HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuntting Scrapbook Vol. VIII 9i6 0 Southold, Dec. 6, Mrs. Julia Creep, I Southold Grange Officers Twenty-Five Years Ago widow of Chas. N. Green. Fullowing are the officers of South- �e d !� o / li-9/ Greenport, Dec. 3, Mrs. Mary Silli-y severe gale p c;ld Grange, P. of H., for the ensuing. A ver le assed over this I t:;au, aged 95 years, 3 months. Burial year: Worth Master, F. T. Horton; �,�Chester, Conn. y place. I Overseer, M. I. Booth; Secretary, Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. made Twenty-Five Years Ago Henry Jennings; Lecturer, Mrs. F. T. the following nominations for Depart- •�dr1�J'—o IIorton; Steward, W. R. Newbold; meat officers: Chief, A. R. Vail; Protection Engine Co. elected the Assistant Steward, Mahlon Dickerson; Asst. Chief, John Munch; Sec., J. E. following officers: Foreman, Richard Lady Assistant Steward, Josephine Cochran; Treas., L. P. Wilkinson; In- S. Sturges; Asst. Foreman, Charles G. May; Gate Keeper, Kenneth Dicker- spector, Wm. H. Gagen. Corey; S(c., H. H. Huntting; Treas., son; Ceres, Mary Williams; Pomona, A goodly number of persons volur,- F T. Wells; Trustees, H. H. Huntting Josephine Case; Flora, Mrs. Henry teered their services for work on theand A. F. Lowerre; Auditing Commit- Goldsmith; Board of Trade, B. B. Tut- new road from Boisseau Av. to South- tee, H. H. Lewis, W. H. Terry and hill, Henry Jennings, M. I. Booth; `old wharf. G. Frank Hommel made aJ. N. Hallock. The following were j Treasurer, C. H. Tuthill. I chowder. nominated for Department offices: Through the real estate agency of Banner Lodge celebrated its 11th Chief, A. R. Vail; Asst. Chief, John l ilkworth & Grabie, Mrs. Anna M. ( `anniversary. _- Munch; Sec,, W. A. Cochran; Tress., Schneider has sold her place on Town, F. Gomez. Harbor Lane to P. A. O'Malley of The Tax Kate The play, "Better than Gold," was Brooklyn, who will occupy it as V. The Town tax rate is of interest given in Southold, Greenport and Riv- residence. j to all, and the taxpayers will be happy ierhead, before large and appreciative to ]earn That it is considerably lower'audiences, for the benefit of Protec- Samuel J. Dickerson and bride of than last year. That is one thing that tion Engine Co. The following were Springfield, Mass., are spending the has not gone up with the increased cost(members of the caste: R. S. Sturges, holidays with their parents. of living. The rate is as follows: S. S. Shaw, J. N. Hallock, Frank T. Twenty-Five Years Yo Highways .527 Wells, Wm. H. Terry, Mrs. Wm. C. Town, County and State .69 Albertson, Mrs. J. L. Conklin, Mizs Dd v, " G Greenport Village .67 Emily Brown and Miss Esther Bush. Frank T. Wells sold his farm on Boisseau Avenue to Wm. H. Gagen, Southold Light 20 --" Mr. Wells was to bp, ld in the spring. Park .02 Protection Engine Co. A. R. Vail sold his lot. or, Town Fire .07 The annual meeting of Protection I Harbor Lane to H. K. Weldon, the Orient Fire .047 Er,g',ne Co. was held Friday evening, east beach to J. B. Terry and the west Light •077 whell the following officers were re- beach to Wm. A. Prince. " Mosquito .047 elected : Foreman R. S. Sturges; Asst. The Southold Hire Department elect- Mattituck Fire •12 Foreman, Fred T. Jennings; See., 0. -,d the following officers: Chief, A. R. The Martin Meyer place on the I V. Penney; Treas., A. F. Lowerre; Vail; Asst. Chief, John Munch; Sec., f North Road was sold at public auction Trustee, R. S. Sturges. J. E. Cochran; Trees., L. P. Wilkin- I to front of the office of Jesse L. Case Foreman Sturges, who has been r'1 son. 1 last Saturday. Alex. Berdoski, who for some time and was unable to be with The members of the Monumental I has worked the place for the past two us, was presented with resolutions of Society held a grand reunion at the years, was the purchaser, paying 1 s,mpathy and good wishes and accom- home of Miss Susie B. Huntting. $6,150. I panying them was a handsome blooming The pupils of Southold Academy Nancy L. Tuthill, late of South- b,,gonia• I gave a fine musical program: and an old, gross value, $607.50; net,$40.25, A donation of $10 was sent to the exercise with Indian clubs. which goes to Henrietta Q. Tnthill 'Firemen's Home at Hudson, N. Y.,and Mrs. Augustus Dunkel died, aged 81 �r solutions were passed protesting years. foster dapghter. Exempt from taf.I a,;•ainst the proposed legislation to do ..-----e-- ----- For the first time since M. F. Ru- away with the 2 percent tax on foreign I t= 'o _,�Keavy Snow Fall land started the business here more I . oun i.aurance companies for the be , nefit of ca HomeWe had a yg blizzard en Friday, than thirty years ago, Southold is followed by a gale and cold weat)ier on without a bakery. r / The tax rates in all the towns fol-, Siturday. About one foot of snow Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Overton low: Islip, .96; Shelter Island, 80; fell on friday and the following day have moved into Miss Grace Stanlev's Southampton, 1.83, villages, .93;f the high winds blew it to all corners house for the winter. i Brookhaven, 1.30, villages, .75; Baby- of the earth. 0. L. Wells' shed was Coney Island, Dec. 1,Mrs.Bridget lon, 1.51, villages, .87; Southold 1.217, blown over. It was necessary to dig Theresa Carey, widow of Detective Greenport village, .67; Riverhead, out the roads in places. The storm Sergeant John Carey, of New York 1.34; Smithtown, 1.29; Huntington, was general throughout the East and k city, formerly of Southold, where 1.12, Northport village, .67; East was the biggest December storm since f! the remains were interred on Mon-Hampton, 1.59, Sag Harbor village, 1912. The thermometer registered 18 i day, aged 68y. .716. above zero Saturday morning. A� 1 The gross value of the estate left Meeting of Town Board RECEIPTS by the late Rev. Epher Whitaker ( Balance Highway Fund $ 7,437.58 has been appraised at $23,251.38. The Town Board met at the office Town Highway Tax 30,000.00 Of the net estate, valued at $21,401 o f Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, State Aid 7,469.53 Hannah Maria Whitaker, widow, re-,Saturday, Dec. 23, 1916. Present, private oiling, etc. 53.85 ceives$5,445 and Ellen Bertha Whit- Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hal-; aker, daughter, $15,955. lock, Justices Griffin, Corey, Luce and Total $44,960.96 On Wednesday Cashier A. T.Dick Wasson, Supt. Fleet and Counsel Case. EXPENDITURES erson of Bank of Southold mailed The agreement for the expenditure Average$60 per mile checks to the amount of over $4,000 of highway moneys, prepared by Supt. for 134 miles to members of the 1916 Christmas Fleet, was adopted b the Board. $ $,040.00 Club. p y Culverts, sluices and bridges The agreement provides: having span less than 5 ft. 700.00 An eleven pound boy was born to An averse sum of $60 per mile for Mr. and Mrs. Louis DeRosier on g Special appropriations 28,550.00 Wednesday night. 7�` ! the 134 miles of the Town highways be Reserve fund 6,033,601 g Edna May Dickerson arrived at set aside for primary work and general payment orders from Nov. the home of D and Mrs. Albert T. repairs. 1. to Dec. 23, 1916 1,637.361 $700 is set aside for the repair and Dickerson on Friday of last week b-f construction of sluices, culverts and Total $44,960.96 About two hundred carloads of cauli- bridges having a span of less than five It was voted that the compensation 4 flower have been shipped from this feet. of the Truant Officer be placed at a!. station this fall. 1 $10,500 on the road commencing at flat salary of$300 per year, and that Twenty-Five Years Ago Laurel (Town line) and leading to nothing be allowed for expenses, to Greenport,with side lanes (South Main take effect Jan. 1, 1917. �Q�• 2. 4—-° / "/ Highway) a distance of 54 miles, for! It was voted that the salary of the The grip was racing with unabated oil, breaking up, grading,loam, gravel, bookkeeper for the Superintendent of violence. I sand on oil, etc. Highways be placed at $150 per year, Steamer Shelter Island made the last 1 $10,500 on the road commencing at commencing Jan. 1, I917. trip of the season. West Mattituck (Town line) and lead- J. N. HALLocK, Town Clerk Frank T. Wells purchased an acre of ing to Orient Point, with side lanes land of E. L. Poisseau, and J. E. (North Main Highway) a distance of Democrats Elect Commissioner Corey contracted to build a house on it 56 miles, for oil, breaking up, grading, Amid scenes of the wildest confus- for Mr. Wells. widening, loam, gravel, sand on oil, Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F., elected etc. I ion, John McBrien of Huntington was the following officers: N. G., W. A. $1,500on road commencing at Bergen endorsed by the Democratic County Clark; V. G., J. E. Davis; Sec., J. N. Avenue (Cox Neck Oregon) and lead-i Committee at Riverhead last Friday to Hallock; Per. Sec., Geo. A. Maier; ing to Bridge Lane, Peconic, a distance be Election Commissioner, in place of Treas., John Korn; Trustee, Wm. H. of 8 miles, for oil, breaking up, grad. Lewis W. Korn, whose term of office Terry. ing, widening, loam, gravel, sand on will expire on Jan. I. The dove of Rev. Dr.*Epher Whitaker preached oil, etc, peace could not be found anywhere his farewell sermon as pastor of the at this meeting and harmony was $850 on road commencing at Matti- g Y Presbyterian church, after a pastorate tuck (New Suffolk Avenue and Lane) pitched out into the discard. The chief of over forty years. and leading to Cutebogue, a distance storm center was Jacob S. Dreyer of The M. E. Sunday School elected the of 5 miles, for oil on sections, breaking Port Jefferson, chairman of the County fo!lowing officers: Supt., C. H. T. up in sections,grading, widening,loam, Committee, who was accused by the Bly; Asst. Supt., B. T. Payne; Lady oyster shells, gravel, sand on oil, etc. McBrien followers of trying to run ,Supt., Mrs. B. T. Payne; Sec., Geo. $1,000 on road commencing at Inlet things high-handed. The storm broke G. Conklin; Treas., Louis A. Tuthill; gill Lane, Peconic, and leading to when the committee on credentials Librarians, Fred T. Conklin and Louis Lighthouse Road, Southold (Sound threw out all the McBrien contestants S. Tuihiil. View Road extension) a distance of and seated the Brown men. Mr. Korn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Wells cele- 3 miles, for breaking up, grading, had previously withdrawn from the brated their fortieth wedding anni- loam, gravel, etc. contest and was supporting Mr.Dreyer versary. $500 on road commencing at Laure for Election Commissioner against Clarence H. T. Bly and Miss Ger- Town line and leading to Mattituck John McBrien. Mr. Dreyer declared trude Horton were married. (Boulevard along bay) a distance of the meeting adjourned, and then the y Thomas McCarthy and Miss Lizzie J 3 miles, for oil in sections, breaking McBrien men named Supervisor Fred Forsyth were married. up, grading, widening, loam, sand on Sheide for chairman and Mr. McBrien Henry H. Lewis died, aged 39 years. oil, etc. was duly nominated. "I don't want a Mrs. Mary E. Tillinghast died, aged, $3,700 on all Town roads on Fisher's man here to vote for me," announced' 73 years. Island, a distance of 5 miles, for oil, Mr. Dreyer. Just how many votes Mr. Benjamin R. Fitz died, aged 36 grading, widening, loam, gravel, etc. Dreyer would have had is not known. years. $6,033.60 is reserved in the hands ci the Supervisor as a contingent fund. Elwin 0. Fickeissen has purchased the farm of the James J. Gagen Estate on Railroad Av. and will move there this week. 4' BaitingHollow & Roanoke Company 2.�Iis wife, his son,his do the were A Y g— y Cutchogue, Dec. 27, at the Presbyte- Retires From Local Field; Terms the trinity that ruled the affections of rian parsonage, by Rev. F. G. Beebe, Oliver K. Buckley, an elderly retired Frederick C. Leicht of Southold and Considered Satisfactory building contractor, of 28 Lenox road, Miss Edith May, daughter of George Bryden Tuthill of Mattituck. A financial transaction of consider- Flatbush. Danger menaced two of able magnitude engaged attention them Monday night—the wife and the Cutchogue, Dec. 17, John A. Moore,l here this week when it became known dog. Fire starting from a carelessly I aged 73 years. that the Baiting Hollow & Roanoke held match in the hands of his wife A daughter was born to Mr. and Telephone Company had put through a deal with the New York Telephone shot through the Christmas decorations Mrs. Wm. N. Carey on Monday. P.191, Company for the sale of the former of his home and quickly filled his l Central Islip, Dec. 24, at the State corporation's entire property interests house. He saved his wife. Then fully Hospital, Miss Lucy V. Wheeler of in Riverhead and vicinity. By the aware of the peril in the flame-filled I Green ortwhere interment took terms of the contract the New York Greenport, company takes over ever thinp, be- house and overriding the protests of p y y place, 72y. longing to the local phone people, in- his wife he strode back into the house Brooklyn, Dec. 26, Belle L.,widow eluding the house and lot on Roanoke for the dog. He found him—found y avenue where the local "Central" is him choking with smoke and blinded of Vernon C. Robinson, and sister of housed the various ole lines from Wm. H. and Moses Taylor of South- Wading River to Mat ituck and to the by flames and unable to discover an old. Interment at Southold on Fri- south side of the Island and the com- exit. So the two of them, the man day. plete book accounts of the B. H. & R. with his arm over the dog's head, tried – Co., accounts receivable and accounts to escape together. Firemen entering Born Dec. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. payable. The transfer is subject to Gustos Bergerson a son. the approval of three-fifths of the lo- the lower floor twenty minutes later cal company's stock, and a meeting is found them lying close together on the Ernest C. Maier of Manorville has called to be held at the Town Hall, floor beneath a charred and soggy mass rented the farm belonging to the Riverhead, on Dec. 26, at 10 A. M., ! when stockholders will be asked to of Christmas greens and red and white estate of Wm. H.Maier, on Boisseau =.tify and approve the plan of sale. streamers, their heads close together, Ave. The many friends of Mr. and It is anticipated that there will be with the man's arm spread across the Mrs. Maier are glad to welcome little opposition to the plan on the dog's shoulders. Both of them dead. I I them back to Southold. part of stockholders, as it is consid- ered that the terms of the proposed Among those home for the holiday A G Baldwin, by exrs, to H P transfer are so advantageous on the vacation we noticed Stephen 0. Salmon Tuthill and ano, lot on Little Neck whole to the present owners of the rd, adj land M F Weller, near property that they will willingly give and Robert J. F. Lindsay of Syracuse Peconic $3,900 their assent to the arrangement. University, Myron H. Glover and Har- M D Baldwin and ors to H P The officers of the local company old Goldsmith of St. Lawrence Univer- I Tuthill and ano, same property last are: President, H. R. Talmage; sec- sity, Miss Ann Hallock of Vassar described nom retary, Ralph C. Brown; manager, College, Miss Mar Robinson of Wel- T S Bergen to E P Bergen, lot e Nilliam R. Fanning; superintendent, g y s Main rd, adj land G H William- Chas. H. Weller. Lesley College, Edwin Prellwitz and :on, Southold nom The par value of the company's Henry Fitz of Cornell University, E. N C Bergen to H M Reeve, 10 1,283 shares of stock is $32,705, and William Hoinkis of Rochester, Miss acres s s Bergen av, adj land R C a=_ this the New York company pays Edith Breitstadt of Woodmere, Miss Bergen, Southold Town nom $26,707.24, the purchaser at the same Elizabeth A. Terry of Bloomfield N. B C Glover and wife to P lime assuming all liabilities of the lo- y cel concern, making a net return of J., Miss Marion S. Terry of Hunting- Krysztopwicz, lot n s Main rd, adj approximately 65 per cent to the 102 ton, and Miss Beth Elmer of Newark, land late of J A Glover,Cutchogue nom stockholders. As the company has J L Gagen and ors to E 0 Fick- not paid a dividend in some years— At the meeting of Southold Lodge eissen, 8 acres w sRailroad av, not since it was badly crippled by an I. O. O. F. on Monday evening the adj land W J Conway, Southold nom ice storm of one of our recent severe following officers were elected: No i winters—it is felt that the stoekhold- ble Grand, Frederick Fickeissen; Miss Marguerite Howell is teaching ers will realize that their interests Vice Grand, Winfield S. Bedell, sr.; the Primary Department of the South- have been well guarded under all the Rec. Sec., A. W. Symonds; Fin.Sec. old High School, on account of the ill- ;dvcumstances' Israel P. Terry; Tress William R The B.H.& R.has been in existence yi , ness of Miss Margaret Deale. for about fifteen years and during 1 Newbold; Trustee, Wm. H. Terry. that time has filled an important place The thermometer registered 18 above James J. Gagen has sold his former ;n our local social and business life. residence to Mrs. Mina H. Edwards, It has given an appreciated service, zero Tuesday morning, s�� '• L who will move it to the Sound. and aside from the direct benefit to its The cold begins to strengthen as the i some 400 subscribers, has been of use days begin to lengthen. Stephen Walter is to give up in its tendency to keep phone rates at farming and devote his time to the a moderate rate ht th territory which P. A. O'Malley, who recently pur- it has covered. chased Mrs. Anna M. Schneider's place j chicken business. He will offer his SEAL AT GREENPORT on Town Harbor Lane, is now occupy farming machinery and horses at Capt. Samuel Boeram of Greenport ing the place with his daughters. auction next Tuesday. shot a big seal in Greenport Harbor Mrs. Anna M. Schneider and son Ro-I last week. It was basking on a rock Boss Ceorge W. Smith is putting in off Stearn's Point, Shelter Island, land left on Wednasday for Hempstead, a plate glass front in Mrs. Anna Bar- when he captured the big fellow. I L. I., where they will make their fu- dorf Eimer's place on Front St. The weighed 130 pounds, and the hide isl ture home. being preserved. It is hardly within east room is to be fitted out as a store. the recollection of anyone in this sec- George W. Smith and family are tion when a large seal was captured occupying their new residence. as far south as Greenport Harbor. Twenty-Five dears Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago Suffolk Surrogate Busy Tw 2, The officials and clerks in the Surro- Rev. Father J. F. Crowley was one Henry Edgar secured a position as I gate's Court say they have been of the pall bearers at B:shop Loughlin's station agent of the L. I. R. R. at reasonably busy during the past year funeral. Hyde Park. and point to the large number of J. E. Corey and family moved into J. B. Fanning and Frank A. Bly I transactions to prove it. In fact, they their new home on Railroad Av, were elected Trustees of the Presby- add that the business of the court dur- Hommel & Prince sold out their shoe terian church. ing 1916 was the largest in the history business to F. Ferd:l of Brooklyn. Past Commander Geo, S. Prince in- of the county. Waldo Brown of Orient and Miss stalled the officers of Edward Huntting During the year there were 238 wills Lucy C. Goldsmith of Southold were Post, G. A. R. I probated; 224 letters of administration' married. Rev. Father John McKenna of St. granted; 201 tax decrees entered; 1181 J. Edwin Cochran and Miss Jennie Michael's R. C. Church, Flushing, accountings finished and decrees en- E. Neal were married. died, aged 80 years. Father McKc-nna tered, and 150 miscellaneous and other Mrs. Richard Carpenter died, aged was a former rector of St. Patrick's orders and instruments attended to. 82 years. iChurc Southold, and was greatly ba- During the year the amount of trans- Emtly J. Jennings died, aged 64 yrs,!loved by h=s people. fen taxes collected through this court On the inauguration of William was $286,946.45, which is the largest Deputy Sheriff 33 Years McKinley as Governor of Ohio, the sum ever collected in this way in Suf- TRAVELER predicted that he would one folk. Of this sum, over$147,000 were A. R. Vail has been reappointed a collected through the Sarah T.Gardiner Deputy Sheriff b Sheriff Bi day be President of the United States. g P Y Y Biggs. This estate alone. makes his 39th year as Deputy Sheriff. The largest previous amount of in-I He was first a Geowth of Island heritance taxes paid g appointed to this office in p d throe h this court' 1876 by Sheriff Egbert Lewis of North Further proof of the intensive de- was$200,990 17, in 1912. In 1915 the i port ar.d has served continuously ever velopment of suburban Long Island is inheritance tax sum was only $46,045.- since, except for one term, serving contained in a leaflet issued by Donald 96. under thirteen Sheriffs. Mr. Vail is Wilson, General Freight Agent of the Philadelphia, Jan. 7, Cornelia,wife the oldest court officer in Suffolk Coun Long Island Railroad, which shows of Harvey H. Preston, and sister of ty, in point of service. He has also I that 8,890 new buildings were erected Herbert M. Case of Greenport, 65y. served as Constable for Southold Town on the Island in 1916. Of this number Interment at Southold on Friday. for many years. 7,196 were dwelling houses, 38 factor- New York, Jan. 8, Mrs. Jane Burke, Dr. Amos L. Sweet of Geneva, N. ies, and 768 miscellaneous structures' former'y of Southold, sister of John Y., died at the residence of his son, On the basis of these figures, the pop- Costello of Greenport and Mrs. Mary I Rev. Dr. Louis M. Sweet of N. Y. ulation was increased between 20,000 Furey of Southold, aged 70 years. Burial ru Calvary Cemetery, Brooklyn. City, on Monday, aged 73 years. Dr. and Since 19 during the year. Mrs. in son Richard died on Dec. Sweet practiced medicine in Southold Since 1905, a period of 12 years, a 30, aged 35 years. about thirty-five years ago and is well total of 87,807 new buildings have been P The shock of the great explosion at remembered by the older people. From erected on Long Island. Of these, Southold he moved to Geneva, where 74,076 were dwellings, corresponding the Du Pont Powder Works in New he was proprietor of a large drug to an increased population of several Jersey last Frida night, at 9:30' store. U-c + hundred thousand. Over 400 new fac- o'clock, was distinctly felt here. Mrs. Anna Bardorf Eimer is having tories have located on the Island in the windows rattled and houses shook and he i period. some saw t her bakery oven rebuilt. light in the western sky.The completion of the New York The shock was felt as far as Troy and Richard S. Sturges and Alfred C. connecting railroad, with its bridge; New London. ¢"- l�^ Simons have new Ford cars. over Hell Gate, will make an all-rail I The committe named at the Y. M. Le [toy E Raynor, ref to A Ze- route between points reached by the' broski, 25 acres n s North road, Long Island Railroad and points on or C. A. meeting held at the Universal- adj land J Hipp, Southold $6,150 S J Brown to V Krupsky, lot w reached via the New York,New Haven ist Parish House some weeks ago, s Brown, adj land M Lehr, South- &Hartford Railroad. It is expected met on Wednesday evening at the old $1,000 that operation via this route will be- rooms of the Southold Savings Bank S J Brown to S 11 Smith, lot w s gin early this year. and appointed a committee of four, other land Brown, adj land M The Long Island Railroad sold 88,- E. D. Cahoon, Frank Robinson, W. Lehr, Southold $1,800 495 commutation tickets in the year i E D Mills to R P Vail, lot s s . . Gagen and F. D. Smith to circu- North Country road, adj land A M 1906; and 254,803 in the year. 1916, an late literature and inaugurate a carn- Salmon, Peconic nom increase of 187 per cent in ten years. paign to raise the money necessary H E Grathwohl and wife to J W A Skippon and wife to F Mc- for carrying out the plans as laid Doroski, 15 acres, w s Cox's lane, Bride, 20 acres s s Oregon road, adj land Lire; 9 acres w s Cox's adj land C B Tuthill, between Cut- down by the promoters. Mr.Atkin- lane, adj land late of J Wickham, chogue and Peconic nom son was present at the meeting and Cutchcgue nom t did most of the talking. Twenty-Five Years Ago Twenty-Five Years Ago Suffolk's Enrolled Voters L/A.IVI.I f-0— /JJ Z- c&1ti 2-4_0— / �-?.2— According to the figures compiled by Cauldwell Morrison, a member of the Jud Booth shot a seal in Peconic the Board of Elections, Suffolk County now has 18,071 enrolled voters, divided senior class of Union Theological Sem- Bay. among all parties. This is an intrease inary, preached in the Presbyterian The thermometer registered four of 2,038 over the 1915 enrollment. church. above zero. There are 10,675 Republicans enrolled The following were elected officers Rev. George Miller of New York and 6,884 Democrats. These figures of the Youth's Christian Society: preached in the Presbyterian church. show an increase of 1,628 Republicans Pres., C. H. T. Bly; Vice Pres., Fred Terry Bros. were filling their ice' over 1915 and an i,crease of 410 Demo- A. 'Phomas; Sec., Mrs. C. H. T. Bly; house at Great Pond. crats. Treas., Mips Bertha Corey. Miss Anna W. H-dges graduated Other parties enrolled as follows: Dr. George W. Fi!z was appointed from the Albany State Normal College. 1916 1916 Instructor in PhysWogy and Hygiene Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam H. Gagen re- Inde endence League 48 57 at Harvard College. turned from their wedding trip. Amer'can Party 23 24 The fr`er.ds of Charles S. Frost (,f The Youth's Christian Society gave Prohibition 177 204 Brooklyn were pained to hear of his a reception to its president and his progressive 218 452 death. bride, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. T. Bly. Socialist 74 78 Prin. E. E. Hulse, formerly of Banner Lodge also gave them a re- These figures show a decrease in all Southold, resigned his position as prin- ception. parties except in the two leading, Re- cipal of the Shelter Island school to The Trustees of the Southold Sa f- publican and Democratic. This year accept the principalship of the Lyman ings Bank elected the following of- there were cast 1,261 blank enroll- School, Westborough, Maes. fiecrs: Pres., B. H Booth; 1st Vice ments and 43 voids. The Universalist society of Claren- Pres, Jesse G. Case; 2d Vice Pres., The Republican and Democratic en- don, N. Y., presented their pastor, Augustus Jerome; Sec. and Tress, rollment by towns is as fol'ows: Rev. Eugene L. Conklin, with a gold H. H. Huntting; Asst. Treas., A. F. Rep. Dem watch and chain. Lowerre. _ Huntington 1, 87. . . The 67th semi-annual statement of Clerk's Office Shows Profit Smithtown 395 333 the Southold Savings Bank showrd the Babylon 947 819 total assets at par value to be $1,670,- County Clerk Richardson has Islip 1,943 1,260 726.80, andthe surplus at par value to made a tabulation showing that the Brookhaven 2.261 1,392 be$163,186 87. total net profits of the county for Riverhead 650 326 James White died, aged 60 years. tueirst year of the straight salary Southold 796 559 BusTwelve Days 1 system of his office amount to Shelter Island 177 69 Busy !$4;990.40. Easthampton 559 414 Dining the first twelve days of Jan' This is after deducting his own Southampton 1,549 842 ary, 1917, at the Southold Savings salary $5,000, and the combined 10,675 6,884 Bank, the sum of $265,517.70 in de- salaries of till of the employees to The enrollment in other parties in posits was received from 1390 de- the office amounting to $18,121.68. Southold Town was: Progressive, 43; posit rs. This is about $100,000 more The total receipts from the office Prohibition, 18; Independence League, in deposits than was ever received in for the 3; American 1. the same length of time before. The year were $28,112.09, of above is a sure indication of the pros- which $21,452.31 came from the John Scott has gone to N. Y. City, petity of our farmers. registrar's department of the office, where he has a position in the paint $3,669.92 from the county clerk's'I works of Sinclair Smith. M ss Edyth Andersen of New Haven, department, and the rest from other Conn , has been engaged as Physical sources. The price of coal has dropped to Instructor for the Southold, Peconic, I $8.50 per ton at the yard. Because of serious illness in her Bay View and East Cutchogue schools. family, Miss Andersen was unable to . Henry L. Jewell is to install a re- come to Southold as frigerating plant in his market. Last Thursday night was the coldest physical instruc- ' of the season and thermometers regis- tor- Miss Gertrude Macomber has William Berry has hired the rooms tered 2 lbove zero early Friday morn- been engaged in her place, and has overW_. A. Williams' store, ing, / I already begun her work. F D Peterson to G H Case, 10 Brooklyn, Jan. 16, at Hotel Bossert, Miss Eliza Scott has gone to Bellevue acres, s s Main rd, adj land 'T M by Rn v. Dr. Nehemiah Boynton, Al-I Hospital, N. Y. City, where she will Gagen, Cutchogue nom met Reed Latson, Jr., and Miss Helen learn to be a trained nurse. Her sister Port Chester, N. Y., Jan. 18, Julius Leslie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Agnes is a graduate nurse of that hos- B. Young of Greenport, formerly of win M. Millard. Southold, and Miss Lilla Tyler of Port pital, and her other sister Carrie is now Chester. Southold, Jan. 17, at St. Patrick's R. studying there for that profession. C. Churcb, by Rev. Father McGrath, Southold, Jan. 21, by Rev. Father Thomz:s Ambrose Hemblo of Greenport Letters of admistration have been McGrath, Albert H. Herzog of Green- and Miss Jennie-'4-Diller, daughter of granted on the estate of Phoebe J. port and Miss Josephine Dietz of Pe- Mr. and Mrs. John Diller of Southold. conic_ f Rowland, late of Southold, value Frank Hummel of Orange, N. J.,has .4,187.97, to Capt. Geo. E. Rowland, rented the cottage at Creekside, for- husband, of Providence, R. I. merly occupied by D. H. Jackson. Twent Five Years A o Benito, Texas, not mentioned in cen- Odd Fellows' Installation �-, V g sus, receives $6,000; New Castle, Wy- v.---o 1S— 2— oming, population 975,receives$25,000; The officers of Southold Lodge, No. DeWitt L. Pelton of Union Theo- Eminence, Ky., population 1453, re- 373, I. 0. O. F.,were installed Monday., logical Seminary preached in the Pres- ceives $40,000; Huntingdon, Tenn., evening by D. D. G. M. Daniel R byterian church. 1population 1,192, receives $25,000; Young and staff of Riverh.?ad, in a Terry Bros. and W. A. Williams Rossville, Ga., population 1050, re- very interesting and creditable man- filled their ice houses at Great Pond. ceives $25,000; Unionville, Mo , popu- ner. Roanoke Lodge was represented The Ladies' Aid Society of the M. F. lation 2000, receives $30,000. There by a number of other brethren besides church elected the following officer=• are 118 items for towns where the the Deputy and his staff. Under Good Pre-., Mrs. Wm. H. Tuthill; Vice postal receipts are less than $10,000 of the Order speeches were made by Pres., Nrs. Ge). R. Jennings; Sec., annually; 28 where the receipts are I all the Riverhead brothers, the newly Miss Lug y Hallo k; Treas., Mrs. F. 1'. less than $8,000; 28 where they are elected officers and olher members of Wells; Directresses, Mrs. W. A. less than $7,000; and 8 where the re- Southold Lodge. At the close of the Clark, Mrs. B. L. Prince, Misses Helen ceipts are below $6,000 per annum. Lodge session one of the famous Pe- Tuthill, Nannie Beebe and L. May I The erection of a building means not conic box bakes, with J. W. Hipp and Terry. only the initial outlay, but an annual Harry J. Smith in command, was Capt. Wm. H. Horton returned from maintenance charge which in the ma- opened and its appetizing contents a voyage to South America, jority of cases will be many times in soon disappeared. The bake contained excess of the rent for present accom- oysters, clams, ham, white and sweet Weep In Congress modations. potatoes and chicken, all done to a Admiral Dewey's funeral in the ro- turn. These delicacies, together with The Post Office Appropriation Bill tunda of the Capitol was attended by bread and butter, pickles, olives, carrying over $330,000,000 was passed all the officials of the Government; the celery, coffee and cigars, were heartily last week. An effort was made to Supreme Court, the Senate and the I partaken of by the large company House, marching in a body to the side present. abolish or curtail the pneumatic tube of the bier. Not since McKinley was The newly elected officers are: N.G., service in some of the principle cities laid to rest have honors so imposing Frederick Fickeissen; V. G., Winfield but by a close vote this reactionary been extended to a Nation's dead. S. Bedell, Sr.; Sec., A. W. Symonds;', measure was defeated. The Immigra- Cordially yours, Fin. Sec., I. P. Terry; Treas , W. R. tion Bill which had been in conference FRED. C. HICKS Newbold; War., F. T. Jennings; Con., was favorable considered by theH. M. Hawkins; Chaplain, W. S. Oldest Deputy Sheriff Bedell, Jr.; R. S. N. G., Lewis W. House. Korn; R. S. V. G., Frank T. Wells; Sunday's Brooklyn Eagle contained The Public Buildings Bill over which an excellent picture of A. R. Vail and 1. G., Edwin O. Fickeissen; 0. G., there has been so much discussion, was an article on his commencing his 39th Clifford H. Prince; R. S. V. G., Frank passed by a vote of 234 to 92. My year as Deputy Sheriff of Suffolk T. Horton; L. S. V. G., Harry J. vote was recorded against the measure County. Mr. Vail is the oldest Deputy Smith; R. S. S., J. 1. Fanning; L. S. because in my opinion, while there Sheriff in Suffolk County. He was S., Geo. R. Leslie; P. G., R. G.Terry. were many meritorious items in the first appointed in 1876 by Sheriff Lewis W. Korn, of Southold, is bill, there were also many which could Egbert Lewis of Northport and served still the Democratic election eom-� not be justified by business necessity under the following Sheriffs: Mr. missioner from Suffolk County, and John Z r C W George W. Cooper, Z.of efficiency. Many items I felt meant Lewis, is likely to be for some time to come, waste of Federal funds. Confronted O'Brien., Henry W. Halsey, Albert M. and possibly for the next two years. by a deficit of upwards of $300,000,000 "ailing, Selah Brewster, Benjamin B. which must be met by an increase of Wood, Robert L. Petty (two terms)Isupreme Court Justice Walter H. taxes already burdensome, I feel the J. Sheridan Wells, Melville E. Brush, Jayeox has continued the injanc- Government should exercise strict Charles J. Odell and now under Amza I tion that the Brown faction secured, economy. This bill appropriates $35,- W. Biggs. Mr. Vail was born in restrainine the Board of Supervisors 000,000 for buildings and sites. In Southold Oct 18, 1847, and has lived from appointing John McBrien, of many instances sites or buildings are here all his lifa. For mu-b of the time Huntington, of the opposing faction. provided for villages having neither that he has been a Deputy Sheriff he Briefly, the Judge holds that Jacob Constable of Southold C been a ons the population or the postal receipts to has also Dreyer really diel adjourn that notor- justify the expenditures and were in- Town and still holds both positions. ions meeting before McBrien was cluded in the bill despite disapproval He is and always has been a strong formally indorsed. As the recom- of the Post Office and Treasury De- Repub'iean. mendation had to be made before partments. I will cite only a few Mrs. E. D. Cahoon, daughter Edna the flrst of January, the Brown instances: Clearwater, Florida, with a and Miss Emma Booth started Wednes- forces contend that any further rec- population of 1,171, receives $40,000; day by rail for Somerville, S. C., Mr. ommendations will be unlawful,and Baxley, Ga., 831 people, receives Cahoon, with "William" and the car, that Mr. Korn and his clerk, Mr $5,000 for a site; Hazard, Ky., popu- joining them by boat later. They will Adams, will hold over.lation 537, receives $40,000; San take a cottage in that Southern town for the winter. Mr. Hicks Wins The Literacy Test The funeral services of John F. s Congress has nnanimously de- Smith werb held at his late residence, cided that Frederick C. Ricks was There is now, after a twenty-year 1087 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, Wednes- fight to bring it about, an immigration elected in 1914. This is good news biiday evening, Jan. 31. . Mr. Smith was I to the Congressman's many friends. law on the statute books of the United a Grand Army man and was 77 years States which provides that no alien old. He lived at Southold for a time By an inadvertence we made the may be admitted to this country who with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Porter, who types state last week that the Misses is unable to read, unless the alien is were residents of our village for some Carrie, Eliza and Agnes Scott were more than 55 years old or a female rel- p years. associated with Bellevue Hospital. We ative of an admissible alien. The law should have said Flower Hospital. goes into effect May 1, Private Otto W.Schafer reported for The price of coal dropped $2 per It was an overwhelming vote in the duty with Co. F, 13th Coast Guard,, Senate, as well as in the House, that N. G., N. Y., Brooklyn, on Tuesday. ton, to $9, on Wednesdav morning.: enacted the law, despite the Presi- » Eggs also dropped 5 cents, to 45; dent's veto. The House last week re- ii G4eU 'y -Fivi; earS ti go cents. passed the bill over the veto by a vote2�- 0mer Quarty left on Wednesday I of 287 to 106, and the Senate took the I George J. Tillinghast was the census for Providence, R. I., where he has( same course by a vote of 62 to 19. A enumerator for this district. a position with Brown & Sharpe, mak- two-thirds vote was necessary to make I DeWitt L. Pvlton of Union Theo- ers of Machines and Tools. I the bill law over the veto of President logical Semina y preached in the Pres- Wilson. Horace J. Booth, one of our most The literacy test in immigration has byterian church. The cold weather was being im- is on a been before Congress since 1897. Pres- successful cauliflower agents, proved by our ice men. business trip to Bermuda for his firm. ident Cleveland vetoed such a measure A Junior Epworth League was or- W. C. Albertson Co. loaded pota- during his administration, President ganized here, with the following of- toes on Friday morning at$2.25 per Taft took the ,ams course, and Presi- • Pres., Rev. Dr. Bowd ; Vice dent Wilson has twice refused his sig- fi'ers. Sec. bushel. 71'`'"`x• � (0 Pres., Mrs. Geo. Ii. Jennings; nature to a bill with the provision that and Treas., Mies Lucy Hallock. d Potatoes are selling for $2 25 per . he objected to. e I � bushel, the highest price they ever The Watchman Bays: On February L. 1. K. K. lVlaKeB )Z41,4'11.65 touched. + _ 8th Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hoinkis The Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. is will celebrate their 19th wedding an- The Lung Island Railroad made a I to open a branch store in the Eimer niversary by giving a dinner party in net profit of$241,471.65 dating 1916. t bakery building. New York City to a party of friends. The monthly report for December, Chatham, N. J., Jan. 27, Cora I The following day they will sail for shows that the company's net in I Glover, wife of Walter Best and Florida to spend a month. During come increased by $402,621.46 since daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. H. their absence Mrs. Hoinkis' brother, December 31, 1915, when the books Glover of Southold, aged 33 years, 9 Mr. Kanold of New York, will be in showed a deficit of about$160,000. months. Interment at Southold. charge of the Southold Hotel. _ The profit carne in spite of in- Twenty-Five Years Ago Having sold his farm, Frank L. creased expenses. It cost almost e , o--/ � Wells of Southold will sell at public $10,000,000 to rain the road, au in- Rev. G ge B. Miller of Union The- auction, without reserve, horses, cows, crease of$800.000. The]rain in pro- ological Seminary preached in the fowl, farming implements, household fits was due to freight and passenger furniture, etc.,on Wednesday, Feb. 14, revenues. These totaled over a Presbyterian church. at 10 a. m. Coffee and chowder will be O. T. Horton purchased of the es- million dollars more than in 1916, i tate of H. H. Lewis, deceased, the furnished. If stormy, next fair day. I amounting to almost$13,000,000. I stove and tin business at Southold. Gen. A. Maier, auctioneer. The place of the late John Moadinger Mrs. Alexander S. Denman died at President Peters of the L. I. R. R. on the Sound View road was exchanged her home in Elizabeth, N. J., last exnects the monthly average of for Brooklyn property. Friday. Mrs. Denman will be kindly commuters for 1917 will he abont The play, "Better than Gold," was remembered as a former resident of 24.000. The L I. R. R. will then given by Southold talent in Riverhead, Southold. Mr. and Mrs. Denman lived become the greatest commuting under the auspices of the Riverhead on the Sound bluff for a number of I railroad in the Emnire state. Viilage Improvement Society. years and were greatly esteemed b! —J . Zero Weather Miss Sara J. Adams addressed a the people of Southold. Mr. Denman The coldest weather of the season parlor meeting of the Southold W. C. died several years ago. struck us the forepart of the week. T. U. ' The Wm. C. Albertdbn Co. paid $2 50 Sunday and Sunday night were very James Cantlon of Greenport and per bushel for a carload of potatoes cold, and thermometers registered Miss Jennie J. ( ,gen of Southold were this week. Potatoes will soon be as from 2 to 4 above zero Monday morn- married. _ valuable as diamonds, and those lucky ing. Lincoln's Birthday was a bitter Carrots are selling for $1.00 per enough to have them will keep them in day and early Tuesday morning the bushel—an unheard of price. safe deposit vaults. mercury touched the zero mark, but the temperature moderated very much during the day. g Twenty-Five Years Ago The estate of the late William Low- � tiv Potatoes at �J�5o rey, Southold, is valued at $20,140.83; �� 1f, 2:7-o- net, $18,462.08; tax, $99.53. The es- Potatoes advanced to $3.50 per March came in like a lion and there tate is divided as follows: Margaret bushel wholesale on Tuesday, and seed 1 was plenty of good sleighing. Lowrey, the widow, Peconic, $7,228.04; Potatoes are being sold for$10 a sack I T. M. Burke and family of Brooklyn Joseph Lowrey, brother, Canada, $3,- of 165 pounds, and further advancesl moved to Southold. 744 68; Henry G. �Lowrey, brother, are expected. The seed question of J. E. Corey was one of the judges at Newark, $3,744.68; Jemima M ay Maine and up-State stock is going to be the firemen's conte;ts in Greenport on Sharpe, niece, Southold, $1,872.34; a serious quegtton this spring with Feb. 22d. John Moffatt, nephew, Newark, $1,- those farmers who failed to lay in Joshua and Robert Overton purchased 872.34. or contract for their stock last fall. the Freeman farm. Henry L. Jewell has installed a fine, The seed price has jumped $2 a sack in Presiding Elder W. H. Wardell held up-to-date refrigerating plant in his three days. Potatoes are now listed as the fourth quarterly conference of the market. one of the luxuries of life, and onions M. E. church. The pastor, Rev. Dr. Frank L. Wells has sold, through are out of right. Wednesday, potatoes A. C. Bowdisb, was asked to return the real estate agency so Eugene F. were selling/ at Mattituck for $3.75. another year. Price, his farm, known as the Capt. We never saw a larger audience at The Young People's Missionary Soci- ' Belmont Hall than wag present last ety of the Presbyterian church elected Gardiner farm, to G.Fletcher Downs Friday evening, when the girls of the the following officers : Pres., Mrs. H. of Aquebogue, who will take poses- Southold Southold High School presented `'Miss M. Whitaker; 18t Vice Pres., Mrs. A. sion on March 1. Fearless &Co." Every seat was taken A. Spooner; 2d Vice Pres., Miss Louise W L Glover and wife to M Mott, and standing room was at a premium. Conklin; Sec., H. M. Payne; Treas., lot on South Harbor lane, adj land The large audience was an incentive Miss May B. Case. H Gaffga, Southold $200 for the girls to do their best, and they Mr. Miles of Union Seminary preach- E W Haynes and ors to G - Haynes, f part of lot s s North rd, reflected great credit not only on them- ed in the Presbyterian church. adj land M Turner, Peconic nom selves, but on their trainer, Miss Rowe, Mrs Michael Furey purchased the N D H Rogers and ors to H Em- by their fine acting. The cast com- place in the eastern part of the village erson, lot meadow, adj land form- prised Misses Murlin Young, Doris owned by George Griffin of Shelter Isl- erly of W Richmond and land H Hagerman, Vera Petty,Josephine May, and. Conklin, Indian Neck, Peconic G C Wells and wife to M Mott,nom ' Josephine Grattan, Isabel BoisseauThe S3uth6ld Cornet Band Associa- , lot meadow adj land Higgins, In- Marjorie Horton and Frieda Williams. tion elected the following officers: Pres- ditm Neck Poin,, Peconic nom The play was a very clever one and it ident, Samuel Dicker._on; Vice PrEsi- was well acted. Music was furnished j dents, Mrs. D. T. Conklin, Mrs. W. C. Terry.—At Greenport, Saturday, I by the Riverhead Orchestra, and dant Albertson, Mrs. J. N. Haliock, Mrs. Fob. 3rd,. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard ing followed the entertainment. Wm. A. Prince, Dr. J. M. Hartranft, Huntting Terry of Southold; a Wm. A. Prince, J. N. Hallock; Secre- daughter. Caroline Elizabeth. I Jay Glover is clerking for the W. C. tary, H. G. Howell;Treasurer, T. Bau- Albertson Co. j mann; Trustees, W. C. Albertson, G. Twenty-Five Years Ago I John H. Berry, Jr , a d family have F. Hommel and 0. V. Penney. AL—, —o— rented Mrs. D. W. Howell'slace in Ezra T. Beebe died, aged 72 years. Quite a number from Southold at- the eastern part of the village. tended the parade of the Greenport Fire Department on Washington's I John Scott has returned home from POTATO MARKET DEAD Birthday. I the city. M --v, 2. Revival meetings were being held in Brooklyn, Feb. 26, James Matthews, I None Shipped This Week Because of the M. E. church. a summer resident of Southold, in his "Trouble" in Brooklyn 78th year. R e v. William F. Whitaker o f N. Y, City, Feb. 27, Robert L. Had- The potato market has been prac- Orange, N. J., delivered the Washing- ley, formerly of Southold. Intermenttically at a standstill in Riverhead and ton's Birthday address at Orient on at Willow Hill Cemetery on Thursday. other loading centers all of this week. "Our Country —its Father and its Preparing For War j The food disturbances in Brooklyn Foe." Gloverument agents are at work for New York are given as the reason for a sudden curtailing of shipping. Christopher J. Grattan and family ! pn Long Island making an inventory, It is said that one car of potatoes' and Daniel Grattan and family, who II and survey of industrial plants vnd l went in from Long Island and that it have.been livingin Scotland, Conn., was doused with kerosene. Dealers equipment that. mia�ht be valuable� in the cities have been afraid to have for several years, have returned to I to Federal authorities in the event: produce on their hands for fear it Southold, where they will make of war. I would be ruined by angry men and I women. The prices for bosh potatoes their future home. We are glad to, I The report of the condition of the and onions have fallen off some in welcome them. the city markets, but it is expected Southold Bank on Feb. 28 showed to- the will rise again, because of the Orient and near by farmers carted tal resources amounting to $203,293.- Y serious shortage. 93. The bank with its capital of $25,- se large quantities of carrots to the 000 now has surplus and undivided There have been r_o quotations of ice here this week, but it is pre-i station the first of the week and re- profits amounting to $10,140.31. It srumed that when potatoes again be- has total deposits oi if $167,553.62. ( $3 eeive'� $3 per sack of 140 lbs. gin to move the price will be or better. tt John Diller has hada new barn George W. Hildreth, Arch Iiallev_ Twenty-Five YO Ago built on his property on Bowery I erhead,w commissioners ss olnerssin�the matter �. 5 A o----- t �9l� Lane. of laying out a new road at Peconic, Dr. J. M. llartranft purchased five E G Beebe and wife to M E have decided m favor of the road, and given damages as follows: Wil- acral of th! Capt. P,e+nj, Wells farm. (Jones, 75 acres w s land W F have gJohn The outer end of Southold wharf was Smith, adj Great Pond. Scuihold X125 LOO;iam BJohn odW. Casilear, $1,750;farm) $1, - Pond. • James Mahoney, $50. ! being enlarged. Brooklyn, March 2, Mrs. Frances H. J. Drum, , 1'he What. oaver Society elected tl a Corwin, widow of George W. Corwin,I No damages are allowed to nearly a �oilowing odic„rs: Pres., Melrose 1. aged 81 yetre. Interment at River- lamag s were"core of other tasked foand r. It was also I Booth; Vree Pres., John Breitstadt; head. lecided that the cost of laying out Sec , May B. Case; Tress., Emma L• TweIlty-Five Years ABO he road will be $2,300. Hartough. I The road runs from the Inlet Mill f/��.L'. road to the Duck Pond road at Pe- Rev. Father J. F. Crowley delivered /�moo__ � lt will run near an eloquent le ture on "Shrines,” at Henry C. Prince was to raise his 'heiSou d and sc and erve as a continuation St. Patrick's church. house up two stories and make other of the Sound View road. According to the census there were impfovements. In an editorial the Southold Trav- 981 persona in Election District No. 6, _ J. B. Panning sold his story business ler believes that the rew ro»butiit to Charles n Case. he a good thing for the town, S: uthoid. There were 39 over 70 years A unanimous call was extended to lisagrees with the commissioners in old, and 19 over 80 years. Nicholas he amount of damages allowed McQuillan, 94, was the oldest person, Rev. George D. Miller of the senior Messrs. Codling and Casilear. Those and Ezra Boiaseau, 92, the second old- class of Union Seminary to become the Jamages are regarded by the Trav- �I in fact we see no I! eat. paster of the Southold Presbyterian --ler as excesreason why sive; should receive any aged 82 damages," adds the Traveler. In Joseph Goldsmith died, church. our opinion they are benefited rather years. _ Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. elected the following officers: Foreman, Wm. than damaged by the road going Early Saturday evening snow be- H Gagen; Asst. Foreman, Geo. A. through their lands. There is no rea- gan to faT17-g—e-n-tTy but rapidly. It Maier; Sec., L. W. Korn; Tress., J. ' >on why they should receive damages snowed incessantly until Monday Janitor, n; r Vail; any more than the other land owners when for a few hours it rained gent- R. Fordham; through whose lands the road runs w only r be followed t snow again Trustees, Wm. A. Prince, F. Gomez, and who receive nothing and asked for I Monday evening. Ten to twelve m- A. R. Vail. nothing." ches on the level was the result. Rev. Dr. Thomas L. Poulson of The Southold Town Board met at the bile traffic was almost com- Jamaica gave a temperanc Automoe adAress in offic of Supervisor Tu ill, Greenport, pletely stopped. Horses were the M. E. church. Fri-ay, March % 1917. Present, brought out to do what could not be The Democrats nominated Henry A. Supervisor Tutbill, Town Clerk Hal- Put d#f. The streets of this village Reeves for Supervisor, Lewis W. Korn lock, Justices Griffin, Corey, Luce and W'A's o{{�� a winter aspect as the snow for Town Clerk, Albertson Case for ' }vfi ptlgd up tQ keep the gutters Wasson, Supt. Fleet and Counsel Caee. Iclear, Mt'lttng in the sun of Tups- Justice of Peace, Frederick Klipp and The award of the commissioners, i day from both bottom and top the Joshua W. Terry for Assessors, Wil- in the matter of the application of gutters became torrents which fort- liam C. Albertson and S. Truman Pres- William C. Salmon to build a roan i unately were checked by freezing. ton for Overseers of Poor, Bryant S. from Inlet Mill Road Peconic, to Duck 1 Early Thursday morning rain came Conklin for Commissioner of High- Pond Road, Cutchogue, was discussed and again the water came with aways, and Lester Gildersleeve for Col- at length. It was the unanimous opin- rush. Bu': the snow is melting and lector. ion of the Board that the damages the roads are slowly becoming pass- ---- awarded to William B. Codling, $1,100, able. Gzden r�.'Y'L- may, 3' Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lowerre and Mr. and John W. Casilear, $1,750, were Only two Democrats and three Re- and Mrs. A. A. Folk attended the very excessive and beyond all reason, I publicans, of all the membership of funeral of Mrs. Harriet F. Brady, held and Counsel Case was instructed to ap- the United States Senate, voted at Danbury, Conn., on Monday after- pear before Judge Vunk and ask for a Iagainst the resolution endorsing the nOO1h Mrs. Brady, a cousin of Mr. modification of damages in the cases of President's action in severing diplo- Lowerre and Mr. Folk, will be remem- Messrs. Codling and Casilear. rnatic relations with Germany. This bered by a number of Southold friends. - fairly indicative of In Years gone by her informal muni- E. Wi may be said to be fai this llis Horton brought to this of- public sentiment. all love peace, tales were events to be looked forward fice s week a burr of- ripe cotton. to, as she was a highly trained pianists There were thirty burrs that grew on but we cherish honor more.—Leslie's! In many ways she was a woman of rare one bush that Mr. Horton raised this Weekly. talents, wide reading and traveling, superior whim it was an inspiration to meetMq? year. He also raised some Deputy County Clerk S. Lester Al-:� p peanuts, a sample of which he left us. hertson attended the inauguration of 1 An examination, will be held in In fact, everything that Mr. Horton President Wilson at Washington on iGreenport at 11 a.m., Saturday,April raises is superior. He certainly knows Monday. 14th, to fill the vacancy for postmas- ter how to make things igrow. J. H. Young has purchased the at Peconic, o s caused by the I property of Mrs. James Wines of resignation of Louis Jefferson. This Glover Riveiof Cut hogue6wt ere interment I j Mattituck, located near the Bay is a fourth class office and the for the I took pl>:ce, aged 60 years. d View school house and now occupied pensation of the postmaster by Arthur H. Sennett. last fiscal year was $801• I aged Southold,yeMarch 10, John Diller, Sr., Casilear, J W, and wife to C P �i, Grade III-Ellen Grigoris 98, Vir- Browning,58 acres n s North Road, adj land H C Goldsmith, 24 acres a I Twenty-Five Yearsl �1'�a..B (� 0 g inia Nlalmborg 100, Mary Nierodzok rrL�� Z�o s North Road,adj land C H Bailey, I 99, David Lehr 96,Frederick Prince 98, Peconic nom The Republicans made the following Esther Bond 95, Anton Cybulski 96, Corey, H N, to G H Terry and nominations for Town e,fficea: Super- Franc's Gallagher 95, Martin Lehr 97, ano, lot n s Main South Road, adj visor, Dr. B. D. Skinner; Town Clerk, Anna Noxon 98, Mary Poliwada 98, other land G H Terry, Peconic nom Wm Y. Fithian; Justice of Peace, Edwards, M H,to Heublein Hold- Katie Romanski 99, Steve Romanski ing Co., lot n s Sound View Av, Jekae G. Case; Assessors, Ebenezer 99, Frank Smith 99, Helen $tepnoski adj L I Sound, Horton's Point nom Clark and John M. Lupton; Commis- 99 Hummel, G F, to Heublein Hold- sioner of Highways, Luther B. Cox; Grade IV - Marion Albertson 99, mg Co, lot on Lighthouse Road, Collector, Elbert W. Tabor; Overseers Hazel Baumann 99, Helen Boisseau 97, adj land W Grattan, lot n is Sound of Poor, Chas. B. Wiggins and Arthur View Av, adj land W F Russell, W. Turbush; Constables, James S. Robert Booth 100, Katherine Berry 99, Horton's Point nam Fred Boergessan 99; Francis Carroll Paumonok Inn and Cottage Dewey, Datmold Reeve, A. R. Vail, 99, Jerome Conway .100, Carlis Caley Colony to Heublein Holding Co., 5 1 Henry 0. Horton and James H.Torrey. 99 Henry Dickerson 99, Rita Dicker- acres on Lighthouse Road, adj land _ George D. Miller of the senior class son 98, James Ebbitts 97, Alice Gorden W Grattan, lot n s Sound View of Union Theological Seminary, accep- Av,adj land W F.Russell, Horton's ted the call to become pastor of the 99, Winifred G igen 99, Arthur Gagen Point nom Pr sbyterian churah. 100; Hi.ttie Hawkes 98, Alma Marsland Russell, A F, to M H Edwards, H. C. Cleveland sold his place to 99• Cather ins Thompson 98, William lot n s Sound View Av, adj L I McKeon 97, Helen Wella 100, Anna Sound, Horton's Point nom William Tillinghast. Shields 98, Jennie Ze ells 99, Mary i Sandlands, D J, exr, to C M C. H. T. Bly sold 20 acres of land at Shieldstelz-r 98, George H Stelzer 96, Helen Sandlands, 3 acres n s North Road, Goose Creek to John Munch. Thom son 100. adj land E D Cahoon, Southold nom i p J. B. Terry was on a business trip to The Minister's Sweetheart Florida. Grade V - Jennie Albertson 100, H. C. Cleveland purchased the-Cleve- Dorothy Case 99, Willie Carroll 95, Notwithstanding the stormy weather, land place in the western part of the Alice Petty 99, Florence Strasser 99, a large audience was present at Bel- village. Charlotte Stelzer 99, Stasia Stepnoski moat Hall last Saturday evening, when G. F. Hommel sold his residence to 99, Lun'ce Cox 99. St. Payrick's Dramatic Club presented J. B. Fanning. Grade VI-Catherine Cogan 96, Mary the four-act domestic drama, "The Albert T. Dickerson went to River- Kelly 99, Robert Phillips 95, Frank Minister's Sweetheart." The play is head to enter the employ of J. R. & Sanford 95, Gertrude Koke 95, Mavis a very pretty one, and it was exceed- J. H. Perkins. Wilkinson 98. ingly well played. Our young friends The Youth's Temperance Society of Grade VII-Helen Bond 95, Helen of St. Patrick's Dramatic Club deserve the Presbyterian church -elected the Booth 98, Alice Carroll 96, Tom Hall great credit for the manner in which following officers: Pres., D. T. Conk- 96, Beatrice Hodgins 99, Bennie Hor- the play was presented. The hearty lin; Vice Pres., F. C. Williams; See., ton 97, Eugene Lehr 99, Spencer Petty applause they received was well de- T. M. Shipherd; Trem., J. H. Lehr. 95, Raymond "Ullcr`ieh 99, Burton served. The cast included J. Leo At a special school meeting it was Terry 97. Thompson, Frank M. Gagen, Frank voted not to purchase the lot on the Grade VIII-Leland Booth 95, Nora Strasser, Wm. T. Cagen, Richard Hod- west of the school house lot for a play Carroll 98, Madeline Carroll 97, Helen gins, Miss Elsie McMann, Mrs. Ernest ground. The vote was 16 for to 55 Cochran 95, Mary Cogan 98, Ethel Maier, Mrs. Michael. Purcell and a against. Jones 96, Frances Leicht 97, Katherine number of school children. Ex- Edward W. Latham of Orient was, Schafer 95, Mary Shields 95, Helen cellent music was furnished by King's nominated as the no-license candilate Terry 98. Orchestra, and dancing followed the for Excise Commissioner. GETS 45 POUND CODFISH play. The popular rector of St. Alvah S. Terry and Miss Helen B. Patrick's, Rev. Father McGrath, Tu hill were married. A codfish weighing forty-five pounds made a neat speech, in which he was caught in Long Island Sound, op- thanked the people for their presence, Soho®i Notes posite Mattituck, by one of the beam gave due praise to the players and said trawl fishermen. the club was ready to help the village The followirg pupils of Southo'd Fishermen say that a codfish of this as well as the parish. High School obtained an average of 95 size is unusual anyway,and that hard- or more in spelling during the month ly ever is a codfish of any sort caught On Thursday evening as Milton R. of February: so far from the ocean as this one was. Terry was driving his auto along Grade II-Flora Albertson 100, Some think that the big fellow beat Main Street, near the Post Office, Avis Bishop 100, Martha Gallagher 99, it away from the ocean to steer clear Robert Carroll, 8 years old, ran in Doris Leicht 97, Clarice Prince 98, of the possible submarine invasion. front of it as he started across the Bernice Simons 99, Anna Voijiek 98, F. R. Mitchell has nailed the Stars street. The car knocked him down, Joseph Bond 99, Frederick Bridge 97, I and Stripes to the flag pole on the James Cogan-97, Frederick Kart 95, but as Mr. Terry had applied the Leslie Kon 99Daniel Smith 99, Erwin� W. C. Albertson Co. bu lding and it , brakes, the boy was not seriously floats there in the breeze every day. injured. Terry 99. Flags are also in evidence in many _. homes. Twenty-Five Years�Ago Army Plane Alights In Soatholdage. A fourth one was also observed qll� U o The arrival)of an aeroplane, unher--flying east Tuesday afternoon following the shore line of the Sound. J. T. Beebe contracted to build a alded, almost in the heart of the vil- Willing hands extricated No. 121 house for S. Moses Terry on the lot he; lags, during the noon hour Tuesday,from the mud and wheeled it to the recently purchased of Mrs. Harriet' threw this bailiwick, usually so quiet grass lot south of W. J. Conway's Cole. residence, where the motor was tried Rev. Dr. A. C. Bowdish was attend- and staid in its hahils, into such a P out for a short time.in an easterly state of ing the New York East Conference. stampede that the upwards of rainstorm which set in for the night. pl School High Wm. H. Gagen moved into the place two hundred Hi h pupils,p s, on The telegraph was used and an order be recent) purchased of F. T. Wells. their way to the afternoon session, Y P received from aviation headquarters at Daniel H. Horton entered the employ departed from their well trodden paths d mingled their steps with the Mineola to remain in Southold over an of Hill Bros., of New York. and g p night and make a start the next G. F. Hommel sold his boot and shoe throngs of business men, farmers and morning to complete the order of the business to J. B. Fanning. housewives to the secene of intense interest in J. H. Boisseau's lot, journey. A Demorest Oratorical Medal Con- just At 9 o'clock Wednesday morning test was held in Southold under the east of his residence, near the railroad, where a ]ane had all activity again centered around the auspices of the W. C. T. U. The con- p ghted and was plane, slid the ascension was success- testants were Emma Burns, Corey Al- 'resting on its nose. The scholars of Southold Academ proximity fully made in a stiff gale at 9:10, wit- bertson, E'oise Foster, John Lehr, y, in close roximit nessed key a crowd of spectators and I Grace Payne, Harry Payne, Edna to the unusual.happening, were first school children. The plane resumed i Spooner,Theodore Shipherd and Sereno on the spot. Both the High School its trip to Montauk, passing over the Smith. Grace Payne won the prize and the Academy, for the want of a village at a fair altitude. and Theodore Shipherd received honor- single pupil, ulozed for the afternoon. And who is there who would say it At 8:15 Thursday morning one of able mention. wasn't a seater source of would sad t the planes passed over the village on Isaac Terry died, aged 80 years. g knowledge the return to camp on tte same aerial for the minds of the young than two hours spent in the school roams? line as that traversed by No. 121 go- L,_ 1, R. R. Mileage Rates ing to Montauk, which would indicate The aeroplane that caused all the that it was the same machine. The The Public Service Commission of stir was a 90 H. P. machine of the the Second District has handed down Curtiss type, in command of Lit uten- tr:ne was laboring in the teeth of a wet, s n order authorizing the Long Isl snd ant Atkins and his mechanician, and strong then off an even keel. The wind, which tossed it .ailroai to increase the rate of its started, with five other planes, from now and then small gale retarded its speed to such an iileage hooks from 2 cents to 21 cents the Signal Corps Aviation Station at extent that it required seven minutes per mile. Mineola, to make the trial trip from to cover the five miles from Greenport The advanced rate may be put into camp to Montauk and return, by order to Southold. effect on three days' notice to the of the U. S. Army Aerial Corps. public and to the Commission by the Lieutenant Atkins, the pilot, was Mrs. Flora B. Bliss of Brooklyn issuance of proper traffic supplement with the fleet of,planes which started spent the Sabbath with her daughter posted and filed in accordance with the )n the recent trip to Philadelphia by Barbara. Mrs. Bliss has again leased requirements of the public Service )der of the government. her home at Creekside to Mrs. Prentiss Commissi,n`s law and the Commis- 7 his plane was No. 121, and was of N. Y. City, who occupied it last, sion's to ii£regulations, but such rate 'n:ccd to alight bj a shortage of gaso- year. shall not be put into effect prior to ene, so it was said, but primarily it Cutchogue, March 15, William F.I April 1, 1917. vas more ,from minor motor troubles. I Lennon, aged 26 years. This order is a compromise between n alighting the plane ran a couple of what the company petitioned for, 2J iundred feet on its wheels until they Miss Florence Shaw of Central Val- cents per mile, and the requests of the ;truck a furrow of mud, stopping the ley, N. Y., has been engaged as one of various civic associations and of the machine quickly and precipitating it the teachers in the Southold High travelers who asked that the present forward on its nose, with one of its School next year. Miss Shaw was born rate be continued. two propellers imbedded in the soft in Southold and is the daughter of At the various hearings Leld two soil, Bolding the plane's long, wasp- former Principal S. S. Shaw. Her months ago in the Metropolitan Life like body and stearing end suspended mother, who was miss Esther Bush, Building it was asserted by the compa- skyward at an angle of about 45 de- was also a teacher in our school. If ny that it did not have enough income grecs. Neither occupant received any miss Shaw inherits the teaching quali- to pay its fixed charges, including in- injury. The plane had hardly been ties of her father and mother she will terest on bonds and rentals. The pro- pulled down on its feet, when the be all right. testants against the increase alleged whirring of a fan and motor in the air The R. F. D. route will be extended that the freight traffic was -lot paying told of the approach of a second plane, I on April 16, when Mail Carrier Wm. its proper share of the earnings. which passed almost directly over No. J. Grattan will add to his route Bois- Joseph Keeney, general counsel, and 121 and on east beyond the reach of seau Avenue, Hommel Avenue, Rail- C. L. Addison appeared for the compa- vision. The third one was reported to road Avenue and that part of the road ny, and Selah B. Strong, Jr., Surro- have brushed the tops of some trees,in to Bay View from Mill Hill to Mrs. gate of Suffolk County, for the protes- Cutchogue, but escaped with no dam- Wm. L. Glover's. tants. Fur Supervisor Dist. 1 2 3 4 S S S 9 10 11 Total - H t Nathaniel S. Tuthill, R 10 96 29 40 50 44 40 147 106 134 205 901 David W. Tuthill, D 27 73 69 186 160 128 135 128 69 69 65 1109 For Town Clerk Joseph N. Hallock, R 19 139 55 107 121 74 71 128 7I 112 174 107 William L. Williams, D 18 27 41 100 71 87 92 143 100 85 81 84 For J istice of Peace, term begin'g Jan. 1, 1918 Henry H. Terry, jr., R 15 80 37 55 72 58 49 128 106 105 144 849 Lewe[en F. Terry, R 13 81 40 82 97 52 67 114 88 87 135 856 William W. Griffin, D 16 41 50 131 100 98 107 132 56 84 87 902. Elbert E. Luce, D 15 88 43 87 65 71 69 127 56 71 79 7651 For Justice of Peace, term ending Jan. 1, 1920 William A. Fleet, R 15 122 47 102 /107 72 74 150 114 1^.9 75 1017 William A. Wasson, D 6 20 26 38 93 80 79 80 .116 49 65 192 838 For Justice of Peace,term ending Jan.1, 1918 Henry H. Terry, jr., R 13 67 36 78 88 64 65 .122 102 111 141 887 Elbert E. Luce, D 20 92 47 102 80 80 80 129 49 68 80 827 For Superintendent of Highways, John H. Douglass, R 16 89 67 71 72 46 52 101 77 59 102 752 TAGeorge H. Fleet, D 20 75 30 136 126 115 119 170 90 144 161 1185 �y For Overseers of the Poor, Edward W. Webb, R 12 93 30 80 70 65 56. 89 82 94 145 816 Albert W. Albertson, R 10 94- 21 - 53 56 34 59 176 109 106 144 862 John Hoffman, D 19 69 73 169 159 136 128 125 66 79 81 1104 Frank T. Wells, D 21 35 39 52 55 45 49 109 43 62 70 580 For Collector o B. Dwight Latham, R & D 31 163 90 220 151 109 128 240 148 163 222 1665 For Assessors John H. Brown, R 20 154 57 100 , 97 70 69 144 100 108 151 1070 Irving M. Rogers, R 14 127 75 108 96 48 69 121 93 99 135 985 W Frederick C. Beebe, R& D 22 132 75 145 137 94 116 196 108 130 171 1326 George Henry Terry, R 13 120 38 91 92 60 61 152 118 98 154 997 �r John F. Fanning, R 12 117 36 86 80 59 54 134 104 132 163 977 Luther G. Tuthill, R 16 117 37 80. 79 58 65 128 97 122 186 9851 Samuel H. Tuthill, D 15 17 35 75 61 51 69 111 42 60 61 597: E George W. King, D 14 20 37 68 49 48 67 111 42 57 62 575 4 Andrew J. Case, D 15 23 30 67 66 59 73 138 87 '84 82 724' E]ward L. Tuthill, D 22 22 33 73 55 53 71 117 54 62 85 647 � For Constables _ o Daniel T. Latham, R 13 109 49 83 85 65 60 130 99 107 141 941 PC W. Forrest Conklin, R 11 112 56 116 116 86 84 128 102 102 129 1042 Alfred R. Vail, R 9 96 40 78 86 62 62 198 115 106 126 978 O William E. Bond, R 11 101 27 71 58 49 51 118 98 100 150 834 Edward Gallagher, R 9 92 24 63 56 44 52 108 89 97 144 778 Edward F. Hommel, D 15 64 38 69 57 47 64 113 34 57 52 610 Joseph Shipman, D 15 24 39 83- 88 58 74 106 42 62 61 65,E Frederick E. Booth, D 17 49 39 66 65 41 67 79 37 54 58 572 Daniel McBride, D 15 24 30 57 56 49 67 124 51 79 64 616 John W. Donovan, D 17 25 27' 61 54 47 68 123 55 88 122 687 Saloon Yes- 20 19 25 119 88 105 108 110 81 90 117 882 No / 20 148 72 96 118 59 61 153 95 117 139 1078 Storekeepers _ Yes 18 16 27 116 86 108 110 108 78 88 118 873 No 20 147 70 92 116 54 59 .151 92 117 139 1057 Drug Stores Yes 23 59 45 129 100 112 116 156 100 92 147 1079 No 16 104 52 87 102 47 50 112 69 113 112 864 Hotels Yea 20 17 26 115 93 106 109 116 81 88 128 899 Ne 18 146 71 99 111 55 59 150' 88 115 1 s7 "Aq_ / 71,111 J Twenty -Five Years Ago Town meeting Puouft Plane 124 Also Visited Si d- - -y The tabulated vote of Southold Town Southolders were given the second 1411� for the Town Meeting on Tuesday ap- There were 1,595 votes cast at Townpears elsewhere. The figures tell the airplane surprise of the week whin MeetiAg and it was a very close vote. story. The Republicans elect Town No. 124 made a landing last Thursday, The Demnerats elected Henry A. afternoon in the lot southwest of D. I Reeves Supervisor by 41 majority, and lonClerk, one Justice of the Peace for the W. Grattan's residence. Like No. 121, Lewis W. Korn Town Clerk by 8 ma- shoe term and two Justices for the ;which alighted Tuesday of last week jnrity. They also elected Albertson short terms, all the Assessors, one Ov- g Y ' erseer of Poor, and all the Constables. it remained over night and departed Case Justice of the Peace, William C. The Democrats elect Supervisor, one the next day for the U. S. Aerial 'Sig- I Albertson and S. Truman Preston Justice for long term, one Overseer of nai Corps Station at. Hempstead Plains. Overseers of Poor, Lester Gildersleeve poor and Superintendent of Highways. Thursday morning last, No. 122 passed' Collector and about half of the Con- The candidates for Collector, Consta- over the village flying west, making a I stables. The Republicans elected Jus- ble for Fishers Island, Town Trustees landing at Mattituck. Several others I tice of Peace for Fisher's Island, Ebe- ' 'were observed during the week passing and Town Auditors were on both tick- nezer Clark and John M. Lupton As- ets. to and fro The Republican candidate for Super- . The great aerial activity lessors, Luther B. Cox Commissioner was caused by the report given out by of Highways, and half of the C:)n- visor, Nathaniel S. Tuthill, made a big the keeper of Montauk Point light that stables. T e majority for License was run in the four western districts of the he had seen two large submersibles, 200. Town—Mattituck, Cutchcgne, Peconic considered to be hostile craft, a short We had some of the warmest April and Southoll. Supervisor David W. distance from the point. On account weather on record. Tuthill polled a tremendous vote in the!of cold weather, Plane 124 did 'not get J. B. Fanning purchased of G. F. four districts of Greenport, having 435 away until near noon last Friday. The Hammel his half interest in the brick majority in his home village, and he radiator had to be emptied and refilled store• also made a big run in East Marion, with warm water to get an explosion. The cantata, The Building of the Orient and Fishers Island. When all was in readiness, the pilot and Temple, was given in the Universalist George H. Fleet for Superintendent machinist took their places and the church, under the direction of Mrs. of Highways broke all records in the ship sailed across the grass lot in front Geo. M. Howell. size of his majority, and John Hoffman of W. J. Grattan's residence on a stiff Banner Lodge. I. O. G, T., gave Mr. for Overseer of Poor also ran far ahead beam wind, gaining a velocity of close and Mrs. Alvah S. Terry a reception, of his ticket. to a 30 mile clip, but like a duck it re- Rev. Dr. A. C. Bowdish was reap- As a result of the election, Greenport fused to Boar unless headed in the pointed pastor of the Southold M. E. will have two Justices of the Peace wind's eye, and met a temporary church, after next January, and Orient will not Waterloo when it passed from the At the Demorest Oratorical Silver have a representative on the Town grass lot to a soft wheat field, burying Medal Contest by Southold boys and Board. the wheels and throwing the plane on girls at Mattituck, the prize was won For the first time in over a quarter its head. A great crowd was present and by Theodore M. Shipherd, and Mise Edna Spooner received honorable mere- of a century Southold Town goes dry, the extrication was speedily made. The tion. The majority against saloons is 1961 second getaway, after heading the against storekeepers, 184, and against plane in the wind, was so successfully. Republicans Control Beard hotels, 150. The majority in favor of accomplished that in less than five drug stores is 215. minutes No. 124 had faded from view The Suffolk County Board o€ Super- All the appropriations—$5,000 for on the ieturn tspcamp. This scree ' visors will be Republican by 6 to 4 as a Contingent, $4,000 for Support of Poor plane, the morning before, sailing be- result of Toe=_day's election. The Republicans are J. Clinton Rob- and $1,600 for Board of Health—were fore the wind, had made the wonder - bins, Babylon; `N.. N. Tiffany, East carried by large majorities. The ap- fully fast time from Mineola to Mon- Hampton; Riley P. Howell, Brook- propriation of $6,000 for building a con- tack in 45 minutes, where it scouted haven; John Westerbeke, Islip; A. L. crete bridge on the Westphalia Road, over the ocean. These ships are equipped; Field, Huntington; B. Frank Howell, Mattituck, in place of the present with 90 H. P. eight-cylinder engines. Riverhead, who was elected last fall. bridge, was carried by 125 majority. Archie N. Young of Glen Cove has The Democrats are David W. Tut- The temperance forces on Eastern sold his place on Hommel Av., South- hill', Southold; Charles H. Smith, Long Island won a Lig victory at the old, to Frank L. Wells. Shelter Island; C. H. Redfield, South- Town Meetings on Tuesday. After E H Brown and wife to G R Bid- ampton, and E. H. L. Smith, Smith- Octol,er 31st next Southold, Shelter well lot n s road adl land N Hor town. Island and East Hampton Towns will ton, lot s s road, adj land estate H For the past two years the Board be dry territory. These will be the E Wells, lot on bay, Bay View,nom' only dry towns on Long Island. South- Southold stood 6 Democratic to 4 Republican. amp The Democrats who lost on Tuesday ' voted l again saes wet. Riverhead were Frederick Sheide in Bab Ion b ' voted last fall to continue wet. South- Brooklyn, March 28. 'lhamaa CeSreoll, Y y old Town goes dry by 196 on saloons, formerly of Southold, ager) 63 y Ii 61, and Edgar L. Lewis in. Huntington 150 on hotels, 184 on storekeepers, and' by 46. votes in favor of drug stores by 216. Sheriff Amza W. Biggs has made an This is the first time in yearns that Shelter Island is dry by 73 and East enrollment in the different villages of the Republicans have controlled the Hampton by 60. Southampton is wet Suffolk County for home defense plans. Board. by about 200. These are the only towns in Suffolk County that voted on The enrollment in Southold numbers 24. the license question this evrinw. - - Twenty-Five Years Ago abr'.Ohe April Blizzard %�q John R. Tillinghast tells us that on the day that his father, the late Al- When our farmers went to bed Sun- bert J. Tillinghast, became keeper of J. E Bly added a kitchen to his res- day night they fully expected to go idence. to work planting Horton's Point Lighthouse, May 4, Prin. S. S. Shaw and Misses Brown morning. pIt did nototlooksmuchnlike 1860, it snowed all day. and Bush of the Southold public school it when they woke up. A snow storm The Eastern Long Island Hospital were attending the Teachers' Institute of almost blizzardoueproportions was in progress and we were having one of has been offered to the U. S. Govern- at Riverhead. I ment in case it is needed in time of The Southold Cornet Band elected the heaviest snowfalls of the season. war. the following officers : Leader, D. H. The trains got through all right, but Southold election district Jackson; Asst, Leader, Louis Baumann; were a little late, but Tuesdaymorning gave a Sec., L. P. Wilkinson; Treas., H. M. a snow low had to g majority for timno-le i its is Tuesday, Hawkips;Janitor, Harry Vail. morning train to clear the htrack. f On the for the first time in its history. S. A. Beckwith, S. B. Corey, Gilbert Monday night we had freezing weather Percy Mazzo is manager of the A. H. Terry and E. E. Boisseau were and the thermometer registered 27 & P. store at Southold. elected Trustees of the M. E. church. Tuesday morning, with a strong north- - - - In tearing off the facia of Henry C. west wind blowing. P. J. Mahoney Jr. of Southold is Prince's house, which was being re- Last year there was a 3.3 inch blank- clerking in the A. &P. store here. built by J. E. Corey, the workmen et of the "beautiful" upon April 8-9: found penciled "William Wells, Albert in the preceding year, 1915, Easter I Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., has Prince, J' Payne and E. W. Payne, Day took on the aspect of Christmas +purchased a new Victrola. 1846." The chimney bore the mark, with a 10.2 inch fall of snow on April Henry Kaelin and others, to T C "C. H. Paine, 1846." The house was 3 4, Lnd in 1907 spring was chased off McCaffrey. 12 acres e s Bridge built by Benjamin and Nathaniel Bots- the calendar temporarily by a snowfall lane, adj land C J Hannabury, Pe- seau on the lot now owned by H. W. of 8.5 inches on April 9. Some of our conic nom Simons and was moved to its present oldest residents can remember a severe C-M Sandlands, to D .1 Sand- site in 1829, forty yoke of oxen being snow storm on April 14th. lands, 3 acres n s North roid, adj used. In 1846 a half story was addedland J Costello, Southold nom to it. Railroads Hit Hard TWent�-F1VeearS Ago i The Long Island Railroad, iu its o - c ods Take a Drop /fhZ,� Lam-- S9 7­ February February report, states that it paid T. M. Burke was fireman on the Potatoes fook a 50 cent drop at oat$50,000 in additional wages for noon mail train. the loading centers last Friday stop- the mouths of January and Feb- The Southold Town Board of Health ping at $2.25 a bushel. Th© drop is ruary, in accordance with the pro- organized by electing Supervisor I considered more sensational than visions made by the Adamson Henry A.. Reeves, president; Town was the rise several weeks ago, be- Eight Hour law. Clerk L. W. Korn, secretary; Dr. canhe all of the loaders have been This amount is inclnded in the J. M. Hartranft, health officer, and predicting up to this time that spuds operating expenses for February, Wm. C. Albertson, citizen member. would not go down until the new which were $140,257.50 more than SOUTHOLI) MEN flNg crop was ready for delivery, next the corresponding month of last I '4A;f, /I —�— / 9t/ Angust. Up to Friday last it had year. The net income of the road And Listen to Two Fine Patri6tic Ad- held pretty solidly at$2.75 a bushel, for the month shows an increased dresses Wednesday Even at the drop to $2.25 it was defleit of$120,750 96. The ninth annual Men's Dinner at said that wholesalers in the city Privates Daniel J. Buckley of the Southold, held Wednesday night in were not particularly anxious to the Presbyterian Parish House, was a 89th Co., and Bartlett H. Moore of conspicuous success in every way, and take on many, and some that far the 5th Co., have taken the final Southold may well be proud of the af- mers were carting to Riverhead examination for gunner for 1917. fair. More than 100 men attended, were being placed in storage houses includin some from several different D. J. Buckley passed as 1st C12ss villages outside of Southold. j by the loaders. Gunner and B. H. Moore passed as i The dinner, prepared and served by 1 It is believed by some that the 2nd Class Gunner. Mr. Moore has I the women, was excellent, and the so- market is due for another break also been appointed Clerk in the Ad- cllety of the affair could not be ex- downward, and it is pretty gene r- Mutants Office, Headceequarters Coast To d lled.many the most conspicuous part l I ally admitted that the public in I Artillery Corps, Fort Williams, Me. of the affair were the two very fine', Broukiyn and Manhattan, refusing patriotic addresses delivered by the A flag was flung to the breeze Sun- Rev. Charles S. Tator and Lawyer to eat potatoes when they were Eo day morning in front of the Central Rowland Miles, both of Northport. high, is after all responsible for the Congregational Church,Brooklyn, Rev. Both were in fine fettle and they, found a decidedly responsive audi- lower price level. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, pastor, with enc,. The pacifists were hit hard by impressive ceremonies. An original both men, and both pleaded for moral poem for the occasion by Mrs. Metta and intellectual patriotism, ascarryingwell. Horton Cook was read. i a patriotism to be shown by arms, that America may still lead the nations of the earth. The New York East Conference of I atone. Perishable freight was moved she Methodist Episcopal Church closed Twenty-Five Years Ago m auto trucks. A shuttle train service Tuesday night, when the appointments 4,A 2,, 17. o--- I ran between the wreck and Greenport were read by Bishop Wilson. Those ofAlbert A. Folk of Chicago was visit- all day and on Tuesday a temporary special interest to our readers are: ing Southold friends. track was laid so that the trains could Brooklyn North District—E. G. Miss Anna W. Prince accepted a po- pass by. Of the nine cars which Richardson, District Superintendent. figured in the wreck, only one can sition in one of the schools at Orange, Sumner Av. F. B. Upham, Simpson J. N J be saved. One of the great wonders H. Bell, Corona M. L. G. Proper, D Y. Hallock left for York, Per n , of the wreck is that no one was hurt. Ozone Park W.C.Blakeman, Cutchogue to superintend the making and selling Very fortunately not a brakeman was J. M. Tranmer, Flanders J. V. Wil- of his improved potato diggers. on one of the wrecked cars. It is liams, Greenport T. B. Miller, Matti- The Southold Town Board appointed estimated that the wreck will cost the tuck A. Shrigley,Orient S. C. Johnson., J. P. Rogers Justice of the Peace for railroad $75,000. Riverhead P. E. Edwards, Southold E. Fisher's Island. W. Shrigley. G. F. Hommel and family left for Songs and Tableaux Miss Marion S. Terry of Southold! their new home at Sayville. The program, entitled 1,n Evening of has been engaged as teacher of English John S. Glover and Miss Elmira L. Old-Fashioned Songs and Tableaux, and History in the Southold High Austin were married. given in the Presbyterian church on School for the coming year. Miss Rev. Dr. Whitaker and family''Wednesday evening, was a most charm- rerry is a graduate of the Southold moved to their new home. ing one. It consisted of fourteen num- High School and St. Lawrence Uni- The 73d anniversary of the founding bers, each one of which presented an versify and has had four years' suc- of Odd Fellowship in America was cel- exquisite living picture appropriate to cessful experience as teacher, two ebrated by Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F. the stanza from a popular song that years at Babylon and two years at There was a literary and musical pro- was sung by a soloist or chorus, as the Huntington. gram, and Rev. Abram Conklin of picture was shown. The costuming, Bath, Me., a member of Southold posing, and lighting were beautifully Hicks on Naval Affairs Lodge, made a fine address. effective, and every onlooker and lis- Hon. F. C. Hicks of this District has Thomas Kinton died, aged 77 years. toner, felt at the close of the program, or- been elected a member of the House that the evening had been one of tT Committee on Naval Affairs, one of the d✓inr '� ig Freight Wreck ough refreshment and enjoyment. he person or persons having the arrange- most important committees of Congress. I The biggest freight wreck in the ments in charge, from the patriotic Willard Howell of Southampton, history of the Long Island Railroad pictures, formerly of Southold, has accepted a decorations and setting of theata l p took place Monday morning, when the. down to the last of the many details position with 0. T. Culver of East east-bound freight train was wrecked' necessary in the presentation of tab Quogue. about a mile and a half west of Riv,r leaux, deserve hearty congratulations. M Mott to H Emerson, 85 acres head. The train h ft Caiverton for The program was as follows: Ameri- adj land J Lehr and creNk, lot e s I Riverhead with thirty-nine cars, all i ca I Love You, Mrs. A. W. Albertson meadow, formerly of S .13 Corey. loaded with heavy stuff. At the point Miss Isabel lot meadow adj land hfirs H C and chorus; Ben Bolt, M Richmond, and other trac!s, Indian of the wreck the rear trucks on a Boisseau, Miss Mary Conklin; Annie Neck nom manure car broke clear, letting the Laurie, Miss Emma Christiansen, Miss Anna Hummel to 0 W Young, end of the car drop to the tracks. This Edith Prince; Tipperary, Miss Murlin lot n s Hummel avenue, 130 ft to acted as a buffer, and the heavy cars Young and chorus; Mother Machree, I Boisseau avenue, Southold nom following piled up on top of one an- Miss Schwarzbach, Miss Conklin; The 0 W Young and wife, to Anna other or turned somersault. A tank Hummel, lot n s Hummel avenue, Puritan Maid, Miss Jennie Albertson, 80 ft to Boisseau avenue, Southold nom car of road oil for Riverhead pitchpoled Miss Conklin; Jaanita, Miss Ethel Same to P L Wells, lot n s Hum- sixteen feet clear of the track. A car- Case, Miss Boisseau, Miss Ruth Hum- mel avenue, 86 ft to Boisseau ave- load of bluestone screenings was brok- mel;The Rosary, Miss Caroline Taylor, nue, Southold nom en in two. Still another heavy car Miss Conklin; Drink to Me Only With of the same substance forced its way I A daughter,Shirley Arlein Fisher, I`Chine Eyes, Miss Vera Terry, Miss arrived to gladden the home of Mr. beneath a still heavier car of fertilizer, I lifting the latter high in the air, and Prince; Kathleen Mavourneen, Miss and Mrs. Henry Fisher on Friday, bowling over a carload of oats on top 'Frances Booth, Miss Prince; From the April 6. of the tank car of oil. The carloads of Land of the Sky Blue Water, Miss Helen Payne, Miss Conklin; Sweet and A daughter,Marion, was born to bluestone screenings were being Low, Miss Frieda Williams; The Gypsy Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan T. Overton shipped to A. H. Cosden of Southold. i Love Song, Miss Dorothy Van Wyck, on Monday. Xt-a�' q A carload of coal was turned upside Miss Conklin; The Star Spangled Ban- down, spilling fifty tons down an em- nor, Mrs. Albertson and chorus. Peconic, April 14, Mrs. Harriet N., bankment. A carload of pickle barrels widow of Benjamin B. Corey, aged 82 S. Elton Booth has been promoted to ears, 5 months. Interment at Willow Jumped on top of the coal and slid off Y Junior Assistant Engineer, Grade 1, in Hill Cemetery. on the opposite side of the track. Still again on the far side of the wreck the service of New York State. Elton Peter Mahoney, Jr., is clerking for another carload of fertilizer scrambled 'has the stuff in him and is making the A. & P. at Greenport up on top of the broken cars of blue- good. G � 1 Southold Fire District ticket receiving the endorsement of , both companies. Nat E. Booth was 'Iwenyt•,v-Five Years Ago 1 The annual meeting of the Southold the nominee of Eagle Hook and Ladder i` .z. / ° I/ Fire District was held at the rooms of Co. for re-election, and Michael J. B. Fanning and family were set- Protection Engine Co. last Saturday Purcell was the candidate of Protec- tied in their new home. evening. Commissioner Geo. C. Terry tion Engine Co. Whole number of was called to the chair, and Clerk S. L. Arthur T. Downs of the Boston Con- Bennett recorded. voMr. Booth received 38 tes cast for Chief 38 aand nMr.of which Pur- servator y of Music was home for the d Lewis W. Korn and Wm. R. New- summer. bold were appointed tel!ers. i cell 17. Israel P. Terry, of Protection Engine The Board of Excise organized by Geo. C. Terry was re-elected Fire electing Beuj. R. Griffing, chairman, receiving was elected Assistant Engineer, and Charles G. Core secreta Commissioner for three years; H. H. y, Y• Huntting was re-elected Treasurer for receiving is votes, and Mr. Purcell, 1. A. T. Dickerson, also of Protection, bertaon Case was elected counsel. three years,,as was also S. L. Bennett, was re-elected Secretary by 46 votes. r Clerk, for one year. L. W. Korn, of Eagle Hook and Lad- Prizes for Vegetable Gardens The appropriation of $400, as asked der Co., received 44 votes and was re- by the Commissioners, was voted. The elected Treasurer. A prize of$25 has been offered to the location of one fire well, to be builtboy or girl of Southold or Peconic this year,was left at the discretion of Cigars were in evidence after ad- under 19 years of age, who can show the Fire Commissioners. tion. journment and all smoked on the else- the largest and best garden of veg- It was voted that hereafter the die- etables by the middle of September. trice furnish a printed ballot containing Rev. E. W. Shrigley, the new pastor There will also be a second prize of the names of nominees of both fire of the M. E. church, filled his pulpit on $15, and a third prize of $10. Any companies for the annual election of Sunday and made an excellent im- three of the following vegetables may Fire Department officers. pression on his hearers. be selected: Beans, beets, onions, Floyd Ruland of Mattituck is build- I turnips, squash, celery, potatoes, or Southold fire Department ing a bungalow for Capt. Henry M. I any other vegetable of good keeping Wines at Town Harbor. quality, Except cabbage, cauliflower or The annual meeting of the Southold ' — -- — sprouts. Fire Department was held at the rooms Southold, April 21, by Rev. H. E. The chief points to be considered will of Protection Engina Co. last Saturday Marsland, James Edward Reney of be the quanti y of vegetables produced evening. Chief Nat E. Booth resided Sag Harbor and Mrs. Theresa Ann and the average quality of the product, P Davis of Southold. q Y and H. W. Simons recorded in the ab- rather than the unusual size of any sones of Secretary Dickerson. Southold, April 22, Helen E. dau.h-I Y ter of Mr. and Mrs. William N. Care Particular specimens. The report of Treasurer L W. Korn aged 4 months. y� Those wishing to compete for the showed a balance of $29.57 on hand, • Greenport, April 20, Parker P. prize must send in their names to Prin. which amount it was voted to divide'Moore, aged 81 years. Interment at A. W. Symonds before July 4,h. Get between the two companies. Cutebogue. busy right away ! I Chief Booth reported only one fire L. 1. Potato Crop Board of Health during the year, and the fire wells in The enthusiasm stimulated by the gond condition, with the exception of That everything may be done to re- the one in front of the d=u store efforts of the Long Island Food Re- Y g Y P g serve Battativn has increased the area vent Infantile Paralysis and diseases of t.,e highest point of water in it for some planted in potatoes on Long Island this the intestinal tract, the Board of time not being greater than two- Health of the Town of Southold has thirds full. He recommended the year not leas than 50 per cent. There directed the Health Officer yo enforce purchase of 150 feet of new hose, ex- will be over 30,000 acres planted in the law regarding the closing or f orc- panders and wrenches, which was potatoes this season, and with an aver- ing of the contents ofriivies so as voted, and the Commissioners will be age yield there should be a harvest of to exclude flies. P asked to furnish same. 5,000,000 bushels. Householders and owners of property Motion was carried that a co mittee Everyone is urged to put in a big P P Y of one from each company be appointed arca of corn and beans and buckwheat, are notified that uriL ss on or before June 15th 1917 such n y There is ample time to prepare for , privies as may to cr.nfer with the Fire Commissioners after nominations were made and Pre- these crops, and Long Island soil aedbe on their property are properly pare a printed ballot containingthe climate are well adapted for their cleaned out and so closed or screened growth. tickets of both companies for the else- from the contents, they will be liable The Long Island Food Re- that flies shall thereafter be excluded tion of Department officers. Chief a _ serve Battalion has been offered over P 2 400 acres, much of which has al- R S. Sturges. to arrest and fine. pointed as committee, L. W. Korn and ready been taken and much of which F. D. PETERSON, Health Officer A. W. Albertson was re-elected Ir-- will be planted is corn. Peconic, April 24, George H. Prince, Spector of Election, and F. K. Terry, Wm. A.Wells,who recently passed aged 58 years. Clerk. a Civil Service examination, is now Cutchogue, April 17, Richard, son of Fred Dietz, aged 1 year. April 24, Chas. S. Weeks, The only contest of the election was employed in the U. S. Weather Bur- Y on Chief Engineer, the balance of the eau at St. Joseph, Mo. I formerly of Southold, Cha 68 years. School Notes I Annual School Meeting Tweuq-Flu. Years Ago 'The following pupils of the Southold The Annual School Meeting of Dist. P`t-�/ t o- I if'9Z High School obtained an average No. 5 was held in the school house Alvin Booth was clerking for Adam 85 or more during the third quarterer Tuesday evening. Owing to the achonmann of Greenport. of the school year. The Board of Assessors elec`e l Mar- thunder storm which came up just about time � First Grade e to brgin there were very cus B. Blown, chairman, and Charles Clinton Terry, 95, Doris Williams 94, few present. Meeting was called to E. Overton and John M. Ludton,clerks. Corey Albertson 94, Willian Boerges-� order by J. N. Hallock, President of The pound fishermen had their nets son 93, Thelma Case 91, Ernest Dicker- the Board of Education, and on motion I set. son 89, Henrietta Fickeissen 87, Eu- Mr. Hallock was, elected chairman. I Southold Lodge was admitted t gene Gagen 87, Antone Grigoris 86, Secretary Wm. H. Terry recorded, and membership in the Long Island I O.O.. Ulian Stelzer 85, Joseph Butler 85. M. I. Booth and'D. H. Horton were I F. Home Association. Second Grade I appointed tellers. The minutes of the R. S. Sturges was building a resi- Flora Albertson 97, Harriet Dicker-' last meeting were read and accepted. I dente for A. F. Lnwerre. son 91, Catherine Grattan 89, Bernice The report of Treasurer A. T. Dicker- Arbor Day was observed by the pu- Srmons 85, Joseph Bond 94, Robert son was read and accepted. It showed Pils of the public school. Carroll 88, Leslie Noxon 93, Erwin total receipts for the year ending April t,� Terry 91, William Zebroska 86, Avis 1, 1917, of $12,110 96, and total pay- Willowdale Bishop 93, Martha Gallagher 94 ments of $11,142 90 leaving a balance �`"'J ' g A lowded house greeted the present- Clarice Prince 95, A•na Vojik 93, on hand of$968.06. The bonds remain- ,ing of Willowdale at Belmont Hall on Frederick Bjidge 89, Frederick Kart ing unpaid are $6,300. The report of Wednesday evening. The members of 85, Daniel Smith 93, Clifford Tilling- R. S. Sturges, Treasurer of the Free the cast included Leo Thompson, Jay hast 88. Library, was read and accepted. The Glover, Frank Gagen, Corey Albertson, Third Grade list of teachers and their salaries was Richard Hodgins, Kathryn Butler 88, Ellen Grigoris 92, read. The estimated expenses for g William Gagen, Fred Mar Strasser 89, David Lehr 86 P JenVi`g;�, Elsie McMann, Marguerite Y , running the school for the ensuing year Howell, Josephine Grattan, Mrs. Julia Steve Romanski 91, Francis Gallagher are $10,537 16, including $400 for the 87, Marion Carey 89, Virginia Malm- Public Library, and the estimated re- Conklin, Doris Hagerman, Mrs. Daisy bor 87 Mar Nierodzik 91 Frederick Prince, Mrs. F. Fickeissen, C. H. Tut- g Y ceipts are$1,673, leaving $8,864.16 to hill and W. R. Newbold. Two tab- Prince 89, Anna Noxon 90, Antone Cy- be rased by tax. The budget was leaux, Ilia Living Flag and Red Cross, bulski 86. unanimously voted. William H. Terry,` were Fourth Grade E. Ernest Boisseau and Daniel H. given by the children, and a drill e Robert Carroll 96, Helen Thompson Horton were elected members el the Let's all be Americans Now," was 95, Helen Boisseau 89, Anna Shields 92, given by eight young lvdies. The en- Board of Education for three years. tertainment was given by the L. V. 1. Helen Wells 88, Marion Albertson 88, George M. Howell and Henry . Annie Zebroska 87, James Ebbitts 85, y S. for the Red Cross, and was under Prince, the retiring members, have the direcli..m of Mrs. Margie Walle Arthur Gagen 95, Alma Marsland 93, served long and faithfully on the Rita Dickerson 89, Catherine Thomp- Jennings. With such a capable direc- Board, but they declined a re-election. son 89, Hazel Baumann 88, Hattie tor, the entertainment was sure to be Hawkes 88, Winifred Gagen 85,Jerome ROBBINS ISLAND SOLD j a big suttees, as it surely was in every Conway 85. Because the members of the Rob- way. All took their parts exceedingly Fifth Grade bins Island Club do not appear to well. The only criticism heard is Jennie Albertson 91, Charlotte '.ongor care for the recreation offered, favorable criticism. Southold has lots Stelzer 88, John Purcell 89. the directors have decided to sell the of fine dramatic talent. The entertain- land to Howard Marshall for $95; ment will be repeated Thursday Sixth Grade 000, and the court has approved the P y even- Catherine Cogan 86, Mary Kelly 85, sale. ing, May 10. Pay Dickerson 85, Mamie Vojik 86, j The club was organized in 1881, rurchasing the large island near New At the meeting of Banner Lo3ge Theresa Fielder 86, Gertrude Koke 89, I Suffolk, and erecting a club house, of Good Templars last Friday even- Marjorie Hagerman 88. I which has since been maintained Seventh Grade principally for shooting privileges. It ing, it was decided to disband and 'make that the new owner will surrender the charter. Helen Booth 85, Bennie Horton 86, make the island a large private game Eugene Lehr 91, Thomas Hall 89;, rreserve. I H. H. Huntting has presented Beatrice Hodgins 90, Herbert Wells 85 Southold Lodge, I. O. O. F., with an Eighth Grade the wireless station of Robert J. Freeman of Southampton, formerly American Flag. Ethel Jones 85, Helen Terry 86. High School of Southold, has been added to the H. R. Vail has entered the employ of Isabel Boisseau 86, Irma Horton 87. stations of the American Radio the Blies-Levitt Torpedo Co. at Sag League. His designated wireless Harbor. Perfect Attendance New Suffolk, April 26, Benjamin F. number is 2-A-P-Z. Freeman is a Harry Carroll, Lucy Kanold, Nora Webb, son of the late Capt. Benjamin Carroll, Helen Terry, Dorothy Van colored man, and is legless, both his,i Emlen and Amanda DeWitt Webb, Wyck, Roy Wilkinson, Joseph Roman- limbs having been cut off by a rail- I aged 74 years, 9 days. ski, Frederick Prince, Ray Dickerson. road train. N. Y. City, May 3. JudgJoseph M. Belford of Riverhead, where e interment ook place, aged 64 years, 9 months. Twenty-Five Year, Ago The summary: The people of this community Z SOUTHOLD were greatly shocked on Monday R. S. Sturges was making extensive ab r h o a e morning to learn that Frank Hamil- improvements to Mrs. Fmma Tuthill's Terry r f 4 1 1 0 0 0 ton had committed suicide sometime residence. Booth i f 4 1 2 1 0 0 during the previous night by hang- Prince s s 5 2 2 1 4 1 J. E. Corey contracted to build aCochran c 3 0 ""`T 8 0 0 ing himself in the barn of his broth- house for Seth L. Tuthill. Richmond 3 b 3 1 0 1 3 0 er-in-law, Tuen's hergen,with whom The Presbyterian parsonage barn, Grathwobl 1 b 3 1 2 10 1 0 I he had lived. Mr. Hamilton was including its contents, was burned. Turner r f 4 1 2 2 1 0 well liked by everyone and was a At the annual meeting of the Suffolk Glover 2 b 4 0 1 3 4 0 good citizen. Although he had been County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Salmon p 4 0 0 1 1 0 totally deaf for many years as a re- Jonathan B. Terry was elected presi- — 7 — — — 1 sult of scarlet fever, he seemed hap- dent and treasurer; 'esse G. Case, ORIENT PY and contented, and no reason can vice president; Silas F. Overton, sec- retary, and Nathan D.Petty, attorney. ab r h o a e be given for his act. He was 44 Ransom Cook and Miss bletta Horton Demorest s s 4 0 1 0 2 0 Years of age and a bachelor. Funer- H. Terry c 5 0 0 10 1 0 al services were held on Wednesday were married. Fleet p 5 0 1 1 1 1 afternoon, the Rev. E. W. Shrigley East End League Luce c f 3 1 1 3 0 0 officiating. Miller i f 2 2 1 1 1 0 Fares Will Increase League Records Davids 1 b 3 1 1 4 0 1 Won Lost P.0. W. Terry 3 b 3 1 1 3 2 0 Effective June 1, 1917, the Long Nine Southold 1 0 1000 Case 2 b 4 0 2 2 1 0 Island Railroad Company's fares for Shelter Island . . . . 