HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12416 P 601Funn SQ02 (ilO0) - narpin and Sale De4~I, with C.ovenams ~qalnst Ornetor's Acts - Individual or CorporaEmn. (Sinale sheet) CONSULTYOUR lAWYER BEJFORE SIGNING THIS INST~,UMENT-~NI8 !NSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USEn BY 1.4WYER$ ONLY, BETWEEN WILLIAM R. POI t ;=RT. rending at 24 PECONIC AVENUE, SHELTER ISLAND, NEW YORK 11965 pany of the Ibsl pm. end FREDERICK B. POLLERT, residing at 24 MU~) ROAD, SETAUKET, NY 11733 ixmy oftha second pan, '.. WITNESSETH, that thc party ofd~ f'ust pail, in considemdu~ of rrm dullan and othor velu&bi~ considcrstiun p~d by the pafly of the second pat~ does hereby grant and ~l~.~ unto the pa~ of the second part, the heirs or mcccsanrs and assigns of'Lhe parr/of ALL that cc~.nin p]o~ ~ or pa~:el of land, with die buildin~ smd improvemen~ thereon crcctcd, sitomc, lying nnd being in lhe SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. THIS DEED CONVEYES THE 25% INTEREST IN 'rilE PREMISES OWNED BY WILUAM R. POLLERT. AS A RESULT OF THE TRANSFER, THIS SAID FREDERICK B, POLLERT NOW OWNS 100% OF THE PREMISES. SAID PREMISES BEING KNOWN AND DESIGNA'rED AS 375 UGHTHOUSE LANE. SOUI'HOLD, NY. 'TOGETHER with all fight, title and imcfut, if any, of the pm~y ofth~ f'ust part, in nnd to any strc~s m3d mad~ abutting thc above- described pmmisas to dm venmr lines thin, of;TOGETHER with the appuflemnces and nil the esule mu] rig, s of dm patty of the first prat in nmi to mid premises; TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein grmllnd unto the pafly of the sea:md pan. the heirs or succgsmrs end nnipts of thc jxmy of ;he second pan forever AND the party of the first prat covenants thnt the pmly of'the tim pan has not dune or suffeA'd nnything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any why v/natev~r, except =s ;~fomsald. AND Ihe pofl~ of the first pnrt, in compliance with S=cd(m 13 of' the Lien law, covnunu dui the para/§r~t pti will mcci,,'= thc considumim for this conveyanve and mil hold tho right to receive such considorntion ns n mm fund ;o he applied first ~or thc purpmc of paying the cost of the improvemanl and wiU aj~.y ;he same first to dm po~l of the cost of the improvement hefom using mty part of the tom] of the fmun for any other pmlmse. ~ wad "l)m~'~ shall he cun..qmed a.S ifil rend "parties" wJu~evc~' the sense of this indenture so rcqinms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pafly of the rim pnrt has duly eanc~ this deed ~he duy mid year first nbove v, Tittan. WILLtA.M R. POL.LERT 10/11/2005 15:56 FAX Z12 468 4888 DAVIS & GILSERT LLP ~002 Schedule 'A" (Legal Description) ~:AII that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erectod, situate lying and being in the Town of Southoid. County of Suffolk end State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at · monument on the northerly side of a right of way hereinafter mom particularly described which monument is located the following two courses and distanoes from a point on the northmty side of Pine Neck Road at the southeasterly comer of land now or formedy of E. Grathwohl, which latter paint is distant 44.64 feet easterly rmm a monument on the northerly side al' Pine Neck Road: (1) North 8 degrees 55 minutes 40 a.econds West, 200 feet to a point: (2) North 78 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds East. 146 feet to a point.or place of BEGINNING; and RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning, Norl~ 4 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds West, through a monumbnt 274 feet mom or less to the ordinary mean high water mark of Jockey Creek; THENCE along the ordinary mean high water mark of Jockey Creek in an easterly direetion 168'feet more or less to the land now or formerly of Gibbons; THENCE South I degree 00 minutes 00 seconds West, along last mentioned land 322 feet more or less to lhe center line of a right of way;, THENCE South 84 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West.14.20 feet; · THENCE South 78 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West 115~.4 feet;, THENCE North 4 degrees 12 minutes 50 seconds West, 15.t4 feet to the monument on the nmlherly side of said right of way, the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all the right, lille and interest, if any of the patles of the flint part, in and to the land between