HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 590TA~IQ, PBO. 473889 88.5--4~ ~Sm~:latd N.Y.T.B.U.F. on~ 800S-20M -Baqlaip end Sale Deed. wilh C~wenams ~minsl Granmr's Acts-individual ~-Cnq:Mrafine isingJc sh~x't $ C~BULT YOUR lAWYER BEFORE SJO~ilNG THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY Tills INDENTURE, made thc 23'a day of November. '1'~ 'Vae~tand and Five BETWEEN JOHN J. KL! EBER ns to one-half (½) interest, residing al 35 ! Beri~ Ax~nue, East Meadow,. New York, 11554, and MARGARET ANN KI.IEBER-SCIIRECK, ns to the renmining one-half (½) interest, residing at and 158 Arnold Street, Holbrook` New York, !!741, ns Tenants in Common. part)' of the first part, and JOIIN J. KLIF. BI~R and DIANE KI.IEBER, husband and wife, residing at 351 Ber~ Avenue, East Meadow, New York, 11554. part).' of the seeond part, MXTNEBSET~, that the party of the first part, in cons.~derat.ion of .T.en Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pa_r=y of =ne. second part, does hereby grant and release unto the pa.rty o_~ ~.Ae seco~ part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the par=y o£ t~e seco part lo.raver, - ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being atBay%4ew. Tnwnof SouthoM. County of Suffolk, State of New York, known and dcsignated as and by thc Lot #$.~ on a ce~ain m,p cnfifled "M..,pof Tcrty Wetcrs at Bayvicw. Town of Soutbold. ~u~Blk County. N.Y." and filed in thc Office ortho Clerk of thc Counly of Suffolk on [k~Tnbcr 29 . i 958 as Map #29~1. TOGFT~ FR with an cascmcnt for ingress and cgrcss ovcr and upon Watersed~e. Way, Lo.,§vicw Lane, and ~ambler ~oad for their entire distance as shown and laid ou~ ~0 ~ct w~dc throu~out, on said above mantis,ed ~ed map. RESKRVING howeYcr ~o thc Scllcr thc titlc to thc ~and in roads and ~c ~ght to hcrsclf, h= grantces and succes.~ in interest, to dedicate said n~..d? as p..ub. ~ic roads, and ~o grant casemen~ ~cmqn, for the construction and maintenancc of pUDliC UiflKtes. RESERVING als~ to thc scller the ~ght to chan~c thc location of ~id Rambler ~oed in any re~onablc manner. TOGETHE~ with thc ~ght to use in common with other lot owners the area kn. own ~ L,ot ~8~ and the ama adjoining next southcfly thereto, Io the extent ofSO ~ more or less, ot'tl~e northeny of that parcel destgnatcd on ~id iliad map as "Community Park and Be'ach (n~idents only)". TOGETHER with the right to use in common with other lot owners (~id fight being only fi~r thc benefit ofthe above described premises) for bathing and rocrcatio_n, al purposes, ~e ~uth .erly_.t0~. tbcL. more or less, of the parcel designated on thc above mentioned filed map as "Lommunfly Parlc.a.na Beach (residents only)". RESERVING however to the seller the right to change thc location o/the northerly boundary theroof as herein above provided. ' SUBJECT to thc restrictions set forth in a declaration made and recorded by the seller on September 8, 1958, in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 4508 cp 380. SUBJECT farther to the ruh,'s, rognlations and charges which may bc adopted fTom ti. me to time by the 1o! ownem association which is to be organized by the seller for the purpose of thc ca~a~. n~aintenance and tel)air of'~e roads, basins, canals, and the parcel designated "Community am and Beach (residents only) '.. SAID premi~ being known as ~nd by the slreCt number: 300 Pleasant Place, Southold. New York 11971. TOGETHER with all righl, lille and inte~L ifa. ny..of thc patty of the flr~t .