0 0 000 Haberman r f 4 0 0 0 0 0 round-trip tickets, between points in Riverhead 0 0 000 —1 33 6 8 — Greater New York City and points Mattituck . . . . . . 0 0 000 on its line outside thereof, will be in- Greenport . . . . . 0 0 000 Scg 2 ore by innings creased substsntial'y J cent a mile. Orient . . . . . . . . 0 1 000 Southold 1 2 1 0 2 0 1 0 x-7 Effective May 25, 1917, this road's Orient 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-5 fares for the transportation of parties RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK Two-base bits— Prince, Cochran, traveling together are increased from Southold 7, Orient 5 � /�% Case, Miller. Stolen bases—Miller, basis of 2 c_nts a mile per capita to 21 Davids, W. Terry 2, Case, I. Terry 2, cents a mile per capita, and effective Mattituck-Shelter Is and—rain Booth, Cochran, Rithmond, Turner, May 28, 1917, its 10, 20, and 50 trip Riverhead-Greenport—rain Glover. Struck out—by Salmon 6, ticket fares between points outside of by Fleet 8. Base on balls—off Salmon A fair attendance was out to witness 5, off Fleet 3. Passed balls—Terry 5, Greater New York and points therein the first League game of the season at Cochran 1. Hit by pitcher—I. Terry, are increased. Richmond, Luce. Double plays— Southold last Saturday between the Prince, Glover and Grathwohl, Prince, A halibut weighing 250 pounds was home nine and Orient, which was the Grathwohl and Cochran. Left on bases caught Wednesday morning at Mon- -Southold 7, Orient 6. First base on tauk b Mon- only game pulled out of a showery af- Y E. B. Tuthill and that after- ternoon, and was won by Southold in errors—Southold 2, Orient 1. Umpire, noon arrived here, says the Bay Shore Mr. Burt. Journal. In less than two days this a score of 7 to 5, as was predestined wonderful fish was sold to the retail when these two nines clash. It has Peter Wyckoff of Mattituck, comes trade by John Stewart's sea food mar- been an unfailing habit of Orient to out with a statement which is ex- ket, many coming back for the second put up a good game and drop it. This tremely interesting if there is any helping. This is the first fish of the jinx has followed that nine against Proof behind it, says an exchange. kind caught in Long Island waters for He claims that he can with an ordi- the past fifty-six years. It was the Southold through four seasons—the nary oil barrel grow enough vege- wonder of all who saw it before it was life of the League—and Saturday's re- tables to keep two people all one sea- cut up for private consumption. sult appears to be the forerunner (f son. He bores the barrel full of inch 1917. and a half holes about four inches 4 Potato Shipments Over j When Southold and Orient went into apart, stands the barrel up and fills it 1 Southern potatoes are now arriv-j with good garden soil, flush to the action in the opener, it was noticed top. In each hole and in the top, lug in the New York markets,i that both clubs had made a swipe from which is left open, he plants seeds. which practically Buds the shipping The barrel can be placed on a swivel the defunct Cutchogue nine. Fleet season of the Long Island farmers.� so it can be turned about in order to I was on the hill slanting 'em over for let every side receive some sun. Peter The crops have been practically sold, Orient. Case was gyrating around the says there is a secret connected with only a few bushels remain. The second corner, while the venerable the plan which he will disclose to any price dropped on these last week Davids held a deed for the initial sack. one upon the receipt of a quarter. He Southold secured Grathwohl for first was at one time known on Long Isl- from$3.25 to$2.50. and as the star pitcher for the Mat- base, and we opine he will hold it with tituck baseball nine. We have heard In the Intercollegiate Short Story much credit to himself and added of successfully raising strawberries Contest, held annually, Ann Hallock strength to the nine. Richmond, alio this way. Peter doesn't say how he of Vassar '18, tied for first place with of Cutchogue, should fill a weak spat gets his onions,beets and potatoes out Amherst. Vassar ako won first place through the inch and a half holes. at third since the exit of Jack Turner. in Dramatic Writing. 7&F1MMMW_"_ C Amer Weather G R Bidwell to B V Bidwell, 41J GREAT IS SUFFOLK acres n s road, adj land Nancy .Th e coy. spring is over. The Weath-(Horton; 32.55 acres s s road, adj She Leads With Potatoes and Goes to Burea ' has announced that thelland estate S A Dayton and other the Head With Poultry earar-e of "the summer type of I tracts, Southold nomexffe distribution" indicated warm- M A Horton to Borough Bank of To Prof. Geo. A. Brown, formerly There is no probak:iiity of grookl n, lot n s Main St, adj ]and of the Riverhead High School, and for !return to unreasonably low temper- y several years past principal of the G B Horton, New Suffolk nom school at Amityville, we are indebted (tures for some time to come, it de for some comment on the recent agri- ilares. T Farley and wife to J W Stokes, cultural census of the State of New WAS NEARLY 100 !ot n s Main st, adj Horton's lane, York, taken by nearly 100,000 school Capt. William T. Terry died at his Southold nom' students and now being distributed home in Orient last week aged 99Same to F K Terry, lot n s Main with a minimum cost to the State. He years and 6 months. For many yearsI st, di Norton's Lane, Southold num says: this census, Suffolk County he was an enthusiastic Prohibitionist. stands as one of the greatest agricul- Up to within a short time of his death Miss Beatrice Jeannette, daughter of tural counties in the State. In the he had enjoyed remarkable health. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter of year 1916, she leads all the counties in Last fall he walked a considerable Brooklyn, was married to Jack Lindsay the production of potatoes, 3,110,136 distance to the polls to vote. He fully Castle on May 3d, at Brooklyn. The bushels; her nearest competitor is expected to live to be 100 years old, bride and groom will spend the week- Monroe County with 1,066,657 bush- but he suffered an illness last week End at the home of the bride's els. In the number of ducks on hand, that was too much for his aged frame grand- Jan. 1, 1916, she leads with 116,325, or ' to stand. He is survived by a son and mother, Mrs. J. Carpenter, and will eight times as many as her nearest com- Ia daughter. visit their many friends in Southold. I petitor, Onondaga County. She also p Cat License Bill Killed Bcrc:ugh Bank of Brooklyn to J leads in geese. In the number of B Roache, lqt s s King st, adj land chickens on hand, Jan. 1, 1916, she The Robinson cat bill has been i leads with 488,391 against her nearest G B Horton, New Suffolk $2,750'I competitor, St. Lawrence, with 399,- killed in the Assembly Rules Cote- 023, thus malting four agricultural mittee. The measure sought to Southold, May 5, Frank Troian, aged commodities in which Suffolk County provide that every cat be licensed, I 2 1 years. Burial in Polish cemetery, heads the list. In the production of Cutchogue. 1 corn, she ranks fifth, producing 415,- the owner to pay a 35 cent fee. The 541 bushels (shelled) This census measure had Passed the Senate. Southold, May 15, Jennie Wells, wife ,gives Long Island, Suffolk and Nas- of Henry W. Prince, in her 73d year. sau Counties credit for producing al- It is repo-,ted from Port Jefferson Southold, May 13, Frank Hamilton, most one-fifth of the potatoes pro- that last year a man harvested 600 aged 43 years, 10 months. Interment duced in this State. bushels of turnips from 1% acres, at Cutchogue. I, which he sold for $416, and that it 1'Went The Canning S ecial I cost him just $62.50 for rent of land, Q-Ftve Years Ago P seed and labor to produce and market ii4 0 The Canning Special of the Long the crop, leaving a net profit of', Benjamin Horton caught 2,000 weak- Island Food Reserve Battalion stopped $353.50. Makes Wall street look like at this station Wednesday morning, aiker. fish in his pounds one morning. p New carpets were placed in the Pres- from 9 to 10 o'clock, on the third day On Saturday, May 26, Mrs. Louis byterian church. of its tour of Long Island, and was N. Sanford will open an ice cream An easterly storm played havoc with welcomed by a large company of parlor in her residence on Main st. the pounds in our bays, Capt. Wm, women and a few men. Much valuable iShe will serve Fussell's cream. M. Maynard's s'oop p Har parted her information was given by the corps of Mrs. M. V. Roberts has consented to chain and came ashore. able speakers on the train and we do shampooing at 50 cents per person Rev. George D. Miller of Union expect that the women of Southold willcan large quantities of vegetables, and will donate half the proceeds to Theological Seminary was insta!led as as well as fruits, this year, as a result the Red Cross work, pastor of the Presbyterian church. of the talks Wednesday morning. Mrs. Abigail Davis died, aged 92 From here the special went to Mat- Louie Des Rosier and family have)years. ` Mat- rented the tenement house of A. M.� -- tituck, where an hour's stop was made. Salmon on Railroad Av. East End League On Tuesday evening the train was at Greenport. Mrs.Andrea, Mrs. Snyder, E. D. Cahoon is serving as a juror at i � League Records Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Hearn and Mrs the term of Supreme Court at Rivei- Nine won Lost P.d. Fullerton were the demonstrators. head this week. I Shelter Island . . . . 1 0 1000 Joseph Bennett has the position of Greenport . . . . . . 1 0 1000 It isaid that the trainmen are ens 1 foremen of B. V. Bidwell's farm at Southold . . . . . . . 1 1 500 mantlee d to see to it that passengers Orient . . . . . 1 1 500 keep their feet off of the seat ahead, Riverhead . . . . . . 0 1 000 Bay View. explaining that it is unsanitary—espe- Mrs. Annie A. Spooner has rented Mattituck ciall 0 1 000 y for the fellow who comes along the east part of 0. L. Wells' house. �„�A to occupy the plush after your feet ---- - RESULTS OF GAMESLASTWEEK have been there. 0 B Goldsmith and ore, to S Shelter Island 1,Riverhead 0(13 innings) I Brooklyn, May 24, Mrs. Sarah Elmer Harns lot w s DFpot lane, ad land Jenkins,a summer resident of Paradise G F Aldiich near Cutchogue nom Greenport 8, Southold 3 point. Orient 6. Mattituck 4 — ---- ----�-W�-=may- New York Stock Exchange. The record high price for a seat on Towns that have once had local op- Decoration Day Exercises the New York Stock Exchange was tion and have decided to become"wet" $95,000 in 1905 and again in 1306. In again, are to be regulated even more Edward Huntting Post, G. A. R., 19116 the highest price paid was$75,000, drast;cally, the number of saloors held its Decoration Day exercises at the lowest $60,000. In 1915 the high- there beinn limited to one for every Greenport this year. The members of est price was $74,000 and the lowest 750 of population. the Post, the Greenport Home Guard, $38,000. In 1914 the highest price was In Suffolk County it is understood the Greenport Red Cross and the $55,000; in 1913, $53,000; in 1912, $74,- that 150 saloons will be eliminated. school children marched from the Post 000; in 1911, $73,000; in 1910, $94,000, Islip can have bit 33 instead of 52 and the same price in 1909. The low- room to the Soldiers' Monument,where est price in the last twenty-flue years saloons; Brookhaven 38, instead of 49; the G. A. R. ritual was carried out. i was$14,000, paid in 1836. Riverhead 12, instead of 19; South.-,The children decorated the monument Paradise Point will open for the ampton 26, instead of 42; Huntington'with flowers; Rev. T. B. Miller of the season 1917 on Decoration Day, May 30, instead of 46; Smithtown 8, in- M. E. church gave a splendid patriotic s30,eason Mrs. Gaynor will be prepared stead of 17; Babylon 20, instead of 49. address, and Prin. S. S. Travis read to serve shore dinners, clam bakes, Southold, Shelter Isl ind and East Lincoln's immortal Address at Gettys- etc., for which she is so justly famous. Hampton will be dry after Odtober 1st, burg. There is a fine road to the Pointnow the Towns having voted so at the last �, R. R. Train Service and the dock has been fixed up so that Town Meeting. boats can land. Try one of Mrs. Gay- Twenty-Five Years Ago The spring timetable of the Long nor's dinners, and you will be sure Island Railroad, which went into effect to come again. The aim of the man- ti-c' OZ Monday, is fully equal to that of last agement is to please. Tl.e Teachers' Association met at year, and there is a decrease in the Miss Edna Cahoon underwent an op- Southold Academy. running time of some'of the express eratioi} for appendicitis at Philadelphia Memorial services were held in the trains. The company has added over on Monday. Very favorable reports M. E. church Sunday evening. Rev. $1,000in- on cluding t tnew equipment this year,twenty-five all-steel passenger are received as to her progress toward i Dr. A. C. Bowdish gave an address on cars now here and twenty-five more on recovery, we are very happy to state. The Immortality of Truth; Rev.George the way. It is to have a large increase Mr. and Mrs. Cahoon are with their D. Miller offered prayer; Rev. E. A. in its electric power equipment at the daughter. Horton read the Scriptures, and music big main power house in Long Island I Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Searle of Ro- was furnished by the choir. City. chester, N. Y., are occupying J. N_ The Decoration Day exercises of Brooklyn, May 21, Charles Plummer Hallock's Southold residence this sum- Edward Huntting Post, G. A. R., were Burr and Miss Grace Gage,daughter of mer. Mr. Hallock and family are at held in 'the M. E. church, Southold. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Casilear, form- Cabin-Paradise. Comrade D. T. Conklin presided. The erly of Peconic. The Ladies' Village Improvement music was under the direction of Prof. Greenport, May 17, by Rev. H. L. D. P. Horton. The large union choir Rice, Joseph Walters of Southold and Society will discontinue their work of Mica Elsie Mav Adams of Greenport. taking care of plots in the Presbyte- rendered beautiful music. The Scrip- riancemetery. tures were read by Rev. George D. I of Provost, Va., May 20, Mary I Miller, Rev. E. A. Horton offered , wife hold.John J. Howell, formerly Per order of the Society prayer. Recitatio is were given by Lot owners in the Presbyterian Cem- Misses Flora Sterling and Grace Payne. Twenty-Five Years Ago etery who wish their lots mowed this Rev. Dr. Epher Whitaker read an or- summer can ascertain price by notify- iginsl poem. Rev. Dr. A. C. Bowdish ing A. T. Dickerson. was the orator of the day and gave an Presiding Elder W. H. Wardell Nearly half the saloons in Suffolk eloquent and patriotic address. He was preached in the M. E. church. and Nassau Counties and a like pro- a Chaplain in the Army. Dr. Wm. H. Van Nostrand opened portion throughout other rural com- The Board df. Excise placed the li- a dental office here. munities in the State, will be put out cense fees as follows : Hotels, $126; Suffolk County Lodge, 1. O. G. T., of business by a new and drastic liquor saloon°, $126; ale and beer, $48; store- met with Banner Lodge. law passed in the closing hours of the keepers, $126; druggists, $20. The sum Mrs. George M. Howell opened a last Legislature. of$2,240 34 was taken in at the meet- summer singing class. Under this act, which is known as ing. Miss Mildred Cox graduated with the Brown law, only one saloon is per- - honors as a trained nurse from the Nas- mitted for each 500 population inhabi- Our pound fishermen report very sau Hospital, Mineola, on Wednesday tants in communities of less than 55,- poor catches. Pound fishing in Peconic evening, June 6, and will return to her 000 population. Bay is not what it was when the editor Town Boards in Suffolk County have was a boy. home later in the summer. been instructed to appoint immediate- Frank L. Wells has a fine position as I Miss Anita Gomez has been r ,lit- i ] y committees of three taxpayers each ed from the Civil Service eligble list to determine what saloons in each superintendent of a gentleman's estate ypewriter co py y as t ist in the Count at Roslyn. Clerk's office. town shalt be allowed to survive after October 1st next. standard, Southold is to be congratu- Southold's defeat by 2 to 6. Cochran, School Units lated on what it has needed for a long who was injured in the double-header According to the new Education Law, time-a first-class tea-room, centrally on Decoration Day, has been out of the game with a badly wrenched ankle, Supt. P. B. Matthews has divided located. It will be just the place, with and bide fair to remain out for a few Southold Town into two school units. its cool rooms and porch and shady l lawn, during Chautauqua week, for games to come. Moffat has been doing School unit No. 1 will comprise the k territory now included in union free persons to go, who wish to remain from all the backstopping sinco "Pink" was placed hors dcombat, and ll school district No. 2, Orient, and dis- afternoon to evening service, and get s we bless tricts 1, Orient Point, 3, East Marion, their suppers; as well as just the place Frank for so willingly jumping g , Fisher's Island, and 13, Araha- for the towns-people to drop in any into 4the breach and filling the berth as 4, Fish e. time during the summer when they well as he could; but Southold is slip- School unit No. 2, will comprise the would escape getting formal meals, and ping, slipping, and there is no denying have served in their place, wholesome, the fact that Carlis:e'a absence behind territory now included in union free ' school district No. 9, Mattituck, and delicious teas or lunches. Mrs. San- the enemy's bat is sadly felt. At a districts 6, Bay View, 7 Peconic, 8, ford will take orders also for basket meeting of the League managers at East Cutchogue, 11, Laurel, 12, Cut- lunches. Prices are very reasonable. Greenport on June 4, Southold's pre- dicament was stated, that we were chogue, 14, Oregon, and 15, New Suf- TweIlty-Flue Years Ago without a catcher, and the meeting folk. saw our plight and gave permission for School districts No. 5, Southold, and (/.%,a) ° �5_9 �-- Southold to secure from anywhere out- 10, Greenport, having a population of Wm. 11. Morgan and family left for side a good amateur catcher, and even over 1500, are not affected by the new their future home at Ocola, Fla. recommended "Whitey" Pulver of law, and will continue as they are at M. B. Van Dusen sold the Patchogue Sag Harbor until Southold got back on Present. Advance to James A. Canfield. its feet by the services of Cochran, or Patterson &Sayre ran the 25 pas- At the Annual Parish Meeting of the Mitey" Glover, who is attending senger bus on their #�econic trip Universalist church, Rev. E. A. Hor- college. It does not look well for this Wednesday night for the first time. ton was invited to continua his pastoral burgh's ball nine to be flopping down rhey will soon go on their regular relat}ons another year. in the shadow of other town's stick summerschedule. The size of the Clinton Burling of N. Y. Cicy oc- athletes, after having once won a pen- new bus ought to make travel in it cupied the Presbyterian parsonage and nant and at another time tieing River- very comfortable and this service of had a class of boys under his charge. these accommodating gentlemen head at the close of the season for the they popular. Prin. S. S. Shaw and Misses Brown second flag, which we didn't get, be.. and Bush were re-engaged as teachers cause the imported umpire was "un- Mr. and Mrs. Fleming and daughter of our public school. beatable," and not the Riverhead nine. of Plainfield, N. J., will occupy Mrs. Steamer Montauk was put on the It may be good judgment, and again it Elsie Williams' cottage at the bay this route and we now had a daily boat may be loggerheadness - we don't to the city. know which—but there did arise a summer. A Demorest Silver Medal Oratorical little division of opinion among mem- Mise Miriam A. Fickeissen, daughter Contest was held here. The contest- bers of the Southold club on the matter of F. Fi ckeissen, was married to Wil- ants were John H. Lehr, Henry R. of getting a catcher for a few games, liam B. Clayton at Christ Episcof al Shipherd, Harry M. Payne, Sereno H. with the result that the opposition won. church, Pompton Lake, N. J., on April Smith, William Billard, Fred K. Terry, and Southold—lost. And we are still 15th. Mr. Clayton is a Sergt ant in the Charles T. Gordon and Theodore M. slipping. Hurry up, "Pink," and pull 23d Regiment of Brooklyn. He was on Shipherd. The prize was awarded to that leg together; we want your the Mexican border through the winter The, M. Shipherd, Henry R. Ship- throwing wing to bases and all your and is now in service somewhere in this herd receiving honorable mention. efforts with the hickory. state. Mrs. Ann Kettle died, aged 52 years. Southold, June 2, at the residence of - T.@&�°"ue RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK the bride's parents, by Rev. Ira W. bast find 41-c" OK, Milton Reeve Mattituck 6, Southold 2 Henderson of Brooklyn Greenport 8, Shelter Island 3 Terry and Miss Caroline Loui Tadlo. _ League Recor s Riverhead 7, Orient 2 ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wn►• H' y Won host P. 31 " Nino 5 1 667 Griswold.--William H. Griswold, "Shady Lawn Tea Room Greenport • : : 4 2 f Riverhead 3 500 eon o, Mr. and Mia. W. D. talriewold If "Shady Lawn Tea Room" located3 next to the Savings Bonk, is as success- Shelter Island 3 4 429 of Southold, who enlisted in the Southold 4 333 Navy a few weeks ago and was Mattituck I ful financially as it is in the matter of • 2 286 stationed at the Naval Training Orient{) 5 pleasing its patron9, the manager will be a rich woman before the season is the Narragansett Hospital, from over. It is surely a good recommends- Southold lost to M ttituck five runs tion for a tea-room when patrons come urday by giving Af_ pneumonia, in his 21st year. The game in the first inning. from it declaring with much enthusi- and the g air-tight body was brought to his home in asm, "Say,-those sandwiches and pies ter that both nines played ng ut a single Southold on Wednesday and funeral were the best I ever ate 1" If Mrs. ball, Mattituck finiScosh, which resulted in services were held in St. Patrick's Sanford can afford to maintain this high I tally up to the finish, - Church, Thursday morning'/`s'�.o Henkel, lb 2 0 1 8 0 0 `rhe Southold Town Board met at the ���� �lld League Howland, If 2 0 1 0• 0 0 office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Cassidy, 3b 2 0 0 1 1 0 Saturday, June 9, 1917. Present, Sup- League Records _Donnelly, C 1 0 0 4 0 0 ervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Nine Won L 1 t Pg33 Justices Griffin, Carey, Fleet and Ter- Greenport . . • • • • 5 714 Total 18 1 5 15 8 01 ry, Supt. Fleet and Counsel Case. Riverhead . • • • • . 6 4 429 Score by Innings Representatives of the Consumers Southold . • • • • • 3 ]=-1 Gas Co. of Long Island appeared before 3 4 Shelter Island 5 42 Southold -0 0 0 0 I E. I the Board and asked that the time for Orient • • • . 2 5 286 Greenport-U 1 U , 0 U- 1 y wit furnishing electricity in the villages of-[ Mattituck . • • Two-base hits, Howland; sacrifice j 'roper Peconic, East Marion and Orient be onic, extended to June 29, 1918. On motion,I RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK hits, Gagen; struck out by Salmon�II on H the time asked far was granted. Greenport 1 (5 innings) I 4, by Gagen 2; base on balls off Sal- rork. Southold 1, 1; pitcher, The additional highway bond of Sup- Riverhead 7, Shelter Island 0(6 innings) mou 1, off Gagen hit by 1 To, erviser Tuthill for $7,500 was approved Orient 2, Mattituck 1 ��^^^" yI i Donnelly,Turnor and Booth; double set by the Board. plays, Terry and Grathwold; left on e 1 A letter was received from the Stand- The Southold and Greenport game i bases, Southold 5, Greenport 4. Um- art urd Oil Co., stating that the reason the at Southold last Saturday was called I hire, Latham. y. Law road oil ordered by the Town was not in the first half of the sixth inning l LMr shipped more promptly was due to the on account of rain with the teamNew SchooF r shortage of tank cars caused by the tied with 1 run each. It was a very There is much dissatisfaction with P congestion of freight. pretty game as far as it went as the new school law, which consolidates rit Miss Mildred Kenney, who graduates neither teams had made an error. districts having less than 1500 popula- Lc from Syracuse University this month Gagen and Salmon were both in tion. To speak plainly, of all d-f- and who comes highly recommended, good shape and were having a pit-laws ever passed by the Legislature,we has been engaged as teacher of the I cher's battle, R ackett scored from think this takes the cake. The prinei- eighth grade and Latin of the Southold second base in the second inning for ple of home rule is thrown to the four High School for the ensuing year. y winds of heaven, and the districts have Greeuport on Henkel's bunt b a nothing to say as to whether they will Presbyterian church by Henry Gold- New sills are being placed under the pretty piece of base running. Turner consolidate or not, and if so with what �scored for Southold in the fifth in- districts they will join to make the smith. ,ning when big Jim lost control and school unit. Many of the school dis- Brooklyn, June 6, Augustus Mosely hit ative On of Southold and Miss Florence Bristol) played d great-baooth lls and took Heaney of the new1Board of Education.ntThe rank of Brooklyn. Bets a. injustice of the law is seen in the way Cutchogue, June 6, at the M. E. every chane® faultlessly. the districts are consolidated in this church,by Rev.J. M. Tranmer,George min did the unexpected when he Robert Leslie of Peconic and Miss n the town. Arshamomoque and Fishers Isl- Flora Rebecca, daughter of Mr. and laved down a pretty bun-t,-in and, with East Marion and Orient Mrs. Wm. W. Sterling of Cutchogue. 3rd after having two strikes on him Point, are joined to Orient. In School Peconic, June 12, Ellsworth Bond, and beat it out for a hit. Unit No. 2, Bay View and Peconic,with aged 81 years. Interment at Matti- SoutholdEast Cutchogue, Cutchogup, New Suf- tuck. folk, Oregon and Laurel, are consoli- TwentV-Five Years Ago ab r h o a e dated with Mattituck. Another rank i Terry, rf 3 U 0 2 1 U injustice is that there is to be a uniform c r'un-r-a"77-0—"77-0— Booth, ]f Z I 2 0 0 1 0 0 tax rate in all the districts of the school The Republicans nominated Benjamin 9 Prince, ss 0 1 1 0 0 unit. We do not know whether the Harrison for President and Whitelaw Grathwold, lb 2 0 0 5 0 0 State authorities propose to do away Reid for Vice Presidents The Demo- 1 0 0 0 2 0 entirely with the small district school crate nominated Grover Cleveland for J, Glover, 2b 2 0 0 0 0 0 houses and make one big center, but it President and Adlai E. Stevenson for Richmond, 3b 1 1 0 l U 0 would be o a par with the other fea- Vice President. Turner, of 2 U 1 4 0 0 tures of the law Then the school chil- Congressman W• W• Bowers and M. Glover, c dren would certainly have some distance family of California were guests at II- Salmon, p 2 0 2 1 0 0 to travel. It is certain, in this town, Jennings'. exten- Total 18 1 4 15 3 0 that if a Bay View or Peconic child Charles G. Corey was making wanted to obtain a high school educa- sive repairs about his house. Greenport tion, without paying extra tuition, he The past week was the hottest ever ab r h o a e would have to go to Mattituck, and a known in this section in June. Heaney, s s 3 0 1 1 4 0 Fishers Island or Arshamomoque child A reception was given to the new Reeve, 2b 3 0 U 0 0 0��would have to go to Orient. The law pastor of the Presbyterian church, 2 0 1 0 0 _0 1 is a rank injustice on both the taxpay- Rev. George D. Miller, at the resi Benjamin, rf 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 ers and the school children, and the dente of Prof. D. P. Horton. Rackett, of I sooner it is repealed the better it will Gager-',.1) 1 0 0 0 3 0 be for the State. The upland across the Sound beach East End League This Saturday afternoon Scuthold the head of Horton's Lane has been will he energetically entertained on med by T. C. Fox. About a year League Records its home grounds by the flying River- Mr. Fox loamed Kenney's Road Nitre won Lost, P.t'• head bunch, and if we can tame them oas the beach. This is a great con- Riverhead . . . . . . 6 2 750 we will forget that Orient game and fence to persona wishing to go to Greenport . . . . . . 5 2 714 embark for Shelter Island July 4th Orient . . . . . . . . 4 5 444 with strong confidence of breaking I- Sound Southold . . . . . . . 3 5 375 even, or,better, in the double-header E. D. Cahoon is having a bungalow Shelter Island . . . . 3 5 375 there that day. ilt on the Sound shore, on his Mattituck . . . . As a result of last Saturday's "up- lt o between Southold and Pis te-dumps," Greenport is pulled off the nic, for his daughter Edna. Wines RESULTS OF (JAMES LAST WEEK top rung to be surplanted by River- d Homan of Mattituck are doing the Orient 1, Southold 0 �IMAU Z head. Orient rises two pegs, pawing rk. Riverhead 3, Greenport 0 Southold and Shelter Island and squat- Mattituck 4, Shelter Island 3 ting in third place for the first time Town Superintendent George H. since our town trolley line was prom- eet of Southold town oiled some of It was a long time due, that first e highways in a sort of rapid-fire iced. Battle-scarred Southold, Matti- ay last week, by hitching the oil trolloping of Southold by Orient. To tuck, and last season's champs, She]- rt behind an automobile. be explicit, it has taken Orient just ter Island, are tumbled together in last four and one-half seasons to muster up place—or perhaps it would be more Mrs. J. N. Hallock is building a little suffitnent baseball couragfe to save soothing to term it, each desperately mmer place on the rear of her lot themselves from the customary and claiming and holding on to the fourth t Paradise Point. Boas George W expected defeat when these two nines corner—until Saturday. Then who? with is doing the work. came together in a league contest. It Torn on Sunday, June 17, at the all happened last Saturday in the ball- GUmmeIICCmCl1T rXePCISCS L. I. Hospital, Greenport, to Mr. yard at Orient, where the hottest kind a their [nd Mrs. Herbert M. Hawkins,a son pings havebaBeballtakeneplace belwen and rthe�e thehCommen e ted Exercisesoofa the Ralph Stout. rival nines many times before, but Southold High School by filling Bel- Mattituck, June 9, Frank Diller, always with a result that caused the mont Hall on Mondny evening. The merly of Peconic, aged 60 years. Southold players and fandom to wear hall was decorated with large Ameri- a broad smile, and drove Manager can flags, the class colors being the Twenty-Five Years Ago Gordon to the bottom of his first aid Red, White and Blue, and the class ,J—-.a chest for another one of those extra motto, "Impossible is Un-American," Capt. C. L. Sanford was having a long cigars. The unexpected has hap- was over the stage. On the stage a house erected at Mill C:eek for Paned and Southold was beaten—yes, were many beautiful flowers, gifts of own occupancy. whitewashed—by Orient. Can any- admiring friends to the graduates. William Craft of Locust Valley was thing more dire be imagined ! Hereto- The Class of 1917, Prin. Symonds and fisting Station Agent Corey at the fore Orient has taken the field beaten his corps of teachers, the clergy, the �issions, before the game started, and Southold speaker of the evening and the Board Pot was just as confident of victory, so of Education occupied seats on the The collection for home M *ken in the Presbyterian church, much so that as year succeeded year platform. The class flower was the amounted to over$75. 'and victory followed victory, their cap forget-me-not, and we shall not. forget Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., elected bands expanded with a 1917 belief that, the graduates, for we were proud of he following officers: N. G., Capt. they were unbeatable against Orient. them at their graduation exercises. Wm. H. Horton; V. G., E. Leicht; It was a great game, as the tally t,f They are a credit to the Southold High Sec., 0. A. Prince; Tress., John Korn. 1 to 0 proves, and Justice-Manager School. The members of the Class of Miss Mary H. Howell of the Oswego Terry no doubt feels as much elated 1917 are: J. Harry Carroll, President; Normal School was home for the sum- over the result as though he had sen- Richard Stanley Hodgins, Vico Presi- tenced the whole crew of a hostile U- dent and Salutatorian; Doris Elinor mer' boat to a"dry" town for life. Diller for Hagerman, Secretary, and Marjorie The Southold Cornet Band elected Vale- the following officers: Leader, J. E. Southold and Fleet for Orient were in Burke Horton, Treasurer and Va e- Corey; Asst. Leader, Geo. E. Horton; fine mound fettle, and after Orient dictorian. The program opened with a Sec. and Tress., D. H. Jackson. sent their one lone tally across the March, followed by the Invocation by; The M. a Sunday School held its rubber in the second frame, which Rev. Father Edward F. McGrath of annual picnic u Terry's grove, the broke the spell and won the game, St. Patrick's Church. The announce- annual Peconic• Southold stood about the same chance ment of class honors was made by I Rev. George D. Miller addressed the of winning as our Home Guard does of Prin. Symonds. J. Harry Carroll, as Local Temperance Society getting their uniforms for Chautauqua president of the class, spoke on the week. But that run should never have general theme of the exercises of the Gaffga Bros. recently exhibited -a been scored. Errors by Southold at evening. The subject of Miss Morton's curiosity in a perfectly healthy eyeless I the psychological moment broke a essay was "The Food Problem," while j chick, which bad neither eyes nor any strange record of winnings for our Miss Hagerman treated "The Develop- ; uried the Orient jinx. ment of Russian Democracy " in her place for them. local nine, and b } essay. Mr. Hodgins had for the sub- (� ject of his address, "Democracy Ver- TW outy-FiVe Years Ago *patted for Diller in 9th. 6U9 Autocracy. 'Batted for Eooth in 9th. " It will be seen that Jµ�� (�, O / y_, T,,,.-bas hits—Brady, Young, Wells. First up-to-date subjects were treated by base du balls- ntr Salr6otl, I. Strunk but-Ay the class—subjects that are uppermost Wm. C. Albertson's Fearless took Terry, 4; by Salmon, 6. Left on bases—Riv- J PP e,h,,d, 7: Southold, 3. Double plays—Goch- in men's minds to-day. The High second money at the trot at Greenport ran and J. Glover; Booth and Prince. Sac- on July 4th. rifice hits—Young, J. Stark and Cihlar. Stolen School girls, with Miss Schwarzbach at Avery enjoyable y able genic was held b bases—wells, Burns, Brady, Cornwell, Booth. the piano and Mies Lucy Kanold at the J P y Umpire—Mr. Hand. violin, sang "Motherland." Lawyer St Patrick's Church at Oak Lawn on A Beautiful Sight Herbert L Fordharn of Greenport was July 4th. the speaker of the evening. When an- Protection Engine Co. appointed a The Chautauqua Parade on Monday nouncement was made that Mr. Ford- committee to select samples of new was not as large as some previous pa- ham had kindly consented to make the uniforms. . rades we have had, but Southold never i Commencement Address, the people Rev. William F. Whitaker attended had a prettier one, nor one that elicited were assured that they would hear, the General Assembly at Portland, more real admiration. As requested something worth while. Mr. Fordham Oregon, and then made a trip to by Dr. Marshall, the Red Cross and the never disappoints his audiences. He Alaska. Stars and Stripes were the predominant East This was both timely and considers that what is worth doing is End Leaguei inspiring. Dr. J. H. Marshall, who has worth doing well. The able, scholarly address of Monday evening, treating 'served so efficiently s times past in League Records this position, acted as grand marshal as it did of subjects of world-wide trine won Lost P.C.�and rode a white horse. F. E Booth, I ' interest at the present time, was Riverhead r . '. 8 3 727 mounted on a black horse, as chairman listened to with close attention and Greenport . . . . . . 7 3 700 of public safety committee, headed the deep interest. Mr, Fordham also in a Shelter Island . . . , 5 6 455 procession. Following Dr. Marshall, very felicitous manner presented the Mattituck . . . . . . 5 6 455 came N. Hubbard Cleveland, dressed in diplomas to the class and gave the Southold . . . . . 4 7 364 the Lincoln members most excellent advice. After Orient . . . . . . . . 4 8 333 Wi . Pre uniform hesidential cam- the themes treated by the graduates wore in the Lincoln. Pr paign of 1860. The Greenport Cornet and the patriotic address of Mr. Ford- RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK Band furnished the music. Then came ham, the audience was in good trim to Riverhead 6 Southold 0 I sing most heartily "America," which � �J a beautiful eight—fifty of the members ` Mattituck 3, Orient 1 of Southold Chapter of the Red Cross, it diel in Glaring. Shelter Island 8, Greenport 4 marching two abreast, dressed in.the market is Flooded i uniform of this great organization for An unprecedented flooding of New I Games July 4th humanity's sake, and led by the presi- York City with potatoes from the Shelter Island 14, Southold 2 dent, Mrs. Regina Sturmdorf. The South has knocked the bottom out of Southold 3,Shelter Island 2(7 inn'gs) Chapter was followed by a perfect pat- the potato market so that the price Riverhead 3, Mattituck 1 tern of a Red Cross ambulance. An is down to$6 50 a barrel wholesale, al- Mattituck 5, Riverhead 1 I immense American flag was carried by most one-half the price charged on Greenport 2, Orient 1 - i the children, followed by scores j children carrying flags and led by Un- June 1, when potatoes reached the. Greenport 10, Orient 3 i cle Sam. Then came the Boy Scouts, high-water mark of$12 a barrel. Riverhead shut out. Southold at Horseback Riders, Ucawasin Camp fire There were 641 persons registered in Southold last Saturday, 6 to 0, with Girls and many autos artistically deo- the State Military Census in this elec- Terry pitching a great game for Riv- tion district. The enumeration was in erhead. He allowed but three widely orated with flags of America and her e of L. W. Korn who was ably scattered hits. We scored two each in'allies, the emblem of the Red Cross charge y the first, eighth and ninth innings„and Chautauqua banners. The line of c assisted by a large corps of ladies. garnering in all 15 hits off Salmon. march was from Willow Hill to the Mr. Korn, we know, enjoyed the work, The summary: Chautauqua tent on L. W. Korn's lot. and we think his fair helpers did also. R1vERHEADb r h po a e'The patriotic parade of July, 1917, will H. P y Bl The census closed Monday night. Brady. ss .............. .. a 0 2 0 2 0 not soon be forgotten by those who Young, 2b cr Harry Matthews and family (,f Corawell, e "" i i 13 0 of witnessed it. Carleton, lb . Pi Brooklyn are at "The Maples" for the I J. Stark, rf ............•:: 2 o 1 o 0 0 Miss Marguerite Howell, a graduate U W. stark, rf .......•••• 3 0 1 1 0 0 of the Southold High School and the: summer. W. st, cf ................ Burns, if .................. 3 1 2 3 (1 0 Miss Elsie V. McMann has resigned Fells' 3b .•...••••••••••.. 0 i o i 0 Greenport Teachers' Training Class,has g Terry, p ....•••••••••• 4_ __ been engaged to teach the Bay View her position in the Southold High School 38 6 15 27 11 1 school the ensuing year. Miss Rayner to accept a better place at Stamford, SOUTHOLDbeen the Ct. Her sister will take her plice in Diller, rf ab r h 0 a e cessful teacheof Greenport,r vat Baya View Abee „ 3 0 0 0 0 0 the Southold School. Miss Elsie Me- Booth, if ................• 3 0 2 2 1 0 two ears, will enter Syracuse Mann is a ver superior teacher and Prince, ss ....:::::::::::: 3 0 2 1 1 t y y P Cochran, 3b 3 0 1 13 0 2 city this fall. has given unqualified satisfaction. If Gra,thwohl, ib /;;:;;;:;:: 3 0 0 1 4 0 J. Glove•' zb An outside dancin avilionher sister is as good a teacher, as we Turner, of ..............:: s 0 0 5 0 0 g Punderstand she is the school will be I S1' t'n,r. e ............ 3 0 0 0 30 erected on Oscar L. Wells' lo r Salmon, p •. . 1 0 0 0 0 0 ` fortunate. fTerryin .................. 1 0 0 0 0 0 t' — ' � 30 0 3 27 13 3 Traffic signs, the gift of Mr. Wm.� of kindergarten support. It baa be- Twenty Jive Years Ago D. Faulkner,have been placed at the come a habit with Southold to rely IYMI 2 � � S-1 Southold Hotel corner, the Univer- on the boxman to win. No nine in the ) league has anything on Southold in Rev. E. L. Conklin of Clarendon, N. realist corner in Southold, and the 1'., ` preached in the Universalist comer of Main street and the North pitching strength (Cochran, Salmon church. and Diller) or on the receiving Road, Greenport, Rev. Abram Conklin gave an it- end, yet we fail to lead the way—up- County Treasurer luthill has ward. Riverhead, on the other hand, luetrated lecture, "Over the Alps and moved into the new building, and has little to brag of with their present Down the Rbine," in the Universalist work is ahead ender way transfor- staff of hurlers, yet they win games church. y Y and stand at the fore solely by playing The Southold Academy Association ruing his old quarters into a law made arrangements for the celebration � a hard, conscientious fielding game.I library' Coebran is a fine twirler, but is never' of the 25th anniversary. Washington, D. C., June 21, in the seen in the box. We wonder why, with I Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. gave Congregational church, by the tltev. Glover doing all the backstopping 7 a largely attended excursion to New ttobert W. Coe, Grace H. Smith Southold meets Riverhead with the% Haven. The company netted$80. of Springfield, Blass , and Edward same "beat" feeling that predomi- Lightning struck the house of D. Mortimer Jewell of Springfield, Mass., L. Horton, but little damage was done, Formerly of Southold. nated over the Orient nine so hang when g Northport, June 16, Lawrence R. they and Southold met. Riverhead Rev. Dr. George F. Wiswell of Cross and MiGs Anna F., daughter of boasts that they can beat Southold 'Washington, D. C. a former pastor of Julius Baumann, formerly of Southold. with anything that can toss a pill, and the Presbyterian church, died. Tweet -Five Years 0 have proved it. July 28 that nine will Albert III. Goldsmith and Miss Hattie 9 g Jacksou were married. � —��-- rwill here again, and we trust our boys will pull hard enough together to g East End League R. S, Sturges contracted t:1� bd a pull them down. Greenport tripped house for Addison G. Conklin of Pe- Riverhead and "sot" them down in League Records conic. second place, where,according to senti- Nine, won Lost P.0. Mrs. Nellie Knight of Ocala, Fla., - ment eastern way, they should remain. Greenport 8 3 727' purchased the Wm. H. Morgan proper-, Orient and Shelter Island played a Riverhead 8 5 615 ty on Bay Av. contest 14 innings long, in which Orient Southold . . . . . . . 6 7 462 Howard W. Hallock of Austin, Tex- emerged with increased percentage, Shelter Island . . . . 6 7 462 as, was visiting his mother and sister. but not enough to pull them out of the Mattituck . . . . 5 7 417 i — — basement. Perhaps that nine thinks Orient 5 9 357 East End League they c::n wait until Saturday for their exit, at the expense of Southold, after RESULTS OF (GAMES LAST WEEK League Records trimming them in the last encounter, Southold 1, Orient 0 ds...')..� �y Nine won Lost P.0. which was four years over due. One Greenport . . . . . . 8 3 727 thing is certain.. after administering 'Shelter Island 4, Riverhead I Riverhead . . . . 8 4 667 that whitewash and registering their Greenport #, Mattituck 4 Southold . . . . . . . 5 7 417 first victory over Southold, Orient will (14 innings) I Shelter Island . . . . 6 7 417 hereafter take the field with added It was the same old story in the Mattituck . . . . . . 5 7 417 confidence of winning, and Southold same old way, when Southold won Orient . . . . . . 5 8 385 will need to play ball to beat that eon- from Orient last Saturday, at Oyster fidence. Ponds, by 1 to 0, which makes things To the surprise of both nines, South- look better baseballically this way,. old had little difficulty in running RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK and the world is moving on, even if rough-shod over Mattituck last Satur- Southold 11, Mattituck 3 1--,, 6 Southold has made little direct progress day, which in turn has beaten some of Greenport 6, Riverhead 4 this season. In.the previous encounter the big guns like Riverhead and Green- Orient 6, Shelter Island 5, with Orient, June 23, that nine won its part with comparative ease. At any (I4 innings) first game from Southold—since the rate, whether they beat us or we beat league was launched in 1913, and by them, the baseball feeling between Philadelphia, June 6, Russell, eon of the same score 1 to 0 which makes both clubs remains the same,as neither Frederick L. Terry of Miami, FIB., } Formerly of Greenport, and Miss Ise- just two runs scored in 36 innings in nine has resorted to "ringer" help, belle Geraner of Pniladelphia. the last two games between these ball'` and therefore can at any time smoke Southold, July 6, Mrs. Johannah E, clubs. When Southold lost, Orient the pipe of peace, even after the hard- Noe, aged 92 years. made that one unearned run on two est fought contest. Southold certainly Greenport, July 9, Mrs. Electa B. errors, but last Saturday Southold has a promising pitcher in At Salmon, Williams, aged 70 years. Interment at won on a clean earned tally. That'e who won over Goldsmith of Mattituck, willow Bill Cemetery, Southold. the kind of ball Orient has always trimmed Shelter Island July 4th, and Hudson, Mass., July 7, Emory A. played against Southold, and why the; •kould have humbled Riverhead on Crinkling, formerly of Greenport and sir recent visit here, had the South- father of Mrs. Benjamin Prince of tisvi failed to•-"come to" sooner i Mattituck, in his 81st year. Inter- unexplainable. Salmon and Fleet wer I "eight" given him any semblance ment in the Frank M. Lupton plot, the opposing boxmen, and hits wei. M, attituck, July 10. scarce, Have those Southolders com+,l out of their trance and decided to put; Fl the proper pep and precision into their L. 1. Farmers Lead Well e Y" ve Years Ago 1 Saturday endeavors? There is hope. y I It is the opinion of James S. Knox, 7 Said hope is based upon the pep they• after a close and careful inspection of Rev. William F. Whitaker returned ' fought Mattituck the week before and from his tri to California and Ala3ka. t vt'on by 11 to 3,and that same Mattituck many farms on Eastern Long Island, p has since played Greenport, the pace- that the farmers in this section, par- The thermometer registered 98—the titularly in the towns of Southold and hottest day of the season. makers, a fourteen inning tie game. Riverhead, lead the rest of the United Dr. W. S. Bennett, a former princi- If Southold shows the same Muck and i States by twenty-five years. pal of the Nouthold school, was elected i; get-at-'emness against Riverhead on Mr. Knox came to Riverhead to de president of the Harrison and Reid! I July 28 as they have shown the past Club of Patchogue. two weeks, it may be a dubious pro-�liver a lecture at the Community Chau- n ex tauqua. He is called aexpert on �:aist ]End League q p cession to the county seat after the community development, and says he – I contest. But there will be enough it other baseball things doing before then has made a careful examination of the League Records N to divert our attention athwart that agricultural resources and development t reen Nine Won on Los3 t P750 meeting here. Southold hooks up with in the entire country. Mr. Knox said P that the farmers were not up-to-date. Riverhead 9 5 643 Greenport this week, which is just as Editor Horace H. Williamsonof the Shelter Island . . . 7 7 500 r big a problem how to win as the match Riverhead News and Lewis C. Austin, Southold 6 8 429' t I a week later. district manager of the Brooklyr Mattituck . . . . . . 5 8 385 .,L Barn Burned Eagle, were certain that an ocular Orient . . . . . . ; . 5 10 333 s demonstratioR would convince th D ring one of the molt severe thun- 2 n speaker that what he said was fa RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK der storms that ever visited this locality, last night, the barn from the truth, so far as it applied t Greenport 6, Southold 5 loast Thursday r to Peter as Ghurs on the old Faley Suffolk County farmers, so they tool (I1 innings) r .was struck by lightning and him on a forty-mile ride through]River Shelter Island 5, Mattituck 4 place Whead and Southold Towns. Mr. Kno (10 innings) burned to the ground with all its con- expressed himself as amazed befor Riverhead 6, Orient 3 r tents, consisting of fifteen tons of green hay just harvested, six tons of, five miles had been covered. °'I am For Consolidation r fertilizer, a self binder, seed drill, astounded at the revelation here on > to planter. Eastern Long Island," he declared. The voters of the Southold High fertilizer cart and potato ' r fertilizer c these was to live stock "I never in my life saw such farms School District (Dist. No. 5) voted in t in the building. and such evidence of prosperity.. The favor of consolidation with the Bay a farmers appear to be the most progres- View, Peconic and East Cutchogue The lightning was incessant, the rain fell in- torrents and the wind blew a sive din Rhe United States; in fact, I Districts (Dists. No. 6, 7 and 8) at the it gale. Mary large trees were uprooted think I can safely say that they are at special school meeting held at the and the streets were strewn with least twenty-five years ahead of the school house Monday evening. J. N. hThe ale seemed to be local rest of the country. I sincerely con- Hallock, president of the Board of limbs. g i, ratulate -the Eastern Long Island ,Education, acted as chairman of the it in its character. At Paradise Point g I farmer for the foresight in adopting meeting and Secretary Wm. H. Terry and other near by places there was ] but little wind. scientific methods. Apparently these recorded. There were 33 votes cast on +h farmers actually do mix brains with i the proposition to consolidate, 27 in Southold Lodge Officers the soil, and there is no doubt that it' 'favor and 6 opposed. it pays them handsome dividends for do- r The following officers of Southold' Special school meetings were held in n ing so. I am leaving Long Island with Bay View, Peconic and East Cutchogue Lodge, 1. O. O. F., were installed a far different impression of its agri- the same evening, to consider the ques- Monday evening by Past District cultural progress than I had when I tion of consolidating with Southold: e Deputy Chas. G. Corey: Noble Grand, came to it." At Bay View the meeting adjourned, Winfield S. Bedell, Sr.; Vice Grand, Fred T. Jennings; Warden, E. .O. Charles Edwin Terry and family until Friday evening of this week, Haw- have returned to Southold to live, when the question will,he taken up.' 1i e ' Fickeissen; Conductor, H. M. Peconic and East Cutchogue votc d U I f kine; Chaplain, Rev. Clifford Newton; after spending several years in New unanimously not to consolidate. The1 1 R. S. N. G•, Lewis W. Korn; L. S. N. York City, reason for this action is that the voters F. T. Wells; R- S- V. G., Herber of the district hope that the next Terry; S WHlter and and wife to I' nd r Wells; L. S. V. G., R. G. Case, lot n a Lower road, adj nom Legislature will see the injustice of I 1. G„ Sereno Smith; O. G•, W L A S Terry, Southold the new Township School Law and will t. Williams; R. S. S., F. K. Terry; L. S. J L Case to S Walter, lot n s S., Stewart Horton. The members en- Lower rd, adj Bowery lane, South-nom either repeal it i or exempt .,These County from its provisions. These I joyed fine refreshments furnished by Ad to V districts prefer to remain just as they D the Noble Grand and Vice Grand. K upNk,, adj land up IJt Brown,nom are, as separate school districts. If it 11 George H. Wells is digging some Southold came to a question of consolidating o Early Ohio potatoes this week which V Krupski and wife to J L Case, with either Mattituck or Southold, we. d he is selling for $1.50 per bushel, lot s s ether land Krupski, adj nom think they would naturally prefer t i S J Brown, Southold n sr., come to Southold. ober 1>u I The yield is good. ature of 102, and Washington, with Games on the llunes Zwenty-Five Years Ago 100. Seaside places suffered with in- Camps towns because what breezes Blueberry Camp and Gipsy Camp are J T. Beebe & Co. were making ex- there were,and they were mostly mild, some of the names applied to the tensive improvements on George H. were offshore. Atlantic City held first camps established now on the property Terry's place. I place with 100 in the shade. near Peconic owned by Dr. Marshall The Town Board made a change in and E. D. Cahoon. They are on the the boundary line between the Peconic Ili Red Gross Benefit Dunes that must be seen in order to be and Cutchogue election districts ' Notwithstanding seats were 50 cents Notw appreciated, and are reached by a road At the annual school meeting, Gilder and$1.it and some sold eat r a higher that looks Alpine to Long Islanders. S. Conklin was elected trustee; P. H. rice at auction, Belmont Hall was They are camps built purely for relax- P Cmtermen, collector: Wm. H. Glover, crowded last Saturday evening at the ation and recreation and everything is clerk, and S. S. Shaw, librarian. It d Marion Bent vaudeville Pat Rooney an for convenience and a good time. was voted to raise $1350 by tax. It entertainment for the benefit of the These men—and women too—have was also voted to build a pipe fence Red Cross. The receipts were about shown how easy it is to hark back to with locust posts, in front of the school Red Rooney and Marion Bent, simple things, to utilize essentials such, $ as house. Little Pat Rooney, 3d, John Harding, holea pile of bricks for a fireplace and a The entertainment, The Day in the James J. Corbett, Stan Sanley & Co., in the ground for an ice box, a framework enclosed in cotton mosquito Woods, was given in Belmont Hall, Katie Rooney, Harry Mayer and Those under the direction of Mrs. George M. eared on the progiam. netting for a dining room, and derive Remich Boys appeared Howell and Mrs. J. N. Halloof just as much pleasure from them as Mrs. Catherine E. Bush of Spring- There was not a dull moment in it. from the latest approved professionallyEverything went with a vim and a constructed articles:" It is the simple field, Mass., died at the residence of dash that were pleasing to the audience. things, after all, that her daughter, Mrs. 0. F. Payne, agedi First-class vaudeville artists gave a g• give the most pleasure in life if one has the soul or 62 years. first-class show free of cost, and their sense to see their worth. East, End League kindness and generosity are greatly ap- Situated northwest from town, about preciated. Pat Rooney and Marion three miles, is the new woods camp of League Records Bent are unexcelled on the stage as E. D. Cahoon, known as "Camp Nine won Lost P.0. dancers and the exhibition of their art Beach Plum." This camp has been Greenport . . . . . 9 4 692 won long and well-deserved applause. recently built by Wines & Homan, and Riverhead . . . . . . 10 5 667 pat, Jr.,is a dear and he gives promise consists of all a camp should have, and Shelter Island . . . . 8 7 533 of a career as noted as that of his 6 8 429 father and mother and grandfather. is now being occupied. An outstared-, Mattituck • . 6 9 400 The people were glad to see "Gentle- ing feature is the second story living Southold . . . 5 11 313 man Jim" Corbett, and his remi- room, from which one sees the waters Orient . . . . • . • ❑escences of the prize ring were very of Long Island Sound. Also a board walk connects the house with beach. RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEE interesting. KatieRooney, oey, assisted d'bay Riverhead 2, Southold 0 I—A John Harding, capable The bid of the Southold Lighting Co. 1 director, pleased all in her Irish songs. Shelter Island 11, Greenport 3 for lighting the Southold Lighting Dis- Mattituck 8, Orient 0 Stan Stanley & Co., Harry Mayer and trict with 64 lamps of j burner, acety- Those Remick Boys aided greatly by lene gas, for one year, for$1,080, was Hottest on Record their wonderful acts in completing one accepted by the Board and a contract of the finest vaudeville performances was made with the company for light- The heat wave increased in intensity ever seen on Eastern Long Island. ing the district for one year. Tuesday and smashed Monday's high The Red Cross Chapter and the people Catches Big Shark record of 94. In New York City the of Southold make their best bow to mercury touched 98 at 5:00 P. m., but Mr. and Mrs. Rooney and their friends Brooks Bros. of Orient caught a for the evening's entertainment, was about three degrees lower here. ten foot shark in their fishing traps Monday night was the hottest on whereby a goodly sum was added to I in Gardiner's Bay a few days ago. record with the Weather Bureau, and to Red Cross treasury. W. R. Newbold is adding double' TuOday night was no better. Monday saves Polt atos dormer windows to his residence. night there was a good breeze, but It is the opinion of Mana er R. C. Cutchogue, July 21. Miss Sophia on Tuesday night not a leaf was stir g Parker of the Farm Bureau that the Doroski, formerly of Southold, aged' ring. averages Tuesday was heat this week, accoml anied by a dry Taken by a 17 years. northwest wind, has saved many thous- next to the hottest day in the history ands of bushels of potatoes by checking Greenport, July 16, at the Hospital, of the Weather Bureau, established the blight which had been making ser- Mazie Wilson Kerwin of Peconic, aged forty-seven years ago. The hottest 5 years. y was on July 2, 1901 ious inroads. i average for a day I Commencing Aug. 1, cartage of coal But 98 made July 31 the hottest on The W. C. Albertson Co. began to ,or local delivery has been advanced to record. There were other cities some- load potatoes on Tuesday, paying$1.00 75 cents per ton and 50 cents for half what warmer than New York, notably per bushel. Irish cobblers are being on. Philadelphia, with the lofty temper- shipped now, and bushels to the aee farmers report i East End League Orient, who has been holding a cellar 0 I position (but it's cool there), surprised Twenty-Five Years 0 g themselves by warming last year's . `-0— ' 2 League Records Nino won Lost P.C. champs, Shelter Island, and embarking And'ther hot wave swept over the Riverhead . . . . .. . 11 5 688 1 home with a 7 to 4 game. Just half a country. Greenport . . . . . . 9 5 643 game separates them from Southold, The Oliver W. Wren Comedy Co. Shelter Island . . . . 8 8 500 and if Orient can pull another such played in Belmont Hall for the benefit Mattituck . . . . . . 7 8 467 stunt, it is likely they would finish on of the Southold Fire Department. Southold . . . . . . . 6 10 375 the first bottom step. Rev. Daniel H. Overton of N. Y. Orient . . . . . . . 6 11 353 City preached in the Presbyterian Fire on BOWery Lane church. RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK Prof. Charles W. Starr, a lecturer Mattituck 9, Southold 5 ✓oMy C,'' Last Thursday afternoon, about 5 . o'clock, the house on Bowery Lane, on Spiritualism,spoke in Belmont Hall, Riverhead 3, Greenport 1 During a severe thunder storm, an owned and occupied by Martin Kulick, g unknown man,who was leaning against Orient 7, Shelter Island 4 caught fire from an oil stove and was a tree at Arshamomoque, was struck By defeating Greenport, Riverhead entirely consumed with all its contents, 0. by lightning and instantly kil'ed. nosed ahead and now leads by three- including A party of eighteen ladies and gen- Jonathann Overton had hitched the tlemen took a two days' sail to quarters of a game. It was a hard large fire engine to his auto and was Mon- tauk on sloop Harp, Capt. Maynard. game for Greenport to lose, so near towing it to the fire. Several men The tenth annual Harvest Home, un- the end of the race, with pennant hon- tried to climb on the engine by catch- der the direction of Prof. D. P. Hor- ors almost within grasp,but with hard, 1ng hold of the side pump bar. Un- ton, took place at Oak Lawn. A large uphill ball playing they yet may re- fortunately the bare were not strapped together, as is generally the case, and company from all parts of the Town trieve all lost ground and take the one of the bars dropped down, carrying was present. The Cutchogue Veterans lead. In order to do so called the meeting to order. Rev. E. , the Y must Assistant Station Agent S. J. Murray beat Southold Saturday, while River- with it. His leg was caught between A. Horton offered prayer and words of head in all probability will be trim- the bar and the engine wheel and held welcome were spoken by Rev. Dr. min Orient. The following Saturday, Whitaker. Addresses were made by g g Y, there. The auto and engine went a Aug. 18, ends the schedule, with River- distance of 50 feet before they could Herbert W. Collingwood, editor of the head pitted against their hardest foe— be stopped and Mr. Murray's leg was Rural New-Yorker, Rev. Father Jae. Shelter Island—while Greenport should badly mangled. He was taken to Dr. F. Crowley, Rev. Geo. D. Miller, C. L. accomplish the humbling of Mattituck Stokes' office and later to the E. L. Allen and Nat W. Foster. Music was on that da with still a remaining furnished by the Southold Cornet Band. Y, g I. Hospital at Greenport. Fortunately postponed game between these nines no bones were broken, and Mr. Murray to be played. But Riverhead also has at last reports was getting along nice- Against Consolidation a postponed game with Southold, but ly. When the auto and engine at- At the adjourned special school meet- as the latter club has been mesmerized tempted to turn at the Soldiers' Monu ing, held at the Bay View school house by Riverhead for the past two seasons, ment the traffic sign was run into and Friday evening to consider the question there is no reason to believe that Riv- I the pole to the engine was broken. of consolidating the Bay View district erhead will lift the spell at this crucial with Southold, it was voted not to con- stage, so that game is given to the Southold Lighting Co. solidate. It thus took the same action present leaders without further adoo. In the event of Riverhead trouncing The annual meeting of the stock- that Peconic and East Cutchogue did at Shelter Island on the Riverhead trouncing rt's holders of the Southold Lighting Co. the special school meetings held on pennant chances are slim, unless a was held at Belmont Hall Saturday ev- Monday evening of last week. South- reversal of form defeats Riverhead at! ening. The following directors were old voted in favor of consolidation, in re-elected : Dr. J. H. Marshall, Wm. Orient this week. On the other side, case any or all of the three districts should Shelter Island trim Riverhead, H. Terry, L. W. Korn, E. D. Cahoon, wished to come in with us. These it would probably mean that the pen- Christopher Leicht, Albert W. Albert- three outlying districts naturally pre- nant would be decided by a hair-raising son and F. K. Terry. Mrs. M. Belle fer to remain just as they are and they finish (if not some swollen eyes), when Van Dusen and Miss May Mitchell were decided to await developments, hoping a postponed game between Greenport elected Inspectors of Election. The that Suffolk County will be exempted and Riverhead is played off. The way Treasurer's report showed that the from the provisions of the Townahip it appears baseballically just now, it company was in a good financial condi- School Law at the next session of the looks as though that postponed game . tion. A semi-annual dividend of three Legislature. As the law stands now was fated to decide who's who. If so per cent, payable in September and t these districts will be joined to Matti- Greenport will have the advantage of March, was declared. I tuck, as a part of School Unit No. 2 oft playing on their home grounds. Southold Town. The law as it stands Southold put up a tough spectacle We were misinformed last week, in is an outrage on both the school chit- last Saturday for any pitcher, when stating that the Bay View school dis- dren and the taxpayers and it should be they allowed Mattituck to score six trict had voted not to consolidate with repealed, or at least Suffolk County runs without a hit and take the game Southold. The meeting adjourned for should be exempt from its provisions. by 9 to 5. four weeks, without taking any action. East End Zea ue Red GrOSS NoieS Hot Weather Killed Fish I The Executive Committee of our The bay from Howell's Point, west League Records Chapter has ordered about $300 worth of Bellport, as far eastward as Speonk Nine won l.egt Y. e. of material since August 1st. This is Point, is literally strewn with dead Riverhead . . . . . . 11 5 688 to be paid for out of the $600 reported. flounders, and they are washing ashore Greenport . . . . . . 10 5 667 on hand Aug. 1st in last week's TRAV- in such quantities as to make a stench Shelter Island . 9 8 529 ELER, which will leave a balance on which is liable to become a menace to Mattituck . . . . . . 7 9 438 hand of $300. health. The torrid weather of lastSouthold . 6 11 353 The Cutchogue Branch of the South- week is supposed by local flshermen to Orient . . . . . . . . 6 11 353 old Chapter have sent their first box of have caused the unprecedented fact. surgical dressings to France, to Mrs. Mies Mary Kenney, a teacher in the RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK Austin of Paris. High School at North Rose, N. Y., and Greenport 3, Southold 1 j An appeal has been received from her aunt, Miss Kate Kenney, are at Shelter Island 9, Mattituck 1 Washington, asking their time and all persons who their old home at John Kenney's for Riverhead-Orient game can knit to pleasea le the summer vacation. postponed service in knitting for our soldier boys. " Everybody who can knit, whether they This Saturday's games winds up the Miss Lucy M. Leicht, a trained schedule, which was short this year, belong to the Red Cross or not, are nurse of N. Y. City, is spending asked to help. The worsted will be this month with her parents. She calling for twenty games, instead of furnished gratis for those who will knit drove through in her Auburn roadster. twenty-eight for preceding years. In- applying to Mrs. R. Sturmdorf at he terest in the league this season has her residence or at the Universalist Cutchogue, July 27, by Rev. F. G. waned, and none of the clubs will come Parish House on Monday or Friday of Beebe, Richard P. Vail of Peconic and out much' ahead financially. At the each week. Miss Ruth Hallock of Mattituck. finish of the schedule Saturday, South- Will everyone please try to make an A daughter was born to Mr. and old s 11 has a postponed game with extra effort to come and work at the I Riverhead, and also one tied with of Parish House on Monday and Friday Mrs. Michael Purcell on Monday, Greenport to be played off. River- each week. We know it is warm Aug. 6. head has three after-season dates, in- weather, but we must think of our South Huntington, July 22, Kate, eluding one with Southold. Greenport four, including the tie with Southold, soldiers and remember they are fight- widow �,f Edward R. Ackerly, formerly g ing for us under much harder condi- of. Cutchogue, aged 80 years. a tie with Mattituck, and two post- tions. Don't let us forget our soldier poned. Mattituck will have three re- boys, the cream of our Nation. They Twenty-Five Years ears Ago maining games; Shelter Island, two, are fighting for Humanity and Amer- and Orient, two. It is doubtful if all SECRETARY. &�7 these games will be played, further Ica. S. T. Wells was making repairs on than the ones with Greenport and Riv- mhp Traveler the Willow Hill school house and was erhead, having a direct bearing on the �1 e 1 1 a V e V painting it red. I pennant race between those two nines. is published Friday morning Charles G. Corey was having altera- of each week by tion.made in his house. Oldest Odd Fellow Dies JOSEPH N ,HALLOCE Rev. Dr. McCartney preached in St. Patrick's church. William Lamey, the oldest Odd Fel- Saito=a.r3.aFropsietoz Rev. E. W. Cumings, Rev. Dr. low in America, having been a member 1 _ Kneeland and Rev.James R. Robinson, of the order for seventy-three years, SOU'THOLD, K. V. former Principals of Southold Acade- died at Auburn, N. Y., last Saturday, my, attended the 25th anniversary of in his 101st year. On May 1, his cen- that institution. tennial was celebrated by the Odd Fel- Friday. August 17, 1917 The following gentlemen took a trip lows of the State, who sent high offi- Request to Contributors up the Sound on sloop Harp, Capt. cers and many telegrams, and Auburn citizens paraded in his honor. I trust my contributors will appreci- Maynard, visiting New Haven and l p position and bear with me, Bridgeport: Rev. Dr. A. C. Bowdish, Gate my p The many friends of Dr. J. G. Hunt- when I make the request that contri- Rev. Geo. Miller, Jesse G. Case, When Silas F. Overton, ting were pained to learn of his sudden rton, Geo. C. Wells, Geo. butions in prose only be sent to the C. and severe illness. The genial Doctor, TRAVELER office. The large amount of Hi Terry, F. Gomez. F.Beebe, L. W. Korn,, Geo. R.Wells, en however, is true to his lifelong ebar- poetry received lately compels me to - acter and reputation. Callers hear nngs, F. C. Williams, William Bi Jenllard, announce that hereafter only prose from him no words of complaint, but contributions will be available.—EDITOR Benjamin Mulford and J. N. Hallock. are entertained with the usual flow of It was voted to have a sail annually droll and witty remarks. Everybody Arthur Goldsmith and family of and 'The Don't Care Club" was formed. hopes for the speedy recovery of the Orange, N. J., are occupying Thomas Rev. Daniel H. Overton addressed man, who has warmed so many bearts Farley's house on Main St. the Local Temperance Society. by his old-time articles on Southold. Potatoes are selling for $1.10 per —s P May and wife to E B Baker, 8 bushel. Seven car-loads were shipped acres, adj land J Carpenter and from this station on Tuesday. land A Griswold, Southold nom d- K Characters in Mock court trial I Cutchogue, July 10, William H. Ket- men—Gomez, Diller and Cochran,— cham of Patchogue and Miss Leah I with "Let" Albertson on the initial As there is a general desire on the Frayher of New Suffolk. part of our people to know who are to sack and "Jack" Turner taking good�T participate in the interesting proceed- Twenty-Five ears Ago care of third corner and all surround- ings connected with the Breach of /�ti$ .Z�1 0— /952-, ing territory, pulled many a game out Promise Trial to be given under the Rev. Daniel H. Overton of N. Y. of the fire and recorded a victory. auspices of the M. E. Ladies' Aid So- City preached in the Universalist Nothing in the league then or since has ciety in Belmont Hall on Thursday church. equalled the strength of the 1913 ,R.James RRobinsona former Southold nine. When Cochran wasn't evening, Aug. 23, we publish the list in Rev. catching he was pitching. Diller was full. Principal of Southold Academy, in the ink of form, and Gomez was As will be observed, with the excep- preached in the Methodist church. P tion of Col. Newton, they are all well Rev. E. W. Cumings, a former Prin- almost invincible. It is true there known people who need no introdue- cipaI of Southold Academy, preached were a couple weak positions, but the tion to our readers. in the Presbyterian church. predominant strength of the pitchers, Wherever similar entertainments The celebration of the 25th anni- "Pink's" catching, first, second and have been given under the direction of versary of Southold Academy was a third base, was an ever aggressive the present management, their success great success. Three of the former stone wall that never crumbled. In has been phenomenal, and it is not principals, Rev. E. W. Cumings, Rev. 1913 it was a six club league, as at likely that Southold lacks the material Dr. M. D. Kneeland and Rev. James present, but in 1914, '15 and '16, e�ght to give the affair a liveliness and R. Robinson, were present and took ball clubs represented Sag Harbor, piquancy equal to the best. a prominent part in the proceedings. Shelter Island, Orient, -Greenport, The following is the make-up of the The address of welcome was made by Southold, Cutchogue, Mattituck and court: Rev. Dr. Whitaker. _A public meeting Riverhead. in 1914 Southold finished Judge, Jesse L. Case. was held in the Presbyterian church third with .643, Sag Harbor winn.ng Clerk, J. N. Hallock Wednesday evening. Thursday morn- the pennant. In 1915 the close of the Plaintiff, Mrs. Halstead Rhodes. ing there was an informal meeting at schedule found Southold and Riverhead Defendant, Lewis W. Korn. the Academy and in the evening the tied for first place, which was played Defendant's Attorney, a prominent banquet was held, about 200 being off, Riverhead winning in the eleventh lawyer. present. and claiming the bunting. Last year, Prosecuting Attorney, Col. A. V. League 1916, Southold ended fifth, eight nines Newton of Worcester, Maes. East End playing, with a percentage of .482, Shelter Island capturing the flag. This Court Officer, Wm. R. Newbold. League Records year Southold is 11 tagged and out," Crier, Harold E. Tuthill. Won Lost P.d Y Witnesses, Dr. J. H. Marshall, E. D. 11 6 647 winding up a meritorious baseball Nine en- Riverhead 10 6 625 career in last place, like a once power- Cahoon, F. K. Terry, Mrs. F. T. JGreenport . • • • 10 8 556 ful war horse that has grown weary, nings, Miss Marguerite Howell. Shelter Island . , Jurors, S. L Bennett, A. T. Dicker- 8 g 470 and old amid the turmoil of many bat-I son, o , Boisseau, A.Bennett, W. Albertson, Mattituck . • • • 7 11 389 ties. With conscription on, it is prob- es. L. Jewell, C. H. Becktold, W. A. Orient . • 6 12 339 lematic whether or not there will be a Clark, L. A. Tuthill, W. L. Williams, Southold . league next year. R. T. Merwin, L. N. Sanford, J. E. RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK As the clubs stand now at the end of Howell. ��,�,//�� the season, Riverhead would appear Col. Newton wishes to meet the jury Orient 5, Southold 0 r 7 to be the winner, but the postponed j at 7:30 on evening of trial. Shelter Island 12, Riverhead C ree pot 1 games to be played may break that Mattituck 2, nine's present mooring. Greenport has John S. Boisseau of Mt. Carmel, Ct., where he is working in a foundry, is After beating Orient in every en- he excellent chance beat out River- visiting at his old home. counter for four seasons, it is one of head, if they can holl d strong together the baseball prodigies that it should be in playing these postponed games and The farmers' scales were sold at u to that self-same nine to set South- trim Riverhead when these two clubs er. As both contenders auction last Saturday, B. B. Tuthill P old down in the cellaut tthe r Daubs the for the pennant were beaten last Sat being the purchaser. fifth season, and p them to make sure that they do not urday, their relative positions in the H. W. Simons and S. L. AlbCassidy place ia a emerge. That is what happened last race were unchanged. It was expect- have sold the former Cassidy p ed that in the eastern part of the village to Batu day, and naturally Orient went Riverhead, whichthey did, but Green- Frank Kloss. home much elated, because they subdued their worst rival, but port surely slipped a cog when they F H Richmond to M L Wiles, lot only adj Peconic Bay, adj land L P skunked them twice this season itylof passing their rivasrby they im- Richmond, Indian Neck nom I thereby in this last fray j�'P pie process of defeating little Matti- "" of last place themselves. Mattituck, Aug. 11, by Rev. Charles Sast p d had a powerful ball nine tuck. The latter nine, however, which E. Craven, D.D., George Elliott Gold- pennant in 1913 has been anywhere in the percentage smith of Jamaica, and Miss Helen when they won the P The box- column from bottom to midway, has Marguerite,youngest daughter of Mrs. with a percentage of •828. I been Greenport's most obstinate oppon- Charles W. Wickham. ent for advancement. Possibly Green- The W. C. Albertson Co, Twenty-Five Years Ago port is slipping, as the season has gone The W. C. Albertson Co., one of the about as far as they usually agree to ^^� / ° �1rL play fast ball. largest commission houses on Eastern Long Island, changed hands on Wed- I Rev. Abram Conklin of Bath, Me., Following are the remaining gamesnesday, when Frank R. Mitchell sold preached in the Univf-rsalist church. Presiding Elder W. H. Wardell unplay(d: out the entire business to Frederick Riverhead three—one each postponedW. Bridge. A short time ago Mr. preached in the M. E. church.with Southold, Greenport and Orient. Mitchell had decided to give up buying The annual reunion of Co. H, 127th Greenport four—one postponed and and shipping potatoes and shipped his Regiment, was held at the Peconic 1�one tied with Mattituck, one postponed last load on Tuesday. The next day he House, Greenport. with Riverhead and one tied with sold out the entire business. The firm A meeting was held at Belmont Hall Southold, name will remain the same—The W. to organize a Harrison and Reid Cam- Shelter Island two—one postponed C. Albertson Co.—a name that is paign Club. The following committee with Mattituck and one with Orient. second to none for honesty and fair on permanent organization was ap Mattituck three—two with Green- dealing. The business was started by pO1°ted: J. B. Terry, Jesse G. Case, port: one postponed and one tied, and the late J. B. Terry and W. C. Albert- Chas. E. Terry, Chas. G. Corey and a postponed game with Shelter Island. son, later was run by Mr. Albertson Arthur W. Turbush. Orient two — postponements with and on his death his son, Deputy Coun- Riverhead and Shelter Island. ty Clerk S. Lester Albertson, bad East End League Southo'd two—one postponed with charge. About fifteen years ago he Riverhead and a tie with Greenport. sold out the business to Frank R. League Records Of the above after-season games Mitchell, who has run it with success Nine won Lost P.a. to complete the schedule, each club to himself and with entire satisfaction Riverhead . . . . . . 12 6 667 Greenport . . . . . . 11 6 647 has one or two at home dates, to wit: to his large number of patrons. We 79 At Riverhead—Southold. are confident that the splendid business Shelter Island . . . . 11 8 44 At Greenport—Riverhead. reputation won by the previous owners Mattituck . . . . . . 8 10 444 444 At Shelter Island—Mattituck. will suffer no abatement under the Orient 7 12 368 At Mattituck—Greenport (two). management of the new owner, Mr. Southold . . . . . . . 6 13 316 At Orient—Shelter Island and River- Bridge. We believe he-will win suc- RESULTS LAST SATURDAY head. cess because, like the previous owners, At Southold—Greenport. he will deserve it by his policy. Mr. LS—(Postponed or tied games) Mitchell, in his retirement from busi- Riverhead 3, Southold 2 (10 innings) Mies Winifred Brainerd, a former I ness cares, and Mr. Bridge, in taking Shelter Island 2, Orient 0 Preceptress of the Southold High I on new business responsibilities, both Greenport 10, Mattituck 0 School, now superintendent of manual have the best wishes of their hosts work in Clifton Springs Sanitorium,has of friends. Mr. Mitchell will be at the Southold Baseball Team played a had her salary doubled. This means store until the first of the year to aid good game of ball on Saturday last that Miss Brainerd has "made good" Mr. Bridge all he can by his advice. at Riverhead, but lost the game in there, as she has in every position she I 0. V. Penney, who has been with the the tenth inning. Score 3-2. The has filled. company for the past thirty years and Greenport Baseball Team will play As the management of the L. I. R. thoroughly understands the commission Southold on Labor Day,at the school R. will not allow the steamer Wyan- business, will remain under the new grounds. dotte to stop at Southold wharf, the management. The Mock Court Trial, for breach of Odd Fellows' excursion to New London Southold, Aug. 19, Amanda Hobart. promise of marriage, held at Belmont had to be given up, as not many would wife of Moses T. Horton, aged 68 Hall last Thursday evening, under the care to go to Greenport to take the years. Wyoming, Ohio, Aug. 20, Ivan J. auspices of the'Ladies' Aid Society of boat. Allen, a former Principal of the Pecon- the M. E. church, was well worth at- Wm. T. Gagen this week engaged in I is school, awed _41 years. Interment tending and was full of fun. Col. A. the produce commission business, and at Cayuga, N. Y. V. Newton of Worcester, Mass., who: will hereafter handle potatoes in con- Cutchogue, Aug. 20, Frank L. Gold- had charge, thoroughly understands his nection with his business of coal, wood I smith, a member of the firm of Gold- business. We never knew before that and farm machinery. "Billy" is a smith & Tuthill. we had such noted men right in our hustler, and we wish him abundant City Island, N. Y., Aug. 19, Francis midst as we did when the jury was success. McKennery Dainton and Miss Esther' called. The plaintiff won, as is gen- t) Mies Josephine Grattan has entereo` Groper daughter of Mr. and Mrs' erall the case when the plaintiff is a Zi St. Mary's Hospital, Jamaica, to be-I Walter Tillinghast, formarly of I pair soman and the defendant a man. T'come a trained nurse. Miss Josephine h Canfield is assisting Station The evidence was very conflicting and 9' May is to enter the same hospital next Josep d George the witnesses must have kept their month'to take a course in training. Agent Shields at the depot. ath "to William H. Taylor is erecting a fire Horton, Jr., takes Mr. Canfiel, place the truth andpjust as litt erof the truth Ps poultry plant at his place, under the in H. L. Jewell's market. as they saw fit." I+ Cornell plan. Henry A. Goldsmith is Miss Ethel Case is acting as stenog- doing the work. rapher for W. L. McDermott of Aque- boaue. I Greenport never had a show from Clifford H. Prince and family have any angle, although Heaney gyrated L} moved to Patchogue. i East End League in the box. That score of 5 to 0 meant S more than the bare humiliation of Mrs. Louise Sears has moved into'I League Records Greenport being whitewashed by the S W. A. Cochran's house, vacated by C Niue, woo Lost t'.a. f' H. Prince and famil despised tail-enders—it possibly took Y• I Riverhead . 12 6 667 down in its wake Greenport's last V Brooklyn, Aug. 18, Lieut. Paul K. h Greenport . . . . . . 11 7 611 hope to capture the 1917 trophy, which Roth and Miss Gertrude Matthews Shelter I+land . 