HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12386 P 875DZEYRIC2 1000 SECTION 070.00 BLOCK 12.00 LOT 022.00' pnny of thc firM. purl. and JAMES DRAKE end PATRICZA DRAKE 480 ookvood DEXVO Southold, New York 11971 ~OSEPR'ETI, VESTRO and CHRISTINE STT. VKETRO'J%OJ~,~G~ P. O. Box 2162 ~ ~ n=/dgehempton, Ney Yank 11962 ~TR~ OIARO WI~F~H, that t~ ~y of I~ tim ~. in ~n~i~ ~ ~~,~blc co=i~mtl~ ~d by ~ ~y nf t~ ~o~ ~. ~ ~by ~nt a~ ~1~ unto ~ ~y of t~ ~otM ~. ~ ~ or su~ and SaPwood Pa~k. nea~ Cbs V~X~ge o~ Soucho~, ~ow~ off So~z~oXd, Co~c7 o~ Su~ol~ ~d Scats o~ ~ev Yo=k, ~d ~ ~sc=~ as ~oL~own~ C~x~Lotopheg SC=eec v~.l:h the veo~:erly o4d8 of~ C}~.vood DrLve; RUNNING THENCE Sou~h .83 degrees 05 mLnuteo 30 seconds Wes~, &long the norchezty olde o~ CbrloCophe~ Street, 190 ~eec, ~o an ~ron pLpe and land now o~ ~omerly sC ~ecobs; THENCE North 6 deg=eeo S4 mLnuteo 30 seconds #ese, along the l&o~ nen~Loned land, ~0o ~eet to an ix'on p~pe ~d, land now or ~oznerly o~ CornelS; ~ENCE No=~h 83 degrees OS m~nuteo 30 seconds Esot, along ~he lss~ mencLoned land, 190 ~eec, ~o an ~ron pLpe set on the westez~y THENCE gouCh 6 ~eg=ees 54 mLnute. 30 seconds East, 200 £eeC, along the westerly o~de o~ oakwood O=~ve, to the monument ac =he poLnC o= place o~ BKGZNNZNO. SAID PREMISES bLng and intended to bo ~he ~ano p~omLooo conveyed to the Grantor j0~reLn by Deed dated ~uly 23, 1996 end recordod August 21, 1996 Ln Llbe~ 11788 ae Page 592~ TOGI,r'I'IIER wills all right, title and illtUrg~t, if uny. or thc pafly of the first pm'z, in and tu ~ny xtrcgt.% and roads abutting the ubove-dc~cribed prcmi..ics to thc center lines, thereof; TOGETHER with the uppuffcn~accs and all the estatu and rig.ills si thc puffy nf the first purl in uud to said prnmi~b: 'IT~ I.JAYE AND'IS iIOLD the premises herein I~ruutcd unto thc puffy of thc second puff. thc heirs or succcb.,,or~ uud ~si~re. of the puffy oF th,: ~cco,d purl forever. AND the puny of Ihs flrsl purl covcnunt~; thus thu party of thc fi~l part hue ual doug or suffered anything, whereby th.: said premi~.c~, huve beet! encumbered in uny way whatever. ¢~.cept us ufo~suld. Alii) thc putty nf risc I~r~,t part. in compliallCC with S~=ction 13 of lltc Lien Law. co,,counts Ihul IhS purly of [he first part will rcceiv¢ thc considcrution for this convcyuncc and will hold thc rlg.ht It~ recuivu such consider- ation us a trust fund to he applied firbt for the purpose of payin8 thc cost of the imi)rovement and will apply thc hamc first to the payment of the ct)si of thc improvement before u3.ing, any part of thc total of thc same for u,y other purpo~c. The wi)rd "party" ~.hall I)c construcd ~ il' it r~ud *'purtlcs' whenever thc ..,:n...e of this indunture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREO¥. thc pa.~y of thc first pan ha~ duly executed ibis deed thc day and year first above written. Acknowledgement taken In NewYork State Stale of New York, Counly el Suf£olk Onthe 6th dayo! Ap=J. 1 ,Inthoyear200.~beforame, the undersigned, personally.appeared JAMES DRAKE and pA'~RTCTA DRAKE personally known to mo or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) Subscribed to tho within instrument and sc~nawledgad to: me that he/she/they executed tho same in his/horflheir capacity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on tho instrument, tho individual(s) or the posen upon bahai! of whJGh ROTARY I~UBT. I C '..'. Acknowledgement by Subscribing Witness taken In New Yc~k State State of New York. County of , u: On the day of . in the year the undersigned, pemonally appeared , belgie me, the subssrlbing wilnesa Io the foregoing instrument, with whom I em personally ecqufllnted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose a~l say, that he/she/they res)da(s) in thai be/she/they knew(s) to be the individual dsscrfoed in ancl who executed the foregoing Instrument; that said subscribing withess was present and saw'said execute the same: and. that said wilnass at the sams time SL~,'ibed his/herflheir name(s) as a withess Ihereto. Title No.:. DRAKE S TLVEE'_~RO Distributed by Chicago Title Insurance Compa:ty Acknowledgement taken In New York State State of New York. County Of On the., * day o! . in the yea. r the undamigned, personally appeared · before mo, personally known to me or proved to. me on the basis ol satisfactory evidence tn be tho Individual(s) whoea name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and aclu'towledgecl to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their capacity(los), and that by his/herllhoir signature(s) on the instrument, the ind' '.n,~__~_!