HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 30TRANSFER TAX = $1,930.00 DISTRICT: 1001 SECTION= 006.00 BLOCK: 07.O0 LOT: 002.000 CONSULTYOUR LAWYER BEFORE $1GNiNGTHI$ INSTRUMENT--THLI INSTRUMENT ~4'IOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THISIN~ENTURE, madcthc ~ O-d~of November .in~ym2005 BETWEEN DAVID L. GALLIGAN, residing at 8 Bay Road, East Patchogue, NY 11772, ~of~fim~and CHRISTINA KEMPNER, residing at 1453 Kalanikai Place, Honolulp HI 96821, party of d~ ~ond pa~ WITNF~,th~th~p~of~efimMu~incon~d~.'onof FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO THOUSAND FI~ HUND~D AND 00/100--- (~482,500.00) ............... ~ll=s p~d by ~e ~ of ~ ~nd p~ ~ hem~ ~ ~d ml~ ~ ~ ~ of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~n ~ s~ ~d ~igns of ~ ~ of ~e ~ ~ f~, ALLth~c~rud~m~i~e~r~arcc~f~and~withth~buUdinp~nd~provem~n~t~oreoncrected.sim~and~hg in~ AS SET FORTH ON SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. PREMISES KNOWN AS AND BY THE STREET ADDRESS: .GREENPORT NY 11944. ., 326 6th STREET, BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the f~rst part by deed dated 6/17/04 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 6/28/04' in Liber 12327 at Page 321. TOGb*I'THP. R with ,U ri~hk dale.nd i.~., if ny, of d~ Irony of rhi ~.. ~ i. nd m ny m~.u .~/mad~ abu~d.~ d~ ~bovc the fu~ pan in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD ~ ~ himh ~mn~d unto the party of d~ second part, ~ he. in or succmors end ,,tins of' ~ ~ of the ,~....on~l. p~.~o..n,v~.. ... , · .. o v.~.j ,...... AND ~ p~ of tho ~ust part c~.en~.t%.th~., tho party of tho first pm las not don~ or suffered anythin~ whereby thc said prunis~s hive been e, ncumberld in any way whitover, ~celx u ~'om~d. ;.. AND I~ percy of th~ first pm~ in compiience with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants ~ d~pmy ofIl~ firupm will receive the .?_.m.'dem..fi.on.for...this conveyenco and will hold the right to _r~,_ _,_'ye such consideration ss et trust fund to be applied first for th~p~'r6.f pay~.~ ~.t of the improvement end will npply the samo f'ust to the payment of the cost of the 'i'nilh~t b~f~ usins any part of the total of th& same for any other purpose..The word "party" shall bc construed ~ if it read ~.': w'h~ovor tho sense of this indenm~ zo requires. , · ,..JG,N'- Iri-~' *.,$l'-'- t,,,JI .... 1N wFrNF. SS WHEREOF, tt~ irony of the tim, p~ ~duly e~ted ~ds deed d~e day ~d year fire TIl~le No: RH05'304524 SCHEDU~.E A - DESCR,I:PTZON ,. ALL that cert.,in plot, piece or parcel of land si{uate, lyln~ and being at Greenport, lown of Soutlio~d, Coun~ of Suffolk and S~te of New 'fork bounded and de~cribed as follows: BEGINNING at a comer formed b;v.the intersection of the southerly side* of Flint Street and the Easterly side of Sixth Street; RUNN[NG THENCE along the Southerly side of Flint'Street, South 82 degrees 48 minutes'40 seconds East, 116.15. feet to land of R, Cervone; THENCE alan .g said land South 7. degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds West, 50.11 feet to land of T. HcLoughlin; THENCE along said land North 82 cl. egrees 47 minutes 30 seconds West, 116.15 to the Easterly side of Sixth Street; . .. THENCE along th'e Easterly side of Sixth S~'eet, N~rth 7 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds E.ast, 50.07 feet to the Sout.herly side o1' Rint Street to the ~:}int or plac~ ~ BEGINNING. Certificate of Title STATE OF NEW YOI~K, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK · On the ~O dc: of November in te ye= 2 00 5. beC'om m~. :hc undersilned, persondly appeared DAVID L. GALLIGAN · persenaily known to mr or pmv~d to mc on the basis of r. aUsfact~y evidence to be tho individual(s) whoso name(s) is (are) subsc~bed to the within instmmem and admowl. edged to me that ho/she/they executed the same in his/h~r/thair STATE OF · On the day of in ~h~ year before me. thc undersir, ncd. personally appeared , pmonally known co mo or proved to me on the basis of sati~acto~ evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) b (tm) subsc~bed to th," within Instrument and anknowl. edled to me that he/she/they exec,jt~ the same in his/herlthcir capacity(les), and that by · his/her/their si~natum(s) on~lbe--~ I capacity{i~), and that by his~ftheir signature(s) on the instrument, thc individual(s), or O~ person on be~Hrof whic~ tho [ in. stmment, tho lndivldunl(s), or the person on behalf of which ~e individual(s) acted, executed th~e~nstmmtnt. / ...