11 8 579 t daughter of the late Azel D. Matthews Mattituck that nide has striven desperately for ] and granddaughter of the late James • • • • • 8 10 444 all summer. In order for that club to Matthews. Orient 7 12 368 1 have a look-in for the pennant the - Southold 7 13 350 must win both remaining games by de Southold, Aug. 23, by Rev. W. H. feating Mattituck and Riverhead, an Lloyd, John F. Stelzer of Southold and LABOR DAY GAME Miss Ella Maria,daughter of Wilson L. d in turn Riverhead will need to win it Petty of Peconic. J Southold 5, Greenport 0 final game with Orient, which woul Brookline, Mass., Aug. 25, Francis Last Saturday's games postponed—rain leave the leaders tied for first honor H. Robinson, Jr., of Peconic and Miss and cause a play-off, the same as ha Alice Post, daughter of Mr.ire and Mrs, With"Jack"Turner on third corner, I pened in 1915 between Southold and George H. Allen of Brookline. Southold, Aug. 26, by Rev. Edward a position he occupied the first three Riverhead. But if Riverhead is big F. McGrath, Ernest C. Krouse and enough to trim Greenport when they seasons of the league and contributed meet, the thin Mise Violet V. Van Wickel, both of I' g is settled, and tl.e Peconic. I not a little toward helping win a pen- Orient game need not be played. 7werty-t'lve E'ara ®16 nant, and "Pink" Cochran back on In d.feating Greenport, it would ap- $u�r�" the firing line, the Southold ball club pear that Southold has presented a Potatoes were selling for 50 cents a presented a line-up Labor Day with golden opportunity to Riverhead to win the bunting, a club that has bushel. the vim and verve that were character- little fair-play respect for the probable The members of Eagle Hook and istic of the old halcyon days when donor, if judged from past rform- Ladd,r Co made a fine appearance in thia rine won the major part of its antes. To play the game p st be their new suits at the Firemen's Tour n- contents against all comers. played to win, regardless� t ofitsueffect ament at Greenport. When Southold took the field Mon- on friend or foe, and Southold has Rev. Irving Meredith of Boston yet preached in the Presbyterian church. day afternoon, surrounded by a throng to be charged with a misdeed in this Miss Emma Korn left for New Lon- of spectators,the line-up did not favor- pastime. dun to take a course at the New Lon- ably impress the Greenport nine and One of the sterling features of the that burgh's large following. Had the Labor Day game was the magnificent don Business College. result been other than what it was, umpiring of Mr. Olson of Huntington. J. E Corey rte house the contract to the Southold art of that crowd, at Southold is the onlynine to complete build a handsome house and barn for least, which of late has sorely wit- the schedule to date. Riverheadh38J WA Y. Wella, nessed defeat follow defeat, would two antes to A Y. F. S. C. E. of the Presbyterian g go, one with Greenport church was formed here with the fol- have suffered disappointment as acute and one with Orient. Greenport also lowing officers: Pres., Rev• as was the drubbing sustained by has two to be played, one with Matti- hip Dherd; the visi-ors at a critical stage of their tuck and one with Riverhead. Shelter 1 Miller; Vice Pres , race. Island has one game with Mattituck Cor. Sec., Miss Marryy H.. Huntting; Rec. Sic , Mrs. Ezra G. Beebe;Tress., There is no denying the fact, "Jack" and Orient one with Riverhead to finish Turner has always been a power of the schedule. Mattituck will have to John Breitstadt. strength to the Southold nine, not onlybe the guest of Shelter Island once, Rev. Daniel H. Overton and Miss in fielding his position second to non and this Saturday they entertain ] Carrie C. Terry were married. Mrs. Emma H. Tuthill died, aged 64 in the circuit, but with the hickory, as Greenport on the Mattituck diamond. per his feat in the s�cord frame, years. I when the swing of his club drove in Miss Susie B. Huntting and Mr.nan o two runs and won the game right Mrs. Edward Breen and daught Scallops Brought $2.0(1 Ruth of Caldwell, N. J., have returns there. Cochran also looked every inch The scallop season opened last!• home, after spending m his element on the mound, and bet- P g the summ. . Saturday and buyers paid $2.00 a ter still, he was in superb form. The Geo. R. Jennings'.. gallon the first day. Tuesday, the whole outfit played a brilliant game, Rev. Charles A. Sharpe and Tamil' price jumped to $2.25. The scal- one that was unbeatable, and the won- of Korea have leased Louis A. Tuthill' lops are not as plentiful as last year., der grows why Southold is foundering house at Creekside until next Jun In some sections of the bay they are in last place, when they trimmed the Mr. and Mrs. Sharpe (formerly Mis covered with gratis just now. Accor- leaders with such ease on Monday. Eliza M. Howell of Southold) will hav ding to the baymen the catches dur- Fill the positions in May as they were a vacation from their missionary wo. ' ing the past few days have been then, imbued with the same fighting in Korea. smaller. than those of the correspon- spirit, and another flag would fly from a Southold masthead. Miss Lillian Bergen is employ; ding days of last year. a clerk in the Bank of Southold. 9>; 13J The saloons Will Close Twenty-Five Years Jacob C. Smith of Babylon, Company Ago E, was elected president; Henry The saloons in Southold town will / }-f, De Baum, Nyack, Company B, vice close Oct. 1st. In Greenport village Southo'd Academy opened with forty I president; , . Henry Young, Orient, some of the owners are already Pupils in attendance. Miss L. C. Pond Company H, treasurer; W. W. Hulse, I planning to vacate their buildings was principal, and Mrs. J. N. Hallock, I Bay Shore, Company B, chaplain, and and go into other lines of business. assistant principal. Robert Gurney, Gr•eenlawn, secretary. Miss May B. Case entered Dana HallThe following men from Company H The penalties for violations of the Preparatory School, Boston. answered the roil call: James H. law are so severe, now, that a hotel Julius B. Young, assistant keeper of Young, George B. Reeve, Wm. W. man told the writer the other day, Little Gull Lighthouse, was transferred Sterl'ng, Henry O. Horton, Henry W. that he did not believe there was a to Great Captain's Island Lighthouse, Ptince, H. M. Halleck, G-o. D. F. liquor man in town who would be at the head of the Sourd. Booth, Samuel Harris, William B. willing to take a chance. A Cleveland and Stevenson Campaign Eaton end Isaac T. Moore. The New York Distributing Co. is Club was organized with the following selling out, and offers its building officers : President Jesse L. Case; Vice Presidents, B. H. Booth Wm. A. Co. Reunion for rent; Dan J. Cassidy will vacate � � the Paragon Hotel and go into bus-; Prince, Albertson Case, W. C. Albert- The 42d Reunion of Co. H, 127th' mess; Harr Hirschfield will vacate son, G. Hahn, A. M. Salmon, James Regiment, N. Y. Vol., was held in the Harry Thompson, J. C. Booth, S. D. Gold- Presbyterian Parish House on Saturday I the Ging build;ng at the corner of smith, F. G. Terry, Michael Stelzer; last. Despite the un lea a Main and Front streets. Philip Secretaries, L. W. Korn, J. H. Youn P s nt morning, Weekesser, of the Southold Park N. H. Cleveland, M. I. Booth, W. H, the Veterans, with their families, were Hotel, will go farming. Gagen, J. E. Cochran, T. W. Horton; marching for headquarters by 10 o'clock Treasurer, W. A. Cochran. and a truly pleasant reunion was had The Southold High School opened on A Harrison and Reid Campaign Club when all had arrived. Covers were: Tuesday, with the following corps of was formed with the following officers: laid for sixty, and at the invitation of teachers: Principal, A. W. Symonds; President, J. N. Hallock; Vice Presi- the President w the Aid Society, Mrs, Preceptress, Miss Olga Schwarzbach; dente, R. V. A. Fitz, W. H. Glover, a H. Loyd, who with her assistant- High School, Miss Marion S. Terry; J. N. Dickinson, Waldo Brown, Gilbert forgave a splendid dinner, all were com- High School and Eighth Grade, Miss V. Howell; Secretaries 0. V. Penne white a seated at the tables, with re:a, Mildred Kenney; Grades, Misses Lois H. M. Hawkins; Treasurer, J. B. Ter- .white and blue decorations. It was a M. Watson, Florence Shaw, Frances ry; Executive Committee Samuel very patriotic affair. James Henry Miles, Marguerite McMann and Mar- Dickerson, H G. Howell, F. T. Wells, Young, Commander of Edward Bunt. Deale; Physical Training, Miss H. C. Prince, M. T. Horton, Chas. G. ting Post, started "Praise God from Gertrude Macomber. Corey, F. C. Williams, G H. Dicker- whom all blessings flow," in which all 1'he Southold Academy will open son, G. H. Smith, Dr. J. C. Case, W. joined. Rev. Wm. H. Lloyd invoked S. Bedell, C. E. Terry, E. G. Beebe, the divine blessing, and the pleasant next Tuesday with Miss Bertha R. business of eating began. The menu Stoddard as Principal. A. W. Turbush. It was voted to raise was fine and theservice faultless. The school at Bay View will open a flag with the candidates' names on. After dinner a very enjoyable program on Tuesday next with Miss Marguer- q f fi was carried out. Letters a ere read lte Howell in charge. Reunion 127th Regin]enl from absent comrades. Rev. Wm. H. ss Fran- The annual reunion of the 127th Reg. els W yid gave Booth, G.ne Fred s Hummel and After .a very successful season iment, N. Y. Vol., was held at Hunt- Comrade John H. Young appre- Mrs. L. N. Sanford will close the ington on Monde g gave Conklin Shady Lawn Tea Room after Labor welcome was made b The address of dated readings. Mrs. e L Conklin Y Supervisor A. responded to the pleasure of the com- Day. L. Field and was responded to by r A. pans. There were fourteen Veterans Brooklyn, Sept. 1, at the home of ident Henry E. Smith. Speeches were re tes he bride's parents, by Rev. A. F. made by AEsemblyman Henry1? sent. ;There are now twenty-three Johnson of Port Jefferson, Douglas y A. Mur- of Co. H living. All wished to come Brown and Miss Jessie Belloste,daugh- Phy, Rev. Samuel Seem, Rev, J. J. I again next year. ter of Capt. and Mrs W. O. Horton. Johnstone, and Rev. Charles E. Cragg, 0. Cutchogue, Aug. 29, by Rev. Charles The latter gave each veteran present a A cold wave swept over the country B. Garvey, brother of the bride, Wil- COPY of the Gospel of St. John and the forepart of the week and we had iam F. Lindsay and Miss Katherine asked them to start a movement in h's the coldest Sept. 11th on record. W Garvey. home village to lace a co Many parts of the country had frost the hands of our present da of d in CutcFogue, Aug. 29, Patrick Burns, and ice formed as far south as Virginia. aged 86 years. and sailors. Dinner Y soldiers committee of Huntington was served by a Joseph A. Wells, who has resided at New Suffolk, Aug. 27, Owen Magee, gton women. The Oradell, N. J., for some years, has aged 73 years. citizens of Huntington presented the moved to Montclair, N. J., where he association with a purse of $180. The has purchased a place. Jamaica, Sept. 4,. at St. Mary's meeting next year will be held at l ospital,Jllmes J,Doliohue of South- Babylon. '- old, 50y, . The Farm Bureau says it costs Suf- folk County farmers $150 an acre to raise potatoes. 17 Miss Erna Fiteacher has commenced Gree^port increased its chances for', Thirteen thousand books were given her duties as teacher of domestic a try for the pennant by defeating out last year—a goodly record. We Riverhead 2 to 1 in a hard fought eon- are to purchase new books now, but science in the school at Oakland, before the funds which the State Maryland. teat at hi et last Saturday after- grants us can be used for that pur- pose, $250 are needed for current ex- The will of Mrs. Amanda H. Hor- ort now stands half a game abaft of ton bequeaths an estate valued at he leaders with an excellent chance pensee. Please hand contributions to to enter a two-cornered fight with Riv- Treasurer R. S. Sturges, or Librarian $2,000 to Moses T. Horton, husband. Mrs. Annie Spooner. Miss Helen M. Payne has gone to erhead for the bunting after the Following is a statement of the re- the Alleghany Mountains, Pennsylvan- schedule has been played out. River- ia, for the benefit of her health. head has no more games to play, while ceipts and expenses: Eari P. Hagerman has accepted a Greenport has one with Mattituck, and Expenses if Greenport wins this last game it I Rent $160.00 good position with a Transmission Gas Plant in Irwin, Pa. will tie them with Riverhead, and the Salary 240.00 kink for the flag will have to be broken Heat (coal) 25.00 Miss Josephine May has entered St- by 22.00 by a playoff to decide who's who. Mary's Hospital, Jamaica, to fit her- Riverhead tried to clinch the g:me in Insurance 27.00 self for a trained nurse. the first inning, when John Brady Light 60.00 Harry Carroll, who graduated from doubled and was later brought home. Books 220.00 the Southold High School last June, Greenport soon followed with a run Magazines 50.000 has entered Syracuse University. and tied the score. Both nines hung $804.00 Twenty-Five Years Ago that way until the tenth, when Green- Receipts port worked another run home. Pru- Southold School Dist. $400.00 a . °— dent for Riverhead and Heaney for gay View School Dist. 75.00 Potatoes were selling for 60 cents Greenport both pitched in great form. State for Books 100.00 per bus`:el. "Jack" Turner and "Wes" Prince of -- The old soldiers were attending the Southold played with Greenport, the 575.00 great reunion at Washington, D. C. former third base and the latter short � Mr. and Mrs. David B. Gardiner of field. $229.00 TRUSTEE Hauppauge moved into S. L. Tuthill's tenement house. Southold defeated Orient 3 to 2 in an Suffolk's Potatoes Coal sold at$6 per ton. exhibition ball game at the County It is figured now from the best facts The old "Case House," built in 1647, Fair Tuesday afternoon. Pitchers, obtainable that there has been an in- was being torn down. Part of it was Cochran for Southold, Fleet for Orient. crease of from 500,000 to 600,000 bush- to be moved on a lot on Boisseau Av. Southold, the winner of this contest, els of potatoes i Suffolk County as the A Democratic banner was flung to plays against Mattituck at the Fair on direct result of the patriotic plant-more the breeze. Thursday. I agitation and the good work of the The Republicans raised a flag and Southold free Llorary Long Island Food Reserve Battalion. held a meeting in Belmont Hall, which The estimate is that Suffolk County was addressed by Prof. Joseph M. Bel- The Library needs funds. The rea- will have about 3,000,000 bushels of ford of Riverhead. son is obvious. When four years ago potatoes. The Ladies' Sewing Society of the we came under the school-district as- These figures are based on the out- Presbyterian church elected the follow- sessment, the amount thus obtained— y put per acre so far dug. Not half ing officers: President, Mrs. Ezra S. with the substantial aid rendered by of the potatoes have yet been taken Tillinghast; Vice President, Mrs. our valiant little neighbor Bay View— from the ground, but the farmers be- Annie A. Spooner, Mrs. Geo. W. Day- furnished sufficient funds to support lieve that enough have been dug from ton; Secretary, Miss Susie B. Hunt- the Lit-rary very comfortably. Since the different sections of their fields to ting; Treasurer, Mrs. Ezra G. Beebe, then the reading-room has been in- warrant the estimate here made. stalled, involving increased expense in August Kaelin, one of the large load- salary, rent, heating and lighting. Be- ers, believes, he says, that the aver load- ]Fast St Erid@agu@ sides, we have lost one generous donor age per acre will be 200 bushels— —Mr. Emerson—whose annual gift of "maybe a little better." Frank Nien- LeaRue Records fifty dollars never failed us. stedt of Riverhead, one of the largest Riverhead . 73 7 6500 potato farmers, a man with 100 acres, should not be willing Nine won Lost P. We are proud of our Library, we g to dispense with says he believes that estimate per acre Greenport . . . . . . 12 7 632 Y the reading-room—the only place in Shelter Island . . . . 11 9 550 town open every evening to the young, is a little too high. Mattituck . . . . . . 9 10 474 where we could wish them to spend an Southold . 7 13 350 hour, more or less. Potatoes are selling for $1.35 per Orient 7 13 350 bushel. Will not our people who used to give or one— e habit?of their dollars—twenty-five, ten, five Greenport, Sept.ESUL�T LAST SAIURDAY .13, Chales C . I kindly resume the Wright, for many years proprietof Greenport 2, Riverhead 1 (10 innings) the Wyandank Hotel, aged 74 years. Mattituck 9, Shelter Island 0(forfeited) 1 ,919 New Track Record III East End League less, scored the one run that won the game for Mattituck, blasted New history was made during theI League Records a season's hopes for Greenport, and races at the State Fair at Syracuse Nine Won Lost P.<7, presented Riverhead with highest hon last Friday afternoon. Butthale, a Riverhead . 13 7 650 ors in the league. bay gelding, by Senator Hale, out of Greenport . . . . 12 8 600 Though Mattituck ends in fourth Vida, 2:00:1, and driven by A. H. Shelter Island . 11 9 550 place, that club has had a big say in Cosden of Southold, hung up a track Mattituck . . 10 10 500 the race, and has pulled Greenport record of 2:02J, after going a mile pac- Southold . . 7 13 350 down on other occasions; in truth, that ing exhibition and also clipped one-half Orient . . . . . . . . 7 13 350 nine has been Greenport's stumbling from his own mark. Mr. Cosden was block throughout the season, until now presented with a beautiful silver cup RESULTS LAST SATURDAY they have finished them. But Matti- by the New York State Fair Commis- Mattituck 1, Greenport 0 tuck has played fairly, without a single sion for breaking the record, which blot. They have run in no "ringers," was previously held by Russell Bay, Riverhead Captures Pennant and have won or lost by the rules of driven by Ed Geers, dean of the driv- the league. They could have "laid ing profession. Mr. Cosden is natural- It was Mattituck's little ball nine down" Saturday, with their patched-up ly quite proud of the performance of that did more last Saturday to put nine, and given Greenport a chance Butthale, and, in company wi.h his that hamlet on the map than anything for the flag against Riverhead, but many friends, we extend hearty con- 'that has taken place there since the would not. The fastness,of the game gratulations. was proven by the score, 1 to 0. great auto race. Greenport journeyed Had Greenport won over Mattituck, In accordance with the will of the that way, with the very strongest ball tying with Riverhead, a series of three people, as expressed at the polls at the nine it could pick up, to defeat Matti- games was to be played, and the club Town meeting in April, Southold Town tuck and enter into a tie with River- taking two out of three would have will be dry after Oct. 1, 1917, for a head for the pennant. The race had been proclaimed the 1917 champions, period of at least two years. Shelter but Mattituck upset this dope, so a Island and East Hampton Towns will narrowed down to this last game, and series of three games is now being ar- also be dry, it was up to Mattituck to either give ranged between Greenport and River- Cutchogue, Sept. 13, by Justice Wm. Riverhead the pennant outright, or head, to swell the mite boxes of those A. Fleet, Julian Grochowski and Mise place Greenport and that nine i❑ a tie clubs. If it goes through, the attend- Eliza Daroski. ante to witness these friendly games Cutchogue, Sept. 16, by Rev. C. for a play-off. There was little doubt would undoubtedly be small, with no Schimmel, Louis Doroski and Miss' but what Greenport would win this objective to pull the public. Anna Gryseka, both of Cutchogue. I last encounter, but to make sure, Twenty-Five Years Ago Jack " Turner and "Wes" Prince Pennants won: were gathered in from Southold to 1913 Southold 1914 Rag Harbor strengthen third base and short field, 1915 Riverhead Potatoes were selling for 80 cents and Heaney, their big ace, was given a 1916 Shelter Island a bushel. " long rest to pitch this game. In short, 1917 Riverhead D. W. Grattan had an extension Greenport's line-up was the same that The Democratic Ticket built on his home. defeated Riverhead 2 to 1 in ten in- Rev. Dr. Whitaker filled the pulpit pings the previous Saturday. Justice William J. Kelly, Edward of the M. E. church. Schools and camps having commenced Lazansky of Brooklyn and Richard Charles E. Payne of Edinburg, Ill., work, Mattituck took the field with Newcombe of Queens County were who had been absent from this place MacMillan as a substitute pitcher, nominated for Justices of the Supreme 34 years, was visiting his brother, B. who hadn't worked for that club Court in the Democratic Primaries. T. Payne. this season. Furthermore, the County Judge Burt J. Humphrey and Hon. H. K. Shackleford of New nine was shy a fielder, and George U. S. Dowling of Queens were York addressed a Democratic meeting the position was filled by taking a the other candidates. in Belmont Hall. player from the crowd, who performed Assistant District Attorney LeRoy Rev. S. V. Karmarkar, a high caste in citizen's clothes. With this misfit, M. Young, the Republican nominee for Brahmin from India, filled the pulpit Mattituck put a crimp in the hopes of District Attorney, was endorsed by the of the Presbyterian church. the visitors and handed the bunting Democrats. The Players, under the direction 01 over to Riverhead while that nine was The Democrats have nominated the Dopglas Atherton, gave a fine enter-idle, following ticket, all by having names tainment in Belmont Hall. George MacMillan is a lad of 17, and written in on their blank primary bal- Riverhead owes her pennant winning lots: County Treasurer, Morris J. The price of potatoes is going up by to him, for Greenport was helpless leaps and bounds, the latest notation, I g p p Terry of .Sayville; Superintendent of q against his twirling, barely a man see- the Poor, Andrew J. Case, Peconic; Thursday morning, bei.,g $1.65 per ing third corner during the entire fro 75I Y. Assembly, First District, George W. bushel. Late potatoes are yielding and only two hits being made off him. Percy, Westhampton Beach; Assembly, to 300 bushels to the acre. George, not being satisfied with Second District, Thomas Brennan, Jr., • An aeroplane flew over this place holding the would-be champions score- Smithtown. Tuesday afternoon. _-_ Y 6 The Republican Ticket MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY Letters cf administrat'on on the es- At Kendrick tate of James J. Donahue, value$14,- At the Republican Primaries held Dist. 1 4 0 000, have been granted to Mary J. last Wednesday, County Judge Lewis .' 239 9 Donahue, the widow. L. Fawcett of Brooklyn, Leander B. _. Faber of Jamaica and Surrogate Selab 4 6 9 T'WENTY•FIYE YEARS AGO B. Strong of Setauket won the nomina- 5 11 2 �,�, �— o— Z tions for Supreme Court Justice of the 6 19 1 Second Judicial District. The other 7 7 2 D. H. Jackson was chosen sexton 8 36 4 of the Presbyterian church. candidates were Percy L. Housel of 9 13 1 Columbus exercises were held in the Riverhead and Justice William J. " 10 37 6 Universalist church. Kelly, Democrat. 11 33 8 Assemblyman De Witt C. Talmage James M. Magee, formerly of South- was renominated, receiving a majority SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR old, and Miss Annie M. Emmons of L. of 713 over Justice Robert R. Ken- Gurney Baker Van Hise 1• City were married. drick of Southampton. Dist. 1 4 0 0 The Republican County Convention' Jonathan Baker, keeper of the Suf- ;; 2 2 44 1 nominated Richard Higbie of Babylon l folk County Almshouse, was nominated 3 0 7 0 for Member of Assembly, John P. Dole 4 2 7 2 for Superintendent of Poor, William A. for Superintendent of Poor by a large ;� 5 0 12 1 Strawson for Justice of Sessions, and majority over his opponents, Charles 6 1 17 1 H. Van Hiss of East Quogue and ;; 7 3 5 0 ohn Nugent, Samuel H. Rodman and Superintendent of Poor Robert F. .. 8 4 29 6 harles W. Gordon fer Coroners. 9 1 12 1 Gurney of Greenlawn. - '` 10 5 21 9 LeRoy M. Young of Babylon had no 11 3 38 6 Automobile Accidents opposition for District Attorney. In turning the Southold Hotel corner County Treasurer Henry P. Tuthill Voted for Woman Suffrage Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Mar- of Mattituck was unanimously renomi- Representative Frederick C. Hicks tin Lehr met with a bad nated. was the only member of the House accident to her new Ford'. In some Coroners Clarence C. Miles, M. D., of Representatives from Brooklyn or way she lost control of the car and ran of Greenport, and Edwin S. Moore, M. Long Island who was recorded as vot- into a hitching post and the curbing at D., of Bay Shore, were unanimously ing on the resolution creating a Com- the side of the hotel. The car was renominated. mittee on Woman Suffrage. Mr. Hicks bad'y wrecked and Mrs. Lehr was Assemblyman Henry A. Murphy of voted for the resolution. thrown by the shock right up through Huntington had no opposition for re- There is great elation in suffrage the top. Fortunately she was not ser- nomination in the Second Assembly ranks because the long fight for the iously injured. It was a narrow escape. District. creation of a special House committee Miss Mary Landon Dayton had a Republican Town Primaryon Woman Suffrage has been won. narrow,escape from instant death last The House voted, 181 to 107, to create Saturday afternoon. She was crossing Following is the vote in Southold such a committee. the street at the post office when a Town, at the Republican Primaries, Arrested as Drunk, Died Of large Studebaker car, belonging to held last Wednesday, for the offices in Poison �7 " Commodore Jones of Shelter Island and which there was a contest. There wasdriven by his chauffeur, came along at no opposition to the following: We take the following from/the a rapid pace going west. The car Attorney Gen(rel, Merton E. Lewis Boston Post, Sept. 18: struck Miss Landon, although the Associate Judges of the Court of Ap- Albert G. Salmon,47 years old,of chauffeur put on the emergency brake Pal, 39 Somerset street, while being tak- and ran into the curbing, and she was p. , Chester B. McLaughlin, Ben en to a-patrol box yesterday after- thrown under the car. It was a thank- min N. Cardozo. ful crowd that ran to the rescue of noon by a policeman who had placed Mise Dayton when they found that District Attorney, LeRoy M. Young, him under arrest on a charge Of aside from cuts about the head, bruises County Treasurer, Henry P. Tuthill. drunkenness, confided to the police- generally, and torn clothing, she was Coroners, Clarence C. Miles, Edwin man that he had taken a dose of not seriously hurt. We are happy to S. Moore. corrosive sublimate in an effort to state she is recovering rapidly from JUSTICE OF SUPREME COURTend his life. Salmon was rushed to the shock. Faber Housel Kelly Strong Fawcet the Haymarket Relief Hospital, H. M. Payne writes us that since Dist 1 3 2 2 3 2 where he died at 7:30 o'clock. His Sept. 1st he is associated with the 2 27 13 10 47 20 father lives at Peconic, L. I." Bertha Coal Co. of Pittsburgh, Pa., " 3 3 3 4 6 6 Boston, Masa., Set as assistant of the President of the " 4 3 4 6 12 7 p • 17, Alvah 5 6 5 4 10 8 Glover Salmon, aged 50 years. I Company, the business of which is 6 11 6 13 9 17 Cutchogue, 'the mining and shipping of high gue 7 6 2 7 7 5 , Sept.Sep t 23, b Rev. C. F. grade bituminous coal. " 8 22 14 16 19 28 Schimmel, Stephan Ficner and Miss " 9 8 5 8 10 9 Frances Zuhowski, both of Cutchogue. I Cutchogue, Sept. 21, Albert Smith, "10 24 24 19 16 29 aged 63 years. 1L„,32 38 23 24 20 91-' 1� Louis Wolferz, son of Rev. Loui % Wolferz of Southold and Brooklyn, i "Your letter of the 17th Inst. stat. Y M C A Meeting ing that the Town of Southold at thf Y. M. U. A. on his way to China, having beer last biennial election voted dry upor The men of Southold turned out in selectEd by the Presbyterian Board oj all questions except question No. 3 good force at the meeting at Belmont Foreign Missions to teach in the col (drug store on prescription), has beer lege at Pekin. received. A department store or any Hall Sunday afternoon and "did their one else has the right to ship liquor: bit to make the occasion a big sue- Richard Hodgins, who graduated into Southold, but any person goin€ cess. into Southold and soliciting order, from the Southold High School last would be,guilty of violating the liquo Rev. Paul Edwards,the live pastor of June, is attending the Dental College tax law. I do not know of anything it the Riverhead M. E. church, is one of of Pennsylvania University, Phila- the law, however, that prevents the the best song leaders we ever heard. delphia. Brooklyn department store from tak With "Slats" Reeve of Mattituck at ing and filling mail orders. - -- -- - -- the piano, and Nelson Robinson at the It behooves even the people in slow(?) Very truly yours. old Southold to "Stop! Look ! and Lis- "C. S. Ferris, Counsel." violin, the chorus of Southold young ten!" before crossing our streets. It is generally regarded that this men, assisted by the large company g has brought a big sigh of relief tc present, under the direction of Mr. Ed- Autos are swift and powerful and pe- some parched throats already, an( wards, made the welkin ring. It was destrians cannot be too careful. that p deppe popular in that town.artment store wagons are go inspiring to hear the music, and the f Potatoes are selling for $1.50 per,ing to bwhole meeting was an inspiration, bushel, and lima beans for $2.00 per TWENTY-FIVE YEARS ACCO William S. Hirsch,General Secretary bag. ch4''• .12 0 . /�r ' of the Army Y. M. C. A. at Camp The cauliflower freight will start on Miss Annie E. Clark commenced Upton, gave a splendid address, which Monday. Cauliflower are selling fror4 teaching at Bay View. was entertaining, instructive and up- $2 00 to$3.50 per crate. Seth L. Tuthill moved into his new lifting. He told of the wonderful work house. the Association is doing at the Camp. On Saturday, Sept. 29, several Nathan A. Davis purchased the Three organizations, the Y. M. C. A., friends enjoyed the afternoon at the Dunkel property on Cottage Place for the Knights of Columbus and a Jewish home of Mrs. Elsie Williams at South $810, society, are doing all in their power Harbor. On this occasion the engag(- J. T. Beebe & Co. received the con- to make life pleasant for the boys ment of her -daughter, Mies Margery tract to build a house on Railroad Av. at camp and to throw good influences E. Williams, to Mr. Israel P. Terry, for G. F. Hommel. around them. was announced. Col. A. A. Alling of N. Y. City F. G. Wadsworth the Educational Marion, laws, Aug. 27, Frank Wig- addressed a Democratic meeting at Secretary of the Y. M. C. A., who is gins Terry, son of Mr.and Mrs. George Belmont Hall. stationed at Southold,spoke particular- Henry Terry ofPeconic,ll off Marion.and Miss Burnah Irene Hall Hon. Timothy Sanderson of Dela- ly of work among the men of Southold. Mario ware County addressed a Republican He said the-scope of public education Greenport, Oct. 2, at the E. L I. Hospital, Ida Leslie, wife of Ezra G. meeting at Belmont Hall. in this place should be enlarged, and in Beebe of Southold, where interment John Munch,s house had a narrow order to do this increased accommoda- took place, aged 45 years. escape from being burned down. tions are necessary. We need,he said, RELIEF FOR WETS George Maxwell, youngest son of a place where men can get together Frederick Maxwell, was killed by a for social work and physical benefit. —�— train at Jersey City, while attempting A series of lectures this winter by Stage Says Liquor Deliveries Can B4 to cross the track. some of the best known speakers in Made in Southold Geo. A. Maier, Wm. H. Gagen, the country would be a great thing for Some of those who feel that thea Henry Gaffga, J. Sidney wells, Thomas: the community. Also get experts to must have liquor in one form or an. B. Wells and Geo. M. Howell were ap give lectures on special subjects for other profess to be pointed Overseers of Highways in this the young men. In closing Mr. Wads- p greatly relieves vicinity. I worth said he was not here to foist his and cheered by a ruling that the Stat( ideas on the people, but to do what Department has just sent to County The attention of the people of South- they wanted. Treasurer Henry P. Tuthill, which itDr. J. H. Marshall said he believed effect says that it is legal for depart- old is called to the advertisement of mend stores or others to deliver wet the Southold Savings Bank. The Southold was ripe for a movement of goods" in Southold town. Second Liberty Loan is now offered this kind and he pledged himself to do It therefore appears now . that to the public. It pays four per cent all in his power to give it a boost, that Southold isn't going to be as bone dry interest and is the safest investment in he wanted above all things to help the as it was expected would be the case the world. If you have not the money young men. He believed we should when the bars had to shut up tight to invest, purchase a bond on the have a meeting of this character once last Saturday night. partial payment plan. The Govern- a week. A Brooklyn department store ask& ment asks$63,000 from the people of The Y. M. C. A. is one of the the County Treasurer to get a ruling Southold. Do your bit. greatest organizations for good in the on whether or not it would be legal t( I Fort Keogh, Montana, Oct. 6th, Em- world and it is doing a splendid work in ship liquor into a thoroughly dry town ma L , wife of Major T. B. Glover, U. upbuilding character, and it is char- H!re is the. reply that Mr. Tuthill re- -3. A. atter that counts. Such meetings as ceived: we had Sunday afternoon are bound to telljor good. The former bar room in Southold Junior Chautauqua Record-Breaking Storm Hotel is now about ready to serve ~ lunches and soft drinks. Confectionery On Friday afternoon. Oct. 5, Miss 46easterly storm of Wednes ay and cigars will also be on sale, and a Dorothy Powell met the members of was one of the worst on record. The portion of the room given over to the the Junior Chautauqua Winter Club to wind blew a gale and the rain fell in playing of games. organize for the coming season. At I torrents. The streets were strewn this meeting officers for the year were with limbs of trees and some trees Southold Grange will hold a husking elected as follows: Mayor of the Town, were uprooted and blown down. The bee at Geo. W. Smith's bungalow at Harry Case; Town Clerk, Katherine great willow tree at the entrance of Jockey Creek on Saturday evening of Cogan; Law and Order Commission, the Tuthill Terry place, one of the this week. We hear there will be Robert Booth, Henry Dickerson, Max old landmarks, was one of the trees a liberal sprinkling of red ears. Newbold, Annie Shrigley, Althea I that succumbed to the blast. The tides TWENTY-FIVE YEARS. AGO Smith; Make Good Commission, James were unusually high and that.part of Ebbetts, Marie Gagen, Florence Park, ld Town east of Mill Creek was 60u !`� o K1� — Robert Phillips, Mamie Vojik; Labor Southold time an island. The south road Rev. James R. Robinson accepted a Commission, Alice Carroll, Francis to Greenport was impassable, west of call to become pastor of the>Presbyte- Carroll, Theresa Fielder, Stephen Mill Creek bridge, and many autos got rian church at Painted Post, N. Y. Romanski, Vincine Satcoski; Sanita- stalled and had to be hauled out. The� Daniel H. Horton returned home from tion Commission, Flora Albertson, Sound and Mill Creek also met on the New York, where he had been in the Catherine Berry, William Carroll, John North Road and autos had all they wholesale millinery businers. Purcell, Charlotte Stelzer; Finance could do to get through. The beaches Thomas B. Wells sold the house just Commission, Jennie Albertson, Marion connecting Orient and East Marion east of his residence to Henry A.Clark. Albertson, James Cogan, George were also impassable for several hours. Thousands of barrels of ca.liflower Stelzer. The enthusiasm shown by the Southold wharf and Greenport wharf were being shipped from this station. children at this time is proof of the were completely under water. In one day 595 barrels were sent—the good work the club is doing for the John H. Hagen of Riverhead, l, largest on record. junior citizens of Southold. formerly of the County Review, is to Rev. E. A. Horton addressed the er, articularly for Local Temperance Society. telegrapl} operator and start a farm pap p The Teat half of the old Case House, �t,,�,,J.,Murray, tgent at the L. I. R. R. station, Suffolk County farmers, the first of built in 1647, was moved to BO House, has returned to duty, after his enforced the .year. absence, due to being badly hurt while The subscriptions to the Second Lib- Av. by F. K. Cochran. .I going to a fire. erty Loan by and through the Banks in 11 Leave It to Polly " President H. W. Prince and 'Press- Southold now amount to $76,000. The The Ocawasin Camp Fire Girls will urer H. H. Huntting of the Southold subscriptions close on Saturday, Oct. present the play, "Leave it to Polly," Savings Bank attended the meeting ofI27tb, and should amount to$100,000, if at Behoont Hall on Friday evening, the Savings Bank Association in the 1I we each "do our bit." u..t.. 2-4 Oct. 26 at 8 o'clock. The cast of city this week. has moved The price of potatoes has fallen from Mrs. characters is as follows: William Lowrey cottage in $2.00 to 1.80 per bushel. v 2 4 Miss Priscilla Kitten, Principal, from Mrs. Naney Conklin's cottage, Helen Cochran. peconic to Martin Lehr's Increased Postage Miss Bedelia Kitten, her sister, South Harbor. Helen Mulford. On and after Nov. 2, 1917, letter Miss Octavia Harding, instructor, �I The price of potatoes continues.to i postage and all first-class matter will HelettSay re. I soar, and$2.OQ per bushel is the gong be three cents an oz., instead of two Annie, the maid, Dorothy Van Wyck. price now. You can tefl a farmer by I cents as at present. Postal cards will Marion Esterbrook, Helen Terry, the broad smile on his face. be two cents each. Local letter post- Lillian Martin, Beryl Horton. age will also be two cents. The f`nv- Mrs. Maria Kreutzer has moved ie nment will get out two-cent postals Ina Sinclair, Helen Booth. * back to the Park Hotel. and three-cent stamps for letters as Vivian Winthrop, Lucy Kanold. I Brook n, Oct. 16, at Dr. Pilcher's son as possible. Until it does parties Hilda Mason, Marjorie Van Wyck. Sanitarium, Joh❑ M• Howard of South- will have to affix a two-cent and a one- Mary Ann Meredith (Polly), Frances old, where interment took place, cent stamp to lettere and a one-cent Leicht. 50 years. The Burglar. garbor, Oct. 3, Phoebe, widow I stamp to postale. R. F. D. and drop Sag Gibbs, aged 74 years. I letters will require two cents postage. Act I. Afternoon. Junior study. lof Capt Geo' C - Tracy School for Girls. We are sorry to state that Miss Act. II. The same. Hallowe'en William N. Carey is now filling his Frances Miles of Greenport, a highly annual job with the L. I. Cauliflower esteemed teacher in our High School, evening. Association, and be employs Louis De Tickets, 35 cents. Candy will be for has had to give up her position on Rosiers to take his place delivering account of ill health. Mrs. Jonathan sale. We are sure the people will ld h freight in Southold.g Overton is temporarily filling her place. want to hear these young ladies in the play, and we bespeak for them a big Daniel Grattan, Jr., and family are F R Fleet to N H Fleet, lot ❑ a fr house. I to move into Capt. Robert Ebb 't ? Fast rd, adj land G H Fleet, Cut- t mouse on Railroad Ave. chog no� ue TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Report of L. L. 1, Hospital Divorces Not Popular Here (4"�/• Z----o— /5rldDurino, 1916 there were 703 mar- A very concise, definite, and encour- A liberty pole was placed in the yard' aging report of the E. L. I. Hospital riages in Suffolk County, and only in front of Southold Hotel. has been issued recently. We glean a eleven divorces and two limited di- John F. Clark and P. E. Callahan few items for our readers: vorces,accordina to some interesting addressed the Clevel ind and Stevenson Financially,the hospital is in a better information that Robert Burns of i Club. condition than ever in its history. The County Clerk James F. Richardson's The total number of registered voters endowment fund will soon be increased staff has prepared for The Eagle in this district was 281. by a$5,000 legacy from the estate of from the official records filed in that County Judge Wilmot M. Smith ad- Mrs. Henry Heath of Orient. This will office. dressed the Harrison and Reid Club. give a working capital of about$35,000, Then Mr. Burns makes some ob- J. Gilbert wells of Bay View died, which, invested in guaranteed firstservations based on statistics reaard- aged 74 years. mortgages, nets about$1,925 a year. in divorces in other countries and The elevator installed by Mr. James Affing&Tuthill of Northville were B. Ford last year at a cost of $4,000 other sections of the United States. moving the house which Henry Clark has filled a long felt necessity and In 34 years from 1867 to 1901, only purchased of Thomas B. We'.l& works perfectly. 69 divorces were granted in Cat ada, JA. T. Dickerson entered the employ Through the efforts of the president, and during the same period over Iof J. R. &J. H. Perkins, Riverhead. Dr. Marshall, the grounds hav@ been 700,000 were granted in the United At a meeting of the Trustees of the beautified, a new road laid out, and. the States, and the divorce mill was only 'i Southold Savings Bank, J. B. Terry old roads put in good condition. Drains y P beginning to grind. was elected Second Vice President in have also been Bunk so that the roads Since then we have a toll of 1,000, place of Augustus Jerome, deceased, should be in much better condition 000 in sixteen years. In a recent I and Dr. C. C. Miles was elected a another winter. year Missouri smashed 2,200 marri- Trustee. Brass plaques have been placed on A road commission decided that Me- the walls of the lower hall—one an- ages, whiN Canada wrecked only 4. chanie St. should be widened to three nouncing the ltift of the Hospital Contrary to general opinion, rods. property by Miss Maria L. Wood and which gave Reno, Nev. the prize, An Epworth League Group Meeting Miss M. Evelina Wood, and another Kansas City leads all the rest with was held in the M. E. sharch, under the portrait of the first presi- a pagan record of 1 divorce for every Charles R. Street of Huntington was dent, the Hon. Henry A. Reeves. 4 marriage licences issued, ontstrip- requested by Southold Town to give Under the supervision bf Miss Grace ping Chicago, which decrees 1 di- a written opinion on the question of Floyd, the coal fund last year proved vorce for every 6 marriages. New' the rights and powers of the Town to be a very important relief to the York is way down fhe list, with 1 under its patent, in regard to the Executive Committee. ownership, control and disposition of The shed on the divorce in every 17 marriages. grounds o e ed In the year 1900 England, Scot- the lard under water within the bounds moved to a new location and converted Scot- of the patent. into a garage and it is hoped that in land and Wales, the birthplace of the near future it will be occupied by a divorce, had only 743 divorces, while new motor ambulance. the United States was granting 60, Suffolk's Big Farm The hospital has cared for more pa- 000, and in the same period Ireland 7 his year the County Farm at Yap- tients during the past year than ever'bad only 1, running better than even hank has produced 4,000 bushels of before. our own County of Snffolk. potatoes, which hav, been appraised at I The Executive Committee feels that $1.50 per bushel, or$6,000 For the lot. the entire community should shareits Registered Voters There are. 94 Ogs, big and little, ap- their work and desires a larger mem- SOUTHOLD TOWN praised at a total of $1,140; eightbership in"the Association. 57 The of the Ladies' Auxiliary Dist. 1, Fishers Island horses at $1,150; 22 cows at$1,760; one e rep 2, Orient 192 buil at. $100; t,hra,e calves at $90; 100 shows that it is still giving generous 3, East Marion 108 tons of hay at $2,000; 700 bushels of help to the Hospital. 4, Greenport 294 wheat at $t,540; 30 tons of straw Bone Dry Law 5, << 260 at$360; 800 bushels of oats' at $560; 6 202 `1'he bone dry feature of the Brown 5,000 bushels of corn on the ear at '� 233 $2.500; 1,500 bushels of turni i at law passed by the last Legislature does << 7' P 8, Southold 314 $1,200; 300 bushels of carrots at $150. not operate unless a town has also << 9 Peconic 222 800 bushels of beets at $400; 100 ,voted out the drug stores. In order to 10, Cutcho,gue 234 bushels of onions at $200; 400 fowl at have a town bone dry the people have 11 Mattituck 323 $320; 60 bushels of beans at $510; and to vote "No"' on all four license � 2,439 there are $1,000 worth of cornstalks Propositions. Southold Town is not a Total an-i $500 wor:h of corn in the silos. In bone dry town, as the people voted Frank Strasser has taken the addition to these there was a big in favor of licenses for drug stores. agency of S I. Na:h & Son, he! vegetable garden that suat pplied the Shelter Island Town, which defeated all four license propositionsis a bone Mattituck, and will move his family ora ,e with produce during the season. Itheredry town. . �y Southold people subscribed for TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY A Liberty Bonds amounting to $138,-' it 400, which was$75,400 in excess of /V&v. °— ��Z- Talmage Percy S The Democrats swept Rep. Dem. S the quota of$63,000. H. H. Hunt p the country at f, ting, the Chairman of the Local the general election and for the first Dist. 1 14 9 4 Committee, received the followingtime in over thirty years had complete 2 ill 11 I control of the Government. Grover 3 41 18 h telegram from Benjamin Strong, the; Cleveland had 290 electoral votes; Ben- 4 68 3 Governor of the Federal Reserve jamin Harrison, 128, and James B. 5 78 `23 1 Bank of New York: "Delighted to , Weaver, 26. Cleveland carried New 6 62 24 hear you are on the honor roll of' York State by 44,000. Congressman 7 51 20 { towns exceeding the allotment of James W. Covert was re-elected by 8 112 66 Liberty Bonds. Congratulations." 1800 majority. Suffolk County went 9 89 35 Republican by 750 majority, 10 75 33 During the recent Liberty Bond sale all the candidates. Southold Townc ave 11 142 54 the First National Bank sold $136,800 g and the People's Bank, $_6,000, making Harrison 106 majority. He received over$162,000 sold b;- `" banks of this 20 majority at Southold poll. COUNTY TREASURER vi'l"ge. G.-er+t9t A011-r- Rev. J. H. Ballou accepted a call to In the New York market last week the pastorate of the Universalist church Tuthill Terry little neck clams sold at $10 to $13 at Geneva, N. Y. Rep. Dem. Ezra Boisseau, the oldest resident of Dist. l 18 per barrel. There were no large 2 122 5 b medium clams in market because of Southold, voted on Tuesday. He cast 3 44 17 storms along the coast. Br rs his first vote for President in 1820 and had voted at every Presidential 4 77 27 would have gladly paid $6 and $7 election since then. His grandson, E. 5 93 17 for such. Ernest Boisseau, cast his first vote. 6 4 26 Detective John Carey was shot wbila 7 5 54 21 There was a wide range of prices in the discharge of his duty in the cit 8 135 50 y e for scallops last week, going from died almost instantly. y. 10 96 30 9 112 23 $2.50 on Saturday to $5.00 on Thurs- day. and Election Returns 11 220 11 Cauliflowers are now heading up Southold Town nicely and several carloads are being SUPERINTENDENT OF POOR shipped every day from this station. ATTORNEY GeNERAL Baker Case The price is$2 00 Der crate. -�• Lewis Hodson Block PurrRep• Dem. Louis De Rosier and family have Rep.. Dem. Soo, P.-o' Dist. 1 14 .10 rented the tenement house of A. M. Dist. 1 17 7 0 0 3 112 7 Salmon on Railroad Ave. , 2 103 13 0 13 37 18 Daniel H Horton has purchased of 3 32 26 0 3 4 b9 36 Edwin H. Brown forty acres of farm 1 4 66 36 3 1 5 68 32 2 land south aide of the Bay View road. b 71 28 g 6 55 33 'This includes the place now occupied 6 52 33 4 0 7 44 30 by Thomas H. Bennett. 7 46 31 5 77 8 107 74 5 0 8 98 9 77 b8 5 IAson, Kenneth Lewis, was born 9 87 45 6 1 10 78 45 to Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Tuthill 10 75 36 %6 2 11 153 58 on Saturday, Oct. 20. 11 150 53 5 5 New YOfK He UbI���� CORONERS 6 P JUSTICE SUPREME COURT Miles Moore White Savage C The election returns show that New Faw- Lazan-New- Rep. Rep. Dem. Dem. York State is strongly Republican, Faber Strong tett Sky combe Kelly Dist. 1 13 12 6 6 Rep. Rep. Rep. Dem. Dem. Dem. t The majority of Merton E. Lewis, 1 17 11 11 5 7 6 2 115 91 8 7 candidate for Attorney General, is up- 2 1093 51 31 16 14 112 97 16 9 19 !1 wards of 100,000. Hodson, the Demo- 3 36 35 33 22 17 22 4 84 52 27 26 y cratic candidate, had 80,000 plurality in 4 50 50 41 44 26 42 5 88 51 20 21 5 New York City, but the great Republi 5 67 60 56 29 20 30 6 67 38 25 30 i can vote up State soon wiped this out, 6 3050 40 43 25 47 7 51 39 30 20 t The next Assembly will stand 97 Re- 7 45 40 40 26 19 33 8 121 88 62 65 I publicans, and 44 Democrats, and 9 8 112 80 102 64 59 85 9 93 72 38 34 Socialists. 9 87 76 78 41 32 48 10 88 73 30 36 10 83 64 66 37 36 48 11 149 118 48 49 11 139 124 123 49 45 70 WOMAN SUFFRAGE i The cold weather is bad for cauli- For Against Suffolk Republican flowers. Unless there is a change it Dist. 1 12 10 looks as if the biggest part would be 2 73 50 Considering the very light vote, Suf- left in the lot. Shipments are light. 30 27 3 folk County gave a big Republican They are selling for$4 50 per barrel. p majority on Tuesday. Henry P. Tut- 4 74 41 ' 74 34 hill for County Treasurer beats Terry Potatoes are selling for $1.6 per S 545 44 by over 4,000. Jonathan Baker for bushel. is clerking for F. Superintendent of Poor, beats Case by J. Edward Reney 7 38 39 nearly 4,000. LeRoy M. Young for Fickeissen. .e- 8 105 84 District Attorney was on both the Re- Walter &Leicht have sold the John 9 52 79 publican and Democratic tickets. Drs. Laurel,_to Law- 10 46 73 Fleischmann farm, have 11 115 gg Clarence C. Miles and Edwin S. Moore rence Stelzer of Mattituck. `f hey for Coroners had about 4,000 majority. also sold part of the Robert Lindsay DeWitt C. Talmage for Assembly In farm, Peconic, to Frank Wal,ski of Chester B. McLaughlin and Benja- the First District beat Percy by nearly Orient. min N. Cardozo, for Associate Judges 2,000. Henry A. Murphy for Assembly Greenport, N. Y., No 5, at E. L. I. of the Court of Appeals, were on both in the Second District beat Brennan by Hospitlt, Ann Eliza, wife of Benjamin the Republican and Democratic tickets. 1,265. Horton of Southold, where interment LeRoy M. Young, for District At- Woman Suffrage wins in the County took place, aged 87 years. torney, was on both the Republican by about 1,000. I N. Y. City, Nov. 1, Amos W. Knapp, and Democratic tickets. The Socialists carried Lindenhurst, aged 63 years. Interment in Willow Hill Cemetery. Taking the office of Attorney Gen- the German village of Babylon Town. er d were eral, on which a party vote was cast, The Republicans swept Nassau Coun-I the only towns dnsthet county nto cast the vote in Southold Town was as fol-I ty and the Suffragists were also vic-I majorities against suffrage, and these lows: Republican, 806; Democrat, torious there. are small. The town totals on sUS_ 382; Socialist, 42; Prohibition, 32; a` Supreme Court Vote frage are as follows: SUFFOLK COUNTY Against Republican plurality of 424 For County Judge Lewis L. Fawcett, one Huntington .......•••.. 934 768 The majority in Southold Town for 346 314 of the three Republican candidates for Smithtown 630 Woman Suffrage was 94. p Babylon .............::1 2ii 808 Justice of the Supreme Court, with- [silo 1,389 947 stood the general Democratic landslide Brookhaven Woman Suffrage Wins g Riverhead ::.•:::: .. 316 376 64'L 651 Southold •• 60 71 and was elected with Justice William shelter Island .. • Women have won their fight for J. Kelly and Edward Lazansky, both Gast Hampton 332 771 g y jouthampton 866 suffrage in New York b 100,000 ma- of whom ran on the Democratic ticket. 5,546 jority, and the Empire State joins Judge Fawcett ran second to Justice' 6,841 Majority for Sut[ra^ge`, 1,295. Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Kelly and well in advance of Lazansky. Washington, California, Oregon, Ari- Richard S. Newcombe, the third i em- I A large veranda is being added to zona, Kansas, Illinois, Montana and ocratic candidate, ran fourth, about i the,west and South sides of St. Pat- Nevada in giving the ballot to women. 7,000 votes behind Lazansky. Leander rick'srectory. Two years ago, when the suffrage B. Faber was fifth in the race, while We;iwere mistaken last week when amendment was considered in New Surrogate Selah B. Strong was sixth, we said that Frank Strasser would York State:it was beaten by nearly The vote in Suffolk County on Su- move liis family,tO•Mattituck. They 200,000. What has caused this great preme Court was: Kelly, 4,185; Faw- I will continue to live in Southold. change in public-sentiment on this tett, 6,533; Lazansky, 3,466; New 6Laurence Sulli- New Suffolk, Nov. , I question? The greatest factor was Combe, 3,017; Faber, 7,498; Strong, 'I years. the great and noble work that women 7,267. van, aged have done in the war both here and The total vote in the Judicial District TWENTY-FIVE YEARS -AGO abroad. Across the seas women are was: Kelly, 150,333; Fawcett, 135,- d `"2-• doing men's work and doing it well. 151; Lazansky, 128,509; Newcombe,` eo-- Augustus Bauer opened a barber At home they have been conspicuously 121,718; Faber, 116,358; Strong, 81,- shop at Southold. efficient in many lines of work. The 739. J L Brown of Englewood, N. J., obtaining of over one million signatures Rev. and Mrs. E. L. Conklin arrived was assisting Station Agent Carey. to a petition for the ballot also im- at their home at Charlotte, Mich., last The Commissioners of Highways pressed the voters. The stand of Pres- Friday, after a 2,000-mile trip in their ident Wilson, Governor Whitman and auto, which was made without a single I placed iron guide boards at the street prominent men in favor of suf- crossings. many P mishap. There was excellent duck shooting at frage had its effect. We are at all Mrs. Frederick Prentiss, who occu- times willing to bow to the will of the pied the Bliss home at Creekside this the Sound. majority, and we drink most heartily A decided change was made in the j y, y summer, has returned to her home in interior of the Presbyterian church. to the toast, "The women, God bless N. Y. City. 'em." Give 'em :hs atever they ask The valuable documents which were �� for, for sooner or later they will getSalvatou Tedeschi has opened a shoe- placed underneath the old pulpit when repairing shop in the Hoinkis building built were found in a good state of Ion Railroad Av. nreservation. i 7 _ government, any increased taxation The graceful and substantial build- WON'T BUILD ROAD should be carefully scrutinized and ing, erected by Miss Grace Floyd on the courts should not lend their the site of the burned Congrega- From Peconic West Along The support to any project which does tional Church, corner of First and Sound Bluff not appear to have been established North streets, as a memorial to her County Judge John R. Vnnk has as a public necessity by sufficient father, the late Hon. David Gelston' refused to confirm the report of testimony, for the reasons stated. Floyd, will be given to the people of George W. Hildreth, Edward H. "The arplicatiou to confirm the Greenport, for use as Library Build- Albertson, and Archibald Hallett report of the Commissioners is de- ing, on Nov. 21. The Rev. Chas. A. of the Highway Commission that vied with twenty-five dollars costs Jessup, of Buffalo, will make the decided that a new Sound highway to each property owner appearing presentation speech. The ceremon- from the Mill road at Peconic to the in opposition to the confirmation of ies will begin at 2:30 p. in. Admis- Duck Pond road at Cutchogue was the report." sion will be by ticket, to be obtained, a public necessity. Along time ago William C. Sal- up to the seating capacity of the Judge Vuuk finds that the evi- mon petitioned to have this new building, of F. B. Corey at the First dence is insufficient to support the highway opened from the Inlet Mill National Bank, on and after Nov. claim that the proposed highway is road to the Dnck Pond road, Peconic, 19. F. B. Corey, president of the a public necessity. He states that near Long Island Sound. There was Library Association, will make the the decision reversing the findings not much opposition until after the address of acceptance for the people of the commission is not to ''lie con- commissioners got through. Then of Greenport. After these address- sidered in any respect a reflection it was strongly contended that the es from 3:30 until 5 o'clock there upon the commissioners and he road starters nowhere and ended in will be a reception to which all the believes that the commission would same place; that the road would be people are invited. David G. Floyd have reached the same decision as never useful -for anyone except was born at Mastic, L. I. His fath- he has if the opposition to the open- lovers, fertilizer men and politicians. er was Nicoll Floyd of that place. ing of the highway had been pre- Herbert L. Fordham and N. O. and his grandfather was Wm. Floyd, rented to the commission with the Petty were the lawyers in opposition a signer of the Declaration of Inde- pence. Mr. David Floyd lived in same force and energy that the mat- to laying oat the road, and who this village a good many years and ter was presented to the County;' pointed ont that about its only, uses was ever greatly interested in it and Court., would be by lovers, etc. its people. The Greenport people in Jude Vnuk's o Luton in turn esteemed him highly and hon- g p' part is ored him by making him their Re as follows: Cauliflower are moving more freely g P- now and on Wednesday three car-loads resentative in the Assembly at Al- "Phe evidence is insufficient to bany, for a period. The generous establish public necessity. The were shipped from this station. The gift of this fully equipped and com- road may be a convenience to some weather is favorable to their growth. pleted building is a lasting tribute few persons. The evidence, how-; They are selling well—$6.00 to$7.00 of Miss Floyd's filial affection and ever, does not disclose such facts as a barrel and $2.50 a crate. her love for her native village. would warrant the commission in The attention of our readers is called I determining that such public neces- to the important announcement of F. music Class sity existed as required the Towa'of Fickeissen. On Dec. 14t-he will start Those who wish to join a class in ,Southold to pay the very consicler- a str ctly cash business, with a general sight reading and part singing, from able expense occasioned by the reduction in Drives. the age of 15 to 25,kindly communicate Frank G- Carter of Plainfield, N J., with Miss Mary Conklin, pupil of Miss opouing and construction of this who spent the summer at one of the Edith Romaine, New York City. highway. Hallovk bungalows at Paradise Point, -I take great pleasure in testifying "Apparently before the commis- was so well pleased with the place that he has contracted to purchase a lot,I that the musical gifts possessed by sion no determined effort was made Miss Mary Conklin should enable her inopposition to the highway and with 250 feet front on Peconic Bay and! to conduct classes in sight reading and the decision of the 'court reversing' running back to the highway, of Edwin EDITH ROMAINE H. Brown. The lot is the Hallovk just south of part singing. the findings of the commission is pupil of James Sauvage and Maurice property. not to La Forge, New York City." tae considered in any respect Alfred H. Cosden is suing the E. a reflection upon the Commission- E. Pahl Construction Co. and the r., gave a era. However, in this da of in- ,Rensselaer G. Terry, j y American Surety Co., to recover party to his.'young friends on Satur- creased taxation when the taxpay- $15,000 f.,r the failure of the con- day last, in honor of his third birth- ers of a community are compelled struction company to live up to the day,; n/�y, l ©. to pay what apparently are excel- provisions of the contract it was Thomas Farley has made his Ford sive taxes for the absolute necessi- awarded to build Mr.Cordon's home a classy town car by the putting on ties required in the conduct of the : herd. of.a Hempstead top. / E COUNTY VALUES 'I WENTY•FIVE YEARS AGO j Southold and Shelter Island iY&V. -_-3_0— /�r5�2- Towns are Raised TOTAL RESOURCES OF J. T. Beebe & Co. were b ilding a house and barn for F. Fickeissen. The total amount of the equalized SUFFOLK $1677127.72 Union Thanksgiving services of the value of real property and assessed s f Presbyterian and Methodist churches value of personal property in Snf- —�— were held in the Methodist church, the folk County this year is$105,892,606, Land and Buildings Owned by County sermon being preached by Rev. Geo. an increase of about$4,000.000 over D. Miller of the Presbyterian church. last year, according to the report of Are Valued at $656,000, and Thanksgiving services were held in the Equalization Committee of the Surplus is $511,920.48 the Universalist church, the sermon Board of Supervisors, which has For the first time in the history of being preached by the pastor, Rev. E. been approved by that body. The Suffolk County a-comprehensive finan- A. Horton, cial statement of the assets and lia- The new pulpit furniture for the Property was equalized on a basis bilities of the county has been made Presbyterian church arrived. of 62.6 per cent. for the whole and filed. The document was pre- The large barn of Daniel N. Thomas county. The full value at the rate pared last week by Frank L. Leslie of s the County Treasurer's office, was at Arshamomo ue, together with its of equalization would be $164,642,- 9 read at the session of the Supervisors contents, was burned. 332.45. and approved. Michael O'Hearn of Ansonia, Ct., The following is the assessed value This statement shows that the to- and Miss Elizabeth Hannabury of Bay and the equalized value of the real tat resources close of the fisccaa Oct. 31, re $ (the l year) were $1,677,- View were married. property and special franchises in 127.72, and that there was a balance ter►towns: of $511,920.48 in favor of the county The Babylon Leader notes that Assessed value Equalized value .after charging off all of the liabilities. John L. Baldwin of that place raised Babylon $ 7,164,291.00 s 7,013,469.101 This is regarded as a mighty good some good crops of potatoes and tar- Brookhaven 20,576,75100 20,463,310.69 showing, particularly, as is pointed nips during the past season by. using East ampton 8,621,285 00 5,502,946 32 out, when one stops to consider that nothing but seaweed as fertilizer. Huntington 14,215178.00 14 364.&n.35 undoubtedly false impressions might Imp 21,950,493.00 21,829.479 20 have been made as to the stability of Three carloads of cauliflower were Riverhead 4,349.590.00 4,395,378.49I the county by reading of the investi- 'shi ed from this station Wednes- sbelterIsland 2,+74.4%8.00 2,096.26568!!!! gations, sults against public officials; pp, Smithtown 4 874,427.00 4,825.740.51 I and the like. 'day. They are selling for $6 and $7 Settthampton 15,074,866.00 15,233,F60.31 Especially solid does the county ap-I A barrel and $2:50 a crate. -- `f s•athuld 7,251,522.00 71:127,858.33 I pear to be, too, when one reads 1n this report that the value of the Ezra.G. Beebe has sold a portion i Totals $103,152,831.00 $103,152,831.00 county buildings and land alone ex- of his farm, 48 acres, between the The assessed value of personal ceeds the bonded debt by $210,000, tG North Road and the new Sound property by towns is as follows: say nothing of a total realty value $164,000,000, which is shown by an- View'.Road,to a Polish man of Sound Babylon,$57,000;Brookhaven,$146,- other report made last week. And Avenue. Mr. Beebe has retained 25 300; East Hampton, $118,000; Hunt- added to the fact that we have a sur- plus of value of property over bonded Acres north of the Sound View road ington,$437,800;Islip, $884,200; Riv- debt there is also the pleasant in- `.fronting on the Sound. The sale erbead, $111,100; Shelter Island, formation that the county has all bills .was made through the real estate $92,300;Smithtown, $212,200:South- paid and over $100,000 in actual, liquid cash. agency of H. M.Reeve of Mattituck. ampton,$455,325;Southold,$225,550. County Auditor Dwight T. Corwin The following are equalized value has just completed an inventory of Rev. John G. Hehr has sold 1 acres county property, and this is made a of land in the eastern part of the vil- of the real property and the assessed part of Mr. Leslie's report,'as follows: lage to Gaffga Bros. value of the personal property eom- County jail and equipment ....... $250,000.00 �inPd h towns: Babylon, 7,Q7Q,_ County Clerk's office and equipment 75,000.00 Southold, NOV. 17, at the residence y y $ Court House and equipment ....... 75,000.00 of the bride's parents. b Rev. Ed- 469.10; Brookhaven, $20.ti09,610.69; County Treasurer's office and equip- the y merit ... 70,000.00 ward R. Hance of Orient, George last Hampton, $5620,946.32; Hunt- Tuberculosis Hospital, grounds and Van VPlsor Pettit of Brooklyn, and equipment ...., . .. ......... 75,000.oc inRton,$14,802,h22 35;Islip,$22,713,- ' Almshouse farm, buildings and Mics Georgia MHud, daughter of Dr. equipment . .. .............. 90,000.00 . grid Mrs. J. H. Marshall. 679.20; Riverhead, $4,506.478.49: Children's home and equipment .... 15,000.00' Shelter Island, $2,188,565.68; Smith- Saw Mill Brook property (River- Brooklyn, Nov. 17, Mrs. Marthahead) •••.••••••••'••'•..... $858,000.00 t 1,000.oc Baker, daughter of the late Elias town' $5,137,940.51; Southampton, j $15,688,885.31; Southold $7 553 I Richmond, formerly of Southold, Cash and deposits: � 4©$ 35. General accounts .................$129,112.62 where burial took place, 80y. Special accounts .................. 285,082.671 The rate at which property was $414,195.191 assessed in the varions towns foll,)w: Due from taxes: 0 Taxes other than tax sales, 1910 to j I' Babylon, .64; Brookhaven, .63; East' 1915, inclusive ..... ..,....$271,378.071 .Hampton, .64, Hnntingtoa, 62;Islip, Properties deeded to county ....... 76,726.70: s jleturn town taxes, 1916 . . 123,456.431 .63; Riverhead, .62; Shelter Island, Return school taxes, 1916 ......... 53,263.79 44 1 .62; Smithtown, .62; Southampton, 4 , $524,824.99 j .68; Southold, .62. 9/� 1 Due from redemption advertising ,, $18,391.73 I Farm Bureau , Due from to District Atta.% .. '; ;;;. 2,600.00 deeded b 61,278.03 Sheriff's office ey's office 10,000.00 y the sheriff; a reduction Of Due fnom Brookhaven tax deficit ac- ( ...... 12,826.00 $3,500 in the expenses of the erim- MTcount 10,223.80' Investigation of crime ,,,, - 12,000,00 mal branch of the County Court; and otalce resources, receivable 2,213.98 Investigation of draft exemption 2,600.00 Total resources, $1,677,127.72 Jail inmates ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, a reduction in the amount needed for The liabilities include the follow- CE. yment jail inmates "'•• 15,925,00 enol institutions ail maillteriance Construction work 4,000.00 P . , Ing' •............ 6,876.17 rivate reform schools and the like Jail construction }fonds $110,000.00 Interest on bonds p , 9 County Clerk's building bonds 42,600.00 ' Bonds .293.76" and no appropriation at all is made Tuberculosis hospital bonds ....... 40,000.00 25,000.00 for Supreme Court criminal, as County Treasurer's building bonds.. 47,500.00 The total estimated expenses in the against an appropriation of $2,000 Highway construction bonds, aeries general fund are $482,531.89, but off- last year. No. 1 .. . 35,000.00 setting, this is a considerable amount Highway construction bonds,•series Of income, which materially reduces gh 2 ,.. 55,000.00 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS -ACy0 Highway construction bonds, aeries the amount necessary to be collected No. 3 116,000.00 by taxes, like the following estimated NvV. 0— $446,000.00 receipts: Reserve deposits for special purposea$285,082.67 Balance of 1917 a We had the first snow storm Of the Appropriations, general fund appropriations, _ $7,327,77 general fund ... $26,495.87 season, and it wag a very Severe one. Appropriations, highway fund .,. 260.00 County Treasurer's fees . . 8,000.00 The trains were delayed half a day. Orders payable: Count Clerk's fees . ""' Auditor's drafts ........ y 26,000.00 ...•. $2,800.00 sheriff's fees .............:....... 2,600.00 Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond of County Clerk's certificates .,.,, 136.29 ;Interest on deposits Board Child Welfare orders i School superintendent ' ."•""• 10,000.00 Willimantic, Conn., purchased the San- 354.00 (Haid by dis- Due school tax arscolof to $66,764.16 j tricts) 6,800.00 ford property in the eastern part of Reserve for arrears of taxes 348,104.77 State taxes " ... Reserve for redemption advances ,. 18,391.73 172,366.01 the village and moved to Southold. Surplus, $511,920.48 The total estimated receipts for the A concert was given in the Univer- Total liabilities, $1,677,127.72 general fund are $235583.21 Analysis of surplus account: . Total surplus, $511,920.48, consist- In the poor fund there are such salist church, under the direction of ing of: sums in the budget as the following: Prof. C. 0, Moore. Cash, general account $129,112.62 Almshouse maintenance Patrick May and Diss Maggie Turner Return town taxes, 1916 . 123,456.43 ••a..• .. $6,000.00 y P g Due from towns 51,278,03 Almshouse inmates, maintenance 13,600.00 Due from special funds.. 10,223.80 Almshouse farm 9,000.00 were married.,; Miscellaneous accounts receivable.. 2,213.98 Tuberculosis hospital, maintenance. 7,000.00 Difference in value of county prop- Extra equipment for same 4,659.86 Gard. of Thanks erty and bonded debt 210,000.00 Hospital inmates, maintenance .... 24,000.00 ""' County orphanage inmates 16,000.00 Private orphanage asylums On behalf of the Eastern Long Island $526,284.76 Epileptics 17,000.00 Unexpended balances of specie] ap- Child Welfare Board and relief....• 6,000.00 Hospital, I wish to extend the thanks Propriations $7,677.77 ... 16,800.00 Orders payable Account of receipts for 1 ..„ ,,,,, 3,490:37 3,286.14 The total needed for the poor fund, of the management for the generous tax paid prior to levy . school of which the above are some of the donations of eatables. larger items only, is $131,039.85, but ' Southold Town, between Mill Creek $14,364.28 there will be certain receipts which and Cutchogue, contributed three full 1Deducting the above $14,3F4.28 'will reduce the amount necessary to truck loads, consisting of from the. above $526,284.76, leaves be raised by tax for this fund, like home-made $511,920.48 as the surplus. some of the following items: canned goods of the finest kinds,jellies, h f ma Balance in poor fund $7;327.04 groceries, potatoes, carrots, turnips, The total budget for the county, Support town'spoor at almshouse beets, cabbage, cauPflower, apples, in $511,221,35, is made up of these sums: and town orphans at asylums.. 24,421.43 fact about everything that grows on 3eneral fund ..........$270,036.08 Child welfare from towns ......... 9,937.60 Eastern Long Island, all Of Wb1Ch is Poor fund 48,815.78 ;From tuberculosis patients 600.00 Highway fund ............ ....... Sale of farm (almshouse) products. 7,000.00 much needed and is greatly appreciated.1 ••.••... 22,007,60 Total county budget The amount of the estimated re- This district a'so contributed $60.00 ••••.......$338,856.34 ceipts in the poor fund reduces the in cash. Rate tax $143,660.96 amount necessary to be raised by tax Orient and East Marion sent in two stenographers' tax .. 8,776.62 Armory tax ...................... 19,927.4S to $46,813.76. In the Board of Elections depart- big truck loads, Showing the interest Total State tax .,....... $172666.01 ment the total appropriationrthese great-hearted peoplele have in theThe total county budget, $338,866.- greater than last year, which is the Hospital and every good work. 34, and the total State tax from Suf- amount considered to be necessary be- The Greenport committee's report I 1 Folk, $172,365.01, added, make the cause the women are going to vote. have not yet assn, but have no doubt brand total budget of $511,221.35. The commissioners asked for $9,000 Some Items in the Budget a ore, but as it was considered purely their response has been fully as gener- guess as to what the women were ous. In these times when so many de- Some of the larger items needed for going to cost the county the Super•• mands are being made on the people county expenses are as follows: visors pruned the request $3,000 in for the many war activities, our hos- Tax sale advertising $10,000.00 fixing the budget. Redemption advertising'....,,.,, The tax sale advertisin is- in- pital suffers for lack of money for its Refund taxes 6,000.00 $ ' r support, and these 3,000.00 creased $5,000 over last year because generous donations 1'ax sale expenses � '�• Y Supervisors' compensation .”'•.. 1,000.00 it 1s expected the county will have t0 will be a great help. Supervisors' expenses ....••• 10,000.00 -pay for two sales out of one year's a 6,000.00 I1- J. R. MARSHALL, President aunty rublications ...... . 3,500.00 Propriations—the sale to be held Dec. Commissioners of elections.. 6,000.00 i 17 of this year and a sale to be held Elections ........ ....... Primary elections ................ 8,000.00 'early next year. At a meeting of the guarantors of County Treasurer's office .. 29,143.33 The amount needed in the County the Southold Chautauqua, Friday even- surrogate's office .. . 111000:00 T'reasurer's office is increased $9,000 in it was decided that, owing to'the 1 Supreme Courtucivilbuildings ..... 18,000.00 over last ear's a ' g. g I supreme Court, grand jury ;..... 1s;000.00 maintenance of countypbuildingsthis condition of the country being at war, county Court, criminal .. 3,500.00 reduced $2,000; there is a reduction it was best not to have a Southold County Clerk as clerk of couii .... 9,000,00 of $1,500 in Sur pe Chautauqua this year. 'County Clerk as register ......... 24,000.00 Supreme Court ex uses 9 y ;Court library ••••••••••••••,•,... 1,600.00 likewise a reduction in the amount c�� , School Notes Gold wave Southold, Nov. 24, at the'residence y 1 of the bride's mother, by Rev. Charles The following pupils of the Southold The November Indian summer got E. Sharp, Israel Peck Terry and Miss High School obtained an average of badly frost-bitten the forepart of the Margcry Elmer, daughter . of Mrs. g week. The thermometer registered 20 Elsie E. Williams. themore as a result of the work of Soutt•old, Nov. 25. by Rev. Edward the first quarter: degrees Monday morning, and Tuesday q �. McGrath, Thomas Fleming and Mrs. Grade I-Evelyn Van W,ck 97, Irene morning the weather to was o We Loretta Penrose. McKeon 96, Helen Dickerson 92, Alice had very cold weather to the north of N. Y City, Nov. 27, Reuben Jeffery Downs 92, Marie Ducey 91, Annie Pali- us, with the center over the Great peacock and Miss Grace Comstock, wadi 91, Stanley Smith 89, Natalie Lakes, where it was 24 below zero, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Best 8$, Frances Gordon 88, Dwight The cold wave had been moving this Glover. Bridge 87, Carl Johnson 87, Katherine way for several days. The stretch, of Greenport, Nov. 23, at the E. L. I. Stepnoski 87, Alfred Wells 87, Horace fine days in November followed a raw, Hospital, Hugh Gilson Booth of South- Symonds 87, Helen Kart 86. blustery October. The weather began old, where interment took place, aged Grade II-Corey Albertson 89, Wil- to moderate on Tuesday. Great dam- 80 years. - liam Boergesson 91,Stanley Krukowski age has been done to the cauliflower On December :18t, F. Fickeissen 88, Clinton Terry 88, Henrietta Fick- crop, which was very backward this will start,a-strictly cash business. eissen 87, Viola Kulick 87, Esther Ma year, In man fields but few barrels y y All goods will be sold' F. 0. B. at It will mean the comber 89, Lillian Stelzer 85, Doris have been shipped. store,.but deliveries,will be made in i Williams 93, Svea Johnson 90. loss of thousands of dollars to our the village daily at a charge of 5', Grade III-Robert Carroll 89, 'ames farmers. Cogan 89, Frederick Kart 86, David The Tax Rate cents for each delivery, arch weekly outside of the village at a charge of Lehr 87, Daniel Smith 88, Clifford The Tax Rate in Southold Town will 10 cents for each delivery. Tillinghast 91, Flora Albertson 97, Avis be as follows: Bishop 90, Martha Gallagher 90, .522 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS -AGO Highways Catherine Grattan 87. '%, �;��, ' Grade 1V_Louise Berdinka 85. Board of Health .035 C--o- -� Grade V-Robert Booth 86, Helen Contingent •97 The 12th anniversary of Banner Thompson 88. 1 527 Lodge was celebrated. p Total Town 97 William Clark was learning telegra- Grade VII-Theresa Fielder 88, i Greenport Village 06 phy of Station Agent Carey. Marie Gagen 85, Marjorie Hagerman I Southold Fire Rev. William F. Whitaker declined a 90, Marie Kelly 88, Gertrude Koke 90. Southold Light .20 Grade VIII-Beatrice Hodgins 85, Southold Park 05 call to become pastor of a church in 10� Brooklyn at a salary of $4,000 per Eugene Lehr 87, Elizabeth Sharp 90, Orient Fire 07j year. Thomas Hall 88. Orient Light E High School-Isabel Boisseau. Orient Mosquito 12 , on account teacher E the public school, C. Brown resigned as 12 Miss Perfect attendance-Alice Downs, Mattitu�k Fire to ill health. Miss hoof Young of Gerald Hobson, Clinton 'ferry, Doris The tax rate for those in Southold Greenport took her place. Williams, David Lehr, Flora Albert- village, including Light, Fire and Park son, Doris Leicht, Bernice Simons, tax, will be 1 837. Irwin Terry, Anna Vojick, Catherine, Thanksgiving Service Berry, Caroline Terry, Charles Vree- M•,r• A Terrible Accident /y/", Thanks- land, Marion Albertson, Alfred Wads- �/ i One of the most impressive Thanks- As treason Henry F. Van Wyck was giving services ever held in Southold, worth, Henry Dickerson, Hazel Ban- I working on the Browning house at was that of last Thursday, when the mann, Anna Shields; Alice Petty, J Peconic Tuesday afternoon, he slipped Rev. C. D. Newton of the Universalist Eunice Cox, Helen Booth, Helen Bond, Ion the scaffold and jumped to the church spoke in the Methodist Epis- Mary Carey, Alice Carroll, Elizabeth ground, a distance of 18 feet, to save copal church of this place. Rev. E. W. Sharp, Emma Christiansen, Helen himself from falling. He broke both Shrigley presided, and his genial spirit Cochran, Ethel Jones, Helen Terrv, ankles in so doing. Dr. Hartranft was and words added no little to the good Helen Vojik, Millie Vojik, Roy Wilkin- summoned and Mr. Van Wyck was feeling of the occasion. Rev. Wm. son taken home. The Doctor advised that H. Lloyd made a good contribution On Monday morning five car-loads of he be taken at once to the Southamp- also in reading the Proclamation by cauliflower were shipped from this ton Hospital for treatment, which was President Wilson and offering the clos- station-the latg(-st s' ipment this sea- done. Mr. Van Wyck and his family ing prayer, and Rev. Charles E. Sharp son. The cold wave the forepart of have the sympathy of all. May he of Korea in pronouncing the benedic- the week, with the mercury down to 20 soon recover and be able to return tion. It was a time long to be remem- Monday morning, was bad for the crop, home. lthe greater part of which is still in the W. B. Clayton, son-in-law of r', tiered, not only for Mr. Newton's re- fields. Fickeissen, who has been at the Platts- markable sermon, but for the spirit of �burgh training camp, has been pro- unity that animated the audience, as Mrs. Grace Marks Parker and chil- I mot to First Lieutenant of Infantry, shown in their rapt, sympathetic at- dren of Porto Rico are spending some tention. time with Mrs. Parker's aunt, Miss Miss Blanche Jennings of Greenport The church was decorated with farm Carrie Hutchinson. has taken Miss Frances Miles' place in products, donated by the Grange, PA the Southold High School. i A,s. Nat E. Booth andeney had charge of the arrangement.. It is with sincere sorrow that I find Support of poor 4,0 .� Seldom, if ever, has there been such a it necessary to herewith present my Memorial Day beautiful display of choice vegetables resignation as pastor, to take effect Ja° arranged in so artistic a manner. • 1, 1918, or as soon after as may Total Town $19,9 Members from the other churches be mutually arranged. I am deeply District Taxes were in the choir and assisted in grateful for the uniform kindness and Southold Lighting $1,034 rendering music that wasnot only support which I have received during Southold.Park 529 6 the elevenears of my ministry. Your listened to, but thoroughly enjoyed. Southold Fire 354 30 patience has been very great and the Mr. Newton prefaced his sermon by attachments formed during these Orient Lighting 265 67 telling in his simple, direct manner eleven years are very strong. Orient Fire 359 90 why he was grateful to Southold. Then But I am warned by Y g m advancing Orient Mosquito 592 66 followed his sermon on the text, "Giv- Mattituck Fire 508 81 ing thanks always." If anybody years that the time has come for me to lay aside my task, and the continued went to church feeling there was little illness of Mrs. Conklin makes it im- Total district $3,645 06 this year for which to be thankful, he T WEN rY•FIVE YEARS $(70 roust have come away with an entirely possible for me to maintain and carry on my work. My ministry has been different sentiment in his mind. We cannot give even an epitome of the prolonged for more years than I had There were 57 scholars at Southold ° sermon. Every sentence was a golden dared to hope; and now I trust that Academy. epigram, to be treasured in the mem- the coming of a new and stronger man Protection Engine Co. elected the ory. We wish so optimistic a message will give to the church new power and following officers: Foreman, R. S. might be put into permanent form. If success. Sturges; Assistant Foreman, Geo. C. a sincere-hearted, pure-minded mat I deeply appreciate the unity that Terry; Sec., O. V. Penney; Treas., has prevailed during the years of my F. T. Wells; Trustee, A. F. Lowerre; can unite hearts and inspire them with�service. I hope they have not been high motives as Mr. Newton did on Auditing Committee, W. H. Terry, G. unprofitable years. I have done not R. Jennings, J. N. Hallock. Thanksgiving Day, there is no question as to his need and place among soldiers. "hat I wou,d, but what I could. I now The Youth's Christian Society cele- His peculiar gifts should be utilized in need the relief which freedom from brated its sixth anniversaryb pastoral care will Y giving the n-ost effective manner by our p give. I hope to be the president, C. H. T. Bly, a surprise. government, and it will be a disappoint- useful in some other way. Mrs. J. Sidney Wells died, aged 67 ment to his hosts of friends if they are I trust that under new leadership the'years. not. church may go on to a new era of —-— ropuiar Pastor to Leavepower and progress, to new achieve- Southold Orchestra ments for the Master's kingdom of We are glad to learn and report that The last number of the Monson, righteousness and truth. Mass., newspaper contained the fol- Obediently your servant, Southold has a promising beginning of lowing: ABRAM CONKLIN an orchestra, and that we have the Rev. Abram C mklin, pastor of the promise also of an opportunity to hear Mr. and Mrs. Conklin have hosts them soon in their first public effort. Universalist church, the best man it of friends in Southold and we trust or several months these twelve lovers F has been our lot to know, has resigned. that they will make this village their Fmusic, some younger, some older, Pastor Conklin has honored Monson by home in the future. of his citizenship and the friendship he have been meeting with Miss Mary has built in town extends to all with Meeting of Town Board Conklin and practicing together. So whom he comes in contact. It is large- The Southold Town Board met at quiet(?) and modest have they been ly through his work that the Old the office of Supervisor Tuthill, in over the matter, no one, unless it be People's Home is so near being as- a near neighbor, has known of their sured and he could be depended on to Greenport on Saturday, Dec. 1: efforts and accomplishments. The lend his best efforts to any movement The Tax Budget of Southold Town players are as follows: Violins, Lucy for the betterment of humanity or the for 1917-18 was approved by the Kanold, Flora Albertson, Josephine uplift of the community. Town Board as follows: Case, J. E. Reney and Herbert Wells; He will be missed by his own peop16 Highway§ Cornets, Ralph Glover, Gordon Taylor in largest measure but general regret Highway fund $30,000 and W. L. Williams; Flute, Tom Hall; is felt that be is to leave us. His Westphalia bridge, Mattituck 7,000 Trombone, Charles Wells; Drums, letter of resignation, which was read General repairs bridges 2,000 Herbert MacCarter; Piano, Mrs. R. G. by Wm. L. Ricketts last Sunday even- Machinery fund 500 Terry; Director, Mary Conklin. ing, gives his reasons for going and Removal of snowWe congratulate the director and all Miscellaneous fund 1,000 the members on their ambitious under- is as follows: Mill Monson, Masa. 2,500 taking, and hope their talents and per-�; Nov. 9, 1917. Total highways severance will give to Southold what it gys $43,000 To the Parish Committee and to the has long needed and wished for. Members of the Monson UContingent 5 $ 'Universalist 000 Audited Bills 8.925 One hundred ten new lock-boxes Parish: Board of Health 2.024 have been placed in the Southold post- office. auto T;,fle Presbyterian Sunday pie' 15tm Cold Weather `�,� �� ProhibitionI�os /I/ � Christmas entert�tinalt,10 l.whl 1� Weare having our full' quota of cold ! Nationwide prohibition wort in the Saturday ,ex�cntrag .vans +sty k the weather this season. The last cold y, y j best ever given by the School. Miss 1[Iouee Moeda add only the adjust- wave struck on Sunday. The heavy trent sof a slight difference inresol.0 Frances Booth was in charge, assist- wind made it much more uncomforta- tions between the House and Senate ed by Mrs. Blo,ornfield and Miss Elsie ble. On Tuesday morning the mercury Dow stands in the way of submitting Hummel. Tbete'w re songs by the -registered 12 above zero--the lowest tea state legislatures an amendment to School, remarks by Rev. William H. this Season.. The creeks are frozen the Federal Coustitution forbidding Lloyd,.solos by. Dorothy Van Wyck, over and there is skating on them, the manufacture, sale or importation Doris Leicht and Alice Bloomfield, The Weather bean says to prepare i of intoxicating liquor for beverage Violin and piano selections by Jennie for another cold spell at the end of Purposes lin the United States or its and Flora Albertson, and recitatiom; the week, The Northwest is now in territories. The vote in the House by the.fallowln�; Alice Bloomfield, the grip of a cold wave that has sent was 282 to M, with the' parties divid- Rita efolowDickerson, dice Gordon, Helen the therernurneter down from 8t1 to 4t7 Ing almost evenly. The ""dry" vie- below zero, The wave is moving east tory in Congress ends a lib-year earn- Dickerson. Annabel Sharp, Evel,vri and should hit New York Friday or Aa prohibition. It is believed Van Wyck, Doris Leicht, Harri�.t, for Saturday. the amendment will go through the Dickerson, Frances Gordon, Pauli ��, I� The annual meeting of Protection New York Legislature. Represents- Albertson, Horace Symonds, Hari l l Engine Co. has been postponed until tive Hicks of this district voted'for the [Martell, Howard Terry, Alla+°; t,11 Friday evening, Dec. 21, as no clambill. s 1)iclterSon, Edna Leich.t, ,Plot<'iw4, can be obtained for the chowder this Twenty-eight States have probibi- Park, Norma Van Wyck, Ilik'o week. tion or have enacted laws making their ,Goldsmith,.Eugene Lehr, Henrietta" territory dry. If these States qnd eF'tckeis®en' Bernice Simons Esther 8' J Brown to L Halloek, lot n a eight others the proposed amend- Corey's Creek, adj land Hallock, eight in the seven years, allowed by Christiansen, Avis Bishop, Marion Bout l� Harbor, Southold the resolution for State action, the Albertson, l�tuLh,(�hrist anstln, x ltha Peconic Dec. 7r Hannah Amelia, manufacture. sale and importation of Smith, Charles Vreeland, Martin. widow of Lewis k. Case, aged Sia liquor in the United States will be pro- Lehr, David Lehr, Carey Albertson, years, 4 months. Interment at Willow hibited. Hill Cemetery. - Fl(r.Yrl Van Nock, lLnest Dickerson. -- Tile' �'��°llrsrrl !'+[fill il,�uted. $36 for Ar- 'T► TWENTY-FIVE YFARS AG.0 TWENTY-FIFE YEARS AG( menl,til l4 'li 'l'. '0 �, 2./ /f/ 00.0.0" l am. Library �eeting Steamer Shelter Island made herr la6t R. S. Sturges was builaing a barn trip for the season. for Robert G. Overton. A meeting of the Southold Free Li- An entertainment for the benefit of The skaters were enjoying fine sport brary Association was called last Fri- Eagle [look and Ladder Co. was given on Great fond, day evening, Dec. 21st. 'There: were in:Belmont Hall. The pupils of Plin. ;4. S. Shaw gave not enough people present for a E Is Hook and Ladder Co. made him a fine student's lamp as a Christ- quorum for doing business, but those allowing nominations for Depart- mas present, present diff not feel that any injustice officers: Chief, F. T. Wells; The thermometer registero3d lel be- would be done by going ahead with they y Chief, W. A. Prince; Sec,, Ed- low zero business of the meeting. J. Carey; Tress., Geo. R. Jen- Southold Lodge, L C. 0. F',, elected R. S. Sturges read the Treasurer's Inspector, Gem. A. Maier. the foliowing officers: N. G., Geo. C. report and Mrs. A. A. Spooner gave Terry; V. G., A. B. Gordon; Sec„ U. a report of her work as Librarian. tharnpton, .Dec. 10, Jennie A. Prince; Per. Sec., E. Leicht; Tress , Mrs. H. M. Payne and R. S. Sturges, r, wife of John Goodwin and J. E. Davis, whose term of office as Trustees expire ter of the late John Turner of; The Southold Fire Department elect-' this year, were re-elected for the ad the following officers: Chief, F. T. regular term of five years. ic, 53y._ Wells; Asst. thief, Vii+'. A. Prince; It wan also reported at this meeting dhow d, Dec. 19, Marion, daughter Sec., Edward J. Carey; Treas., Gest. that the Trustees still need to raise r, and .Mrs. Jonathan T. ®ve ton, R. Jennings, nearly sixty dollars to meet the ex- months. The P'reebyterian, Methodist and penses of another year. whington, D. C., Dec. 2, Charles Universalist Sunday schools held A, M. A., aged 88 years, Christmas exercises. J. A. Baker.is filling is ice houses at Michael, Kenney, Jr,, died aged 26 Grext Pond with 8J in. reed. Barbara Bliss frets a pnsit�on I Years. the Playground and i ecreation 1 And Diller died, aged 79 years. John S. Baisseau of New Haver,Ct., .' ation, of America, with head- — _ - is Spending two weeps with his fathQr .mv.,st the Met,ropulitan 1juilding, Thursday morning was the coldest of Fed It Bennett. to Anjon e Siel �ity Theodore Ruuwweve>l.t is the i the season, the thermometer register- z ar, lot w wo Maple Ave, art j oot.lter president. ing 8 above zero, -a_- Zc land Ste zer, Peacoiiie . - -- -- no Among the college boys and luirle 13 Below Zero tpfpo 4,,,Jra1n Hits Auto Bus home for the holidays are Dudley B fiRklerman, Edwin Preliwit The coldest weather ever -recorded Fro:& _ rick Francis, the young chaut- z and Henry by the forty-six year old Weather feur of the Riverhead-Greenport auto Ste !I,. Filzof Cornell University, pher, Bureau took place Sunday morning, buo, and his only Pasiaengerp Ida 0 Salmon and Flarry Carroll of Syra- when the tubes showsthemercury at Puse University, Myron H. Glover an'l 13 below zero at 8:X a. m, This was Brown, the 9-year old daughter of Mr. HXON Goldsmith of St. La and Mrs. John Brown of Jamesport, wrenci- seven degrets. colder than had ever formerly of Southold, were killed Fri-, � 111�ltal College of the University of U, iversiry, Richard H"lg'os of the been recorded. This was in New York dty night,when the east.bound ex prZ6_i' ('enni­ylvania, Edna cuhf)on of the City. In Southold thermometers regiS- train hit the bus at the East Vain St. i tered all the way from seven to twelve' crossing at Riverhead. There are no Mary Lyon School of Swathmore, Pa,, below zero. New York's coldest day gates at the crossing, but a flagman is Ann Hallock of Vassar College, Mary 'before this, according to the records of Robinson of Wellesley stationed Jihem and be tame out of Colle9p, and the Weather Bureau was Dec. 30,1880, Is little shanty and swung his red Chijuncey Dsvis of the Wilmer& Chew b Preparatory School, Annapolis, Md, when the official thermometer Elbowed lantern back and forth to show that six below zero. A record of cold the train was coming. Either young Southold, Dec. 24, Mrs. Julia B. weather of 37 years' standing was Fraiacis did not see thb lantern, or he Jennings, widow of H,zekiah Jennings, broken on its birthday. oil Saturday thought he could get acroas the track aged 89y, 8m, 23d. I morning it 'was two below zero; Mon- before the train passed. The bus was Sou hold, Dec. 25, Fra John P Pot. day morning, two below zero; Tuesday smashed to pieces,and the young main tinger, aged 61y, 2m, 8d, Funeral ser- morning, just zero; Wednesday morn- and little girl were sent flying through Vices at K. E church, Friday, at 2 p. ing, two above zero. m. Interment at Wvtrgreens Ceme- tha air, They Wtre still breathing tery, Brooklyn, on Saturday. ,On account of the severe cold Sunday -when found by the train men, but soon Southold, Dec. 22, Marvaret, widow morning, no service was held in the passed away; Thursday morning, 8 of Wiliam Lowrey, "ged 74 years. Universalist church and Rev. Abram above zero. 1 Conklin did not preach. We hope to TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO hear him later. On Monday, Jan. 7, train No. 205„ Id"., L I % /619 C"ares T. Gordon and Frank Stras- leaving Greenport at 7:25 a. in., will J. T. Beebe built an addition to H. ser walked on the ice from To-.vn Har- be discontinued. Passengers for the I; Ilowell'abouse. bor to Welt Neck, Shelter Wand, nn city will have to leave Greenport at Arthur B. Gordon entered the employ I Tuet-day. 