HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 98B~ ftlain and ~1~ DeN, with to~emn(~ alialnst Gmnsor's Aet~ CON.qlII.T YOUR I.AWT'ER g K I.'O~E Sf~.NIK¢; Tills INSl'RI~MEN'r - Tills I~'TRI 1ME.%-[ SUOtlIJ) RE I J~;En BT' I,AWYI':J~q ONI .%', THIS INDENTURE, ma~ thc 4th day of November Two Thousand and Five BETWEEN ISIDOROS SKULIKIDIS and MIRIAM SKULIKIDIS, residing ar366 Van Cott Avenue, Farmingdale, New York I 1735 potty of the tim porL~and k~/~Lta b MEICHEI,LE ACGREGOR and JOSEPi ~.' KEANE,~residing at I I1-~ Montaque Street, Apartmenl 6D. Brooklyn. New Y&k 11201. po~'y of the second part, WITNE~SETH. that the porly of the first parL |n co~ideration often dollars and other valuable consideration poid by the patty of the second part, d(~.'s hereby grant and release unto the pnny of the s~oad pnrl, the heirs or succes.,~ws and assigns of the pony of the second port forever. ALL tbot cenain plot. piece m' parcel of land. with the building,~ and improvements thereon c~clcd. situate, lying, and being in the Tovm of ~)uthold. County of SuFfi~lk and State of New Yodi. bonndcd and described ns follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Onklawn Avenue distant 585.51 Ii'et southerly along said westerly line from the southerly line of Pine Neck Road: RUNNING THENCE along said westerly line of Oaklawn Avenue. South fi degrees 12 minutes 00 ~-conds W~.t a distance of 150 feet; RUNNING TilENCE dt right angles to said westerly line of Oaklawn Avenue, Norlh 83 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds West a distance or 150.00 feet to a monument: RUNNING TIIENCE parallel with said w;.'sterly line of Oaklawn Avenue, North 6 degrees 12 minutes O0 seconds East a dislance of 150 feet; RUNNING THENCE at right angles t0 said westerly line of Oaklawn Avenue. Soulh 83 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 150.00 feet to thc point or place of BEGINNING. .. Satd Premises is known a.s by 4330 Oaklawn Avenue, Southold. New York 11971. Said premi.~.'s being the .,aime promises conveyed to thc pa~' oftirst part by decd daled 3/17/00 recorded 3/2_8/00 in Liher 12030 Page 545 in the Office of the County Clerk, County Suffolk. New York. TOGETHER with all righc title and in '~st. irony, ortho porly ofthu first pan in and to nny slreets aud roads abutting, the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOG ETIIER with the appuneonnces and all the eslate and rights of the pan:), of the tim pan in and to said premises: TO HAVI:- AND 'fO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pa~ the helm ~' .,a~ce.nsor~ and nssigns of the part)' ofthe second pan forever. AN D the party of the first part coveonnts that Ibc party of the tim pan has m~t done or sufl~.'rud anything whelL'by the said pmmisns have been encumbered in any. way whatever, excep~ as aforesaid. AN I) the pony ofthe first part. in compliance with Sa:lion 13 ofthe Lien Law. covenant.s thru the pony of the first par~ will receive thc consideration for this conveyance and will bold the right lo receive ~ch consJderntJan as a Inlsl fund to he applied first fro' Iht, purpose of paying, the cttsl ofthe impruvemeut and will apply the same first to'~he paynmnt of fife co~ of thc improvemem beforv u~ing, uny pun of the tot-d uf the same for any other puqm~. The word "party- shall be coraitru~l ns ir it read "partics" whenever Ibc sense of this indcmurc so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~ ~y orthe tim i~n has duly executed this &~.'d the day and year first above writlen. IN PRESENCE OF: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: (')n thc "fda), of November before me, Ihe undersigned personally appe~,d ISII)OROS SKUI,IKIDIS personally kmr, vn to mc or prow:d to me on the basis of. '~alisf'acto~., evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrumeot and acknowledl~nd to me that be/she/they executed the same in hi.