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK CQIJi~TV L D00012427 P DY# 05-20565 Recording / Filing St:imps Mortgalge Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.lAssit. Spec. Iad~l~ :I'OT. MTG. TAX Dual Town. I)u:)l County Hclrd.,fi~r Appointment__. Transfer Tax ','~"~ Mansion T:lx ..... The property covered by this mortgage is '" or will .he improved Dy a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO~ If NO. ~ appropri;ue litX chtus¢ on page # __ of this insln_m~dt~n'~ Consideration Amount $ ~ CPF T~ Due S log ~ Im~mved ~ V~unt ~nd ~ TO TD TI) Title Com Information Co. Name Title # Recordin & Endorsement page forms part of thc attached (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTi made by: The pn:mi~s heroin is situated in in the VILLAGE or HAMLET of __~ " BOXES 6 THR'U 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI JACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FII.ING. lover) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE RECORDTNG PAGE T~pe of Znstruments DREDB/DDD ~her of Peges~ 3 Receipt ~,mher I 05-0132731 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 05-20565 D~strict: 1000 Deed Reaordmdz L'rBBK: pAGm Section ~ BZock. 070.00 09.00 llY,.&MZ~IZ~z ~ CHARGED AH FOLLOWS $650,000.00 12/23/2oos 0914gs15 AH D00012427 165 Lot: 028.000 Received the Foll~ing Fees For Above Inmtrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO NYS 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO RA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO CerC.Copiem RPT $30.00 NO SCT~ Transfer tax $2,500.00 NO Co~a. Prem Fees Pa~d TRaNSFeR TAX H~MBRR: 05-20565 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INHTRUM~T THIS I8 NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo NO S0.00 NO $10,000.00 NO $12,749.00 Rdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE 'TYPE' OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~ ~ cl. s~ Co~ ~ REAL PROPERTYs~Am M ~-w ~o~TRANSFER REPORT ~ RP - 5217 -.,-~_2-.~.~. ~...I . ,/,~, ~,,~ PROPERTY INFOR&~ATION ~ I Breitstadt Court I I 111971 I "~,.,,,~ I 200 I Southold 2. B~/er J Greenbaum I Metal I Ilolllma:ebtmndintdeathed~d I 0,0 , i I #ofPin=l= OR Pmtof. PmcM ~ I__~.~__~__lxl Iml . . . S. Sl LSd~ I Morrow, Jr. 4A. PIInlling 8oald v~ Subdhdil~On Mmedty Etdlls ~ 4C. PimM A, ptwowd lot ~'h'~'d~km ~V4h M~p Provided [] I Roy L. 13. FulIS~kBP~ I ,6, 5.0. 0.0, 0.8.1ti ! ! · I ~SE~ME~ INFORMA~N - ~M ~uld ~ ~ I~ RnBI ~nt Roll ~ T~ Bill SOUTROT.D & (X,mM~hip Type b Ca~l~id um [] l~ed Type net W~,mMy ~ R-~ln end S~e ISp4cIIv. Bdow) .6.2 .0.0 I 1000-070 . 00-09 . 00-028 . O0 I I I I I J I I I c~rm.c~oN I LAUGHLIN KEVIN 200 I Brettstadt Court I 631 I 765-6085 n/4 NEW YORK STATE · COPY