'rho thinnest ice they ftwnd 7:01 a. rn. and go by way of Manor of the Brooklyn Electric Railway Co. was tive inches. to Eastport, where connections will Tho receipts for liquor licenses In The plumbers are in great demand be made with the Montauk Division, ,`xAutfwold Town thepast year now, thawing out frozen water pipes, h I lot't $2,700, were A number of water-backs.in the stoves H. J. Cusack, L. 1. R. R. Station ,Lad,iels, were also frozen Sunday morning and agent at Stony Brook, formerly of church electeAid Society of the M, E,d the following officers; some of them burst. Southold, has been appointed agent at Pres., Mrs. Julia Jentlings;. "Vice Pree. people are going back and forth on 'Kinge Park. Mrs. Belle Van Dulien; See,, Mrs, the lee between Greenport and Shelter J G Hehr and wi I a to B F Gaffga Gertrude Illy; Troika., Mrs. Jessie bland. This cold spell breaks all and ano, lot w a Laurel av, aoJ W�Its; Diiectross, Mrd, Jennie Al- records, both for severity and the land L Booth, Southold . Dom . ;�,,rtssrn, length of time it continues. I T S Bergen to J I Bergen, 40 The M. acres a a creek, adj land late of E E_ Sunday school eleettd the, You can walk across the bay on the T Beebe, Buy View, Southold Dorn foillowipg officers; Supt., C. 1:1. T. lily; ice frorn Town Harbor to Paradise' F F Overton and others ti at:, Supt., H. M. Hawking, Female to F H I Uk - Miss Addie Newbold; SeeThe iPoint. McBridep 8 acres woodland a a )t ,, Geo, Oregon road, adi land J L Case, G. Conklin; Trees.. Louis A. Tuthif; ice at Great Pon(] is 14'inches Libratiaos, Fred T. Conklin and LeWIS itt thickness. between Cutchogue and Peconic nom STuthill. I'lle "oldest inhabitant" ' is no mort, I)f,e. 19, by Thea pupils of the Academy presented to say when it conies to talking about Lloyd, Harold David Janea`wo�f. S Mthw,111� handsome piano Jump to pro(, L), pthe. weather. 'find Mims Clara ElIzabelh Krouse of . � flow Low ()wing to the shortage of fuel the Peconle. The 69th somi,annual stateorit of rrianagement of the Montauk Steam- ltiverh,-md Dcc. 28 Ida, daughter of Che !Southold discontinued tbb John Brown: formerly of Southold,aged Shvifts Bank showed bo;4t� Com has d'se �9 yefirs total humets of$1.769,114 94, and a our-I steamboat service between east end Jersey City,I Dec 28, Frank P. Plus of$175,947.64' ports and New London, Conn. In Mrs, Israel Peekdied, t-ged 75 years. order to get tranHportation tho large wells), jr., grandson of the late Seth oyster boat Peconic, Gaptain Alexander W(T, of Southold, 31y, Burial at ruthili, of Greenport, in command, 8eau[lay 11r1. Tho I'l.brary will be closeol Tuesday, will run Monday, Wednesday and Fri- - Nrld Priday ev"ings until day of eaell, week. It will meet the I ],jeorhead, Dec, 31, Hot), Nathan 1'r notice. Boston exprevs. 0. Petty, former Surrogate oi' Suf- IISCounty, 76y. Orange NOW M C Berreeford and ano to G H RECALLS OTHE I f/Y T e, A I lot n a Sound View Av adj D y 7 lao"r% L The Poverty Social last Saturday ev- d Bennett; lot 0 a Sound 'The recent death of J. Madison a o View A v, adj land G R .rennin g,; Wells of Green rt removes another ,ening passed off very pleasantly. We,lot adi other land Bennett, South- 'Republican politician who Was a were glad to welcome to our hall sev- old His death recalls nom power in his d politicians an old school eral friends of our members. Although I's of Republican politicians C n Cutchogue, Jan. 12, at Church of that became famous on Lung Island. �j it was '�Yoting People's Night, it is Sacred Heart, by Rev. Charles B. Only a few remain. Working with safe to assua,e that the young people Garvey, brother of the bride. William Mr Wells in his palmy days were enjoyed the evening no more than the L. McDermott of Riverhead and Miss such men as the late Wilmot M. ,older ones. It seems as though our Helen Loretta Garvey of Cutchogue. Smith, who became District Attorney, hearts keep young, while we ourselves Bayonne, N. J., Jan. 6, W. A. Rotb- County Judge and Supreme Court grow old. Poverty clothes were very man and Miss Ruth Samuels, niece of Justice in turn; Nathan D. Petty, €o. Mrs. Regina Sturmdorf of Southold. close friend of Mr. Wells, and who much in evidence. Some were gowned - died only a few days before Mr.Wells; In long-worn dresses, aprons, sweaters, I Peconic, Jan. 13, Albert Corwin, a he was Assemblyman, District Attor- and shoes. One brother wore a pair of veteran of the Civil War, 81y. ney, Surrogate and so forth. Then trousers which he had very neatly madePthere was the late Benjamin H. Reeve, atchogue, Jan. 16, Isabelle, wife I District Attorney and County Judge-, Out Of a fertilizer bag. Another broth- of Samuel Jones, formerly of Southold.I Everett A. Carpenter, a leading law- er had a large patch high up on e yer; J. H, Perkins of Riverhead, long back of his coat. Just why is patch in Southold, Jan,22,Bertha O.Chand- County Treasurer and regarded an such a place 7 Mystery! Surely 94 ler, wife of Rev. Alexander Richter, one of the most astute politicians in case for Kennedy or' Sherlock Hoimes. 70ymore than-a generation. One of the . few of that old school now living is Other favored articles of dress were — - blue overalls and red bandanas, one TWEXTY,FIVE YEARS AGE) former Sheriff George W. Cooper of k3 Riverhead, who doesn't now dabble rti sister wearing a bandana very beco - much in politics, but who is still bale 1, Ingly as a bead dress. Slight fines Jease 191, Terry sold his farm on the and hearty in his ninety-first year. Eagle. were imposed by the judges, F. T. North Road to J., Martin Myer of laorton and Wm. H. Beebe, upon those Brookl)n. Mr.Veirry was to move tohree car-loads of coal reached itearing jewelry and fine clothes. And his father's farm at Bay View. ?- reenport this week, the most wet-I bey were lenient indeed I But we Eva Gomez broke her leg, while come sight of the winter,' which went location their wisdom in imposing , cosistihi down bill. a long way toward biding the bottoms ine for a little half-worn-out ring and The'annual banquet of the Ladies' of hundreds of empty coal bins,013, lasaing unnoticed a good sound pair of Monumental , Society was held with Edwin H. Brown Is making big im. Miss Suet verails or a new bandana; '"a B. Huntting. provements on his Cedar Beach proper- The program began with the Pledge Geo. G. Conklin took a position in ty. The old barn on the Ezra G. Beebe f Allegiance givbn by all. Worthy a general merchandise store at West place has been moved down to the bay faster Tuthill extended a welcome. He I mpton. and will be made into a large cottage. )ther numbers were : James Witcomb Revival services, under charge of The house on the Daniel Beebe place is tIj,y,tt His First Wife, Mrs, Henry A. Rev. John Norberry, still continued in 'larkalso to be moved to Cedar Beach. - Boss Geo. W. Smith is doing the work. , The Boy and the Hoot, M. L the M. church. looth; Wbittier's Barefoot BOY, by the Rev. William F.. Whitaker gave a ,t�cturer;song, The Quilting Party, by lecture on Alaska in the Presbyterian Antonio Gradowsky, now living on ,11;Thora, Susie May; debate on the church, the Sandlands place on the North Roa(4, ,object, The poor boy is happier than Sasquel H, Sanford died, aged 87 has rented Won Grace Stanley's place, he rich boy—effirmative, G. H. Smith, gears. and will take possession April let. ?rank Wells; negative, S. L. Bennett, --viflrd of 1857 E 9 Brown to D H Horton, N. R. Newbold. The affirmative won gores a a Bay 'view road, Cedar )y & large majority. As one's judg- heard many of the Beach road, Southold nom often influenced by personal Lately we have ment is at) () been prejudice, we infer that all were bap- older residents Bay that this has M I tituck, Jan. 27, by Rev. Chus. E. the coldest winter they can remember. Craven, D. D., Louis Bohm, Jr., of py, though in poverty, The program, If they would look in their diaries for Mattiluck and Miss Esther, eldest.ended with tLe singing of The Red., the record of the winter of 1867 they daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer White and Blue. Gains$ followed would find that December and January of Peconic. Refreshments were servo d, eonsisting were two continuous cold months, with L. 1. City, Dec. 19, by Rev. Mr. of fancy cakes, appies and ginger tea. eighteen or nineteen snowstorms. peo- MaciDonoild. Joseph Gamer of Jamaica Please bear in mind the good dinner is drove with their horse: and sleighs and Miss Grace Horton, fortnerly of you can get at the Grange Hall Friday PI the head of Town Creek across Southold. and Saturday of tbis week. from the bays to Sag Harbor. The frost Fifth Week of Urosshiq Ill, Ice Herbert W. Wells has rented the in the ground was 22 inches deep. Theti, marked the begl­Iitiok, of; farm belonging to the Henrietta trains were unable to get past River- I lIu fifth week of daily 01-0—L119 Ort llort,on estate, at Peconic. head for 49 days. This was before the t[,(, , ice; 1)(3tweau (Ireenport and, Weather Bureau, so there are no rec- Sholter lKisnd. Pedestrians. horses Go.orge Warkoski has purchased ords of the thermometer. Evidently it� and have kieen making the Charles Rorke farril of 27 acres must have been as cold as this winter, at Bay View. with the mercury around zero most of ,Able_time. J, H. B Je � TWENTY•FIVF YEARS AGS5outhQld Gommontty Glob place of Mayr sad ptetsr.:'1f �aplr a' to you as heirg a good movement ;Ind On December 24th last, the Southold one that is likely to help yourself and Arthur B. Gordon and family moved Community Club was first opened to Southold, call at the Club any evvijhi g Into the house of J. Sidney Wells. the public. At that time the member. but Sunday anti talk it over wit], t1,, R. S. Sturges erected a barn for ship numbered fourteen, who were members, or send your check and Grp• Robert G: Overton. r later formed into a Board of Trustees, plication for member6hip to Joi„r 11. The thermometer got very near to for the purpose of "putting the propo- Merwin;e Treasurer. The Club n, Ild zero aition over." The membership has also like to thank everybody wh„ has a• J. B. Terry left for a month's stay now increased to thirty-five and is con- been so. kind as to donate furnimre, in Florida. atantly gaining. ptclures, etc., for the rooms and also John Goodwin of Cutchogue and Miss The object of the Club is to provide suggest that there are still a €err r; Jane Turner of 'Southold were married, a meeting place for the men and boys rough spots, if anybody has anylbint, Henry Hutchinson Sandford died, of the village and vicinity, especially that they would be will,ng to give alged 87 years. the younger boys, Although It may toward makiog the place mord h„rne- // IU Below Zero I v)*,, seem that the name Clemmunity Club '°4- ✓t-Zl-] 44t u dues not exactly fit the case, inasmuch OUR POST OFFICE IN 1843 If 'twe are not greatly at fault as as the majority of the members at the The Sag Harbor Express recently a prophet, history will record the present time are young men and boys, published an item showing salerie winter of 1917-18 as the coldest on yet there is a clause in the cone!itution Paid to Long Island postmaster, in record. Ase sorrel thing zero wrath' 1843. The Riverhead office then,paid g which permits the rooms being used by only $168.57; now it pays $2,600, er in this section is a very unusual oc- any body of men, women, boys or Sag Harbor, then in the heyday of urrence and does not happen but once girls, upon permission being given whaling, was the metropolis of the r twice a year, if it does once. This them to do so by the Executive Com- county, the post office paying a a nt,rr; eason it is no rarety to have the mittee. Therefore the name would of $768.27' Salaries in some other po; r,Hit •; mercury drop to zero and several de seem to apply. This privilege baa al- were as follows: grees below. The mercury may not ready been taken advantage of and a Huntington, $276.19: S'trni.lrl,:,;,i. have registered quite as low Tuesday group of men and boys are meeting $230.19; Greenport, $188.98; I,:,r:t morning as it did on Dec. 30th last, there Sunday afternoons as a Bible Hampton, $179.03; So�utharn pi-u,, when we had the record temperature ague.,$171. 1; Babylon, $1bv.1S; E,ti,Ie p Class. At the present time three are ogue, a137.67; Setauket, of 13 below zero, but one felt the cold also being conducted both pool and Bridge Hampton $125,27; ltfnr:+I more. It was 10 below zero on the 'checker tournaments among the mem- $124.28; Southoia, $122,76. morning of Feb. 5th, the coldest Febru- berg and one entertainment by outside W. S. S. ary day on record, and the northwesttalent has been staged by the Enter- Ernest Leicht has Moved Ili:; A 1)' gaie pierced one's clothing and worked tainment Committee. This was in the shop into the lot he recently I,nr its way into houses in a manner that form of an entertainment by two mtn chased of Albert A. Folk ,it Ifr helped make make conditions more disagree- from Camp Upton. able than they were last December Membership in the Club is open to with beetAveT. ,Dickers the rt^'arlrvrcrM� when the temperature dropped to 13 any boy or man who has passed his of Albert T. Dickerson and Henry below zero. The low level on Tuaada fifteenth birthday. The membership is L. Jewell. was reached at 7 o'clock and it was divided into three classes, viz, Active, M. W. Golder has moved t* small never 3 above zero all day. More than Honorary and Associate. The fees for building which he purchased ,three-quarters of the United States active membership are $260 yearly, N. Carey onto his lot on "t'ucker's was iu the Arctic grip. On W edneeday and for honorary membership$10 year Of morning it was just zero, but as the Iy. .The object of these several classes Lane, between the residences gaie had subsided, it seemed like sum- of membership is this; if all members A. W. Symonds and W. L. Williams. mer weather in comparison with the paid but $2.50 yearly, the institution Mr. and. Mrs. Frank L. We,119 have discomfort of, the day before. The would not be able to support itself. gone to Roslyn, where Mr. Wells. mercury steadily rose on WednesdayTherefore, a few members who have ,,will have charge of a large farm. and one more cold wave was over. the beat interests of the boys and corn.' The temperature climbed up thirty- munity at heart, are asked to pay $10 Frank Strasser has resigned tt five degrees i n f i v e hours. yearly and become honorary members. agent for A. 1. Namn &Son on they Zero weather and below was also re. Persons livipg in or about Southold for Mattituck route. corded last Saturday. but a part of the year are classed as ;Salvatore Teckschi has closed his ice on the SOUfid and Mail associate members, pay $1.50 yearly as ' shoe repairing shop here and gene rnrey Of Montauk ab dues, but have no vote in the election l`r ren, 1 of officers, etc. to Riverhead. 011i, . there itt a. vast Now, the object of this article is not Estate Herbert 1I. drou h 1•etv tho bhiffrr o1 ] er oo g to take up the TttavPa.tait'S valuable Suffolk and Brooklyn, gross Value, (irt-r^i,port, news space, but to bring this fact be- $69,208.71 net, $64,027.50; tux, l,t�nu, 584.71. net cst` is divided as '" •t k,1t�ailt-rt fore the paper's r+aders, that there follows: Lucy R. Woodrattgh, widow,n t, or W. �,r s+ r d,r +�< , ,,n l+ent� trns been formed and is now in opera- $29,585; Alice W. Chapman, daugh- i ion, a good, whole some gathering te '$34-3 3r Twel�t F1V8 Years g 100. Seaside places suffered ature of 102, and Washington, With Camps the Dunes 'y-Five with in '� --o-- '- 1",111— terior towns because what 'breezes Blueberry Camp and Gipsy Camp are J. Beebe&Co. were making ex- there were,and they were mostly mild, acme of the names applied to the tenaive Improvements on George H. `were offshore. Atlantic City held firet camps established now on the property Terry's place. I place with 100 in the shade. near Peconic owned by 1)r. Marshall The Town Board made a change in p and E 1). Cahoon. They are on the the boundary line between the Peconic �� Iced CPOSS WON Dunes that trust be seen in order to be and Cutcho ue election districts g Notwithstanding seats were 50 cents appreciated, and are reachod by a road At the annual school meeting, Gilder and$L00, and some Gold ata higher that looks Alpine to Long Islanders. S Conklin was elected trustee; P. H. price at auction, Belmont Hail was They are cumpa built purely for relax- Ctntermeo, collector: Wm. H; Glover, crowded last Saturday evening at the ation and recreation and everything is clerk, and S. S. Shaw, librarian. It Pat Rooney and Marion Bent vaudeville for convenience and a Roc+1 time. was votrd to raise $1350 by tax. It "These Wren —and women too—nava entertainment for the benefit of the. shown how easy it is to balk back to was also Voted to build a pipe fence Red Cross. The receipts were about with locust poste, in front of the school $325 Pelt Rooney and Marion Bent, simple things, Io utilize essentials such I house. Little Pat Rooney, .3d, John Harding, as a pile of bricks fear a fireplsee and a The entertainment, The Day in the y hole in the ground for an ice box, a goods, was given in Belmont Hall, James J. Corbett, Stan yer & °•, framework enclosed in cotton mosquito under the direction of Mrs. George M. Retie Rooney, Harry Mayer and Thome � g Remich Boys appeared on the program. netting for a dining r+wm, and derive Ho-*ell and Mrs. J. N. Hallock. just as much pleasure from them as Mrs. Catherine E. Bush of Spring- There was not a dull moment in it. from the latest approved professionally and a Everything went with a vim constructed articles.' It is the simple field' Maas.' died at the residence of dash that were pleasing to the audience. things, after all, that give the most her daughter, Mrs. O, F. Payne, aged First-class vaudeville artists gave a pleasure in life if one has the soul or 62 years. _ first-class show free of Eost:, and their senKv to see their worth. East Bled League kindness and generosity are greatly ep• preciated. Pat Rooney and Marion Situated northwest from town, aboutLeague Records Bent are unexcelled on the stage as three miles, is the new woods camp of Nt®e Won Lost p,0, dancers and the exhibition Of their art E. D. Cahoon, known a■ "Camp 9 4 692 'wan long and well-deserved applause. Beach Plum." This camp has been Greenport .. . . r gives promise . 10 5 667 pat Jr.,is s dear and he g m•ecently built by Wines& Human, and Riverhead . . • . . 8 q 533 of a career as noted as that of his eon of all s camp should have, and 131telter Island fi 8 429 Of, and mother and grandfather', is now being occupied. An outstand-, mattdtucic . G 9 400 The people were glad to ass "Gentle- $gnthold Ong feature is the second story living 5 11 810 man Jim Corbett, and his remi- room, from which one sees the waters Orient nescences of the prize ring were very of Long Island Sound. Also a board Katie Rooney. assisted by l6: connects the house with beach. RESULTS UA GAMES LAST WEEK i hn sHegding, the capable musical� IL Riverhead 2, Southold 0 ^Ll e "y g director, pleased all in her Irish soogm. The bid of the Southold bighting Co. Shelter Island 11, Greenport 0 Stan Stanley &Co., Harry Mayer and for lighting the Southold Lighting I)ia- Mattituck 8, Orient 0 trio with fi4 lamps of burner, scety- Those Remick Boye aided greatly by their wonderful acts in completing one lene Cap, far one year, for$1,080, was ,p p of the finest vaudeville performances accepted by the Board and a contract lH®ttest on Record ever seen t Eastern LOng Island. was made with the company for light- The~heat wave increased in Intensity ing the district for one year. Tuesday and smashed Monday's high The Red Cross Chapter and the people Catches Big Shark record of 94. In New York City the of Southold make their best how to mercury touched 98 at 5.00 P. m.,but Mr. and Mrs. Rooney and their friends Brooks Bros, of Orient caught a for the evening's entertainment, was about three degrees lower here whereby a B y fon foot sharp in their fishing traps Monday night was the hottest on oodl sum was added to in Gardiner'e Bay a few daya. ,, record with the Weather Bureau, and to Red Cross treasury. Tuekday night was no better. Monday Saves PotatOS V. X. Newbold is adding double night there was a good breeze, but It is the opinion of Manager R. C. dormer windows to his residence. on 'Tuesday night not s lost was site- Parker at the Farm Bureau that the sCutebogue,-July 21. .Miss Sophial ring. wse heat this week, accomlauied by a �lry' loroski, formerly of Southold, aged Taken by averages Tuesday northwest wind, has saved many thrnaa- P years. next to the hottest day in the history ands of bushels of potatoes by checking Greenport. July 16, at the Hospital, of the Weather Bureau, established the blight which had been making acr- azie Wilson Kerwin of Peconic, aged forty-seven years ago. The hottest sous inroads. years. on July 2 1901 �- average for s day was , ade July 31 the hottest en d W.to C. Albertson Co. began in Commencing Aug. 1, cartage of coal But 98 mties some or local delivery has been advanced to record. There were other el load potatoes on'Tuesday, paying $1.00 what warmer than New York, notably shipped now, an Y rdsome farmh cobblers ers being 75 cents per ton and 50 cents for half rt-port 1 pn, Philadelphia, with the lofty temp 250 bushels to the acre. East End League i� Orient, who has been holding a cellar Twenty-Five Years Ago I position (but it's cool there), surprised League Records themselves by warming last ear's. o - / �L y - xtna wa„ Lost r.a. champs, Shelter Island, and embarking An her hot wave swept over the Riverhead , . 11 5 688 home with a 7 to 9 game, ,rust half a Country. Greenport . . . , . , g 5 643 game separates them from Southold, The Oliver W. Wren Comedy Co. Shelter Island . . . . 8 8 500 and if Orient can pull another such played in Belmont Hall for the benefit Mattituck . . . . . . 7 8 467 stunt, it is likely they would finish on of the Southold Fire Department. Southold . . . . . , . 6 10 375 the first bottom step. Rev. Daniel H. Overton of N. Y. Orient . . , . . , 6 11 353 City preached in the Presbyterian Fire on Bowery Lace church. RESULTS OF GAMES LAST WEEK Prof. Charles W. Starr, a lecturer Last Thursday afternoon, about b Mattituck 9, Southold 5 < o'elock, the house on Bower ao Spiritualism,spoke in Belmont Hall, y Lane, During a severe thunder storm, an Riverhead 3, Greenport 1Orient 7 Shelter owned and occupied by Markin Kulia;k, unknown man,who was leaning against elter Island 4 caught fire from an oil stove and was a tree at Arshamomoque, was struck By defeating Greenport, Riverhead entirely consumed with all its contents, by lightning and instantly killed. inclining$200. nosed ahead and now leads by three-party of eighteen ladies and gen- Jonathan Overton had batched the tlemen took a two days' sail to Mon- quarters of a game. It was a hard large fire engine to his auto and was tauk on sloop Harp, Capt. Maynard. game for Greenport to lose, so near towing it to the fire. Several men The tenth annual Harvest Home, un- the end of the race, with pennant hon- tried to climb on the engine by catch- der the direction of Prof. D. P. Icor- ors almost within grasp, but with hard, ing hold of the aide pump bar. Un- ton, took place at Oak Lawn. A large uphill ball playing they yet may re- fortunately the bare were not strapped. company from all parte of the 'Town together, as is generally the ease, and was present. The Cutchogue Veterans trieve all lost ground and take the one of the bare dropped down, carrying called the meeting to order. Rev. E. lead. In order to do so, they must Assistant Station Agent S. J. Murray A. Horton offered prayer and words of beat Southold Saturday, while River- with it. His leg was Caught between welcome were spoken by Rev. Dr, head in all probability will be trim- the bar and the engine wheel and held Whitaker. Addresses were made by ming Orient. The following Saturday, there. The auto and engine went a Herbert W. Collingwood, editor of the Aug' 18, ends the schedule, with River- distance of 50 feet before they could Rural Mew-Yorker, Rev. Father Jae. head pitted against their hardest foe— be stopped and Mr. Murray's lag was F. Crowley, Rev. Geo. D. Miller, C, L. Shelter Island—while Greenport should badly mangled. He was taken to Dr. Allen and Nat W. Foster. Music was accomplish the humbling of Mattituck Stokes' office and later to the E. L. furnished by the Southold Cornet Band, on that day, with still a remaining I. Hospital at Greenport. Fortunately postponed game between these nines no bones were broken, and Mr. Murray to be played. But Riverhead also has at last reports was getting along nice- Ulu�j�sf � Ulution a postponed game with Southold, but ly. When the auto and engine et- ' At the adjourned special school meet- as the latter club has been mesmerized tempted to turn at the Soldiers' Monu ing, heldat the Bay View school house by Riverhead for the past two seasons, ment the traffic sign was run into and Friday evening to Consider the question there is no reason to believe that Riv- the pole to the engine was broken. of Consolidating the Bay View district erbead will lift the spell at this crucial with Southold, it was voted not to cora- stage, so that game is given to the �'oti'Qid Lighting (� � solidste, It thus took the same action present leaders without further adao, !t 1 1+ that Peconic and East Cutchogue did at In the event of Riverhead trouncing The annual meeting of the stock- the special school meetings held on Shelter Island on the 18th, Greenport's holders of the Southold Lighting Co, Monday evening of last week. South- pennant chances are slim, unless a was held at Belmont Hall Saturday ev- nlvoted 1:1 favor of consolidation, in reversal of form defeats Riverhead at ening. The following directors were I e d say or all of the three districts Orient this week. On the other side, re-elected: Dr. J. H. Marshall, Wm. fwished to come in with fie. These should Shelter Island trim Riverhead, I3. Terry, L. W. Korn, E. I>. Calroan three outlying districts naturally pre- it would probably mean that the pea- Christopher Leicht, Albert Gly, Albert. far to remain jilt as they are end they nant would be decided by a hair-raising son and F. K. Terry. Mrs. M, Belle for to to awaitas they rehoping finish (if not some swollen eyes), when Van Dusen and Miss May Mitchell were that Suffolk County will developments,exempted a postponed game between Greenport elected Inspectors of Election. The from the provisions i the exempTownsted and Riverhead is played off. The way Treasurer's report showed that the it appears baeeballically just now, it' company was in a good financial condi- SChool Law at the noxi session of the looke as though that postponed ;game tion, A semi-annual dividend of thrvo Legislature. As the law stands now was fated to decide who's who, If so per cent, payable in September sill these districts will be joined to Matti- March, was declared. tuck, as a part of School Unit No. 2 of I laying o will have the advantage of Southold Town. The law as it stands Playing an their home grounds. Southold put up a tough spectacle i We were misinformed lust week, in is an outrage on both the school chil- dren and the taxpayers and it should be Y any P epealed, or at least Suffolk County last Saturday for licher, when stating that the Bay View school they allowed Mattituck to score six trict had voted not to consolidate wi0i hould be exempt from its provisions. ri Lruns without a hit and take the game Southold. The meeting afliounwil for sby 9 to 5. four weeks, without takif,; tiny g.i+ i.iiru. Letters of administration no the i Fred E. Booth caught the boy that y -Protection Engine LD broke into the three houses at the V$ estate of Bertha t). Richter, late of Sound bluff. He was taken before The annual meeting of Protection Southold, value $8,000, have heei, Justice Corey, where he pleaded guilty, Engine Co. was held Friday evfning, granted to Alexander Richter, hit- and on account of his age, 12 years, when the following officers were elec baud. the Judge suspended sentence for six ed; Foreman, R. S. Sturges;, Amt. I The Patrick Rorke place at Bay months. Foreman, F. T. Jennings; 'Sec., O. V. View has been sol,l to Martin Szypu- Penney; Tress , F. K. Terry, J. N. P. Lindsay and wife to F W©losik, s., formerly L6ij acresI Hallock, F. K. Cochran and H. M. lewski of Worcester, Mas , s s Main road, adj other of Southold. land Lindsay, Pecome nom Hawkins were al pointed Auditing tlutcnogue, Jan. 26, by Rev. Father VW E Taylor and wife to C L Committee 1. R_ McCoy, Silas Clark Tuthill of Smith, lot w s Oak Lawn av, adj A. F. Lowerre, who ht}s tilled the iVlattiturk, a soldier at Camp Upton, land Smith, Southold nom office of Treasurer most acceptably for end Misr Helen Margaret Binns of J Zuhoski and wife to S Ficner, about twenty ears New Suffolk. 2h acres e a Alvah`s lane, adj landnom tion on account of� illclihealth. eThe W A Fleet, Cutchog'ue - thanks of the company were extended Southold, Feb. 6, Jeanette, widow J H Boisseau and ore to C Ruth- of ,Alexander Horton, 81y. kowski, lot w slamd J Danz . Horton's lane, adj to Mr. Lowerre for his faithful ser- Peconic, Jan. 31, Julia, widow of Southold nom vice.The sum of$50 was douatfd, to the James Ducey, 75v. Bay View, Feb. 11, Jesse H. Terry, Red Cross. aged 72,years, 18 days. TWEl TV—FIVE YEARS AGO Southold, Feb. 6, Mrs. eernnette D.. A committee was appointed to see s. Wine the purchase of a chemical en- ne on a motor truck. a4-ly +t -a� / moi' Horton,,. agod 83 years, 3 months, 25 Presiding Elder W. 13, Wardell held days- Southold, Frb. 13, Jos-ph William Chef F. K. Cochran furnished clam the fourth quarterly conference of the Walt+rn, sged 7 months-, 10 days. Chowder, and F. Fickeissen treated to M. E. church. The directors of the East Hampton Mrs. Lydia Jane Coleman of Mem- cigars. Lumber Co. presented Benj. H. Van phis, Tenn., formerly of Southold, an- How many about' here know that Sony with a handsome gold watch. nounces the marriage of her daughter, Mrs. Lydia Jane Coleman, who was Rev. John Norberry closed his Theresa Wilhelmina, to Leo Robin mentioned in last week's issue as an- evangelistic work in the M. E. church. Campbell, at Memphis, on Wednesday, I,pouncing the marriage of her daugh- Feb. 6. i ter in Memphis, is the ane we knew as Miss Elsie Hummel has resigned her TWEN'rY'FIYE YEARS 'AG0 !, Lillie Booth, who, with her sister position in the Southold Central Tele• Z-o--- .! a-Y 3 Theresa (Mrs. "Will" Brown), grew phone Office, that she bas filled most up down Town Harbor Lane with their satisfactorily both to the company andAt the annual parish meeting of the mother, Wilhelmina, and stepfather, ' their subscribers, and accepted one Universalist church, a call was extend- Daniel C. Tuthill, in the old house near with the Suffolk County Trust Co. at ?ed to Rev. E. A. Horton to remain the bay, which dates back to Revolu- Riverhead. Elsie's efficiency, combined another year. tionary days . We hid the largest fall of snow since Early Spring (?) with an unfailing spirit of courtesy, the blizzard and the trains were assures her of success in any position blocked for several hours. We had been congratulating our-' for which she is fitted. Protection Engine Co. voted to ur- when I selves on signs of an early spring, Lartillg L©al Over The lee + chase new suits, consisting of red those hopes of early plowing and plant- blouse, parade cap at.d belt. ing were dashed to the ground with a rYtrn u5 U. Dean carted abont 111 David 4Ybeeler was convicted of the sudden jolt Wednesday night. The toes of coal trom Greenport to the! murder of Detective John Carey on the northwest gale sent the mercury tum- r&sidence of Theodore W. Brigham, ! night of Nov, Tad. tiling down about forty dFgrees. Ther- Shelter Tslatid, last Friday and :gat- Thomas Hodgins and Miss Susie mometers registered five above zero nrday. The team of horses,and the� Kane were married. Thursy morning. '� J_ " 11 wagon loaded with coal, weighed I Of�o1jt00TaX 5,200 pounds each trip. This is the Chief Operator Fiance J Booth has tirst time within the Memory of anya The collection of dog taxes for the' secured the services of Miss Eunice living persons that coal has been` T°wn of Southold in the future is to be Macomber, c,ne of Southold's most * I made under the supervision of the active girls, to fiI the place (IL Miss r arted sorosis the of, the lce, I State Department of Agriculture, and Elsie Hummel. resigned, who had been A wonderful change. Thursday the licenses are to be issued on or be- in Mr. Booth's Pmploy the past four night solid ice from shore to share, fore March 1, 1918, to Cover the year years. We feel confident Eunice will on Friday morning clear water from ending Feb. 28, 1919. The taxes are to make good as a telephone operator, Maim St. dock to Deering's Harbor, be paid at the Town Clerk's office, potatoes are selling for $1.30 per The Shelter Island Ferry commenced Southold. The license fee for male a doge is $2.20; for female dogs, $3,25. bushel. running after Weeks of idleness. The Town Clerk received the tags The ice bridge, which has been used; Wednesday of this week. 45 days, will no loinger be safe.R/-4 i The ice is all out of Town Harbor Wallace Merwio has closed his fish i j SUFFOLK BANK TAX Bay and there is very little in the markets at Ri%erhead and Soulhold and FIXER ( creeks. has taken a position in the paymaster's AT $24,103.03 department of the Mark C. T1edFnnick f� Herbert A. MacCarter has ahippedl d deat Camp Upton. —� I as oiler on the steamship Santa Clara. Riverhead Receives $1,159.77 to be Southold, Feb. 27, Abram F. Low- The people of Southold are fish- erre, in his 74th year. Funeral ser- hungry, and the station agents are Divided Among Town, School, I vices at his late home Sunday, March going to relieve that hunger by having Fire and Water Districts 3, at 1:30 p. m. a supply of fish at the Southold station Southold, Feb. 26, Capt. John A. every Thursday. They hada barrel of Riverhead's share of the bank tax Dunkel, aged 79 years, 10 months. fish last Friday .and it went like hot due Suffolk County this year amounts TWENTY.FIVE YEARS $CyO to $1 159.77 less the 1 �2 ,cakes per cent for 16 collection, and the tax will be distrib- r M Bonnett l n Ruthkl a d W uted as follows: State, county and I Postmaster Fithian moved the post 4,1po e a Tuckers lane, adj land W town $461.52• fire district 165.52-I office to the room in J. B. Farming's J,Caraway, Southold nom � , ,$ , A A Folk and wife to E Leicht, light district, $150.70; water district, half of the brick store. tot w s Beckwithav, adj laud A 1' $163.98- school district in Riverhead Mr. and Mrs. John Ke woodreturned village,] $206,46. The entire tax is y Dickerson, Southo'd nom paid by the Suffolk Count National from New York, where they spent the J and W Kujawski to S ,W Hor- Bank. y winter. ton, lot e a Bay Ave, adj land W The total tax from all banks in the I The Town Board appointed El6ba M. Ball, Peconic 10M county amounts to $24,103.03, accord- Rackett of Orient as Justice of the F R Twomey to J Novatka, lot s ing to the formal report made to the peace. a Middle road, adj land estate J Supervisurs. It is derived from the Wickham, Cutchogue nom following banks: Owing to the drifting of thesnowon A and W Rutkoske to J Dickey, East Hampton National ............ $647.34 the railroad track, the noon train Was 60 acres n a King's highway, adj Peconic Bank, Sag Harbor ......... 448.40 eight hours late. land P Burns, Cutchogue $10,050 Southampton Bank ........ 1,766.50 First National, Southampton .. "' 927.14 Traveler Lake was overflowing its Bridge Hampton National .... 338.65 Syracuse, N. Y., Jan. -29, by Rev. Seaside, West Hampton Be ..... 420.08 Banka' Dr. MrcInnis of the SouthPresb First National, Greenport .....,.,,. 1,066.85 Fred A. Thomas was elected Secre- y- People's National; Greenport ,,, 849.12 terian church, Stephen 0. Salmon of Bank of Southold ............... 350.18 -tory of the M. E. Sunday School. ... Southold and Miss Mary Frances, Mattituck Bank ... 561.00 J. B. Terry returned from his trip to daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David M. Suffolk County Nationai, Riverhead. 1,159.77 Patchogue Bank Patterson of Greenport. Bank of Stony Brook ... ,,,......... 431.71,,, 779.91 Florida. Center Moriches Bank .... 512.69 David Austin Horton Of Bay `leW Greenport, Feb. 13, William T. Voor- Bank of Port Jefferson .. 873.58 died, aged 89 years. heel formerly of Southold, aged 70 First National, Port Jefferson ..... 1,128.64 years. First National, Bay Shore .. ....... South Side Bank, Bay Shore 742.86 First National Islip '' 863.96 First National;East Islip 373.64 While ice-boating near Southold TWENTY.FIVE YE$RS`��CyO oysteimen.s National, Sayvilie'.."' 142z ss , one day last week, Freeman Hallock LQ.i�, ---0 7 Bank of Babylon Babylon National .. .., ,,,, 811.22 of Sag Harbor,and two companions, First National, Lindenhurst'. "" nearly lost their lives when the boat Barnabas Booth, Jr., obtained a First National, Amityville •," 376.70 Bank of Amit " 634.59 position In a meat market at Bridge- ingto 892.28 slid into an airhole: It was only af- Bank of Huntington-........ ,hampton. first National, Huntin ton ,,.,. 2,860.00 g ... 798.50 ter repeatedly breaking through the Thomas B. Skidmore was to have ;first National, Northport .......... 796.20 ational Bank of Smithtown Branch 444.73 Salt Water 10E that they reached the a residence erected on his lot opposite solid ice field. Hallock has charge the Southold Savings Bank. $24,103.,3 Alvah S. Terry moved from Bay The shares of stock of the Bank of of a chicken farm at Robins Island. IuntingtGn are urposes at $953 33 eaach.d fora They e p View to his farm at Peconic, which he Th mas H. Bennett of Bay View has recently purchased from Austin Wood- p100 shares. This is the highest valu- rented W. 1. Hagerman's place on ward. Jesse H. Terry moved from Ition placed on the stock of any bank Boisseau Av. Southold to the "home place" at Bay ^n the county; in fact none others .each as high as $500 per share.� W. S. S. � Price,Hartford, . Conn., Feb. 27, Inez View. Pric , wife of William A. Jewell and J. B. Fanning was making alters- Mrs. W. N. Carey and children have daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Frank too that tions t his half the east halff the brick store,could be used for moved to Mrs. Carey's old home at Price, jr., of Greenport, 28y. s post office b Postmaster Fithian. East Bloomfield, N. Y. Mr. Carey will E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport, March p y join them in about tr;o weeks. 4, Nancy Wickham, widow of Henry W. Conklin, of Peconic, aged 79 years. Through the real estate agency ofWm. A. Williams has rented his store Interment at Presbyterian Cemetery, H. W. Gordon, L. W. Korn has sold in the western part of Southold to Mr. Southold. his place on the corner of the Bay View Creel, the tailor, who is at present in I C.Brookly chi M archof 6, MissandM Bert Gertrude C. road, next west of Capt.- Bond's, to I Peconic. Davenport, aged 20 years. Interment Mrs. Mary E. Sweezey of Peconic. at Southold on Saturday. D E Corey and another to Henry Frank Romano, who has , fruit and Southold, March 6, Rev. Alexander cigar store near the depot, is to leave j Richter, aged 66 years, 5 months, 11 Kaelin, 2 acres n s road adj other here April 1st. days. Interment at North Bergen, N. land Kaelin, Cutchogue nom J. HINESE FARMERS LEASE Suffolk County has kept pace withand � als the motor vehicle development of. the Xl� Gas Leak Found and State in general,increasing its pleasure ' Supt. F. E. Booth discovered the big .in FARM ON NORTH ROAD cars from 6,350 in 1916 to 8,102 in 1917; leak in the gas mains of the Southold the its commercials from 693 to 1,027; its Lighting Co. on Friday. It was local- chauffeurs decreasing from 4,247 to ed just in front of H. F. Van Wyck's D. ireenport Laundrymen Give Q 2,579. It now has 558 motorcycles. Up driveway. Another leak in the mains D. The county has also benefited greatly was found some time a quid Washing Dirty Linen TO :TI!! go. On account from a full year's division of motor of the leak the company was using two has The Virgin Soil vehicle receipts. In 1916 the county and a half times as much gas as re, received$8,430.87 in comparison with formerly. For two months the streets Iso y Greenport is to have a farm which it received 43,468.97 last year, could not be lighted and the frost was ew .managed and worked exclusively a sum available for the maintenance so deep that it was almost impossible Ing by Cbinamen the coming season and repair of the roads. to dig up the streets to find the leak. ive b Miss Mildred G. Cox, who last sum Had the streets been lighted the loss ne- harlie Mon, a Front Street laund- Imer graduated as a trained nursefrom of gas would have been enormous. yman, having leased the R. E. Nassau Hospital, has been called back Supt. Booth was a happy man when be Vrooman farm of abort 17 acres on to the hospital to take charge of a very I found the leak. y the North Road. critical case. Charlie will have associated with Theodore Hoinkis has sold the him, another laundryman, Will John 1VIerwin, the milk dealer, has store property on Railroad Avenue, I increased the price from 10 to 12 occupied for several years by Frank Sing, but Charlie will be the real cents a f boss. He will close his laundry in quart. Romano, to a brother of Michael' rit few days and begin work. Schiavoni of Greenport. Mr. and A reporter from The Suffolk TWENTY•FIYE YEARS AGO Mrs. Romano will move to South Times had an interview with Char- 1`RaY./'�L--o-- Carolina. Mr. Hoinkis has sold the Te yesterday, but the reporter dear- building formerly used as a shoe p The thermometer registered ten ded not to print everything that above zero. shop to Lewis S. Tuthill. Charlie said. If he did, this article Henry Huntting, H. Howard Hunt- Maine Potatoes at 85 Cents would not be very intelligible. ting and Charles E. Case were zppoint- Joshua 11. Fauuinu has returned Briefly, the reporter learned that ed Not,ries Public. I tO Riverhead from a trip to Maine. Charlie has had farming experience Rev. Father Crowley delivered a He reports Potatoes there before coming to Greenport. He very able lecture in St. Patrick's and epos, p pieutifal Church on "A Day in Rome." selling at 8:i ceuts per bushel. I worked on a large farm near San Long Island potatoes are selling for 11 Francisco. Rev. Dr. W. C. Blakeman of Orient $1.20. addressed the Local Temperance Socie- s "Mee makee big rnunie'like reech ty men from Orient," Charlie said.` Tuesday was the 301h anniversary of The Republicans made the following the Great Blizzard. it looked as if we As labor is needed, Chinamen will nominations for Town offices: Super- were going to have another blizzard 1 be imported from New York. It is visor, J. Madison Wells; Town Clerk, for a little while Sunday afternoon. planned to raise potatoes, lima Wm. Y. Fithian; Justice of Peace, rhe wind blew a gale in the night and sbeans, celer•,y and cabbage. Of Elisha M. Rackett; Assessors, S. Har- Monday morning the thermometer f course there will be a big chicken mon Tuthill, Charles E. Overton and registered 12 above zero. `I vl,• 11 pen. That is the dream of every Joseph A. Glover; Overseer of Poor, Chinaman. Arthur W. Turbush; Commissioner of James Allen has sixteen pullets Highways, Elbert W. Taber; Collec-1 that layed 607 eggs from December Suffolk Automobiles tor, Frank W. Swain; Constables, 3rd to February 28, as follows: De- With sear for every eleven of its James S. Dewey, Detmold Reeve, Al- cember 54, January 223, February residents, Suffolk County now lits fred R. Vail, Henry 0. Horton, James 330. Can anyone show a better rec- 9,551 automobiles registered with A. Torrey. ,_ Ord? Nt Secretary of State Francis M. Hugo, a Padded Cel! For Prisoners Rensselaer G. Terry has been elected gain of 2,413 in the last twelve months , padded cell costing ahorit6b0 Treasurer of the Southold Community during which New York State in- Club in place of John Merwin. John creased its motor vehicles by 93,701 ti i1I soon be installed in the county was elected Secretary. attaining a total of 411,567 with a .jail. Several Grand Juries have revenue of $4,284,114, or$1,626,072.25 ',ecommeoded the installation of W. N. Carey is purchasing seed corn more than the previous such a cell for the confinement of for up State. He has already shipped I year. All two cars from-Southold- records in motor vehicle registration unruly, drunken and insane p___ two broken i❑ 1917. The total re- er . During the fast few Peconic, March 8, Mrs. Mary Eliza- were a beth H , widow of Stuart T. Terry, ceipts of the automobile bureau show a number of prisoners have injnred aged 86 years, 1 month, 24 days. In- 0 gain of better than 61 per cent over themselves by battering their 'weeds terment at Southold. t 1916. Southold. March 9, Emily M., widow against the steel bars and sides of of George B. Simons, aged 84 years, 1 elle, month, 19 days. The price of potatoes has fallen to Mrs. Sarah Wells is caring for Mrs i Moffat House Wreck $1.10 a bushel, and the prospect is that I Epher Whitaker, who is ill. Mrs. Wells Z they will be quoted at a lower figure. Last Friday morning a loud exp . has rented the upper rooms of W. A. was heard, but nothing especial TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGOI Clark's residence. thought of it, as it was supposed tk Commencing next Monday, the some one was blasting rocks near Lha' John H. Brown of Orient was elected Southold barbers will raise the price of Sound shore. In a very short time, a Trustee of the Southold Savings hair-cutting from 25 to 35 cents, however, the fire bells rang and it w known that there had been an ex- Savings Bank. Rudolph Leicht, who has spent sever- Miss Hannah Carpenter was elected al ears in Greenport, is now employed plosion at the house owned by Moffat y pBros. on Boisseau Av. When the fire- Secretary of the Ladies' Aid Society in Spencer W. Petty's blacksmith shop. men and others arrived at the place,, Of the M. E. church. Thomas B. Skidmore and family Frank Gagen and family are to move the house was seen to be a complete, moved from Brooklyn to Southold. to the Cleveland house, next north of wre k. Mrs. Mary Freeman, sister o,. Albert T. Dickerson entered the em- Glover's blacksmith shop. the Moffat boys, had just come down ploy of the Southold Savings Bank. Harry Sharp and family have moved from the city, where she had spent the The Democrats made the following)from the Lehr cottage to the Lowrey winter and was getting the house in nominations for Town offices: Super- house at the creek. readiness. Plumber Charles H. Beck told and William A. Moffat were down; visor, A.. Reeves; Town Clerk, Lewis Henrye KornJustice of the Peace, An airplane, going north, flew over cellar getting the acetylene gas ma Ancone Furst; Assessors, Wilbur this place Wednesday afternoon. chine ready to make gas. They had just come up cellar and were looking: Hedges, Wiliam A. Cochran, George M M H Dayton to L I R R, lots to see if gas was coming out of th' H. Fleet; Ovt-rseer of Poor, William a land L I R R, adj land Heinz, overflow pipe,when there was a terrific., C. Albertson; Commissioner of High Cutchogue nom ways, Daniel N. Thomas; Collector, H A Howarth and wife to M M explosion and they were both thrown G. Frank Tuthill; Excise Commis- H Dayton, lot e s land Heinz, adj back fifteen feet against the wire fence near the house. Mr. Moffat was sioner, Fred Klipp. land L I R R, Cutchogue nom I The Prohibitionists made the follow- L W Korn and wife to M E cut over the eye and Mr. Becktold had a scalp wound. Mrs. Freeman was in I nominations: Supervisor, Clarence H. Sweezey, lot n s road to Bay View, the front room up-stairs when the ex f r Bly; Town Clerk, Benjamin B adj land M C Bond, Southold $250plosion occurred, but wonderful to re- Puthill; Justice of the Peace, George N Y. City, March 13, by Rev. D. J. late was not injured. A short time A. Vail; Assessors, Willi-am H. Grif- McMillan, Corporal Barley Beall of before she was in the kitchen. Had fiog, Seth L. Tuthill; Overseer of Poor, Fort Terry, N Y., and Miss Eliza L. she been there then and had Mr. Schuyler B. Horton; Commissioner of Scott, of N. Y. City, formerly of Moffat and Mr. Becktold been down Highways, Lucius H. Hallock; Collec- Southold. cellar, they all would have been in- tor, Frank J. Tothill, Peconic, March 13, Robert Lindsay, stantly killed. The explosion was i - ---- aged 70 years. Interment at Southold. 1 F._Fiekeissen is making marked im- - doubtless caused by excessive gas, prF. Fickeiments in his king res. There Southold, March 17, John Dixon, the discharge not being able to carry it aged 75 years. off. It filled the house and ignited is to be a peaked roof, two new chim- neys and other alterations. Tl-.e rear TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AG0 m the cook stove. Had a from romQe of dynamite been put under the east wing has been cut off, and C. /tq1Y.z o Z� �'— house or had a bomb been dropped Hipp will move it to his lot on Bois- The anti-saloon people nominated from an airplane on it, it could not seau Av. and will convert it into a Benjamin R. Grilling of New Suffolk have been a me-e complete wreck. house for Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwan. for Excise Commissioner. The kitchen, whicn was over the gas Henry A. Goldsmith is doing the car- The audited bills of Southold Town machine, was blown to pieces. There penter work for Mr. Fiekeissen, and amounted to$4,792 63. was not a window left and the sides' Michael Stelzer uhe mason work. C. There were 122 births, 102 deaths of the house bulged out in all direc- el T. Gordon is moving the building for and 34 marriages in the Town, outside tions, the foundation being blown out. I t! Mr. Hipp. of Greenport, the past year. Chairs and window-sashes were blown r1 The will of the late Mrs. Emily M. ' --- into the tops of trees far distant. N Simons was probated Monday. The President Wilson signed the "Day_ Dishes were smashed to atoms and low value of the estate is $6,500, all of light Saving Bill" on Wednesday. blown hundreds of feet away. It was oeel which is given to the four daughters, The new-law puts all clocks forward a narrow escape from instant death for;ra( Anna M. Eldredge, Jennie S. Glover, one hour at 2 a. M. on the last Sun- those in the house. As it was, no one iexi Etta B. Hamilton and Minnie K. day in March and turns them again was seriously hurt. Much sympathy is Hazard. the last Sunday in October. The, expressed for the Moffat family in the Tb S. J. Murray will open a fish market' householder, on retiring, on the last loss of their home. Frank Moffat, onend I Of the brothers, is a private at Camp)erts in S. W. Petty's bui;ding, opposite Saturday of March, should set his Upton. The family is one of the mostwese blacksmith shop. Market will be open clock one hour ahead and then go highly esteemed in Southold. The Thursday afternoons and Fridays. to sleep and forget all about it, un- til the last Saturday of October when Mrs. Elsie Williams has rented he?teri he should turn it ahead again./y vU bungalow at the bay to Mr, and Mrd 4 � ._ ,Stanton Mott of Elizabeth, N. ?. THE STATS 'POLICEW H Fare, and wife to M A Pure , right, title, etc, in lot n -,t The State police will complete their N,)rt road, adj land J J Cogan, MAM?JLandinark Gone firsit six months of active service on Soitbold - $400 The old Tuthill house, at the foot .fur. 1, and it has been a busy six G E Trowbridge and ore to C E of Town Harbor Lane, was burned to 941101s. lots 0 main rd, adj Town the ground last Friday afternoon, The .The organization, equipment and THear,21r lane, lot a a Main road, adj I'Llive(. n-ionths' active se"iee cost the land J L Conklin, Southold 130M house was one of the old landmarks State and as an offset they of the village and dates back nearly rounded up in three month,, 42,000 Camp Upton, March 16, of pneur 250 years. It was built by Jasper aulornobille licenses at am average Of monia, Francis Twomey of Cutch- G,ifiln and laterpassed to the 50 each making a total of $257,000 which the State recovered solely a-� I ogue, 26Y. Tuthill family, wherelt remained until the result of their activities. 11, 01,114'r Greenport,Harch 17,at the Hospital, a few years ago, when it was mold words thp SWtO Could have ill--;t about Miss Margaret Brown, aistsr of Mrs. to William F. Moore of Brooklyn. paid the cost of the police during this; George H. Pleat of Cotebogue, aged 67 Charles T. Gordon was burning grass period out of the money which they pears. turned into the treasury. around the place, and the fire got- But the State police were not estate- Peconle, March 26, Henry D. Horton, beyond his control, setting fire to the fished as a money-making, proposition. aged 73 years. Funeral services at his house. Mr. Gordon did all in his power They were established to give the ru- late residence Friday afternoon, at 2 to stop the flames and was completely ral portions of the 1'tate the same,�o'clock. protection of lifend property that ii exhausted by his efforts, The Fire a enjoyed in the cities. Paying their $45,000 for Lupton Place Department responded to the alarm;, way- through the enforcement of the The deed for the sale of tht, fraud- Protection Engine taking water from automobile (,rely 111 01('1- automGbile law "van; ill the bay. Mr. Moore's fine country (1011t. 'they have done lot.; (,i' idier some blattituck property owued by thingstthat entitle them to reu,, -1111ion Mrs, Auuio E. briptull Prince to home, adjoining, was wet down, as as bn important branch of the .,late James Norris of Kffvaustou, Ill., has was also the garage and they suffered government. no damage. Much of the furniture They have cleared the highways of been recoriied at Riverhead. 'rho in the Tuthill house was carried out. e,Lless drivers and ninde them safe WIAI' tftX dtRWp6 On the dead indiuRte The huge chimney is all that remains 1'or tho4e, who use thein in their law- the that Mi. Norris paid $45,000 fol of one of the most interesting places in �ul occupation";. I Their work is not in tiny manse spec- property. the village. tacular. Every nook and corner oq. the ;tat c sees them and is better TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGE) ii EXCUSe Me" therefor. ()ne family consisting of an aged couple and two daughter,;, A,4v The above play will be given in Set. One helplessly sick and the other out of wont and unable to obtain it, is The Democrats elected nearly their moat Hall on the evenings of April 11 thanking the State for the visit of entire ticket at the Town meeting. and 12, under auspices of the Ladies' two troopers who brought aid to the Henry A. Reaves defeated J. Madison l Whist Club, for benefit Southold Chap- sick and found employment for the Wells for Supervisor by 65. L. W. ter Red Cross. Cast of characters; unemployed. Kdrn defeated 10% Win, Y. Pitbiso for. 1 -9—s__ Robert Stetson Jay Glover W Town Clark by 40, the largest plurality John Harding J. Leo Thompson The will of Abram F. Lowerre, latf he ever received. The Republicans Aloyeus Dairyniple Junior Mahoney f Southold, has been filled for pro elected, Climbs M. Rackett Justice of Pinkerton Bean Wm. T, Gagen bate. According to the petition tet Pance, and Elbert W. Tabor Cont- E eine Stetson Harding MargieJennings value of the personal property Is given Miseloner of Highways. The License Narciasa O'Kee Marguerite Hornell as under$10,000, and no realty. Caro candidate for Excise Commlesioner had Martha Winthrop Marion Terry line M. Lowerrp, widow, receives tb� 88 majority. By a majority of 479 the A4ce Lindsey Mildred Kenney entire estate. 'Voters declared that hereafter they Dora Atherton Emma Booth Israel P. Terry, wbo forI bed to vote in election districts, Katie several Florence Shaw years bus been employed at the This was the last old-fashioned Tow, Don't forget "Excuse Me," 'Iburt- especially busy seasons of the year at Meeting hold In the Town. I dry and FrOU11 iday of next week- S1- he Southold Savings Bank, is nowl Henry Jewell was employed in O. A. I lay. Vancing af- old Orchestra will p regularly employed at that institution, Prince's noest market. I ter Pecond perfortnance, with music by Steamer Shelter Island made three King's Orchestra, Attractive mus-scat if Miss Florence Appelt of Greenport trips a week to the city. sp cia ties bosh night'. Tickets on a now teaching at Now Suffolk, has, sale Saturday at 11, 51, l-laWkjns':1 f been engaged to teach the 3d and 4th William H. HUM,) is on a Southern Gentral adinisiian, 25 cents. ReservEd a grades of the Southold High School trip, He has been at New Orleans F_,,ats, 35 and 50 cents. t -next year. and when last board, from was al Louisville, Ky. wbich have been WX The new plate glass bay-windows, price at the RiVerl", F -al weeks, reachei ��l and freshly painted front of the Al. UnTh! Daylight Saving plan meets with dppot for ,(,Vt,l p & py benison Co. (F, W. Bridge) building aDIM008 fiPProVAI here. It is a presents a fine appearance, ighty good thing, and we hope to sect carried out every summer 0 Greenport, March 28, by Rev, Harryl The W. 11, 11, Glover p, �ii' hereafter. Lee Rice, Everett (,. Hannibal or' ace in the Greenport and Miss Catalina Calderone eastern part of the village has been Frank K. Cochran has been engaged of Pectinic. sold iold to Chas. E. Terry. as sexton of the Presbyterian church. Martin Szypnlewski, who recently "q r ,Truck Co.;Assistant Engineer,Spencer l UXz G. Beebe has secured a osition At the chairman's re uest at the' W. 1Petty, Engine Ca,; Secretary, A. q mP F xeS Coal Prices Meeting ®i Town Board purchased the Patrick Rorke farm at rintendent of the Nassau County meeting on Monday, Mr. Frank Robin. T. Dickerson, Engine Co Treasurer, Bay View, has moved there fram House rounds at Mineola son resented this su Fuel Administrator E.E. Hawkins of The Southold Town Board met,at the Worcester, Mass , where he has been + -._.__._... grounds ____ P ggeston: Lewis W. Korn, Truck Co, Chief ry atchogue has fixed the price of coal mice of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, iss Marguerite Howell has been I LisERTY LOAN AND RED CROSS Booth treated the house to cigars. t 1 Saturday, April ti, 1918, Present Su for several years. aged to teach the Ba View school Sup. As you buy the bonds would it not --- --++►m.---- - i � Riverhead and vicinity, He an�� " g Y � ' ervisor Tuthill Town Clerk Hallock, Theodore Hainkia, the proprietor of other ear. be well to ask for part in denomination + Hees ,that from April 1 to August' y _ Justices Griffin, Corey, Fleet and Ter- Southold Hotel, has been in Sautllcild — of$50? Southold Fire District -the price of coal delivered to any L outhuld, April 12, Mrs, Susan E. ry, Supt. Fleet and Counsel Case. tvaenty years, he having taken poFsess- al, aged 80 ears, 6 menths: Keep in mind the reports 'about con- The annual meeting of the Southold' alt within one and one-half miles: _.__ �'_ .-. _ __.,. g I the dealer's yard will be as follows: The resignation of William E. Bond ion of the hotel April 8, 1898. ditions in Belgium, France, Armenia, Eire District was held at the roams of I"ea coal 8.60 per ton store and of Cutebogue as Constable of Southold - P 7WEN`I�Y-FIVE YEARS AGO _ i.. Poland and elsewhere. Over the sig-; lr"otection .Engine Co, last. Saturday': i $ P , ) 'town was read and accepted, lie having Miss Henry S. Ackley of Greenport ,y� a_ _ _ ` � natures of Ex-President Taft and M. evening. Commissioner Geo. C. Terry $9.35; broken and egg, $9.10, moved to Greenport. ie making her home with her niece, r is is the maximum price list. Michael Goodwin of Cutchogue was Mrs, W. I, Hagerman. _ The public school teschere were at- Padurewski a report comes this week occupied the chair and called the meet� is added that a further reduction appointed Constable to fill the vacancy t"epding Teachers' Institute at South that the death rate in Poland is 10 per ing to order. A. T. Dickerson was caused by the resignation of William We had rain, snow and hail Thursday cent,while the report states for a com chosen secretary, and A. W. Symonds sib 50 cents per ton will be made for all y morning. Eight inches of snow fell in ?nPton. y, sold at the yard or on the siding, Town Bond, office until the next 1� Mrs, Isaac Franklin Russell was pariean that the death rate among the and C. T. Gordon acted as tellers. g Pennsylvania Wednesday morning. = casualty list of the fighting learning the plumb- It was resolved that the Southold i�rcduated from the Woman's Law J ghting' armies is Report of Commissioners read and iiIph Glover is g Town Board hereby protests against 2 per cent. the appropriation of,$400 for estimated, IN trade of B. F. Macomber. ` Mrs, H. G, Booth has moved into thechool of the University of the City of ___ ...... g , �N Y p g year, , the selling the beach known east part of the Albertson House. ew York. tenement to 1►e)p, and findthe r business off " D. Scott purchased the to are epi he proposition to appropriate $3,000; Long Island A11to Owners j as Na Man's land, at Cedar Beach, E P I Bay View, in the Town of Southold, makes them so strait of funds as to de- for the purc,l€ase of a combination :Na 4i+n t'+.unt q k€irl:3 ilii S ata f lying on both sides of Cedar Beach N F L Byron to C B Byron, lata house.of Seth L. Tuthill, o£ Road, said Town Board claiming that 7.9, Hallock Property, Southold The`bay fishermen had their pounds prfve them of this satisfaction, chemical and water engine on a motor As `itt€ oris€rail; fc1, c,cr;l rifua peraous the Commoners have no title to the Town nam iin,and were catching a number of small Red Cross will realize par for bonds chassis was laid on the table, It is __ is seito tiro G'ount;y-. Suffolkk t mit:y allol � property. H W Noxon and wife to William }1erring. Cassidy Bros. caught 45 river donated and place money in fund you proposed to enlarge the present fire .. e an iilvin 'nu e7i,€ivty do for i�ecurid It was voted to transfer $3,500 from Ulmer Brewery, lot w s rd, ads shad one morning• direct. dititrict so that it will include the same '; . . . akru� r. a can fait €lie Excise bund to the Bridge k'und. (land late of J Carey, Southold nom The Montauk Steamboat `Co. sold At no other time in history could our t rritory as the Southold Union School s a , ,glirr:e,ascii K++ nr,ty It was voted that the pay for team H A Howarth and wife to 0 B ;steamers Shelter Island and Montauk earnings or savings have done such District. The signatures of over fifty it ulz rltiUeii +€l'it, residents. work on the highways of the Town of o s land to the y di Southold be raised five conte an hour, `' interest in MCM H Day- of Sag Harbor. h'ahys Watchcase Co. service; and now the money is cabled; per sent of the taxpayers and voters is I )e 0, Tn?EN"IsY-FIVE YEARS GQ beginning April 1, 1918. tin, Cutchogue nom About$300 damage was done to Son th- to the dying. necessary before the district can be egis i rr� __o _ '% J. N. HALLocK, Town Clerk Same-to H G Tuthill, interest in old wharf by one of the most severe, Another report April 22d says 2j Enlarged by the Board of Supervisors, Ig € 1 same tract nom easterly storms on record. millions Syrians,Armenians and Greeks If this is done, a special meeting of we Rrtv.'4Villiam M..Carr was church. The Surrogate has signed an order i Same to H H Tuthill, interest in A reception was.given to the neware starving. Ever pastor o£the Southold M. E. y Penny p£ relief the taxpayers of the enlarged district c a ill sold his farm to directiirg IZcbert Shannon of 538' same tract nom pastor of the'M. E. church,Rev. Wm. I expenses is met privately, wi'1 be called by the Fire CJnrnrniss`ton ,pastor H. Tuthill k, Rev. E. W, M:'Carr. p {{ i .his ppbew, George H. Dickerson. Mr. Bergen avenue, Jersey City, to appear' Southold, April 6, y € fled CP®SS 1�®fes ,r FI�'e Department Meeting era to consider the proposed appropria- n ut�ilt;maved on his father's farm. in the Suffolk County Surrogate's S�xigli,y, George F. Griffin of south- tion of$3,000 for the purchase of the a, ,. g nisi, a soldier at Camp Upton. and Miss With Mrs, Elizabeth Hall, Mrs. Ve annual meeting of the Southold engine. urge .Tillinghast succeeded Geo• Court for examination on the char a Edith lileeker Loomis of Laurel. ' Frank Overton and Mrs. Wm. Conway Fire Department was held at the It was also recommended that the p hil as clerk in L. W. Korn's that he had concealed a will made by , r -'as nominating committee,the following rooms of Protection Engine Co. last' truck be Equipped with a mater Pea- a ;stare• the late Bertha 0. Richter of S,.,uthold, I Riverhead. March 3S Thomas 1. d a .We had quite a severe snow storm. officers have been chosen to succeed Saturday evening, with (thief Nat. E pelted tractor, and that a siren signal- formed Bertha 0. Chandler. The pe- Thomason, formerly of Southold, aged ti4 oars. the secretaries, Mrs.Jennings and Mrs, , y t .J,.:Tdwin Cochran purchased T. B. y Broth in the chair, and Secretary A. alarm be.installed within the district. idmore's house and was to move it ti,;ion for his examination was made by years. _w_._._T_...... t corner Main St. and Baisseau Mary Wlldnauer and Lena Weidniann TWENTY-FAZE "Y'E�,RS ��� ', j Sanford, resigned. It is not surprising T. Diokersan, recording. The Chief, Assistant and the Captains' p s , . I / ,�° that it takes six to fill the laces of P of East Orange, who say they are Half Rep, of Treasurer L. W. Karn. of the companies were appointed a ° P µ. v these two ca able women. But they read, and it was voted that the balance committee to investigate these pro t s J. H. Marshall of Brooklyn waa sisters o£the deceased. We were having a very backward P of $33.98 be equally divided between .,Southold, Tanning'the building of a have been overworked with the con-pp paced acquisitions and submit prices at qup near Norton's Paint, on land he, Jay Glover and Lewis Wilkinson spring. stantl increasing duties of our busy the two companies, the special meeting, *eptly purchased of Phineas Fanning, I Frank W. I Chief Booth re u`` 1 died aged 78 drove Mr. Glover's brother-in-law's car Fanning anitnea while Mr, y g P little Red Crass Chapter; ported that there bade Nathan Davis was re-elected Com- drove s. J,Franklin Wells g I in Brooklyn for some ti a far Dr. Purchasing Agent, Mrs. Arebie W. been two fires in the district during mfssioner for three years, and S,' L. t Viraltex M. Beat to Boston the latter part of last week, They left Friday Fanning was building a hour. Symonds; Financial Secretary, Mise the year, the' Guffga barn and the Bennett, Clerk. ._ in Southold ,a wish that every boy morning for Part Jefferson, going from J. I3. Maxahall. Hazel Kin Corresponding Secretary, Moore house, and,an explosion at the - We t; T , Rev. Dr. Bowdish and faziaily left g; P g y' Moffat residence, all destroyed, but ad- Stephen 0. Salmon, a, graduate of s;€iild lisivri.heard A. H. Casden deliver there an, the steamer to 13rid a sort Miss Edith Prince; Recording al dress on"Vocations," which was and from there to Boston. They ;re- f,r their new field of labor at SeWild tary, Mrs. Frank D. Smith. Publicity, jacent property saved at Moore fixe, the Southold High School,who recently his ad St., N, Y. City, sW Committee, Mrs. J. N. Hallock, Mrs. He reported all four fire apparatus and graduated from the School of Agricul. d given in the Universalist Parish Haase turned by railroad Sunday. N. Hub" There was ta'.k of erecting a n is ednesday evening', in the Boys"Tr- bard Cleveland accompanied them as north of Geo. W. Fitz, Mrs. Frank A. Smith, cisterns in good shape,and recommend. .tore of Syracuse University, bas eowt " f r- Lecture. Course. The speaker far as Bridgeport depot at Southold on land just a ,axig a as _.__... the school house. * * * culture in the school at t ed the purchase of 100 feet of base, .menced his work as Professor of Agri- sr roes"introduced by Mx. Wadsworth fire caps for chief and assistant en- Millbrook, the ba s. Mr. Cosdpn is Ie Ladies' Aid Society of the,Pres- The Boa*.d of Health organized with On Saturday Mr. Daniel Hall, field rr a friend of Y ; leas. as decided to past , nt Su + secretary of the Atlantic Section of grocers, and an lion stanchion With Y We extend congratulations tt7 a very,easy speaker and it is a P byi:erian church h thO fol,owing officers: Preside p a book made to be driven in the bay or Steve on securing this fine posftioao; ten to him. The address from, pone the 10th Annual Men's Dinner in- ,xvisor Reeves; Secretary, Town Clerk Red Cross,; met the officers of the tris to listen d advices, 1 sial speakers who had • � creek to rest suction pipe an, should and we know he will make good. to finish was full of goo definitely. Spe i P Korn; Citizen Merrmber, W. C, Allier three east-end chapters at Mrs. Sturm- r start , oceasion demand its use, also the par- and it would be well for the boys . been invited could not come at this =' ao ke a success to us ata son; Health Officer, Dr. J, M. Hann darf s to confer with them on the mat- Miss Ruth Hummel of Southold,', Beed it if they are to in a work, time, but promised to favor ter Qf amalgamation. chase o4 a hose guage tester. l 'haracter, common sense, tranft. The ticket nominated by'Ea le Hoak Inez Robinson of Mattituck andi l life. C ucatio n will as later date. The society is sorry to dis- * g thoroughness and ed Elizabeth Hallock of Laprel grade n wile were so anxious Miss Evelyne Anderson of New Suf There were lift -eight and Ladder Co, and endorsed bat Pro- , fish all things. appy_)int the me • as been engaged as a grade y ght members tection�En ine Co, was elected as fol- in the shorthand course at Sortfv. r r �' fie comtHr ___ _. - —_ to brave this yearlyrenloyment. folk h r teacher in the Southold High School present at the work roam on Monday. t lows: Chief Engineer, Nat. E. Bogth4 Academy last Friday. F ow Aus,*, 22-Cea•tificatian by Secretary �g+ Annual y T NTY"FXY YE1�Ii $�Q of State to the custodian of primary Ao � ��O i i Fail SA�ENTf� FIVE YEARS C'r�?, High School-Isabel Boisseau 90, school Meeting records of designations filed, Perfect Attendance- Helen Booth, The ,annual School Meeting of t}e Sept. 3�--I'a11 primaries, New York Governor Whitman has signed the A,a` Jt4_0- "'"' "` Alice Carroll, Helen Cochran, Helen g g Southold High School District was held Potatoes were selling far 61.00 per City, 1. T, M. to 9 P. M,; outside of bill of Assembly Murphy of Suffolk, :Arthur B. Gordon was fireman on Terry, Helen VaJik, Milli® Vojik, at the schen] house Tuesday evening, bushel. New Yttrlc City, ? A. M. to 9 P. M. amending the town law b changing Frank Sanford, Annie s Diss Grace Payne won the Demarest Sept• 9--'Last day oil whiHch eustod- y g, g e freight train. Robert Ebbitts, J. N. Tlalloc;k, President of the Board Gold Medal Oratorical Contest. ian of priniary records can certify re- the date of the biennial meetings in p of Education, occupied tine -chair, and Our' pound fishermen were catching Shrigley,Helen 7'harn son,Eddie Dasa• , sults. Suffolk County to the general Election p koski,Charles Vreeland,Lillian Stelzer, Secretor Wm. T1. Terry recorded. t� Our pound fishermen were catching Aug, 27 to Sept. 9-Dates for filing Day, beginning with 1919. The terms enhaden and weakfish. Joseph Y gs and W. R. Newbold some menhaden. town nominations, Avis Bishop, Sophie Savage,. p Harr Jennie G. F. Hommel and family movenSept. 1L-Dates for filing of office of fawn officers, elected-at Capt, M. B. Brown of Orient was y Sept' .3 to Se acted chairman of the Board of As- Savage. Nleicryute7slof tie lastmeetingand also } from Sayville to Southold. inrl�penderat nominations. such meetings, are to begin January X y ,_.. _ '1 Sept. 14---Lass; day for declining following, except highway superintend- gents. ��11oiT1 Potatoes of the special school meetzRrg read and, I , 3 ' $ pro-J,H. Boisseau B. T. Payne and B. town or in nominations• ants whose terms shall begin as Steamer Shelter Island was under- p y va- vided b section 82 of the law. Vscsn. oing a complete overhauling before Aecordang to a corrected compilation ' accepted, Ir, Prince were re-elected Trustees of Supt, 17-T,ast da far fiIlry y Rep of Treasurer A. T, Dicker the M. E. church. canoes of Such. The Board of Excise organized by Oct. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11-Personal' cies occurring in April, 1919 and 1921, .ping on the route. of the agricultural resources and pro electing Samuel B. Conklin c registration New York City, 5 P. M. by expiration of term of a town officer At a meeting of the Democratic duction in Suffolk last year, this county son read and accepted. The report has William A. Cock- produced 3,395,290 bushels of potatoes 1 been published in t(te'11tAVi Lr:,it. g chairman, to 10.;0 P. M. and Oct. 12 from 7 heretofore elected, shall be filled by ounty Committee, #torn 19,294 scree. ]lire does not in- The Secretary rand the list of teach* and Charles G. Corey secretary and A. Mc to 10.80 P. M. the Town Board in the preceding March n was indorsed for Postmaster at treasurer. The price p g elude however, any tract of less than ere employed for the ensuing year and and I fixed at 6126 per year, of licenses was Oct. 11., 1.2, cities 18 and 19-Personal for a tes, oferm to expire December 31, tool- outhold. ' their salaries. Southold Lode T. - 000tortinore,xexcept New York City, lowing, _ __ __...._ _� three acres, and it 1,3 known that tilers The report of Treasurer R. S, Lodge, 4, 0. F,, cele 7 A. M. to 1U P. M. were hundreds of small pieces of pots , orated the 741h anniversary of the Oct. 12 and 19-Non-personal reg-; More Poly For Judges onor Roll of Sa ® • Stur es of the Southold Free Library ptoes, running anywhere from a few g founding of Odd Fellowshipin Amer- zst„anon�outsirlr of cities and vil-' t Aovel nor Whitin.iii liar,r,i;;nt,d the ` The following pupils of the Southold rows In a garden to two or more acres. was read and acceptcd. Ica. P. A of <a,QUO or more, 7 A. M. to 10 T. l:ilk.tlizat iiia�r ahr}s flet ratleu"* ref iglt SohooI obtained an average of 85 On the whole, it is considered a con- The annual budf et was stile n The AT*�+ CHANGES Nov. 5-General election day. t.."t�iic i, :Incl+" iii + c ,5 the er cent or more dating the third ' sQrvat ve estimate to place the grand estimated expensos for tkie �nsuiug lel It will be noticed that primary da v � till elk fa ozn$2,000 uartor of the school ear: total yield in Suf olk at upward of year are $11,275, and the estimated y 8,500,000 bushels, This is understood receipts are$1,600, 'Ibis leaves $9,675 occurs two weeks earlier than usual. ice '�.',•'l)!1 elate the Starrr�f;•ate from q �+ ELECTION First_Grade-Evelyn Vr►n Wyck 97, IN 1i LAW While this will lengthen the fall cam- $3,000 to $4,001). The uow salary 'Natalie Best 95. Mario Ducey :f1, Ksitfe to he floe largest field the cpunty ever to be raised by taxa N. paign e will, however, glut,more time v�ill'a�r t elle+ t. lPzii lrre;axzat iucum Y bad, And it is lkkew seho:isidered that George Ii, 1)fekett:d and J. of lar preparing and handling, the sol: Stepnoski 90, Karl Johnson 89, Starlet Hallook were re•elect�d members diet vete froth in the United Stats 11'ta t"" the yield per acre was tis goad as the flip Board of Education for three years. and possibly abroad _ Smith S8, Joseph Krukovuslti 85, He(en the latter still I Dickerson 96, Irene MeK on }', county 'ever land for it is figured at Inspiring remaaks on the wider scope Town Noniinatiozis 14lust Naw Be p y , Hetary A, f.Tnlclsuiith has moved Alii e Downs 89 being under advisement.uoA simpli Frances Gordon 90, , an average of about 17G bushels to the P 1X Filed Between Aug.27 and Sept. r fled ballet for the use of men in the the cuCtitigG at Pirie Neck moved and betterment of the school were Y Annie Poliwoda 88, Dwight Bridge 87, , acre. mads b Prin. Symatads field F. G, sex vice has also been devised. solei b William E. Taylor to Edgar y 9,Secy of State Announces _ y Instead of 6,000 signers to norm- ;;milli to flee west side of Mr,S R Herbert S ith 8�--Stange Krultawski acre the yield (8,500,000 bushels)' With. the fall primaries, set for y independent mith's Second y by $1,50 per bushel-and this is con- Wadsworth, �f rata State officers b rude e . parties, ' tl ,000 signers lett on Jrtr key Glee k. Extensive reel 89, Henrietta Fickeissen 88, Corey Al- sidered a eanservative average--for ct' �, � t; arties it now requires 12 Sept. 3 the enrollment of women for with at least 50 from. each county in tra`erlient are being made. bertson 90, Killian Stelzer $8, Dipsa were at May 25 and the registration drays fol• the State, Fulton and Hamilton Coun- l � . '._ � i Williams 94, many p isaseen that the t�al ero$�wtta "Ilia Farmerette,,' a plat' in three Oct.7,8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in New York ties being reckoned as one. Town Wadsworth 87, Dors etc« i P Ci Octf. 11 12 i libin•inations, Instead of being filed Frank Strasser is in his old lace at City; , , 18 and 19 for g p William,Borgesson 90, Viola Kulick 85, worth$5,250,000 to the farmers, More este, will be given in T3etmprit Hall, ether laces of 5 000population' ar twenty days before election as has F. Fickeissen s stare, succeeding J. than three fourths of these otataes T+riday avenin May 17, at f3 P. M. by` Esther Macomber 89, Svea Johnson 91. p g, p , been the case, must now be filers not,Trving, Fanning, who is now in theThird Grade--Clifford Tillinghast 91, Were grown in the extreme eastern the Qcawaain Camp !Fire Girls. The more avid for Oct. 12 and 19 in the earlier than the tenth Tuesday and 'ink of Southold,' rural sections, the political calendar not later than six days after the ninth ____. Catherine Grattan 89, Martha Gallagher part of the county, in the towns of east is as follows: for 1,918 has just been issued from Tuesday. Independent nominations °1`lte tit+z kaorrks for Saiticilk County 92, Frederick Kart 85, Robert Carroll Riverhead, Southold, Shelter Island, Jane Wellington, sweet sixteen and must now be filed not earlier than the 89, Thomas Conway 85, Joseph Bond Southampton and Easthampton, with still 11 unklssed," Frances Leicht, the office of Secretary of State Fran- ninth Tuesday and not later than two this yt'zar Wil l er st$2,207.80. cis M. Hugo, Preliminary campaign days after the eighth Tuesday prie- 90,Bernice Simons $7, David Lehr 89, the bulk of thane grower in Riverhead Jocelyn Wellington, the tittle " tl -_ ceding snare]•election da Martin Lehr 86, Avis Bishop 88, Floral and Southold. ologist,' Helen Booth. activities will really get under way in g g y Southold, April 28, Mrs. Annie M., Albertson 97, James Cogan 92, Walter Nearly 20,000 acres have been plant RInora Wellington, a born home piaces of 5;000 or more on May 25 wife of James Thompson,. aged 70 T' an enrollment of women from 8 years, 8 ,a,onths, 8 days. Zoweski 92, Alice Bloomfield 85. �ed this year. maker, Marjorie Van Wyck. with Over the To A. M. to 10 P. M. Certificate enroll- ,� New London, Ct,, April 26 Mrs, Fourth Grade-Marg Stelzer 91, - -___. _. _. _. 1- - I� ....Mrs. Beckwith, an unfriendly neigh meat of women in places of less than Southold went "Over the Top in Catherine M. ]?,ince of Southold, Mary Poliwoda'89, Antons Cybulski 85, Liberty Bonds In Southold bor, Lucy Kanold. , 5,000 population will take place from 'where interment took place. g ' Nan Wellington, The Farmerette, May 16 to June 15. subscriptions to the.Third Liberty Loan Louise, T3irdinka 90 Virginia Maim- Southold. did herself proud in raising Arsharnomoque, April 30, Mrs. 86. The calendar for the year is as fol- on Thursday, April 25tb, when the Phoebe Llizabeth Vrooman, aged 75 Borg, hGrade-Robert Booth 90, Helena mangy far the three-issues of Liberty Dorothy Van Weill lows: years, Interment at Orient, Fift Bonds and greatly oversubscribed her hlinnette Wellington Lawson, an add' May 16 to June 15-Certificate en- ,banks reported sales of $104,600. Our Thompson 89, Catherine Thompson 85. rolIinent of women in places a£ sass Lea Thom g coat Sixth Grade -John Purcell 88, Jennie quota, Of the First Liberty Bonds the miner of soulful eyes, Gertrude lt', than 5,000 papulation. l quota was 6101,400. peon as buildin __ The Honor Flag was receiveadon Fri- pockets, 27x54, for Wm. T. Gagen. Albertson 87. amounting to $3$,700, Of the second Gracious Ann Bean, a believer its: two banks in Southold sold 111 ootids, comber, . May 25--Personal ersonal enrollment . of The pockets are elevated, with storage Seventh Grade-Catherine Cogttn 85, '�calacathentcs, Ruth Vail, women in la.ees pf 5,000 ar snare. day and now hangs at the past office. room for machinery underneath oris Ha ermaq 56, James Slrar issue they sold 322, amounting to$I29, p Y !lir, ax1 g p $QO or the third issue they sold 578, There will also be a tableau, " July 2-First day far my-,ming pe- The two banks in Southold reported Gagen will also have a garage built.. 7, Gertrude Koke 93, Theresa Fielder to 157 700-a Brand fatal titions. g g a>aeiag • July 30 to Aug,*. 6-Dates for filing subscriptions of$x34,300 on May 1. - amounting $ Bachelors Dream." D 9; Mary Kelly 92,'Mamie Vo�ik 87. designating petitions. ibert , 1 of $326,2.00. Southold sterids ready to ,the performance, with music by ,, Subscriptions to the.third L y At Old,Ladies.Home, Staten Islan Eighth Grade---.Helen Bond 85, Torn do her full share, and me►re,'in raising ,Orchestra. AdmisEion, 25 cents {',, Aug, y to decline desi ills 4 May 1U-sleet da g" Lan class at noon qn Saturday, ?'...__ y 4, where interment tock plies, Hall 8 , Eugene Lehr 89; E�Izataeth --a war that must riierved seats, 35 azid 60 earls, nations. o _ t the sinews 04 war a dui >u Aug. 20•-Last flay to fill vacancy E J Brady` xr to M Shz�ulesky. Mrs, Jane i3exry, formerly of South- Sharp '89, Helen Booth 85, Beatrice a fa ht to s successful con at Hawkins store. Came_00` 140' alter declination, y old, aged 83 years. 44 acres n s Cedar lane, adj land B Hodgins 88. and will b Ug 1 rstwen. finzithcslrl ftFr.00f1 _ _ I eiiiainn. __„ W _- ]the airls buv that LibBrk I MNTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Estate Mar aret Lowre , Southold, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO )TWERTY-Fift yEii .1 gross, $7,895,13; net, $6, 81.73; tax, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO R S AGO or truck$ the fliver and tile rail. ---o-- 9 $237.26; net estate divided as fol- 3 r"do. These desert car,,e Governor Flower signed lows. Moses Lindsay brother, $300; John C. DAVIBOD Borax Hill ja no thai the bill, Lizzie D. Goldsmith, �knnabelle Sharp of Brooklyn was Miss Eintua. Korn graduated from The 11111000141 straw to drive here were authorizing the election of T6wn Trus. and IMargaret, McKeon, nieces, each making repairs and alterations on "a com. , in e New London Business College. MeftW running. actual use 'a Death VallOY, California, tees in Southold Town. $,50; Margaret Lindsay and Sadie George Harper's place. thirty-three at! The thermometer register id 93 do- 1110 Ada C_ Terry kradustiul from I Years ago, �"ahlclfi# were The Privilege of landing shelf@ on the Lindealy, nieces, and estate Robert Mrs. 0. A. Prince Purchased three grees. the Gromport unil" School. built of the most thoroughly seasoned Lindsay, deceased brother, each, $1,-, lots on Cottage Place. b material and put together in such a shore at Cedar Beach for three years 977,25. The pound fishermen were having The Southold public 8Ch0OI hold Its way that t al purchased Edward Huritting Post, G. A. R., one of the poorest seasons on record. Ant Commencemont exercises, whan Ch so he'&PSG Of time and climate was sold by the Commoners to Downs held Its Decoration Day exercises at ang M &Parks of Greepport for$1.00. Fred Penny of Laurel hall 11) i of Jonathan T. Overton the building at , , J. Halsey Tuthill purchased of the the following WON graduated: Ample Would have the smallest Shelter Island. B. Kora, Sorths:. Corsy,Ml-anllis Low. y1s At the annual meeting of the Suffolk f Town Harbor and will convert it Into 4 Steamer Long Island for the Long hdrs of Joseph Goldsmith about I Is, Dora S. Quarty and Marcella Goigon. possible OffeOL Pioneer days in the County Mutual Insurance Co., the fol-I acres of land on the west side of Main West were strenuous and these super. wagon$even now show that they were ,rt 10wing officers were elected: Pres., J. fine bungalow, island-Now London route was nearly St. Southold. The Committee of arrangements of ba f� B. Terry; Vice Pres., Jesse G. Case; Flying Mechanics started carrying 'I completed. the 260th Anniversary date on William Feely died, aged 28 years. 4lla to f Meet the 62ttaordiGary de- mail between Washington amid New John Forblude, who ha rl been work- the style of the monument to Dark the runda 0 that 11141 They are twelve SM, Silas F. Overton; Attorney, N. /& Mrs. Austin Booth died, aged 66 feat high, a0 D. Petty. York City Wednesday morninscit-4 ing for B. B. Tuthill, started for the years. 'lite Of the first moolift house alghteau fast MAA with rear He Geo. L. Barker and Miss World's Fair on foot. Bernard Gagen died, aged 16 years. "numsmOrat*the ftmoders of Said viihook eight feet high, C&rryInJZ tires Bertha Cutchogue, May 11, -Will' W 116 Southold Town Board appointed The VO& the Town- "Von and ninstsinthu Inches rd of Town Trusts" organ. wide. W Gordon were married. Civil War; the, following Town Trustees- James ized by electing Jorpmiab 0. T�uttdll, 'This team Is Composed of 10 Sterling a Veteran of the Ci Ezra BoissIlati-died, aged 93 years. aged 76 ears, 5 months, 28 do eagu twenty ani- '" 'y I Gildersleeve, Jeremiah G. Ti J. Southold Town L President, and Gem Ii. C468yea, aftre- a"Of so average height of seventeen George Fisher died, aged 62 years. TWENTY.FIVE YEARS AGE) � B T y, Geo. fl. Cleaves and E. W. tary. "d a half hands and Yiple­ sixteen hundred pounds such. TrUtly, Taber.e" League Records W*blog about Myron Glover a�`d_Hiiro_1d__doIdsmith, ' "VEV Mrs. Frances M. Smith, formerly of Nine Won Loffit, P,0 Prim. S. S. Show and Mints Zara the lead MUIP, is said to be the ,a. il I ,Je two of Southold's High School gradu., Thomas G. Scholl sold his fam on Southold, died at Barre. Vt. Greenport . . . . . . 2 0 lo Young and Margaret D0819 were en- most ates, who played in the East End Bas&. the North Road to Geo. W, Halsok of Southold . . . . 6(� gaged as teachers of intelligent 40IM&I Of Its kind k Mornorial services were held in the r,()(14ic school. the Southold pub. IQ frofik driving in the known. ball League, and are 13OW attending St, Brooklyn. Presbyterian church,, when 'addresses Mattituck . . . . . . I I big centers Lawrence University, are the battery Mr. and Mrs. Samuel.el B. Terry &Is- were made by Revs. E. A. 11 Orient . . . . . . . . 0 of the least and West find in ton cities Orton, 1 010 Southold—T--o—wn Of the South, Trilby hillionever made an ily; for that coilleg�,'o ball nine Goldsmith brated their golden wedding. Wm. M. Carr and Geo. D. Miller. RESULTS MEMORIAL DAY League error In calculating ii!l; - — the approach of Pitehingand dlover receiving. Last The twin#ons of'Mr. and Mrs. Frank bcords astrootcarorcroag street traffic dur­ week St. Lawrence vanquished the It Ann Hallock of Vassar College A. Bly died. Greenport 8, Southold 2 Nine League We public parades. filis Is Rochester University nine, and on was fortunate enough to receive word lWattituck 1, Orient 0 Won Lost P.0 mule Of high dogree. a Pedigreed from the Department of Education at 3 0 1000 The big deserti SFAurday they added further laurels by Harold Goldsmith, of CutChogue, RESULTS LAST SATURDAY 80011111101d caravan comes 2 1 667 to Long Island at the, whitewashing the Hamilton College Albany, that she was eligible this year is making good its pitcher on the St. Matutuck I hwu iball club. Baseball,cally, it certainly to a scholarship, earned for High School Southold 8, Orient 2 4/1"d 1 2 2:13 request Of W. J. Fallon of Setauket. Fr, I is high honors w Lawrence university team. In a Greenport ill Mottituck 2 Orient . . . . . 0 a 0(9) Moses Moria for these two young work, wh ieh entitles her to one hundred game with Hamilton college the a Hagerman of,�Routhojd Own to be chosen the battery of their dollars. other day, he shut out that team. Mrs. Grace'Marks Parker, who wap era Petty at Ptleonic graduate .college bail nine. Edward Fourth and family of N. Y. He was at the bat four times and got married recently at her home in Porto Results Last Saturday wIr"o,tn'the Teachers' Training Class, C- City have rented the home of Mrs. G. three hits, made one run and six as" . Arthur Mitchell, was Southold 6, MAttituck 3 s w The corps Of teachers for the South- I Rico to Mr. Groan port 8, Orient 4 Gre'eOPOrt, this ftsnth. t 'A old High School is now complete. on Wells phillips at Pine Neck. They are sista, struck out fourteen men and aboard the ill-fated CsrOli0A with her Min Edna Cahoon was graduated well acquainted with this section, hav- I' not walk a man. husband and her two children. Word rrm the Mary Lyon School, Swath- Tuesday evening the Board of Educa- South i.id GAMES SAILURDAy, -JUNE 16 made Pa., this P tion voted to engage Milan ing spent many seasons at the w_ ku s Mary A.Rob: � At the 50th anneal Commencement il came finally, to the great relief of her week. inson of PecOnic, who Harbor House. 4 Cornell University, which occurred friends here, that they were all safely I Riverhead at Southold graduates from rusteeli of 0, May 22A Dudley B. Hagerman wall ashore and expected to arrive in Now Greenport at Usttita& Miss Ann Ilallock was graduated Ise Wellesley College in jun,, At the meeting of the T I to teach the I York very soon. lite Eighth Grade and High School sub. the Southold Savings Bank lost I burs- graduatcd with the degree of Bachelor -1 from V"aar College this weii jects, and Miss Mary A. Hubbard of day, Edward D. Cahoon was elected a of Science. Mr. Hagerman has Be, Forrest E. Terry and family, Who 0111111111; withdraw@ from the t4legue Urp. John M. Howard is at her home Bay Shore, who graduates this Year Trustee of that institution, to succeed e&pte&& position as chemist with the have been -at Laurel for some time, said Riverhead enters, playing a f ii-re for a short lime, after from GeneReo Normal �Wiide Evaporated Milk Co., ave returned to Southold and are CC. 8011111bold Saturday. I r. Sixth and Seventh to teach the the late A. F. Lowerre. .1 Inc., of he winter In Brooklyn. Uri Grades, The first haul of chequit of any Ise- eipgharaton. N. Y.. and will begin cupying the house of the late Mrs. has rented her Place for the year to E. T i, WIR of citherine prince 0 coant we have heard of was on Wednes- bis-work there June let. We extend Emily S'mons In the western port of V. Painter, Physical Director of tile' the village. 