-- / I i~lividual(s) uc~l. ~r, ocut~d tho instrdment ' _// -~// _/ I / t~M n. rdlowbl Lt' ~.dc,mtadpm.t Is wbm ouuick NY S'-,-! ~ ,.~~ _.nd that eld .ubscdbi.I wimen mede such ~Juw~ce before ~- I the und~ in the (imm~;m-~-,pc~s~rr~w~l~eSwe. Nota~ Public, State of N.~,j York No. 0101_528215855 ~ in SuffoOt County Tefln P-qdm8 Jan. 31, STATE OF , COUNT~ O-~ On th-- day of in the ye~ , before me, the undersigned, a Not~y Public in mad for nid Swe, person,IJy appeared STATE OF , COUNTY OF · the Ou the dey of in the yenr subscribing ~imes.~ to the I'oreioin~ insoument, with ~om ! nm before me pesmmlly came personally &cquaJmed, w~o. heinl by mc duly sworn, did depose and ~y that be/she/they reside(s) in · to me Imowr~ who, beiu~ by me duly sworn, aid depose and say that ho resides at (if ~ pl~ of ts~ is in s dj,/, indud~ ~ nwa and ~t nml~r if ny, [hmoO; that he is tho that he/she/[hey know(s) of the oorporation defcribed in and which tJmout~d tht fore~oin~ to be the individual described in and who executed the for~oinB instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the instmm.:m; th:ti said subscribin8 witness was present and saw said seal aflixod to said ins[mment is such onrporate seal; that it was M affixed by order of the hos~ of dlre~torl of said corporation. exucutt the same: and that said wiMou at the same dine subs~bed and that Itu si~nod h name thereto by li~ order. his/her/their name(s) as a witness thereto [add the follo~in~ if the w. lmowladpstm is [akk'n outside NY and that said ~ubs~ibinB wilntss pade such appenran~ before the undtrsif, ned in the (ins~ mn c~ or other politinl subdivision and ;he $,-',t~ or ~ntry m other plae~ Ihs proof wn t~.en}. · argatn ent WITH COVHNA .NT A~&{'NST GRANTOR'8 ACTS T[TLENO. COMMONWEALTH RR05304524 DAVID L. GALLIGAN CHRISTINA KEMPN~R STEWART TITLE' INSURANGE GOMPAN¥ ~,0 PARK AV~ N~RK, ~ 101~ CX)UNTY OR TOWN rrltE~ADDP. P. SS ./, · ~ .. . ' Recorded at Rcqucst of STEWART Ttl'LE® ' ' · · '~'' "' ' *: ' BY MAIL TO: J KEVXN ~cL~UGHLZN P O BOX 1210 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 Number. of pages TORREH$ Serial # Certificate iV Deed I ~ortgage Instrument "i Pngo L Filing Fee ~ Handling ' ~,.- ,, , TP-SS4 4 m Deed / Mortpge Tax Stamp Notation EA-52 l'/(County) EA-5217 (State} R.P.T.$.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidav{t Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Stamp l~tc Initials 1~ oo Sub Toml SubTotal GRAND TOTAL _ff~~ m mmmml Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 05049029 zoox oosoo o?oo 002000 ~'{ibhs/Ois~.ha-'~-s/Rol~B~.~'Cmt'Yroperty Owners-tvtimmg Address RECORD & RgTURN TO: J. KEV/N McLAUGHLIN ESQ BOX 1210 SOUTHOLD NY 11971 RECORDED. 2005 Oec 13 09.',T5.'~1 Ed~rd P.Romaine CLF..~ OF .9.~FOLK COLHTV PO,lO DT# C6-~8946 Recording I Filing SLnmps Mortgage Amt, 1, Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spe&/Anit. Of Spec,/Add, 'TOT. MTG, TAX Dual Town,__ Dual COU||ty__ H el~l for Apportlon~~.~ ~ Trnnsfer Tax Mnnsion Tax The property covered by this mnortgnge is or will be Improved by a one or two family dwelling only, YES ' or NO' If NO, see appropriat, e tax clause on page # ,, or ~i, instrument., d/~' -o~/- "~ Community Preservation Fula.d., Consideration Amount $:4_82,500. O0 CPF Ts_x Due $..~/__.~__~_'-" Improved x Vacant Land TD. l' I' Ti*n,¢ompan Infor,,mfio,," ·. ~ LAND TITLE ...... . ~ .[TJtle# ._R~05304524 . . . ' ,. ' [ ,, Suffolk Cotmty Recording & Endorsement Page Tlgspngcformspanofffieatu~. ~xi BARGAIN &, SALE,DEED. (SPEOFY. TYPE OF rNSTRUMENT S~JF~'~LK COU~, i , NEW DAVID L. GALLIGAN .. 