(s) or the person upon behalf o/which the indi,ddual(8) acted, executed the instrument. Acknondedgament taken outside New York State · Stale of , County u." , · (or inaerl District el Columbia. Tenit;,ry, Possession or Foreign Counlry) On the da~, o! ' , in Ii '; ;'~nr , before me, the undersigned, personally appoar~n . .. personally known to mo or proved to mo on tho basi,~ 'of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whoso name(s) Is (ore) subscribed to tho withth inslmm....', and acYaxMledged mo thai he/she/they executed tho u..ma in his/her/their capsclly(ios), that by his/her/their signature(s] on tho Instrumom. the individual(s) or tho person upon behalf of which the individnai(s) acted, executed tho instrument, and that such indhflcluei made such appearance before the undersigned in tho (add the eily or political subdivision and tho state or country or other place the acknowledgement was taken). /S'~RTCT 1000 SECTION 70 BLOCK 12 LOT 22 COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAILTO.; KEVZH FX~ZGERALD, ESQ, 542 No=th Country Road St. ~anen, N.Y. 11780 ~pNo. m Number of pnge~ ,. ~3'RRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed. Mortgage Inslmmcnt Pagc / Filing Fcc Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp lEES Handling TP-51M Notation EA-521'/(.County) SubTo~l EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of 'Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Toml O~her Grand Total/'T"'~. ~ Real T~ Se~i~ Verification ' Sntisfnctio~Di~e~ele~e Li~ RECORD & RETU~ TO: Kevin Fi~e~ld, Esq. ~2 North Count~' Road Saint Jnm~, NY I I ?~0 Eckmrd Po CLE~ OF SUFFOLK C~NTV L D0001_9_~_ _ PT! Recording I Filing Smmpe Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec. / As.~it. or Six'c. / Add. TOT. M'rG. TAX Dmd Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by nonc or two family dwelling only. YES or NO __ If NO, see appropriate tax clause on CommunJt~t Preservation Fund Considention Amount CPF Tax Due s "/ 6t3 -" Improved ~t~~ Vacant Land 7 Title Company Information Co~ew York Title Aencv Ltd. Title # 05-9286-S Suffolk Count Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of thc attached Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premisis herein is ~iluatcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO in Ih-' Township of ~pu)hnld hd~..__ In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLER~ RECORDS OFF'rCE RECORD'rIG PAGE Type o£ Instz~mont: DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pages: 3 Receipt ~mber : 05-005Z~84 T~SFER T~ ~ER: 04-40530 LZBER: PAGE: Dis~rto t ~ Soo ~ ~ Block ~ ~ ~ 1000 070.00 12.00 022 · 000 $540,000.00 · Deed Received she Following Fees For Above Reco~dedt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Ho~dlf~g $5.00 COB $5.00 HO HYS HRCHG S15.00 EA-C'~Y $5.00 HO n-STATE $75.00 TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copiee $0.00 RFT $30.00 h'O SCT~ $0.00 Transfer t~c $2,160.00 HO C~.Pree $7,800.00 Fees PeLd $10,109.00 TRAHSFER TAX NUMBER; 04-40530 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE ZNBTRUMENT THIS Ig NOT A BILL Edward P.Romalne County Clerk, Suffolk County 05/12/2005 11841t15 AM D00012386 875 HO NO NO HO HO HO · PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/I www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 LFORCOUN~ USE ~NLY.,~ I 111ANSPER REPORT C1. SWIS Code I"~t! "~, '~, ~, '~', YlI ~ REAL PROPERTY C~.eookl /,('f,~., ',(OIC4. Pq.l.~'l /.,'~, , I1%-:iLI~J:Tk-M' 480 8°ut:h°'id I I ~,~,?_~?: I SILVESTaO STT. V~S~aO I I I ~.. I Ixl Io. 1 , , .~. DRA~E PRTRXCX~ I I SALE INFORMATION HI I ,:mn,;nmm;kn~wnm LI I Frae 4 6 05 1Z. Dine d ~Mi I TwlmM I / / I lZ~Uk~M,, I , , , .~, 4,0, 0,0,0oO.01 ! ! ,e Thll payrlwlt r~Jy be ln b'm fofm M el~ MhM p~ty or goo~, M tho MJumF~on o~ I&[ndutlthe~uedpermml [ i [ I i ~ ['~', 0 , 0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - ~ dtould reflect the letml Fired AIMMmenl Roll end Tax mil I I , I I lit B~t,e mee~d m eildmum mdm irdmd~ [] OietrLct 1000 I I SectJ. on 070.00 I Block 12.00 I I tot 022.00 I m~(ER · ~='m~'9~- ' '. 3AXES DRAK~ ~ BUYER~ A1TORNEY FZTZGERALD [ KEVIN 631 1N60-'7272 I NEW YORK STATE COPY