810981 IdWil's In World Com.I Brooklyn Y. M. C. A. Mr. Painter, disposing of $1,583.66 . f day morning, when W. P. Hunaberger hearty congratulations. harle.,; 13. Prince oon gives who n occupying Cabin-Paro- 0 bas be $25; Lizzie M caught two boxes in his pound at Bay closed The body of Emma, auld (,a Harvey, Nlari. Am The Community Club will be i wife of Major fig 10 SO thold Saturday dis:,lPhossub-lot the same to Lawyer each $3oo Me osI, daughters .' View. Thaddeus P. Glover, a former resident The biggest wsgons in the world will Ad �h Roger and family of Brooklyn. $100. J ry K. Perm da, on June list until further notice. essie A11da Prince' ughter Of Southold, vivg through $1,06o; Et M , daughter"J. 'd ad Mrs. Otto C. Schwan have --Charles G. Terry caught a 1J lb. was brought bere 00 be dri 80111hold's streets First Pres I weakfish Tuesday morning. in Montana last October, Saturday. Borax Bill will to,, them, to elate that r,- $25;, May Cornet, grana I Saturday for burial. Mrs. Glover died 'Ica 'e, 'bYterjari m I He is the M i"', W, huU9111h er e into their new cottage on Bols- cemetery plot; residue' Ctiitchngue, W, Only one of him kin'l on earth at"On, teacher of fh,I. ten. 1Y 2-5. by Rev the last remaining Jtrkllne driver and sixth grades of the Southold opened b tea neral, George Elliott 13 - C. A. and his demonstrations of School, bat, been engaged as Iltbold, $25 for care, of Av. Mrs. Win. M. Maynard has returned rrO I e to the child- jyll'ig h Blas.- L N. Sanford op, Southold after spending some time M,arteau of r r Amogansett, and will make her, lul)jl)us, Karlfts, and me Madolin Iasi Saturday. This was a very dexterity teacher V 4 Vm� F. Moore will have a bungalow I p�pular meeting place last year. t Irwin Fleet. with the go Mutt Borax Team will Of the eighth ,grade for next built on Ilia I)roPerty at the b me with Mrs. Louisa Sews. intornt evoryone. 1 V"'Ist BlOornfield N may 29, Jorkline replace the uld Tuthill be ay. to ire Switrey, wife dr'ving is a lost art. but 'I'lic, win of Frank It. Mitchell of cently use r( thold,�agedMyea W CarAy oinly t .�'he puBt-office lobby is now open Weaq Years 090, it we un•ii 10 P. in. v0gue In frolghtift a the 8outhold, disposing of $5,000, grives S,)utll(,I,I, May 29, Frank H. Mi,(.,h,IL Americ 9 CircI&S In the great Xarianne Mitchell allif Bernice X All desert, and to now in tl ;ed 74 years, I month, discard, having ,Kveywy, each $1,000, re,,idue to the been Rul !Nvidilak., Arillo 11,d] MifvbelL -A Ina TWENTY-FIVE YE "Oh; ,tree ./ �, leap Ghorlon B. Comore o! St lfa u FI 1�E tI > u n .lean, Porta 1t1 1ltay cls#, at,h 'f1a�EI T' _ T END LEAGIus U / ltaei ptaos, Ge Irpieonpal Church Arthur Hower - 's ar+ �I. for Southold Lodge Offers it. S. Sturge built a>a barn for 1l, W. klitaalloelI and [Grace I JIeasor Yatrke William Clark co.ntnenced his duties League Records t _ Ur. turd Mrs. Prince viii The ollicers of Southold Lodge, L O. Grattan. Cramp Upton, June 1, George A as ssslstsnt station agent. boom, (). F., were"ins#a1Nrd Monday evening Clinton Burling and family users oc- Turner of PecaniG, and Miss Annie Won tie tP occupy 1i. '� � �s"e" �cn Ooad., Dae by Prat District Deputy Charles G. copying the 1?resb terlrn parsonage, 8'aebe y Y 8 1 J' 211, All" to y l°1es. Clio � Howard Clifton Co, appeared an Southold . . . Neer li#a J. E. Core built an extensive ,r de Bailey oftPeeoo#o,sister of `k 8 HAIL lloksl w r Greenport an ica Rorke. wife of Tlaorraan M. Core , Past Grand Albert W. Albert- 1 veranda around the north and west as leased to Mattituck . . , 8 2 00t ltuarke of Soutb* tion sating as Grand Ysrshal. The +` Cutch Juna iiia, by Rev. !father Charles J, Hannaiaury of Oregon. . . YMro. 4 aides of W. C. Albertson's house. J`hn R. li[r:�ap,!Frank H. McBride and Riverhead . . 0 2 001 moatha, officers for the ensuing terra are. l�, R. S. Sturges was to build a house Miss Stella Glary Novatka, Tflsg following were elected officers of 3 '�"`lr EN"1'Y"FIVE VEARS AN G., Edwin 0. Fickeissen; V. C., J. G and barn for J. Halsey Tuthill. So" �11e, I. O, 0. F. N. G. w,?Jbsulta Last Saturday Irving panning; War., Sereno 11. J. I,. CO Im�I�C��l�11t E ��� � teslas . Terry;V. G., A. B. F. K. Terry; Cera lain, Carey contracted to builds Gordon•. ° pdattitnck 9, Riverhead 4 uwI " � �' Smith; Con., , i ,e 0. A, Prince; Tress., J, E. Rev, Altham Conklin; 1. G L. W. house for E. I1. Boisseau. The C.%a+nmencernent Exerolsee of the Davis, Southold-Greenport(wet gr000ds) John tlsr solei a lot on the Sound Kam; R. S. N. G,, C. G. Corey, L. S. Gr. Gen. W. Reatle the purchaser Southold Iii h School will be bold at R. & N3lur es contracted to build a VWW Road Io A. S. Denman of Newt of the T. G. Scholl form on he North nB�elmont flail blonde evening. June ;muss g GAMES SATURDAY JUNZ f9 1t, lr 'rhea was to build a cottage on G., Win. H. Richmond; R. 8, V. g J arse , � N. Road sold the same to Robert Max 249 at 8 O'clock. y g, for Thos. B. Skidmore. � G., R. Sry; 1, S. V. G., M. M. G=, R. G. 'Ter well. Roanoke Lodge of Riverhead paid a Mattituck at Southold ilo bay t"was not vary belavy» Hawkins; S., S. W. Morton; L.. r. The members of the Class of 1818 frstftul visit to Southold Lodge. Riverhead. at Greenport Airtasa W. ;'tent and loyally rn:,ved `. S F. T' Wails, Albert W. Albert- The thermometer registered nearly pro Isabel Horton Boissoau, "Valedle- Psrrey W Clark sad Miss Lucy J. GAMES JULY 4th son was elected delegate to the Grand) ; 16Q. to Northport. < It torian, and John Uemarcet Merwin Asfllfsrp were married, Lodge, with R. G. Terry as alternate. ' Miss mina Rummel graduated from Salutatorian. + Riverhead at. Matt k flesh rra+s 1Shaw sad'I�rr ;;sorbet S. The initiatory degree was conferred the Woman's College of Baltimore whir I TOTAL J�r (>t�+ p d at _ Marr lul. , !P sv +['!�L Vl" Q � Southold at Green trill- high honor. Class Colors, Blue and Gold.- ��� Jseolw Graslat. an alrl member 'of on one contildate. r i N(!kinson College conferred the tie- Class Flower, 'White Rose. f After the Lodge session, ice cream L+r+V A sots was to Mr, and lits. ��Lodge, 1. 0, 'Cl, F., riled« and cigars were enjoyed. � U, F Giese Motto, "America hint." �C+ Q�}O ii E�flfl 1'p �p, 1, };roc (,if I".T,D. on Prof. Ileac H Franklin G�l"Ill4L1C,U �� �' L,p �Wm. A. Moi!"ar'E an Friday, June fl•1' _ . .- ,� , - RusseCl. Chess Paper, „The ollows. Brentwood, June 24, killed by It JUST END LIly"AGUE $8,662.44;1.owerare, Southµ The program Is as foliose; railroad train near the Kflsa anitat- M �ld,yg�ss baham net, $7,781.41;'EASTEND Selection, gritty Conklin"e Orchestra. Of Theme 6,827 Are Republicans and j"sax, $72.32; net eaUte to Caroline M. LEAGUE 'yarn, Ex-County Judge Thos. Young I.eaftte Records 1,owerre, the widow. ""Star llpangled Banner,1' 1,937 13ranoer2ts,the Official of Huntington, a native of Franklin- ,wase Bron 1AMI. r,e,' � v' League Records Invocation, Rev. W. H. Lloyd. Count Showa ville (Laurel), 78y, ' Ytsstea,ptort . . . . 6 1 867 New'Suffolk. July 8. ;►lies Agnes M. rvi",. Salutatory, John Demurest Mervin. Southold . . . . . . . 4 It 667 wr>n ;.are P.ca. tansy, aged 26 yeato, l rrsontb, 16 Southold . . . 3 1 760 EARRy, ""Our Debt to „ Amityville, June 20, by Rev. W. H. llilettitwck 3 fi 376 ay'� I�'resace, T'he official compilation of the Bur_gwin Raymond Ellsworth 9 6, Illus Anna M, Me= Greenport . . . 3 1 760 Isabel Morton Bolsseau. women enrollment, completed by the of Henpsteadyand Miss Mildred Itiverhood . . . . 1. 3 2558 A Peconic, Jul Mattituck . . 2 2 Chorus ""Greetin "' 'Board of Elections late last week,I smith Cox of Southold. days. aged W' years, 4 months, 17 } Riverhead tih School. rhlled inowS theosevomte�lartie© bu en 'j days 640 iii g, lyra of the . . 0 1 0001re t of� 'CL}l}�N'I`Y•FI1lI YEARS flGG1 "�I�eaaails Last '3stafday�,191Y a'" i;,ssay, ""Education and the War.,, course the ba p uhuld 7, Riverhead 1 TWENTY-FIVE Y£3�I�SiG4� John Demarest Merwin. biggest IaArt of therm have h ,l jk�Tults last 5alrrrday <xppreesecYa desire to be known as Re-' �`'�' G;raenport S, Mattituck ,/+.�+r l' —o-- ..+ S(ruthold ,, Riverhead 1 'V'aledictory, Label Horton Boloseau. publicans, J. E. Corey took the contract to Mattituck 3, Greenport 1 Chorus, ""Flower Son Of the total there are 5,927 Repub- build a two-story addition to Wm. H. High g"Girls of the ;'cans, 1,9:37 Democrats 2 pp LtCll� TO flitlUl`EICILa Potatoes sold for 76 cents per,bushel, { l g School, tionlsts and 32 Socialists. J4 l'raisibi- Maier's house. Mary H. Hewell formed a class ` Wlaiie ;ad'd's illrhattii,�rills lost ',in;ilea i Presentation of the School Service In the Town of Huntington there The 70th semi-annual aststaman! of the Jftivetheaa3 boareb Lit to l0 a light gymnastics among the young The celebrated 24 Mule Borax Team,; Fl °irawln the • are "st�1 more women enrolled than the Southold Savings Bank aboww! aryl ,game u;p to Alrraost tb* last India of 'Southold« r g biggest wagons rn the Orion'+ his is understood to be the total assets at par value to bar � "t.sanzat the team lest to 8outhoitt,�7 to p` y World, was in Southold `Saturday after• Acceptance of Service Flag and He. Wyly larva in the county wlseee the $1" 1, in the gamy played in Southold William J. Buckley died, ageJ r,0ur1 and staid here over arks by file Principal. rvnmera enrollment exceeds that of the 806.13; total amount dna depoiaiture. SGtttarrialr, Up to Cosa Iaataarerstb years Albertson's 1"lust,, Sunday at Intermission, Music by the Orches- 81,681,636.14; surplus at t% The outfit was nstm• pat vel eeat+s�asar hear Haat allowed the hat viewcil Ly hundreds of ptop!e. It is tri. The town totals areas follows: $93,228.99, happened t Woman lovea a clear, rosy eom pin a tie, 1 to 1 but raela. Nrltttng Southold Gro a to fill tits a� � certainly a novel and efltetive Address, Mr, F. G. Wadsworth, g*a'• Dern. Proh. ,,,r, �— d k Blood Bitters is s way to , Ed- Itunttnartan ,a ftia11 at basebarlln, sh ootin thorn atC ion. i3urdoc 1 advertise 1S0rasc asap. ucatianal Secretor of the Y. Southampton ::r'532 lea r5 ar over the lot, the result being art did for p,srNf'ying the blood, Cle Secretary 1iI« C. A. �"AST END LEAC [�E of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. �wfh1�lldd ...n , 77 117 Ia 2 Ianrhe of runs. the skin, restoring sound diet l Mies 141st s�v ria ao 0 f. Marguerite Iiawell, at her re_ Closing song, ""America,'" tmru,ruwa ta7 ass 3 astv, All druggists soil it, Price, 81,26. c An admission of ten cents wiEt h aIn ria as a 1C _ . ,..� quest, hay been released frarn ;htiter rwtand.. ear s I ar Lea ue ;;scolds We regret to state that 1h oo Ala aaI>resat to teach the R Riverhead next ay View ynla,,o charged to hel a ra, ,kawrert ...I,saa aoa Ga 7 Nanta wan more !'.al. LedyMrd Nand the trsaafartune to fell and year, p defray graduation ex- "6plen ... age 267 1;s a Southold . . . « . . . 4 1 800 tmask bar hip on Thursday.morning. EAST END I,rk'AGlU '. Miss ;Sowell will rar°1",r pensee. Also take 2© cents extra to r"f1r' ase ala az u the New Yalta Greenport . . . . 4 1 &10 the has been taken to the ki. L, 1• Narrr,al Srhuul to t1�0 your paacket to purchase a ep _ _ —� fall. copy off the .__ . , r. ss I,edysrd League Records eehoot paper, "" 6.flz7 a.as� �9a az Mattituck . 3 3 IWtJ' ' Yoepital for tr*atanent. Mi p p , The Patriot, Smithtown, as the above table Riverhead . . . 0 3 000 the hattfelt sympathy ,of all. tarn'° won t 1 t q i }t"v.1)r.Charly L.Sharp and family p i left 0n chows is the only town in the county Greenpo t . . . . . 4 2 Monday fur Seattle, whore they Miss Lizbs 1iat1 a# Pracmnlc and 'saving more Democratic women than � G W Smith and wife to 11 A Sou will upend a few Miss Ruth Bloomfield of bnukbold r d. Republican women. LI' Resolts hast Saturday okieamath, Gat sir Lower road, adj 3 G for Korea. werrks before aailirag (1 Mat'°tuck . , . oared in the shorthand enures at In the county there are at this time Southold n$>m 1 9 2gp' total of 1a 380 men enrolled, divided 6i een0port 6, Riverhead stf (1 �arneVlolt.rC1-T `° "' Terry, lot meadow Southold Academy this week, making as follow Wepublicana, 7,684; Dern- on ;flee Nock, ad laird J 1'rogsley, ;ire Guard 0fducati0n has rcl,puint-�5vra graduates for the term, three hav-, ^."crate, 4,34 : Prohibitionists, fsJ7 The July 4th results were unobtainable Dem- ed Fred E, 1300th as 'Pruant (?t}ices of, n previously I naln /�H 't I Results Last Saturday tJrold the Southold kligh School District, g p y graduated in April. iuciali;�t , 11r�. iJirilar atmong the nrr,r N3«f3awrle to C O Taylor, lot F and Na games played; wet grounds " g hhra o Dare more reverSocialse ow,Il) i' thehi_ �tract, Indian Nock l'aarit nom !authold. June 17 David Zukas a ed t _ Eli,aha Pemberton hes naove,d into thc� ' to n ui lrmeot. I month, la days. rs. Richter house on bay Avt+nue, lilt s it nista, the revt3rr� is sho+�n in the 01114 Vill '6 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TWENTY.FIVE YEARS A Y-FIVE YEARS AGO meetino of Town Board EAST END LEAGUE q-�,J i G.".. 12' Seed torn Profits TWENT C/ 0 The Southold Town Board met at tho" Miss lifary E. Bennett, A Classmate' League Pecords William Y. Fithian completed bli I Suffolk County farmers made a profit office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Won Lost P. 0- of Miss Louise C. Pond at Oberlin Col-: fourth year as Postmaster of Southold of at least $70,000 on the corn they Rev. Dr.,Nathan Hubbell of Brook- Saturday, July 27, 1918. Presprit,Sq. Nixie raised last year and sold for need. lyn gave his lecture, "My Journey Itc t 7 2 779 Ji lege, was to assist her at Southold, The Teneca Bicycle Club took a trip ervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hillock,I Green r 750 Academy the coming year. to Henry N. Young's grove at East There was shipped from Suffolk County Jerusalem," in the M. E. church. Southold 6 2 24,000 bushels of Luce's Favorite corn, Justices Griffin, Corpy, Fleet and Ter- Mattituck' . . . . . . 4 6 400 The stone arrived for the foundation Marion, where they enjoyed a picnic. I E=ti� ry, Supt. Fleet and Counsel Case. 6 167 of the monument to commemorate the The Don't Care Club, Commodore F. �41,10 bushels of yellow flint, 2,00 at ,,. Phelps, the authoress, was A petition, signed by taxpayers in Riverhead . . . . - I founding of the town and church. T. Wells, took a five days' pall to bushels of yellow dent and 1,6W bushels Rev. E. L. Gonklin of Clarendon, N. the Southold Lighting District, asking - 1 17-1 2-'Results Last Saturday *J The W. C. T. U. held a Parlor Meet- Newport and Providence on schooner of white dent, y.,finsched in the Universalist church. the Town Board to enter into a con- I The farmers of Catchogue and Pe- tract for the lighting of the streets in �outbold 1, Greenport 0 Ing at the residence of Mrs. Seth L. Lillis Ernestine, Capt. 11allock. i d 0 Tuthill. � Rev. Abram Conklin addressed the conic have commenced shipping pota. -—- the Southold Lighting District with MaLtituck 5, Riverbes, Rev. Dr. Whitaker was filling the'Southold Temperance Suably. toes to the city. The price in$1.50 Ver acetylene gas, for a price not to exceed �veisyrntyathy- of the pulpit of the Presbyterian church atl John Gagen died, aged 17 gears. toes to. WELLS TO GET $20,000 $1600 per year, was Presented to the this eini goes out to Brentwood during the month of August. E oard. The total number of taxpayers EAST END LEAGU TWJENTY-FIVE YEARS AGE) FOR HIS SPINACH SEEB D in the district is 176, and 99 signed the Mrs. Alfred Davids of Pecomic. ill The Yeneca Bicycle Club organized. he loss of their little girl, In �ih°il with the following officer8: President, petition, which is about 57 per cent. League Records 'rho total amount of taxable property ing from a chair on Tuesday 1 Dr. J. M. Hartranft; Vice Presidents, Won Loat J. It, Corey purchased C Peconic Man Raises Marvelous Crop, I non, Mrs. Davids lost her -ll.tl:iiwo t Rev. Gen. D. Miller, Mrs. J.N.Hallock; Nine V. in the district is $438,600. The total Southold . . . . 9 3 T27 Wickham 10 extrk feet north Of 18 1,583 Bushels on 32% Acres, amount represented in the petition i nd fell on the child, injuring her s, Secretary, Miss Grace Payne; Tress- Greenport . . . . . . 7 4 636� 'property on Railrood AV. following, urer, F. T. Wells; Captain, Frank D. 6 600 News is Told $278,600, or about 62 per cent. Th: leverely that she died the V mattituck 6 Miss June Corwin arrived from Me- Board voted to enter into a contract li� Smith. Riverhead . . . . . . 2 6 250 Cook Nob., where she had spent the George H. Wells of Peconic seems for lighting the Southold Lighting Dis- 4 ay.0' 41 UE Victor ilook caught a nine- EAST END . LBAG past two years with her sister, MM J. o be a modern Aladdin; in fact the' letor Ha Pesalls Lost Saturday A, Wellii. old tole from the Arnbian Nightstrick, as per above petition. t Man eating shark off Fisher's , t17( lr,C, William@ took the agency for the The tjid of the Southold Lighting Co i Peckham cko, q League Pecords Southold 4, Riverhead I �-cems to be outdone by this progres-I for lighting the Southold Lighting Dk' and recently. George W1 won Lost P.0, mattitucli l�, Greenport 2 i firm of A. D. Matthews& Sons,Brook- rive tiller of the soil. Not having any" trict with 64 lamps of I burner, acety- s with Mr. Hallock for R couple Southold . . . . . . . 7 3 700 t weeks enjoying the figiling. The rt ( w-,,,.� pondent of lyn, magic lamp to rub and thereby gain� lone gas, for one year,, for the sum of 13 Greenport . . . . . . 7 3 700 The Bellpo 3, E. Corey received the contract to riches he accepts the opportunities $1600, provided the said Southold Light- IV rk weighed about 400 poxan& Mattituck . . . . . . 5 6 455 the Advance speaks ut a house at build a house for Thomas B, Skidmore. Middle Island the owner of which hat are at his feet, and rubs the soil ing Co. is able to purchase the carbide, w hen dressed hall a number of Riverhead . . . . •. . 2 - 5 286 1 al n such a skillful way—skill combined was received by the Board. It was le flatfish filod flOUUdersiu his doesn't worry a bit about the co we hod the first real au i1ruef wealth. Pesults Last Saturday situation, for during the 150 years is season the forepart of the week With constant study and brain work of voted to accept said bid and enter into Imaefi. of existence of this house not or 1W ether kinds--that his acres are made a contract with said Southold Lighting Mattituck 6, Southold 3 a Sunday was a warm day, and Monday o produce wonderful crops that bring Co. at$1600 for one year. Mrs. Flora B. Bliss has rented her l Riverhead 6, Greenport I pound of coal has been brought and Tuesday were hot, with the mer- n a real pot of gold. The bid of Cicero B. King and Geo. place at Creekside for August to r.,— across I its threshold. cur y bovering around the 90 mark. In Eastern Long Island people have of Brooklyn, 'mown of previous tremendous farm 1,. Edwards for lighting the Orient Miss S. Skiddie Cochran Another hot wave passed over here the city 94 was registered. Fortunate" ng successes made by this unusual Lighting District with 29 kerosene through the real state pigency of A, the forepart of the week, the mercury i During the thunder storm lust Frt ly there was no humidity in the air, registering about 90. The humidity 1 'lly afternoon, When hailstones ft'll, Farmer. Now the News is told that lamps, for$300 for one year, was ac- H. Siikworth. ;and that made the best bearable. On his season Mr. Wells hats produced a also high and that made the beat lightning struck the corner of tbi '6t will more oppressive. pinach seed on t kitchen to M. 1. Booth's residenc r. his farm cepted, and It was voted to enter into Miqs Grace Stelzer has entered St. wa Wednesday it was more comfortable. u contract with Messrs. King and Ed- )ring him the tidy sum of about $20,- Mjryls Hospital, Jamaica,where she 0 'pli ttring the boards and knockinv The yield of early potatoes in this )00. 1 wards to do the work at the sum named. i Wednesday was the hottest August n This is considered one of the most will study to becotno a trained nurse. I- wall from the evililig, Passing off vicinity ranges all the way from 40 to Morris 11. Wells of Mattituck was on—record. In N. Y. City the the leader. 300 bushels per acre. inusual farming stories of the pres- appointed Attendance Officer for Powell to W M Ivins temperature climbed to 102 degrees at I nt season. r tl"' Adelaide t !1' -1 ! The family of Teunis S. Bergen have come enced The News is told by a man who be. flatrict, schools of the Town, except Tr, lot on bay adi land L R Case,nom. 4 o'clock. A%.!�_ / 'TheTeves he has the correct information Fisher's Island, at a salary of$300 per ;outh Harbor, Southold rr� The Garibaldi Haynes' house and moved into E. E. Boisseau's house, ipp potatoes on Monday, Paying I in the subject that Mr. Wells planteil year, said salary to Include ail expense. barn on the North Boad, Pe formerly the E. L. BoiRseau place, on pp C. Albertson Co. �2% acres to spinach, the idea bein 6itructed to rep- L. I. Hospital,Greenport, July 26,ill conic, were Boisseau Avenue. 11 burne 4135 per bushel. _o produce the seed. He had such Counsel Case was in ivs Abigail M, Ledyard of Southold, d to the ground Wednesday noon. wonderful luck that he has produced resent the Town in the suit brought by where internment took place, aged 84 Miss Ann Hallock has received an Riverhead, July 16, at St- �ri B about 1588 bushels, worth to the Edward Gibb of Now Suffolk for dam- years. 'rho price of p,otatoss rose to$1.5o appointment to a Government position C. Churci,, by Rev. Joseph I y of Scut I old and Miser rrower 112 per bushel. age to his car. Cutchogue, July 30, Walter Curtis per bushel on Tuesday. in N. Y. City. Robert J. Care. gi (,,sqe, aged 23 years, 9 months, 9 (lays. The additional information is IVOR Mtorguerite Mgoey of Jamespurt. �hat Mr. Wells contracted hiv crop at It was voted that Supt. Fleet be au Providence, R. I., in Hospital. Aug. potatoes that to cants per plound, and if he hadn't thorized to widen Mill Creek Bridge, F M Corwin to E Grocki, lot w s 1, Capt, Albert 1'. Rowland of Taunton, M. 1. Booth is digging Put' 1:pc4inic, July 17, Mehiltoblo. wife Of e I Mass, aged 39 years. 5 months, are turning out 320 bushels to (fie,acre. Iia) 'I Gilbert C��st 'aged 80 Ion this he might have received a Arsbarritialoque, the some to be done )urtb A, ndj land J B Roache, Yeats 1, .ection of ew Suffolk nom Southold, Aug. 2, Mrs. Sybil Russell _ . I iastly larger sum for hi,�, ­­�1, be- by days' work, under the direction CS Southold, Aug 10, at St. ratri-A's R. Wifflarn R. Farming, one of River-i muse, it is stated,the wbii!- Ili-lee W W Foster & ors to Abner Bogue, aged 72 years, Remains taken C. Chureh, by Ruv, Edward F. Me- the Town Super intendent. treat Beat Estate Co, lot a s King to Fresh Pond Crematory. head's pro essive farmers, has Of spinach seed is now 80 Grath, Joseph H. Bennett arid Miss ished thresfirl his wheat and be finds -ents per pound. Miss SuBle Beecher Huritting arld ". ad 3d av, lot a a Main st,adi 3d Peconle, July :1.1, Mary Elizabeth, BOBO Iqlk,Galey. that he has M handsome Of v, New Suffolk nom daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Alfred S. It I,, also said that two 1,1 t x`m- nd Mrs. Breen and daughter Cutchogue, Alig. 10. Mary M., wife It tt -irs in Peconle Herbert Wall m-1 An- Mr. a I 16 bushels from 2 1,1 acre" the d Mr4. Arnold P. Danz and family of Wood- Davide, aged 14 months. of WickhRm. Case, aged 39 years, better than 46 bushels of clear, sound, Ane Stelzer Nave made a de c 1,1,d hit Caldwell, N. J.. and Mr. fin months, 9 days. J ll marketable Wheat per acre. with spinaeb seed. The for),:, r hn,, Moore and son of New York City are men, L. I., are occupying Mrs. Julia Ezra G. Beebe has taken a Position 2111 acres and the, 7' - ;-l-, guests at Mrs. G. it. Jennings'. triz's house. 0--tat'a trid the acreage wl 1 1 13 superi.=,nll . ,aid to be yielding ab-11 Jh� ­J,- it Cornwall, N. Y. is the W . acres on the fario r ellsX-, YWEN'I"Y•FIVE YEARS (y0 James J. Donahue of Southold left EAST END LE9.( UE TSAlE1�ITY FIVE YEARS AGyO i �� '�r � - an estate of, gross $20,681.32; net, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS $CtiU The inheritance tax levied praFIVE - / . r $18,173.39, exempt from tax. The net o----- the estate of Nannie W. k1. Conk- League Records t.� � S. A. Beckwith and S. B.Terry were C Nuala Grain was very good, estate is divided as follows: Mary J lila, late of 1'ecoaiic, aaanotaaat:s to i Won zost P.p, elected Trustees of the Jamesport ,Donahue, the widow, $4,389 79; Edwin The Town Board appointed J. Southold . . 10 6 626 The number of cauliflowers shipped Camp Meeting Association. Frederick Cran le Constable for 1 1,001.73, according to as decree Greenport . , , , , from this station was increasing daily. L. Donahue Reginald S, Donahue g a P 10 6 625 g y' The Yeneca Bicycle Club took a trip Ra ' Fisher's Island, entered in the, Surrogate's Court. Mattituck . . , . 8 8 500 The L. I R. R. was puttirg in an Raymond W. Donahue and Clement A. its annual acni a The Y $ ' ' • ' . • to Mattituck, The Presbyterian Sunday School held t,aass estate has been Riverhead 4 8 333 addition of 225 feet to their turnout at Donahue,sons,Southold,each$3,445,90, • � t this station. During a tenable storm the smack _ p' e. t G. W. Phillips' appraised fat 26,209.81, and the sa Theodore M. Shi herd won the Gold Mary F. Kelly of Greenport was l Mrs, Minna H. Edwards is building Disc grave. net, $23,436.44, distributed lts Last Saturday P l wrecked off Asbury Park, N. J., and a bungalow at the Sound. G. W. Smith The Grand Army Post attended the among the following: Henry D. Southold 7, Greenport 6 (11 innings•) Medal Oratorical Contest at Patchogue, the captain, Chrito her Grattan of funeral of William Henry Oliver at Horton, brother, $3,253.25; Mary Riverhead-Mattituck-postponed James Wells died, aged 92 years. p p is doing the carpenter work, and Brooklyn; the mate, Charles Brown of Michael Stelzer the mason work. Riverhead. L++'. H, Terry,.sister, $11,000; Philip -_ _ ____-.- -- Greenport, and a seaman were washed At the annual reunion of the students J H. Horton, nephew, Peconic, $8; Y give up the EAST END LEAGUE y overboard and drowned. - Christopher J, Grattan and family, ofSus a formerprincipal,E i 416'58; Henry D. Horton jr., livery Cbusiness hand will sell his entire who have lived in Connecticut for of Southold Academy, Rev.E. Wilmot g was j grandnephew, Lafayette College, stock of six horses, wagons, harness, League Records several years, have returned to South- present and received a warm greeting, g P rine Won Lost :t.p. EAST END LEAGUE on Saturday, Sept, 14, at 10 a, m. No Southold . , . . . . . robes blankets, ha straw, etc,, old to snake their home. postponement. The following officers were elected; j Easton, Pa., $9,166.50; Philip G, , 11 6 647 . Pres., Miss Mina Hummel; 1st Vice r, Horton, Peconic, $750; Miriam R, Greenport . 10 6 625 League Records Owing to the scarcity of sugar and ,, George A. Maier, nuc-o will also be sold Pres., Miss Helen Howell, 2d Vice tioneer, A ford 0•Horton,Bessie Horton, Peconic, Mattituck . . . . . . S 9 471 rine won Lost P.o, other materials, Mrs. L. N. Sanford Pres,, F. D. Smith; Sec., Miss Anna and Maud M. Rankin, Lafayette at the auction. Riverhead . . . . , 4 8 333 Southold , . . . . . 8 5 615 closed her tea room and 'ace creani W. Prince; Treas., Theo. M. Shipherd, College, each $250; Nannie W p' Miss Mar Kerne has a+fiiie )Results Last Saturday Mattituck . , , , , , 8 6 615 Parlor last week. Mrs. Ann Carey died, aged 88.years. Robinson, Cutchogue, $100. Y Y position Riverhead . . . . . . 3 7 300 "Mike" Purcell, our popular truck- The Annual Harvest Home was held _ "� _. -- --. -- __-- as teacher in the High School at Mons- Southold 5, Mattituck 3 at Oak Lawn. Many of the houses in I The estate of Jesse H. Terry has !'ville, West Virginia. She was accom- Riverhead-Greenport postponedman, is now making prompt deliveries the village were beautiful] decorated.i been appraised at, gross, $52,536.51; y her aunt, Mass Kate Kenney, _ Results Last Saturday with an auto truck. g q panned b _ _-_.. _., —- ------ -_- Mattituck 6, Southold 3 There was a grand bicycle parade, 711. net,.$61,6']9 60; tax, $476.43;net estate (� r ,,yy,, q{. bicyclists being in line, The Assembly 1' divided as fo'lows; Caroline C. Terry, J. L. Dennis is to open the Hoinkis f SQIlt�IQI(1 UQ11Utt�ee Riverhead 6, Greenport 0 T�lENTY"FIuE YEARS $Cy( store on Railroad avenue and Traveler I J was called to order by Henry Davids the__widow, $13,40153; Howard H, � Three new election. districts have - � '�""' with his fife. Prof. D. P. Horton p*e-': Terry, eon, $38,278.07. street in a few weeks as a candy and The Tuesday Morning Club met this Eagle Hook and Ladder Co, attended r is representing Southold cigar Yax store. been created in Southold Town. The , the Fireman's Tournatrent at Babylon. -- 1, J weak at Mrs. E. D. Cahoon e, Mrs, W, y � -__�����___ Republican County Committee has else- � y choir. Prayer was offered by Rev. E. y aided. There was music b alar large !----- Republican G. Ter P g ted Edwin S. Tillinghast as County'; H. Murray, .Mrs. J. H. Cahoon, Mrs, Miss Grace Ruland of Patchogue, Lodge, I,O.O.F.,fat the sessions of the i F H Richmond to L P Rosenberg F. P. Brown were guests of the Club, formerly of Southold, entered the A. Barton, Rev. Dr. Whitaker spoke Committeeman in District S Fred T, g Oneonta State Normal S i words of welcome. Addresses were Grand Lodge at Schenectady, N. Y.,! and another, lot on road adj other An interesting letter was read by Mrs, School. this week. Mr. Terry and family are Jennings in District 10, and Charles P. • Y land Rosenberg, Indian Neck; Pe- Cahoon from the Rev. W, H, Longa- ' made by Rev. George D. Miller, Rev. : Tuthill in District 12. J Miss Annie B. Korn entered the also visiting at Mrs. Terry's old home conic _ nam a _._ _.___�_ ,_ worth who is wit h the Y, M• C. A. Oneonta State Normal School. Father Crowley, Rev. 'PVm. M. Carr, ' -- _ _._ --_-- _-_-___ Lewis W. Korn has been appointed in France, also one by Miss Edna from Eleven members were received into Rev.Daniel H. Overton and Nat W.r. I aThmuhh $�efforts of a few near-by Democratic County Committeeman for i -----� ___�-_ s i Overton.--At the E. L. I. Hospi- a French crippled soldier, - - g y til, Sunday, Septa 1st, to Mr. and Pp Mr. Cahoon the M. E."church, Mrs. Jonathan Overton of South- y the ninth ectron district, and Michael gave an interesting recount of a da Southold Academy opened with forty EAST END LEAGUE residents b their contributions the __._�- am silly for the ea hth district Arab- school in Boston Harbor on board a' students. Y flower bed at the intersection of Main Ruth Cassid for g , street and Ba avenue has been a old a daughter, q __ of ship with the residents of the Opened with Prin, + mine League Record be zost P.p, beauty spot all summer, but is at its + Charlotte, Mich., Aug, 29, Holbrook We had a very heavy storm Wedne�s- Rexall Clubs from nearly every state S The Shales lull charge, assisted by W 1 best just now. I Mulford of Chicago, III., and Mass F. day afternoon, which made it ver un- in the Union. Through the Rexall Misses Young and Deals, Southold . , . . . 8 4 667 -- ____ , g comfortable for those who attended them, H. Verity of k Greenport 8 4 667 �Jeannette Conklin a# Charlotte rand- , agencies 13 000 recruits have been Be.sY Greenport, while !�) P Miss•Mary Kenney, teacher in the daughter of David T_Conklin of South- ) cured 400 of whom were on board this] y Creek bad a fit Mattituck . . . 7 6 538 high Sbhool at North Rose, N. Y.,and std----- County Fair. It was so dark that ship, scallopingin Jacks , Riverhead . . . . . . 2 7 222 her aunt, Miss Kate Kenney, are home SoutboId, Sept. 3, Mrs. Julia Voss, lamps had to be lighted and the rain p and fell over the side of the boat and fell in torrents. At .Bay View there 1 The estate of frank R. was dr owned. for the hummer vacation. aged 85 years. Burial in Brooklyn. was a regular cyclone, The Mitchell of William D'. Richmond died, aged 36 i y gp g Southold has been appraised at$25,604.- years, ] Results Last Saturday ` --- I D B art , dao hter 7of Mrs. Elizabeth heel '„ over a narrow swath, taking Olin the 30 for inheratanco ,tax Greenport 9, Southold 1 Our neighbor, the Suffolk Weekly Y purposes; the Furey of Southold, aged 42 years, In- places of. Mrs. Geo, W. Dayton and net value is $21;485 26• tax 839.31, The estate of George H. Prince' ; Mattituck 7, Riverhead 2 We econgratulate installed KahterLinotype. on this, j torment at St. Patrick's cemetery, Mrs. Jesse H. Terry. Many large ' subject to a rebate of�6 $ i per cent if of Peconic, gross value g a Southold.__,______.___._m_ trees were uprooted and others broken paid by Novenliber 20. The net estate tax $2,062.04; , $51,95; net, $1,289.76, of which, evidence of his prosperity. t -off, and the earth was strewn with; is divided as follows: Annie-flail Mit- �iQt ��yDOQ from Whale — - P-- y-. _-- ..._.___: A G Conklin and wife to F D The smaller of two right whales Mr. and Mrs. Bronson. Smith and , Peterson and ano, 211 acres.w a branches, On either aide of these. cheli, the widow, $19,485.26• Marianne the ;widow, Vinnie S, Prince,receives killed by the Edwards brothers and family of Brooklyn are enjoying an Blind Channel, adj land late of I C Places no damage was done. ab�0 ,Mitchell and Beatrice Mitchell Keeney, $LUl% balance to Spencer B. Terry; towed to Promised band has been cut Outingin Mrs, F. D. Smith's "Round rennin a Little Neck Peconic bon on 6eptember 14, the editor recFiveci daughters, each$1 000, nephew, Hartford. — --=-- up,the blubber rendered and the bone House." _ _____ _ -.__..._. Mrs. Dara Evans, eldest dao titer oaF„ saved. The leviathan will bring the _ ----, ------ -_ Thomas C. Fox, one of, our mos from F. T. Wells a quart of strawber; Through the real estate 'agency of g fishermen a profit of about$2,000. The ! F. K. Terry and family are having salcceasful farmers, tiro potatoes_whac rise that were grown in his garden; S. L. Albertson & Co., the .Bergen F. Fickeisaen, has sailed far Saudi, l} their annual outing at the bluff in Mrs.J + ' We do not know their kind or name; y ' paf' of the America to join her meband, who tray ..larger of the two whales,a cow, eighty ! turned out 426 bushels to the acre. proper; in the western been therefor some time. F D. Smith's "Bluff House." a --- --� but we do know that those September village has been sold to Charles S. _ feet long,^disappeared below the sur- __ _ berries surpassed in flavor and ualit I Wells of Sound Avenue. M els Miss Marguerite Howell . face before the whalemen could get it Elijah Bailey and family have moved a l Southold Grange won the ]first prix; q 3< d enu . r Wells g i t ashore. -• ____ into Mrs. Andrew Ga en's house os !for its exhibit at the Count Fair. Py that were ever eaten in June t and family will. make Southold their next Monday to enter the New Piltz ua -_ g Y ____ permanent home. ` , State Normal School. is 11 IF EAST SND LEAGUE E�ST END LEAGUE ! TWENTY-FIVE T lEAITY FIVE YEARS AGO A wise man will concede that he has YEARS , AGE) John Merwin, who leaves next E S cr tJ---0— -- been foolish. "A rich man-will tell you League records week to enter college, has sold his League �1s�:.��o— ' g records Grain was very good, once he was p:ror. An old man will tell Nine won Lost P,a, milk business to Louis A. Tuthill. Nine won Lost P.C. The number of cauliflowers shipped You once he was young• �hpre is a Masa Annie E. Clark commenced Greenport ,10 5 667 Southold 10 6 teaching at Bay View,a Green 625 from this station was increasing daily, bridge between foolish and wise. There 1 Soot Mattituck . 8 8 500 Tuesday, with View MisDoris Hagerman n t 10 6 • is a bridge Homer L. Bretch was teaching at the Southold 9 6 600 The Bay 'View school opened on poi 625 The L. I R. R. was putting in an g between poor and rich. Mattituck , 8 8 Witlow Hill school. Riverhead . , . . . , 4 8 333 teacher. Riverhead , • , - 500 this son of 225 feet to their turn out at There is a bridge between young and Dr. Baldwin and family arrived here, • 4 8 333 ::this station. old, All these bridges may be turn Theodore M. Shipherd won the Gold down. But one bridge was built a!- George Hallock died, aged 73 years. Result Last Saturday years 'I,SnlEDI'I'Y•FIVE YE�iRS �1Cy(J' . sults Last Saturday Medal Oratorical Contest at Patchogue. ago. This bridge is ' . � �_ most 2,0(lU - R}verhead 4, Southold 0 a e �'st Southold 7, Greenport 6 (11 innings) James Wells died, aged 92 years, between hell and heaven. Christ built EAST END LEAGUE Dr. Baldwin and family of Brooklyn Riverhead-Mattituck-postponed this bridge on a solid rock, although Greenport 15, Mattituck 4 moved here, and the doctor was to __ _ -.__..___ _ practice his profession in Southold. – EAST END LEAGUE the enemy has tried to tear it down, League records liut all s}gns have failed. This bridge Nine won Lost P.(i, LABOR DAY F. A. Bly sold 46 of Hallock's potato W. Corey Albertson is to give up the is s fe for every man and woman to Greenport . . . , . 11 6 647 Southold 7, Mattituck 3 diggers this season. livery business and will sell his entire League records Greenport 11, Riverhead 6 stock of six horses wa ops harness Nine won Lost P.(�. cross. Whosoever will may. Southold . , . 11 7 611 r The Moadinger property on the North i g i Mattituck . 8 9 471 on the recommendation of the Re•_' Rod was sold to John robes, blankets, bay, straw, etc, Southold . . . . . . .11 6 647 E LEICHT publican and Democratic Committees Carroll of on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 10 a. m. No Greenport . 10 6 625 �g Riverhead . . . . . . 4 8 333 I the Town Board appointed the follow- Peconle. y' p Company. H Reunion Capt, George Rowland sold his Prop- Postponement. George A. Maier, auc- Mattituck 8 9 471A� .. , ing inspectors of Election, the bound Y P P tioneer. A ford auto will also be sold Riverhead . . . . . 4 8 333 The annual reunion of Cn, H, 127Lh a, ?results Last Saturday g ert in the eastern part of the village i at the auction. Breen ort 4, Southold 3 s to Mrs. Sarah C. Horton. Regiment, N. Vol., was held in the A in been changed: ---___. _-_ t" i' esults Last Saturday arias of the districts from 4 to 14 ha�- Rev F. G. Beebe of Cutchogue ad Miss Mary Kenney has a fine position r Y I resbyterian Parish House last Satur t r Dist. 4-Le Roy E. Raynor R P Southold 5, Mattituck 3 day. At 11 o'clock the veterans "wztli The East End League baseball sea- Y i dressed the Local Temperance Society, as teacher in the High School at Mons- .. Fred W. Rohloff R Riverhead-Greenport postponed children and friends began to assemble 'son finished last Saturday when Green. Benj. B. Rogers D Ville, West Virginia. She was accom- J g -- , and the usual good cheer was enjoyed. .port won the last game from Southold Joseph Kearney D panied by her aunt, Miss Kate Menne -- _..-__.__.___ P Y Meeting of Town boars _.,.-. Y At 12.30 the president of the Ladies' and captured the pennant by half a g _. m d Dist. 5-Irvin C. Wells R J, L. Dennis is to open the Hoinkis 11 Southold Gp14A®fifes Aid, Mrs. Wm. H. Lloyd, under whose game. There has been little interest g Easton Matthews R The Southold Town Board made its j supervision the feast had been prepar manifested in the sport throughout, Joshua G. Baker D . annual trip to Fishers Island on Friday, + store on Railroad avenue and Traveler Three new election 'districts have Sept. 6, 1918. Meeting was held at the street in a few weeks as a candy and been created in Southold Town. The ed, announced dinner was ready. Com not enough, even, to draw good crowds William P. Coyle D cigar store. I Republican County Committee has elec mander James H. Young asked all to when Southold and Greenport, the only Dist. 6-Joseph R. Smith R Mansion House. Present, Supervisor 1 ted Edwin S. Tillinghast as County,'I sing "Blest be the tie that binds," contestants for high honors, met to T. Frank Price, Jr. R Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Chas. W. Thornhill D Griffin, Corey, Fieet and Hine, Supt. F H Richmond to L P Rosenberg Committeeman in District 8, Fred T. The decorations were beautiful-flags �clinch the once prized trophy, and it is Fleet, Counsel Case, and County Supt. f and another, lot on road adj other Jennings in District 10, and Charles P. and fl�wera in profusion. Too much ;safe to say that both the public and Chas. W. Case D the players are relieved now that the a, A of Highways Smith. land Rosenberg, Indian Neck Pe- Tuthill in District 12. _^� „ enough to say everyone was perfectly P Y Ri>hard B. Conklin R g y -- nom { Lewis W. Korn has been appointed saticannfred a After-dinnerspeecheseechesz were Pastrm}ng is over. The call to arms ✓ conOjerton.--.At the E. L. I. Hos i- y s p not only cut deep into the ranks of the 'I Diet, 7—Ralph G. Adams R ' The resignation of Lewelen F. Teri - i James P. Cantlon D of Greenport as Justice of the Peace of Democratic Count Committeeman far clubs, but dampened-the ardor of the „ J e p in order: 7'ha following responded Fred Locker D the Town of Southold was received and the ninth election district and Michael dy gal, Sunday, Sept. 1st, to Mr. and t Rev. Abram Conklin in a ver felicitous Populaces they represented which, ' Dist. 8-Frank N. Tillinghast R accepted with regret by the members Cassid for the ei hth district Arsh- Y u Edwin S. Tillinghast R of the Board. Mr. Terry's action was Mz s. Jonhan Overton of South- amomoque. talk, Rev. W. H. Lloyd in his usual ,afternoons }calf baddeclaredSaturday # ' since May,1 f Y Y _.---- ha le and Rev. E. W. Sbrr le holidays to witness t" i Isadore Judge D taken.because he felt that the eastern - --- ------- We had a ver heavy storm Wednea- zn his a reelable manner. Readin a ''their favorite nines play. This season old a daughter, Ruth PPY Y Robert P. Judge D part of the town should have a repre- Charlotte, Mich., Aug, 29, Holbrook day afternoon, which made it ve'r un- were given b John H. Young, G. Fred !both Sag Harbor and Shelter Island 1 i Dist. 9-Ray H. Hummel R sentative on the Board. Mulford of Chicago, III., and Miss F. Y g Y g' quit the League,,,an ? `'i Jeannette Chicago, of Charlotte, grand• comfortable for those who attended the Hummel and Mrs. D. T. Conklin. The q g d it is doubtful if Chas, T. Gordon R On motion, ex-Justice Henry H. Ter- c County Fair. It was so dark that latter gave.a. pleasing at poem 1919 shows any League at all. , C I daughter of David T. Conklin of South- 11 J. Leo Thompson D ry of Orient was appointed Justice of (amps had to be lighted and the rain , composed by Comrade Oliver Mayo, --- - Louis Baumann D the Peace, to fill the vacancy, to serve --_ fell in torrents. At Ba View there also one suitable to the time. John Potatoes are selling for $1.65 per I, � Southold Sept. 3 Mrs. Julia Vose Y 1 ,Dist. 11-Fred T. Jennings R until Jan. 1, 1920. � P aged 85 years. Burial in Brooklyn. was a regular cyclone, The gale was 1 Geebreng added to the pleasure of the bushel Henry W. Fisher R A hearty vote of thanks was extend- Brooklyn, Sept. 7, Mrs. Elizabeth, over a narrow swath, taking in the day with cornet. The veterans ex- -.....__. , Leslie.B. Eldredge D ed Justice Hine and the Messrs Fergu- Miss Murlin Young is to enter Laselle a g Doherty, daughter of Mrs, Michael: places of. Mrs. Geo. W. Dayton and pressed a hearty wish to come to the Robert G. Overton D son for the courtesy and hospitality Furey of Southold, aged 42 years. In- Mra. Jesse H. Teri Man large same lace next year. Seminary, Arburndale, Mass. shown the Board and the members of terment at St. Patrick's cemetery, trees were uprooted and others P t Dist. 12--Monroe D. Baldwin R - ` L.Baumann closes this month his the art Southold. w.._ ___.-- _ George R. Leslie R party. - - - - - --- off, and the earth was strewn with The Southold Traveler says that James B. McKeon D Supervisor Tuthill, Supt. Fleet, Co. ice cream, confectionery and tobacco. Andrew J. Case D Supt. SmiLh and Justice Griffin were A G Conklin and wife to F D branches. On either side of these Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gomez of business, which he established about' taken b Peterson and ono, 24 acres..w s places no damage was done. ct�lr ' Glen Cove have returned from a Dist. 12-George B. Corey R y Justice Hine on a tour of in- � twenty-eight years ago. Mr. $aiX~' ' Blind Channel, adj land late of I C -- -_ ._. _T._.._ visit with Mr. Gomez's mother. Theodore 0. Beebe R apection of the roads of the Island. Jennings. Little Neck, Peconic from' Un September 14, the editor reci zved mann is now superintendellt of Sin,-,, i John E. Sullivan D --- J._N,-HALLtzCK-"Cn�a_Clerk __._- --.-- --_ _ from F. T. Wells a quart of strawber- Mr. Gomez expects to return to his Clair Smith's place. �R3 Charles T. Haff D Will of Ann Eliza Horton South Thomas C. Fox one of our mos grown in his garden. old home the middle of November p 6'3Y rice that were g Next week Christopher J. Grattan" Dist. 13-Jesse W. Tuthill R I old, value $2,100; executors, $700 for adecessful farmers, has potatoes wbichi pVe do not know their kind or name, and open up the old Szngley car- will open a meat and fish mar a J. Wood Wickham R use of daughter, Jane Eliza Horton; keg ice' CharlNs Boutcher D Benjamin Horton, the husband,,$1; turned out 426 bushels to the acre. but we do know that those September' raige shop for the painting of au- the building vacated`by Louise Bau- berries surpassed in flavor and quality tomobiles. John McNulty D Horton,s Georg e the B. Horon children,Aan es L. • 4y that were ever eaten in June. --�_T. _ ! mann, - Dist. 14-Oscar B. Robinson _ R � g � b'm Southold Grange.won the. 4first prize ---- - VanNort and Gracie G. Bl ___:.--_- " Louie C. Young R W-- .�' -. for its exhibit at the County Fair. Pbtl'1PH,.AorXee, Jr. D . . TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Oct. 2, ills®. �,4,/K0DDer'Y Of SOON New London, Conn., E. L. 1. Hospital, t,reenport, Oct. 18, "r'SA�ENTY•FIYI YEARS AGO Robert H. Roy, democrat R D. Scott moved his jewelry buy,. There was great excitement at South-' I B. GriswoldRobert ofSouthtold.of Mrs. Annie � g ,•t l t �.��� � Leander B. Republican, and E,isha W. Pemberton o1 Southold,aged t• f uses to Riverhead. old 1•st t'ri� evening, when it was 31 years. Interment at Greenport. r �►' Faber, Ili ubliSup are Mr. and Mrs, J. Albert Weilx or. learned that there had berfn a robbery, Camp Upton, Oct. 19, Private Leslie g p g Thomas B. Coated Justices of the Supreme The Epworth Lea ue sleeted the fol- TWENTY•FIVE YEARS 'AGO B. Cave, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. lowing officers: Pres., rived from McCook Neb., to snake ■t 9m-uthold. About 7:15 o'clock thst y � Came of Cutebogue, whore interment Skidmore, Vice Free., Fred T. Conk. Frederick C. Hicks is re-elected th it permanent home with their son evenlog, Mrs. Theodore Hionkia dis- took place, aged 27 years. lin, Mae Korn, Gracp Payne, W. A. Member of Congress. Wm. Il. Wells. dRtvered that her bedroom.had been en- The monument in honor of the Brooklyn. Oct, 1.7, Edgar F. Smith Clark, Sec., Lucy Haltoek; Treas., George L.Thompson is re-elected Quite a number of our people at. tared and about $600 worth of jewelry founder@ of Southold wait moved from of Southold. aged 40 years, 9 mouths, Fred A. Thomas. State Senator by about 12,000 ma- tended the great yacht race for the had been stolen. Two soldiers, Wil- the deport to Its site. The three pieces 22 days. 'phare were 292 voters registered in AMW[ew,'s cup between the 'Vigilant Ilam Lynch and Joeeph Bush, who had weighed 14 tons. �: Brockton, Maes., Sept. 22, Thomhe jority. amt *a Valkyrie, sper,t tba day in 'doutbold and had BLIP-, Geo. A. Maler, Wm. H. Gagen, E. Drohan eon-in-law of P. E. and this election district. Whitman carried Suffolk by 5,000, Sarah Cl. 4urphy, formerly of south- Large shipments of cauliflower were Henrylaffga, Sidney Wella Geo M r He ran behind the other Republican, The JgepttbtlCana renominated Dr, J. per at�'bbi '�outhold lintel,were suspect- ry y old, aged 42 years. mads and they sold vary lore. M. &artramft for Coroner of Suffolk ed, as the had told several different; cpdidates. County. y Howell and Daniel H. Horten were ap , y las of wbere'they bad come from--' pointed Overseers of Highways. Re Registered Voters In Southold Jahn G. Downs, Republican, is Charles 1)e Elias has closed his bar- Anybod;y would know by just looking. ..Terry, Camp Upton and different Rev.. H. C. Glover of Cutchogue ad- Following is the number of Regia- elected Member of Assembly In the at'his place that E. WillisbBoston was Forts In the West. The officers were dressed the Southold Temperance So- tared Vokere in Southold Town by bar shop at the Southold hotel and has robbery y gone to Camp Upton to work at his First District by x,600. Mrs. Ida B, a good gardener, but looking Isn"t notified s of the rsted and the soldiers cies . Election Districts: Sammis, Republican, is elected in were soon arrested at Cukcbogue by Mrs, Esta G. Beebe died, ageej 27 132 trade. equal to taat�g. las when that big Dist. 1—Fisher's Island �.. the Second District by 900. at Cionstabie Michael Goodwin. On being years. R basket makes its annual appearance 2—Orient 364 224 Wallace A. Clark is to take the place George H. Furman, Republican our.ofilce door that we rise and make searched a ring gree found is the posses- Jacob K_ Voorhees died, aged 68 , 3—East Marion hallblon of Such. Mrs. Holokis went' to ears. lof Jay Glover as Assistant Postmaster, candidate for County Judger defeats find &arour but e gwsaaae of r we kthe finestnow we and 4—Greenport 630 and Cutchogue and identified the ring as her y "1e _� 378 The estate of the Late Ma E. Judge Vunk by about 2,001D. own. Bush confessed that he heel Southold Oct. 12, at the residence of 6— Mary H.f James F.Richardson made another most toothsome products of the land. the bride's parents by Rev. E. W. 6•-- 494 et rry of Peconic has been appraised', sensational run far County Clerk' thrown the rest behind an ice box In andwardReeve $44177.10 and the net value ra' to delicious green peas, reen Corn, ice cream saloon at Cutchogue. All ul Matt tuck and Miss Henrietta Lomas, 7— hamomo ue 888 fixed isat. o $1,53,23• the tax levied and defeated hie Republican t 500. iia' •y Scene weetwet hep treated w the jwwelry, except one ear ring, were ' daughter of e Mr. and Mie. Edwin 0� 8 9—Southold 338 is a #ol owe' The net estate ant, Charles V. Platt, by about 5t10. rn , p 1 Harrison_ 9—S according to the B. Frank Howell is re-elected Su- tornattiea, Fiea('hea, and grapes. Matsu 'found there. Bush was attested on a Y 10i „ - formal decree: Estate of Henry D. thanks, Bro. Horton, and many happy' charge of grand larceny and Lynch ae Southold, Oct. 11, Mrs. Ella P. Horton brother, Bergen, aged 54 years, 2 months 3 11—Peeonic 897 � , $12,4.8.9 .Philip pervisor of Riverhead Town by 1611, returns of the season. an accomplice, They were held to days. Interment at Cutchogue. 12—Catches ue 3,79 H. Horton, nephew, phew,8.414, Philip The Town votes no-license on every' await the action of the Grand Jur andu G. riorD. grandnepphew, $4,-,7 Jury Fortress Mentos Va. Oct.Q12, [?oft- 13—Mattituck 248 Harry D. Barton Eaetosi Pa. 7 r Question except drug store®. A thermometer has been erectedin a 173.66; Miriam $, (l.' iyor�a, — — are now in Riverhead jail It was found .old 1lurit.ting 131y, eon of Frank A, and 14._ .. 4,4,1 , frent of the 'Southold Savings Hank that the soldiers were deserters from Nellie Huntting Bly. Interment at conic, and Bessie Horton Feconic, F+�BOt�OS �8>ti»7�II! to indicate the progress of the Newsmtnraonvift�,1L C. �� each 6 ' y _ � � L tel far Town - 4, 86° Ps. $ 00, Maude H. Rankin Easton p li ("emit, Upton,Utolihaving base sent there - ___ To _. $S17• . ty loan. the quota for Southold �recentl from Ohio. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS There are several hundred cases m need, $8.' persona net paws deter- BouGt�erl� T�gra Liber ' as$184,800. on Saturday, the flrak ds (� of the Spanish influenza in town. her estates have been settled as OR will be moved up as the subscriptions LIher#y Bond Thermometer The Founders' Monument was tin= Must of tllern are li ht tout sever-{ fol:state Frank I.. (Ioldsrnith, Cutch- Dist Whitman�R & P Smith D i $26,'100, was subscribed. The indicator g � 1 Fishers Island 30 22 � come in until it goes, over the top." The Liberty Botid Thermometer in veiled. Rev. Dr. E{cher Whitaker, the al of thein are very serious. The ogee, gross value, $40,74;1.79; net, rime mover $39,728.25; tax, $8,025.35; all of the 2 Orient 223 26 front of the Southold Savings Bank p presided and spade en doctors are rushed day and night. ++ net estate to Oliver B, Goldsmith, 3 East Marion 88 40 W. 1. Hagerman is taking charge of registered $144,800 Tbureday Morning. address, as did also Supervisor Yens' Greenport dere, not seem to be [brother. 4 Greenport 144 109 l A aeb $. Southold'@ quota in$18-4;nWe must A Reeves. The list of donators fur suffering any worse than most of 6 " 124 the office work for W. L. McDermott o q ogu I and will plat it ""over the top."0J,/ a the erection of the monument was rssdtheagesthis Southold, Oct.80, Alice Corwin, wife „ 71 l b Town`Cierk L. W, Korn. eiaonl of the coulitry,siz®nearlytalll of Cutchogue,VOct. 26cMra a 7 168 137 y y Their 97 91 Estreat E. Tarr hoe been engaged was fine music, un'er the direction tri Bus, . Eva Smith, $ Ar@hamomoque 28 34 t:o G over and others to A Ruth- places beiiit Iaeplaererl with the aged 41 years, 9 Southold 116 lbs as sexton tat the lit. E. church. Erol. D. P, liartou, The monument in,waki, 46 act�ea s a Oregon road, was unveiled by Grace Youngs, a de• i epidemic, In solus wilful=es, all' Catchogue, Oct. 26, Bert Miller,aged� 10 ., EN`I"Y-FIVE YEARS BGG ad" land l3 u 8outeber, Cut- 5l)il scendant of Rev. John Youngs. churches, schools and theatres are! 27 years. � 189 67 / §y} j chotrue , William A. Cochran was s hated � ata - 11 Peconic. Charter C. Walla and family have ppo „cloyeti, p yl Qy / 112 3 Mat tuck 147 94 Frank T. Wella lett OL A-ttlp 0roa,gh proved into the lower rooms Of Mrs. Postmaster at Southol�f, S p suit 32 136 .___ The Re the island otthis ance is two ria expecting to .1. Dunkel',a house. Southold, Oct. 21, Thelma, ctUugL,te Spanish influenza hit Southold The Republicans will control the 14 " y 1 bicycle, t ase, „�,ed during the past week. There are next House of Representatives. The li0 86 mMrs.ake thMinerva Bfilard and family E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport, t'ct. 6, 9f Maim and Mrs. Albert days. m sonicany cases, four,or five beingaicic Senate is in doubt as in seven states COUNTY CLERK ldarion, wife of Charles Anderson of y families. School has been the contestants are running heck Diet Platt R Richardson D & P+ moved to Brooklyn. Peconic, aged$7 years. Interment at Mattituck, Oct. 22, Arlirn Appleby,@ Closed all the week, several of the and neck. 1 20 34 Albert G. Francis and Fannie Glover Riverhead, , wife of W. Raynor Wickham aged 28 2 160 94 y teachers being sick with the disease. were married. years, 4 months, 3 dal s. The result on Governer of New aged rt York is in doubt, but the chances 3 60 68 Bou{hold, Oct. Z, Patriclt. May, R E. L. I. Hospital, Greenport,tDnk,'�t�, 7'1ae High �a'e.'hool will remain closed 4 121- 13S 63 years. of pneumonia, Margaret Elitabeth,next week on account of the prevailing favor the election of Alfred F.Smith, 6 78 112 'William N. Carey of East ilieroirl[i�ld, After November tat, there will be no wife of Willard H. Howell, formerly Of epidemic. We era N. Y., is at his old home. As an years Southold,and daughter of Mr.and 53rd. happy to state ihat the Democratic candidate. The bal. 6 131 1.69 delivery of express from the last even P. J. Mangle of East Harnpton, aged there is an abatement of the disease. once of the State ticket is Republi-' 7 76 102 twat, ba will be it) the caulvtl-,war i,t,ip- in train. 23 years, 6 mouths. Interment at$+,wet ping bu^nnasa, being enl)!Utd IJY the g American flail s 166e@aAgent.l3 years, re Bank of Southold went ewer can. The Republicans will control 8 13 0 43 L. T (sulill,w,r Awsccciatfon; _ __ 000 in its deposits last week, the State Senate by I;I majority,and 9 64 209 the Assembly by 46. 10 77 131 106 126 I MEMBER OF ASSEMBLY Assembly, Second' District­Sam- i'ABBAGr AND TURNIPS A 116 119 I Last week there went out from , mis, 6,105; ,Stilwell, 5,001. 1 Sauthoid, Nov, 10, Mary 8 J, Voaiir, c ARE !.[J�'i'4' THIS YEAR- 18 96 65 1 of reel cabbage ever shipped carload aged years, Count Judge-Furman, 14,75}; Dist Downs R & P Garvey 7 month@, 11 days. In County 29 y Vunk 12 205. The low price at which cabbage. ld 136 112 3 219 1b 8 peed fro terment at 8a Share. } , a here in bulk. °The shipment was Cutchogue, Nov. 12, Anna S., wife Platt, 1 clerk--Richardson, 13,698` S 3 92 29 q-of'T'heodore t). Beebe, aged 20 years. is @cilia in the Riverhead section made by George Warciski. _ Coroner-Lewis, 19,741; Dreuskllboycott this�`Beasan is'attributed to the COUNTY JUDf E 4 164 ry J � , lune, 18,377ne I'almer.i 1,262. Iailanda �L L g, ,'Dirt Furman R Vunk D 5 125 69 E' H Anderson to J Messenger, . , _) 8 663 a dmentNo. i10es, 1 ,64 4; no II6 xT�T>rKTY•F1�E YER $G' against German rii�hcs, �.- sauerkraut, etc., which has peri- 1 6 159 1118 lot onieon Bay ave, adj Peconic bay, t '° ° ously effected the demand Last if 199 38 27 26 7 100 77 nam l'astmaster Wm. A. Cochran of Ro, 3-yes, 9,888; no, 4,437. Propo- 8 19 86inted Mrs. Carrie J, Lewis as ail- 'sition No, 1-yes, 11,107; no, 3,421. �01,d'.. there was an unprecedented 8, 86 � I N. Y. City, Oct4131, Reuben JetFerY dem4an'd for cabbage and a numbei 4 188 111 r 9 115 18p Peacock, beloved busband of Grace: sistant. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS "10 r 10 142 54 Glover Peacock, and son-in-law of The Bo&rd of Town Auditors audited v ,'1,+'v4.2. ��_ � +rrrh Qf local ,growers received as high :, 5 108 11 154 77 Harry W. and Wilhelmina K. Glover. l l7 Tr 147 149 � � eesereheld r !g bills amouriti to$3.000, �as $1Q0 a ton. It i;� selling now at P. S. 140 7 87 96 I 8 1ffi 27 aged 56 yeara,Nov. 2, Joseph Stawski, > �f So Meeting Town was bold here. C. churches,he Presbyterian and wUniversalist about guto the large crop of tur 8 18 37 14, 173 6? � Peculate, Oct. 31, Joseph Nrabolal +sips this season the price for then 9 103 149 a aged 30 years, Interment at Green- FThe shipments of cauliflower by Edward P. Baker and Moss Belle Til. in �orrre section,, of the countrN 148 185 69 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS �E0 port. ,.The ht this week ha.a been as fol linghast were married. has dropped to as lnry tae :;rl c4 n1.;. 11 133 94 12 189 98 I -'v'' ,r' w �+ Y n!Oliver Vail, formerly of 1'e conic Tuesday, 8 Ernest for Washington. y Ellett A•,widow low@: Monday, 70I barrels, 81,9 crates; TVitE>�iTY-F11,1E YEARS 11'i�CCi 13 101 62 'There was an overwhelming Repub- y 428 barrels, 14 162 99f lean victory e!1 along the line, except Fty" Burial in Southold._ Wednesday, 943 barrel@, 215 crates. TheCutchar and Southold guru base ball Ville had in the Solid 'South. Now York State Southold, Nov. 2,Mrs. Hannah Maria Ventral Flip, Nov. 11, Mrs. Lydia clulia played a game of ball here, which" d the first snow storm of the Ann Moore of Peconic, aged 72 years. resulted in a victor for the former b season. months,Whitaker, aged 88 years,n 7 Interment at Willow Hill Cemetery, a score of 15 to 12.y Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walter started elected the whole Republican ticket, t y Dist Prohibition Socialist Labor yMrs.Elizabeth Yates of Marne eve 1 William McKinley was reelected Gov. days. far a trip to Germany, ernor of Ohio by an enomous lmajori- Yaphank, Nov. 14. Thomas M. Burke g Ala e iy. John Lewis Childs was elected I a ed 21 ea , g l y _ church, g on the Sound beach.of lumber drove up J 18 1 0 uuceno ue tint. 26, Helen bta,weld of Southold, aged 66 ears. an evangelistic address in the M. E large quantic 3 10 0 0 g years, 11 months, 24 days. _ State Senator from this district andE OFFICIAL CANVASS 4 10 1 0 the Republicans of Suffolk elected THE YEARS AGO William P. Bennett and Miss Minniej George W. Mears left for Florida to 5 6 3 1 every man on their ticket-Richard tit o f ';, o Conway were married. spend the winter. 6 6 8 0 H hie for Member of Assembly, Al- Whitman Has Majority of 4,569 ii ig y, _. Miss Blanche E. Freeman, formerly 7 1 1 0 .bort M. Darling for County Treasum, A number of Odd Fellow@ from Suffolk Pa.urnonok Inn and Cottage of Southold, a teacher in Maryland, 8 1 4 0 Southold and other Feast End villages Colony to Minna I Edwards, lot on John Z. O'Brien for Sheriff, Walter"B. �'hP official canvass in Sutl?olk died. 9 6 8 0 paid a fraternal visit to a lodge at New Lighthouse road, adj land E B 10 7 1 0 Jaycox for District Attorney, David S. London, the foy, completed Wednesday, shows Lack, Southold nom Isaac Blllard, formerly of Boathald, $herill for Supt of Poor, and Dr. J. Mowing figures: died~ 11 8 1 0 M. Hartranft and Dr. W. S. Bennett Union services were being held in the Total vote cast for Governor, 29,485 game to same, another lot, same of which Whitman received 1.5,46;3 can bounds nom George H. Dickerson and Miss Amen T2 i 1 1 for Coroners. Southold Town want Methodist and Presbyterian churches, the Republican ticket; 881 uai the da B. Davide were married. 13 1 1 0 Republican by 150 majority, Southold William A. Cochran entered an hk Prohibition; 10 on both Re auilicea i Same to same, lot on private 14 5 2 1 and Prohibition or a total of 1ta 874 road, adj land L J Halterman, Ufa@ Mary May died, aged 40 years. village went Republican by 17. duties as Postmaster at Southold, aur Saut:huld now Mr. and Mrs, Martin Goldsmith cele- eseding William Y. Fithiam. Smith received 11,305. On the flub• ernatorial ticket, too, there were 1,- Same to same, lot a a Sound Mrs. Elsie Williams has moved from CONGRESS mated thtir 50th wedding anniversary. J. E. Cochran was to conduct the 158 blanks east, and 836 void ballots; View road,-li dj land J H Marshall, L Frederick C. Hicks for Congress WSJ Steamer W. W. Coit was burned at store business, formerly carried on by on this ticket, also, Erwin received her borne at the tray and is s copying on the Republican, Democratic and her wharf at Washington. his brother, Postmaster Win. A. Coch- 404 votes and Johnson 51. boutbald nOm Same ka same, lot on the horns of Mrs. Lottie Cleveland for Mr. and Mfrs. Philaeas Fannin cele- Lt. Governor 5choeneck, .16,405; private the winter. Prohibition tickets, g ran. _ brated their golden wedding. Walker, 10,336, road adj land C Davenport South- E. Ernest Boisseau and M'ids Nannie Southold Academy, u+ nnder the able ard, 9 2 Secretary 0£ State-Flugo, 1�i,G13; old r noun STATE SENATOR Mr. and Mrs, H. N. Booth have tak. M. Beebe were married. principaisbip of doss Bertha R. Stod-: Controller-Travis, 16,496; Coler,'� Last Thursday 1053 barrels and 475 y Dist Thompson R& P Wylde D Emmett Ketcham and Miss Hattid dared, is in a very prosperous bundition,j 9,751, y he the bonen of Mrs. Ackert h River- 1 27 22 Cleveland were married. There are now 39 students enrolled at State Treasurer---•'t�4'ells, 16,676; crates of cauliflower were thfpeed from head and export to move there this ek 94 27 f Southold into two many years. Cohen, nay this station by freight. we Er for th-t lip carlwanter. _________.. _ Attorney General-Newton, 14i,16f3;" 2 225 18 that institution-the largest number for Stateauser, 9,263. P Tuesday was the coldest morning of K ds of cauliflower were 8 3 In the division o IaLiEngineer-Williams, 161,133; the season the thermometer register- shipped from the Southold station orae 4 157 78 districts, it is seen that the east die- Thursday was the banner day forr 5 r 119 80 , $,122, !ng 26. Lriet.is Democratic and the west die- caulitlrasver shipments, over fear car- Supreme Court - Faber, 16,733;_ ,ori Monday, �' ,; 8 1" 114 rick Republican. Smith carried the loads being rh'Pped from this station. Bike, 11,754; Connolly, 8,212• lioy, Not. E. Booth picked 870 Irarrela of Through the •real estate agency of 7' 101 78 east district for Governor by 41, while -t,,,,,,;c,4 7,356. There were 13,129 blame cas p "The rice remains good. t� Walter and Leicht., Mrs. M4argaret price an this group. 1 apples from Yennicock Faim this fall 8 28 88 y Y y r Wail hes sold her farm on the North We lied a ver beau fao�t Tuesday ,Congress-Hicks, 24,570. Fie was Governor Whitman carried the was 9 117 128 district by 72= 1 virtually unopposed; his only oppori- Willard fl.lioweil is nci�v m&na;*c r Road to Stanlc y Stepnoski for$10,`100. r 10 147 fib morning. w. ent was a Socialist Siebur who, rr , Voting had no terrors for the ladiesC. ceived 797. ' cal° I lir 1. . P. store here, in irlar r Christopher Leicht has rented the lI 167 88 Ion Tuesday seal they voted as well as veteran Brooklyn,h�CiviSl War,ragedl7�tyears State Senator-Thompson, , a>l' r ! 4ll;izzo,who has been trans- Case house to one of Wines& Homan'" 1$ experienced puliticiaus. A large per. Interment at Willow Bill N,lay. 13. Wylde, 8,575. it r dr 14.. tie(• Creenport storey. risen. 18 1sS 82 centxge of the women of Southold vot- x c Assembly, First district-..T)crwn€, 14 164 71 ed, as they slid all over the State. Grecoport, Nov. 4, Mfrs. Laura lt. 1 647° Gary yz 5,063. (lay the rag,@ iter coldest of the season, e . �,___ _.--- - -- on mor Brown, in her 1011th year. / a Mrs, Hannah M. Whi'takt , of 6������Q 0� `l`Qlld Ba��i� � FIFE YEAR AGS v �5���t �'Q1�1# Sold 4 '��n1EN^t'Y, I Southold, widow of the late ftev, �t , _/_00 / ", N TWENTY-FIVE TY-FIV'E YEARS AGO r. `� 'pher Whitaker, left an estate r The Southold Town Board met at Dld you see that odd eight ! �C ol.L 0 - , �f v� Nassau Point has just been sold to G'r, � Mr.:end Airs. Sarraue! B. Terry left valued at "`over $6,000," all per-° the office of Supervisor Tuthill, Green- urday afternoon Y Wh set l3a A handsome drop curtain was placed Southold to spend the winter with their Jerome Pennock and qtr. Johnson of 1 y, turas one q in Belmont Hall, Brooklyn. They propose to develop the ;tonal, according to the petition Saturday, Dec. 7, 111 R. Present, the queerest things, for these it daughter. The ifaatrti- Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hal. that ever was I a Bourse slit Steamer Shelter Island made her last j cap, Jahn Tribble, well-known here Property end have already sold several � L filed with the will. lack Justices Griffin. 'Cara Fleet and . . }~ merit, which was recently protist- » y. so yenta ago ,was common enough trip far the season, The Trustees of the Southold Savings for his evangelistic work, died at hie i building lots.i S. Edgar Tuthill will f _ Terre. and Supt. Fleet. see 'ern aping the street, but now no;' home in Mystic, Conn. make cxten�ive repairs an the "'Burr'" l od try Surrogate l3elah B, Strom, The Town budget for 1918.19 eras ap- body sees anytbing like it except Bank directed that interest at the rate The Southold sire Department held a bequeaths the entire estate to El. proved as follows: be a or in Connecticut ` P may. of 4 per cent per annum be credited de- rade on Christmas. The members of 'house. Philip H. Horton has the con- Neta Bertha Whitaker, daughter. or down Wh to positore. Protection Engine Co. appeared for the tract to build a road across the beach The will provided that, in the HIGHWAYS Black Island, What was it7 y" a Highway Fund $30,000 00 pair of steers, ttoker7 together, and Town Collector G. Frank Tuthill was first time in their neat new suits. and also roads on the Point. Nassau event the daughter died before her Hridtio Fund 4,600 00 strangetotell, a k ay was riding the collecting taxes. Christmas entertainments were given Point is one of the finest places for sit- mother sheet $16,009 should be Machinery fund 600 00, newt steer; and besides all that The 18th anniversary of Banner Lodge,, by the Presbyterian and Methodist Sun- cation in this country, and we have of aid over to the First Presbyter-' Removal of Snow 1,000 00 'he had a raps I.O. G. T„ was celebrated by its mem tea wondered co it has not level d. p Miscellaneous Fund (10 (maybe a beef critter") " day schools, y pe Is*Church of Southold, to N held y here. Mrs.Mary J.Wells of Say View afed, Theview is magnificent on all sides and iand was 14Ira. Ezra B. Terry died at New Lon• aged 67 years. _ on the west there is a splendid harbor. In trust, the inaaenel tc`► be used for Total $88,1"x610 0000 leading it along behind �nice as could be. And best of all, none of " don, aged 71 years. 1"i►olrelievethere is a big future far this various chum purposes; and the TOWN EXPENSES em w8 #ice g residue to be dMded into three Contingent Food $6000 00 a bit afraid of the yellow bus when it School Entertainment property. equal parts, one of which was to Audited Buis 8,410 86' wept by, and k was chock full of \-\Southold -Soldier Vote _ . fo g"`' re of the High Schaol��F The Southold Lighting Co. has frlerl I� �e fou, Every festa tt , go to each of the following: The Board of Health I,903 49. a,i3 the Inspectors of Election met nn Christmas Entertainment was bright, with the Public Service ttaminassron a Board'of Foreign 1tlissiona of the $uPport of Poor 4,000 00 i The Bank of Southold paid out $4,000 Tuesday to canvass the Soldier 'Veto at people l'rvshyte+rias Church of the Tats Memorial Day 50 00' to the last Christmas Club. You will the last generaal election. and did finely the teachersThe dengvamare charge$ask per 100 that feetbe llowede t ted States of America, want one of the Christmas checks far The vote in S nrthald Town an Gov- t. the Board; "Total $1.7,883 84 Praise than we can express for thagood gas from January i. The present rate i 1919, You can join any day'. By swrtG ernor was as follows: `af Iiat>are �ieaians of the Presby-` IIIISfiRIt✓"T TAXES J work they olid in drilling and perfecting is $1.60. The company says the tf Ho Church of the United Presby-' ates Southold Lighting District $1,'641 88 Ing with 2 cents and increasing 2.cents District Whitman Smith arrangements. They work under ban- cost of production has increased to I each week for 60 weeks you will receive 1 - dicaps and disadvantages--mare than arch an extent that it is not of America, and the Prestryterlaal Southold lire District 853 76 $25.60. By starting with b cents and 2 1 1 the audience dreams of—in trying to able to earn an amount sufficient to Board of Relief for Disabled Milt- S utthold Park, District 818 It increasing 6 cents each week for 60 3 1 0 produce anything highly creditable un meet the cost of the production of gas hielarp and tbet Widows and d Orient Fire District 280 Bf weeks h � Orient Lighting Ilia tact 808"b7 ng 60 centseacheweekar li0 sesta 4 1 8 the small stage that Southold offers for and also yield a fair return an the in- ane of Dem urs, g g l y y e 1< 5 1 1 y P ' I _. . _,�. - Orient Mosquito Dia ct 6611 56 you will receive $25. By paying $1.40 6 0 1 such purposes. The pupate ell tinct vestment. Carbide has advanced from r Southold), Nov. 28 by Rev. {li m. H. lltattituck Fire District 197 48 young, entered hearth luta the spirit $fao to$106 per ton and the cost of lLloyd, George W1.1hasio L' ney of each week far 60 weeks yeti will receive 7 1 0 of the delightful comedy, "Christmas labor and repair work has greatly in- Greenport and Mrs. Annie Maude tient Total $8,480 441 $60• I 8 - at the Fole." The Folk Dance was a creased. of Southold. The Tact Rates are as follows- High- 9' 2 1 good example of the manner in which -- - ways, .52; Town, County and State, SCALLOPS $7'.25 A GALLON 10 1 P The ,Bank of Southold has been simple folk amuse themselves ort their TWENTV-FIIIE YEARS AG An East Hampton fisherman re-,, 11 2 t village green. It was ver well done awarded a 100 per cent certifi:^ate for� .88; Board of Health. .03; total, $1..48. -ent] sent a uantit of scalls a to 12 1 0 li- g y gu shed financial service ill the ecf. 13 / Last year the rate was 1.68. Rate P indeed, The essays on the Red Cross, distinguished y $ line city market and a only afterward. 13 - - laRL Certificates of lndebtNdnciara Can- The thermometer registered 12 oho for Greunpart Village, .f received a handsome check the mar- 1 volunteered by gree of our canting zLrcx. The District Tax Rates are as fol- 'tet petyirrir 7.2r perg�a llonPwholesale. 14 2 0 citizens, Mary hlierodzick, Louise Ber- P`9 This Bank isorr�s,f the a igt,tern gra a- lot)percent banks that honor the roll of I ssaic'.ti 'Billard went to Brooklyn lows; Southold Light, .80; Southold The fiahc r•man remarked that he has P d dinka and Anirelo Schovoni, deserved live_ Fire, ,Oil Southold Perk OB�a Orient been llirai; scallops for several C�`�t �rtt � Engine Co and received high applause, and Mise SutTn1'k (aunty. A reception Was given, to Ur, std M � �years but not within his memory have Thi ar:niml meriting of Protection En- g 11'ire, .076; ©dent Light, .086; Orient they reached title unheard of price. Ruth Vail interpreted very impressive- Cauliflower are selling for $1'b per L. C. Baldwin by fifty of their trlan Mosquito, .10; Mattituck Fire, .045. � �� � tiae C<,. was held last Friday,when the ly the Spirit of the Red Cross. The bbl. and potatoes at $1,76 per bu. A recital was given in Belmont H g Joseph Bush, a Camp Upton sold- fo110 wires a'flce;s were re-elected:Fore. two young musicians, Miss Martha Who wouldn't be a farmer? by Miss Minnie E. Terry, elocutuglat, � "lb�Tax Fire n Southall t Village, it g the Light, Fire and Park IJisriyic , will ler, who pleaded guilty to the 1n- man, It. S. Stu••gee; Asst. Foremen. Salman and Miss Lucy Kanold, South- We had a light fall of anew on assisted by F.Wilhelm Reichardt.vlolin- ►I grand larceny, second Jennings; old should hear with much pride, dna be as follows;Town, County and State dictment of Fredr "1', Jennfn s .`secretary, O. V, fel, Mrd,. life Jewell Howell,soprano, watch their future with sure expectan- Thursday. ,88; Highways, »62; 13+nan1 a# Health., degree, in stealing jewels!tsar►hits. � Penney; '1'raasurer, Fred K. Terry; __ _. --- -- and co*4l Gape. tenor. Theodore Hoinkis last summer, was TruRt-for three years, H. H. Hunting; cy of their arriving at a high place in Myron H. Glover of St. Lawrence Protection Engin-a Co. elected the fol- •08; Light, ,30; Fire, .08; Pork, .03; School, $100;total., $2 82 �sentenced to Sing Sing far not Less Audisirkg 1`onrrnfttee, J. N. 13a11rrck, S.I .their art. University is hams for the holiday va- „ bearingaf6aera-Foreman.ft.S. 8tttr 1,, It,,n+tett F. K. Cochran. made ofcation and he is putting in the time at y more than three ' ---- Special mention should be A,ast. elrewas, George C. Terry; - the hand execul t�d 1�rograms and post the Southold Savings Bunk during the .. than two years nor O. V, Penney;"Tress., r. 4. Wells. � Henry D. Horton, late of Peaconrel: .years and six months. w D Aikman and wife to L B a flet estate valued at $113,1149.0$ - Glover, acre w s Cax's Lane, adj ere, 'ittey were, interesting specimens rush p,=rixd at the first of the year. The Southold Temperance Society wrr+ left 1r'� H.W. 'Simons, who Ila.-' been at wwk land C Glover, Cutebog°ue nam of manual work b tiro pupils, showing A Club, known as the Southold Social s paps led fit, y addressed by Rev. J. J. Dunlap 10 1In"ying to the papers Tax A at bis trade at St. Albans, West Vn., talent and enterprise to economy. Mr. I Club, has organized and meets In the r Il:,rry G. Stephens, Transfer H 141 Conklin to E J Conrad, tat 11 Greenport. Win. T. Gagen arr.eed as sus tinnaer arncl rooms over 11. L. Jewell'a markF William H. Mailer aad IMlisa Minni,, i, „iser, in the Surrogate's Court here is home, w a fifth St, adj land H A Horton.nor� made Wells were rosined. tlmi,, week, All of this goes to that George Horton, Jr,, its workfiig for New Suffolk with characteristic wit and skill Win. N. Carey, having finished his 111 proceeds ra great hit in ti;helentrtainmentt are work with the Cauliflower Association,Herbert H.Brawn and Miss Chsrlett. widow, 14lrrian R. t). Horton., The B. F. Macomber, Riverhead, Dec. 15, Bora do 1V. 3oot.h P Y. Castes were,married. g7ras+e volae of the estate amounted to le t far the rurchasc of a Vid:trola.for the has returned to 1Jast ldlrromtleid, N. u,f '.io't, and a tax amounting Rtt �of8i)uthold,avet-pranofth(- 127ttilI N, Y. V., aged 80 years. Interment l at Southold. achiral. : it }1 Mineola Hospital, Dec. 19, Rudolph t P $480.98 n,�� I�<�:�n imposed. �heiebt formerly of Southold, aged 28 years. Interment at East Marion. IL VWEXTY-FIVEIwo Southold oclnl Club Mr, and Mrs. Robert N. Hallock YE�iRS AGO � ,� .! ., d have moved from Brooklyn to Chi- -�----o_. / !ness. About a ,year ago he nz;irriett' ,Z„ E I.�•�I. E YEARS $ U The Southold Social Club has organ- dago, where Mr. Hallock has a re. Frank Flelshman sawed 13 Miss Carrie Taylor, only daughter f Naflon' Dry Next January i �x r-----O ized with 37 members. The rooms wood in one week, nerds of( of Mr. and Mrs.William Taylor, co'I `� Ratification of the prohibition amend- . epunsible position with A. G. Spald- ' over H. L. Jewell'ri market have been Carey has The grip was quite prevalent here, Southold. Besides his wife and We a severe snow storm and tbexe went to the Federal Constitution was ing&Bro. Mrs. J. F. leased and are malw:,�s ripen to rnem- Miss Minnie E, Tarr i was good slei ping hers. Two pool tables have just been returned after spending a few clays music and elocution in r was studying parents, he is survived by a brol.h The annual banquet of the ladies' formally proclaimed on Wednesday by with her daughter, Mrs. Hallock y er. The body of Private Terry the U. S. State Department. The law Installed, and other amfm are played. I in City. Monumental Societywas held with Mre. g � p y Rev. E. A. Horton closed his labors was accompanied to Southold }>�•� will become effective Jan.16,19211, The The rooms make a very nice and con. Brooklyn. here as pastor of the G. F. Rommel, Nation will then become bone dry, and venlent meeting place. bliog Sarah Case has moved from ber church, Universalist Sergt. George H. Copinus.73.s►��r�®I Hiram Terry died, aged 83 years. as long as thirteen States hold out for The following.ofllcers were elected old ]ionic on the west tilde of Main 81. A paper was being circulated a � r =-_ - prohibition the'amendment cannot be skmg A Great horse SEC'RE PARY POLL SIGNS taken from the Constitution. t .. . Tusiiday evening, Pres., S, L. Ben- to the apartment acro,.-1s tliv street ovr,a' that a fire district be established in nett; 1st"Vice Pres., A. J. Gagen; 2d the etoro of the late G. E. C,aoe-tiow Southold, Peri spa it will be of interest to the w-L•x...I']E OIIIBITION ME;E1SUR - - _.._ Vice lies., John ,Diller; See., L. B. owned by MiNs May Carlton blase of - --°-m p p g prohibition New Telephone T ° ,Eldredge; Trees, Ernest C. Maier; Brooklyn, Nil-,, Virginia Chalmers and Isn't It Klee good old town peopleto of plodding that Ratification of the p 4011 ate amendment to the Federal Consti- Finance Committee, P. Carey, Jr., W. Mrs. A. C. Lowe are wide heir, horses in the county , X-Ra by name. A new method of computing charges T. Gagen, J. L. 'Thompson; Member- TO know now dust when it's din 'er y' y tution wa, lar°oc l aimed formally on telephone toll calls abl Committee Harry P. Matthews , 4 { ide time, and not have the table all set and True great pacer was registered X-RAY, ,d .. . the local service area)(undeto ints oa]j One of, the, he,avie"it white froth„ Wcd>iesci�y by Fxarak L. Tolle Act-y victuals getting cold, while waiting for KING Of THE SPEED WAY,although ing Secretary of State. The pros- toll rates throughout the UnitedStat Joseph Carroll, H. L, Jewell, L, B. ever Ya',a.n on tbe'Easst fend of hoot' , the men folks to come in to mg ! l atrzatiori is dated Wednesday,he was called REX far short and hada g Eldredge, I . C. Maier; Entertainment l;slaand was obswrved 1 o(mday eals 2 record of 2.10 in his younger days. W qday, but are placed on a standard basis, beca� Committee, W. T. Ga en Dr. J. W ­-- d»/ , chat Catholic bell must have a goodwas legal authorities of the deport- effective,January 21, Stokes, H. P. Matthews. gfar it has en far, worth every cent of He was sold for it. The last owner! When a person g , morning. deal of respect for the Protestant one ria,-tea. ,ay raatifiw.'ation was aecom- p son makes a toll call wit A telegram was received onThurs- , followed it thru rill y ali�3iccl when the thizty-�iXth out specifying that conversation is dam..-. 'Theodore Roosevelt } `' ton R. Terry, its vagaries. before he reached Southold was a Mrs.' 1 p day statim that Mil p• p• State. acted favorably un January sired with a particular person, €ar,d the 1 d who is at Camp McClellan,Anniston, Edgar Van Sicklen of 118 Vara Sicklen connection is establisbed and conversa- The estate of the late Mrs. Hannah 1 Street Gravesend, who owned him for' lti and that under the terms of the The foremost private citizen of the Ala., was ill with pneumonia. .,°a S M," Whitaker has been appraised at nine years and will vouch for it, neverbe- 1$35,888- tion held, the "station to statiosa" rate United States now sleeps his]est sleep Pp aziie�iidnient itself', prohibition be- applies. In the little cemetery at Oyster Bay: Our milkman, L. A. Tuthill, has $36'888,50 gross, $$4,402 58 net; tax, saw a bad trait in him, in the stall or' I c,oi es efi'ective oaie year ;roni that $649.76. All net estate is given to Ellen out of it. ' . date This rate is determined by theair line Theodore Roosevelt died in his Sleep found it necessary to advance the Bertha Whitaker, points earl Monday morning at his home in , daughter. In the fall of 1948 on September the ! „ distance between 1011 amts and ua corn- early price of milk from 1L to 14 cents a ___ .; , { 'I The proclamation was sifrrzecl by puted on the basis of 5e.for each to miles, Oyster Bay. It was known that be,quart. I Clinton Carroll left on Friday 29th this old horse was stolen from the I�,r. Polk at exactly 11:20 o'clock up to 24 miles, and 5e. for each b miles was not well, but none outside of hisewark, New Jerse where he bas for barn of Van Sicklen's and was gone for 1 and immediate Tamil knew Baylis Munch is working with the y' eight days before Mrs. Van Sicklen in the presence of Senator Shop- ' beyond that distance. ' y pted a position in the sales division pard of Texas, author of the When a person makes a toll call, of the heard of him. physicians ' Y of a large commercial stationery firm. Trraiclldment resolution former specifying that conversation is desired haws of his death, it was over Nand the yJ t Roller Bearing Go., of Harrison, E I _-._.--- As the years have gone by and that. ; W a particular person and the con. 3 Brown and wife to F G noble beast has still the spirit of '76,'' Sec�r'etary Bryaa.n, I'epxeseiitative the wires, came as a great shack to the Miss Hilda Ullerich leaves next Carter, lot on Cedar Beach Road, ection is established and convene nt on people of the United States and foreign Mrs. Van Sicklen decided to place him ltianrl<tll o'f. California,CalffurniaT°roliibition- held with that person, the "person to week to enter the Infant's Hospital adj Shelter �Island Sound, Bay where he could continue this life she.; ist Member of the House; officials ` countries. of New York City, for train View person" rate applies. - g• nom had chosen for him,and while she would' of the Anti-Saloon League of' The °`person to person"rate is coni H. W. Gordon has a jitney licence F D Peterson and others to A F not sell him at any price she inquired of 4rnc America, the Woman's Christian TWENTY-FIVE YEARS S Cy0 Weller, lot on Little Neck Road a good reliable resident of Gravesend puted on the day rate between the points o.-._.,- � wind is read to telco si5�en.ars, j land M E Weller,�Peeonie nom if he would not take him. Considering Temperance�: aiticl other anti- involved, whether the call is made dor d y pw adj saloon organizations, ing the day or during the night, and the c.rance mora The Y. 11. C. U. of the Universalist. J3rouard Realty Co to C S Wells, - the little time this gentleman had be I' minimum charge i chuich sent a box of clothing to the lot e s Main St, adj land Capt G II Brooklyn, Jan. 17, klma A., wife of inquired of one of his old friends in, Mr. Polk used several pens in g s to „ IT for in N. Y. City; Williamson, Southold nom Walter A. Wells, formerly of Southold, Southold Horace J. Booth,if he would :,itliVing his signature and present- when a person to person cal! is where interment took place, aged 77 made and the particular person desired - Itc+v. Richard Grogan of Greenport I G Davis and others to W F not tike to have him se ,he knew that ed them to Senator Sheppard Mr. years. _ is not in or will not talk, or when an adaressedthe Local TemperancoSociety, Hills, lot ri s road adj land t It - � "_ � --- -. Iter would have justsucha home as he 7Sz'yan, Representative Randall and outhoiU Jan 18, John Korn aged exact telephone address of the articu. The Salvation Army conductea a Fleet, Cutchogue nam ,g5 years, 7�months, 25 days g �� was leaving. � others. � lar person desired has not bases given sperial meeting in Belmont Ball, M J Vaii to S Stepanoski, lot n s -s, -.._ Mrs. Van Sicklen says, that in giving Section 1 of the Proclamation and iiason de be reached at a telephone'' North road, adj land Thos Fox, be- Terry,—The funeral of Privaat this wonderful horse to Mr. Booth and reacts: "After one year from the within one hour, a "report charge" fMiss Esl,her Watson of Boston has tweeu Southold and Peconic $10,050 Milton Reeve Terry;son of Mr%aali he giving his promise that he would not ratification of this article the man- "applies. ' r Bell him to anyone and the recammen- been engaged as l'eaclicar of Ph Mica! 1141r,, ��illiam H: Terry, of Sotith ufacture, sale,or transportation of Harry Jennings, who purchased the. y` M L AN to W F Mills, tat incl, was held Saturday, a:oiidicte dation she obtained from a Mr. Benne intoxicating liquors within the l'raining in the Southolc} 11ig h cl,00l of Gravesend of Mr. Booth, are the i g q , spruce trees cut down on the Albertson and the schools of Peconic and La,tt n s road adj land G H Fleet, Cut- +by his uncle,the Rev.Abram Cork importation thereof into, or the ex- plata, had 912 square feet of timber chogue onl reaeona she had In allowing her pet Cutchogue. Miss Watson is a grciduate d I Bergen to T naxn lin, rind the.Rev. William H. Floyd y portation thereof from the United from them. He will use it in bufldlo a of Wellesley College,attended Radcliffe S Bergen, 4U to go:ao faraway. g College two years anal hras her H. 5 acres s a land late of E T,,Beebe, Pastor of the Presbyterian Chureh Mru..Van Sicklen hopes her friends in States and all territory subject to shed and chicken house. Bogs J. L, adj Peconic:Bay, Cedar 13eaeh Private ivate Terry died of nateunicnia Southold will keep'their eye on tbis I the jurisdiction therof.' for bever- Thompson will do the work. degree from the Teachers' College of New York, She has had two years' nom at Camp McClellan, Aniuston Ai a.,' noble',piFce of horse-flesh and learn to, alae purposes is hereby prohibit- experience rohibit- ' Stoughton,Mass.,Jan. --. May, wife J Orlowski and ors to J 1Joxowski, ori the twentieth. Ile Was of lits love it as she does. __,__r__._,_� ed. of William n,Ma, and daughter of yfrs. e tperferice as Instructor of Physical 3 ac s s,Main road, adj meadow C New York State ratified the Pro- ; Annie arid'the late Charles erof Horton of Education in Robinson Seminary, B � ,- r, Cutchogue nom� Supply- Company, Twenty-siXtli P. -Case, J L, and others to M Cum- A. Before going to,camp he wash iskey, 11.3 acres woodland, n s Old hibition amendment .Wednesctf,y,� Peconic. Capt. f#lxetex, N. H, During the pant year ��"� II Center Moriches, Jan. 13, p aihe has been doing Y. M, C. A. want. Riverhead, Dee, 31 F i he firm of Terry &Jennings,in!North road, adj land J Lenahan, making the 44th State. David Hever Goldsmith, a native of erinimore, lel of t Carwm of Aquehogue,and Mass Fannie west of Peconic nom a y l+',, daughter of John .Brown, formerlySouthold in the automobile buss - - --- _� � New.Suffolk, 82y. Goldsmith tvs Tuthill received fourteen I `' of Southold. - _- +.4+T,-,n,T., 460_ __ r • :, Ab f Tal � *Wlih, from $22f(28 pet• ton, with I �` Wells {)� �atrd catttrn�rf�e�ng ,at L1trw�ral.°j ` 1 n ff,+�u �+ �y� p{� p A"fats sa es an ht as OU MOLD TOWN ROADS , j '1'�+,�rEisl` ?.F1VE YEARS AGO ttJs ID30; poorer lane sand le�s.,ding tea Riverhead , ilevaraly-live regwresentativesi of var- quality of Danish sold from $12@20 Supervisor 1). W. Tuthill 11x8 air. 1,(Iwn liire (North platin„ West Mat-� ,�sly 4.T a ton; � � the following ['ire Wardens tituek}, I. mile, for graveling, � IOUs lwt,l districts in lDnflJ�c Conn State and [.on Island rad cab- pointed ARE TAXPAYERS' PRIDE � Terre Bros. and Will. A. Williams met at Patchogue last Saturday to prow ba a iSrou ht from b,50 8,{1Q pe. for Southold Town for the year 1914: $687.<30• were fillinag their ice bosses et Great barrel of 1tK1 Ilia„ California reel call= p Oia road comanetrcinag at Lang test agAlnet the peeaatrt school tax Joseph Miller, Orient. baso, its 20.1b, orate of about 76 Ibis., y p pa target for oriti- calci from $4.50CS. Florida cabbage William Adams, Eant Marion. M About$55,000 Annually Spent To Keep " ridge (Long Creek Lane) pond with 5-inch ice. s arras, III" rinei i ,.,reek $ d slam was the now prriedom fiat having (new), of fancy quality in baskets Joseph F. Cassidy, Greenport. Middled Rev. Dr. Whitaker delivexed an ad-! than school to scold from $1.75 .25. Poorer l-� The Dirt Rtlad3 In $nCll FIl1P. ,and leading i Mill Lane, " l � c , mile, Cor graveling• dress on the late Haan. James H. Tut- tont+tboilaatad by the town sones ity brought 111: 141.50. 9ua H C. Goldsmith�Pecon c. Gondltion $12.00.� hill, before the Suffolk County Histori- quality *W condl. ' _ cal Society. at the w>sti ldMsa ae the cal tin isolgt:od but the m William A. Fleet, tautrht, us. he Southold Town )su.ard met� On road commencing at oris The M. E. church expected to install And and rasave- Michael Fisher, Bay View. town farces. SO"Objastad is this ba• merit was slow the first part of toss g T � head Town line (Blain South leading to Reeve Place, Mattituck. a pipe organ. sones pss�r psopls load Dt bard to gat 'a'+tek. While prices rule the same the Charles F. Smith, at the office of Supervisor Tuthill V f An Epworth Leapute Group Meeting svfiieiattt feeling is now stronger, with flew William 13. Reuve, Mattituck, , Jan. 31 1919,'; for loaming and grading, ' tsLafia" to ploy' both Greenport, Friday � 1 ralEYe, was held in the M. E. church. taxes at onea. Sia wtd It was lvia York, Ohio and Massachusetts rams C. J. A. McCarthy, Laurel. Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Town $?00.00• s e held tide did E. church. damage R selling fro n $1.76@2.00. New York, Clerk Hallock, Justices Griffin, On road cornmencings at C,as ;i- to high tide did con idembinrdama e leo Dolt pawor to the tows politicians, Massachusetts, Ohit1 and Illinois yeal, jabs from the eratwbik Dallas- lows scald isorts t61'.7b 2.ta(l. Ohms Phili ii. Horton of i'econic, Corey, Fleet .and Terry, Supt• dy'rt Lane (Main North) and lean-vv submerged, 13 � it tors In the districts;but all agraaai that Whites brought from S.C►006.'25, t Alt who has been very successful in; Fleet and Counsel Case. � ing to Kenney's Road (Sound 4 tt' thedsity las receiving tits b the onions are"Wed in 100-1b. bragts.) landascape construction work, has The following agreement for the I Exteu:sion) 11/4 miles,for wideiii1 it The Board of Supervisors established ' y 1, � afire district in Southold. distriet ofdelala under this State otstats in asheb, lrNe scold for completed a roadway across the' year was and grading, $'100.00. t d�arro4at�--• nwarsheci New 1�'orlr expenditure of highway moneys beach to Nassau Paint for the eon trouble and Oriaocial Dow, $1..'21 per bs i during the ensuing ye flys road commencing at Goa.+r A sst110111 as of use f par y that:is developing this choigli Creek and leading to T'ar; ali:,e 1"fll.itiii ,f`llUltC'H 1'F pawn from each Long Island. tar•rnr.rH aahsa Bald �urea made: � C;U�'CliC1++Ui )1E5'PitCIYD':fl' tow®was appotated to Daafar with the their wagonK received from$4.75 ,11.50 sport. Mr. Horton has also extent Primary Work, $200 per mile, Point (,lay View), I mile, oar i rs In regard to restoringth per barrel of d hushelx for No. pa avt:. work to do at the Point sand.ai. for 134 miles, $26,1300.00. loaiming aand grading, $500.00. I The Pol'iah Cathodic church ai Cut- ON of tolleDtione, Thos corsamit t°es. No. 2 potaatc sold' far '2.50 teaadw par} about sa mile o[ road He air and con€rtruct an of slue-! Can coli roaEls on b"isher'a l ri sash,� choguc vet; completely tfe iroy°c�l b; per bard of 7 bushels, , p fisc about gsoon on Warinr day, cau^� to named Is:Shelter Island, V M. Dick- work constructed through the $4,500.00. 