1'0 CHRISTINA KEMPNER la the 'l'owmlv-'p of SOUTHOLD made by: 'In Ibc VILLAGE or HAMLET of' GREENPORT BOXES $ THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PR~ ~ BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO .RECORDING OR FILfNG. (OVER} I I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Nl~her : 05-0128997 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-18946 District 1001 Deed Amount: Recorded~ At: LIBER: PAOE: Section: Block: 006.00 07.00 ~Z~ ~ CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $482,500.00 12/13/2005 09t35;51AM D00012425 030 Lot ~ 002.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG KA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptes RPT $30.00 NO 8CTM Transfer tax $1,930,00 NO Coma. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER~ 05-18946 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THiS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $6,650.00 NO $8,732.00 Edward P.Rom~ne County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. BWI$ Code C2. Date Deed Recorded cz..oo~ l. ? m, F' PLEASE TYP~R-PRESS-FiRMLY~VREN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www.orps.sta.te.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I ?/,~'~, 3, ~, ~, / I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~TA~ ~F NEW' YORX STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES Year PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. PropertyI 326 Loci'th)It ' STRH-T NLIVJk# I Southold Sixth Street RP - 5217 liP. S217 Rn ~ KEMPNER 3. TII Wiling Addfm I Greenport I 11944 I I CHRISTINA I RR,STNiIMF STB,&rf ! NUI~iA ~Hb~lli£C r I(AM~ O~ ~ iGf~N 4. Inditers the number M AmNsmom Roll pl~lli trlniflnld on b died i i ·of pm, cell OR ~ Pen ofiPgrcol ~.~.~/ I Ixl IoRI , , · , .1.3 I Bizl I nOti! rCET DFPTH ~CHLS s. sen,r I GALLIGAN I ~ LAST NAM[ I cOieMNY DAVID L. FmTNMd~ I I LAM NM I COIdqld¥ 7. Cheek the box below whirls mM eeeuratdy dltMJbel the ime d tho j~perty at tho time d tile: 2 or 3 Femily Re~idemtal Commereiel industrial Regdem~al vacem lind AIMrtment PulMl~ Sorv4co Non-Rflidonfial Vac~n4 Lind Entidalnment I Arnulemom Ferns I SALE INFORMATION I lt, bJeCOMTtitOato I 10 / 20 / 05 I Uonm Day Yur 12. Dm of SMe I Trendor Type ii Condominium ~ ~ 05 A B (- D E F Sale Between Relnlivel or Pormer flelltlvos Sale Between ReaMed CompaMti or PMnom in BurJnuol One or tho Buyorl is ohio o Sdlor Buyer or Bebr is Govemrn~ Aoen~ or Lending In~itugon Deed Type nof Wm'ronty M Bergoln and Bolo (Specify Below) hie or Fr-cgonal or Lois than Fee inl*ero~ (Splcffy ibiow) G H ] ~S. FmiS.I. Pac. I , , .4 , 8.2 , 5,0 , 0, il, 0 t (Full hie Prim Is Ihe Iolal ~nount I~id fir the prof~r~y Inoluding pemonal prapen% This paymant may bo in tan form of CdSh, other pmpmy or goods, or tho ii, umpteen ot J None modglges or other obflgationL! P/e4~e round lo mo nMrfst whom do1I~ amount. ~4. Mdirm~th.v.i..dpm#,~, I .' , 0~ 0 , 0 I p~ope.y ,.dudod tn tho Mtn i ' ' ASSESSMEN, T I ,NFORMATION. Oam should ~nect the teem Fi,ut Assessment Roll end Tax BiU I 16. Ytir of MmMment Roll from I 0~ 4 whiGh in/oW taken I I1. TatM Ati~.d Value (d all p~Fr4i, in ~render) I . . 1..F~,~ L.~- ,1 ,0 I-I I U.~Dl~.~m, I 473810 Greenport Signiticam Change in Properly Between T&~eblo Status and Sale Der Sab of EhJsinm ia IItcluciod in Sale ~ice Other Unusual Fectora Affocgng Salo Pfl=o (Specify Below) 3 9 0 0 20. Tsx MN) Idi~ffli~a) I Roll IdlltlJflif(s) Ill mom than bur, attlch Ii ~h iddMonlJ id.ntlfl~l I 1001-006.00-07.00-002.000 I t I I I I I CERTIRCATION I ' i C~rl~ Ihlit ell ~ thu kW (d' IM'onnbd(m erUerL, d Em tld.q Form ~ IllJff and em'rl~'l (k) the ~ of my ImowJei~ Ind ~ sod [ Mndel~ Ihml Ihe IBtll]~hK M' nn)- ~lllfbl hLq~ stnb.ment ~ muterid rnd herein wlll mbJect me to tbs oro~,km d' Ihe uemd hw rdatlve l# Ibc ~ nnd ~ of r.M bu~me~. BUYER BUYER'~ ATI'QRNI~ McLAUGHLIN J. KEVZN I 326 ! 6th Street ST.t~rr NU~BPR STP/PT HAMS WTIII SALAI Greenport I NY I 11944 CITY OR ~ ililr ~IP CO0[ SELLER L~T ~ 631 JF.,LLEB EIG~ATI.NW w ~ 765-6085 INEW YORK STATE COPY