the mean high water mark and under the Water of Jockey Creek which borders the northe~ side of the premiees. TOGETHER with and subject to the right of the Grentom in a right of way for purposes of ingmes and egress In common with order over so muoh of a right of Way 30 feet in width, as extends through and along the southerly side of the premises above deacrlbed to Pine Neck Road which part of said right of way la described a~ follow~: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Pine Neck Road at the southerly comer of land now or formerly of E. Grethwohl, which point is distant 44.64 feet easterly from 10/1t/2005 1~:~6 FAX 212 188 4888 DA¥IS & GILBERT LIP t~003 meaument on the northerly side of Pine Nook Road running thence North 8 degrees 55 minutes 40 seconds West 200 feet; THENCE South 78 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West 146 feet to the Westedy line of the premises above described; THENCE Eastedy on line 15 feet Northerly measured et right angtes to the Southerly line of the premises above descn'bed to the Easterly line of said premises; THENCE South I degree O0 minutes O0 seconds .West to the Southerly side of said right of way, THENCE South 84 degrc-c~ 04 rulnutes 20 seconds West and South 78 degrees 04 minutes 20 seconds West on a line 30 feet Southerly measured at light angles to the Northerly side of said right of way to a point distant 30 feet .Easterly from the Westedy side or said dght of way;' THENCE South 8 degrees 53 minutes 40 side seconds East 169.13 feet to the northerly side of Pine Neck Road; THENCE South 7'6 degrees 30 minutes West along the Northerly side of Pine Neck Road 30 feet mom or less to the point of BEGINNING. The Grantors, successors and assigns have the privilege of maintaining and using existing driveway over a porUon of the Southeast comer of.the premises, and grantees for so longs as I~ey remain owners of the premises, have the privilege of using the existing driveway over the southwest comer of adjoining premises of the Grantor, the area and portions of the respective premises subject to such use, being described as fellows: BEGINNING et the intemac~on of the boundary line between lands of the Grantors and Grantees with the Northerly line of the afore-desczibed right of way and extending along the Northerly line of said right of way in both Easterly and Westerly direction for a distance of 12 feet and then fiom each such East and West points running Northerly 30 feet to the boundary line. TOGEHER with a]l the ~ight, UtJe and ;i;;~eoi, if any of the party of the first part, in and to any sb'uets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and I~ghts of the party of the first part In and to said premises. TO HAVE AND HOLD the promises heroin granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs and successors and assigns of the pa~'y of the second part forever. AND th~ pray ofd~ first part cove~mts that th~ party ofth~ fi~t pan has not ~ ~r suffered anythin~ whereby the said premises lmvc been encumbered in any way whatever, cxccpt as afores~.icL 375 LIGHTHOUSE LA_NE, SOUI'HOLD, NY Dist. 1000 ~ 070.00 Blk. O6.00 Lot. 029.002 #521878vl20017-0001.000 ~u~wtedge~lnttlhen In NewYork ~to~ . ~ ~~ S~N~Y~_~ ~ %/~ ,~ S~N~Y~ once I~ day~ ~(~ ,inffie~,~omme, ~ dayof ,inffie~r ,b~omme, · e undem~, pem~ ~esmd t~ u~ned, ~ W~ ~ ~E~ ~ffy ~ ~ me ~ ~ fo me on ~ ~ of ~1~ ~n ~ me ~ p~ ~ me on ~ ~s of (~:~ ~ ~ ~hin ~ ~ a~ ~ (~) .ub.~ ~ ~ ~ln I~ a~ ~ to ~ ~at h~s~ ~ecu~d ~ ~ in hi.herO.ir ~ ~at he/s~ ~d the ~me In ~slherltheir ~ci~(~). :and ~ ~y hi.or, ir Ng~m(a) on t~ ~(i.), a~ ~at ~ h~rl~elr Ngnat=e(a) on the .~"~ln~ i~s) or ~e ~ ~ ~helf ~ w~ I~n~ the ind~s) //,~Y~s):~=~ ~tad ~ in=~ ~e ~(~) amd, ~ ~ Sm~ment. :, ArJmowladgemant by 8.bi~ltblng Wltne~ tlken In New AGknowtadgemant taken outilde NewYoW St~to Yo~ ~t~to State of New York. Counb/of ,ss: *Stere of . Connb/of, ss: '(or Insert Dla~ct of Columbia, Tentl~'y, Possession er Foreign Country) On the day of , In the year , befo(e me, the un~lerslgned, personally appeared On the day of , In the year . before me. the undemlgnad, personally appeared the sub,K~ing wltnees to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am pemonMly ecquaJnted, who being by ma duly ~w~n, did personally kT, OWn to me or pmvecl to me on the baals of depe~e and say. that he/she/they rMtde(a) in ~a~fecfo~/ evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) I~ (are) ~ubscrlhed to the within InathJment end acknowledged to me that he/aha/they know(a) that he/she/they executed the same in hi.,tar/their capacity(les), to be the Individual descdbecl in and who executed the end that by bM/tiM/their signature(a) on the inslrumem, the foregoing ~ that said su~ withesa was iedNklual(a) or the pM,son upon behalf of which the individual(s) pmesnt and saw said acted, executed the In~rument, and that such individual made execute the same; and that .aid withees at the same time such appearen(:e before the undersigned In the subec~lXKI his/her/their name(a) es a wither~ thereto, (add the db/or politinal ~:]divialon and the sate or country or other ~ the acknowledgement wes taken). Title No.: ~ ~)(~ ~ -- q ~ (~ DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 70 WILLIAM R. POLLERT, BLOCK 06.00 LOT 0292 TO COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOI. K/SOUTHOLD RETURN BY IL~LTO: FREDERICK B. POLLERT, NJ~N D. KROLL. F. SQ. C/O DAVIS & GILBERT LLP II [:)lsbibuteld by t740 9RDADWAY NEW YORI~ NY (212) 46~4a07 71p N~ 1OO19 Numb~ of pages TORRENS Serial # ~'fificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed / MotiF, age lnslmment Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA.-5217 (State) . R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of'F~. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Othm' Deed / bloflgege Tax Stamp --1 EECORDE~ 2005 Oct 26 11:01:~ Ed~rd P. Romaine CLERK OF' SUFFOLK COUUTY L ~0012416 P ~01 I)T~ 05-12488 Eecording / Filing Stamps Sub'To~ ~ O0 Sub Totnl GRAND TOTAL Mortgage Amt. 1. Bssic Tn,, 2. Additionnl Tax Sub Total Spoa.IAs$iL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO, TAX Dual Town Dual County .... Hekt for ,iq~pofllonmcnt Mans[on Tax The property covered by this moflsage will be improved 5y n one or two fi dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on p $ I I~.al PmpertTTnxServiceAgencyYeriticatioa I 6 I'c~mmuniW Preservation , I Di.~ ...... I.. s,-i~___.l.., nlo~ . .I Lot O, ~ crationAmount$~ S,n,. . 05032940 1000 0"/000 0600 029002 P I ' '.',".. ~cdons/Dis[:l'~nrsesh~eleases U-~si~. Maillns Address' -., .~co.~.ET~O: / I~£ "' \-[~t~ '~'~t~ I ~ I Titlo Company Information ! Suffo~c Comity Recording & Endorsement Page This page fonm part of thc attached (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTR~ ) The premises hcrein is situnted in SUFFOLK OOUNTY, NEW YORK. Tb In thc Township of': or HAMLET o£ , ~,J ~ OIC~ SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD ~,mher of Pages= 6 Receipt N,,mher : 05-0112381 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-12488 District~ 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded= LIBER: PAGE: Section= Block= 070.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $171,750.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $18.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Tr&nsfer t~x $688.00 NO Co.mn. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-12488 THIS PAGE IS A PAINT OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward p.R~maine County Clerk, Suffolk County 10/26/2005 11:01:48 AM D00012416 601 Lot ~ 029.002 Ex~w $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $2,685.00 NO $3,531,00 PLEASE TYPE Oi~.PRESS, FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS:.http://'www.orps.state.ny. us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY I "~'~~ Cl. swls c~, I .~', ~2 ~ ~ ~ ,~ I REAL PROP~;~ ~ERNEW ~ REPOm ~ D~ ~ RKord~ ~ GTA~ ~ OF fl~L ~O~ SER~S ='~ /~ ~ ~1~'~'''' , ,~,~,/, R~d,,~17 So.hold ~ , ~1 q I I I ~ if~ltlfihsslxrf~lddresl(ltlx~omo/fom~ I I [ ~~thdo~ I , , I iolPamal. OR ~.ofaPamel ~e~wimSuM~islonA~ ~ S. D~ ~ ~Mlion ~al was ~i~ ~r Truer ~ i s~ ,N~O,~T~. I ,1.~.~..~.. ~ Oq' / 2?/ 05' j ,..,.o,~,.,T,..,., , 09 / 27 / ~ ! · 14. Indlr. ate the value of pemonal I , , , , , , , 0 , 0 I ~ the bom below as they apply: & Ownemhip Type is Cor, dom~ium [] g. N~ ~n on V~lnt ~nd ~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~hln an ~r~ Di~fi~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~fing O ~ ~ ~lnge In ~ ~ Ta~Ne SlatUl and ~ H ~o or Builnm b I~ In ~ ~ I ~her Unus~ F~. A~ng ~ ~ [S~l~ hl~ I A,'~,-~ENT INFORMAllON · Data should roflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I · :.::, ,,_._,.__ ' ½ ' ' i ' i ' ' , I GOO - O ~/O - ~ -0to -CC)- oil/-0~2, I NEW YORK STATE COPY