1 ing a loss of about $5,000, partly cap•. Produce and provision men herr 1•14�::. es, culverts and bridges having __ Receipts fracl by insurance. "Tac firs ware ca+s- tlagton J. Il.i Morrell;13�Huto�; now toolght a brook in the d�ienrcr ° Anuanberafbuilalin lots verlrssdy span of fossa than five feet, $1,2()0.-! ilaiance highway fund from iWk-%°r-' ed by all overheated Steve. Wlonic,n Babylon, of the high cost of living. Predict-" g 00 soma H. Wood; Brookhaven, Max ing forth cent butter and 35 cent e,ggr:I been sold at Nassau Point. 'Thomas A. On road commencing at Orient`II ous year, including were working in the church at tbe' Etlltkhlsaa; Islip, Charles G. Sands: by April, these whol+ssalerit claimed Edison has purchased ten acres there on 1 $921,08 Motor Vehicle ; time wind they saved some of the fur- lissthampton, Morgan Topping; llarnth- p Point and leading to Orient Beach, ; Dross limes would begin ar dacilxae° the west eine, 1112 miles, for grading acrd gravel Fund $1 s ria' l3 niture me and hots of the �ill;rc` ing, $1,000.00. iI Town Highway Tax 30 (Wo.00 tuThe ed out strong sand rendered vaal- John Frank Co C. Harker; Southampton,. W.Tookr. shortly, sudden stopping of foreign f Suffolk Seed Gar® State Aid ued a+crout lar preventing the llarnr;, John B.Cook;itiverhead, E. W.Tooker. demand was the principal cause of n ()n rand commencing at Narrow 7 G1+u.22 from spreading to the l,and:somc rear• - break In the produce market. Butter The New York Grange Exchange bas River Road (including; Tabor.,+ ylator Veh isle Fund 3 t;{1l.L2 RANIDE Ob' PEICIM U:+l 1 v led the way down with a drop from bonght from the Sutrolk Co-operative Lane, Orchard St, and Village St.) I - tory orad another dwelhupr. The rector �*,..IITHE NErl�r` YC)U "►tAit ET 176 to 50 cents, }eggs fell froth, b9 to Association 24,000 bushels of seed corn Total receipts �+r and leading;` to malas highway sat paxprira Fi,, l`S , + of tore church was nut of tm�rrr,4 3 c ts. i 'Soldier~ Monument CDraerat 1 ditureas l'utsrts�ea►i•..�"I'itsr grnrral quality and,, gown last season in this county, Thr.I ,;00.00. conditinri of ktook arriving eau oorl., q price le -60 to 1B4,lNJ per bushel. mile, for graveling, $r 1:34 miles, at 6200 d Dlglar rix the first part of the week, thr 22,973 Enroll I'n Suffoll� ave her a farewell arty on Monday; On road commencing at T)am per.mile $2t;,r g The friends of Miss Cora 1'rrcel } mArkot on tU docks was a little ureal:- Out of an estimated 40,000 voters in The W. C. Albertson Co, loaded po-1 Pond Bridge, East Marion, and Bridges less thasn five feet I, syr In teeting�g, but not in price, With Suffolk County only 22,973 of them ea- at 1.fi0 per bushel. leading to Greenport, a,.I mile, for Special Appropriations l l,srl'?.3s1 evening at the home of Muss Made Itfaines xvul IPX from 12,640 2.67 pa line Carroll. Next week Miss Prate; crkt.; Near Fork B tastes frarm tj2.61 rolled. +�+.� '�' t j �f tatosas tiara week S+ p a grading and graveling, $500.00. 1; Reserve b'uaid t l.l��t.S� l`. ?• SflcltaQans and Wlascnaf IgA There are 14,146 Repu Beans, 8,208 'W'?'hen put up at auction last Sat i on road commencing at 'Moores 9 Payments orders 1 to 94, foo and Mica Mary Moore will enter the b; Lon. Island%, 113A508 I Vic-, Democrats, 498 Prohibitionists and 1131 I urdny by Lawyer Jetur W, Hand the Lane, Arshamomardue, and leading.1 expense incurred frons Infant's Hospital in New York City, $2.1102.25. however, o I Socialists; ,cry M. Dayton farm of 20 acres, to Mill Creek Bridge, 1 mile, for it Nov. 1 to elate 5,si:31 54 to receive training. Miss liiida U11- �nettsl dullness iia trade stock, Towns lisps. IDem. ,steal nn l oanoke avenue ,tive,i� ,1 ula»ed an prices s droprW, with, r graveling, $400.00. rich, who was to naffs entered the now sellin generallyfor$2.57. Huntington 1,886 952 �waa stra, On road commencing at South-` Total expendattarea $55.G4+.71 Fpre,%,entvd me institution in January but was 1 I r a Paul Vicik of i I, �' g , old Depot and leading to :Long Is J, N. Hailock, Town Clerk. from so doing by an at• t ek of the influenza, will go t T' cavt,l ]+torr corks from . Smithtown l,l�l Tira.ti , sash to be a record In i, d Ave and a the° roithtown 287 483 lar 00 V'i'rgisitss, $4.17, Long Islands,. H � : �"land Sound (,tattlroa 8 F Michigans and Wlrs. Islip 2,405 1 bib otiverhead faa7m land; never b,_, a Road, /.s mile, for — rr, >a1.C 4f 2,3:a. The mossiest tot►. Ltghthaus ortalfor traamng on March l�at. n .ora tics Banns n etre a Brookhaven 8,254_. 1,886 is claimed, has any been sold forr any. grading anti graveling, $300.00. Mileage books, goodfor :7,0009 , i yards as g Capt. Robert EE".bbitts, after serv- e aloeka. '1`hv forst part of the nent�.ing at �tila�iii wiles, cortin $J0 with $'1,24 ad- Riverhead 998 441 where near $400 an acre, and this C)rr road conn g ing t,a soli�n;,,�l 1'r�r war tax,will be I,laced .ing ioa• twenty-three Years as keeper k, business was Active, but owingSouthold 1,185 613 brought above that figure. highway, Peconic, and lead yr syyrr heavyrociel the market r' mi .talo February 10, the Railroad of the Horton's Point Lighthouse,. t off abou2Grc: per Orsi and rare Shelter Island 106 52I Through the real-estate agency of E. 1Esast C' e'nlgue. , nrirc, for gran l 1al .sir i:,t.ration announce. They ww placed tin the retired fiat on Hopton 611 878 elrn , $200• 00- liialnow, at 2'.117f��.&I- Earths Leicht, Mrs. Julia Danz has sold here Ig .o th grvater number Of �a es at $2.ol� Southampton 2,138 1,+184 � On rarstl ria " al, Will -ol gtsocl an all Govetrrmrms. January lst. He will be relieved cwt, Now 'fork States, at $2.656 place on Horton's Lane to Daniel R.r o�ue Depot ui:,: iasatl i i art:trailed railroads soft term0 from duty on. March 31st. lie will 146iahi nrr &rid Wistansins, at Total 14,148 8,208 Grattan. ltoad® tyre;:�'(s+r Irepw sill ice the ;same xis thoae of $.i0 .42.23' with greater number of, `" — N val Hos sal i'hiladelphis,' Mile, fair t , ,f. " rr+1 Sora lanais rirsr a,ii sale, �7 then, with oris wife, nave tar his trx at tZ.l?. Hr,rmudm LIN, to J Harua 3B `,�. I ._ house on ll,ailraati Avenue. � gsotatoes No.l Newbo!d i Jan,30, Graham F. (;clover of Stauttaold, $411t1.tlll scald from $Z',ttU�7,[,0 par atew>eieOregcrnrd, ad)° [luck fund red IS ears., 7 rnunttra, lnternreot C)tr r�,.,,=1 � ��,,�raieraa'i:�,� ;�; ; ���� ' � .1. 11. 13oiaseauhassold stsven�cre�an John S. 63oisseau left an Monday ; rd, 11 acres,w e luck Yond rd, a I g y ilortaan s Lane and three surra near the Okla., to take rpato him- _j bage:—The heavy arrivals and land is It Lupton, north of Crutch- Lane (North. Oregon ltoaad; for Muskogee, rretat or have a hat sr11i, 4FI years, g rt graveling,o Mill Lang, I yrs e i ' Sound to Jayne r M,t;rattaz' self a bride. ne now 4nutboitl,Feb.4,Jahn Ilnutvaki, aged lt.satlarrfg t w Inasrznent at Sacred Heart _ cit $;�00.r10. C;r,mLrtery, Cutchogue. ,. &,a some dividends upon its C8031 4111tllillt Frank stock of$6,000, the rate nevev greater Shl" and Meeting of Town Board Greenport. Feb. 23, by Rev. Father who sold it to Bu '11 Connelly,Arthur W. Turbuoh of Green. "":"aser wit the aver- tor"o"IntO the Noxon place 01 e G. Davis, Mr. then six per cent per annu rbilroad. RLPH W. THOMAS BUYS Davis sold the Pftper to Luciu4 age being much less. The Company has The Southold Town Board met at the Port and Miss 11argaret Isabel Turner Young, for the purposc, of boom- also created a sinking fund of $2,000. officsof Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, Of Southold. ftm G. 860156 has saturtd a position inx the candidacy of the late The profits Of the company in 1914 Friday, Feb 21, 1919. Present, Super. Cutclolue, Feb, 20, 11ro, 11artla A. 9*00410r On the das private estate SUFFOLK WEEKLY TIMES Thomas YOQng for C in 1915,$407;in 1916,$55; and Tuthill, Town Clerk Hallock, Justices Macdonald, widow of Washington Mae- Of H. L Batterman Wt 01,111ty Judge. were$572; pany / Mr. Young gold it to com Griffin, CoreSr, Fleet and Terry. Supt. donald of Brooklyn, and daughter of Lewelen F. kin 1917, $338, In 19"' the the late Rev. Ez-a and Maria Nicoll Brooklyn, Feb. 10, Vatio go be 1-7 t a loss of $727, The com- Fleet and Counsel Case. Repre,"nta- Young, aged 80 years. Editor John L Miller Retirr. From ! Terry. Mr. Terry and his sorg perated R linatelly wife of Adern(to,ff",formairly of=., i continu6d tile business for �o i tives of the Standard Oil Co. and Texas OUL wed 721 years, The PublICation And NPw Ownpr more panl'11,groSB receipts SY6 2PProx '11 irvye r�h e a d former Sheriff 500 �e't on "; Feb. 21, than thirty years, disposing or it accord, Oil Co. were also present. rd Preston,aged, 74 Southold, Feb. 12, Michael McCabe, Will Take POSS111-43100 to Mr. Kahler in January, 1906. The price of calcium carbide, Bids were received for furnisbir—, Interment at Shelte-r Island. aged 82 years, 9 months, 27 days. During the Past few years Mr. ing to the memorandum by Chairman approximately 200,000 gallons of road eb. 11, William H Jo ffk ac 11 is made, has r hich o i his paper on Main street, d The Suffolk Weekly r,iraes, one Kahler erected a new home for the companying the order, from w oil, or so much more as is nec"sasy, ook'"rZ,dent of Southold,*in TWENTY for the use of Southold Town for th 11 1puom'r -FIVE YEARS of the best known weekly news- iscarded the company's 9a acently 7:3-1 year FQL�1� a /v rt.�,, papers on Long Island, has beeii the old machinery and rnodern- increased f torn$50 to$'98 per ton with year 1919, as follows: Standard b" co-, Twenty-five Years I The dramov 11 By Force of Impulsof ized the plant in everV expenditures sold by John L. Rabler of Green- . way, il, the result that the gross gainst 7.15 cents per gal., delivered in full 7 ",o* was given In Southold, Groomport tand stalling new presses, electric mot for 1918 amounted A* $8,976, 8 tank ears at railroad stations in the Rivothead, before crowded houses, for port, to Ralph W. Thomas of Al- ) leaving a deftelt in Town of Southold, as may be directed, The niensles struck South�Fo bany, the pending trunsfer having ors for power, and every modern revenues Of$3j24 . The C6111- George W, Mears returned from hial the benefit of Protection Engine Co. been constimmated yesterday. Vr� faeilitY for the production of tjn�, operating expenses of *727. idento oil to contain at least 4n per cent as- trip to Florida. The following were In the capt: W. H. Thomas will take possession of the business and soqiety printing, an�l pany has no surplus and the ev phalt; Texas Oil Co., 7.24 cents per Mrs, Win. 1). Riclimond moved to� Terry, Dr. W. H. Van Nostrand. F. T. business on Saturday. Editor Kah- a new Linotype machine for the shows there is no prospect of a reduction gallon; W. B. Gallagher, 7.75 centi per Wells, 0. V. Penney, Goo. C. Terry, J. casting of type. the price of calcium carbide, and it gallon. Pstv.bogue. - ler has made lio plans for the fu I in e quality is deteriors- It was voted to accept the bid of the D. Y. Hallock was granted a pat'04, N Rallock, F. G. Prices, A, T, Dick ture, but after- an extended vac.%- I The business has grown steadil- alsoshows that th for a potato digger. 'dence shows thRt the Standard Oil Co., at 7.16 cents per gal- moo, W. B. Tillinghast, Miss Mary and is now in a more substan�i� ting. The evl March come In like a lamb, N. Bennett, Mrs. Venle B. TillIngboot tioD, will probably take up some for 1918 consisted of Ion, for approximately 200,000 gallons other line of work. position in the community than v� revenue of$3,249 leaving$2,- Barnabas Booth, Jr., went to Amity- and Mrs. Julia L. Conklin. H. k be, or in its history $1,()80 from public lighting, Or more. Sturges wait stage manager. Mr. Thomas h4 one of the 't I A lightifig. An increase Last year the price paid was 14 cents ville, where lisecured a pos�tion in a known men in Central New York. 69 from priv at the latter will give in' per gallon. Aboui 6500 gallons were meat market. J. B. Tarry was spending some tln4l He is a lawyer by profession, 9 of 50 per cent in of about $1,000, which �all that could be obtained. I Steamer Shelter Island Amenced In Florida. former State Senator from Madi- —ill?.25 Gas for Southold creased income Slightly in A vote of thanks was extended to the making trips between Eastern Long P. J. N. Tolman of Nyack contract- son County, and more recently has Albany, Feb. 18—The Southold, Suf- will make the total income Island wid Now York. ed to put a pipe organ in the M. E. e stimated operating ex' Standard Oyster Co. for furnishing een State Tax Commissioner un- fiolk County, Lighting Company, under Xceag of the e has been raised Oyster shells free of charge t W. A. WifliamB opened his store church. pemea. No objection 0 put on with a stock of gencral merchandise. Rev. Wm M Carr accepted a Call to der Governor Whitman, He is an order passed by the Public Service and it appears that substantially all of the New Suflolk Road and Now Suffolk George W. Earle rcceived the eon. h, well known in political circles Commission, Second District, at its presch In St. Andrew's M. E. churc i o 40 stockholders are consumers' Avenue. N throughout the State as a public regular session to-day,Cb airman C1 aries th tract to build a pipe organ for the Preg. Now liaven, the *omin& Conference Under these circurtistsnees the Chair- �The L. V. I. S, of Southold sent a byterian church. year. speaker, and his services have al- B. Hill presiding, may charge $2.25 man holds it is clear that the increase communication to Supt. Fleet, &eking The Destrik 1�kule of Fifty Years The friends of Rev. Geo� D. Miller ways been in great demand by the maximum per liundrcd foot for acetylene asked for is just—End reasonable. -that the sidewalks of Southold village Ago was held in Belmont Hall. gave him a birthday surprise and left Re.publican'party during the cani- gas, the new rate to become effective __4 — __- be oiled. It was voted that the side. The drams, "fly Force of Impulge," several tokens of good-will. paignK. He was formerly a pro- five days after the filing by the lighting Twenty-Ftye Yews If walk be oiled an the north side of the was given in Riverhead Hall by South- ashington. Social was given at fessor in Colgate University companyof a new tariff. The order, -rl—:;-t7- 2- y road in Southold from Beckwith Av. old talent,before a very large audience. A where he gained much popularity. however, provides that the $2.25 rate the residence of Mrs. R. L. Downs, the A number of barrels of)clothing were east to H. F. Van Wyck's, as an ex- George W, Dayton's tenement house, oldest house In Southold Town, ' Mr. Thomas i4 also well may be charged for a period of one sent to the poor of N. Y. City by the periment. occupied by Wm. D. Griswold and in fraternal circles, oeing r3 nlelll- year or until the further order of the congregation of the M. E. church. J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk family, was destroyed by fire, together ber of the Masonic f'ratel 11ity. th" Commission. r of the Mips Bertha R, Stoddard ha d vq of England, We bad the coldest weathe a move Thomas D.13sird.a notl to who had boen living in the Unitd�d states Chapter of Royal Arch MILA01", The lighting company furnishes season, the thermometer registering from rooms in the Beckwith house Meniori�,l Day, to commemorate the the Commandery, and the Elks. aretyle6o gas for public and private rLUIMS in Mrs. May Hummel's house OnI with all its contente. or forty two years, was admitted to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas are lilbting in Southold and It asked per- several degreas below zero. del' Railroad Ave. birthday of Mrs. Martha Adame, was Presiding Elder W. H. War celebrated in Southold Academy, In Itizenship at the term of the Natural- isation Court at Riverhead last Thurs- oughly in love with Greenpw misiliou to Increase its rate per hundred preached in the M. E. church. Station Agent Frank Sbields and her honor, her husband, Rev. Dr. Car- I both the people and the p� feet for private lighting from $1.50 to son W. Adarns, �ndowed the Academy day. is not conducted Stuart T. Terry died, aged 62 years. family moved into the Noxon place Wo.It. Qagea Is to receive artificial They recently bought the Tuth, $9 26. The company - cross the railroad this week. _J with the Martha Adarns Fund of$6,000. property on the west side of Mait, an a profit-making concern, but it was Patrick Bennett and family of Slam- a Daniel E Terry of Washington D- ice in car load lots from Riverhead this street and are inakirig improyr- organized and is conducted by about 40 ford, Ct., have moved into the F thian Mrs. Goo. C. Torry, Jr., of Hermon, C., formerl;of S,,th,ld, died. I X Y,, has joined her husband here weapon and Is to engage In the Wo Wall- ment8 in it. They have one chile: citisenB for the purpose of supplying 9 place. Mr. Bennett will work for SID- and is visiting Mr. Terry's parents. none this sumoW a (laughter, Margaret, now takin convenient lighting system where none clair Smith. Jobi would otherwise eAst. Mips Btacia Romanski went to the In accordance with the dayflght The price of potatoes has fallen to; a course In nursing at the The L. 1. It R. Co. has purchased of 0 saving law the Mocks throughum Hopkins Hospital,at Bittitimore. Chairman Hill board the evidence in the James Care o city this week to obbJn a pomiti the country will be get forward an 1$1.25 a bushel. Tihe Suffolk Times has long bec the case. There was no opposition to y estate a strip f land Central Islip, Feb. 12', Gilbert I the lettdi,i­ the comp4ny's r(quest for the increased eight feet wide on which to build a houratla. m. the last Sunday of I. reoogaiz'Al as One ut A 'o.w, mor it w�� rate. The evidence showed that the turnout. March, and one hour's daylight wid Cloray, formerly of Peconic, a for 63 weeklies'of Ung lshtnd� egan I I— �Oi� !:�101 `1 engineer on the Li I R. It., airf4 establi,,ihed in 18,55 1 i�­ 1`1�1 ]company was incorporated and b Lieut. Elton S Booth left Thursday 1, 1�. 1),. :010111 '� � begained. for seven months, The L�oars. intormentat Willow llillCerne who got the war te,,i business in 1905 with a cash expenditure morning to resulnehis old poidtion with ill,j Hor vlocks will be setback again at I a,� ry, Southold, days,and di scarded the pi,i, of$9,200 for its operating plant. Ithas theStato Highway Departmint. llv� 1-1':, i�ow :!ri �rl� ;�d i in, i iw 1�tst Sunday in Jerspir City, N J Feh.12� Vorij,,,min Will lie Stationed at Watertown. i 11 sonofPdwardA. 'Wollm, formerly oi up the &word. &mthold, aged 14 yearp. -G6 W. Smith has moved the Twenty-Five Yea' 90 Y LJ I barn frorn the Paumo>,nack Inn prole- EIGHTH GRADE I think it is A splendid thing far the arty at time Sound, to aria of the lots Marjorie H Orman 907port Bloomfield has accepted the children as well as for us adults, for if +" ;.ar ra`wce ` t r�tfir t��g � to the " SCHOOL NOTES T Theresa>E�lelder 89ookkeeper with the Green- We tell our children they must drink a The contract fur the alterations to west of Horton s Point Broad, I Gertrude Kok$ iven to anti is making it into as bungalow for The following is a list Ot the Pupils 841 , His daughter Ruth is glees of water bofore nasals and wash the Presbyterian church was gMra. Mina I':dwarde. of the Southold High School who ob- HIGH SCIi4C?Ld there. hands, etc., and don't do likewise our- J. T. Beebe of Cutchai;ue, for$Si"ti.75. tamed an average of Fib or mors during Tom Bail Goldsmith is moving the Ezra eel'[s, they must feel uite as essential as we�sait tar lly The en damaged ho lire,phis lt0brs)ke oust about Rev. Abram Conklin is spending two the second quarter of the school year: badly Eugene Lehr gy Henry G � y K y weeks In Maseachueette, He is 'inter. ISA f � � � Irene Wells 86 ,T. Beebe house far Edwin H. Brawn to ase y 5 a,. m. The large stork of goods was FIRS')` GRADE a s the ether band, if we tell them the rYv++'f Cedar Beach Mr, Brown will fix it u Osted In the foundlna of a. IiSame for Robert Gagen 85 must keep cheerful and happy and hell)- also badly dama,gid Phe fire started NEITHER ABSENT NOR TARDY for Summer rental. ful to one another and we fail an that in the rear enol of t11e stare and that Aged p soon to be opened Jennie Ronmanakl 94 R A ed Piot le which is a Julia Cl bplsitis. scoreor chore, I'm afraid they will find part was ruined. '� Thornes Conway, William Canlorence Merwiri will r�love . g in Monson Ile is president of the car- �' y, Conway,y' from the Beckwith house ra the sup- N , Super- Miss liioracs$ moods 9tl Nellie Horton, Bernice Simons, Ratio it rather hard work, far I find that Tho Republicans made the following Stefna Po=iwoda 9 P , Evelyn Van Wyck, Martin per 'roams in Louis A. Tuthill's test- when I begin to scold and be cross, nominations for `fawn officers, P Ste noakf R I Mitis �bbleTert{ftte will move from ildarto Do herty I1erd}aka, Jahn Caulik, Eugene Gagen, dance. everyone seems to get in the same visor, Dr. B, D, Skinner; Town Clerk, Eileen Mahoney 87 arcus B. , rsaiaitas in the Beckwith house to the Evelyn Malmhurg 137 Mary Kelly, Max Newbold, Althsii ' Owing to ill health Wallace A.� frame of mind, but when i keep cels} Wm. Y. Fithian; Justice of Peace, e rooms over W. A. Williams' store. Other Booth 87 Smith. I Clark has resigned fats Aanistant Post-� and happy, things run much more I ancien F.Terry,Assessors, M C. chard Butler 87 master. smoothly. Louts Stelzer ill Of John 1+urn, late of uuth•a Poor, The will of 14licha+sl hicCalae of 13oatii- 8f 'flea:vv Brown Ilanry O, Ilarkon, Fred as an estatO valumd at ever ,ld, father of former Elections Cam^ Ione h B. HArtrarift &w tO Hetti, When the Health Tournament yeas Beebe; verseesia f ooHJohn B. old giv _ Sl*CCiI�D GRADE minsioner Lewis W• Korn, mattes the p $5,800 to his widow, Anne McCabe. P following diapoitiltion of an estate vac) M. Stevens quit-claim Gleed to pares-9 hest planed here in Southold I gave s [;ggvg; Francis Thom son 89 t Newbold. Robert V. A. Fitz; Collector, Joseph' Irene McKeon 88 e1eil st d r? : 'Robert;aj`lramith, of 54 x 151 feet cor Main South road an�1 sigh and thought, "Oh deer more nark TvYe�tt Ft i Ye irS Ago llrauci-a t;ordun 89 nom. and red tape And what will it amount ogle; constables, James S. Dewey, „t Southold; Ivd M. Beckwith, Southold, s . / Natalie Best 9U Maplewood, N. J., Eleanor H. Grable, Hettie E Stevens Jaano to Joseph I� to?,, But I find it has made even less 1Detrnold Reeve, Alfred R. Voll,' i. `t , 41 ♦4♦4 Evelyn Van Wyek fl7 h p Dtargaret Hartranft, uit-claim deed to parc'e'l of Brooklyn L y of Mattituck, 'Willard of�I"lt�wburg i q uth road adl land o[ worts, because the children have taken William II. Turbuah,James A. 'Id th ' Rev. Dr. J. R. Taber y Albert f3tepiioaki 135 l'rl., Anel Paul F. Taylor, 0 s Man 5a The k'rairitritionists nominated the C 1 in the(Iniyeraalist church. Herbert Smith thilslren, each $2011.; Janice A: Eleanor A fanning, Southold, riona more responsibility upon tkromselves n fillowio ticket: 'Supervisor, Geo. W. I preached 87 grand trying to remember to da these thin s Win. A. Cochran artd L. R►. I{orn Star�le 5rititli Glrabic,, of talattltMa and I?Orfia I#. ; I � (;otilsmith, . tea th.—At the l'�. �. I. I~lorfi" they will have a geed retard, 1Ia11ock; `fawn Clerk, Clarence Il. T..s inted.Notaries I*ublie, Annie I'oliwoda h7 of uck, end tt ?Irieredi so were appo Alice De iw ' ntichildaeti, each $10b Carrie pita), C3ri ettljort, 4Vedrtentiai'" Iamso glad they have been given the Bly; Justice of Peace, Schuyler B. Jedlika. Bros, of Sayville ranted the Retie Jtepnoski 88 ra ,t�wis, of Mattituck, and Ai+iiiO 'fall March 12, tb Mr. and Mrs. Charles idea of gain; by gaining a certificate or re, Roswell H. 'Tuthill, p a store formerly occupied by 0. T len I1ickorson 94 of Newburgh, daughters, gat g g Hattan; Assessu IIr gg tor, dau#;ht Meredith, Of I'ecanic, 9 $ori ® pin as well as having too a goad net of Austen B. Tuthill, J. Morrison Raynor; Iiarttoori, Marie Ducey $"100.; li inmia ]�. lyleGove , e house of Mrs. Sarah Clinton"ferry 8 of Sart'FraneiscO $5114." Mar I,•Ne A Mother's T est moray` teeth and a strong healthy body, era- Overseer of Pear, Frank J. Tuthill. The pigoctupi d 86 autiold, 1100.+ ate` stead of the Idea that "the goblins']l Co miiissioner of 13ighways, Seth L. J, sweeney on Hgrton's Lane was Joseph I{ritltoakl bald, daughter, of.$ oining lane l I Ti3IItlJ► GitADIa, ' adj Sutathald At the recent Conference Of IViothers get ygr if yet dant watch anti" This "1"ut.hill; Collects:r �staeet6 a Tuthill, t totally destroyed by fire. it lot on )Corn avenue d asked that 2.bill? Wipiam Bo eraott 9I late of William Lowery, and Teachers held in connection with the agnea of Wats is very keen in children:-.- bels, Constables, The Town Boar Oris WilltamdO 96 Lt„Oris �V• Karn, son, es She said, $1, it brings this story to my mind:— James Itiel, Louis A. Tuthill; C',eo. H. I'1 91 2d)t) in trust, he to invest the same. and. modern Health Crusade, two mothers, ha appropriated for COntingent Fund. DoriUlyss Wadsworth yu)1, lur- rs. Mary had a new baby brother. Case, Gilbert E. Aldrich. 1 est audience that ever Q,ath ore Albertson 89 put' )lie income John orAnd ,el 111:1„ MkeiiBta° ewe the9Mr teatiAml<nys�a�to t'ho 41 g William Dennis died, aged'J2 gears. The ImLlie latter is life i; g One day the baby was train weighed, eretl In Southold to listen to a paid Henrietta ickeissOn f10 iait; tho prin ipsl to 0uaa)l,l ,,I' Iobeet of the Crusade on the children and Mary asked what that was for. -- lecture was at the I'resbytarian church' Sven Johnsen 95 the 9 give Stanley JohnKruksen !~JS raided atrtong the testators tl Oh, said her father, 'Uncle George ����y �����C� �,,'�y ' +yar)ad l,he home. Both were favorable to , � a to listen to Rev. Dr. J. G. Wilson S Joseph Butler 86 then living; reeid�e utor��Theyr)"I 111')-1 tole movement. Mrs. Albert Albertson has taken a great fancy to baby, and his great lecture on the The Yellow- Lillian Stelzer IIS named he a offered to buy limn at a shilling an Miss Rose P. Terry of Rivgrheat 87 an r atone and Yosemite." Erwin Terry ajY kiit was ezga,y G r A. Rawer Qand at theeclose of the meeting, Ounce.' t the head o a new Civil J 'f ;tnsl vurtnestl by George A. 6I`'"'I ,n•I� �� P � stands a o position al° clerk. �• — FOURTH GRADE l,,r,i.st 1,:. Boatli. _-- ,the visitor., Miss Strachan from Now The little girl leaked startled. Service list for the ` 'Suffolk county Tevery Flora Albertson 8 The will of Tennis S. Bergen, 1.11 ,, York, requested the little address for `You're not going to sell him, are you, and typewriter t pyist in the cauntllAlice Bloomfield use in ane of their papers. The oragi} daddy?' service with salaries up to $91170. Her Suffolk County has a car 9 Joseph]Bond 89 Of Southold,5, dispose$ of an it eq, i,ri returned with other papers to is of car to, James Cogan 89 ued at $5,500 bar, dividing it e)lually� kraal wasN 'Of course not,' answered dad)3y, standing is 9t).i0 per cent. Others on ;f its residents. The rat erAart 88 among the following sons and dsau,gh- this office, and before it is handed to pleased at the child'$ afrectiun 1'017 her the list are these: hose Dombek, River Harriet g pullulation in this State is now 1 to 211. Martha Gallagher 89 tern: Percy I. Bergen, Jamespart, the owner and author we tarke the brother. head, 711.10; Wi}linin F. Morrell, River= iw official figures made public by Secre- Bernice Simons 85 Glad lhd., Lillian, and Teunis Ber liber of publishing it in the home' ,I'm glad, 'cause if we keel) him head, 78; Frieda C. Williams, Southold, tar of 'Mate Frenal$ M. Hugo show penial Smith 86 gen, of Southold. The will was ex l y a till he gets bigger he'll fetch mare.'"' 77,410 Teresa McFarland, Sag Harbor, y vehicles registered in Clifford Tillinghast t gas ra mothers g iti3,7f>13 motor volt) eg i eluted an Jan. .10, 191 , and witne:�sc al i paper,. It i. eharrnrn State last year, a Baia of Walter Zoweaki )y Lottie Il�lient and. Jacob I..Buil.vn, testimony in its simplicity and frank-' So you see this little qui too was 75.20; Cora M. M oissea Riverhead, New York S thinking of gain) 75.211; Isabel lI• Iiuissetu, 5authald, 52,11}1, or 12 per cent. Pleasure cars FIFTH GRADE Wm. H. Terry is renovating the yijesa. j Anna M. Peterson, It}verhead, Costae Berdinka Ladies, Gentlemen, and Teachers: I only hope the habiC of cleanliness 75.1.11; increased 8 per cent; commercial$ 86 85 rooms brat have been used for many'I � Miss Esther Watson called me up un and the health thought will last after 75. par cent. Motorcycles dropped from brieryy Stelzer 87 ,yearn as a Chinese laundry. A Plant the ,p the 16 weeks are over,and I think it will, At the meeting of Protection Engine 28 776 to 28,697. Total receipts to the William McKean ` }rune this morning and asked if I Mary Poliwoda 87 glass front is to be )jut in, We have lkvould say a few words at the meeting far after we learn health and how to Ca, last Friday evening, the following � live right and think right we don't automobile bureau were $4,975,297.60; SIXTH GRADE �had no laundry for several months, ell- nominations were made for Fire Ug- a gain of$661,166. 'this afternoon. At first I felt that 1 7 county registered 8,118 Ilelen ThOmpsaa Through the agency of E. Leicht, L. gtsjukin't think of speaking betausg I did joy living any other way. partment officers: Chief Engineer, Nat Suffolk coo y g 86 . 'Tuthill has sold his tenement house not know what to say, but on thinkingChas. H. Overton of West Ilam ton ; Asst, Engineer, Spencer W.' Jennie 'Lebroski y. � h'.).Oath p cars, an increase of 16; 1,t111b Robert Booth ;t over, I thought so lung as I was P Petty, Secretary, A. T. Dickerson; pleasure a gain of 678, The total SEVENTH GRADE >aa Mechanic's street to Leon Step commercials, g ,eying the ljeneflts and results of the spent a few days last week with is j'L'rea$urer, L. W. Karn. It was Also registration for the county was 10,728, John Purcell 85 noski. brothers Robert and Joshua Overton. a gain,of 1,172. 85 } J. )"'rank Smith has moved inf.n� �i'0urna►nent that perhaps it was my � ,voted to contribute$25 toward furnish- , Willie Carroll f tlluty to tell you how touch interest I am ing the "5uuthold Room” in the H, L, �� Pletcher Downs' tenant house, aking in it. 1 I. Hospital, �:" admission 25 cenis.—Seats for sale at Meeting of Town Board Hawkins' store. Reserve this evening Twenty-Five Years Itgo for a fine program for the benefit of a The Southold Town Board met at fund for school purposes. the office of Supervisor Tuthill, A. N. Blackford of Tuft's College Greenport,Saturday,March 15, 1919. PROGRAM preached in the Universalist church. Star Spangled Banner." Baldwin T. Payne was cutting off a Present, Supervisor Tuthill, Town "Lights Out McCoy large limb from a tree when the iitnb Clerk Hallock,Justices Griffin,Corey, Miss Mary Conklin's Orchestra broke and Mr. Payne fell, striking a Fleet and Terry, and Supt. of High- Allegretto— Dance by rung of the ladder on which be was ways Fleet. Theresa Fielder standing, and breaking his left leg just In accordance with Chap.319,Laws Helen Thompson above the ankle so badly that it had to of ,9,8, an act in relation to chang- Marjorie Hagerman be amputated. ing time of holding Town Meetings Songs— Henry W. Prince was nomina!ed for in Suffolk County from the Spring By Greenport Camp Fire Girls No-License Excise Commisshner. to the Fall, and appointing Town "The Kleptomaniac" A temperance mass meeting was he'd officials to hold office from April to j A Oomedy in One Act in Belmont Hall, which was addressed la Jan. 1, 1920, the present Town offs-I Mrs. John Burton Martha Salmon by Rev. F. G. Beebe of Cutchogue and vials, whose terms of office expired: Mrs.V alerie Chase Armsley Helen Terry Rev. Dr. Lawrence of Westhampton in April,with the exception of Town Mrs. Charles Dover Helen Booth Beach. Superintendent of Highways, whose Mrs. Preston Ashley Beryl Horton A Longfellow Evening was held at term expired on Nov. 1, 1919, were Miss Freda Dixon Lucy Kanold the residence of Mrs. P. L. Downs, Miss Evelyn Evans Beatrice Hodgins under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. appointed, as follows: Katie Marie Gagen E. of the Universalist church. T!e Supervisor, David W. Tuthill. Flower Waltz—Dance by meeting was held on invitation of Miss Town Clerk, Joseph N. Hallock, Edna Butler Agnes Goldsmith. Justice of Peace, Harry H. Terry, Helen Bond Mrs. Martha A Force died, aged 84 Supt. of Highways, Geo. H. Fleet. Jennie Albertson years. Esther Christiansen Miss Maude T. Fithian died, aged 18 Overseers of Poor, Albert W. Al- Marjorie Hagerman bgrtson and John Hoffman. Altha Smith years. Assessors, John H. Brown, Irving Charlotte Stelzer The Democrats made the following M. Rogers, Fred C. Beebe, George Irene Wells nominations for Town officers: Super- M, Sunshine Jane" McCall vigor, Henry A. Reeves; Town Clerk, Henry Terry, John F. Fanning and Miss Mary Conklin's Orchestra Lewis W. Korn-, Justice of Peace, Luther G. Tuthill. James Deals; Assessors, Edwin S. Ed- ' Constables, Daniel T. Latham, W. A serious epidemic of illilLietIZZI wards, George H. Fleet, S. Wells Phil-I Forrest Conklin, Alfred R. Vail, has broken out again along the lips;Overseer of Poor, S. Truman Pres- Michael Goodwin and Edward Galla- South Shore. East Hampton vil- ton; Commissioner of Highways, Wi'- gher. lige has many cases, Amagansett liana 0. Davids; Collector, George Cl Constable for Fishers Island,James has many cases and has had two Thieringer; Constables, Bryant L. S. Young. deaths; Montauk also has several young, Joseph A. Bracey, Fred E. Town Trustees, Frederick tabor, cases. All public gatherings have Booth, Benjamin L. Horton, Alexan- i ceased in the towns around &Ist' der U. Penny;; Commissioner of Excise, Frank D. Schaumburg, Henry W. Hampton. In Southampton,Bridge- Herinan D. Goldsmith, Prince, William M. Beebe and Chas. hampton and Amagansett the J. McNulty. schools and movies are closed. Miss Ann Hallock has been released Town Auditors, Edward F.Dewey, Westhampton Beach is also affect- from her Government work and has� H. Seymour. Case and Arthur L. ed. " taken a position in the Community' Downs. Mthan 300 bushels of soft Moving Pictures, N. Y. City, as aBsis- All Inspectors of Election were re- ore an tent to the head of a department. She appointed, clams were caught in the west end is spending a few days at home before J. N. HALLOCK, Town Clerk. of Peconic bay last Monday. There was a very low tide. taking up her new work. J. Irving Fanning entered on his A May ana uance Improvements are rapidly going on duties as Assistant Postmaster at The Southold High School will present at Nassau Point, the large house built', Southold on Monday. He is well quali- on Friday evening, March, 21, in Bel, for the Wilsons years ago has been led for the position. Mont Hall, a play, The Kleptomaniac, thoroughly overhauled and is bein;,, and a varied program consisting of furnished for occupancy. During the illness of Louis A. Tuthill Treat Merwin is taking his place on fancy dances by the pupils, songs by A radio compass station is to be the milk wagon. the Greenport Camp Fire Girls, and constructed at Montauk. The 0 purpose Oc. that Mrs. .at music by Mary Conklin'ki Orchestra, of it is to determine the exact Oa 1a11 Circumstances are such Social dancing will follow the pro- Of vessels in distress at sea. Several engage in the such Merwin will not gram. Pre-war prices will prevail once the Government, millinery business this season. ,4 S. Baisseau has returned from ii /Yy+M'3 union Service t1 �`�The' l419e Blizzard forth' to Oklahoma and Texas. One of the largest audiences ttg A blizzard las It was A.Tuthill to Leon Step- ever met for a union service came to Atlantic States last Friday private road, adj gether on Sunda evening in the M. the biggest snowfall of the winter and oa of w s p church to listen to Mr. A H. Cosden, the gale attained a velocity of ninety th ate Lucy Scott, Southold nom recently from a of trip to France. Belgium, and Germany. in places as high as a man's head, The gE e J Gould Sano to Charles S who has returned Very miles an hour. There were snow drifts ' 40 acres e s road adj land of t p L. I, R, R. snow plows ran for the Is Glover, Cntchogue Mr. Cosden was fortunate in being able to secure under the government the first time this winter. It took a big h atnin C Glover $cars to Land of limited facilities for er 40 acres e s road adj nom best of the very plow nearly an hour to buck its way ®; Gigues, res e ago traveling that are available in these through a long and deep drift near el ur G Conklin to Frank D Peter times. 'fhe s esker is a keen observer Mattituck before the city-bound ex fl ass Saturday morning, s: S Cutchogue Depot press could p y ? acres w of men and aff,ira, and always an in- � arson, Up-State the storm was the heaviest i land formerly of Preston B 1 great blizzard of 1889, The nom�, dependent thinker. Such a p Cutchogue therefore, is heard with much interest since the twenty-Five years 11, �O by any intelligent listener. Rarely has southern part of the State was forts-` 3 ;Y-`' an audience given more thoughtful at- nate in the matter of snow, `or lase� than three inches fell, but it seemed the Town Meeting the Be.publi tendon to a speaker than was accorded like moat► more b-cause of its gale- carried every town in Suffolk at last Sunday evening's meeting. may not have agreed with ail of Mr. driven force. It the cities the storm i y, except East Hampton. In did great damage. one can gaeation his ability, his sinceri- 4 To the great regret of his many p old Town 1719 votes were cask, Cosden's present conclusion4, u no was the first year the town voted friends in Southold, Rev. C. D. New- coon districts. New- The Republicans ty, or desire for conditions that will be ton has decided not to return to his electing every the safest and best for our country and pastorate in the Universalist church a clean sweep, Skin the entire world. The vivid descrip- on their ticket. Barton D. here. Mr. Newton bad endeared him- or Henry A. Reeves for Su tions, the original impressions, the 8elf to the whole community by his 49 votes. It was the first ,honest statement spirit it that is o the sor by manlfestatfan of a spirit that is looking fin® and manly qualities. His splendid he was defeated in 17 years. W11 patriotic service won the admiration of bur, e Fithianefe defeated Lewis W, now toward construction and not de- elle struction, made the Sunday evening all. Whily. e every inducement was for Town Clerk by 58 votes. The g profitable in a r Republicans sleeted. were: Lew-. service interesting and p urged upon him to resume his work�, high degree. here, he felt it his duty to accept a I 4g ; n F. Terry, 3ustice of Peace•, Mar- very attractive call to the important, .l s B. Brown, Henry O. Horton and C ` parish in Gardner, Vass. n, Beebe. Assessors; John B Child Placl�► t Ed �. Joseph Anent the Nei town hall eve: Overseer of Poor; Miss Fitz, flies Ruth Newman, Child Placing le, Collector, Robert V. Agent for Suffolk County, was in our In res to Chef squeal in last n�issioner of Highways; James S. village lately. She paid us this com- [ p I3etmoId Reeve, Alfred R pliment—that not a child from Southo'd week's TRAVELER, we reprint Mrs' away. Children's Addy's article, "Anent the New Town ;aIi ail, William H" Turbuab Henry was in any of the County Torrey, Constables. ' Institutions. She wanted to ascertain Hall," written in 1915. The years of the since, the No-License candidate for whether there were any families who the war have borne out the wisdom of xcise Commissioner, had 3 majority- would like to receive children into their Mrs. Addy's idea of a community Ito Rev. Wm, M. Carr was atterding private homes, who need better sur- building in connection with our school. 1e e New York East Conference. roundings than the public Hom:-e can The Slogan of the National Council of w " J. a Beebe commented work on the give them. A small sum is paid toward Defense, resbykerian ehureh�ho had been with their board. The children are able to "Every Community a Little Democ- ,h Tihomas.Hodgins, number of gave some assistance in light work and racy, and Every School House a Com- rl C. Albertson for a they in turn receive just the benefit munity Capitol," e teresting cases are has been one of the slogans that has ars, moved to Mattituck. they need. Most in E H. Deena of Canton Theological described of benefit thus coI nferred an carried us through the the light to a unified and a minary preached-in the Universalist needy children. victorious issue. n u arch, Also, anybody desiring boys or gids present time, let us read )lira, Addy's W. A. Clark opened a store in the who could give their services for home words with incr�ased interest ] . H. Terry building. and clothes, would do well to write M's"' In 1901 Southold patted 'herse'f up- hamp- justly she did eo, for who Newman. Her address is Bridg�; on the back. and j y sward Caney and faintly. I iota, L. I, had she not completed a handeome and been living in Riverhead dur- Diss Elizallath Howell has a posi-� efficient ne%v school house? And for l have love back y thirteen years we have rested and h he past year, `tion in the local telephone office. breathed epsy, comfortably, serene in les outhold. that well-d,jog. 1 75 per tatoes are selling for o ,tments p yoursel I — _ —us. But, my, how Sou4hold has been Fall,°' but in very large type on the so send a fresh supply of oxygen growing these thirteen years! City- front page of the "booster booklet" through his lungs; but with for'y or yolk have rome "back to the land;" we surely print "Our Town Maintainsmore little Johnnies in a class, and, aliens frorn ,ver seas have thrown in ,Haat Modern and Well-equipped only one human teacher, where is the their lot with us. Ta morrow the littlehis SCHOCES„ Thirteen years ego Re time or the room for setting-up exer- lessonnin foreign-tongued child must have los ,night have written that line, but time cines? lesson in ome elsecanwhere, ideals; whatever leas stepped q sickly since then. To- And how about the little John of five may be dost elsewhere, Southold has `Jay we are aware that while we might and six who should be enjoying those little interest in the rase suicide hues- like to own a tine new town hall we precious two years of training that are tion. of here the now are to day, at the op- must have mire room in our school! the right of every child under seven? ening of school year, with our The modei n idea of making the Does not one of our religious sects say, fine thirteen-year g new school pause full I schoolhouse the center of community "Give me ih"child until he is s_ven, I and overflowing with little folks. � interest demands a school house that care not aft that, for it is too late to And we hear of whole volumes of I is not only a class room from nine mould him?" Into our school at six or new-fangled ideas concerning modern;eduo'clock anti! three, flue days in the seven goes )l le John, used to free sir atle.glas! School houses with f sun- week, nine months in the year, but is and play amused to restraint or very shin glassed-in s sides for lots of sun- also a gathering place, a fount of com much disci,:i�= There be is, a prison- evenand fresh sir, open air classes no unity interest, uplift and practical er from nine until three, so tired at evert )n the country ! Kindergarten cservice to all of the people, old and eleven, ro very tired at twelve, with and Montessori classes for children young, all of the time, every day in drooping h¢�rd and circles under eyes under seven, physical sopors and the ear, with ever evening included, at three. Why ? There is not room or hygiene classes for all growing boys y y g y r and girls 1 Traiping in home defense Why should we maintain a public build- funds for a kindergarten with its won- and nursing far all children! Film-lee- 'ng which closes its doors and windows derful training in individual expression, tures lieu of books, pageant plays at dusk and on two days a week, all its beautiful methods of instilling that for history and handicraft classes ! holidays and all summer remains shut love of school and work and companions Junior toryrepacs for training in self while the people are obliged to hire found in all children who have enjoyed kinder- government and citizenship, with meet- other buildings for meetings should that greatest gift to childhood, kinder- igo)o ve orations, elections, stew, in the necessity arise? We experienced that garten training. But it is lost to our rl assembly halls! School all sum-. condition during our celebration prep- Johnny and Susy because we have not orations. The taxpayer is busy room enough. mor with classes in the vocations and trades—school gardens and farms and throughout the year earning the moneyI Yea, our school needs more room 7 It shops, so on, more and more and more to pay that school tax. And why , needs an assembly hall, where morning 'till father taxpayer shudders in dismay should none but teachers and children i exercises of all the boys and girls to- and wonders what "them votes fer enjoy the use of that, public building ? gether may be held, where a few min- women folks will stir up next!" It belongs to all of us who help to pap I Wes of the school day might be giv And it's war-times and hard times for it. How many mothers have ever; to inspirational themes, the study of been in that building since they took i and our towns-folks have just had oc- current events, the fostering of school little Johnnie to the doorway on hie l a caaion t° wish for an adequate townplait, an address given now and.. then hall! Well, we have a little money, very first day of school ? Are the' by those who have a message for the Mr. Taxpayer. All of Southold Town mothers perfectly satisfied with the . _ ,system of ventilation in use in the f young. Many gifted. mea and women contributed their aid to help us. earn it, school; aro they perfectly ruse i with visit our small town from time to time, so it must b-: used in some way that Let but the fact be known that we the lunch hour conveniences, especially , will benefit all the Town from River- have occasion for the gift of their ser- on rainy days, or do they know nothing 's Island. It seems a vices and see the generous response head to Fisher at all about it? Are the parents con- small sum when we think of all we tent to put thin fort or these good people offer. Southold has would like to have. It wouldn't build p y, Y, pin one legions of good friends all an-lions to a very big town hall, it wouldn't ever, mare of the youngest scholars in one; give of their best for us, and the best maintain a town hall very many years room, two gr ides to a room, and keep' is none too good for our children. It is that was already built I And town all of them in entire day sessions 7 the unspoiled heart of a child that halls (when imposing), are very Booth- yet we are responsible, we parents, most naturally responds to the beauti- for the health of our children. 'The ing to the public pride. And yet a l Board at it ful song, the lovely story, the master Schoooarnsa the very best town hall is a pretty expensive luxury touch on the violin. Yes we need Yn can with the facilities at their com- in these times when we need so much. assembly room for our echoal. It cr, , for it stands closed and useless most of mand, and so du the teaching force, easily house the kindergarten, the the time, while the expense of ril but, though we want a town hall how school pageants, the calestbenic exer- tenance goes right on all the time. about our school? Mother sues her cises, the film lectures, the singing w d And town halls are really growing Jennie growing stoop-shouldered and sewing classes, the open air classes, quite out of date! In fact, when we pale as the school days pass—he should the recreation room, yes, even the "up advertise to "boost" our towns these sit erect at his desk, he should have in the sunshine lunch room;" for as- says, we may print in small type, "our sitting-up exercises between classes to sembly rooms have movable seats, no wn maintains a most imposing town expand his lungs and straighten his desks, and glassed-in side walls, the shoulders, and while doing them he windows of which can be attached to should face the opened windows and the ceiling in warm weather and I screened throughout the summer. Now i am coming to the kernel of A Fine Appointment James Apple this problem-nut of wirs. The school Pp Pr has a young- needs an assembly room, but (or and) The County Review says Richard which laid her first egg on Marsh 15th, the Town needs, not a new town hall, K. Griswold of New York City, who 1919' She eelebra ted St. Patrick's but an adequate, comfortab'e, modern has many friends on Long Island, Day, March 17th, by laying two eggs, auditorium, so allay Not Combine the Southold being his former home, has The laying has continued at regal Two? Why not build a big auditorium been appointed an assistant inspector intervals until last Friday, when th on the school grounds, put in movable of boilers in the United States Depart- usual egg was deposited. On S.aturds seats, a good smooth floor (for social ment of Commerce, at a salary of she gave another, which, when opene affairs), glassed side wall, a good $2,350 per year. Mr. Griswold is as for use, was found to contain two bi stage across one end, no partitions ex- signed to the district, having head- yolks! Can any one tell us of a better cepa sliding or folding doors, house our quatere at Philadelphia. The appoint- retard for a goose a year old the &rat library there and- make our school ment was made from the civil service of April? house oar town hall and our center of list. Mr. Griswold, although a. young Southold, April 5, by Rev. Wm. H. community interest! I t is time we` man, is well Qualified, being for years Lloyd, Laurence P. Stelzer and Mica all went back to school anyway, for we with the Hartford Insurance Company, Edith Loretta Hammell, both of Pe- have forgotten many things we once from which he resigned to accept this conic. learned there and those of us who have appo ntment. Mr. Griswold is the son Twenty-Five Years Ago been long away wish often for our of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Griswold, of ? hY. f Sr DODO school days back again. Why not go Southold." The TRAVELER extends James H. Conklin rented G. F. Hom- back? why not have our lyceum lec- hearty congratulations to Mr. Griswold mel'e cottage. tures, our talented musicians and our on receiving this fine appointment. Griffin &Tuthill moved J. E. Cech- public meetings for instruction, profit Pottersvtlle Post office ram's house, which he purohosed of T. and pleasure in the place where we B. Skidmore. are busy in the making of our citizens "At the Pottersville Post Office," A large acreage of potatoes was be. (and citizenesseB) of to-morrow? Per- by John M. Francis, a very popular ing planted. haps we might snake our headquarters entertainment, will be given in Bel- The new pastor of the M. E. church, there for our 300th Celebration? Coyne mont Hall, April 24 and 25, under the Rev. D W Howell, gave excellent on, let's do it 1 auspices of the L. V. 1. S., by an ex- satisfaction. We have accomplished a fine 275th eellent caste. Those taking part are The Presbyterian Church Sewing So- celebration, which was a credit to our Christopher Grattan, William Gagen, ciety made arrangements for carpeting town rnd cur people; let us make a P. J. Mahoney, Jr., Jay Glover, Gor- anew the church, putting in a new lasting memento of it by making our don Taylor, Wm. R. Newbold, Willard lighting apparatus and repainting the school the finest school, (not necessari- Howe11, Misses Lois Watson, Esther interior. ly the handsomest or the fanciest, or Watson, Emma Booth, Eunice Brown- I the largest), but the most efficiently ing, Mildred Kenney, Doris Hagerman, nodern school on Long Island. Then Evelena Anderson, and Mrs. Julia L. Victory Loan we shall have a town hall worth while. Conklin. There will also be attractive The attention of our readers is called MAY MARs11ALL ADDY musical specialties. Come and enjoy Ito the advertisement of the Southold the fun. Tickets on sale Wednesday, Twenty-Five Years Ago 'April 16, at H. M. Hawkins'. General savings Bank, in regard to the Victory �ri,r , Qty, admission, 25 tents; reserved seats, 35 :Loan. The bonds for this loan will be W. Howell was appointed and 50 cents. dated May 20, 1919, and will due in R�v. D.astor of the Southold E. church. fear years. The rate of interest will P ME Capt. Ezra At a Parish Meetingof the Univer- be 42 per cent. This makes a mighty a dent of Southold, Terry, a farmer real d, died at New London, sai'st church last Sunday, a unanimous good investment, as they pay better in- At the New fork East Conference, call was extended to Rev. Abram Conk- terest than a savings bank and are free lin to remain as pastor another year. from Federal, State and local taxes. Rev. George Taylor, formerly of The bonds can be purchased for cash , outhold, gave an address on his fifty Ar. Conklin has been acting as pastor luring the absence of Rev. C. D. New- on the installment plan or on the Easy years There the ministry. Payment Plan of the Southold Savings There was a hard,. driving snow ton in France. The church is to be Y g ongratulated on retaining the services Bank, paying$1, $2, $3, or $4 a week storm: for 25 or.50 weeks. The local Liberty T. B. Skidmore sold his house, which of Mr, Conklin. Bond Committee is now soliciting sub- he formerly occupied, to J. E. Cochran, Mr Echardt, head keeper of Long scriptions. Warm weather is coming, who was to have it moved to his lot. Beach Lighthouse, has been appointed and watch the temperature rise in the Rev. Wm. M. Carr was transferred to ros.ceped Robert Ebbitts as keeper of big thermometer in front of the South- St. Andrews Church, New Haven. Norton's Point Lighthouse. Mr. Ee old Savings Bank. You will be doing a hardt will take his new position as Boon patriotic duty by purchasing these as a keeper can be found for Long bonds, and at the same time you will The price of potatoes went up to Beach. Capt. Ebbitts is very anxiou6 make one of the best investments. $2.00 per bushel the latter part of last to retire. Help the Government and help yourself week.. by investing in Victory Bonds h C H. H. Huntting attended the meeting warm hand-clasp, and start in telling Southoldl ire Department of the local chairmen of the Victory stories that have sent the blues from Loan Committee at the Metropolitan many a heart, Do your worat, Dr, There was no excitement at the an- Opera House, N. Y. City, on Tuesday. Hartranft, you've been a good friend of nual election of the Southold Fire De- Secretaryof the Treasury Carter Glass the Hallock's ever since you came to partment, as both Protection Engine y and Admiral Sims addressed the Southold, and in spite of your threats Co. and Eagle Hook and Ladder Co. re- meeting, against editors, we fear you not. May nominated the old officers and they A large dirigible passed over the vil- a new and long lease of life come to were unanimously re-elected as follows: this faithful friend of Southold, to lags Saturday afternoon. It flew so Chief Engineer, Nat. E. Booth; Asst. low that the occupants were plainly whom we are all deeply indebted and Engineer, Spencer W. Petty; Secre- visible. Tois huge air vehicle caused Whom we shall ever delight to honor. tary, A. T. Dickerson; Treasurer, L. I much excitement, even the horses tak- W Korn. ing notice. It was headed in a wester- Notice The meeting was held Saturday eve- ly direction ning at the rooms of Protection Engine I herewith give notice that on and Co., with Chief Nat E, Booth in the At the Presbyterian church last after the first day of May, 1919, I shall y chair, and Secretary A. T. Dickerson i Sabbath morning a vote upon the bills discontinue active practice. My son- recording. Treasurer Korn reported at Albany to legalize Sunday baseball In-law, H. E. Stevens, M. D., formerly that $45.74 had been collected from and movies was taken and a unani- of gamesport, N. Y., will assume and mous vote prevailed to petition our foreign fire insurance companies. Of governor to veto there. continue my practice in Southold and this amount ten per cent, $4 75, was adjacent villages. given to the Firemen's Horne and Leon Stepnoski is moving from the J. M. HARTRANFT, M. D. there was a charge of 22 cents for post- cottage of Mrs. Lucy Brown to his Southold, N. T., April 16, 1019, age, leaving a balance of $39.95, which new home on Mechanic St. it was voted to divide equally between ` Twenty-Five Years Ago Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Clark of the two companies. Chief Booth re- Brooklyn have waved to Southold. ©�� J " ported that there had been one alarm Rev. E. L. Conklin accepted a call to of a forest fire at Pine Neck, but that Jonathan T. Overton has aposition in the pastorate of the Universalist churchwas put out before any damage bad J. Henry Wolf's garage, Cutchogue. at LeRoy, N. Y. been done. The apparatus is in good Louis Des Rosiers is working for Our pound fishermen were catching shape and the cisterns are all full. A. few bunkers. R. Vail was elected Inspector of EI Wm. T. Gagen. g tion, and H. F. Van Wyck, Clerk. " L. H. Tuthill H. Jennings and Wm. j Corey, C E, to H Kaelin, lot n s C. Albertson were elected trustees of Chief Booth passed around cigars. New North rd, adj land H Kaelin, the M. E. church. +Cutchogue I, nom J. E. Corey took the contract to re- The now pastor of the Southold M. Our .RetiringPhysician model H.C. Goldsmith's house,Peconic. E church, Rev. I. Thomas Stafford, J Rev. E. H. Keens of Bridgeport, Ct., •filled the pulpit Sunday morning and Dr. Hartranft is going about the received a unanimous call to the pas- !made an excel I en t im pression. He comes streets with a beatific smile on his i torate of the Universalist church. here from Graylordsville, Ct., where he face. May it long remain, growing The Board of Health organized by has been for the past three year'. Hebe- more luminous as tho years pass and electing Supervisor Skinner, president; gan his pastorate in the New York Con- he enters more fully upon his relief Town Clark Fithian, secretary; Dr. J. Terence and served there until recent] from cares that he has so well earned. M. Hartranft, health officer, and H. G. except a period when he went So` It would be all our life were worth to Howell, citizen member. for the benefit of his health and preac say one word of praise about this indi- The Methodist church gave a recep- ed in Texas, 1 vidual whose name is known in every tion to the new pastor, Rev. D. W. household from Riverhead to Orient. Howell, and wife. The cantata, "The Lord of Life and' His has been a name to conjure with The Southold Fire District elected Light," given by a choir of over 30, when a dark shadow has been hovering Jerry Singley, J. H. Boisseau and Dan- rersans lar the Presbyterian c.hureh, near. If all the little ones whom he iel Terry, Fire Commissioners' Wm- affair evening, was a vise delightful � affair still word: of praise are heard has usbered safely into the world, if all C. Albertson, Treasurer, and. H. G. on every side and many have express-; the persons whose hearts he has made Howell, Clerk. Wm, A. Prince was ed a wish that it be repeated. Thee glad by holding back loved ones from re-elected Chief of the Fire Depart- old, historic, church was paeked wi'.h', 9 the brink of death, were to appear at ment, and 0. V. Fenney, Assistant lovers of good music and again thanks i . are due. to Mrs. May Hummel and Miss; his door, what a parade there would Chief. Nlar•y Conklin for bringing to perfec-1 be—a real victory parade ! There is _ tion such a charming and difficult piece, no telling just what our genial but During the first three days of the of music. - frank Doctor might do. He might flee Victory Loan Drive in Southold, $38,- Dr. H. E. ,Stevens hay: a force of to his Dodge for refuge, so opposed is 000 were subscribed. This is about the workmen materially changing the he to all demonstrations, b-t ten same showing as in the last Drive. 11orise ac,; the corner of Main street ant chances to one, he would smile that Watch us go "over the top." 130.:kwith avenue, which"be.will sour =a�ove ic1'co. smile of his, laugh his laugh, give the A huge Victory loan poster is in frons of the Southold Savings Bank. Watch the thermometer rise. PERFECT ATTENDANCE Minutes of last annual meeting read r�, - Banner Towns let Grade an d accepted. The Treasurer's report, I , Marie Do hert sb g p $24,149.96, and Southold and Peconic are the banner g Y owing receipts is of towns in Suffolk and Nassau Counties 2d Grade pt- Lyments of $21,686.46, leaving a bat- in subscriptions to the Victory Loan. Corey Albertson / ance on hand April 1st of $2,423 50, Gerald Hobson was read by Treasurer A. T. Dicker- Their percentage is 1.32. The ther- Joseph Krukowski son and accepted. The bonds remain- mometer in front of the Southold Sav- Francis Thompson Ings Bank registered $193,000 Thurs- ing unpaid are $4,900. The report of da mornin q $ 3d Grade y g. Our nota is 138 fiQG: Treasurer R. S. Sturges of the South- Stanley Krukowski old Free Library was read and accept- 4th Grade - ed, Monday was the hottest May 5th William Zebraska When the budget for next year came on record. The thermometer regis- Walter Zoweski up for consideration, it was voted to tered 84 degrees. This was followed Sadie Warner Florence Warner add $750 to the item of $9,000 for in the evening by the first thunder Nellie Morton teachers' salaries, in order to employ storm of the season. Tuesday morn- 5th Grade an extra teacher for the primary ing the temperature had dropped to Jerome Conway C) grades. These grades are very much 46 degrees. William McKeon crowded and an extra teacher will POTATOES SELLING FOR Baker greatly relieve the congestion. The 6th Gaade vote on this proposition was 34 to 3. 055 TO $& A BARREL Edna Butler The amended budget was then voted The price of old potatoes in the New Bits Dickerson unanimously. This includes estimated York markets advanced about 75 cent:. 7th Geode receipts of $1,654, and estimated ex- per barrel last week over tite pt-eced- Jennie Albertson penses of$15,400, leaving$13,750 to be ing fron, Long Island farmers sell- ing froom their wagons in the city IT- Agnes Butler iced by tax. ceived from $5 to *6 a barrel for No- Willie Carroll Frederick K. Terry and Thomas C. 1 Green h'lountains and 82.50 a barrel John Purcell ox were re-elected members of the'1 for No. ''9- 8th Grade oard of Education for three years, J ,The quotations r apple-, in the dint/ Iorlc markets for the week ending Ray Dickerson The meeting directed the Board of April 2f.,, ranged from :$9.50 to $10,511 Mary Kelly Education to employ Miss Esther a barrel for New York State Bhld- Max Newbold vinsw •, $11 to :$12 a barrel for green- Watson, the physical culture teacher, l High SehoA 's to give her entire time to our school. ings. Virginia pippins sold as high Helen Cochran ti Miss Watson now teaches at Peconic as $13. Frances Leicht 1a and East Cutchogue in connection with 'GOOD CLAMMING IN Helen Terry �l Southold. PECONIC LASTWEEKDonahue Alvah Goldsmith n The need of a new school building n ,r and better facilities for the school The strong north-west wind last Fri- were discussed at length, and it was day and Saturday blew`all of the water �l decided to hold a public meetin at off the flats its Peconic bay, and it is Annual School Heelin g e Ftimated that at least 1,000 bushels of 9 4, `' & Belmont Hall on Tuesday evening, ht to the ba to those �' Y q� cl.arnw were cath; y As a general rule school meetingsMay 20, at 8 o'clock, to further discuss two days. One of the "devotees" fig- qre pretty tame affairs and but few ht the subject. It is hoped that the pee- aired there were over 100 clammers on ..ce present to conduct business. This 1w ple will turn out in force on that even- one short stretch of beach' the major- should not be so, for the people should p' in and it y of whom were 'farmers who sus- g give their views pro and eon pended their work to catch these de- show their interest in the school by at- o, an this important matter. The chair- licious shellfish. It was an easy matter tending the annual school meetings. o: man a g ppointed as a committee, Dr. J. to dl; three or four bushels in a very The meeting of Tuesday evening was si H. Marshall, M. I. Booth and Dr. J. short time, an exception to the rule, There was a W. Stokes, to get data as to the kind good representation of the people pees- 11 of building needed and the approxi ,Riverhead, April 24. Sherman sent, and we are glad to state that t] mate cost of the same. L daughter of and Miss I?for Marie, many ladies were among the number. %ti Mrs. A. W. Albertson, chairman of Southold. of John Brown, formerly of It was also an enthusiastic meeting It the Committee of Visiting Mothers, and business was transacted that may L reported that she thought a Govern- 'Woodbury, L. I., May 6, Rev. have a great bearing on the future ment tent could be obtained for the Eugene W. Shrigley, aged 65 years. welfare of the school and the village, tl children in which to eat their lunches. ! The meeting was called to order by The matter was left with the commit Moss Elsie McMann has been J. N. Hallock, President of the Board n 1! engaged to teach the third grade of Education, and on motion he was tl of our High School next year. For the elected chairman. Secretary Wm. H. v Jahn S. Boisseau has resumed his past two years Miss McMann has been Terry recorded. Albert W. Albertson n fernier position at Camp Upton teaching at Stamford, Ct. Previous to j and Charles T. Gordon were appointed f - — - _ • ... • 1 that she taught very acceptably in our f tellers. Raymond Bears is clerking for M. W. school for several years. Golder. H. H. Huotting attended the meeting warm hand-clasp, and start in telling + of the local chairmen of the Victory stories that have sent the blues from Southold Fire department Loan Committee at the Metropolitan many a heart. Do your worst, Dr, There was no excitement at the an- Opera House, N. Y. City, on Tuesday. Hartranft, you've been a good friend of nual election of the Southold Fire De- Secretary of the Treasury Carter Glass the Hallock's ever since you came to partment, as both Protection Engine and Admiral Sims addressed the Southold, and in spite of your threats Co. and Eagle Hook and Lad:;er Co. re- meeting, I against editors, we fear you not. May nominated the old officers and they A large dirigible passed over the vil- a new and long lease of life come to this faithful friend of Southold t° were unanimously re-elected as follows: lage Saturday afternoon. It flew so Chief Engineer, Nat. E. Booth; Asst. low that the occupants were plainly whom we are all deeply indebted and Engineer, Spencer W. Petty; Secre visible. Tais hugs air vehicle caused whom we shall ever delight to honor, tary, A. T. Dickerson; Treasurer, L. much excitement, even the horses tak- w r.--- W. Korn. ing notice. It was headed in a wester- NoticeThe meeting was held Saturday eve- ly direction. ning at the rooms of Protection Engine I herewith give notice that on and Co., with Chief Nat E. Booth in the At the Presbyterian church last after the first day of May, 1919, I shall Sabbath morninga vote upon the bill:; discontinue active chair, and Secretary A. T. Dickerson p practice, My son- recording. Treasurer Korn reported at Albany to legalize Sunday baseball In-law, H. E. Stevens, M. D., formerly that $45.74 had been collected from and movies was taken and a rrnani- of Jamesport, N. Y„ will assume and foreign fire insurance companies. Of '.mous vote prevailed to petition oua� g P governor to veto them. continue my practice in Southold and this amount ten per cent, $4 75, was adjacent villages, given to the Firemen's Horne and Leon Stepnoski is moving from the J. M. HARTRANPT, M, D. cottage of Mrs. Lucy Brown to his Southold, N. Y., April 16, 1019, there was a charge of 22 cent.for post- new home on Mechanic St. age, 'leaving a balance of $39.95, which Twenty-Five Years Ago it was voted to divide equally between Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Clark of y ; the two companies. Chief Booth re- Brooklyn have moved to Southold. ported that there had been one alarm Rev. E. L. Conklin accepted a call tc of a forest-fire at Pine Neck, but: that Jonathan T. Overton has aposition in the pastorate of the Universalist church ,was put out before any damage had J. Henry Wolf's garage, Cutchogue. at LeRoy, N. Y. been done. The apparatus is in good Louis Des Rosiers is working for Our pound fishermen were catching a shape and the cisterns are all full, A. Wm. T. Gagen. few bunkers. R. 'Vail was elected Inspector of Elec- f L. H. Tuthill, H. Jennings and Wm, tion, and H. F. Van Wyck, Clerk. Corey, C E, to H Kaelin, lot n a C. Albertson were elected trusteee of Chief Booth passed around cigars. iNew North rd, adj land H Kaelin, the M. E. church. Cutchogue nom J. E, Corey took the contract to re- The new pastor of the Southold M. our Retiring Physician model IE C.Goldsmith's idge ort,PecC., E church, Rev. I, Thomas Stafford, Rev. E. H. Keens of Bridgeport, Ct., :filled the pulpit Sunday morning and Dr. Hartranft is going about the received a unanimous call to the pas- !made an excellent impression, He comes streets with a beatific smile on his torate of the Universalist church, head from cellonGrayloimpression. Ct., where es face. )flay it long remain, growing The Board of Health organized by he has been for the past three years. Hebe- more luminous as tha years pass and electing Supervisor Skinner, president; gan his pastorate in the New York Con- he enters more fully upon bis relief Town Clark Fithian, secretary; Dr. J. ference and served there until recently, from cares that he has so well earned. M. Hartranft, health officer, and H. G. except a period when he went South It would be all our life were worth to Howell, citizen member. for the benefit of his health and preach-f say one wordof praise about this indi- The Methodist church gave a recep- vidual whose name is known in every tion to the newed in Texas, pastor, Rev. D. W. household from Riverhead to Orient. Howell, and wife. The cantata, "The Lord of Life and His has been a name to conjure with The Southold Fire District elected Light," given by a chair of over 30 when a dark shadow has been hovering Jerry Singley, J. H. Boisseau and Dan ")ersons in the Presbyterian church, Sunday evening,was a very delightful near. If all the little ones whom he lel Terry, Fire Commissioners; Wm affair and words of praise are heard has ushered safely into the world, if all C. Albertson, Treasurer, and H.. G. on every side and many have express the persons whose hearts he has made Howell, Clerk, Wm. A. Prince was cal a wish that it be repeated. The'. glad by holding back loved ones from re-elected Chief of the Fire Depart- old, historic church was parked with the brink of death, were to appear at went, and 0. V. Penney, Assistant lovers of good music and again thanks are due to Mrs. May Hummel and Miss; his door, what a parade there would Chief. Nay Conklin for bringing to perfcc-r be—a real victory parade ! There is tion such a charming and difficult piece! no telling just what our genial but During the first three days of the of mucic. frank Doctor might do. He might flee Victory Loan Drive in Southold, $351,- D,._ H. E. Stevens has a force of to his Dodge for refuge, so opposed is 000 were subscribed. This is about the workmen materially changing tht he to all demonstrations, b_t ten same showing as in the last Drive., hRrts,se at the corner of Main street ant chances to one, he would smile that Watch us go "over the top." fiv,k+w lth :venue, ,vhich -he will soca :TIOVe ijyLo. smile of his, laugh his laugh, give the A huge Victory loan poster is in front of the Southold Saving. Bank. Watch the thermometer rise. SCHOOL NOTES The following Pupils obtained an Twenty- Five Years A90 /* Miss Matthews Killed average of 85 per cent or more in all yoq " '�'1- 4 � worts for the third term: ° _ Miss Meryl L. Matthews, daughter 1st GRADE '-" The improvements in the M. E. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Matthews Marie Dogherty 94 church added much to its appearance. of Brooklyn and Southold and great- Jennie Romanski 94 The Board of Assessors organized by granddaughter of the late A. D. Mat- Richard Butler 92 electing Marcus B. Brown, chairman, Robert Gagen 91 thaws, founder of the store of A. D. Julia Cybulaki 91 and Wm. A. Cochran and S. Harmon Matthews & Sons, Fulton St., Brook- Eileen Mahoney 90 Tuthill, secretaries. lyn, was instantly killed in an automo- Stefna Poliwoda 90 Mrs. John Carey purchased of Ed- bile accident on Fort Hamilton Av., Horace Symonds 89 ward D. Goldsmith his property, on the bile a Brooklyn, Saturday night, Esther Beath 89 carnes of Bay Av. sed Main Ni Mr, Miss Matthews, accompanied by her, Alfred Wells 89 goldsmith purchased Mrs. Nicholas father and mother, and an older sister, 2d and 3d GRADES Carey's house. Miss Alice Matthews, was on her Evelyn Van Wyck 98 The Presbyterian Sunday School elec- way back to Brooklyn from a day's Clinton Hinton Terry 91 Thompson 88 ted the fallowing officers- Supt., Rev. visit to their summer home, "The Katie Stepnoski 89 G. D. Miller; Asst. Supt., A. C' Maples," in Southold. They left the Albert 6tepnoski 86 Simons; See., Ezra G. Beebe; Tress., Hotel Bassett, which had been their Herbert Smith 85 Mary H. Huntting; Missionary Sec., home for the winter, early in the Stanley Smith 86 Mattie A. Wells; Librarian, Q. F. i Irene McKeon $9 morning, and motored out. Joseph Krukoweki 85 Payne; Supt. Primary Dept., Mrs. C' They left the village in the middle of Frances Gordon 92 F. Payne• the afternoon and bad reached Fiftieth Marie Ducey 91 r W iliiam A. Prince, one of the promi- street.and Fort Hamilton avenue on the Helen Dickerson 93 Alice Downs 89 nent business men of Southold and return journey, when another automo- Natalie Best 91 Chief of the Southold Fire Department, bile, driven by Joseph Mariano, a, shirt Doris Williams 96 died, aged 55 years. manufacturer, living at 425 Fiftieth Ulyss Wadsworth 91 street, crashed into the Matthews' car Esther Macomber 85 Stanley Krukowski 91 Ower the Top 11 ,,' with stunning force. Svea Johnsen 92 / The Mariano machine, according to Eugene Gagen 85 The quota of Southold and Peconic witnesses, swerved into Fort Hamilton William Boergesson 93 for the Victory Liberty Loan is $138,, avenue at high speed, from Fiftieth Lillian Stelzer $8 Southol Corey Albertson 91 r gQq, On Thursday mrarning the her street. 1t struck Miss Matthews �• Joseph Romanski 87 urometer in front of the squarely and her death wap an instante- 4th GRADE R us o t be satisfied until we havt'Bank registered $152,180. Lela ous. Mr. and Mrs. Matthews and Flora Albertson 94 us not their daughter were thrown from the Joseph Bond 93 doubled our quota. car, but cuts and bruises were the Martha Gallagher 93 Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Stevens have extent of their injuries. Mrs. Mat- Clarice Prince 93 moved from Jamesport to Southold and thews,prostrated from the shock of her Waiter aeski 93 ]'dation Carey ey 92 ' are occupying Mrs. Stevens' house,daughter's death, was taken as James Cogan 92 corner Main St. and Beckwith Av. Dr.promptly as possible to the Bossert. Harriet Dickerson 89 Stevens will practice his profession, Mariano was arrested on a charge of Clifford Tillinghast 89 here, having assumed the practice of homicide by Detective Ruddy, after an Alice Bloomfield 88 his father-in-law, Dr. Hartranft. investigation of the accident had been Martin Lehr 85 5th GRADE Miss Isabelle Boisseau,who recent- made by the police of the Fourth Mary Strasser $6 ly passeda Civil ServiceexaminAvenue Station, Mariano and his com- e- paninn escaped injury. Bath cars were i William McKeon 86 tion, has a position as copyist in the Louise Berdinka 85adly smashed. This was the family's Mary Poliwoda 85 CoC . Treasurer's oflicc, first winter at the Bossert, and they Mary Stelzer 86 had planned shortly to take up their 6tb GRADE Alexander Koke is clerking for F•I residence for the summer at Southold. Robert Booth9q Fckeissen, 1 "The Maples" at the latter village Helen Thompson 87 7th GRADE Brooklyn, April 26, Miss Meryl L. has long been in the Matthews family, Matthews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. having been owned by the late James i Willie Carroll 85 Harry P. Matthews of Brooklyn and Matthews, grandfather of the dead John Purcell 85 Southold, aged 18 years. 8th GRADE + Bay View, April 26, Cecilia S., widow girl. Gertrude Koke 89 _ )f Thomas B. Wells, aged 88 years, 8 The news of the death of Miss Mat-j nonthsthaws came. as a great shock to the . Marjorie Hagerman 90 people of Southold. She was a girl of Theresa Fielder 89 lice E Glenn &ano. to Delia Don-s level character and was highly e� Mary Bennett 89 ,, 5 A s s North road, adj land of 1 V R Howell; also two undivided teemed by all who knew her. She and of 23 A tis• s Bridge laric, aclj her sister Alice were inseperable. The if Adam Doroski, Peconic, none,, family has the heartfelt sympathy of 1 all in their great bereavement. i ram Twenty-Five Y Qrg Q Spreads 23 00 now placed at our disposal, we are g1b. .�` Hand towels 10 00 to state we shall be able to purchase 4 444,cr 1 Bath 10 00 better furniture and materials than we R. S. Sturges commenced malting al Wash cloths 3 00 had planned to purchase, and more ar- terations and repairs on F. Gomez's Blankets 63 00 ticles, all of which will add greatly to store. It was to be raised up two stories Tray covers 4 00 t b e comfort a f t h e occu- and up-stairs there was to be a hall. Napkins 9 00 pants of the room. We are thankful Robert Lamprecht was to have a Rag rugs 15 00 I for,all the suggestions received from photographic gallery in the second friends, some of whom feared we were story of W. H. Terr^'s furniture store. The donations to date are as follows: restricting ourselves to the purchase The fence was removed from in front protection Engine Co. $25 00 only of the articles named at the out- of the Presbyterian church. Southold L rdge, 1. O. O. F, 25 00 set. Mrs. L. N. Sanford and Miss George W. Earle was putting the George Harper 20 00 Harper have been appointed a buying new pipe organ in the Presbyteriancommittee, and we believe, with their church. Miss Lucy Leicht 10 00 At the annual meeting of the Suffolk Mrs. Charles T. Gordon 5 00 judgment and experience, the purchas- County Mutual Insurance f the the fol- H. H. Huntting 10 00 ing will be perfectly satisfactory to lowing officers were elected: President Mrs. H.M. Hawkins 3 00 all. At the last meeting of the entire S. Lester Albertson 10 00 committtee, Mrs. C. T. Gordon and and Treasurer,J. H. Terry; Vice Presi- Mrs, Hartranft were appointed a com- dent,Jesse G. Case; Secretary, Silas F- "Dusty Roads" (Li bond) 00 Overton; Attorney, N. D. PEtty. Hippodrome Bungaloww Club 1 15 5 00 mittee an the room,-to ascertain the Browning Class 5 00 condition of floors, walls, and the dis- Tuesday Morning Club 50 00 position to be made of the furniture ,,The Southold Room" Mrs. Edgar F. Smith 1 00 i before the latter is purchasOeldAIRyIAN. The Southold Members of K.of C. 65 00 Instead of appealing to indi- Universalist Ladies' Society 25 00. Golden Wedding vii ualr-, the matter of furnishing Mrs. Regina Sturmdorf 5 001 aq '*Southold Room" at the E. L I. Ladies' Society of Presb. Church 25 00 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Smith of Free- Hospitpl is left with the organizations Five Anonymous Donors 25 00 port, L. I., celebrated the anniversary en Southold. We want the donations A Friend 2 00 of their golden wedding on May let to be offered spontaneously without Mrs. J. B. Terry 10 00 last at their residence, The home ,:ny special solicitation. Every Dr. J. H. Marshall 25 00 decorations were apple blossoms en- ociety. from Grange to Camp Fire Mrs. J. H. Marshall 25 00 twined with green and yellow. They 1irla is invited to have some part in P. A. O'Malley 2 00 entertained a large party of relatives he good work. Individuals who are M. E. Ladies' Aid 20 00 and friends at dinner. The table was vt'members of any society may res- Southold Grange 25 00 the novelty of the day, a center piece ,end personally. Donations for the Southold Foresters 20 00 of unique design caused a great sur- .Purchasing of the articles may be hand- Henry Carpenter Prince 5 00 prise to all who attended and especially d to any member of the committee: Mrs. V red C. Leicht 5 00 to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It was an "Are. J. N. Hallock, Mrs. J. H. Marr Mrs. E. M. Millard 10 00 artifi_ial domestic hen setting on two shall, Mrs. A. H. Cosden, Mrs. J. M. John Ruebsamen 5 00 golden eggs containing a purse of gold Hartranft, Mrs. J. W. Stokes, Mrs. L. Mrs. R. C. Davenport 5 00 in each, gifts of their children. The N. Sanford, Miss Marcella Fox, Mrs. Camp Fire Girls 5 00 entertair rent in the evening was much Wm. R. Newbold, Mrs. Chas. T. Gor- An anonymous friend has offered to enjoyed by all present, as songs, reci- don, Mrs. James M. Grattan, Miss snake all the pillow-cases (5 doz.) for tations and odd stunts were given in Margaret harper. the "Southold Room"—a most ac- honor of the event. The happy old That the public may know Some- ceptable gift of service. couple surprised their children and thing of the requirements in furnishing friends by singing a song entitled "Put a room, a list of the articles needed, "The Southold Room" On Your Old Gray Bonnet," which caused much pleasure as the old bonnet with approximate prices of each, is '-*1l 6 p published in the TRAVELER. Sioce we discontinued pubiishing the was very much in evidence. Those who list of donations for "The Southold attended were their children: Mr. and LIST of ARTICLES Room" of the E L. I. Hospital, two Mrs. Percy Smith, Mrs. Willian H. (The pric s are only approximate) others have been received from Van Nostrand of Sag Harbor, Fred Chiffonier $20 00 The L. V. L S. $1000 Smith, Mr, and Mrs. George E. Aring, Dresser 30 Q0 Southold Baseball Club $25.00 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hanley, Washstand 15 00 making a total of $573.00, Robert Smitb, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Morris Chair 25 00 That the people might have an idea Smith, Mrs. L. N. Vaughn of Sag Har- Small chair 5 00 of the articles needed in furnishing this bor, sister of Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Anna " rocker 6 00 room, we published at the beginning a , L. Germond, Miss Kitty Bedell, Mrs. Wardrobe 28 00 tentative list and also prices as nearly E. F. Fernauld of New York City. Mr. as we could approximate from figures and Mrs. Jeffrey Smith were married Sheets (large) 45 00 submitted. According to that list, the in Southold, by Dr. Whitaker. Mrs " (single) 30 00 amount needed was between two and Smith before her marriage was Evelyn Pillow cases 25 00 three hundred dollars. With the sum Glover of Southold, �. Over the Top ( , � , ,, P1lbl]e Meeting science to our course and said provision Suthold and Peconic again went over should be made for installing the some. g Thera was a goad attendance at the It is proposed that the 275th Anni- Li top in subscriptions uo to the Victory public meeting held in Belmont Hall on versary Celebration Fund, about Liberty Loan. Our quota was$138,600, Tuesday evening, to consider the need $2,500, and$227,250 was taken by 239 subaeri- of a new school building and better a shall be used for equipment for the hers. echool and the library, and Mr. Cahoon ci[ities for the use of the school and the in his speech strongly hinted that he The Bird People will be pleased to community. If it is voted to build at knew of a certain person who would know that a Mr. Chewink of Paradise the Special School Meeting, which will duplicate that sum and he thou ht has become so friendly, wholly of his soon he called by the Board of Educa- g there would be own accord, that he enters the Cabin tion to consider the subject, it is pro- others. The meeting h as soon as the door is left open, walks posed that the building shall have a was a very harmonious, get-together, large time. around looking for stray crumbs, and 6 assembly hall, which can be used A Special School Meeting will be talks in a most sociable manner. If the for community as well as school pur- called at an early date to vote on the door isn't open, he hops on the window- poses, and the public library. The proposition. sill and calls imperatively to the good school site is to be the site of the Com- people within, whom he seems to know rnunity Building, that will also be ri are his friends, telling them he is ready known as a Memorial to our Soldiers fl g schedule for his meals. and Sailors in the late war. ' The spring schedule of the L.I.R. R. With not a vote in the negative, the will go into effect May 28th The Because of the strike of express meeting voted to ask the Board of Edu- Greenport express, leaving P p g Fenosyl- handlers A, &S, sent its large truck cation to call a Special School Meeting to, vania Station at 8:49 a. In. and Flat- throulzh the Island last Saturday vote on erecting a new school building, bush Ave., Brooklyn, at 8:58 and made a store door delivery to its and to bond the district for $30,000, will run as express from Jamaica to agency here. paying a bond of$1,000 each year for Ronkonkoma and will make all stops a period of thirty yearsto pay for the oast of that station to Greenport, ar- The estate of the late Michael same, riv, ing at 11:59 a. m. The same train McCabe has been appraised at,$14,851 J. N. Hallock, President of the Board returning, now leaving Greenport in 'Igross. All of the net estate, valued at of Educatioa, presided, and F. K. Ter- 2:44 P. m , will leave at 3.10 at n V$13,561.35, goes to Annie McCabe•, ry of the Board, in the absence of Sec- P na. and will run as express from Ronkonkoma widow, retary W. H. Terry, recorded. This and arrive at Pennsylvania Station at Word has been received from meeting was held pursuant to a vote 160p, M. and Flatbush Ave, at 6:30, Charles M. I.edyard of San Diego, at the Annual School Meeting to hold a saving 26 minutes from the present Cal., stating that he is ill and is in a meeting at Belmont Hall on the eve- I running time. hospital receiving treatment. ning of May 2Oth to discuss further the A new Saturday only train will leave matter of a.new school building. The Pennsylvania Station at 1:08 p. m. and Miss Freida Williams has a posi- committee appointed at the Annual Flatbush Ave, at 1:12, making its first. tion as copyist in the Co.Treasurers School Meeting to secure data as to stop at 'Brentwood and at all stations i office. plans, expense, etc., of a new school east of that to Greenport, arriving at building were Dr. J. 1I. Marshall, M. 4:21 p, m. I bliss Florence Gordon is clerkingI. Booth and Dr. J. W. Stokes. They There will be an extra train in Theodore Nenninger's store. put lOn eave reported in favor of a$30,000 building, the Main Line Sunday nights to leave Peconic, May, 8, Hermon D. Gold- and it was voted that the report be Greenport at 8.47 o'clock, stopping at smith, aged 83 years, 11 months. In- adopted and the district be bonded for I Southold, Peconic, Cutchogue, Matti- terment at Cutchogue. thirty years to pay for the same. tuck, Jemesport and Riverhead, thence Groveland, N. Y- May 11, Edward Mr. Whalen, an architect from New running as express to Jamaica and ar- W. Knapp of oyster Bay, a nephew of Jersey, was present and said that his riving at Pennsylvania Station at 11:28 Mrs. John Munch of Southold. Inter- firm had just erected a school building P. rn. ment at Southold. at Belvidere, N. J., 88x66 ft., two sto- ries and basement, for $30,000. The The old "white car" owned by Wm. TWenty-five Years, Ago committee was favorably impressed H. Lloyd for the past ten years has 4 N4ti"e .1 3 4.44.4,3".pl with such a building as meeting the Passed to other hands, after giving the John Hosey of Pennsylvania rented needs of Southold. Speeches heartily beet service of any car on the East Mrs. Eli W. Howell's place. in favor of the project were made by End of Long Island. After running an Rev. George D. Miller received a callDr. Marshall, E. D. Cahoon, Al. I. entire decade it has as much speed and to become pastor of the Presbyterian Booth, Rev. Abram Conklin, Prin. A. Pap as it possessed in its youthful days. church at Warsaw, N. Y., at a salary W. Symonds, Carl Vail, Mian Esther Parting was like bidding farewell to an of$1700 per year. Watson and others. Mr. Vail, who old, true and tried friend, having eov- The inauguration of the plpe organ was one of "our boys" fighting in ered enough miles to encircle the globe in the Presbyterian church was a great Prance and a graduate of the Southold twice, and run on innumerable errands success. High School, said he thought it would of both mercy and pleasure and carried The house of E. D. Scott was burned be a splendid idea to erect such a build- at the lowest calculation thousands of to the ground. ing as a Memorial. He strongly fav- I persons. The new owner of this splen. l :;, ored adding agriculture and domestic did old car is Capt. Henry Wines. J. H. Boisseau, whose 90th birthday r� , ��mp S R�S�gn ! Me. and Mrs. D. A. Rothman of 16 occured on Wednesday, May 14th, was W. 42d St., Bayonne, N. J., are being the recipient of a card shower and var- Prin. o s c Symonds, who received congratulated upon the arrival of a fine ious other tokens of remembrance from a unanimous call to continue as Princ%- little daughter weighing 8J lbs. The his many friends and neighbors. We ' pal of the Southold High School, has young lady arrived from the land of extend hearty congratulations to one of decided to decline and seek a position elsewhere. Mr. Symonds has served. as 'mystery Sunday morning early and is, , Southold's most honored citizens, already looking forward to her first Principal of our High School for the Miss Lois Watson has been engaged visit to Southold. '"W+- �'o' g past nine years and has given excellent ""J to teach in the Sea Cliff High School satisfaction. We feel safe in saying The grist mill at the west side next year. Miss Mary Hubbard will that we never had a more conscientious I of Huntington harbor which was teach the Sixth Grade in the Maple teacher or a harder worker for the erected in 1752 by Dr. Zophar Avenue, Patchogue, school. Southold School. He has been "on the job" all ° Platt under a grant from the town regrets to lose these two excellent the time. As a citizen he has always and which has been in continuous teachers, been highly esteemed in the village for operation since, has been closed his high character and public spiritfor the first time in its history. Its Southold, May 15, by Rev. Win. H. The Board of Education learned of the continuous operation for 167 Lloyd, Wilson Hatcher of Southold and I years is a wonderful record. Miss Patience Taylor of Peconic. decision of Prig. Symonds with regret, and the people of Southold will also re- Rev. Eugene L. Conklin has pur- Brooklyn, May 17, Jennie V., wife of gret the departure of Mr. and Mrs. chased the property on Bay Avenue Frank S. Fanning, aged 72 years. In- Symonds and Horace from our midst, formerly belonging to the late Mrs. terment at Southold. where they have made many friends. Bertha Chandler Richter. Twenty-Flee Years Aga r," Southold Room " Mies Ralph, principal of the East �1 „ 3 U C,,4 f ",-/ Cutchogue school, has been engaged to Proprietor Chas. J. 1Iannabury was A donation of five dollars has been teach the G�h and 7th grades of our received for the "Southold Room" High School next year. making many improvements in the in- from Mrs. Theodore Wood. Mrs. L. J. Leo Gagen has returned to his terior of Southold Hotel. N. Sanford donated the napkins and former position in S. W. Petty,s Rev. Dr. J. R. Taber of Brooklyn will have them properly marked. Ski]- blacksmith shop. preached in the Universalist church. ful needlewomen are already offering Miss Jerusha Horton returned home, their services for embroidering the dozens, if not hundreds, of pieces, that onGeo. W. Smith has sold one of his after, spending the winter %n Washing- ton, D C moat be marked. We have learned bungalows on Jockey Creek to Mr. that the small (?) item of a metal Ralph of N. Y. City. N. E. Booth engaged to go as engi- plate, bearing the inscription of p neer on a steamer plying between N. � l Mrs. L. N. Sanford opened her %tie neer City and Eastport,plying Southold Room, ' must be furnished, cream parlor and tea room on Wednes- to be placed over the door of the room. day. This is a very popular place. William C. Albertson was elected Fire The expense of this will make a seri- Commissioner, in place of Daniel Ter ous inroad into the funds. Does an ` Con Rutkowski, as trustee to Jos-i ry, who declined to serve. y. 1 ephine Lenzenski, about three-fourths i body who has the heart and meansof an acre n s Kings highway, adj 1 Decoration Day exercises were held care to donate toward this item? '`land of Wilfred Beebe, Cutchogue, in the Presbyterian church. Comrade nom. 1?. T. Conklin presided. Addressee The well and favorably known plea- Kreutzer, M. to I Schrogel, 17� re made by Comrade B. T. Payne, sure resort, Paradise Point, under the acres, s s rd, adz land D T Terry, Rev. D. W. Howell and Rev. Geo. D. management of Mrs. Charles A. Gay- nom nor, will be open to the public on Dec- Sauthold Millar. The soldiers monument and 1;ort©n, M A to R. M Case, lot s the graves of the soldiers were decors- oration Day. Mrs. Gaynor thoroughly land J. Dietz, ted with flowers. understands the business of catering to a Main Bt ad3 nom, her patrons„ and no one ever goes away Peconic Iia t,:te magazine, pie ' dissatisfied with either the shore din- Marie Kreutzer to Ida Schloegel j g° 17 3-4 acres s s highway leading from t4 : 1k�igYeed at Alb=any, Secreta,. nets or the service. Once a patron, al- Southold village to Greenport, adj to 0ri,neis Tal. Nar�o " ives so ways a patron, %s the rule. Mrs. Gay land of Muth A Horton, Southold nom 3tterestfng facts About autowci nor will be assisted by her sister, Mrs. Martha A ilorton to Ross M Case,' i1L ata the May number, Nas:. .. Bullock, who is a pastmaster in serving �z_3t;r has 1S. TT7 motor e� 1 l 4 acres s s Main South road. adj �o ` the public, as she had charge of this land of Joseph Dic;tz, Peconic, none Ivhta3 aa;e '„s a .o one der- resort for many years. We trust c ar• out of e orv"tine Suffolk �'i3u :' Paradise Point will have a most sue- San Francisco, Cal., May 1Q, Lewis has 10,723?.