~.n, in and to any ~t~ts ~ abutting the above de~ribed pttnnise~ lo tbe cartier Imco thereof: together w~h the appune .nancy. a.na all tl~e ~m e and rights of the pony al'thc £w~t part in and to said pn..,mi~..-s'; m have and to .h~.ld the p .rt:m,~e~_here.n gramtnJ the pony oflhe .nccond pa~ thc' hciea or succe~oea and a~tgr~ of thc pony o~me ~n:ona pan mrever. L ND ~ pan)' of.the first pan co~. ann. ~hal the pony. of thc fi~ pan ha~,not d.o,ne or suffe~-d an)thing whereby .naio prcm~se~ nave m.'en encumoerco in any way whatever, exccpt as num..nme. AND the pa~,' of the fa~t pan. in compliance with Section 13 oflhe Lien Law. cm, enant~ thai the.party.of the Ileal pan will recewe Ihe con~icleration fi~r ihLs conveyance and will I~dd ~ right to receive $.u. ch con.<~derauon .%< a tm.qt fund to be applied tirol for thc purpose al'paying thc co.ql oft~_ ~.mprov.e .n~,~n. t and vnl,.I apply t.he tame the paymenl oftbe co~t Oflhe improvemem baron: u.<ing any pan oime total o~me tame mt any otm-r puq'mse. The wont "pafly" ahall be cot~tmed a~ ifil ~ "parlies" v, ftenever Ibc .<tn.nc oflhis indenm~ ~ require~. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the tinct pan ha.< duly executed this deed d~ day and ),ear first above Wrill¢lL MARGARI-:T ANN KI. IEBER-.qCIIRECK STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU .SS: On the 23n day of November, 200S, before mc the undersigned personally came, JOIIW J. KIJEBER, p~sonaliy known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to tho within insmunent and acknowledged to mc Ibal she execuIc~ the samc in her capacity and that by her siKnatuFe on the instrument, the individual or thc pcrMn upon behalf'ofwhich thc individual acted, cxccuted the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC FRAJ~ O. D'ANGELO No. 4671216 (~ in NmMu County. Caflur~a~ Expinu Augu.~ 25. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU SS: On the 23'~ day of November, 2005, be£om me thc undcrsigned personally came. MARGARET ANN KLIEBER-SC H RECK, L~so.na_lly known to mc or proved to me on the basis of satisl~aclory ~,idencc IO be the individual whose name is subscribed to thc within instrument and acknowledged to me that she ~ecmed thc same in h~ capacity and that by hL~' signature on thc instrument, thc individual or thc pason upon behalf of which thc individual acted. executed thc in.qtmmenl. NOTARY PUBLIC . . F'~ ~. D'~,~OELO · ... ~ 487~'218 Quilled kl Ne",- =,' ~,.,,~, BARGAIN AND SALE DEED with ~.!! CSWalanLs JOHN J. KI,IEBER, is ~o one-hnlf (~) interest MARGARET ANN KI,IEBER-SCHRECK, ns to the rem-lning one-bMr (½) interest, es Tenants in Common TO JOIlN J. KLIEBER and DIANE KLIEBER SUFFOLK COUNTY Section: . .. Block: Lot: Tax Map No. 4773889 88.-5-47 ~.~COHD AIlD RETU~ll TOt The Law Offices of FRANK O. D'ANGELO & ASSOCIAT .ES 100 Franklin Avenue. Suite 100 Garden City, New York I I $30 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: MtpV/.www.orps.state.ny. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 F~)R COUNTY USE ONLY · g, REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 PROI~RTY INFORMATION 1. ~l 300 I Pleasant Place I Southold I BaTviev z kwr L, KLIEBER [ JO~N J. 11971 I I Mp..bt.,d.~.d.,,bdNd I I fofp.~m ~ emor.~me ~ I Ixl Io~1 .... 