~her /their capacit~ iesL and that by his/her their signatures(s) on the [nslrumenL, lite individuaJ(s), or the person upon hehelfuf which thc individuul(s) acted, executed the Jnslrurm.',nt. · .:N&'OIN ' · · . ' Bargain and Sale Deed S'rATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK .~: On the. (....day uf November before me. the undersigm:d i~.'~onally appeared MIRIAM SKULIKIDIS personally known to me or pn,ved to me on the basis of.~isfacto~.' evidence to he the individual(s) who.~ name(s) is tare) sub.~ribnd to the v, ithin instrumenl attd acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her /their capacity(les), eld that by Iti~lwr their signature~(s) on the inslrumcnL the individual(s), or thc persml upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed thc instrument. SECTION 70 BI.OCK 9 LOT 45 COUNTY SUFFOLK RECORD AND RETURN l'O: MELISSA A. CASTRO, ESQ; 606 Johnson Avenue, Suite I Bohemia, N.Y. 11716 Number of pages ~ TORRENS Serial # Certiflc~te #. Prio~ Cfi. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument 4 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stmnp . FEES RECORDED 200~ Nou 28 10:1~;~ E~erd P.Ro~ine S1JFFOLK ~ L D0~0124~ DT~ ~16~ Rocording/Filing Stamps Page / Filing Fee Handling TI'-SIM Notation IL*.-52 17 (Courtly) · EA-5217 (Slalc) R.P.'I:S.^. Comm. of 'Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other __ SubTotal ,~ O0 ~) Sub Total -- GRAND TOTAL '1 Itml Property Tax Service Agency Verification .... Disl.. I..Section I _Block .. I 05046472 ~ooo 07000 0900 o45ooo I ,or D~o Initials 71 Satisfnctions/Discharses/Releases List Property Owners Mailing ^ddres~ RECORD x, RETURN TO: e Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total · Spec,/&..sit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Tow,__ I~a] County.__ Ileld for Apportionment -- -- ',;a.,rer ' Iq Mansion Tax 'Hie properly covered by this morlgnRe is or will be improvod by n one m' two family dwelling, only. YES or NO__ II'NO, see appropriate tax clause on page II ,~ of this instrun~nt. 6 Communitrv Pre.qcrvution Fund Co,~lderatio.%Amount $ 14Oc~ ~ Impru~ed ~'~ Vucant Land TD TD TD ' Information Suffolk Recordi Pa 'Ibis page fonm part of the u 'tiuchod L~. made by: PECIFY TYPE OF IN~I'RUMtD4T ) '. // it BUXES 5"ITIRU 9 MUST BI:- TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. {OVERI 'lhe preniscs herein is sil.,!,q in SUFFOLK COUNTY, N F.W/OR K. in the '['own~hip of SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages= 3 Receipt Number ~ 05-0123307 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-16756 Dietrictl 1000 Deed Amountl Recorded= LZBER PAGE Section ~ Block: 070.00 09.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED A~ FOLLOWS $440,000.00 11/28/2005 10~19=25 AM D00012422 098 045.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO SCT~ Transfer talc $0.00 NO Co~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NU~BER~ 05-16756 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BZLL ~xem~t $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $5,800.00 NO $5,949.00 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County --' PLEASE TYPE (~R PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ~_.~J~- INSTRUCTIONS: hep://www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C2 Dire'Deed ReCOl~KI I // / M~,~ /~,~.--1 STATE BOARD OF REAL FIK)I~RTY ~RVICES · RP - 5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION I aA. Plant, lng Board w;th Subdiv~ion Au~horky Exim I I aB. SubdJ~i~ Ap~m, I w~ Required for TraMfw RI~rTr. TKTnTR { ISIDOROS I I SKULIKTDI$ A [~Onl Family R~idm~M ~ [~ A~rk;ulw,~l ] ~ ~mly~l~ R~ 2 m 3 F~i~R~ C~ial J 11. Sale.emOte ~ 8 / 31 / 0S 12. Dm M Bale I TMer I 11 /04 / ~~,M~I I , ~, 0 , 0 I I ASSE~ENT INF~TI~ - Oa~ s~uld mfl~ ~e I~ Final ~s~nt Roll and Tax B~I I ,,. o ,,.,,,_ v.. I CERTIFICATION I I I 4330 [ Oaklawn Avenue Sout:hold [ NY I 11971 SEL~. B~ER'~A~ORNLry ~astro I Melissa 516 I 982-1194 INEW YORK STATE COPY