— a ear to,] ,aery oat R. Smith, son of Jesse R. and Laura 9. At the oi;tte etre: cessful season. R. Smith, aged 62 years. of ,t -r;, as RV-0 n 7 C0 itnty wltet'e t13 e re is c Miss Carrie Scott graduated on Wed- Cutchogue, May 13, by Rev. Joseph ly 1 cess to 70 People. Outside nesday evening as a trained nurse from C1zmonski, Smitro Adamzevich of Gr slater Neer York, Albany Cou. Flower Hospital, from which her sister Greenport and Miss Helen Emily Cybul- 133 waly 1 car to 22 priople Anes p ski of Southold. lc�lselaer County has 1 car to g graduated three years ago, Her grandmotber, Mrs. Geo. S. Prince, people.;:t:nlKings Ctaunty has 1 car was present at the exercises. � _T Southampton Hospitai, May 25, Net- "I believe in the new school building of East Hampton and daughter of the Net- tie Glover, wife of Abram E. Sherrill New School Building because we need it, and I don't see why late Wm. H. H. and Eliza J. Glover of FROM HERE AND THERE the assembly hall can't be used profit- Southold, sged 54 years. One big subject and only one ahoulc ably for community purposes, but Twenty-Five Years Ago Occupy the minds of the people from why"—and he lifted his voice—"take � .� now until July 1, the library to that building?" The Presiding Elder Van AJstyne preached hens we in favor or not of giving the reply was, "Don't bother about the li- g g people of this district the best hrary. It may or may not be moved. in the M. E. church, facilities for an education? As we hear It is pretty well housed and that is an Joseph Jedlicka, tinsmith and plumb- the comments made in the Names and incidental matter any way that can be er, opened business in W. 13, Terry's an thu street on this question we intend Bottled later. Let us lose eight of all store bnilding. New passenger rates on the L. I. R, to register some of them in the columns other questions but this one. Are we of the TRAVELER, in favor of a new school building? That R. went into effect June 1st. _ is the question to be voted on. Minor The prospects were good for an Said one of the Board of Education; questions must not obscure the main abundant crop of strawberries, "1t isn't a question of whether we one. UP) an was being put want to build The now pip® orgor not, but one of tiraust. — p in the M. $, church. If we veto the proposition to build, the II A friend writes from away: "Say, hies Annie A. Allis,A.B., of Arling- State will take the matter in hand and I Southold is carrying out the latest pro. ton, Mass., was engaged as Principal order- the district to build." grams of the day—with Health Cru of 9authold Academy, The Board of Excise rated that the — sades, School Building suited to actual license fees be as follows: Note! and Another interested party said : needs of town, agricultural, etc. ! The saloon, $126; ale and beer, $6a; store- "Southold has always met its other war Camp Community Service is in- keeper's, $40; druggists, $20. I tending to have a regular campaign obligations, and she mast not be d18he through the country to start up Com- EAST END LEAGUE graced by refusing to do what she ought to do for education," munity interestB. It won't have any_ Won Lost P. C. _ thing to do in Southold. If you have Southold . . . . . . 2 0 1000 ' One of our most trusted and conser- an up-to-date school house you can Greenport . , 1 1 500 'native citizens remarked slowly and serve all those interests and not inter- Mattituck . . . . . 1 1 ,spa calmly : Southold people are a pretty fere with the school, but help it. The Riverhead . . . . . 0 2 000 good sort of people. They usually do I TRAVELER was a live paper last week. the right thing and I guess you can de_ (that was two weeks ago when the RESULTS DECORATION DAY end on them now. The meeting was reported) bfy !don't ever Pend proposition to Southold 7, Greenport 1 build will not be vetoed." again call Southold slow!" Mattituck 19, Riverhead 3 — A comparatively newcomer said Thus the people are talking all the RESULTS LAST SATURDAY have every confidence in the time, mostly in favor of the four Prop- Southold 5, Riverhead I They have shown the right people of Southold, ositlons, only they want to understand Greenport 11, Mattituek 3 stuff every time I've seen them put to matters. Let us hear more of what is the test. They won't disgrace them- being said in next week's TRAVELER. GAMES JUNE 7 selves on a matter so important as RRTER- Mattituck at Southold schools. The State will never have to "Southold Ro©m " Greenport at Riverhead 'order us to build." — The metal plate that is to be engrav- RESULTS IN SUFFOLK One cautious person remarked : "I'm ed and placed over the door of the The report of the chief chauffeur in favor of a school building if it's "Southold Room" at the E. L. I. Hos- examiner in Secretary of State Hu- needed, but I don't think a Town Hall pital, that was mentioned in last week's should be saddled on the district.'"a paper, has been donated by Mr. and shows that out Of the 4£34 persons who „show Neer York office far the past year .Neither do I," was ply of the re Mrs. C. P. Browning of Peconic. The � , were examined at Huntington for a well-informed party, ` But in this case TRAVELER was no mato than out than chauffeur's license, 33 were rejected we are now obliged to build an assem- word came promptly that the plate was bly ball for the school. It is an essen- provided for. Even in these hard times because of their inability is tblack i handle a there seems o e no acn carrying car on the road to the satisfaction Of ' tial part in the education of the chit- y g the examiner. Seven out of 157 ex- dren. Then why not use this Hall for on this good work, and we are exceed- amined at Babylon failed to qualify any community purpose the Iaw allows ingly thankful. on the road test, while 26 out of 385 receive an income from such use, and examined during the year at Patch- ogue, failed to pass. During the four let the proceeds go as the law decrees The High School dancing class closed examinations conducted at Southamp- for educational purposes? It is for its very successful course on Wednes- ton 1.53 persons were examined and efficiency and economy real] that these day. Ice cream and cakes were served 12 were rejected. halls are opened to the public." as refreshments from the proceeds re- With the mercury climbing toward _ maining after paying the musicians the nineties this week, we conclude that And another semi-cautious, and may from the small fees charged. I Bummer has arrived. be wise Osteon made a semi-objection CUtchogue TWellty-Five Years Aga The new motor truck of Southold Town is being used to good advantage The safe in the Railroad depot hero t In oiling our roads. The procuring of Rev. Geo D. Miller addressed was blown open by burglars last Fri- the a this truck was mighty good invest- summer meeting of the Long Island day night and$85 in money, some rail- ment for the Town. Bible Society. road passes and other papers stolen. The Centennial of Methodism was Miss Marguerite McMann has been Sheriff Biggs says the job was done by released from her engagement with observed in the Methodistchurch, professionals and that it was a neat The Commencement Exercises of the Greenport High , weol and will one, merely the door being blown from Southold Academy were held in the continue to teach here, t are glad to its hinges. There is no clue. Neigh Presbyterian church. The graduates state. She will have the third grade. bora living near did not hear the ex- were Henry G Elmer, Theodore M- Mrs. George M. Hahn will open the i plosion. The same depot has been rob-I Shipberd, Henry M. Payne, Mary Ada Park House, Town harbor, on July 1st bed before. Billard, Mabel C. Boisseau, Ada S. for the sale of ice cream,confectionery,, The experiment in serving cocoa to Booth, Dezia P. Fannin the school children has been carried on Payne, Amy H. Sta Grace T. cigars, etc. Sturges and Anne O. successfully under the able manage- Wells. Miss Lillian Bergen has a position ment of Mies Lizzie Beebe. It is A Concert and Recital was held in the Mattituck telephone office. l hoped that next fall, when the cocoa is the M. E. church, The new Tollman Edward J Carey &ors, to The L I again served, it will be possible to get pipe organ was used for the first time- again R Co, parcel 26066 feet, adj lands of L I R R Co and of the Estate of donations of milk in order to reduce Prof. George F. Morse, Jr., of Nyack James Carey, Southold, norn the cost for the children. Twelve chil- was the organist. ` dren appreciated the cocoa in spite of Douglas Atherton and The -Merr Charles C Carey to The L I R R Co.y y- parcel 71x366 feet, adj lands of party the hot weather. makers gave an entertainment in Bel- of second part and of the Estate of mont Hall. . James Carey, Southold, •.1om The Decoration day ball game drew the George Ellis Horton and Miss Hattie George W Smith &w to Annie E greatest number of Greenport passen- Terry were married. Ralphs, 1 2-3 acres n s Pine Neck road, gets known to have gotten off the train adj land of John Munch, Pine Neck, at this station since the days of the Mrs. J. E. Bly died, aged 65 years, Southold, non► 276th Anniversary. Nassau Point Club Properties, $ltd k 1S �t �IaPta�'S Port EAST END LEAGUE Inc. to Dais- B. Vanston, parcel Won Lost P. C. 452x569 feet at Nassau Point, Lit- A party consisting of Bob Ebbitts, Southold . . . . . , 3 0 1000 tle Hog Neck, Southold town. Keeper Erhart, Dr. Fred Lee, Hallett Greenport 2 1 667 Same to Albert C. Abram &ano, Green and R. C. Davenport caught 128; Mattituck 1 2 333' parcel 645x$21 feet w s Nassau blackfiah at the Sound, many of them Riverhead . . . . . 0 3 000 road, Nassau Point. around 41bs. each. The Mutual Rife Insurance Co. Commodore Dickerson and crew made RESULTS LAST SATURDAY of New York to Nassau Point a big haul of weakfish in their draw Southold 8, Mattituck 4 ° ,^< Club Properties, Inc., 490 acres. known as Nassau Point:, LEittle seine Tuesday afternoon. Greenport 1, Riverhead 0 Hog Neck, Peconic. (Deed execu- Miss Skiddy Cochran of Brooklyn has GAMES JUNE 14 ted May 28, 1918,) rented Mrs, Flora Bliss' home for July Southold at Mattituck L Bayles to Nassau Point Club and August. Properties, lot s s Bay Ave, adj Riverhead at Greenport land Finck, lot s s Bay Ave, adj The potato bugs are with us again. meadow, Peconic nom Miss Alice J. Tooke, who taught in E F Embree to Nassau Point ^irlutkowski, C, trustee, to J. Lenzen- our High School very acceptably for a m, lot n s Main rd, adj land B. Hor- Club Properties, J irftereat in three see Culebogue nom number of years, is now governess at parcels known as Nassau Point now the home of A. H. Coaden. L A Finck,exor, to Nassau Point Y. City, May 31, Douwinus J. The committee of the "Southold Club Properties, J interest in three qouten, Jr., and Miss Anna, Room" acknowledge with thanks the ter of Mrs. Minna H. Edwards parcels known as Nassau Point $35,000 randdaughter of Mrs. G. F. Hum- receipt of five dollars from Mrs. H. N. ' Southold. Booth and daughter Frances Willard. The Brooklyn Eagle says: In this .hold, June 2, George C. Terry, Raymond Donahue and Lucy Kanold column recently the fact was noted '8 years, 8 months, will graduate from the Southold High that Alfred R. 'Vail of Southold, well )klyn, May 29, Mary Emma, wife School at the Commencement Exercises known court officer at Riverhead, had ld. Batterman of Brooklyn and at Belmont Hall Monday evening, June served for 40 years as a deputy sheriff' old. y g, on, N. Y., May 19, Dr. C. A. 23, and under fifteen sheriffs. He now ,tt, a former resident of Southold, The long looked for road oil for South- believes he has the honor of being the 13 years. old Town began to arrive here on Mon-' oldest deputy sheriff in point of service, r 'View, June 3, Mrs. Elsie E. day, and Tuesday morning Supt Fleet in the State. Mr. Vail is 71 years old r, aged 69 years. and his men commenced to oil our and still active. ,tituck, June 2, Albert L. Ben- roads. a veteran of the Civil War, aged its, 10 months. / q1 q School.-Library fund for the purchase of books. The SCHOOL NOTES d library-memorial building, attractive in dV-Ai 9* 0 0 DI I Tr TRAVELrR: architecture, serving the needs of all SPELLING AVERAGE � The proposal of anew school building, the people, erected in some convenient Grade 2 a public hall, a public library, and a location, sti6puld stand as an honor and, memorial for our soldiers and sailors an ornament to Southold, a witness to Natalie Best 96 meets with general approval. The only the public spirit of the people. Helen Dickerson 97 question is one of means and method. Let us divide the question as it thus Marie Ducey 96 It is to be observed that here are four naturally divides itself. I believe this Frances Cordon 99 propositions instead of one, a!] of them is the solution of the problem. Let us Helen Kart 96 good. It simplifies the matter to di- have—first, a school for school needs, Irene McKeon 96 vide the question. Public opinion seems including a hall which can be used both Annie Poliwoda 100 to shape the division into two groups. by the school and the public. Katie Stepnoski 99 I. SCHOOL—ASSEIVIRLY HEvelyn Van Wyck 99ALL. Then, as an entirely separate project, Dwight Bridge The town needs an additional school another edifice built by voluntary sub- a 95 William Cale building. The town as well as the scription. Let us have a library build- y 95 school needs an assembly room for va- mg which shall be a home for our libra- Joseph Krukowski 95 rious public usesHerbert Smith 95 1.. These two go well rY and a memorial in honor of those Stanley Smith 97 together, if the children of Southold who went forth from our community as Y soldiers and sailors in the service of 1 Clinton Terry 97 need another building for their better their country, D C. Francis Thompson 95 education it goes without saying they Albert Stepnoski 96 will get it. Anything our children need for their true welfare they can have. Tax on New School Building Grade We want therm to have it. if there is C,)rey Albertson 100 a new school building it will necessarily The assessed valuation of Ipwill y William Boergesson 97 include an assembly hall for school uses. an our school district 1919 will be Eugene Gagen 95 To make such a hall suitable for public' approximately $1,100,000. To retire Ulyss Wadsworth 97 uses also would involvo no great diff $1,000 of bonds each year up to 1927 Stanley Krukowski 100 culty or expense. would mean an additional tax of lI Henrietta Fickeissen 95 cents on each $100 assessed valuation. Sa hi Whatever such a building might cost, ' p a Smith 100 it is the general feeling that it should Interest on amount bonds ,3 47� per Doris Williams 100 be paid for b all the cent would amount to $1,3 s and Nellie Norkelum 97 I y people by same � would be reduced each year as bonds method of taxation. A series of bonds Svea,Johnson 96 are retired. Henry extending over a term of years would An additional rate of 40 cents over y McCabe 98 not involve too great a burden. Lillian Stelzer 98 the 1919 rate to support the present Erwin Terry 98 11. LIBRARY-MEMORIAL. school system would raise 04,400, using Joseph Itomanski 98 It is evident that Southold needs a $1,000 for the payment of one bond Viola Kulick suitable library building. The library and$1,350 for interest payment on the 96 has greatly increased its usefulness, $30,000 bond, and would still leave Grade 4 even with its present inadequate facil- $1,650 for additional cost of mainte- Martin Lehr 100 hies It would do much more with nance and up-keep of the new building. Doris Leicht 100 better conditions and equipment. South- An assessed valuation of $6,000, ' Bernice Simons 100 old also needs a suitable memorial to which is probably a good fair average Martha Gallagher 100 express its gratitude and appreciation throughout the district, would mean Clifford Tillinghast 104 for its young men who offered them- that one so fortunate as to possess this Flora Albertson 100 selves in the service of country and amount of property in assessed valua- Sadie Warner 9$ dr freedom, and who contributed their I t,jpn would be called on to pay $24.00 Marion Carry 9$ Il is share in saving the world for liberty. additional school tax. Clarice Prince 98 ro These two go well together. This additional tax would be raised Alice Bloomfield 98 A suitable library building, standing for the purpose of maintaining an up- Harriet Dickerson 98 also as a memorial to the patriotism to-date school building, for the educa- Frederic Prince 96 and valor of our citizens who served in tion of our children, for the education Hobert Carroll 96 the war—might and ought to be built of our citizens and a noble and useful Joseph Bond 96 as a free will offering of the people. I tribute to our soldier and sailor boys. Elsie Culp 96 have no doubt that an appeal to the My dear friends, haven't you and Daniel Smith 96 generosity and public spirit of our peo- yours spent more than this amount for ple in such a cause would meet with a a less worthy cause in one year? Grade 5 hearty and triumphant response. The Louisa Berdinka 99 pageant money,which was earned by TAXPAYER Helen Stepnoskie 99 the efforts of all the people, might be Peter Berdinka 98 the basis of such an institution. either William McKeon 98 as a part of its building fund or as a Charles Vreeland 98 Virginia Malmborg 97 Mary P.liwoda 97 Anions Cybulsky 97 EAST END LEAGUE Hag Day Exercises at School Steven Romanski 97 Won Lost P. C. The following Flag Day program WAS Mary Stelzer 9r, Southold . . . . . . 3 1 750 given at the High School last Friday Mary Strasser 96 Greenport 3 1 750 afternoon, Frederick BoergesBon 96 Mqttituck 2 2 500 1 1 Star Spangled Banner," by School Carlis Caley 95 Riverhead . . . . . 0 4 000 Reading, 11 First United States Francis Carroll 95 Flag," Helen Thompson. Grade 6 RESULTS LAST SATURDAY Marcella Bennett 95 Mattituck 4, Southold I 4,91LI, Recitation, "The Prettiest Flag of All,I' Marcella Bennett. Robert Booth 96 Greenport 3, Riverhead I Reading, 11 When and low to Fly Winifred Gagen 98 the American Flag," Marion Albert- Catherine Thompson 97 GAMES JUNE 21 son. Helen Th,)mpson 99 Southold at Riverhead Recitation, I I our Flag,"Alice Petty. Louise Monsell 98 Mattituck at Greenport -Makers of Victory," by George Grade 7 SOUTHOLD MEETS FIRST Stelzer, John Purcell, Andrew Cybul- ski' Florence Strasser,Winifred Gagen, Jennie Albertson 98 kj,.4�tq DEFEAT AT MATTITUCK Stanley Stepncllki, Catherine Thomp- Willie Carroll 95 ,I south I old's run of three straight son, Henry Dickerson. Dorothy Case 98 winswas broken at Mattituck last Salutes, by Helen Boisseaul Hazel Eunice Cox 95 Saturday, when they met defeat, los- Baumann, Edna Butler. Andrew Cybl)l,]kY 95 ing by-a 4 to I score. The game for Recitation, "The Old Flag Forever," John Gallagher 98 five innings was a pitchers' battle be- tween Downs and Garvey, but in the Arthur Gagen. t Flag,- with John Purcell 96 last inning the Mattituck sluggers got Playlette, "The Firs busy and won out by effective batting, the following cast: Charlotte Stelzer 96 Downs, Aldrich and Wotgo hitting for a Dickerson Stacie Stepnoski 95 extra bases. wolgo's all round work[ Mistress Betsy RoEI13 Rit was a feature. R. Hudson and 98 Sal- George Washington Willie Carroll, Mavis Wilkinson Robert Booth mon did good-work in the outfield. 'Obert Morris Grade 8 The summary: Solo, -Your hag and Mine," Helen Ruth Christiansen 95 Southold Boisseau, accompanied by Louise Mon- 95 AB R H 0 A E Ray Dickerson 1 (11 sell. l Theresa Fielder 99 Donahue, 2b ... ... 4 0 1 1 illaise" by Scott if .......... 4 1 0 1 0 0 Singing of The Marse Marjorie Hagerman 99 Prince, ss. ..... .. 4 1 0 3 3 O1 entire school. Mary Kelly 99 Cochran, c ..._.. 4 0 0 5 0 0 0 Gertrude Koko 100 Salmon, r f ...... 4 1 0 2 0 O� Mary Bennett 98 Grathwohl, lb .... 4 1 0 2 0 Ol Girls, Swimming Course Ullrich, 3b . .....13 0 0 3 0 0 0 1' Mrs. Clifford A. Parmenler, Recre- Glover, c f .......... 0 Increase in Assessment Turner, c f .. . 0 0. 3 0 o 1 o 1 1! ational Secretary Y. W. C. A. of Nas- The Southold Town Assessors wish to Garvey, v ....... . 20 0 0 5 _O` eau and-Suffolk Counties, will be at I . . . . . .i Southold June 23rd and 24th for the state, that acting on instructions from 27 A 1 23 11 21 purpose of giving swimming instruc- 'the State Tax Commission, they have ry Mattituckwomen who are been compelled to materially increase AB R 11 0 A H tions to all girls and the aasegementa on farm, woodland and Barker, ss. ....... 4 1 1 3 3 2 interested. shore front property. The assessment R. Hudson, I f .... 3 1 0 4 0 0 This course will consist of two les- on village property has been but slight- Wolgo. C ......... 4 1 .0 9 3 1 sons. The first will be on Monday, ly changed, as it has not increased in Aldrich, 2b ...**.. 4 2 1 0 () 0 June 23,d, 2 p. M., at the Universalist value as have the other propertiesH. Hudson, r f .... 4 2 1 0 0 0. Parish House. The second lesson will Reeve, lb 3 1 1 9 0 0 Downs, p ....... 4 2 0 0 1 1 be at Town Harbor dock on Tuesday, Twenty- be Years Atro Ruland, 3b . ...... 4 1 0 1 2 L June 24th, at 9 a. M. ortunity Wickham, c f ..... 3 0 0 1 () ()I This will be a splendid opp G. Tuthill, c f ..... 1 0 0 0 0 0 for both beginners and those who know Ir Dr. Isaac F. Russell of Brooklyn 34— 11 4 27 9 41 ow to swim, as Mrs. Parmenter wi It preached in the Presbyterian church. I The score by innings: each Several new strokes. The Doughty Theatre Co. gave twol; 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9—4 vans and two sons, w entertainments in Belmont flail. Mattituck ..1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 x Mrs- J. Ti , ho Mrs. Southold ......0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 have e., he winter with Mr. Evans Susan Conway was awakened 1 Aldrich,' at British Guiana, are now visiting about 3 a. m. by the smell I 'two Base Hits—Downs, A of smoke Salmon. Three-Base Hit,—W019` '! Mrs. Evans' father, F. Fickeissen. and found clothing, carpet and wood-' ' �cott, 2; prince, R. Stolen Bases_� work in her home on fire. By prompt Hudson, Roland. Struckout—By GR'7-' Mr. Evans is a civil engineer, working action the fire was extinguished before s. 6. Bases on Balls— for the British Government. much damage had been done vey,2; by Down The First District, Queens' Off Garvey, 2; off Downs, 2. Hit by' and Suf. 'ns (Glover). Daniel H. Horton has sold a build _d by Mrs. pitch—Garvey. Passed ng lot on Tucker's Lane to Wla B. Hall(, k at the represented Pitcher—By Downs folk Counties, wasrepr Ball—CrIl"', I i Teunis c Suffrage hear- Left on Bases—Southold,8; Mat- , I in the Assembly Ch--____ ran. !S. Bergen. ing amber ..at Al- tituck, 7. Umpire—W. Terry, bany, New Suffolk, June 17, Mrs. Eunice Z�outtiold got a run in the second p. Tuthill Horton, aged 86 years, 7 inning, and Riverhead promptly tied Are YOU for Progress? months, 18 days. it in the third. Then Southold got another in the third and again in the The question before the voters at the The death of Eunice E. Horton of fourth, but Riverhead again promptly school meeting on next Tuesday night New Suffolk takes the last of the tied the score by putting across two will be, "Shall there be a new school ' cbildren of Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Tut- in the fourth. Thatwas the way it house which is needed b the pupils of hill who honored that village with l went, Riverhead tying the score as y P P their lives many years. i fast as Southold got a lead, until—ah, the District, or eball we go on in the mates, that is the sad story; until same old way?" Twenty-Five Years Ago finally Riverhead was unable to do it t/ quite often enough, it is nota question of a hall or a It was a good game, one worthy of library building, but it is a school build- It was very dry and crops were suf- a bigger crowd than attended. The ing that will be voted for. fering. box score tells the detailed story. Whether we add additional rooms to R. S. Sturges was building a resi- The score: the present building or put up a new dence at Pine Neck for John Munch. SOUTHOLDb rh po a e building, the assembly ball must be in. A. mail catcher was erected west of Donahue, 2b ..., ... . 4 1 1 0 1 2 corporated therein; otherwise the State the railroad station. Scott, It ....• ...•-• s 1 o 0 0 t' will refuse the 1 g. Prince, 3b .... .. 6 6 0 3 0 2 pans for the building. Rev. E. H. Keenes of Bridgeport, Cochran, ss .........I... 2 z 1 0 0 r, If this proposition is turned down and a Ct. commenced his labors as pastor of salmon. p ............. 5 1 0 0 3 u p Grathworl lb ............. 5 1 0 6 0 i building is put up by the State, the the Universalist church. Unrirk, of ... t 1 0 2 o i' State department will put u a building M. C,10ver, c ... 5 1 0 16 2 2 P p P g Bishop Charles E. McDonnell made J (,lover, rf .............. 4 o 0 0 0 +1 which will cast more than the amount his first visit to St. Agnes, Cutchogue, 40 x e 27 6 to be voted for; and we will have to pay and St. Patrick's, Southold, and con- RIVERHEAD I t for it, whether we want to or not. The firmed large classes at each church. al, i h pi a i cost of bui"ding to-day will not be any J. stark, 2b The affairs of the parish were found 1n warner, ss .. 4 0 0 0 5 2 greater than it will be in ten years an excellent condition, and great credit Mitchell, if ,............. 5 1 o o o (b:,.from now, g Wells, 3b ......... .. .... 4 1 0 0 2 0 according to the best was due the rector, Rev. Father Doe[s, ib .................4 © 0 0 0 n builders in the country. Crowley. Richard, p ....... .... d 0 � a When your name is called at the The second annual commencement of Nienstedt, .... ... 4 1 , 11 Hubbard, ci . .. 4 2 0 n meeting for voting, remember that a the Southold Public School was held in W. stark, es (9th inning).. 1 0 0 u u :e a yes" means progress and the "'no Belmont Hall. The graduates were io 7 l0 27 12 is &,going backwards. M. Kittie Van IDueen, William T. Score by innings; PROGRESSIVE Southold ...... s1 1 1 T 41 . Gagen, Anna H. Terry, Lucie A. Vail, Riverhead ..... 0 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 0-7 Elisabeth A. Terry and Clara L. Earned runs—Riverhead, 2: Southold, 4. BIG TURTLES IN 1867 Prince. Two base hits—Scott, Prince, Ullrick, J.Stark. That they caught monstrous turtles Richard, W. Stark. First on balls—oft Rich- ard, 3; off salmon. 1. Struck out--by Sal- in 1867 told "bigones" about EASE' END LEAGUE r or mon, 1s; by Richard, 12. tett on bases.— them, is the gist of a story in the old- Southold, 9; Riverhead, 7. Double plays— time notes that the Sag Harbor EZ- Won Lost P. C. 1, Glover & Grathwohl wild pitches—Richard,l: re Salmon, 1. Passed balls--Nienstedt First press 1'S reprinting.nting. This particular Southold . . . . . . 4 1 800 base on errora—Riverhead, 3; Southold, 3. buster" was captured by a Riverhead Greenport 4 1 Soo I man, too. Mattituck 2 3 400 ct Seulhold Room" items Under date of Oct. 3, 18617, the Ex- Riverhead . . . . . @ 5 000 press printed this: The Whist Club has donated seven , C. Vail of Riverhead, who RESULTS LAST SATURDAY dollars to the fund for the 11 Southold has a pound set in Gardiner's Bay for ! the purpose of taking fish, has been. Southold 8, Riverhead 7 iw, Room l ." annoyed of late by a turtle about his Mr. George N. Flack and his men pound. Being so much perplexed, he Greenport 6, Mattituck 4 are at work on the room." The woad got a party of men and went to cap- work and floor are being tore him. They soon made fast,but on g put in first endeavoring to raise the monster out GAMES JUNE 28 class condition. It is hoped to have the of water found that they had go Greenport at Southold room all in order and furnished before more than they had bargained for. themiddle of July. After much exertion they raised him Riverhead at Nattituck to the surface of the water, and then Donations are still very acceptable, got him into a creek near by when Southold Beats Riverhead at Baseball, for good work cannot be done nor good they made him fast. He measures things purchased at the low figure of nine feet in length and fifteen feet ,Score 8 to 7 former years. in width, from one flipper to the Three different times on the Fair There are several hundred pieces of other (having no legs like other P turtles) and weighs upwards of a Grounds last Saturday it looked as if linen (cotton) to be marked by the thousand pounds. He has been sent Riverhead was going to win its fiirst sewing on of Tapes, on which the word on to the Agricultural Fair at Green- baseball game of the season in the, „Southold" has been woven. An port after which he will probably be league series; but Fate decreed other- y sent to Barnum's museum—he having wise, and finally, after an exciting one who would like to help in this work been offered to Mr. Barnum. struggle, during which good, bad and may get the pieces, the tapes, and indifferent baseball was played l simple instructions as to their placing George Harper, our "high-hook" Southold got away with the long end1 of an 8 to 7 score. land manner of sewing on, by calling at rod and line fisherman, made a great Mrs. Sanford's Tea Room. catch last Thursday. The record for that day is 21 sea bass, 4 porgies and 1 kingfish. } Boston. The selection was an old and Southold, Jane 25, at the residents COmmencemenl Exerdse5 Familiar one, The Pied Piper of Haroe-�of the bride's parents, by Rev. I. t This year marked a radical departure lin' but it enforced anew the truth;Thomas Stafford, Witham Albertson from the usual conventional program that we do well to observe, viz., the Wells and Miss Elinor Howell, daughter for Commencement Exercises. Wheth- sacredness of our promises, the viola- i f Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Terry. er the custom shall continue or not, it tion of which may cost us our dearest was most fitting that this year even treasures, even the lives of our ebtl- Twenty_Five Years Ago the schools in their celebrations should dren, We could not but be reminded 'f`f �yy f ooQo j indicate or reflect something of what of the "scrap of paper" and what it The ear'1y potato crop was very short Id has been achieved in the world's his. had recently cost the nations. Thus on account of the drought. tory. The usual exercises were very the poem even was in the spirit of the Southold Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F., elected interesting, but they occupied only a Masque. the following officers: N. G. Geo. A. w' minor part of the program, and con Maier; V. G., Henry Bauer; Sec., L. n- Mr, and Mrs. Thomas A. Watson W. Korn; Tress., J. E. Davis. listed of the following. of Boston, s ant the forepart of the to Invocation, Rev. I. T. Stafford; vio- p Wright's Entertainers gave an enter• lin solo, Lucy Kanold; Salutatory, week with their daughter. Miss tainment in Belmont Hall. a Lucy Kanold; Valedictory, Raymond Fsther Watson, Dhysical instructor The following teachers were engaged 1e Donahue; presentation of diplomas, in the Southold school. Mr. Watson for the Southold Public School; Princi- g Prin. A. W. Symonds. attended the Browning Club's meet_ pal, S. S. Shaw; Intermediate, Miss it Then followed a spectacular Masque, ing at. Mrs. J. N, Halluck's on Mon- Primary, MissAnna B, Havens Margar t M. Deale of y in which the graduates and pupils from day afternoon, and read one. of Greenport. e the grades took part. The aim was to Brownin s y show the dawn, progress, and triumph Green po is poems.l terar A ciirC number The 72d semi-annual statement of the s of Democrat over Sovereignty. Con- I y Southold Savings Bank showed total t y g y present. Atone timcl Mr. Watson assets at par value to be $1,849,383.67, sidering the age and inexperience of vas associated in business with p P , $208,868.87. the actors, it seemed as if this were and lar los at Par value the best thing of the kind ever done in Alexander Graham Bell, the inven- i Southo'.d. The setting and costumes for of the telephone. In fact Mr. EAST END LEAGUE were very attractive and appropriate. Watson made the first instrument Won Lost P. C. What an amount of work those four that successfully transmitted the Greenport , . . 6 1 833 brief scenes represented in just this human voice, and was the first per_ Southold ttit4 2 667 one respect, and how much it con- son to hear a message over it, Mauck 3 3 1500 i tributed towards their success 1 The ; Riverhead 0 6 000 principal actors, Ruth Vail, Lucy The new rate of postage will go into Kanold and Raymond Donahue, looked effect next Tuesday, July 1. The rate RESULTS LAST SATURDAY and acted their parts splendidly; all will go back to what it was before the Greenport 6, Southold 2 the scenes were finely done, whether 1war—two cents for letters and one courtiers were dancing, peasants work- cent for postals and local fetters, ex- Mattituck 4, Riverhead 0 ing, or Red Cross nurses vrere giving�cept those on R. F. D. route, which GAMES JULY 4 relief on battlefields. will be two cents. The Masque was short, but effee- Misses Mar Southold at Greenport tive—a very clever piece of symbolism, T and Ethel M. Austin lOflMattituck cSoutom old Mattituck at Riverhead that by means of tableaux, the spoken pleted the Shorthand Course at South. GAMES JULY 6 words, and good music, brought to the old Academy on June 27th. audience one of the great truths of Riverhead at Southold Mr. and Greenport at Mattituck history, ' The management deserves Mrs. Frank A. I31y and special mention and commendation. Miss Mary H. Huntting of Henderson- Miss Mary Kenney, who hes been Production, Miss Marion Terry; Busi- villa, N. C., are at Southold for the teaching at Monndsvilte, West Va., the nese A. W. Symonds; Costumes Miss summer y peat year, is home, as is also her aunt, Mildred Kenney;Miss Vera Mer Esther Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Hahn have with herss tniece.ney-, who spent Mia Kenney, who has Watson; Music, Miss Vera Terry, ]dies Mary Conklin. moved to Town Harbor and will run an A. B. and an A. M. from Syracuse the Park House this summer.The Class of 1919 may have been University, is at Columbia, where small in numbers, but they gave aIterto Hstate George C. Terry,1$b00, let- she will take a summer course in unique and enjoyable program, and Southold.Rensselaer G. Terry, son, history. judging from the sincere praise given them by Principal Symonds , they will George W Rose to Arthur R Rose, Frederick M. Bridge, left on Monday uphold the honor of our High School, i for Ethan Allen Military Training parcel 148x472 feet, s s Main highway,' Camp, North Hero Island, Vermont, as well as any of the larger classes atij land of George H Wells, Peconic,, for the summer months. He joined previously graduated. nom one hundred and forty other boys at One of the interesting features in Arthur R Rose &w to George W�the Grand Central, bound for this troduced at the last moment was a Rose, parcel s s Main highway, adi camp. reading by Mr. Thomas A. Watson, of, land] of George H Wells,Peconic, nom Q / C� f and partly on the present site, an addi- SCHOOL NOTES �_;1Speclal School Meellog tional school building, and to equip said There were 1.67 votes cast at the building? * • • Special School Meeting, held at Be]- 3. Shall the Board of Education of The following pupils of Southold Union Free School District No. 5 of High School obtained an average of 85 ' mont Hall Tuesday evening, to vote on the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, per cent or more during the fourth the four propositions to bond the School New York, be authorized, empowered quarter: District for $30.000 to build and equip a and directed to expend the sum of GRADE 1 new school building and purchase the '$30,000, or so much thereof as may be Marie Dogherty 95 one-half acre on the north of the necessary, for the purpose of acquiring Julia Cybulski 92 ' present school property for a Rita. the addition to the present site de- Evelyn Malmborg 91 There were 74 votes cast for the propo- scribed in question "1" and the erec- Jennie Romanski 91 sition and 93 against. The propositions tion and equipment of the additional Esther Booth 90 were defeated by 19 votes. school building referred to in question Richard Butler 90 J. N. Hal]oe' President of the Board "2" Stefna Poliwoda 90 of Education, presided, and F. K. 4. Shall the sum of $30,000 be Robert Gagen 89 Terry of the Board recorded and kept raised by the levy of a tax by instal- Helen Poliwoda 89 the poll list. Fred W. Bridge and John ments, said tax to be sufficient for the Alfred Wells 88 H. Lehr acted as tellers. Pursuant to payment of the bonds hereinafter de- Eileen Mahoney 87 law, the meeting was organized at the scribed and the interest thereon when Helen Romanski 87 school building, and an adjournment said bonds and interest shall be paya- I Marguerite Gallagher 86 immediately taken to Belmont Hall, ble; and shall bonds in the sum of$30,- Horace Symonds 85 No speeches were made at the Hall. 000 be issued and be payable as fol- GRADE 2 The voters had evidently made up their lows: Six of said bonds to be in de Corey Albertson 90 minds how they would vote. nominations of$1,000 each, the first of William Boergesson 92 The propositions which were voted on which bonds shall be due and payable Henrietta Fickeissen 87 and defeated were: on January 1, 1921, and one of said Eugene Gagen 85 1, Shall the district designate as an bonds thereafter in each and every Svea Johnson 90 addition to the present site, for the year to and including the fiat day of Stanley Koukowski 90 purpose of the erection of a new school January, 1926; sixteen of said bonds) Ulyss Wadsworth 91 building, and shall the district acquire to be in denominations of $1500 each, Doris Williams 96 by condemnation or otherwise, that the first of which shall be due and pay- Dwight Bridge 92 certain piece of real property which is able on the first day of January, 1927, Helen Dickerson 93 described Py metes and bounds as fol- and one of said bonds thereafter in Alice Downs 90 lows: each and every year until the said Marie Ducey 90 All that certain piece or parcel of bonds shall have been fully paid`! Frances Gordon 92 land situate, lying and being on the Irene McKeon 87 westerly side of Oak Lawn Avenue, in A Welcome, Improvement Annie Poliwods 86 the village and town of Southold, Right in thibeart of the village is to Stanley Smith 81 County of Suffolk and State of New be-hn improvement for which Southold Katie Stepnoski 88 York, adjoining the present school site iv- "tbanks. L. N. Sanford has Clinton Terry s g 91 on the rjsrth, and more particularlyl son 90 Frances Thom purchased the Eustace preperty, and P bounded and described as follows: the handsome, commodious home is to Evelyn Van Wyck 94 Bounded on the east, a distance of be used as an up-to-date, first-class GRADE 3 100 feet, by Odk Lawn Avenue; boarding house, under the efficient man- Corey Albertson 90 bounded on the south, a distance of.223 agement of Mrs. Sanford. Lack of William Boergesson 92 feet, by Union Free School District boarding houses has long been one of Henrietta .Fickeissen 87 No. 5; bounded on the west, a distance; the serious drawbacks to Southold Svea Johnson 90 of 100.3 feet, by land of Moses C. We have them, but not nearly enough Stanley Krukowski 90 Cleveland Estate, and bounded on the to meet the demand. The opening of Ulyss Wadsworth 91 north, a distance of 214.75 feet, by this attractive place to guests by so Lillian Stelzer 86 land of William H. Terry and Moses C. capable a manager as Mrs. Sanford has Erwin Terry 86 Cleveland Estate, containing 0.500 of proved herself to be, in connection with Doris Williams 96 an acre, as surveyed by Franklin F. Shady Lawn Tea Room, is a cause for Overton, M. E., Surveyor, may 27, genuine rejoicing among the people of GRADE 4 1919 Flora Albertson 94 Southold who have felt the need of just 2. Shall the Board of Education of this place for visiting friends. Alice Bloomfield 89 Union Free School District No.5 of the Joseph Bond 91 Town of Southold, Suffolk County, L. N. Sanford, who has purchased Frederic Bridge 87 New York, be authorized, empowered the Eustace place, will take possession Marion Carey 87 and directed to erect upon the addition Aug. 20th. Postmaster Cochran and James Cogan 87 to the present site described in ques family will move from the Eustace place Harriet Dickerson 89 tion "1," or partly on said addition to the Lewis cottage, vacated by Mr. Martha Gallagher a 92 Sanford. Martin Lehr 85 Southold Savings Bank The election of officers in the W. C. Clarice Prince 93 T. U. resulted as follows: Pres.; Mrs, Bernice Simons 91 The 122d semi-annual statement of the'Julia L. Conklin; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. Daniel Smith 86 Southold Savings Bank, issued July 1, L. G. Booth; 2d Vice Pres., Mrs. Flor- Clifford Tillinghast 87 1919, shows its condition on that date. ence Merwin; 3d Vice Pres.,Miss Sarah The total assets are$6,683,591.54. The Case; Treas., Mrs. Agnes Cochran; Anna Vojik 85 liabilities are $5,717,651.17. The total Walter Zoweski 92 Sec., Mrs. L. G. Booth. Joseph Romanski g5 assets at market value are $6,679,-. p 207.19, and at investment value, P. B. Bennett, who has been su- GRADE 5 $6,721,158.33. The surplus at par perintendent on Sinclair Smith's William McKeon 91 value is $965,940.37; at market value, place for some time, has moved his Louise Berdinka 88 $961,556.02, and At investment value, family to Jamaica. Mary Stelzer 87 $1,003,507.16. Mary Poliwoda 86 With assets between six and seven George Richmond's bungalows at Mary Strasser $6 millions, and a surplus at investment the Sound are all taken. Partids Francis Carroll 85 value of over one million, the Southold are already anxious to secure one or Antons Cybulski 85 Savings Bank most certainly stands on more of them for next season. GRADE 6 a firm foundation. The confidence re- Robert Booth 89 posed in this institution is fully justi- The Bank of Southold has ordered a Helen Thompson 89 fied. What better or safer investment large safe from the Safe Cabinet Co. Louise Monsell 87 can you have than a deposit in this This will allow an increase in the safe GRADE 7 bank? It is one of the institutions of deposit boxes, for which there is a Willie Carroll 86 which Southold has good reason to be creat demand. John Purcell 91 proud. The careful and conservative Clifford H. Prince and family have management all during its history moved to Patchogue. u, GRADE 8 shows in the splendid report to-day. - Theresa Fielder 94 Deposits made on or before July 12th Charles S Wells &ors to Franklin' 'ly Mary Bennett 93 will draw interest from July 1st. On F Overton, lot 37x84 feet, adj land `v< Marjorie Hagerman 91 all sums up to $500 the Interest is 4J, of the parties p the first part and s party of second part,.Peconic, nam is , Katherine Cogan 85 per cent, and on sums from $501 to - __ . Gertrude Koke 86 $3,000 the rate is 4 per cent. Daniel H. Horton H to Myra t, Newbold, lot 3, map of Hunttinghurst,;i t HIGH SCHOOL GENERAL POST OFFICE Southold, n0111' end Thomas Hall 88NOTICEC Southold, ,Tune 25, by Rev. Wm. H. �! � � p Eugcne Lehr 88 Postmaster Rackett has received)Ivory Woodscn.Lloyd, Edward Albert Green and Miss t . bene Wells 87 from the Third Assistant Postmas- i. ter General instructions as fol- New Principal of School n Perfect Attendance for 4th Quarter lows Elmer Butler, Anna Noater, Antone 1. The sale of two cent postal At a meeting of the Board of Educa- e Smith, Paul Baker, Joseph Butler, cards and three cent stamped en- tion Tuesday evening, Edward L. She]- to 1 Joseph Krukowski ' Edwin Malmborg, velopes will be discontinued at the O don of Fort Ann, N. Y., was engaged n� close of business on June 30th. I Herbert Smith, Francis Thompson, 2 Postmasters shall redeem as Principal of the Southold High G Evelyn Van Wyck, Doris Williams, two cent postal cards and three School for the coming year. Mr. Shel- p Helen Bond, Raymond Donahue, don was graduated from Yale Uni cent stamped envelopes from orig- Frances Leicht, Russell Tuthill, Ray inal purchasers. versity in 1916 with the highest Dickerson, Frank Sanford, Marie 3. Postmasters shall furnish in { honors. He is a member of the Yale Gagen, Mary Kelly, Max Newbold, exchange for such postal cart)- Phi Beta Kappa Chapter, and member- Joseph Butler, Robert Carroll, Thomas li and envelopes, postage stamps, ship in that fraternity is won only by Conway, William Conway, Harriet postal cards, or stamped envelopes high scholarship. He has had two Dickerson, Lillian Stelzer, Anna Vojik, of other denominations to be selec- years'successful experience in ted by the owner. teaching; Clarice Prince, Florence Warner, Elsie � 4 No postal cards or~ envelopes first as instructor in the Freehold, N. Culp. shall be redeemed in cash. J., Military Academy, and second as Perfect Attendance for Year I 5. Two cent postal cards and Principal of the Berlin, N. Y. High Mary Kelly, Max. Newbold, William '3 cent envelopes must be present- School. On June 1st he was discharged Conway. ed for exchange at full value with- from the Army, after a pear of ser-, in•one month from July 1st. Af_ vice at Camp Mead, Md, He has Miss Marguerite Howell graduated ter that, postage value only will be splendid testimonials as to his worth as from the New Paltz Normal School allowed for envelopes, and three a man,a student, and a teacher. 'Three last week. She has a very fine posi- fourths value only for postal of his sisters are graduates of 'Smith tion in the New Rochelle, N. Y., cards. College, and he has a brother who is a G. Postmasters shall not re- graduate of Amherst and is Supervisor schools next year. deem 3 cent adhesive postage ,l,�m�4 of his town. His aunt is a professor in 'Those who work on the highways r 1 These stamps will eon- Chicago University. Mr. Sheldon is at had their wages increased on July 1 t.inLie to be good for use on mail of present taking a summer course at by action of the Town Board. La- all classes requiring stamps to the 'borers are to receive 30 cents an hour amount of three cents or more. Columbia. V and foremen 34 cents an hour. Aso ,ttrl0n tlarsle•a wv s lase t'aric tI tt+fru' British super-dirigible R•34, / r �+{� p®' Q GOO gp twenty.Five " atlrlttrlclrld, i.ta.t I,at.I• hitrt_...a7uwTa:3 null The Br1L9G' 1k1e �7 40t1kGf y , I. rnrtrrr. li;uiv hire, I.arr 1�uinion 10; that made the tri from England EAST LEAGUE ,OFFERS TO .LUNATE LAND „ p , 1 t� # rat" *I111t hr•�1, wtrnt k t,ttt b� telrnun,i VVan Lost F. Q. tt Pa ns and IiiEra» Aztrtle 1u, Ali holl,1tt.11. 0, 1(ar o t c1) unit, oft" to Mineola, was distinctly .seen by TO uOUTHOLD FOR PARI{� Any one who has used a firelessc .y i aannie M. °� :•ta.lrn+lrt, w."; nrr :tlitt'liell, 3. 'r1tr1 aa1 ; ' Christian ftp» many of our people about 8 o clack Greenport. , . . . 7 2 778 'ro say the least, Southold is ondllerknows with what interest the an r airattended the G' )taanit•, .: ttr,ul I.niltirt 11. 11rty. �s Ohio. - - i, Sunda morning as it passed to the Mattituck 6 3 667 of the luckiest villages in the county.I,'notancera( was read in weep s; Convention at Morgland, I , " i1t()'rESTS [;<1'lM 1. . . . A few days a TRnvELrx that there would I- �� �' :.Southold 6 4 556 be a dein- . ,1ahn S. Morgan w siakl 4C)l1"IIiCPLIt ;. south of us. ft sailed over Bay View, Y go Dr. Haven Emerson,a oath ' l�I•aNI'()ltT OIC l'(aUSt"TH i then veered to the north, and came Riverhead . , . 0 9 000 a well known Manhattan physician 1, f i Ro of A {,lt I and summer resident of that village,I onstration in Southold in the making of :} andsrecl to ttte nrsw so near this village that an excel- d even same sna abets RESULTS JULY 12 invited a number of fire iepresenta-I fireless cookers. Owing to the taro, 1 rolls t "l`lirr Southold Baseball tep ertt(xretl lent view an tive citizens of the village to a eon the demonstrating agent, Miss Brandt, l o f toe Univ list ahut�ch, rev.n protest in thel�ame with Creenpart' Mattituck 5 Southold 4 postponed # e of Mr*` he latter's baliyard on Jul 11i*ourth were hod of the mammoth airship as , Terence and agreeably surprised thein g u at 2 p, , It flee Irl t oat sued the meeting until the eom- k Panic, 1. ' usc} Heatley, fire rcputs pitcher 41 Greenport 7, Riverhead 5 by announcing that be irks to; g y ted in the «Sit l ply Coerttm, )eco It imajestically sailed an to its goal. a In Wednesda , July , t of Colurnlala Calla e, a professlignail _ present a very desirable parcel of land" Every housekeeper interested l )1u ed xi#flat Rel( for Qreenport, B. R Macomber hoe sold out his GAMES JULY 19 that he owned on the share'of the b y' cook- p n(1 Id because of the urrtpire's d1A•(' to the village for a memorial park for i serving of o good meal, Properly i i AS's END LEAGUE GU » it move and tin business to Wm. H. Raf- Mattituck at Southold the men from Southold who were iza ed, with a minimum of labor and ex i c'irliara in the seventh inn)tlw allowing,` ford of Mattituck who has taken pos- Greenport at Riverhead I the service. I resent at this meet- . . Won Lost k'1, C. Howland of Greenport to advance , The property. it, located at South i Pense, should.be p art fi ISO from seegald to tbii'cl oft play tvheti passion, Mr. Macomber has been an harbor and is valued at about $4,000,1, ing. d ran into the hall an fuir1, business here for a long tame, and we ',t'unoly lnttltig in the fifth and srath li: lifts :1 frontage of ,320 :feet on the Think what it mesas to tired, hungry osed 4 old . . . . 5 8 025 Cassidy t stsirl was * tt after 1)untirlg. C y hall art with him with regret. rttrrilit, of last Saturday's hall game bay alicl about 520 feet on the South i people to return at evening to a el i, tau d reanl t)rt won the gaunt.' s p aft Malttituck inade the local team the ttii'ak 2 625a(,alle+l out, C l) harbor road. The appreciation c,f ' 0 8 00(}' 7 to 4. F. Van Wyck has rented leis i hoose, and in Eros minutes a have e . b * lI a rlcor( of Henryy victors, and}ar cltight tl7enl into second the residents of fire village was 0 . � r steaming hot supper ar dinner on the , Tata 1,ai . r<ttr'+: taco to A. Kendrick of N. 7C. City for ph in the I,oaLgue. The score was �pressed to Dr, Emerson. :for his ver, i 'r en rt r. Mr. Van Wyck will move 5 to 4. A ba:.e III balls, a sacrifice I generous offer and a soon as the le-� table I The fireless cooker xrrade this' i R, SU'L'><S JULY � f, a l� the summa and a hit by Turner gave Southold a gal formalities are complied with t•lie' possible. All diY the fife All It r 1 it A 1°I to has farm at Laurel, p magic act p rt Southold I .: t it n u; rain in tho second• With two luau on prapexty will be accepted. It has bceoi': .'u111or,%Lf, i a it c 1,, 1 bases in the fourth, Wolgo's throw to prop ested that a memoxiai'arcli suet a lI less cooker carried on the tiaork begun r Mattituck , Riverhead f} tart rh, :; C+ tt 11 n t t1 Mrs. Moffat and daughters of ]Brook- first an 'turner's bunt hit Turner in on the stove, conserved the heat, and rrrtt;kle, it1 tablet containing' the names, of 1110; sMart<Iv r.r, ,..,...,, 1 1 1 I, it o G lyn have taken possession of Geo. W. the blink and two more runs carne in. men in the service be erected. South_i cooked the articles of food slowly and 15[Jl,l"S JULY fi (1 11 - 0 leenY, 311, .,,.,.. , 1 o i (r I !1 Smith'a pleasant house an Willow Hill Mattitu(1e bac.:one irritated at this old already ha: 'two public park,>, Tui, thoroughly, without waste in flavor or 1 t Southold fi, Riverhead 7 s.ciltatr, P. * 0 3-run, lead, ai1c1 Slats eve started a I waattrtt,M 0: r• 4 I nevertheless the village people f rel - I far the summer. . substance, and,the result is a meal I rI i1 r +1, rally in the next inning with a ono, a deep ,sense of gratitude to �)r. l_,tra ions and nourishing so far as eaok• , Mattituck 10, Greenport 1 (,atwi+taly c. ;; ;I 1 I D a i 1 11iitrt>s, .tis •,••• H. I7, Ralphs and Tamil of Yonkers beer cli ive to center. Dawns was safe arson for his offer delicious y ` on Prince's; error. Goldsmith, helped, GIA 1iES JULY 12 ;tt ti *; to - N. Y., are at their bungalow on Jockey his own ea:tuse liy (loulilinRw to left, and, Dr. Emerson was the Commis„ianr +, ing can make it so. Southold at Mattituck Greek. 1?ulnnl stmt a col°kine hit to the stone of Health o£ Greater New Yoik x111=- Whatever else you miss, dont ffitiss f +i Southold l u1 the administration of Nlayoz° J(IIi' a talk that tells how to make and use[ l st Riverhead at Greenport g place. Three runs. Singles by Walgo P. Mltcliel a fireless cooker, The tally 1s purely m e 1 n u' Miss Virginia $erresford of N. Y. and ROove and a two-bagger by _.:_._._,.. ai oct, I.r. ,, !1 1t !I t r ,' tj` City is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Sarah C. r ---._-_- .._ - - l1a(vnw in the sixth matte the score ,.1 for the benefit of housekeepers, under srilitrc, tis. ,..,,,,.. 11 t :I ,• Hirsch. It-34 SAFELY ROME - S10113'l�itt)l.11 iii l'F i" kt < ret a. R'urner, sly. ....,.. 1+ i - ? to 23. In the last frame, with two the auspices of the Home Bureau. " it it it `Salmon inade his third hit ri£ eatrt< lalrtlutt. ir.rl.irtl I ••• Ir it " ' nklin w to 1t'raillc 17 tl(itvn, it 11 `l ItItI?Ali a„lac hrltrrl. as; ,.• t r lierlreit li C,c) I, the game, a triple to right, which �"f r Mies]Brandt will speak also on can- 1, RIVE HEA xA ,, .. •I rr 1 i ~; >, n Danced on Her `•Brill e" While (ut' It,>t,111.1011, cb.: ... it 111 Petextnal, 12 sere.. w s 4autchvgue 7Je- i scarf+(I Prince from sacand. Cochran's g -- Tho Riverhead team lost the ;ga i'1lrtrttiwt,lrl, 111. ....., it la i i. Me' t,1Qg_____ ---- l with Southold Saturdayarft€arnusaat , t 1 1 0 i+ a of road adj land of the heirs of Isaac best effort was a fly to R, Hudson, Passing Over Ireland The Board of Education Inas engaged' i r d rt, hi , n rN' i�:iover,r, 1*. ,..,. 4 ! 0 •1 It I Aldrich,t',utchogue, 1101111 � ending the game. Henry A. Goldsmith to fi a recitation a� through 1t wild throw which Ii lt�t l ,1. 3 ' two rttn :, tilt= €ir(Irit Mein t3 tt;i 7 in•t,<Illswrr, e.r, & r•.r .. rr ..4+ 4 rt tl 0 u s v William H. MA'rrrrcIClc The immense British dirigible R-fid •. g g Southold, July 9, by Ile + which made Long Island her hong room in the second story of the north I fuvor of the "Fir.,t Settlers". This :1; 4 111 „:I I1 Il! William Rescue Jepson of 1( „a`s 'i, 111 zo a .e while on this side of the Atlantic porch of the High School. Mr. Gold ' r rt tr+rr c, a I +tr i+ c� t(r t•t Itails0t(~ �lrr c!rt11+i't ": So11ti1old Lloyd, w t;4r a U. Ii,nkcl, .,3 1 1 a o o after a non-stop fir ht fr' co la i build a covered porch bl tat fo t t, sna.id nt o t 1 a d Ili til , i t �. Minneapolis, Minn., Aledaeal p , , TWO yus" 111ts, u•• iffott, covitritrt, :+ou- 1ltidrlan, It 4 p i;" Qm S t r , Bmlth will ala0 pp tight}I itittinl,, At tht. t,ticf of the )rauylt+ jtts,�-•-r'ooltron„ and Miss Glsdys Lee, daughter 71. Iaudeotr, rr 4 u 1 t n, o 'returned safelyto British soil,land- Y VWlrtntl, i I t 1'C t'I,ltalt, `� ' Wiles of Wnikt,, c ................. 4 1 1 12 2 1 ' on the south and will make other re- I1 sevonth ohtilder the ha.ore was 7 tO,4 :lirial amts orultlovoltl. irtt.. , 1 1n Sunda rnornir after letizal; , n tlt'tra le t`ntk h}•r;t,letn, of Mr. and Mra, 1<rviug IZ- I Aldrich, 311 ................ 4 (/ n i 3 " $ P r lit favor CIl tilt, d,otiaity stat 31rry:, 1c1: :rer e nratrcr , r,, �„,r,l. + gnic. Itrrw�, 111 4 2 2 a 1 the rip ane in a little over tlia°oe pairs about the building. On August i r:, by (.10eltrriti,, 1; by .tislmn, t. i let a rep g a Southold 1'It'1; lilt 11­-I1r•ent G, !. 731tks, tort Itdtl:<, �� Jt11Y J, 1latrlck Nle- = I)tlwrls rt 3 1 I 2 1•-n days, T8®entatlVe of the lieatiri a1' t"tivrr, a; r.rt'S' t'tu,ltrcrn. I; trii ri. �'+tItC11A17; r tiuldsmrtir. it ..••..., It is said that while the ship wise an will come here to give the ru lanrl, 311 ................ 3 0 1 0 2 0 comp yAla IC 1a tg1'•,r,tttrl. : r'Irrrl ,`tr a. tnu* h+t11r nul > . _..__,__.__ .__Ii(,,i1, w. . ., .t Ia- 1 ti'y, 4xt a t"eat tli'r.,:,lt, it.rr\. ht)ney, fath@C t�f 1etEr J. 1Vlahoney . 34 G $ 27 1(! $ he11arthe�airlen in her �1r°� heater and toilets a thorough aver •' I'rltts, I it I % a' t1 utI _ I gt t cJpy, danced on her frail bride to music ba .1 ---' -- l` a `a,Irrtt,, ::t, i I 1 ,�l o� IA��C� ;of'�1()utha'ld, sat?*,cxoz.n l' south alb r h Ito at furnished by a^phonograpgh on boaard„ t+srrattll, it t it aI I 1 •+� j hew, Thomas Farley,John Denney marl 1 I1 tt it r afflcers of ga�katlaoId Lodge, 1, O. �)lll� "I' VE Ali lt" tags wott, Ir ........ ....... r, (r 0 1. VIlr,r:la, 5n,r, :,,... a ;: , 1 1 The venin Ali rtn.c, � ......:::....... r, 1 1 a x 2 SWORDFISHING AT;MONTAUK Joseph H. Marshall, l�. I9., are the i Raeriattln¢!, .;b. .,,,,.. i 1 1 12 1 >< O„ were installed Monday evening >" `�' , ` Salmon, n . r a ,1 0 4 0 I ',, r/`�' `` ti(;orhrazt, e ..'.... 3 2 0 8 n o' Swordfishing• at Montauk bas committee representillsr a company It ,4 t.f, t 1 2 4 4 o t Past Dist Deputy Charles „ ad. ilttt^twr.•, .,....., 11 11 1 a 1 :;+ by Rev, T' H. Wilkinson of Pittsburg, h C,+Itlericb, 2b . 1 o a 2 0 ,t ti, I t.1 a allatian, remarks church, orathwohl, Ib ..... ....... .t r o o proved to be most profitable this year, of men who are expecting to estab- aT. i I i (1 �} 0 11 Carey. After the int pa,, preached m the M. E a r;, *warner. t r .............. 4 1 says the Star. Never in the history . •°; a r 1 1 tr' ode b 1#llr, Carey and the 2 0 0 1 1 0 l'!sh a Trust Company in Southald,;t i I,tatla,tme. ::%s, tv a r, ., 1 1 r ( r1 were m y 'William 11, Clark was appointed ttichtnt cat, 3y of the fishing rndustryi at Montauk x', - `4' .I. Glover, ;r x ti obis Grand and Vice Grand, and re- 3 o 0 0 0 n r II N statiaQ agent at Sbinnecock Hills. 'Nnavidn ................ 1 n n o 0 0'have so'many of these deep sea fish with a capital of $1f10,040. e ` eshments were served. t+ _.._. _ been caught, says one of the oldest has peen under way fon fr Protection ]Engine Co.Cq. nominated A. 't4 4�0 24-s 2 fishermen, Last week F. W, Parsons proposition, 1 ltiv`erhtlltd officers are: N. Gia,, Rev. Abram The . It;Vail for Ciiief Engineer of the Fire w ri3attetl 1r,r J.'°:hover 1n ninth innin>x. �s shipped to New York and local meat several weeks and it said that alb; ` Malttituek ,.,... n 0 Ir n a 2^•..ii 4 0 kala over three :tons of swordfish in the capital slot k has been subsedbe� ntll 11 11 c1 A I^; ,, k �t3lrlr. 21i. °, 1 1 ,i It ,,k C,onkiin;V, G, Sereno H. Smith'P. en Department, in place of William A. c t;outbotd ....... 0 1 0 2 o n o a 1_g I't1,1t111irrl, t•.C« •,...,,., u u I I rI aa; 1. panning; Wax., Tunis S. Bergen; one week. These fish trays averaged ----------- f ,,• J. Prince, deceased, d k two-base nits--Goldsmith, bnwhaa, C' Tar- about 20 pounds each and the steaks Miss Mary Shields is bookkeeper,, l,Iris r, • str111 r.r, ., 1 1 4 1 1 Willard H. Howell; Chaplaill, 1t. t6"a 11r®, Mai, .,,...,,,. •1 I I a 9 1 {"ir1n.> W , Mr, Hannah W. Horton died, age net. Three-base hik-Salmon. Sacrifice hit- '' i j - , •, C. G. Carey; L. ldaaerlth- siolen ue��H-Prince, C, lutists; Ri ound. f Thereaor tpractically no ve wt te. for Wm. H.:Rafford, plumber arlt i rlt•,Ita(, It, v I - :t tr I G. Tarr R. S. N. G, IttClrltll,- t,. ...,,,.. ' Terry; 92' ears. 6 Iiullson, Wtd1;o. ft anti runs S p k; p 1 t 11: . Walla,I2. S« V. G., E", y tinsmith. �. W -_---�""�" �: Mattituck, 4,« Lett on leases-Southold. S;' _._�_._.�. ^._.- 4 it I it it wt; S. N. G., ................m.,.....�...._.-......._. , 2. Bedell* _ Mattituck, C., Struck out---bv Salmon,Goldsmith,7; by 1ia.,ttr•,1=, Lf, ,......-4 1t it L ar 1 , S, V. G,, W. S. ' the Sperr airplanes is sty- :.,. (.;,rldsrnith; 1i. Bases on belle-oi4_Goldsmith, Mra,.Florenee Booth of Hartford,Ct„ Miss :Madeline Cat•roll is bogie It1 rc•r r,r. ........ I it 0 0 11 I" ' • 'terry, L, F. ,. C}ne Of liam�tan and is k@Pt' 9 3, 1!'it by pitcher-_-.ba tloldsmithT2 is Visiting�Olithold frieside. r, , I+arntt••lIV, r.. ItIld r.r. , s 1 x it 0; R. S. B., S. W. Horton,L. S• ti4aaed in Sent keeper for Win.T. Gagen. assengers ....._� -� Mise Eleanor Thor of Rrnnklvn lass 't at v 1t+ j w Wells;1. C'a., L. W. Korn;O, G. F. T» nstantlybusy tak ng up passengers . at$1 a minute, _ ---,� - �,1 any more and we wish the would Bo EAST END LtA,dul+ lip sounds , ca n to « anti Mrs. ; down in the garden and eat just plain 12AILItUAll BREAKS RECORD �a�®ars ����� �� spy Won Lost A son was 1) x � `' It is proposed to organize a Farmers 8 2 800" nrtweil tori Tuesday, July Ifi•I We have beard of people who worms and keep stili. There's no use , reen ort . Irhnel iia` couldn't sleep when they canes fio the try#ng to sleep. The night noises axe dearly ,,000,000 Soldiers Alafie Car- Trust Company, with headquarters at Southold . . 6 4 600 nci to Iit.tt because of rusticator. He'll en- Long Island Southold. The amount of capital Ma Wilriniiuci' &anu, too much for one ru i rico on Mattituck 6 4 600'1 Britt+x, clue:-fourth of lin acre the silencer Nobody will be Haus af- say the days to the utmost and aeon stock is $100,D00, divided into 1,000 Riverhead . . . . . 0 10 0001 luiicl c f Speaking of the great number of Town klarhor lane itdl 11111 flitted in Southold.« Iia may be obliged he'll go back to the tall timbers of in icy, Saautholcl, stat � alae because and have a good might's "rassani;ex's carried on the L I R R,-- shares of the par value of $100 each. RESULTS JULY 26 g �1"uxnv r, •«A to return to the city for p New York a g g i nun'iber that almost anyone can The ineorporatora are Thomas Farley, i" as 1, Case to Mary ii►nd of� p John Kenney, Dr. J. W. Stokes, Ed l#ecaliic lane, iid3 ix, of the sudden, loud, and worse than sleep, If it weren't for the night re 1dilyPicsidont l{Ralph x Peters Visas $onthold 4, Riverhead 1 s not all, intermittent noises along' the noises he might love Southold too well ward D. Cahoon, Alfred H. C Millin thsrr Ii Sayre, l"scums., �., quoted as follows to an interesting Greenport 6,_.Mattituck 0 Sys" streets. If the sounds occurred in and want to stay here forever. Istat it: Dr J. ii« Marshall, Thomas J. Philips w8nty.Five Year Ago New York that are allowed migbtly In _ • r " paid Mx. Peters, "this iliz- and Lewis W. Korn of Southold, Geo. GAMES AUGUST 2 Y would be soma very xtoaim SLEEPER __ itianubcklinlie war and since s,"this Terry ofPeconic,Dr. F. D. Peterson Mattituek at Southold f� r 3. „ Southold, there , he prompt streets« Just as home-abiding ortune o �[lt railrcrciclas anaved between 4,0 of Catchague, John L. Kehler, Edwin Riverhead at Greenport F„ to sold for 50 cents per bushel. p p � - 'leo Royal Entertainers appeared at their first sound p incl 6,00(),000 soldiers to and from the Rav^— -, y people ars enjoying Chessman W. Thorn of • co Ow the fact that we have been sahibs un Dong Island, besides carry- D. Tuthill, lilylEltltEAD TRIMMED AGAIN t "hnoltit Hall, under the auspices of sleep, the 'home-going movieites c ini; tens of thousands of visitors to Greenport, Edward S. Edwards, and Lodge. taenia along at the highest speed poS- obliged to purchase more and better these cantonments. Even today we Percy Douglass of Orient, and Richard . SCORE THIS TIME 4.1 aex Lodg g heart seas materials than we planned for in the xrc handling from 10,000 to 201000 C. Addy of Brooklyn. Trustees' report of the Southold sable for their cars. one's p The County Seat boys were de- beating as the cars leap past the house« beginning, and also to the fact that we bi a� liedre alar business of the bong Jul 16, by Itey. J. b. feated again Saturday of ternoon at itis school showed total payments of a g the. Fair Grounds.by Southold, score fasts and motor cycles, with cut-outs assumed the expense of theSouth- Tslaiid Railroad has grown so rapidly East Marion, y Edwin Hudolpb Schafer of South- ,,. open, q as if the earth were at i renovating the interior that, for example, taking -only rethe Field, 4.1. Eddie Richard and "Pink19 Co nd' wide pe , g old Roonn" in they E. L I, Hospital, commutation business, there are 6,000 old end Miss Esther Gertrude 7Cuth#11 of ran were the opposing boy last last theirs. Just because it is might, itched good ball. li$iverheadl "SND LV what �we are obliged to announce to our mors persons commuting daily on the F,i set.Marion.__ Both p; 'they have their way and show ',ailroad than last year at this time, Southcild,July 19, Bertha Jane, lost; the: game through a ciunibex of friends who have stood ready to give, Won• Lost P. C«� r disregard they have for law and ;� which means 1o,000 more Bail teas- � y very costly errors. One CSL Stark, I « 7 is 778; arts g but have not yet done so, that the op- }angers, re airing seven add#ti an>* widow of Hiram H Grreen, 86Y. ._ .__ other people rights and comfort. q tures was a catch by 6 3 667 I P p rtune moment has arrived for them feelers of eight cars each xnrorning --. - -- mattituak « -- » N�i ht is a great revealer 4f character. Po donations to the evening« Juiy 19, Charles Petry, Riverhead's crack• right-fielder, ,•w ® - C 4 656 g to send their welcome Cutchogue, run like a deer for a consider, I tbold , e are fired off and a whole neigh- „ knew "All previous records for heavy ed 2 days• - had to . et'under the hall:; Gun d Jr., age. _"- able distance to g "Southold Roam" fund« I p for �►mriaead 0 9 000� passenger travel, for,a given perlo ,I Claire. wife of "Tom" riser,- while catch#nt, borbood is reused, but nobody over you won want more; something un- Cutchogue, July Tom ,Pa. cause of the firing, Then y were shattered during the recent 21, ears,5 rnonthS,I River �d`was hit in the stoniaeh by RESULTS JULY 19 knows the u ted always comes up to cause ad Fourth of July holidays, From Jul 3 Charles Petry,aged 22 y the da s 1 $prne of the saddest sounds ex - T a foul;` P„ and knocked out for a' g C dales ,m_t_ .- - ter. es postponed—rain.,a ditional expense, and I held back put• p eni e�rs were handl d on the Long - c Leicht .left 'last week few",minutes. 1 All gam A in the world come at night from dogs, passengers osely," say some of these kind-heart- Island Railroad, This is 312,040L or Miss au ladies' c,an11D in Maine, The following box Score tells the the tun can WHO big dogs, baby' dogs, beaten doge, all, n lets story'; i s that are almost human 28 per cent more passengers tRiati for Y .,� rho far a week uttering oris ed friends. We Sive all such persons a } inti can blow, i I believe I may safel profession as,a trained nurse. There comp the chance now to help out on expenses, were carried on the same, five-day where she will; fill the duties of her r ens and the dead calm in their agony. They are tied out, s felt we ought and were glad period of 1918. � Y ' are .sixty young' girls from various >90Vxa°r'r° 11 xa a• �aeeplog beau that w say that this passenger tra c par- the United States at the' :,,.•,.ah r , ': if It was "never go- hungry, lonely, thirty, and they bails, assume. We know'the money will tl'ornxaxnce has not been equaled or s parts of 5 a rD a o ae us wonder f: il- en comes a beating, for the cry is to as 3 i i it u o � __.—. Scott, 1P to clear off? Tho Ladles V Th asseci by any steam railroad in file cainla. ___._ _-. prime, �b •.• C be forthcoming, and simply take this rs �i9r.-__ ... -- ociety will need to unmistakable. Why, why', do people 1 riitecI States; The daily average for e Improvement l3 Five years � 0 Sa�uimon; eta . , • �, { e e dogs when they do not leave them: means of announcing that we are ready caahxaii, P ° i, i 01 silo stones it used tq hav hav g the five days w.as 287,720 pasasngs ally' ®qoa �, UDtertdh, rt o re o 0 of !; ; tint tip th g a or care for them? Ae one savers his' for it. Should more than enough for but'ail July 4 the remarkable total of Rlchmona sea 1,1 rind lay a walk serosa the street the extra expense be donated, we axe 378,800 passengers rode on our The members of the Don't Care Club brner; cf, 4 y r1 4 0 ga'ath, ss ! aD 6 1 front of the post office, so it may be head on a hot night and t recalls rioo to sweep advised on every side to receive all, all itrains«y tatted on their annual cruise. }Dover, u. _. . possible for white shoes to get to the through this dog act, that is offered, remembering the Maley - 37 s sv Is e►theex side unsoiled, Then put up a some satisfaction atheniala,pafter Allld ien?) tdoe-bat comforts that might be added to the �]® c, Albertson Go• 11 J. T: Beebe&Co. erected a atone for iaxra�a�aio Pa a e� Arthur N. Smith. ca otlee that automobiles should not stop trine (is i eases as animal to suffer, room, for instance, an electric fan, for 1 The Wm. C, Albertson Ca has been The fire commissione rs directed tbat t stark, r ...• 4 u 1 1 o a at front of the A. &P. Store, or In 'a man tylia c i roans• ju n will have to pans thro' a like expert- sultry days such as we have been pass• incorporated with the following three- gums, Dx,. , 4 0 0 1 �, front of the post office, or encroach o three slew cisterna be dug. ence before be comes to Veal man- Ing through. r friends should tars: Fred W« Bridge and Wm, T Miss Minnie E. Terry and.Miss Kath yv ixasb s9,- : a i® rI' o o , ho sidewalk« the hood. There comes a 11x11 finally and r Anothsx fact that our Gagen 'of Southold and Richard C. Mitchell, cx. . 9 0 o s 1 6, The section of roadway item rya Mitchel gave a recital in Belmont FaxDcbr, a. tranft s little sleep is snatched. The roosters bear in mind is that we are furnishing Addy of Brooklyn Headquarters will Diicbasd,Ibn• �9 o i o y ago Bank to Dr« Hex Hall. to resemble the beg#a to craw, and as the sleeper a double, not a single, too cMli1ITTA1 ...... be at the Wm. C. Albertson Co. store. a took a sail on the Harp Ramon > _ -- — — �iiR was thot 33 1 2714 51 �, our boys have reuses again he doss not wonder that - The two businesses will be merged in Banner Lodge r trep¢bep, where ban is Put on these animals !n " ratulationa to Clifford I1« prince, .�2iinnin for "Bdi�j young. 6 s a ill test the skill and ingenu- a strict p Cang it chanticleerhandlingfarm produce, grain, Bard- SQ1101ai ; : o 0 0 1 0 -' i o 0-4 r devise his horns town. The roanoted from fireman the near future. Mr4 Bridge has been to Shinnecock Hills- ;. Road Commsstoner to d who lies bean p He is o a a o a o a o i—i . 1 of sur ur ase but on the L. I» R• R, ? re aims, etc« Mx. Gagen has had 'Oilers;was great excitement'#n the owns, Richard, ger vin such a chorus may Serve a bigh,p p , to engin ware,, p rvoulsl ni?iy�i?. village on Saturday r when a:, Rtveipn ri evening � Dale fan to avoid having see a c, pre bases—sLett, U1DerDcla, a Borne well nigh maddening to the trap- with headquarters at coal, woad, ice, farm machinery, far- wren"to sevpe�� % frit' stark, Drowns, hitt ° F� despond in the heart of it is w g running extras, band of` Gyp ,,ls; pp aai" ' slot#h of dap thins ' er and lime. These gentlemen'are aotumobiles: JCliey be ga i Rteaiinai}a, g wet alent visitor to the country, Allthings tcliogue __ telex Two bads hit Prince. Wells, ria the next M a Pa s e#r a uare business their,lents in Cosner Grove lout were it2lteUoIL Pasaaa halt--,yexaan i stryok our village during job, end and even this disturbance ceaSeS wall known far th q is equal to that Iu , he long spell of wet weather Was ant tic.�flGbr�`n 4 spelL If anybody q me Da breaks and Hien T ex nine consec- sling, are hustlers, and we are con- advised by Deputy ,e waE er R Vi Bases fe xe;ctia ai`t'sird, t4f far a brief time. y — ire or his alter ego,is, t the eon broken on Thursday, aft t es anew a e-opener--no g a' dent will make a big success of their s relsVcould betrustedto get ll� Coattira sits o We hope, ere long, to nes the cum 3' birds but' the shattering of ut#ye.do�tu_of.xaio« _ __-- woultt ice. business. The good name that the est-living vire doubt if they a bu®gall l sidewalk in process of beginning, of song , s. Whore err &w to Anna S' A. G« Case i® building r y t Y. "1 Wm. C. Albertson Co. has, always wade a fold ;their tents and '' visitors may know that we are up to thousands (?j of blackbird l Sliencex B T away. Leicht, corner of Pin so ata. da they come from? Why are they I'rince,'2x/a acres e s Peoutll acxeae ; borne 31a the business world will be �___� - for Miss Lucy View Road« ideas of modern improvement in spot q R CO; also ab Neck Road and the Bay _._.-.._- xe in our daoryards? What Shall we I of L I R e s i Henry Goldsmith is to build a House" SIMPLE stt>iort he them? We don't love them l Carroll ays'adl land' of-L I R R maintained. We wish the new carpo• _ do with Peionic, nam is anon abundant auccesS, and we know on the lot on Tucker's Lan® recently �,ii rn�Q�n4 it _e. _ Ifte Home assess ' fire EAST END LEAGUE $ince we have but recently under- Meeting of Tow Board, (" e !collapsed from thr>, rhotic. Within t^,s d► j'a '!few .feet from where Blank, went,+ Won Lost P. C. REVIVE 11 �+ he small barna B n�i'Horton, $ 3 727 taken Isom® Bureau work here, the The Southold Town Board met at"the ��(Iowii he could have touched bottom-hi°t question may arise, I'Whatisthe Home �office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, PLAN ,,mr. I3laillc was lira rntl -slide ill the seaport 7 4 636 BAY TERM on Horton"s Lane, was dlscovared eto be • uthold . Bureau?" I have taken this informs• August 1, 1919. Present,-Supervisor on Are about 10 o'clock Wodneeday astir irrut ileal11a high hall he ateppeil ttituck 6 5 546 tion from a printed pamphlet, "A11 Mr. Horton had been burn- fret of catcllitig o .and into i erhead 1 10 91 Tuthill, Town Clerk Flallock, Justices morning, • ' • About the Home Bureau," and trust.it Griffin,Corey and Terry,Health Officer Government to flu ld `I'w,+r 1,0!10-i'rrert vltles fan his (garden nearby and ; lrrrr)fat o ", f a erd1,4 f Ing two fatllonrs of water: Mr. Shank and will explain fully the arrangements 1Petersop_and Counsel Case, faanlily were stepping with 91 and, RESULTS AUGUST 2 "tlrlliaundM.'" fs1a1 lfoc:lc'1"lreiti sparks caught on the roof of the barn` ess. C,,erroner Nliles,l, which have been brought about to pro- The bid oftheSouthold Lighting Co, lwloniank The fire wag discovered by Wm. J. Mrs. Joseph C r j Southold 4, Mattituck 0 mote the welfare of the farmer and the it for lighting the Southold Lighting DIE- Conway, 1 a neighbor, who greatly sur- who e,olyductetl tht inquest rtrtlrg. rl ,i home-maker. ae1 e, that ev ry in;iii, crteriollin him that a rit�cirslon err accidental drowning. ! Riverhead 3, Greenport 0 trict with sixty-four lamps, acetylene We aulll steed 111x. Horton by t g p gas, for one year, for $1600, was ac- "• the most iarcis.tic ;incl !tali°ol-lrcrrrcle:cl trf p. n was on ilre. The fire alarm At Southold last Saturday Matti- A Home Bureau is a grow of local w i ritrlrrtiallr titices a ililtllt lits bar h �d �ree �,tbcar ek lost another ball game by a 4 to women in a county or a city,organized cepted by the Town Board, and it was crux frrllu ., eco suss sounded and the Fire Department score. The batting of Prince az7d as a Hama Bureau Association. The through the !,steel rtf ltresstrrr , but the neighbors in June 30,1919. vetted to make a contract with the said s sliest r,r r"ins rrcii;c°+ rtll.ile res waded quickly, Report for year end g f .colt featured for Southold. Priam Home Bureau is a partner in the Farm much there 1 � p fire by axle of p c tripled in the fourth and scored an p Lighting Co. to light the district for ,l hof intrllrrivettnernt, xrrr rre"rlurontly t o wc; put out the throwing p ©s at Adults (11111Qretl Total kcott's single. In the sixth M. Glover and Home Bureau Association. The one year for$I600• errcoutrter rronlitron tlrait yr wordci p rro,volttiir VO_ water on the root, so that the services 111nR Of year 117i`a ir,ra r,2 5 as safe when Wickhaminis,sedathird Farm Bureau is the other partner. The bid of Cicero B. Ding for light- like to c:hango, that it 4 a distinct lilt t roz were not needed. The i user!' sec t rn Gni 105 r strike on him; Prince and Scott each These Bureaus co-o co-operate with the U. lief kind rar?ur•cc oP in lirr:eflriri to tirl•rr of the firemenlriruha 7 p lag..the Orient Lighting District with , rata loI iilotr�Ilailros "is" damage is email. utttx _ . -�: a ingled scoring Glover, Salmon hit S. Department of A riculture, the N. ter a season Cr I Ruland to Reeve, p g twenty-nine lamps, kerosene oil, for `. o the realm of ""Wi<1l it wale,'" Total ;tyre logo E�l17 :r "nto a double play, g one year, for$500, was accepted by the - I the t*errs 1i<it lc�iri��nine tl1r�� l;rt;r" � 10 7 r7 ; ut Scott tallied when Barker threw Y. State College of Agriculture and n y well 70 year's; ole{, it lust 10 - ------ t :liprh to first on Cochran's grounder.the the State Department of Farms and Town Board, and it was voted to make "Austin Corbin, as snail or satiny affairs, , rles 1Trun I'ecotrit wxsc 3$40 1Gov t'4�'s Prince and Scott each doubled in ,, Markets, through the Extension Ser- t,,Iin -a 'dread. Vi aualirirlg a seeanu in !well ktrcrwii resident of " � lr � L7As SAiy,; g a contract with Mr. King to light the c cr t a lista! 11e1- ck b all atlitoiluihilc_ rlr luta y vvls,ilotfoli lent 7�sli ixata eighth, Prinaclon scoring.drive to le center, vice. The Home Demonstration Agent district for one year for$600. the unique Ht p i afro y un Islanertnit;ht be turned s Miss Vcra Terry, daughter tri (aErorge' �a non.eetiou lout ttEso ole 1zko i'lowed with g The Town received from the State nu of L g ell Affect- siren! "eight) allout 991 306 �a. _ a swhich Tuthill pulled down after a� or Farm Bureau Manager acts as a vital :account in Profoundly 11 'Terry,a next g, Mcsau�ines toanecl � ;s 7 '�ong run and doubled Prince ofr,sec- connecting link between the Extension Department of !.+arras and Markets ,a in the comrne�rrla welfare oaf then 8 10 1> 14. Saturday evening and hrs; rroulattorx s7�+ iso 72 6 ond. Mattituck ,got six solid. hits o� service and different communities. The � rid he saw I'"slit I'crnd flay trans- wase broken. lir, rued while he-' Total n PpoNz Ea 1,lurnrran ��'Cochran, but no two of them came in $630,29, being the amount apportioned l rltrt ti lcscasl yhil�ipiirtw pnfnt of necks o thr. 1asturn Long Island+ A. �' [ the same inning. The absence of Home Demonstration Agent is paid by to the Town from the surplus moneys lortnc. f1 int, taken t • e importance' intoe a mart for the t Greenport in Miss Terry's' � run i `Hudson brothers and "Wolgo proved a the' Federal and State governments. arising from the dog license fees de- 1rtt1hlospital a ' han�tlinla r,C they leu uuis?s of at great ;cat,, Xyecorlic, July 2fi, by fieing 1- fibif; loss to Mattituck's offense. The Local expenses are met by funds pro- :posited with the State Treasurer trans-Atlarttir trtirla ltifr uric. " !lar tenon in the Main autan�ol3ile,C,htarleS 1latt �, score: vided by Boards of Supervisors or nth- 'March 1 1918, to June 30, 1919. The life of tlrail; rirain, filled with She ac � tatrc:e final Mr . over ley an Jiishua I3aticer of l� souTUOLD � erwiee locally, bymemberehipfees. rrirlch that distinctly 1u0n�liferl L,onp highway a sh1 c� oaritur'#t rare mel, father of Mrs. � ab r h Po � e y J. N. I�nLl,ocat, Town Clerk_, Island,was too short to unable hsni to Iiattuuell s honk, in th." 1 a part �� r rt f>`Ly %Prince, ss ....." 4 2 s 2 � � The tee for membership is one dollar a - -- --. _� snake his ctrc'itlit .t 11 e;rlrt.y, lsut 1f r t+- of Pecrrlilc. Ile had lxrGnr ail toward Uremia rSentt, 3b 4 0 1 s o 1 year and serves to determine who shall Potatoes 4 i d 1 cent report 001nin;,t trr,rrr 4' asllilifr- and WAS walking Ili the. r> ieaulerl szrinron, zl> ea 'el forrndattinrl thrrt� i5 his ltclnle. Miss 'l Terry was, l .F Te Mears go �Coehran, p ..,• :: 3 0 0 u o o direct the work. The help of the Bu The price of potatoes jumped from ton !laveia• 5_Ir ilartl fcxi+ll lulerlch, it aibilit that a l y rest. Ilex viskoti tivrr a impaired by ry :::... s o o p reau is free to all. The membership $1.50 to$2.00 per bushel this week,and the +ped« •t1"1t,U r' 01' i"1th cif it passing Witt-{ id rti � f��rYCY ��f �% T3. Tu es ,...., chertthcd ii clurirter rrf a r, i the powerful I g 1 C. turner,�efi ',,.;:: :.. S o 0 our commission merchants, the W. C. * be esel' (isherl tri the not nbilU stats! he. (lid net Seo Mr. Ilar11-I Terry c Albertson Shipped 11,000 !a. Glover, rf .... S a o 2 0 0 fee is simply a pledge of support to the k go ago mei r1i m Clover, a ,, » 1 0 10 1 0 organization, and, as I said before, Albertson Co. and B. J. Mahoney, have �+! ;listant future, oieli until she had struck him, Troop-! bushels of potatoes in eleven days. "lie ll. S. ihilrlifnp 1,rnir d ru,r. 1i r'<'- ora Satz and Meehan of the River ice aid was 60 cents. 20 2v s i gives one the advantage of being a been on the jump ever since loading i 1 w The pr p , rt:;cs to build two oc•r�;trs halrrr.� lill%" C,onatabrl-! he contract to M�tnlTucx partner in the management o£ the Y money in potatoes l l i � 1loarl station err the stag ,, Corey took t all r h no a a '� ' cars. There.is Lid man tkrkttl anything now Afloait. I'h,y sirs. lar wore notified And they went tr J. I. , 4 0 2 2 i e work. Each county and city has its at$2,00 a bushel out of the lot, and no 1. 11100 feet ki114, with ar Spused of 1d investigated the carie. NoI snake alterations in Capt. Williamson s Barker, ss 4 0 0 5 0 0 local Board of Directors, elected an- to e 1, pec.onle ar Reeve, ab wonder you can tell a farmer by the i 3f1 !estate, alar! to hr' erluipl,a�el as coni! house. le,_ blarne for the accident wits atf.att lies! ;Aldrich, 2b ....,...... a 0 z 0 2 o ;nually by the members of the Home ins'cre cle,:�troyesr s rn r:Is.o rif 15,•r> S 'Srrr as it was ct>nsicic re,d Eagle Kook and Ladder Go. voted to Dawns, n .........•....... happy look on his face. The crop is l • r; Will isc�, piroviclr°cl fol to Miss y g cominriclattr,n able on her part. Goldsmith et Bureau Associateio b t eeBoa d of D e I�°0d B tara:;r•ny.sur,,, f,$)ii ,:+.:s nail r.ui,ivoid ,, attend the Firemen's s Tournament and Ruta i�, ifi .............•,. a ° o � i o ;Bureau is planned y ___-_ 1;,0t1d1 harlriorr l ............. o i s o ' ,rr�i s kuxk'Errs l,' 11 lierrip]rr C'a1ober C, G, Mlles, of fxr e.e apart.! compete in the races. ;� hon, o .,.,.•.......:. s o x i o 'rectors,in conference with the Demon- 80 000 Train of Potatoes leftist parishes t 1 0 `.0 1 ' in the stelsrlrgsi. c=onducted all inquest ort Moirday ktntl p t serosa r t Mr. Ilainrr1r,11 tact; 1iki�I The following oiSicers were elected at Caneclnr, ri °, % o s 24 1z z stration Agent and representatives It is planned ei inake. f:hr t11Ii decided the s About40,000 bushels of potatoes, for ltllkr•in. h'rirt acckcicxlt sills! Mi s Terry' the annual .school meeting., Trustee, ( from the State office. The work may the of r'ati in #cilli clay.,, } � death by ,s tonal-, Albertson; Clerk, Wm. H. "two-base hits—Prince, Scott , Salmon, anything that will help home farmer:;had been paid $80,- Sriad fitly ns the tOrnill:cl rt,lrrt ctrl vas exonerated from, arll rc l Win. C. M 000, the y p' , lntiiitll, G01leCtpr, P, H. Cantermen; b<iwni, .Goldsmith. 7hree.baen Iris—Prince, IAClllde a y I thin z,ide., lhtti rlislancr! to f ✓ hilrty. - Glover, Sacrifice hit--Canueln; stolen baseR—x�ar- 000, were moved in one train load ,r Mer:; a1 "_ til•! Iker, 2; Scott, z; Coebran. Double nays— and community work. Everyone is Tuesday. The train at 80 cars left ; �' 9n lark!, will ho but ".,879 i1 ,r e> verdict fount! war, Unkrvo s Librarian, S. S. Shaw. cordially invited to sissy meeting. The �?ii<.ri, nrrltcs fi'ritil h+t�R i h mala Crit` , p 'th and 7slman• i�uland'and Reeve; Tut- with allrlr; ace,ident caused by g The members of the Don t Care Club hill, Roland and' Siaevo, struck out—by Riverhead, hauled by two engines. ,comd wi of lib Delle.,, ar elf the do � n. �cr"clrran; a; by nownx. s. Bases on balls— Home Bureau exists for as, and let us Yak, a g t,ri rrfTt:ct nrrs~lrgcrnce on the• p t a their annual sail on Bch. Liklte Dr If thr� ,Ian is e iriir:rl 1n c ht fa walk ink bad W. P. Iiunsburger, who has been 1 r. d he having n i rig ,off Cochran, 2. Hit by pitcher-Cochran. tho l"sirs !e.est , Capt- Ernest Hallock. They Left on bases—sauthola, l a Ma s on Agent,f MissTBrandme D assisted by manager of Geo, R. Bidwell's place at the Mont, Ilk 1)iviaicsir or , cif thil resell; wh11i+ the clriv est%ne, C p Vulplre--H. Terry. ad will I,o! do llblr-tra b,i,ol the. center , for, rvi.. Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard. d n 0 0 1 0 2 o-1 x--4 trained workers, has mac in store fore Bay View, has resigned his position ,Ilaland Rai road visited N ,outhol A the cal hold a lieensc Porr ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 rRnxcDs �icitalssEx i road," i New Bedford, Newport, Providence attituelc us. and with his family has waved to Penn- to-handl<. tilt traflkr+ f'i•c,t1r Muntatulc tr, or sof the metro olis, 1r,t rr car Sylvania. X John l'. Stlank, 4 f yearid nlcl, o '; and New London, The sail lasted six �tRurd seed plays at Mattituck this -Southold LOIN 60, R d l'.. J* z drtr a vatatrcrrl g g Miss Mary Grattan, a_--ler in th® The W. 0. Albertson 01)• an Corona, who wail titre i g ,.I: days. on the-first day the schooner .__.._.. . antitfes of > , i= alar! who, with others;, rot run of 100 miles The annual meeting o£ the Southold N, Y. City schools, is speeding her va d Mahoney are shipping large rpu at 1 e.c.rrn r 1 made the unprecedented Po 1,E50 1c and to Mr. llamnieil aatuiday+ elve hours and anchored- Fle rs. L. N. Sanford has moved her Lighting Co. was held at Belmont Hall cation with her parents. pot The price which was $ , dered 1 vs as drowned whllc ewkmming': In lass than tw I Bream parlors to Belmont Hell. The followin or bushel. There ,lsigi,lt, ff 11�artha s Vineyard. s Saturday evening. g The Misses Beryl Horton and Helen i has fallen to$1.60 p " rn 1'cconle :Inlet on :tunrlay with his I o west cloak room in the front has Hunting- Directors were re-electedt Dr• J• H• $ooth are at Camp Triangle, is a good yield--»art average of LUtk tri a £rlend. lYlr,l Mrs, Elizabeth R. Carpenter died, ton fitted up in goad ships and patrons Koxn, !wife, Soil, (laughter ser bushels ttf the acro, i 131an1c's son kind friend were not yet.-", aged 76 years. served in the hall. Marshall. E. D. Cahoon; L. W ton. for s week. grirrrf swlrnlners and they' were unab A, W. Albertson, F. K. Terry, Wm• Southold, Aug, 6, Mrs. Marie Kreut- -- zer, aged 67 years, 10 months, «»;z Tii1v. 7, art"irit�lttuXly'j •°I,ri do much in their effort$ to rescue. . Terry and Christopher Le1c� ' e I ra nnl• and her slaughte=r', H Southold, Juba 31, John H. Young, U � _ _ aged 59 years, 6 months, 8 dabs Loves ody view EAST ENID LEAGUE P Very ksira le Position Southold, Aug. 9, Marion Bent, aged shat'`b Aug. E' Riverhead scored '.a its being located here.; As an ea�i Williarn Ronklin of Broukl n to oc- Won Loot P. C. 8 years, 3 months. 28 days t, 3-0, and won at Mattituck, : y 3 7 We take the following from the >59i11• Aug. 6 at E. L. L Hos- ori'�Ug' 15"by a score of 6 to 1.. k:iv of the suceegful work-rtake the iaaiy' curalirtg cirai± of tiro bungalows on the Green rt » brook, N. X», items in the Poughkeep- iGreenport,a, i 1 s 011"d•has ;scored 19 runs in three operations for appendicitis. Of all"` Thorne 1•`atrrn. lie Is a voteran of the South : w 7 ' 683 ,�,. pital,.'99illiam Nichol of Peconie, aged a lie Conder: Stephen O» Salomon, our �axhes and its__oppohents Qly 4ne�,. these cases during the past three yews, 41'rrr and is still sours, though in Mattituck . 6 6 600 73 years. - _ ! there has been only one death. And in Civil » ural teacher, has secured a _ Ntrw.�to et'back to last Saturdays , his 9.h1 year, Its is a very interesting Riverhead 2 10 167 very' agricultural position in Townsend, Bent. -- Marion Bent, the ten- ','Pink" Cochran, who started this patient, the appendix was in each year-old daughter of Mrs. George I fe)'; e,First Settlers received stet-� a condition that no human hal could onver tionalist and well informed on "" r Vermont, He is to be Principal of the Cooney, p ;all the doingn of the day. Heing ens !ti»aSC1Li5 AUGUST !eland Gray Seminary, at a salary of theria, atfthe home of her grand- ofx' t eelbox in and the yanked out; save him. armored of the Instil End of Long lot* Greenport 3, Southold 2 4i box �n he fourth Inning and , g � " p $2,100 per year. During stay here parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Berry, 'd�A;>s'1Selrno>a, the south-paw went,the;1. The expenses of the Hospital have and, And eglte�•(ally Ho of 114y View, Rivtrbead 6, Mattituck 1 he has won the love and highest respect in Southold, last Saturday, after a �°i�st,Of the route;for Southold. Riv Increased tremendously, as the high the Muse which lilt hue always be- �--�. pupils; ' ., �, . g J of all of lois u els; tend Mr. and Mrs; weeks illness, �i dead got atotal of 16 hits-off the coat of living and the increased cost of fxieudeii, liaial hire a rerrsrrt visit, wilts! GRZENPORT WAL1pps l Salmon.have marry friends who wall re w moo;hitt hers,-,seven off Cochran and, drugs and surgical supplies have hit resulted in the following poetic and: �, 1RIST SE" +k l,R;i,» g T+{) 1' grot thou departuro. All join in wish- TWeRtY-Five Years Ago Fine Off Salman. Cochran struck out hospitals a hard blow. true effusion. The Greenport ort team, which is lean- ing him the best of success in lois now �f, c ����i,�ap� - � �a ti ,:� done and Al, only fooled four men. ec a allowed but four hits and It cost$16,229 34 to run the Hospital tri t+� , t+s ac�,+r,+z°„°=•z r i+arts<rrra a arFraatt,, in the Fast End League, recuperat» position," Presidinl� Elder Van Alstyne- reach-�� �rue�C,out:11. John C. Stark of four during the year just closed, while the Ari t i+k rA,t zr,r rr,fzz,z+zr trz„s<,, el"from its defeat by Riverhead on The 'I'RAVELIM and �Mr. Salmon's ed in the M. E. cburcM. p "hits Out,of four times�qD�'an he belted amount received from patients was 1t bona+asd�,u 1 uai,^t r iaatr. Aug 2 and "trimmed"' Southold iii � the,p%�l for�two toms-baggers and two' only $4,453.59. Some people seems to t has+r t�,r«sir»(,titlsaiim air. , many Southold freintla join in eongrat- The Epworth .League was making ---- 1 the latter s 1?alllrard last Saturday sin les`, scoring three runs. Lewis think that because the Hospital has an l ti p pr afternoon by u acorn: of 3 to 2, Mations and best wishes. Arran menta far a lecture coarse the also cored three runs and Downs and endowment ford of$30,000 that the in- t i ROOMThe following box Neore tellti the coming winter. aka to our gored friends who are +Gonaplete story: We'bad a very heavy storm Wedues- Bwaw1'h 'each two. Downs got a two terest of this fund is sufficient to sup a ted ate Into ills!reach and heli Joshua A. Overton was ver badly rs sst►cr+ragGcarr day night. The rain fell in torrents Y Y hit. y P 1 All 1t Ft to A i'i and the wind blow -a gale» Branches bitten by a horse. Tha'bOx score: port the place. over iu hard plates, we have rcec:ived Prince, «h» ,.. 4 1 1 1 0 The annual reunion of the students: � Let us see. At 5 per cent rills atl+3na for which we are ver rate• at:t, ;3h. ,.. i 1 o t 1 were torn from trees, the corn is list, of Southold Academy aiv s>a' An brings in just $1,650. While it is L ' si isatlmon, 14. ...