0.4 .x I IOaly Jf Prat d m Pmull Chat/m they Nqd~. a ~ I gJ..IEBER I JOHN J. I KLIEBER-SC~RECK I NAR~ARET ANN 7. (~ tM Imaf bdow v~ mm aeeuritMy dNedbee tim um M tim pop~ et the lime d DA4~ Chuck tho btam bdow m IhW mpld~. H ~,] 2 ot 3 Family Re~demlal : CommMdal Cfi P,e~demial racom land AMmMm I)l I ~ Vacant iJad Entmlalnmem I Amum~em [,~I~LE INFORMATIONI 1,. s,k ~ iht. I / N/A / I Mmlb Day yMr U. Dmoeam/T~ I Il / 23 I 2005l lZFulI~MI~ . I , , , , .... 0. 0 . 0 I ! ! · Thll peymem n~y be in the form of caah. olhM ixqwl~ m .~ m Ihl IMUmlX~O OI 14.1ndmmotlmvMimMiMmsml~ I , , , ,0 , 0 , 0 I ·I ASSESSMENT INFORMA11ON - Detl Ihould mfloc~ ~he Iltelt Final A#e~amem Raft ind Tax Bill I I. Owner~ip Type b CmldominkJm [] 1aYmrdWIIMIhm 104 _ q517. TomA~VdueioedpemlskemdmI .whk{~ {etam~ t~ i , , lae,q~.~,,'~... I 2. 1, q-L__l ~Mr~a'-a~mel Southold School (610) 6 6 .0 .0 I l~ T~( Mil W l lkl llldigld ll mm din lm, M dlt vtl~ idiliMi ikntllltdl I Tax lisp No. 473889 88.5-67 I I 300 Pleasant Place I I 11123/2005 DATE Southold NY I 11971 11/23/2005 qlUyFJr6 ATTORI~Y O'~qGiLO I IqLM~ 516 I , ;,:742-7601 I NEW YORK STATE COPY Number of pages Serial # TORRENS Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument 31 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Nomtion EA-52 17 ICo~my) EA-5217 (State} R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. A~dnvit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Sub 1brai Deed I Mortgage Tax S 'tamp Sub / 05050118 zooo 08800 0500 047000 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification I Satisfactiom/Discharges/Releases l,ist Property Owneo~ Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: The Law Offices of Frank G. D'Angelo 999 Franklin Avenue, Suite 100 Garden City, NY 11530 Attn.: Diane Engel Title # 2006 ~ar 15 01:29.'47 Pti Judith R. Pascele SLFFOLK ~¥ L !)0~12~1~ P 590 DT# Recording / Filing Stamps Mottguge Amt. i. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJA~sit. Six'c. IAckl. TO'I: MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County __ Reid for Appointment __ Transfer Tax O' -- Mnnsion Tax The properly covcn~d by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO~ If NO, se~ apprt~riate lax clause on p~ge # of this inslmmcnt. // ~ommunity Preservation Fund Connideration Amount CPF Tax Due S Improved vacant Land __ TD TD TD Title Company Infomation Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page fomm p~ of thc attached 1)eed JOHN J. K'LIEBER, aH tn one-half (1/2) (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT! ln£ere~t, and .X~ARGARET ANN KLIEBER-SCHRECK~ The premises herein is situated in at~ to the reme~.nl, ng nve-nnll: (i/Z) l. nterest SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEWYORK. made by: TO In the Township of SOUTHOLD JOilN J. I[LI.EBE~ at~d DIAI~E KI,TEB~, In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 TIIRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECX)RDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pagest 3 Receipt NVmber t 06-0026124 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31087 District~ 1000 Deed Amount~ Recorded': LIBER= PAGE= Section= Block: 088.00 05.00 EXAMINED AND CSARGZD AS ~O~LOWS $0.00 o3/15/2oo6 01=29~47 PM D00012440 590 Lot ~ 047.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Trans£er tax $0.00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-31087 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.0O $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascals County Clerk. Su££olk County