•......., 4 0 0 a s i rr and other damage was done. Y was held and the x,13 g, H a A I.,•, big help in the maintenance of they 1n the order of receiving,they are t.oebraii, v. ,., 4 n n a tgi following officers elected: President, �T•*:Ptirk, ....... s. s 4 a o 0 o n tlici ittllericli, lf» ,...., Great yields of potatoes are reported; bass Mina Hummel; Vice Presidents 7co ng, Sb, n 0 3. 0 0 Hospital, it in merely a drop s r from Southold High School Girls, $6,83; irrcttii, ON, a �> ri 1 3 1 , Ubncace, p ... s o > 0 a =0 bucket, Mr. A. 1°1» Condon, $`26»1.0; Mr. 1�1. 1), :tichaimnd, oc ,. ..... h n t t a 0 Four hundred bushels to the acre is no Miss Helen Howell and P. D. Smith; k40nil'ton, of s o o 4' a o p J. lover, MI. a o i a tr unusual ern a y y� ' Cathoveil, eS 5 0 o n 1 _1 'the stenosal year book of the Hospital Cahoon, $v5,K10, and Mrs. G. V. Pettit, ( rover, rr. ..;. .., 4 tr i, $ 1 a p, and in Orient gelds of Secretar Miss Anna W. Prince; corps,ll lot C. a 3 3.11 1 0 will bre pointed next month, giviiag in i - 600 bushels and even better are report- Treasurer, Henry G. Dimer, Rev. .Ttleharcl, 3b 0 z c 1 o ld t'tlsdtdzl'1'ia:» its 700 M, 1b '. " 2 '3 a o o' detail the work of the Hospital, and 1 ,a er ori � i� s `` i r ed. At$2.00 a bushel, the farmer is James R, Robinson, a former Principal, ufraai, tt. .... "...• a " Years, o decidedly IT this year. and Mrs. Robinson were present. ;erdau 3b. ..., ,... An ii tr Tt rR �, o u o p will be mailed to anyone interested. ilii r, s . ,....... C 1 ti l _ _ � Just scald word to Miss Pratt, Superin- . FIVO ,i1 �turt. 2b. ,,•, 3 o 6 1 1 a The rice of otatoes still reriaaine ai Michael Hodgins died, aged 59 years. as 14 is 27 s 1' i P ' P al E,�. Scott anti fararily moved to 7Fteaa<kia, ih. a t s ri 0 Dr, Sohn E. Hartranft of Riverhead +" tendert, and a copy will be forwarded 1Flfanby, 1t, t 0 1 o ii ti $2.00 per bushel, but the market is , Y :ip' 114VTLOLJ9 when issued. ak Southampton. i�rir,ay, 31,, 4 1 s o a rather dull ower to the umbar o on a brother of Dr. J. M. Hartranft of nt. Rev, silk! l is. ,ltariitiia lt• Ittalainsoii of olort, p. .»,.......... 4 0 7 0 Al o l- o ,t-B At th® resent time 'there are shout i s o•t laud, `or, 4 0 n a a the Now England roads. g this village, died. Sbotte, sl, 1 0 P Howard W. Hallock returned to his gectt, 3t, three hundred annual members, alio Painted Post, N. ., were veyitin3 i,abbld5'» c.. ....., a i 1 t n a crab that .. ..• a c o, i 0 o! l ierl ticat(tliold friarrdaa; alcartr n, ri. ..,,.»..,< :t 0 i 1 p 1 salmon, 1b . I 0 1 10 a p pay$5 00 a year for the support of the ; lararittiu i 7s q ii �" °" Nathan Davis caught !cine at Austin, Texas, after spending +Ccrchran� t' .0 0 0 E; ,o it "" 3 8 n` �lirich, 1 Hospital, There should be at least a 410 The members of Edward g, 7 a; � p , p � several weeks with his parents. 3aat,th, :se :.;. ,.,,, 4° o -0 n o .1 lied members, Twcs ipii o lilts, .."rtzrr°,i, iic>anery, c:ii- measured 21 inches from ti to ti . 4 0 0 : 1 1 o p siren iatiirit, 1; A. It,, 1it41tl their annual camp ern, Sarrifte )tits -tfs,aezi. Stolen thous iihmbrid cf, ' l -..--- - J',G1,over, rf..•,, 1 o 0 o Q Q To speak Plainly, the Hospital must tire act this Pec»odic 11000 grounds- z rzs+a Struaaslcty» �enrkta nilti7. y Colon 1 .ohe crop of Lima beans is a failuri�III EAST END LEAGUE ' ..61ovar c, .,•..... � 0, o p P y, P � iiaTh, , g i ai Yllteb ot�tt her-Ilyaf.u�•.'hran cion this year. I aha ef. ori 0 0 Q .0 have more money. "aliap iiaa,ntlit.re tit Eagle llotpk aril I ,• y � �, u, � t'b(tliw , I,0ft on ltarseb—outhotcl 7, areeriport o, I Won Lost P. C. Tor or,`-a f f, 2. 0 u, o 0 0, If you are not a member of the Asso- i br . Wdor Co. were practicing for the i,"irttt titsewe on �rrrr -:,,utnattl i ;cirsiers- Benj. Gaffga has purchased of the Greenport ` 11 k , Tournament, 9 4 6132' _ _ p in this good --� i elation, and want to hal � lremen s l ournamelit, l Ort :, Ilimnire-�»-H. Torry*. tm at Estate of James and Wm» Wickham Southold . . . 7 6 538 34 q 4 a� 7 .1 work, send five dollars to the Hospital,j ler Mian lVlinrrit T'. "1'rirry aria yl iu i math- t=umo�-1 hour, 40 minutem, t o The „core by inoliolw: w the farm in the euatern part of the vel- Mattituck 7 6 638• staglk�2n'',I)own Ba il�'wo bola hits— • `its—off xienckd,;• or to any of the undersigned: I M ryn M. Mitchel glia»t>, arsi:ital rn 1'0- 1 w :r a r t « 8 n legs, a part of which was the farmer i. Riverhead . . ' ofr.:t<ocnra ,:7; axf salmon;ss' struck,,; J, HI Marshall, M. D., President; j' l cluatucak Hall, Orient. Orearrport tt a 0 o a 0 o 1 n._l Case Terry farm. bux�=ba;nings itched by He i;a:: r*ung. n V , Southold ..:,..., ri n i e i 0 tr a of g r '. 3 10 231 �c f innines ptoixed by t�enexe, s; by,i Chessman W. Thorn, Vico President; 1n Brat days Terry & Albertson REaULTS AUGUST 16 ran-.+; by Sairnen, 5. .Bala on Bali:.. a(rtl shipped ietl 9 312 litialruls of 1 'Howard 11 Terry &ora to'Howard M 'o#o pchran, :tz off 'a'etdke.. none. Dr. Jost?ph Ogle, Treasurer; John L. lad bought l l , � � �. form of t � Terry, 10 A more or less n s North n�e:P1ays--steres asci CochrO Kohler Secaetar � potatoes. , Riverhead Y0, Southold 0 Tit�ieenlr�rt a3attitu k Game ' t „ p i J The catching fire of an oil stove at road, riinrimg through Bay View, mal _. . .__. Won't you help. #i h Clacax S. Ttrrxlii trf .1 laitrfltald N» , residence ofA. Mayo Tues, land of Mary M H Dayton, Bay'View, Mattituck 8, Greenport 1 f - ' d 1rof» Waring of Brooklyn, grays a the tesla Oliver0 y' II nom. ---.�- __._. xx day morning brought out the Fire De,4 Southold, - _ __._. . __ _ ip�,]p the Hospital ]Robert M. Searle is a close second t$glit-of li arrrT eritert;titi(izt+art in 3#el- RIVB,kt EEAIa:CRUSHES At the annual meeting of the Beard, to Nathan Davis as a crab-man. He oat Ball. pertinent. Fortunately the services of Terry, H Ia, & d land J Cole- i SOUTHOI�D, SCORE 1 m. G 0 of Directors of the Eastern Long caught a crab, treasuring 18 inches t ' Al egoist! wlui was in Now attar- the firemen were not needed, as the 10A n s,North rd, a J a i Fred was thrown out doors before man Bay View now 4 , "1~hat Sam Henske is the cleverest. Island Hospital, held at the Hospital,; from tip to tip, on Wednesday. Mr. i is cart ht a runaway horse, which. stove a Davis holds the record with a crab 21 a don, g _- . to cli 'damage was aline, The carpet ,. - � w to Susan J Diller, ` +tyvirler that has ever played.Tn airs- Wednesday afternoon, the various reaknock r; ecd clown One of mu g i Cxoadon Caa.,e & ttettr league' es'in Suffolk Caun� inches° Mr. Searle says be will grin t started at li l hair waits burned and there was more or loss, it North road, needs of the institution were discus y ' of Now London, The New and a e ;Calt A o n Simon, ty,'°was,'again,demonstrated on Sat The most imperative need, and the the championship before he goes!spills. the hills M a little damage from smoke, ctrl;i lands now or late of »l ki . n Rivcrliead shut-: 1,oniltrn Day srrtplct.:of it ae a groat r x ...: .. .{. most immediate need is—money. 17 000 u4 tail afternoon,who Ad i ' n of courage. A. W» Symonds has ranted for lire opt` .outhold in its o�vri ballyat'd'liY The various reports of the officers,,' ' Mrs. M. A. Monselj leaves Sept. tat hebetic lK " :,jusatn J Diller to Gordon Case,°50 a�rsoore of 10 to`0., The great work P( �. the year 1920 the farm of Capt Wm. L. encke ably,supported b his team read at:the annual meeting of the aego-i !for West Philadelphia, where she will hs of Pin" Orth Road, Mr. iiceer. More or less, n s North road, '�.� r y', .Pp, Y � loin her husband,who h - liE )lairs, Bowland D. Ralp Bowman, on the N arl,t laird of Flo;ill Simon ulso ro $, was responsible #or'-the big dation, last Wednesday, showed that ti as a fine pogi- is D. engagement of y tacit,land of 20 ac''s the bos ital is doing a great work and, ori there as U. S. Inspector of Neck armouuC Symonds and Tamil will move in a , s North road aclj lead vi a y» Hencke has", pitched three p g Miss l,illlan A» Joseph, of part of the Bowman horse in the now or late of John W Casilaet . ,for;.Riverhead and has nqt, that maty valuable livor have been; Boilers. . -�._ ' a bl her yard, M 1 4 0 ..�. l _ _ rankers, to lsdr" the B. Eldridge,of� Sprin,g. ntaiiir, 'ti�"%�wr w ii iinau, 111 the ame aG Gi��a-; spared to this community became of ----- x y ..-.. ,. ,.. .m .,... .Kltilatholaa, lro` __.... tie between those teams for secona is l l l'l l� lA l Irl The Potato Grail � Water Sports Twenty-Five Years ego i place in the East End Amateur Th +he Potato Cho �� ! >,' A aw,l? ism) 7'hm price of potatoes still remains at Tile following water sports, for girls - ®�pc;, i,Q � i League, and is now the sole'occupant r IN I.11,1 2.00 per bushel, Our farmers have We are very sorry to state' t�iat tie acid boys, will take place at Southold Rev. D. W, Howell and farm] of that position. 'Mattituck is only one outlook for the potato oro in Southold `j lis It Itttttcxr°ail lsait, ;.t at°e; wii.tit°aii'C. P y were p , thf t lice f`ctc t. #list# t'rattcl 7+t itw+a shipped about all of their early crop wharf on 'Thursday, Aug. 28, start- visiting Ohio friends. �carne behind Gxeenpoit,which is lead- Town is not as bright as it was a week c.• .tie ing the league, and as there are only a liil lite#^ #lobi#" ills### tlitc}' it t t'tt #'vitt#- and have commenced digging the tato ing at 2;10 p, in. Rev. James R. Robinson of few more games of the 1916 series to ago. Then we stated that there was 1�` �^tea" tt o. 11uC varieties. 'rhe prospa Ct is fine for a Feasted µ� k� lat'ctli;tlil�` tint., 1 a Demonstration of s t r o k e a— Post, N. y., filled the pulpit of th 'be played the interest in the pastime every prospect of a record-breaking , M211,° tit` us have had the thithtt tt3 good lata Crop. The early crop was breast, English overarm, Australian Presbyterian church, e from now on to the finish will be crop. Within the past week a good look till the t+gat t, fi fkttt ciw. That I one of the best, if not the best, ever Craw}, !hack. greater than ever. The prospects of� deal of rot has developed in the late Rev. Daniel H. Overton of N. y. Mattituck winning the coveted pen- varieties, The shipments have ceased out t t+.tttit�tw a tilata hatti't^ rtnt� Kc!t iii ;dug. Many fields yielded 90t) bushels! b zt) yard dash. City preached in the M..E. church. tent now appears to be rosy. Southold; ft ttr s of lite #tCc tits##°a° of tvhicli ! 2 50 yard dash. has dropped into third lace. entirely. There was no sign of rot in t}it'ty tit#c�4° f't'a�l � and more to the aceta, and the average! " The Hotchkin Sisters' Concert � d pp p ". wttr(,, xe^c, i t print yield was 300 bushels and better to the i tlra Itittit.ltis't].trio]scat^ 'f' ,v,� .3 Egg and spoon race (swim 50 Co. Saturday afternoon Southold dud; the early crop. Orient was particular- front „, i r ,t acre, It costs our farmers about 175' , gave an entertainment in Belmont Mattituck staged one of the best ly fortunate, as that village raises ear- dill of mroc,e,t ies whirl to 11t>, .]gilt#'.:+ p yards balancing (3hina eggs on moan). Hall, under the auspices of the aMattituck� ll, Mal",ing in Allttttiv ill I lt)" an acro to xaism patatocS With a 4 Candle swim (race with lighted of South. games of ball of the season. ly potatoes almost exclusively and had ` r' <trttl yield of J100 bushels, that would give a candl<). d Fire Department. scored both of its runs in the sixth in- a tremendous yield. The wet weather #iiia sattziai list �vitlt ltz011 t if liter 4 "r sf+r etre, atttt3 . _ i li --•u e a e Then operetta Penelo e w Hing: with one out Barker singled I days undoubted] Denise] the nett profit of $ 1 tr &caturc swamn ng nd r w t r,i the e ' p as given at and su try Y Y clittis rl tit Green])tilJt3rt tett 1ut,u st and stole,took third when Prince funk- disease. We trust it may be checked ]full, 1#111). [la>re ar€i ,blit prices: Many farmers will net 600 per � Universalist Fair. hied Slats Reeves grounder and porpoise, somersaults, water-wiles), „ „ 1897--,.,21 ilts t,urilip.s, 5 cents; I Ib acre on their potato crop. "'Thcsrm souping, floating. Mrs. James R. Robinson gave an ad- scored when M. Glover threw wild to; and that the rot will not be as bail as ]lata ren, Ila r ostitis; 2 clts. ctttioll s, 7 are probably more potatoes raised per 6 1.}oulale-initn's race- 5U yards in #tress at a II�arlor lk[eeting of the third. E. Reeve brought "Slats" in feared. The only thing to d® is to v ent4, 24 x;; lb sack flour, 57 ti(>T►t'!t; acre in Southold 'Town this year than coupled. T •at Mia. m>C. Alba g. C` with a wallop to center. Both teams! leave the potatoes in the ground and 2 Ila nattiittatl, 7 cents; 1 11) be action of ttio United S'tatms. 3 it reties#—blew balloons slot s• played,good ball and opportunities Iso' await developments. It will not do to in any s 7 Ball g EAST END LEAGUE score were spoiled by good pitching' di U.liem, ]#utter, t?i3 r##tats, 4 lb chicken, at wilier to gids], i 121' cent##, fi() cents I l"la soda his no over the that our farmers ors aru i and snappy fielding, �t s happy ver their good fortune. $ Fancy(living. Won Lost P. C, The game was played at Southold 1181P the Village pa t� i crttekt,ra, ll Cetttis, `tlrhz, eggts, 21 Games in the water...baseball, a Greenport 9 5 648 instead of Mattituck, (as was Belied- milk, cents; c Ili sugar, teats, 1 cit, o Earl Yotato t,r0g� ° tnitk, Ii cents 1 Ib lard, ) cents; s A' Japanese tea party, push-ball. Mattituck $ 6 571 uled) because of the serious illness of 1VIt. EDITOR: It is pleasing to know I ilk. Potatoes, 2C) ct?utw, 1 ll) �early potato oro t in �;0ui;hald is 10 Life-saving demonstration. Southold . . . 7 7 500 Mrs. A, F' 'Sergeant, whose home is that there have recently been some r the ea y p 1 shi i ed, Medals will be given to the winners: Riverhead . . 4 10 2$6 near the Mattituck baseball grounds-. very y generous donations to the L. V. I. llectyaa, I«t Lrit , 1. Iiia<frtr °Wit CCritw. ---- - ---_.-- ------- attttl -, .„,I;I. w practically all dug and 1 p { no S. far#tie upkeep-and improvement of c a Llli to date, therm have been shipped �,��:: .. _. - .- locrease io Automobiles their special charge, the Villain 3'uik, i 1919 2 (Its. turilip:s, 20 cents; I. lb t station b our commis Marin Kreutzer, latc'�of Southold,! RESULTS AUGUST 23 go i } bacon, 5if) cents, 2 (Its. #inions `a0 from Southold � value $1,450, to Iola Schloeg'el, niece. i a 4a 1, Sion inerchants approximately t10,tI0C) _ _ _ a Mattituck 2, Southold 0 There has been a 14per cent increase A paper is now in circulation soliciting cents], 241V, lb ;sack flour, 2,00; 2 , ,a bushels, Mtaa3t all sold f.'or ��,00 ilei Albert Freeman of N. x. �aa,x '� Riverhead 7, Greenport 4 in automobiles in this State.thus far funds for re-inforcing the bulkhead. lb o tmeatl, 10 cents; I its best bushel, a few carloads soiling for $1.6 visiting at Elijah Bailey's, Bay View. - _. ___ : - this year. Figures now made public This avill of necessity be an expensive t sursrtor.n ]suitor, 72 ettttta, 4 Ilr;t, t�itfrekatti it b piece of work, and the townspeople corm si ! O cents per lb x,00. 1 lit . ,�, AB zt H o a l0 Y Francis M. Hugo, Secreta y of i snrl�a and X1.75. It is said to sag that then lIt•nr_C I°fowell &vv to Chavles AV Prince, 2b. .......... 4 p %. . y - � t ,. 1 '� State and head of then world's largest� ��cd to respond as liberally as possi- � l aa 1wrtlCltort, 20 celitst I dies. i'rcrsh farmers of 1 outhald havo rmectvmd at M Scott. 3b. .. a o 0 1 2 motor vehicle bureau bla. You who own motor bowie, row r �, Y,R .,almon, P• ...+........ 1 0 1 0 .. 0 � show a growth, � ]]iiia}aarr2, ,.i0 acrr; its nialn hi rhwa, l ,ems 'leg`s, 75 cents; 4 I1)s. stlgaai, 44 leant $150,ODU for their early potato Cochran, rf. cs.: cf..... 4 a 0 .3 0 0 m motor vehicles during the udl ]alto] of d� 1 It It Co, 1 eeonir.; or craft of any kind, please le bos.ts, oraI cents; I. tit. milk, lei c:tsnf:;. 1 lla crap. And flim late riot]# is to fnllaw, 1')cc d c xeetttr d <in ,lsati._4, 1t3S??, rtatu: Ullericta, lf. ........ 3 0 1 3 0 o month g past six nacmber that the Village Park is of lit- Ihe; lard, 42 tents; 1 it. tutaatoe 75 wouldn't be a Booth, ss. ............. 3 0 0 o 1 o s that has exceeded all expects.1 l `• and it is a big one. Who w tlm personal use to the members of the Mose T' ilarton to Vincent Polito Glover, 1q. ......,,. 3 a o a 1 o tions and is little short of marvelous, .. . J,,Ca vents; 1 �1J cht'e:se, 5t) t;t"r1tS's' I Iiiclirraand; cl'. ........ 2 0 0 1 0 '0 lir stocn, (► cents ail[] III,). farmer these days? wads, about 12 acres of meadow and txaarvmy, rf. ........... 0 0 0 1 o p In six months over 68,000 more cars I'° V. I. S., but they have in ilii#lined ,lir . 1 Total--- Tile acreage of early potatoes in {w dlan on the 1 X, aIover, r.. . .1 p 1 5 o 1 have ee , it for years, for your cons9miilencm. S.4;I. 0o rl c Old Mill Path, ad1 `� b n added to New York States s. p� This shoo is thea", nods w • ,, Southold is about one third of the crop.,`land riff. L I R R Co, Southold, nam � � , hundreds of thousands and today there Therefore, friends, countrymen and 9 0 4 24 7 2 dos which __ _ MAT'CbTl.TCK is a total registration of 504 771 care. sailors, lend us your ears, but give usI tip post Mass than $;3.Ud1 rt 1#397 <tre! If the late potatoes yield as we as tho ting teal#^ly $1C),tl() tcatlaty'. stn y d they nmvtx looked bet- Sullivan, J E, to M Smolenaki, AS 0 11: o A l+a The remarkable Y____---_ _----_.. _--___-:_J a early ones, and CYFtaurice, if r 0 1 x 0 a' growth of then first our edit. F1, increase of between three lturl(Irt*tl ter, this would mean a total yield of lot�w s 2d at, land estate G now p i tl r3ariser, uh .,. ,.. �i 1 3 4 4 x half of this.year, as compared with a and four hundred per cent. 240,000 bushels for Bouthold, if the Webb, New Suffolk _ 11,. Tissue, 1b .. ,. ... 3' 1 0 16 1 0 Wm. E. Dennis of N. Y. Cit" who I Trico eantinums at X2.00, it would mean "- -- Woods, c. ....... 4 0 1 3 1 0 :year ago. furnishes the basin of a pre- with his family, is Y, camping at ills hay, s ss I Miller's Fails, Mass., Aug. 19, Rev. Aldrich, c£. ...... ,::'3 0 0 0 0. 0 �' g p _ �w z^. Reeve, �U. �t 0 1 1 s o diction on tb® art of Mr, Hugo that lies a Spitz canine which is also re is .4 Southold ROOM that the potato crab alone would bring ........., , ; the years registration will amount to tared on the a, a c- Southold ld farms rti nearly ekes ratoful t ti,e Sou 1 o y,r I Clifford o thold UniveDavis rsal st chumer rch, ow s,, i�: n' 3 o i' i o o I at least 535,000 with receipts family roster. Besides The committee rn g __ of the S Ruland, 3b .. :.... a 0 0 0 4 p r lilts of at being twice frozen and, under the care � Miss Helen Imogene Sanborn. _ least six million dollars. The first half of a voterinar t knovrtasdl irient of two [Harm danatfrtnaa Mases "I'. Morton sand Mrs. Gerald : ! 2 7 27 19 2 Ys Pulled over #lam brink toward alae gaud wairk of furnishing Varnum and children have returned to Philadelphia, Aug. 5, John Wesley Two-base hits— 1Vt. ,Dever. Sacrifice, of this year has brought an increase of he once fell from a Ledyard, formed of Southold, agedbases—Barker, p five story building y lilts—L., lt—by :oldsm h, 1bysmn 36,6$6 leisure ears over and above the without in #lien "Southold !Loans" in then Il, I,, 1, Brooklyn, after spending some time at 75 ears. a struck nut—by tlaittaamitri, 3; fay salxnon,':,total re istration of jury, snow luckily having Hospital, ]'hese arra from Y _. . __ i,s, Base on balls—off Goldsmith, 2 g all of last year, been deposited the night before where x'1(),0() their Southold idem. Off :;simian, X. Passed balls--Wc�atls.,. Charles 13. Byron, Lawyer William H. Sage of N. Y. poublra plays—watt to .r'. #slouch to X . Frizzle was to fall. While an a day's ' tber 'Watson, 5.00 AIbert W. Albertson is attending the City and John P. M. Richards, Prost- alavar; goldsmith to V. Reeve to 1,; Act® lees "g p p,9, i,mt no one think theta is any desire Scsstons of the Grand Lodge, 1. O, 0. I Reeve, Left an bases--houtholct 4, shat- visit with his rand o John L. dent of the Spokane and Eastern Trust Suffolk County has received a total 1311112, last week, Frizzle was too or effort on the]hart of tttm cntnrruttee !P,, at Utica, N. Y. as the represents. , p i tlruhe 0, tirny innitr. perry, The score by innirsas: , of $47 940.62"from the State for its efficacious about the nand sho so (,a. of the State of Washington, have 1 E 3 4 5 0 7 t3 9 ' to use the funds entruHt:tel to them for tivo of Southold Lodge, been in camp for three weeks in the Southold ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0--.p, share of the motor vehicle fees for the s was escorted to the second flop P,and �x , anything but plain rWce"aaiti0s, ,A visit - ltattiSytiiK .. .. 0 a 0 o a d 0 0._9-2 'Through the renal estate agency of oak grove of Walter T. Smith, enjoy- j — fiscal year just closed. Southold locked in, The key being on the out- Through the room will reveal attniple forni- - istantiall ' "Thomas Farley. Ticeproperty, 39 13 g ('MATTITUCK IS SOLE. Town's share is$3,39$.16. sad®and no.fire escape, the only way t Lure, plain ivory white, substantially' y ing then fishing, etc. Mr. Sage ties; acres, on the Sound shore at A.rsha- been coming to Southold far then past' E - to make an exit was through the win OCCUPANT. OF SECOND PLA In accordance with the State Law, 5 li nuide, The walls are perfectly bare, ma o um to Dr. Valentina Ruch of fifty years to eni4y hie vacation_„__ _._ i e rdow to freedom sixteen feet below, 111 1 In their quiet coloring,tnd m 0 Henry Goldsmith is installing ins d but beautifu cl shutting fi y Proprietor Dennis says the only result- i ' N, J,, who will taken poi- of 2yto 0! the lea teas belly rd Dorsi hew school E�nlliewootl, cleatalineso. 'Tile whole seism has been a aeon immediately. J E Bloomfield is copying the p t ' water-closets In the Bay y' ing damage from the jump was --- d . .s a a Y assessment xolle f'or then warof As- I to get things that are necessary for uzday alismrripp a- �ttituck�brp � house. wrecldng of a window screen. iafort and worth while as to wearing sespors. mom � ` Dr, J. It. Irfarahiill fossa ltiaten re—elec. E T "+' �E-� �E Through the real estate agency of S. EAST -END LZAG"VE Hollowing the dinner hour a Twenty-Five Tes�c� Ago musical and literary program was, t"d President of tho kNat,ern Long � ���,� Won Loat P. C. L. Albertson& Co., the Kreutzer lace Won .Lott 'f'. 0. P 'Island Hospital. At +a,cei�laat ntoc+ting; � cock 9 6 600 (Park I3atei) in the eastern part of Mat#ituck ... 10 . 6 626 presented_and greatly enjoyed by , Engle I look and Ladder Co, lour- hoe been sold to Robust Greenport . . 10 6' 625 all. An interesting feature being: ; of the tlastaraf of +ulicirviaaorsi 1')r. Afur� Greenport . 9 6 600 the village, will g 8 500 a sort of statistical record of the shall waaa also re•eleeted it ra ember of chased a dozen;new rubber buckets and P 8 7 533 Lang of Brooklyn. Mr. Lang Southold .. . . . � 1 t `-.riiial Reinrllons held under 1 Southold with a wide Riverhead the Board of Managers of the`fubercu• a gong for the truck, Riverhead 4 11 267 this splendid property, 4 12 260 the auspices `Company H."The Ionia Sunitaarlurii at ll�altavilltis for a Mrs. Win. A. Prince purchased a, water front, as a private residence. �,cvcrai places of meeting and the terarn of live years, placo at Chathato, Maass., and moved l RESULTS AUGUST 30 Through the eon,,, agency, M. T. Hor- RESULTS ]SEPT, 6 number of members present, giv there. ton has sold 12 acres of land to Vincent 4 Riverhead Ing to Sergeant David Conklin,the ii Miss Mary E. Kenney, who recently The Greenport Times, in speaking of Postponed on account of ram Poliwoda. p 0 returned from alto nurnmer school �_ -_—_ I!credit of having attended ever 6 i Green ort 16, Southold 1 I, the opening of the Auditorium in that, LABOR DAY ___._-- meeting from September 8th, 1876, Mattituek at C olunibin, It,ft last waxelt with haler village, said: '"'She biter of alto even. Riverhead 1 Scallops are very scarce. A large 6. 9, to the present time. , This an- week t We$ Kattt ]'.tonnes , for (.,orr Southold 2, C®161PA1�1�' Il[. . y attituck 6, Greenport 5 � number of people were out Labor Day, � I��nouncement 1 elicited applause not u n , y y. roar was Mica Minnie tt,athtr Terry, Poom, where ehe will teach history tier recitations called forth several en- � ----- but were unable to get a mese around In commemoration of the 57th which the old Sergeant did daarirag Haat caariaiirag year. comas, She has few t>alualo." A brilliant game of baseball, by far our creeks and bay. anniversary of the muster in to 'respond but his wife did in a very service as soldiers in the Union pleasing manner. Ulu Mary B. Henderson of Port Ilerbert M, Ilawkins purchased the the snapplest played on the home lot The Southold Academy opened on Army, this veteran organization Some of the old "songs that nev-". Choster, N. Y,, a former highly ea- Southold Bakery of J. K. Fordharn. this season, was the game erased from Tuesday, with the capable Principal, field its 44th Reunion at Southold, er grow old"were sung. Interest-, Warned English teacher in the South- Minis .Annie Korn began her second ' the Labor Day schedule between River- Miss I3ertha R. Stoddard, again at the on Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at 12 ing recitations by Fred Hommel f t tr helm. ___ __ "Roll were� and "Uncle Johnny" a n e old high Ilchotil, is visiting Mrr�, year at the Clna;taatta State l�l'urataaal head and Southold, an which the latter � o clock. The usual Ro11 Call cl _ school. club emerged with a 2 to 1 victory. Miss Emerson, daughter of Dr, and musical selections by Miss Edith' ,)leasing , showed that 13 survivors f Nathan Davis. present as follows: 'Prince and Mr. and Mrs. Lehr. -� r _ tont l.uc. M. 1,eicht Itft Cairrip Wal» l''raAdariak X. Terry and Icahn If. The winning was doubly meritorious, Mrs. Haven ]Cmerson, will enter Rad- Henry W. Prince, Robert Eb-I A y e, sora "amp for Lohr commenced a year'o t:ourse at the for by consistent playing against great The presence of the village pas . l dsn, Denmark) M ma* New London Business Collere. odds, our ail-home boys accomplished cTiffe College this fall bitts,li�hHenr 0 I3orles E. to nSamuel ;ors, Revs. Conklin, Lloyd and thntd, where she will spend som, '1'ie PriMathytarian Sunday School the Etat of setting Riverhead down Miss Jo Addy entertained the Young Conk n, Y StariOrd was felt and appreciated' a before retiirniug to her duties I by all, and its influence was a went on an excursion to New Landon. with hleneke, the Imported slab artist People's Dancing Club at Beach Plum Morris, Selden S. Bennett, Isaac T. `ood fellow - N. City p Moore, Leonard T. Butler,�'irilliam' real Inspiration to bangle hook anti Ladder t;o, won lite twirling with all his old-time cunning Camp last Saturday evening _ -- E. Price, John D. Cleveland, John ship. Mr.Stafford proved himself a' iss I'ucy Kanold, who graduated second prize of 3 in gob} at the Fire- and confidence. At the beginning of � H. Young, and James Henry Young. bei Josiah C� lase &w to Stanton Mott, quite an adept in the art of palm - Miss Mi alta, Southold Iligh School last men's Tournament. J. M. Carroll was the season, from the first game to thaw istrg and created quite a little t fr 4% acres on Smith Harbor Neck, adj It was repotted that since our a s fo June, will enter the Now Paltz State ladder man. count of ten, Riverhead lost the whole land of David T Cankiin, Southold, last meeting two of our numiser amusement among the young Iii 1 + y p y amnion and had to the "Final Rolf h� Normal School this fall, Southold itcademy o}e�ned with Mitts launch no matter wham the la ed people by revealing trains of char- Iii has accepted a Annle A. Allis as Principal, and henry against, or how often. Tiring of that The Proprietors of the C Call"—George , atter as shown by tracing the t Miss Josephine Case Lan of tlie.town of South- 'Horatio N. Booth. linos all things of the hand. sltlon us stenographer in the biome C;. b,k�►atr a:i assistant. sort of a representative ball'nine forum 'Un�livid,�d La , , in pa the county seat, five weeks ago a re of meadow land on Little Peconic Besides the 13 members of o., A ngs must Naive an end, old,-to, �ouiali�C base, one-third of aiif I Bureau office at Riverhead, land of David Conklin, no I guests two othertherewerevoter ns off the so an this most interesting occa- eeti of Town Bo semi-pro pitcher from Whitestons was ' Cnt chased across the county line and pro- . . fare there came the allot to say ,ce Through the real ,state of A. P Southold, e of Civil War, but members of ot'� °. Silkworttt, 'Ilieadore W» Wood has The Southold Town Board met at the ceeded to place Riverhead in the lime- Agnes, 'wife , � farewell. 4th 1I. Southold, Sept, 3, B regiments-John McGati ton, 1S?= The question was raised where sold his i'axm of 2() acres to Adam office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, light the succeeding four weeks he Lewis W. Korn, aged 66 years, 5 George S. Prince. • ? sold Tuesday, Sept. 2 1919, Present Su, The fifth meeting was Mon, 9 da s. shall we Bold our 'nes a Reunion. t. ell Cllexach. Mr, tlilkworth bus also Iu s ay, p ,� starred. g s on at months, 2 Y - Our place of meeting was c c: ;r George Brooks farm at Jtania'sport pa+rvisor Tuthill, lawn Clerk Hillock, day, when Riverhead's triumphant - - Parish' Chapel of the Presbyterian and the unanimous response was 1 { 11 . the L _. ' to J. E, Weir&San' y pace forward was unexpectedly stopped "Southold." Justices Griffin, Corey, Fleet and p y pp 9Y®rity-FIYC �ICa�'� �.�'4 Church where we have been enter- to i "Taps" were sounded, the Bene- l { a Tarry, Supt, of Highways Fleet and by Southold, and naturally all local s ' ' 1— ©m�' f` taina?cl for three successive e�i Horton, M T, to V I oliwoda, 12 health Officer Peterson. fandorn rejoices, from Greenport to diction pronounced and so ended a" acres s s old DAi11 path, adj land P _ •• liar, end Mrs. J, R. -Fordham moved' and as usual honored by the pre— one of the most interesting meet- one Kelly, Soutliotd nom Mrs, M, Belle Van Dusan and figs. Mattituck. Southold, like true sports- encs of wives, children and grant!- "Company l to Centre Moriches. �. children of the veterans makin .` !ings of Deavreoyd sinceielsH, W, I, Hagerman appeared before the men, pinned their faith on Salmon, n See.Southampton, Aug, 21, by P tRev. 1. Board, relative to the killing of shade and with the help of his clubmates, Henry 1Ka.Jewell was.alerkiasg for �• company of about sixty who in sew-, Thomas S3tafford of Southold, Ieunia �S. Dusen a itched the little local nine through the W.Prince: � ponce to the dinner call took pl James Henry Young,g e � and Miss Myr��st Texr , daughter trees in front of Mrs. Van p —! _ _____ -Mat* good things of life for the wails; Bergen's y and Alice' Pond and •M lit g i of Mr, and hlfra. 'rani. It, Newbold, property, $. W. Simians and G. Cas® lest Southold. 1 h officer Peterson addressed fray to victory. ids l'a a . th of Sc►u Ilea t or a tri In Euro ` uphill y ten l+d[itiei Hommel,, olio Overton,• es at tilt tables provided with the n regard to spraying shells Mr, � and Mrs. George C:; Terry have �eanatk availed f P $�24t of the ea>,given signal the endo c ner man. I .Friday atnornina; of last week I the Board i g � �� �'oungtown, Ohio, to worts at their "t C,lroenport, Aug, `2M at the Ho spit- w Suffolk. moved from St. Lawrence County to The annual reunion of Co. D b:,company rose and while standing. trade of carpentering at New ----- at, Irorn the effect of Toeing hit by Be was held aa►t NerR Landau. _._ — A resolution was passed, making the Mr. Terry's old home law afticeol n one L. Conklin and Win sang that beautiful hymn Rock Miss Alice Richardson left for Lori- s, the t*aiRt bound :suriclaay evening train far Ina ectora of Election ten dal- Mr. Terry has opened a a Hera. 1 of Ages," which was followed 1?ti°I i ,' rif stay p io and six file rooms over I3ucci`s barber shop. Aiebawsoft were,rain led sw an invocation by the Rev. Brother Siris. 14lich.; on Thursday of this weak at fw,utt lirtgtle, Rolzcrt Flaherty lars for General Election y to°fill a position in the high°school ie diel other days served as Inspec- Mr. 'ferry Is a graduate of the South- _ _ Stafford of the Methodist'Church. there. Ast.orta, anal brother of Nla's.M li dollars for of e y ' "�» .._ __ _ .-.-.-- Then followed the business of life (1 it.<lica aai3 32y. a s of Election. The farm Election' Gild high School, St, Lawrence Univer- tjoo win tsf i g , lir sit and the Albany Law School, and f Elton.S. Booth bas been promoted hour to which everybody did frill • ; ''i s- 11a includes and means the time spenty. � The price of Cobbler potatoes as ; View school opened on 1 ie J" has had a number of years of exper- i from junior assistant engineer, to justice. Two much cannot be said;fallen to $1,75 per bushel, No Green The Bay11110rman as its polling and canvassing the vote and a with Niles Doris]loris required by ience as a.practicing lawyer. He is a assistant engineer in the State High- in praise of the'excelent dinner ountaina are being shipped yet. day, an taught there performing all the duties h ved byteacher. Miss Ilatra.rni K receiving and ,young man of ability and character and taros Department. The aegv positron heplad es of promptlyared and e Ad oc Society Lill- 'client SQu{� j sept. 10, et re r and ave ser era satisfac- lava in connection with the an law matters entrusted to his care IPeys$2,000 a yeat.salary and $600•,for der -the direction of its populwi" of the brine's parents, by Rev. I. T.„ last yea Bcanvassing the vote and certifying y tiaRn. a ion» The pay of the will receive his best attention. Wo y expenses. Elto tto ok-he l andeTaese and efficient leader Mrs.Katherine' gt$6Foed,'Richard Treat Derwin and I result of etc t exsmination for Q p Uloyd: ` ]gist Iva Gladys, daughter of Mr, General Clerks on Election Day was wish him abundant success, Lloyd.' ^ _....__..__ Congratulations - Mme,Geo.H, Wells. =m E T_ a._'. 0r1 thQ list., Twelve families are summering at also placed at ten dollars. ire in'arder. M. � - Paradise. __.. Mia. «lohn it 4`i'riititr hay srrltl ]tart " END Geo. W. Smith h&s received the witness the game. Being' contenders t I'" rot erty tall flay "View to Charles Won Lost P. C. contract to remodel the]Park Hotel, �"�6'e$11�y Fi�C YeA1Cl� 1��0 � Old Indian for the flag, they were much interested Ma'" Thaddeus B. Glover, 'Ph "parriin *'f Pi*ntis lvnnia, for $11'1,-� Mwttttuck < 11 6 647 recently purchased by Robert Lang ci �� �� �''®`�� � -I in the defeat of Mattituck, and felt 1, �+tio � t Mr, "1`hontparyti wsx a forrxaer'r o rt 11 fi 647 of )3rookl n son-in-law of 'William Dr. J. H. Marshall and family re quite certain of its accomplishment fought with Gen. George Crooke Orient trrdy', walis� titatrta rl stirs to aeric Gr on Y a Y turned to Brooklyn, after spending the with the acquisition of Bradley by the then Col. Nelson A. Miles, now,it# hla forturw and evidently has, nada l S iutlrtaltl , , < kl 1 13� k3atterrtian, who Will occupy the summer at their cottage at the Sound. Riverhead. Southold will play at with the Quartermaster's Corps at the wood atrzl returncil to dear old South-; Riverhead , 4 1. property as a summer residence» nisi t�rwrr otitis hrrltre,l inti*of liri hen The_._... , he Rev. Dr. J'. M. Buckley, editor of Greenport Saturday afternoon, and Port of Embarkation in Iiohaken. He ii , J4he building Will be lowered on t the Christian Advocate, was to appear the result of tbie.. ams will either is the only man at that.Government tl l hom"ti and farm a among us. f Itb;:•UVI S SEPT. 1«l __...._. g 1 foundation.,the thirst story removed, in the Epworth League Lecture Course. greatly' enhance or diminish Green- stations who is privileged to wear the gh, tastiate ey o f V. Mattituck 10, Southold 1 making a two-story cottage with The Montauk Steamboat Co.'s boat , aT � titres»tiptazt G, IlI'Verlioatl 4 �1C1 Ins.} � Y e Port's pennant aspirations.. It is to be blue ribbon with the five. silver stare t, G 1�`Mk Mom gild his place enclosed verandas. Hardwood flatus now made three trips a week to the ho ed Southold will ull the indicative of the° Congressional medal to to to star H. th, d- p P Pieces to. 1'itilaa t;lret!riport was wTitilint; a 'viii be laid throughout, slid all the city. _ gether that were so widely scattered of Honor. Furthermore; he is one of XYigtlern improvements added. 'Tisa _- in their last two frazzles, and put up !the few men there able to say that he Mrs, .1, it, youtig ham l,ourlit slit+ ttrugh ,gtaine from Riverhead Satur. p EAST END LEAGUE lilac rtt Riasrata of 1.txtr it:orrtir can till o",ay, b4lttttttucl walked away with iii lot on the east will be added to the the commendable game they are capa- is completing his 40th year in the ser- pleasant er- i kwith Ave. v asy�, one-aided affair front Southold, lawn. The building formerly, used 1 w01n Lost P. ible of showing. vies of the Government. __ ------ h 1 years old tilt sI 1'i? Tttatictr, its :t tt t°a i« 1 r °sit^ti lt! to 2, Tiic Mattituck slug_ Mattituck 1 When Mal. Glover was 8 y a , * a i tr 4 A, riatrr'o iii• Islam,l vers hit bard in the first 'half of the as a bar room will be moved to the Greenport . . . . . 11 6 647 Yennicock Officers in 1877, he enlisted with the 2d U. Si LotusI cariai t n , e s Iraalilatt l�evk ltow, oath Mari 'if (Iii- :nine, and after that it wasn't no- west of that lot,and arranged for > , Southold . 8 9 471 Cay., and went with that famous regi- 1 r~t It Utast, talml tit A, hairs^ tar to;�� i arit"wur to hit for Southold went to s Riverhead 4 13 235 The semi-annual election of Court y tiWcllinl far the caretaker. A can mens to the wilds of Wyoming and e s billion l�lrok aunt<* sail land art' Gil-i hist*s in the, eighth frarne, allowing ,reto bulkhead is also to be built Yennicock, F. of A., held Wednesday bort 1) C ativ. Pe colliv. :,l.ttgt"!. slit, visitors to erogK the Pan four times c evening of last week, resulted sas fol- Montana, whet® he remained far five Susie J Brown tit ,llrrralttain lt, tm only one hit. The, batting of Mats slang the entire waterfront. It is RESUL`1 S SEPT. 20 ears, and fought under the beat In- - Bia t Iowa: Chief Ranger, S. J. Murray; y g + tri, 8 n elf tvtaiatllund glial :1 A oi' flet-vo sold Woods, of the, MattRuck estimated that the iniprovements Mattituck 0, Riverhead 0 (13 ins.) Sub-Chief Ranger,S. A. Walter; Ree. than fighters America ever had. land,ruory tea^ileus,w a Corey*p built+, rigid Booth, Southold', shortstop, c� Southold-Greenport, postponed In 1882, Glover croons back to New ., , add lariat of rarito 11 i triitlt, Cr.!gattgic>el the gattti<�. C�olili the Creat will cost about 5,000. Sec., L. W. Korn; Fin. Seo., C. T. Gordon; Treas., N. E. Booth; Sr. York City where he remained for two rbpr, Southold, - _.nota. �:as to tit) toll fortis, allowing but six � Benjamin F. Macomber of South- GAMES SEPT. 27 years. Then lie was appointed dig- ce to J,ouis N ;San;#. hits, while Salmon was knocked for 's tinware and stave' Southold vs. Greenport, at Greenport Woodward, Leroy Hutchinson; le, r. Ilei " Ir»aaata s a a Jd ain at„ eleven. G'oldsinith struck-out 10, and old has rented the S Woodward,George Overton; Sr,Beadle, buxging agent for the United States f ford, fa A, snit or les , stare of the lata* Augustine Corwin, Government and vvae stationed in the ad lanal tit Methodist 1�:pllacopal; l7almcrn 11. t a1 C I t i'Clt'g date set for the Mattituck-Riv- I Edward Sweezey; Jr. Beadle, Fred State of Washington, where he became t chtircalt. aaaittitalal. nom' sit, r lr slat x e 1 Greenport, taking possession Oct.(Jct1. erhead play-off. Fickeissen; Lecturer, Raymond Sears. a it°rg,Fut•lae, tf. r, i ti tt o i. y Installation will take lase Wednesday inspector general with the rank of li;:ritalrla 1 ,I,+i r,y, !„ l3ia,ti. B. 13aaa1ey, l iitkr r. r9rr. •......... t", a 'i ;i i George II. Ferry and William H. a of ball at Riverhead last colonel of the National Guard of the t „ olT tri l» a ;, rata'flt i,t,aal, gaaTl i.. inti«t°t+, ill. ....,.... f, " :'t i� tt ti l to ,, luihis. as ,,a,i*, i. ...,,,.,. i t 31 c tt have sold their hovee and lotSaturdayThe s between Mattituck and Riv- evening, ed.Oct" followed by tlae usual I State of Washington. There he par- ("]over light feed. ticipated in pioneer troubles and t' latital ra# 1« 1 It It t.,tr.. l ostitis6 `it+a+s r, '!o ,.. ::. t* fi tt at Pine Neck, formerly the Mases ---...._ Ifni ( t;,,i,t.rrnit It, t., .,....• 4 o t 0 s Ci erhead refused to break the deadlock ,t i y » a r+t,t,t,,er, .,..,..,.,, r, l 1 to rr o Taylor property, to Millard W. for first place which Mattituck and ', i1aa�U 'of EdllCatle helped quell a number of bloody mil- ! t ,a )»,„� a'r' i i i o ti a, The Board of Education of the ing riots. thotrtiniitetl`l,ttvi P. i'u!^tit. err, .....< , :: i 1 u c to Golder. Greenport have so tenaciously shared Asa Publleans for some weeks. After a scorelesa Southold High School organized Wed- Glover continued as a civilian em . � �. . 4�1 til 11 7 1a 3 ' d nesda evening with the following of- to ee of the Government and was r l ! for G�laverrhot, tar+i'it«T.t J. Leo has purchased struggle for thirteen innings, darkness y g g ploy Albert tttn outcrud Glaverack air r it iso a, + site estate tai Mrs, arab Horgan tht' stopped the game. Goldsmith, who is ''ficers:President, J. N. Hallock; Secre- stationed at places in Arizona, In i C'ay i^,•lnt,•. ti�tr. rf, __ 4 n tt t i tions,California, New York and Vir- 1 �1 r`ttr rtt�it: !t• ......... a o 1 o h 1 property its the eastern part of the one of the best pitchers ever reared on �tory, W. H. Terry; Treasures, A. T. c a,, ,....., i to +t ti e o ginia. 'He was in Arizona during the t ' 1 st Paul Hi ,urea learning the Iseagitt*rs i taw t i�, village, now ossaickerson; Janitor, F. K. Cochran; i e. t ,t t,raai,. t. ......... i i ya 1 1 i pied by Henrykenry Walk- native sad, again was on the mound war with the Apache Indians. s dt at ilia Tis vgt.rlt ollle ., 1 .......... z 2 n h o itisain, for Mattituck, and be shone in the Truant Officer, F. E. Booth. " law n Ila tori entered e t t,»la:,tr,r ,...,,,..., o tr 3 — _ - _ In May, 1917, he was commissioned a l Lando y light of '`Goldsmith day," for by his . Miss Lillian Howell will speak.on her Mary iirrur.fi, ear. ..,,......, rt :i i :i 1, 4ur�ir T. Brown to ;erciicf ll. :;nhitli. � major in the Quartermasters' Corps 1 Institute, Brooklyn, J. Glover, ii,. ......, d tt ra R o o »t= � » phenomenal twirling the attacks of experiences with the soldiers in France, I[er < Spanish f't,rrtr .r, ,+c, <: u u o tt t about .,.� sa re a an C�r,rcy s t.reek ad.J P and was assigned as disbursing guar G, Richmond caught 1J Sp s.s,.p„:rr,ri,i, a C. ....,., t tt n n n n land of l,illian ilallurk; also about li Riverhead to break through failed and at the Universalist Pariah house next Pon Gare rnurning.. i t.«:t rviry^, ri'. ,,,,,,.,. 's Ct' ti o d a termastar,,at Fort Keogh, Montana, - ' „ yraarol in iiia po ayes of meadow anti woodland on the game was pushed along to a no-run Monday, at 3 p. m. All Iced Gross which be bad helped build. There he sold for 1;cents a pound. t 2 r ^7 iii .lir SitmeY r rr.r.lc ally I.ithela of Lillian Ilitl-i draw at the end of the 13th frame. members and their friends, both ladies made a disbursement of $20,000,000 i t They !`t+», tr a i« Jttt-.txvittrtrahltta. t trine bantr lot' . ,Huth 11=ai^snot, Saarthalci, xiom•, This native sea allowed his adversaries and gentlemen, are urged to be pies- ; Wt••,-tr`,rrdni Snedtlea hltea—Srntt r, , ”` within five months for horses for the Shield", vglao vasa lrntak- ,»aigarr,tttt. britt ttaaatra.�ir rkrr tt - ,l attulr W Ilzilatl,iia rcftirec,to txeorgc but two hits, and one of those of the ant. + Miss Mary a t n ri 1 r troopsin France. tJ has en- +iteral, Drattttiir )1av� r;"1tlsnaitia tai 1,. 1, `Thorrinson, parcel 96x130 'fent s s Riverbead's pitcher __ ._..__. keeper far W H. Itaffor , i scratch variety. tt,»=ti+ t„ i., itottaaa, Eaarnod rtauir--Naltl- street fill' kind of Col 'Tilford, South- meof Bradley, ear a Harper, our vetertan book The next year, in January, he wile , teirc*d the employ of A. lI. tlilkavaartli at tt s, hutarilaaid 1, Struck await....-.sr�< , l 500 was a slab artiat by the name G B P a ,>,t n,t ! in fi Salmon :i t c r»n old, � - ed the season with and line fisherman, is not going to take;transferred to the Port of EmbarkA�°i i lkltattituclt. Mlss Alice» taurroll takes t .....i,i r �it, va a lir1 ' t ass who had just finish of leis Danger,tion at Hoboken, bCven there ha r.;r t Itafl'ord. r silt s tr xrr lilt i, tk siatrr n i. h s sold hit farm treater club in the International Miss Shields Place vault Mr, any back seat for any y i slit try i,ttf,hed frost—Dowraat. Left r»n Mosta I»indsay a the loot is best en. Last Thursday he caught;pioneer work. Ise fathered sad o�i g, t e irai�tt r,.._--Mttttituek G, Iionthoid G. Vin. Y a ohne lc"ave ilex r i,t,, •ii. 1'irrxv, of 30 acres at ]Peconic to Michael League, Bradley was also at h , . brethren. Rayirieriid LIt.n t i t s r s g hita six seabass, one of 'which weighed 8},ganized the debarkation service .af a » 'riritt°ll University,_ „ n ;, . nit ri but fiat was touched for three more hard a porgies and one weakfish. sick and wounded soldiers. In. OetoR° week to ,.titer C, itotititni_tz !{ t i i a silt# than "Goldie. Both nines play d lbs., fav p g is agricultural __ —_-— ` her, 1918, he became executive 4fficerF :Dol lvoW .,...... ! rt i t Ci u it > z Summerville, Mass,, Sept, 6, Helen he will hake a g to wirybeenat i 8«, widow of Wm. 3weezy, foririerly of Na date has decision. re- : Mrs, Ierbert ld. Hawkins acid Mrs. Port Dtilities. Now b® is so indiapenfi' l ! Mrs. A. W. Symonds anti lairs. I*eo. Green���port, egad 68 years,, Burial at same the struggle for`a o ' ' ...... I ut to A.A. Folk were re-elected Trustees of sable that the officers in charge won't lad a Ilatnmcitid will leave C. Terry, Jr., are substituting' in the •Sag 9Iarbor. : s : miss G y Secretarial win for ktiverliead means little _b take a S I Southold high School. Se t» 8, Gilbert V'. i a. rrioraing to Fulton, N. �'., p I Mattituck it would give strong pennant the Free Library Association, at the let him leave the service_` u Saturday Haas College in ;, t Briitwn'a Busl Misfit Emma Booth left on Monday ton of Peconie, and Miss Helen� possibilities. The game between South- annual meeting held last Friday eves Miss Ann Hallock is taking a pt course ha } liar l ookl. In. to sinter the Academy at East Green. + lis ie of Fulton, a former old and Greenport, that was to leave ing. _----- --, graduate course in English at R , 1St J .. Gi p , °wick, lf. 1. aches in the ach.ol at putchogue• been played the game day, was thrown,, to r n ow; over by Greenport to allow that club to Lawyer Geo. C. Terry has been ap College, Cambridge, Mass. She lig 1 I he skits of a seal that was found o his ice 2 �etgy C„ wid _.. .�.._. __._.._ __._��_vr_..__.__---. pointed a Notary Public. member of Prof. Baker"s "47 L. t1itW aalgrare at faicarrtatik by incrxilaera of Albert ! , l+silk has sold 1? Southold" Sept. 1 » ears, 9 o shop." E ,. Frank J. `Tuthill's fishing crew Britt erty on Horton's sane to Ml h,,(of Wm. H. Tuthill, aged 87 Y i stent ' Nova 'Fork, for$75. ,zrlr,� 1vlrC"atbra. 1 ritontba, 12 days•, ­N111111111 a 0 IN102 h /^, Miss Eunice Macomber left Wednes- EAST END LEAGUE by the vote of the Board, if it comes to To day morning for West Chester, Pa., �_ r- a play-off. It is not probable that the pe where she entered Darlington Semin- Won Lost P, C. result will be affected when the protest ?n ary. Greenport . , 12 6 667 comes before the directors. Should ir, MRttituck 11 6 647 Riverhead and Greenport stand to- Raymond Donahue, who graduated Southold p u from the "Southold high School last Riverhead s. 4 18 225 tether, against Southall and 1fat is d June, is taking the agricultural course tuck, a deadlock will result. That is 1 at Cornell University. RESULTS SEPT. 27 what is expected to happen. "Major" M Thornhill, of Greenport, is president of Jesse L Case to Francis G 1-Iorton Greenport 9, Southold 0 (forfeited) the East End League, and in the event '&ors, lot on olcl wood rd, ad.i land of of a tie vats, he would be the big man ifs Haven Emcr:;on, South Harbor Neck, Southold' Tile pennant Sltuatbn on the baseball throne to settle the ncrna. controversy. di woo to Erdj II l sorb Horton, lit orf The game of ball at Greenport last olrl wand rd, ad,i.IanEl of Horton Sautla t, l4-bor Neck, Southold, nom. Saturday, between Southold and Green- Meeting of TOWD ficara tl port, began favorably to be the end of The Southold Town Board met at the Mary C Berresfard to Sarah. C_ " the 1919 schedule of the League, but s Hirsch, lot s s main highway, adj lane office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, 1 of the Est of Albertson Casc, South- developed into a baseball frazzle when Saturday, Sept. 27, n Cl present, Jno V Van Harlingen &w to yrr'm the game to Greenport in the seventh Supervisor Tuthill,Town Clerk Hallock, li I: frown, lot n s main rd, aarli land inning. At the time, I3outhold was Justices Griffin, Corey, Fleet and Ter. formerly of �'m Wickham, Cutcho;-�ue, leading by 4 to 0 the upset started a Supt, of Highways Fleet and Coca- ' noir when Clifford, who had pitched for the eel Case. Southold, Sept. 24, at the residenee Toronto Inkernational League nine,went It was voted that the bond of Super- of Mr. and Mrs, H. D. Ralph, by Rev. visor Tuthill for$3,898.16, for aukomo- W m. Ii. Lloyd, Leslie B. Eldred a and is to replace the Greenport mounds- pile money, be approved. Gilles Lillian A. Joseph, man at the beginning of the seventh n - Lettere were received from the U. S. frame. Clifford and Sandberg, the Engineers' afl'ice in regard to the con- tic Cutchogue, Sept. 24, .Barney Rorke, Toronto battery, s couple of Shelter V Interment at St. Patrick's Cemetery, Island players and a Southampton di on of the draw of the bridge over Southold, Mattituck Creek at the Old Mill Dam. player, were present to take up the 3l burden of the game for Greenport if Application was made for the laying Twenty-Five Years Ago out o€a road at Mattituck, comment. i ev - � Qua their services were required. Southold 1 O. F. 1?a was aware that these outside ball int at a point on the southerly aide of , Payne opened the Bay View artiste had been secured by Greenport, New Suffolk Avenue and running to ► school. the bay through land@ of Charles W. and before playing began, 'tis said,. Wickham Estate and Eliza J. Lowden. Rev. E. H. Keene attended the Siete Southold protested against. Greenport It was voted to view the proposed new n t,Convention of the Universalist Church using these men, whereby an agree- )y at Utica. ment was entered into by both clubs road at an early date. The Republicans nominated Richard that only the regular make-up of theA petition was received for the lay- I f Higbie for Member of Aesembly; WjI_ nines, composed of local players, should ing out of a sidewalk on the east side at liam R. Duvall for County Clerk, and participate in the game. When these t Town Harbor Lane, Southold, on a Charles L. Raynor for Supt. of Poor. outside men entered in the seventh, and the homes of Charlet T. Gordon The Dern rate nominated Dr. Levi L. Southold refused to continue la in and Rev. E. L. Conklin. It was voted �� Howell for Member of Assembly; Chi, p y g' that Supt. Fleet be authorised to make y; and the game was forfeited to Green- ,c R. Porterfield for County Clerk, and port by a score of 9 to 0, when in said sidewalk ata sum not to exceed L Eugene Hawkins for Supt, of Poor, reality Southold was the winner with $50. . A letter was received from Edwin H. p Library kfour tallier to thegood. ers I Brown relative to the condition of the Mattituck has been tied with Green- North Road at Bay View and suggest- The annual meeting of the Trustees I port for weeks, neither nine being able I of the Southold Free Library was held to break the knot, and as this last ing improvements, in the Library rooms Wednesday after- meeting Saturday was to have been The following resolution was passed: noon. The fallowing officers were the crucial game of the season, with Resolved, That it the sonar of the elected: President, Dr. J. W. Stokes; the pennant at stake, it was all im- Southold Town Board that it would of great benefit to the people of Soutbe h- Vice President, E. D. Cahoon; Secre- portant to the two burghs, with their tary, R. G. Terry; Treasurer, R. S. nines in the race, watching the re- old Town s the L.I. winter. would con- ' Sturges. The question of a new libra- suit of this game. If the decision of tine the service all winter of the lomat ry building was discussed, Umpire Olsen is sustained, Greenport running between Eastern Long Island Grasps the flag by half a game, and New London, and the Board The Lades' Aid Society of the� i earnestly requests the L. I. R. R. With so much at stake, we under- ,Methodist Church has purchased rile Co, to da so. dry goods remaining in Henry stand the game has gone to protest, W. and the Board of Managers will have J N. HALLOCK,OCx, Town Cleric Prince's store, and will offer the the nut to crack. Southold has noth- Miss Aggie Goldsmith has moved in- same for sale at that store begin- ing to gain, but Mattituck is the plum to the house with Mrs. Hipp on Bois- s nk ning on Monday, Oct. 6. in the pudding to be captured or lost seen Ave. t to N ew r orx, soiu IVa v,,,. _- 12-1 The will of Mrs. Betsey C. Tuthill of Walters.—At the E. L. I. Ilos- Elite Lady Minstrels Southold, disposing of $1,500, gives pital, Greenport, Sunday, Sept. 21, •ti to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Walters The most novel entertainment that all personal and real property to her of Southold, a daughter, Grace j niece,China A. Booth,and she is named ` has been seen in Southold in a long Bertha. time,if ever, will be "The Elite as executrix. - Bay Shore, Sept. 27, Pahl Babcock Lady Minstrels,"which will be given Gordon Taylor, Soon as Lewis Browning of Feconic and Miss Alma r. and by some forty local ladies and little S. Tuthill can spare him from work Eugenie Johnson, SnJohn ant of Baer of p Shore. girls, under the direction of the au- on the farm, will enter the Hofliey u - - thor, Prof, W. B. Leonard of Glens School in Brooklyn for a course in Clarence FurlDrowned in Feconic Bay, Sept. 24, ang of New Suffolk, aged Falls, on Thursday and Friday even- gas engine engineering. 22 years. ings of this week, for the benefit of11alph Glover, who was one of the the L. V. 1. S. Prof. Leonard .gave employees of the Greenport Ship Co. Twenty-F1YC Years l� 4 the Minstrels in Greenport Sept. 22 t_ � discharged on Monday week, 1►as A great Storm w ought havoc with and 23, meeting with great success, gone to work in a New London ma- the fishing the receipts being$502.35, and both chine sho pounds in the Bay and P� Sound. The tide was the highest it nights were rainy. The cast here had been in The Board of Education of the 'South- years. For quite a das- will be as follows, and it is safe to old High School has reappointed Dr. J. tance west of Mill Creek bridgeI'1IF say our ladies and girls will do them- W. Stokes as Medical Inspector of the water in the road was up to the hula4", selves proud, as they always have school. of a wagon done: Liberty, Genevieve Albertson; Douglas R. Atherton went to the Conversationalist, Prof. Leonard ; Contractor Hemp Goldsmith has 'cothe erection of a frame city to secure a position with a theatri- Manipulators of the Tambos, Doro- cottage for d Teunia Bergen on his lot cal company. thy Van Wyck, Florence Appelt, recently purchased on Tucker's Lane. MOTOR CARS IN Marjorie Hagerman, Marcella Ben- SUFFOLK COUNTY II nett; Premier Commediennes, Doris Henry Goldsmith is building a large' Hagerman Marguerite McMann; carpenter shop on tale Willow Hill 1n Suffolk County there is now, g pe p 11,897 cars, 9,184 being pleasure F Elite Lady Quartette, Alice Louise property vehicles, an increase of 1,254 over Conklin, Isabel Boisseau, Irma Hor- Attendance officer F. E. Booth is do. a year ago this time. There area ton, Miriam Boisseau; Chorus, Belle ing good work. He reports there are in this same county 1,900 com Van Dusen, Daisy Prince, Jessie now only three children in the district mercial cars, or 334 more than Hagerman, Mar Care Mildred schools of the Town who are not at- September last year. In chauffeurs g Y y, tending school. He has had to have this same county now has a total Kenney, Evalina Anderson, Rose g of 2,913 or 393 more than in Sep- , Bennett; Pianist, Madeline Carroll; several arrests made. The law of the tember 1918. The receipts from l Violin solo, Flora Albertson; Hawai- State compels children of school age to Suffolk County this year amount go to school, and Mr. Booth is simply to $107,564.50 or $7,862.75 over a ion Dancers, Wilhelmina Hallock, carrying out the mandate of the law. like period last year. Norma Conklin ; Dramatic Song, Flora Albertson; Magic and Mys- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Booth have Supt. of Highways Fleet has oiled tery, Eunice Browning, Alice Car- returned to Huntington, after spending the sidewalk from the corner of Beck- roll; eck roll; Jessie Hagerman as Aunt Di- the summer here, accompanied by their with Av. to H. F. Van Wyck's cement nah, with her famous Georgia Pick- niece, bliss Mildred De Milt- Mr. sidewalk. This action was taken at Booth has so far regained his health, the request of the L. V. I. S. It is in anninies, Alice Downs, Doris Wil- as to resume his work with the firm of the nature of an experiment, but we liams, Norma Van Wyck, Marie DeVoe & Reynolds, Fulton St., New believe it will work well, will make a Ducey, Helen Dickerson, Marie York. hard walk and do away with mud in 6 Dougherty, Frances Gordon, Eilien the winter. Mahoney, Irene McKeon,and others. J. B. Young of Port Chester, N. Y,, is visiting his daughter, Bars. Nora B. Zebrycki has opened a shoe re- The executive for the Minstrels will Hammond. pair shop in the basement of Geo. H. be Jessie Hagerman, President of Stelzer's residence. l' Society and Business Manager; Belle A few potatoes are being shipped at Van Dusen, Treasurer; Margaret $1.40 per bushel. Mrs. Caroline dlahas sold six- at teen acres of woodlandnd at Indian Neck,, H,arper, Wardrobe Mistress. Tickets Cogan, J, to A Cogan, lot w e �on Richmond Creek, to E. Leicht. t are for sale by members of the So-, Railroad ave" adj land W. Conway, ;llMi ael Fisher has )urehased of a ciety and Cast, also at Hawkins` Southold nom Charles E. Terry the C.1 ver reticle:ice, storo. Be sure to get your seat early Moore, F C, &w to S H Smith, corner o6'Xain­.Str.et t and Ray ave- and avoid the rush as Belmont Hall' lot n a Main road adj land M.Ham- nkle. will be crowded. Social dance after mel. Peconic now Charles G. Terry to Myra N. Friday night's Minstrels. Yetter, F G & ors to M Majew- Bergen, lot on Oak Lawn ave., adj Ski, lot a a King at, adj 2d st New land of party of the first part, Suffolk nom Southold. Paumonok Inn & Cottage Col- ony, Inc., to .Lillie C. Hummel, par- A change has been made in the t cel 225x40{l feet, cor Dight House 6 at Airplane at Greenport chapel hour at the High School, that E road and Sound View ave., Hor- Th usands of people from all Quer promisee well. Instead of meeting ton's Point, Southold. Southold Town went to Greenport last every morning for a brief period and h Lillie C. Rummell to Minna H. Friday and 'Saturday to view the giant singing one or two songs, chapel hours Frlwards. parcel desrbed above. Handley-Page airplane Atlantic, of hereafter will be from 2 o'clock to 2;20 Ida Sebloegel to Robert Lang, 17%4 London, England. The Atlantic was p. in. On Mondays and Fridays e A, more or less, s s Main road, adj bound from Parrsboro, Nova Scotia, to more varied program will be given. It land of A W Fismer, Southold, nom. Mitchel Field at Mineola and was is expected that this change will matte 4 Southold friends of Miss Nina Rowe seeking to establish an American re- the exercises much more interesting. have received announcements of her cord for a non-stop flight. The supply Last Friday the program included a wedding at McGraw, N. Y. She be- of petrol giving out, the crew was recitation by James Cogan, a duet by came the bride of James R. Crist of forced to land on the Burt farm, just Misses Irma Horton and Alice Louise Walden. Miss Rowe was a former north of Greenport, at eleven o'clock Conklin, and a presentation by the, teacher in the Southold schools. Thursday night. They were in the air pbysical directress, Miss Watson, of just eleven hours and five minutes- and the National banner recently received Twenty-Five Years Ago traveled a distance of 640 miles. by the 7th grade fer last year's Rork. [,t, � � p 14,(P _ Major Brackley made a beautiful land-" int;. The Atlantic spiraled to the field Warren R. Griswold,youngest son of Our farmers were shipping large and came to the surface with barely the; Mrs. A. B. Griswold, has been granted quantities of cauliflower. by the U. S. Steamboat Inspectors of D. C. Sage lost sch. S. S. Scranton, suggestion of a jar. The landing, with Boston a chief engineer's license for the-careful navigation that preceded it, y gross tons. loaded with brick, off Point Jude, and ocean steam vessels.of an four men were drowned. was a fitting climax to a day of thrills He is at present employed by the Scallops cold for 30 cents per gallon. begun soon after they took air at NovaSc®tie For three hours before they Chames Tow Bost Co of New London Thornhill Bros. bad the contract to as chief engineer of their ocean going ri repair Southold wharf. landed the Atlantic was passing tug Harold, engaged in towing coal The Epworth League arranged for a through a heavy rainstorm. She "had from Norfolk, Va., to New England lecture course, consisting of lectures by buffeted head winds of about forty ports. Prof. J. M. Belford, Rev. Dr. J. G miles an hour most of the day and her tremendous speed was cut down con- Owing to the printers' strike, Oakley, Prof. S. M. Spedon, C. L. Al- which fen and Rev Dr. J. M. Buckley, and a aiderably. But for all the obstacles renders it impossible for the Long II. concert by the Amphion Mandolin Co. i placed in the way this giant of the air and Railroad to furnish time tables to " made a fine showing. It was half-past the public, it has been decided to post- �" Supt. Booth Badly Burned ten o'clock when the mechanics in the pone indefinitely the effective date of P., i 1 crew found that the supply of petrol the Winter schedule, which has been a. lied E. Booth, Superintendent of would not last until they reached ready for printing for several days,and j the Southold Lighting Co., was terribly Mitchel Field. Then.the Atlantic, her which it was planned to operate begin. burned Sgn�aj afternoon. He had four powerful engines roaring in uni- ning on Oct. 16th. In the meantime, opened a can of carbide at the gas son, began slowly to circle over the however, on account of falling off of house and was putting it in the gas dimly outlined land beneath. For a'travel, the Saturday only train will be p machine, when a wire that held the can number of times the commander circled discontinued. broke and emitted a small spark. This over the village of Greenport and Long spark set fire to the gas and the flames Island Sound before making a landing. Herbert W. Wells., Frank Young, Hew up and scorched Mr. Booth's face The roar of the engines awakened the Addison Baker, George Baker and and hands and set fire to his clothes. town. There were on board Rear Ad- several other owners of mater With rare presence of mind, he threw miral Kerr, Major Brackley, the off his coat and rolled in the grass to mechanics and passengers, eleven in'trucks, drove to the City on Monday extinguish the flames. This done, he all, with loads of vegetables. This was was able to walk to his home and told The Atlantic finally got away for made necessary because of the em- his family to telephone for a doctor. Mitchel Field at 11.12 Monday morn bargo on express shipments that He was so blackened that his family ing. The petrol arrived Saturday and went into effect on that date, Many did not know him. Fortunately the 1 two starts were attempted, the first other truck loads have been shipped Hames did not reach his eyes and his being stopped by a gale and the second during the week. We are informed eyesight is all right. While Mr. Booth by damage to one of the Rolls Royce is terribly burned about the face and . engines. y that some fish from Montauk have hands and suffers great pain, still he {suite a sum was collected for the E. method been sent through ro truck. This bids fair to come out all right, we are L. I. hospital while the machine was to getting produce to mark- happy to state. It was a narrow es- at Greenport. Sight-seers were charg- et is quite likely to be much used by cape from instant death, ed ten cents each for the benefit of the another season. ft Miss Edna Cahoon has returned from Hospital. I a visit with-Miss Emma Booth, who is Mrs. Henry J, Cusack of lJastpart Potatoes have dropped to $1.30 per at school at East Greenwich, R. I. visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. , bushel at the loading stations near Riverhead. -- W. Grattan, this weak. a 4:. hl Waal V AY+V q/1111 fact m.v. ...r•aav �-- --- f nant won by Cvreenport by one-hal WOO the real estate aR'enc of '' To E, Lc 1, League ���OO fauS game over Southold: Pl$yere added L Albertson& Co. Samuel Dickerson"� r � t Raymond Ullerich and Prank Sanford,. 1913. League organized in April., Manager, C. T, Gordon. Boys has sold his fine farm on Mato St., and I Six clubs composed the East End Southold ball club in service: John Oak Lawn, Av., with a frontage on s League in 1913—Orient, Shelter Island, Turner, Charles Turner, John Scott; Jockey Crek, to George H.- Wells of 0 Slag Harbor, Southold, Cutebogue and; Carlisle Cochran, Clement Booth, Elton Taconic.. a Dickerson reserves the a Mattituck. Chas, T. Gordon.was mangy Booth, Harold Booth, Weslty Prince; fe et, on Oak Lawn A r and also 7e t ager for Southold, and Wm.T. Gagen, Tien Diller, Jay Glover, Myron Glover, feet.front next to it. Mr. Wella is the secretary and treasurer. Players: gave $60 tt biggest farmer in our Town and he has e y y Frank Moffat. Southold now added a very fine property to his Joseph Gomez, John Diller, ,John Turn the Red Cross, the proceeds of a game, holdings. a er,Charles Turner,Elton Booth,Joseph 1919. $y action at the last game, as y Gagen, Clement Booth, Carlisle Coeh- Thr ougb the offices of Reeve & Bart- to ran, S. Lester Albertson, J. Leo explained above, we understand no pennant will be awarded this. lett, Mrs, Elora B. Bliss has sold her year. t$ Thompson, Israel Terry, Benj. Diller. property in Southold to Arthur M. A schedule off 30 amen was played. Had Greenport won this last game, > g p y Joost of New York and Southold. .d Southold won the pennant in a record they would have been presented the ' of'25 games won to 6 games lost, with' flag. On the other had, had Greenport William 1. Hagerman has 'sold his a percentage of .F131. Player added' lost to Southold, which was decidedly house and lot on Boisseau Avenue to If the case for seven innings, Mattituck Christopher J. Grattan. ad during season, Myron Glover. would have been the pennant winners, Df 1914. Eight clubs made up the as Mattituck and Greerport had been :All of t .1 6 oli &w to Katherine 1, f, League in 1914, Riverbead and Green- tied for weeks in the to n,s' ,c parcel 1,7x1 o feet r a HoH or race, When ton's l tttc .tl,� l�;nil of Slenlael;ta Hi s. port being added, with a 36 gain$ Southold refused to continue playing Payne, 5ouLholcl ,__ ___ aiom le schedule. Sag Harbor captured the by the shifting of outsadere; to replace , _.__ )n pennant, Southold finlslaing 3d. July the Greenport nine, the t,,,nrno was for- i The �'�o j' c,utilding ret Southold! r8 L.7 tag Harbor and Southold played a felted to Greenport. f% protest was has h�c�t cadl,7eleeiZezed by the State al memorable game of 22 innings, Sag, entered, which threw it up to the Educ at t'"' "��,��rtanent. The gen- ad Harbor winning' by the close score of Board of Managers. Southold has eral Hca n of condeannation is 2 to 1. Pitchers, Cochran and E. Wag- that11, . u ta'ulg;is too small.They Wag- never played a man in u league game that nor. Southold's additional players: who was not a resident, of the district have t� r"`e"chilclreresupre. Now, . a who �r �1�e ever have `suppas?geJ alt Charles Wells, Ed Diller, John Scott, allotted to Southold. They can well be v A a alw Will Griswold, Frank Moffat, Robert proud of•tbe fact that Uncy have won that t t>I,a ,;he size of Southold tiyoulcl t�� 'ti this decoration. The to Carey. Manager, C. T. Gordon. and lost both games and pennants by t o be proud of itself. strictly adhering to the rules that villa c,c,.; tt- 1916. Same clubs as in 1914. Schad- y g Fisk work,, Southold! No race sna i of ule of 28 games, Riverhead won the should have governed ea c clubs an the league. The Southold club also ane t cads t e�y ,l Five Years kL"�'"x°'n'yt.f3 5 g g � m, 'In ponnant, Southold taking second pace $26 toward furneshinr the Sonthold xct as a r$sult of the Iast game between Room in the E. L. 1. Hospital. Players �i`t;�1° j- e Years n* these two contenders for the flag. added this year: Rai; Donahue and f ®� ® Zry9neak.,Al.Aavids. Managers, &"d forth andquestionable decision at the plate AI..Thompson, The potato market was of gave Riverhead the game by 4 to 3, in There wore 295 names placed on the be eleven innings. New players added, President H. W. Prince and Tress- registry list;in this election district, Will Schwicker, Wesley Prince, Harold urer H., H. Huntting, attended the Steamer Sunt7hin® was burned at Booth, Wallace Merwin. Manager, C. Group meeting of the Savings Banks of New Haven. gr, Gordon. Long Island on Wednosdaa . John 1Viunch•of Southold and Miss Ida' td 191&, Light clubs and' 28 games, Meesra. Love, Bullock Adams and Bayles of Oyster Bay were married. ptearns as preceding year. Shelter lal- Varcoe of the State anl:ing Depart Junior League of the M.The 'E. ty and took the pennant in an unsatisfac- went are examining the condition of church elected the following of&ceras as =tory' manner. Southold lost a 16 'in" the Southold Savings Bank. President, Illattie Van Dua ec 'Vice 11. ning fame to Sag Harbor on May 30th. — president, E4lia Skidmare; Secretary, At a meeting of the Board of Diree- Edith Prince;Treasurer. May Lewis. at Southold finished in fifth place. flay- tors of the Bank of Southold, held on ny ers added; Jay Glover, Al Salmon, Tuesday, U. Ernest floissesu and S. Edgar J. Moeller has solo his tract` (laorge Strasser. Manager, C. T. Gar- Edgar Tuthill were elected Directors$ on Bay avenue, known as the O'Gor doe, to fl11 vacancies. man property, to Thomas Daly of N. sed 191?. League reduced to six clubs-- --.-_ - Y. City, for a consideration of$16,0.00. ave There is an embargo on express, ow- Mr. Daly, with his family, summered Orient', Greenport, Shelter Island, ing to the ex resssrnen's strike in the `his P there this season. Southold, Mattituck and Riverhead city, -_-_—_ A. itiv`erbead won pennant, Southold fig � �,.. __ ..a _ �._� 1 Miss Lillian Dowell and protege,;: by isbing fifth. New players added by l William. T G geii hti, rented the Mies Smith, who have been stopp Southold: Will Grathwohl, Harold !Williams ice houses .i f,:rsr<tt Prnd,for with Mrs. M. Lehr for some time, 1 " Richmond and John Merwin. Manager, a period of year<. on Tuesday for Boston. _ per — I C, T. Gordon,d -- -- _ -- — tear Thomas H. moving into Mrs. Lottie We 1918 Four clubs—Greenport, South Bennet¢ nas renL$a' $ Mr. and Mrs. Wm A hu ,l d, Mattituck and Riverhead. Pea late residence of the hate John 1Korn. _ __. -- <- •— place, RAW A m I M & wife to C 'dellsJohn Succi, the barbeir; tylia was a� Through ' 1 ' ;balf interest Sal lot a a birth road Three soldier in the late war'has been ad-! gh the real estate agency of S. I I roviot red '4otrra of *Anuthsild ail land 1, S titl, lot adj prat Nat, 1"I. Iloaath, who is an authority Muted t i , L. Albertson & Co., Frank Kloss has at Southold''` � r ,j o citizenship. ! sy w�t 3a of u,uts "h4fli€"ta are as feel. � ,ea , '' nom, an Indian relic" and custorns, made a fact I aim The total number of registered voters sold ghis,place in the eastern part of the On Wednesday evening, when aha big rind last Saturday. The land in n E 1 Willa a to Michael Fisher. wind was blowing a gale, the alarm of low*, big F , to eadawcr. k Southold flown is 4 Biel,. I viol"rrm l8lrri4 lira the vicinity of tile Park Hotel property � ,�20, J _ .___.-- _.--- fire was sounded. The house of W. L a Sete a,r L 04 0i, lot ad j Hays & Dowels 1,01d „ • =A •nitre cues known ar, 1~iaaltl in the days ..�- - _ Michael Fisher has Purchased the W. Hagerman on Y'oun s Av: was die-; �. Wm. H. Terry has sold his undertak- g ' I'A io i"1":i {.rna+k, 6zat a it ffi+lew asiifisillt Tinsel, of the brut settlers of Southold. This H. H. Glover lace of Chas E Terry l I covered on fire about 9:30 o'clock. The :z Coat .a,r ei a ady Down**Creek, culchogue .l,tllltl ang business to Undertaker Wm. M. H. _ , P __� ._-__.__._. ;Fire D • u sire r,rat.,ta 114411 wau the site Of an Indian village. Mr. Beebe of Cutchogue. Mr. Terry has Suchard S• Sturges has sold the epartznent responded quzekly, f,. . .. i Symondil. A 1 , & w to la J Ma� hang, the now yawner of the Park Hotel been in the business for the past forty- property known as the Ward farm, I and the fire was extinguished before ..;, 43.1 hems Jr. lot fi n a 1 uckorn laria�, property, lash risen excavating for the five years, having with his brother, the the flames broke through. The fire evi-; «• 3ilii )anal V ll Horton tiouthold 2,htgl Alar of the hotel building, which he is on Boisseau Ave., to Moffat Bros -;_-(dently started from .the stovepipe , .. � � z,a let®Goo, C. Terxy, succeeded the late , - _ _ -_-_ 1,^ :#r i 1I i,,, . Svcs about ll}tl feint from flee shore, Skidmore. Jes re L Case to Joseph Wells, Pa,.--`I which went up through the floor and d 1 ,a to rot John S I �• pr a ;es a e„ las,+:$ io private mead running set on Little Pc+cinac bay,11 into the chimney. The upper Toone cel 1w rY367 f xi, „ti,},>l i + , yzatit east of tl l ad1 land of. 'Edw ai,l 1I T au.h, South 1,» . b, 1,wd ,' °'sty' p y y. nom .was full of clothing and furniture, lrs " 36; ` , ,e » tlsrougti shy roliert to arra ba Mr, henry W. Pxznce has rented his store l'i Iiarlal,r Neck, Southold 1,sd.; ga;,ty as:,e. l z„.,.,,a„ Booth had tars idea that some Indian building to David A. Rothman of a �which were ruined. Great damage was tl .I,rrp,ntr fill Anna M 1.ldridt,i, cy w,,; to Ann(, E a r1 i Brown of lit, t+lw'rieicl N. s might lays feiziriel while the mien Bayonne, lilt. T„ who will open a dry 14all7hsi, 2 ac.res, w line Nock la,rie,i done by water, The metal roof, which Louis W. Ifs wta relic tt reveerted the flames from ,breaking J xi cs were excavating and lira told tlieiri to mads and furnishing store thence. Mr, ,_xcl,j lant s.of John 1t;ar,ch, 1?inc Neck,', p i„t Matiilsck .1., bias latirth is l,tailalirig tilt f er �l .' , creek lays nn the iririkout and let him know if Rothman is well-known by many of our _Southold, rrotra through, saved the house and adjoining mnjj Valentine Rutll, tate thc, creek y Amityville, Qct. 2a1, at the Long Property. The damage will probably aitla• �? the liteelit rt}° lir» lftlz�k, rc4- thrry fozanzi any tlsirig. C?n Saturday people having married Miss Ruth l#,Sal µf° l 1 Tiro lr. Booth was Informed that hones Samuel, a niece of Mrs. R. Sturmdorf. island Horne, Car coy�*c L. Carpenter, aznoixnt to$1,000 to vt teas»aa rrrroivcd!l v0iatly lsurehb*a d of laj t's, tie«19 Citi formerly of Southold, where thei, Rime tisera� a, t Y t hadl) icaunel, Ile lout no time in George W, Smith is raising up to two �. e Prince is filth ali irie't of Kirrs sg art. itis$ M+iisrtti litrieri, Ilii t,c. let f°tan” , there and unearthed three In- stories the cottage Mrs. Katherine E. burial took place, Ziiy, Out Picking strawberries . getting tf _ t ox has gaxrden. a a I lira”volota In this shy. tractor«l» I eo l"hieiailisein, na to start oleateans. The skeletons were McCabe recently°•iurchased of A. A. Miss Frances LW m, `Terrell, daughter e Ehe total r Elie rariittrttt°litiri of to bsttagaaltr+,c' fcai° clrari ak ns est tans srt Slee first , of Mr. and Mrs ;i ot,eest Terrell, of I, Robert bang has purchased of Iiev. "bio waxed yah eevidontly of India Folk on Horton's Lane. Q g , , i. Is. T, Fismer his r 't'eitei a xialtiiatial Irrswgli. It is thought tlitit lir. , ,orotiiiu s. They wr,rro bur- Last uo ue, c.nd i`Iiliiim TL Ruff i fir• loultiag friar tit I l P Y r', i g tribes, the t g y 1, property west of «inventor "' :a ,e, fc}r+t sander ground. Geo. B. Horton lass moved into his;9 of Mattituck, :f'o,,,5 rly of Iliverheade ties road running to the jbay. Dr. Fzs t.yi:ri. the sat Lynn*s iiie t i la�si about titre . father's house on Iiorton's bane, the weremarried ,,, the home ,of th � mer �r611 move his cotta's l „ .t , , w 114,wtiesr, will izirrhaw, land tit alt'. S.hrrlhi were over tlio lizidiezi and tyres brides aunt, MAT,. Miley I• Squires, in I, tt across the, 1 house in which he hued haven been road tz,d,as property f., a rlr li,.t,i="aa i„ =claei lies r �e it„e=tl ,, „ s st, 1iullt raver the laurial '"lace. g Manhattan'on h^,:c;acl,ic.7 afternoon at P Petty there. thlr rale r a:tali y,f ii, ,r ",, llilliaral Sat ltctx»ls 1rt iti+l #'rest,, titaij latttlel nazi leer 4 sandy soil sold, L o'clock. 14Iz. .,:»,i ?Irw, ltaffard will l ei I"laic tact, coupled will,thy, sa y , ,..,,, has:sold her; w ,, . ; , tltt rx ttki tfY flat fstlat iiitttrni, i r.l,y tI (.hraili;.y la '�ell;, v to on- ,reszci<:» ;zi Minta,,. ,.. I l,z. f;roozn i4 I lU1r. Carrie J. Lewaa i, Vote lei vu , bn,14 m.e.Is Iltui I,tr this zeounts for tile, good pres v larrzz.s Ti i y r t the probably as lar l,t,.i, iarc»el IftIQ • Duma°;ed in tilfL ,i,i,, busine6$ 1r 1 a to Postmaster Wm. A. Cochran over Id I l.raanir•lr� e, t»s c ' rwca:s ill t.csta,n ratiaally lin Ire zii,u which must 1 fent, s Naztli ,. place x tall tet f i i r, lie. # ery a,tion of the skolut roazrl, zzri;i lianzl Of I"rrnxklin 1+' Overton, :,Southold, Mr: , oril attended th<, anoi son W. Germoaad Cochran. Post-' „t. t'riaiincla tit Elt,p liziaisiirsal alticia. over l,uzidred years old, The Peeol le. _ nom Riverhead Iii,;la ,s:°tfool for several , tMaae ns t o ata )«t rt pi, .sr .azo, 1 l lie i _ -- master Cochran now occupies the; e» Years o Indians laaad evidently Smit a violent « years arid latex t,t,Pl'hi; school in Baby- ss nlaariy rt,,re». l4iarrsila lei 'l" f ill° ()no Merl a hails,in his skull, and Charlr3y S» Wells has said his Inter- ;lin. Mr: Raiford, ,vho is the.son of Place, 6 v ai r Old vans,, r lsaaxrels array vi . 'r � r�� r � � rlcsrath. --- tl,i�r lied hits lergsi l,rtike=ri, It was est in the; P£°4UnlC Produce Co. to i'Mrs. Mary Rat-Tc o-�ti, of Mattituck, and i Through the real estate agency of E. 4 p Iwas;lal te, ", ,ii ixii�l pb,tlii, ,lrahn Mtli4lasr rii,+vrei"zit+,J. C. szi«li`s sora g Y t y James Trambetta, the Brooklyn cam- ; the late Capt. il�,._nr I:I,Idaiiard,who; not all Indian burial ground, for the i rte N tar-Tag �i, 1 re'riderrivo» hes PON that ,� ,was warden of ,.,c, county,aazi for Leiclat, Wm, E. Taylor has:sold his y lizitliz»zs were not In t 1 mission merchant. J. Edward and ' many years, tsar l'-d in the Navy oven honso end lot on Railroad avenue to f° J. J. ltirbolund Saeid fit:nily naz:+rrriil b r chi David A. I}ieltinann of Bay View are r , a W. Smithhas tkt,ai thrr e arra» lzscllanis bury their dead, Mr. 13oath seas during th ro,'lr1 war. He was IJonry Carpenter Prince. 'vouive alta�rationa arid' lir,sat t,a their sal#1 larizrsar tit Willimantic mend tine skeletons tither to the maim e the business« mustered out of the service last slim- to i treat make,oat will sin 1 tC n people lm Platt at tw'rt >eisles t,.,ti, American Iridian, -_ l sari ttae It a a bi e , h'luse utas of tlie. A N. Y. — section. ,, • � have� Iticlaarrl S. Sturges has sold the pro.•. � tvv. l,e^#:r: 11 Miller, pastor of tho _......_. s sec J `•. Suer. Both o1° th<� yo,arr��• ea la reepatl rata li Arlbur M. Jett. l ` 1 ''t or the National Museum in Wash lairs. John H.Maung has sold her, .many friends tat Li.,� cc sac>zt. � t'"�-'a �perty known as the Ward farm to Mof- y l'ra+inlay»ta•ri,eas e,l,rsrctz, ztee elataiil a zta►11 tri las ya m at Bay View to Philip,Doroski, r .._. a trier a, icreiled will" prrs• , Q r t«r is lass I`rratr tesrian Iztgttan, far, 1'iV II - ',F`t9 reIC"S Igo fat l�ro�. aka« 1 yaat_a as f t y , y o i.,ut.ehague, ?ai 4Virin#srla another Iridian ,ikr.le I � �� a1i;,,,, I1. 1,clwards to Anna )a Vanl ii*wv, gong to Ih*city alaily,rgi ar chureRh at Waarmaw, N. *f. about ten feet from J /�'�Gtt, ,y wase unearthed - --•._. "ease, Co. decided to,Iio,�C i p krc�el 11Iix234 feet,n s Sound' twat of tho vulborgo arra oxprrm owing A It»li�ting 'so.•itri , wears for,ned with' trap nr1. T'I Mrs. Young has also sold her Protection i btes:,° t.c, aid," land of J,II Marshall,, °; striker, y j # s' ivt,n, . lareris, Homier' '�'hi=re flies others were trio M eve two lay aJksc le Josh, and That ooi.;lic>l,l, norm to to esPrrraaazior,s ,.« tksez f.,l,,�3rag it , . #., � , _, r was riser in a very good state tat preaer ; smaller farm to George R. Bidwell, t- g P Y�” `� .a, xaiia+ Ruct s osi azul at"o l#r�ta;ia; V sant+ 1 re s, mesal Critiv, W. H.i �whose property adjoins this farm on Reseal Pat—tor tbac,. benefit of the com Willimantic, Oct., 30, Eliza 11., wife r t at for the »�r•c or.. xi:., aalid • tc-,1a,,, "r. N. rlliip-, west. '�kie pause azid lot recent- l,any, of ypaianee J. $achnaond, formerly of i' J va iia fid. y , fiat l,ezrsl, °�ollnertiaut i t the first State to the Geo, A. Mr,iior, Wm. H. Gagen, Southold, aged 85 rears. Interment at' l�ii'zr pini iti it,ittitiriii t lzsss.d byr .air-I ly occupied by Joseph SAutliiard, has Henry Gaffga, Gfl+len I3r.eitstadt„ Geo, �illocv Mill Cemetery, Southold I . , a "r, . The State Fairm j been sold by Mrs, Young to Wm. H. M,Howell avid Michael Fisher were ap- A taw rsaaliflt we� ata In to "l hraatilth thty effiirts elf Rinse Gor.1 l.iizitry 1 iatlatlizLt zx ,ar.• arF dpishwa s in this Southold, Nov. 1; Patrick Gan s- arket. °Iht aura% is ire g Clark, pointed oYci�zr «,, fair Druinkai.i°rlsa fit l�Traravirrh,whic,h up __ P; 1 �' aged 8T,years. � � Intl 1 ry Itrirrtr this tbowSmilhA Y, W. C, , Se e.rr tarry«, a t,1 July 'let was crr.zwded,W s ailicial- Through the real estate agency of S. vicinity. Nut,Ti ii,rs l+ Club xalia Yiarirae.al ttliru Kati. L. Albertson&Co William Iel, Carey T'he Republic ,,, xtnre:lat the country Pi l elilserl Sept. 1,l., N. Y.Amer , Eat^ss morkot is l retry dull, j one and ay raareninst with IJ menim y in the general election. Certificate 9000 �$��' unit°t, of their has sold his place on Hommel AV. to P. _ faresters,are sta,ria,g la,»s °n titlelrt was givetrs by Mrs. t'aerliole Cochran has gone to N. Y. J, Mahone Michael Purcell, Mr. Ma- _._ -- __- .A. ,, • � bus fine eition with y'". r -- ` r; , t1M i.ri hia�i A certificate of organization:for the l 1,:i,«til. Y,, t,,siiillliti, 't'ha fiillz,tvsitig txifi,yr, where he 1 a to tl honey's son-in-law, will continue to oc- Vain. lI. . {, �1. , oa ao Farmers' Trust Ca of. Southold had; M' e a is riow 0 " , 'a,o. lI« Gibbons & t za. the Well-known 1 's toad. d•:=.is licit sine:,s, to{, Bankin q r aalaa is ae y a sellar.tyre c-re clic Ti, l rc „ Mai• GOO. ezzpy the Ptace, sold ti been refused by the State g all g .: a , 'e i r e, lysed brokers of Wall Street. Wni, M. Beel i;l c 7ogue. Mr°.� r» _ Milani°is rt< . 'l y4, V6 it rits., lid M ,, Department. Henry Carper#er Prince has sold his Terry has l,t,: cainess fo ., rou 'h the neat 1410 sganry of ., flrelre:,.,l It .tirii.y, Sec`«, Miss l,dltl� a. ,lit g ,. , � Tuesday was a genuine summer clay. Y,o?:rs, havizi •;-- 4- aa,ri lass a,relil a Serf r, Lissa Mirn ars Bis{ itll, farm on the North Road and 13oieseau the with Y r o;' L a' e, late Geoa:gc hyla , M » Jain It, ys g t r it • Potatoes are selling for $1.60 per Avenue to Ernest C. Maier, who will �;it:l9 hi4 _ her ftirsra at Bays View to Pbsllp Dairai• �ilist next fns }tiring eat ria ,ltib wilt I,uahel« take possession next spring. Q.,. le,riy, tii,i,{._. .l ;cn1 0lie late John i of t,ofcheagila. lien held with Masai Doris Hagerman _-...,... ... Skidmore. ,sit Monday evening, Nov. Il. t J 1 1 .stzsi»t '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 'Total Joseph Shipman D 9 29 41 121 101 137 102 23 101 45 65 66 42 68 94, 1 JVSTlt 8; til,. '1111; UI KEM '011.1RT � «ata. LeoGagenD 7 28 31 103 71 101 92 29 147 88 86 74 56 82 Hol Michael F Goodwin D 6 16 23 83 62 76 84 27 111 48 86 110 65 110 103 J S 0,4w9aillg l t 1«3 17 47 RXI 74 107 96 27 12.1 49 W 48 00 910 John W Donovan D 8 15 25 84 58 71 83 26 106 54 72 76 56 108 ' 84Z-- Arnon I.Sqt4ieri it 17 190 72 147 117 IW 87 24 1.14 130 137 113- 11.4 161 1605 Edw tip Hommel D &R 17 212 102 127 163 198 '122 44 156 135 130 110 99 145 17. I aui 10 lguu`1$zt o-, a 11 1I 5 f' 1! 1 0 6 0 0 2 0 1 22 Wallace S Tuthill R 16 166 68 123 102 169 63 25 91 112 107 101 118 172 Smith llrta 0 2 6 8 11 13 1 0 6 4 3 4 2 ;1 79 Fred G Kaolin R 12 161 56 124 99 160 ' 63 24 86 101 91 95 86 124 UI3ER OF ASSEMBLY Fred T Jennings R 13 175 64 128 110 174 70 24 104 103 115 96 101 132 14Q9 lwrt A tiaa ht t It 15 24 24 110 72 Ito 96, 30 117 46 76 84 55 160 9983 WForrest Conklin R 13 170 95 180 181 213 100 27 96 126 126 111 91 136 John t1 00%nes 1t 111 211 96 148 138 207 801 23 123 137 128 125 116 121 1653 � LOCAL t11axICON tiI:101 'F �a Saloon Yes 15 11 25 104 71 141 118 17 66 54 74 58 42 70 86 "ra l Thur n 11 24 n "1 6;a 94 3 26 1111x, ,45 61; 3 38, 81 8134 :saloon No 11 204 82 118 113 109 49 17 121 104 104 118 91 146 1387 i John V Kelley I4 1rJ 110 47 136 Ill4 X10 1301 '� 1111 1088 111 1 E;» 70i 136 1395 a Steare keexper Yes 12 13 23 104 77 135 99 21 66 49 72 59 44 68 $42 r Storekeeper No 12 198 79 113 108 97 46 12 117 104 103 111 83 139 1323 F` Ia 1 ra Amer 1 '9 ' # 2*2 ;38 38 13 J 16 26 31 40 63 40 3v1 0311�NEIt I)ruggisat Pets 15 106 6$ 143 111 1117 120 26 118 84 107 81 77 134 IaO Druggist No 9 105 38 75 75 75 33 4 80 72 65 90 53 77 851 1 1 Henj C And re a 11 13 21 37 101 75 104.1 98 301 116 911 74 76 44 92 925 Hotel Yes 9 13 21 100 74 1.130 94 21 78 52 73 03 50 75 $5R i " I1 14 W6 77 1401 118 173 74 2<1 119 1281 126 108 116 167 1564d e �a { Ilcst�;l Idea 13 196 7$ 112 109 .l� 0 12 111 103 103 105 78 133 . 13Q2 PL1R 1. 1 APPROPRIATIONS v, Tuthill 13 ;! 124 1013 190 17'2 207 166 41 164 79 103 118 68 127 1680 New Suffolk Bridge Yes 2 44 11 96 51 41 31 7 36 77 51 81 54 74 666 toral" V Terry It Ill 1301 47 1 W 88 161 60 17 93 107 109 83 1001 148 1238 Now Suffolk Bridge No 2 88 86 56 41 85 34 14 22 40 34 20 21 39 43' O WN 0'1:F RK Shelter Island Ferry Yes 3 38 16 110 53 48 30 9 23 57 85 50 41 60 57.3 C 11.si V o hmn 11 7 14 24 93 684 80 80 26 134 65 82 71 42 80 8146 Shope}r Island Ferry No 1 53 39 52 44 as7 37 15 38 64 48 39 28 51 546 � z Jt .ph N H a14f wk I1 21 219 109 178 154 227 99 *28 121 132 129 IV 1,212 182 1850 Dist, Nes. 1 is Fishers Island; 2, Orient; 3, East Marion; 4, 5, 6 and o% Greenport; 8, Arshamomoque; 9 1 I'I,ItIN"I"EN1#I'4I 01F 1I1G A l and 10, Southold; 11, Peconie; 12, Cutchogue and New Su' o1k; 13 and 14, Mattituck orad Laurel x y r ,a ,. ..,.-. . - 0 e�1I 1°`15t 18 10 J 2�,3 1,� fa3 2� X79 167 tat x„,3.3 173 190a 183tJ 11i�a ,42 ,�5>*7 �0.t1J3'1I1.,U CONTINUED ftlEaT'URNS over Thomasson, I,xn%+ins �. Rogers e �� allsweep ro t.011«l,i l'tllt UED polled 851 votes. Sul e.i visor David W. a aa� rtrl�ts€° 11 9 52 11 174 2157' 14;1 � Constable Fishers Island Tuthill again proved lai:a t.;ra�at popular!-: Arnon L. Squiers, the Republican a nu r 37 10}1 43 83 78# kit 109 1,342 ,a to c r� "," a James h`, Young, 1Z and D, . 184$ ty In the Town. lIe zab,"r,only wiped out candidate fog Justice of the Supreaaae rat L fl amitt It Lit 195 146 8 72 121 63 � 149 142 122 110 111,3 161 15508' Town Trustees the Republican lead, bbl, was elected by Court, carried Suffolk County by 8,000 D "1 1 } 1 8 0�h;, 4 years Frederick Tabor, It and I7, 2110 442 majority, Thomas I.I. Hassett for and won in the judicial district by Jesse t.1 11 1.00 401 46 126 10'7 97 29 162 76 1001 91 46 812 1090 F. D. Schaumburg,Rand D, 2050 Overseer of Poor lade aS5 majority. 30,Q00. i ClJoe all r. 're 1lt 88 4(1 403 913 72 1#;3 84 25 97 41 45 73 17 36 759! Henry W. Prince, R and D, 2060 License, except for drug stores, was, Jahn G. Downs, Republican, is"'re- ., t c x William M. Beebe, It and D, 20b6 defeated by about '500 ia"ajority. All elected Meralber of .Assembly :,ond rl G orey I1 1 a I'14.`3 72 141 116 194 77 26 119 121 1;37 101 1015 143 15611 the appropriations eiar�.,c caarried--Con- First District:by about 3,000. � Charles J. McNuit ,Rand ll, 2038ort of 9 , Mrs. Ida.�� tiiammis, in the II l I1 Iia 1Ti2 Tao 134 96 1 64 23 86 Sia 105 211 138 220 1434 'Down Auditors Healthtingent,Now Suffolk ia,icl>e andrShel. Assembly District, is defeated for re.,� JusTICE OF I AM 2 years Edward F. Dewey, It and D, 2048 ter Island Ferry. election by leer Democratic,opponent,,, II 7atthill 13 1 I6 48 98 9I 28 109 45 f3 6T 41 8T 851 H. Seyznoaar Case, Ii and D 2031 ,. mu l r �' William tb, $;arroll, a young saldie.;, by",' Harry It T rr� It 17 2301 84 '167 129 1139 24 1;Z7 126 136 118 11,1 161 1694 Arthur L. Downs, R and D+ 2041 Board of V�leiii'vi Ps � C 0 D, _, �� ,about 5,000. n f 11 T1C1< `3;14181 " IS N11 d qW , The next Board a7r `,upervisora of Sohn F. Kelly, the Republican tangs e 1 Frank F.Ilam 1.1 R ,3 191 97 �` 159 209 188 41 196 164 170 15`2 1 3 190 `Z1,017 Suffolk County wall st umd eight Repub- date for Sheriff, is elected by abau't The result of the election in Southold licans to two.DemocraHt.a. The present' '6,000 plurality over Fred Th'omassop, Town by districts appears in this issue. Board stands six Rel:,flAc:ans to four the Dem oOnAic candidate. Fdwaat ]? l t.. a l ra ' J �11 11 131 40 119 100 26 148,8 70 114 90l 63 101 1075 `Mitis the exception of the offices of Democrats. After .la�ni. 1., 1920, the ,'Rogers, who ran independentl the pps t m D "haul 13 81 : ;37 98 64 91, 86 16'2 X75 91 78 48 t 979 Supervisor and one Overseer of the Board will be ently gest,as many votes from lJ�tr Poor, the: Republicans arcade a clean David W. Tuthill, l t., Southold. ocrats as he dad from the Republa�as`, I1 I kaPtt 11 8 32 46 79 98 86 111 39 1 62 44 78 854 p d Gibson is T641 dj I John I1 1lr¢,wra 1t& 11 3 232 1013 192 1� 216 140 46 1881 146 1"401 1,43 118 18 6 2026 sweep, electing every man on their Charles 1 .Smith, )., Slielter Island. Br. William g`ma orat Z2 1 1218 175 7 142 44 1701 146 147 timet by aaaaloratacas ranging from 166 B. Frank Howell, 1,,., Riverhead. Coroner by s b g s made a sin 1 bat St 11 1,45 121, 190 2070 for Tact C olle0or to 1,004 for Town Benjamin G. Halsey", R,, Sontbampi The Republican g ®,t Lather 11 Tuthill 11 11 215 " Y2 W3 186 1.67 213 132 44 177 1401 153 167 143 216 2127 Clerk. About a straightart ,vote ton. in the Board of Supervisors. p y Jahn V Fanning 11 16 1714 C6 140 120 166 79 = 106 124 132 1355 117 170 1566 WAS polled on Justice of the Supreme Nathan N. Tiffany, it., East Kamp- Board standing eight Repubtio� + i Coo II Terry It 16 179 7 134 12'0 263 8 t 22 112 124 1134 112 99 157 1521' Court. For this office the Republicans ton. two Democrats, Irving 9 Its re X 111 183 127 149 12.6 179 80 23 94 107 115 106 96 141 1541 h%d 696 majority its the Town. The Abraham L. Field, 1Z., Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Roberti. fl' Prohibitionists east 79 votes and the John Westerbeke. R.., Islip. a 0.1$1 D1^' PC1111 to occupy the u g S4003alistas 22. Assemblyman Jahn G. Charles D. Miller, li., Sinatbtown. Aper rooms 1:1t zzz _ 11 lw! 11 13 62 54 1 178 257 159 35 110 54 76 77 49 77 1401 1�0*= had 666 ms'or t . John F. Rile-P. Howell R., Brookhaven. J. Mahoneb+'s house, re Al[--rt W , ll rt n 11 18 16 I67 76 146 1 197 11,4 40 201 1 I71. 144 1+31 173 1868 Way for Sherr' had �6ii lu' lit William T. Laudon, 1v.,'Babylon. chased of W, N. Carey v VA�, F,�t,� „ 4Zr 1 17 1701 73 1165 123 4, 20 885 108 118 95 91°5 158 1806 7a 3'.. ._ ���, i rl lI says, however, thin his only put•- ? fi �{ t Verdict brise was to sentare batter lrarlkillg titin So lhol� [OWD Hart 8rookl n Nov. 8, inor A. BIiss,. � the placing agent. This y , P g g h population /. i y , 1 conditions for Southold, which are The Southold Town Board met at the ' taghter of Mfrs. Flora B. Bliss, form e�a��Q� A� $b� du � , p p :7 The most important vie etion lied , i now is only 27, chargealiTe as follows: t t 1 rit�o(b'd. lite i:i clricattscl in k,ha l.a}rIas .€ . 1 of Southold. aged 21 years, this year was in lYltrtmteliuisettd, A Pillows, office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, rpntha 5 days. Burial in Southold. Jonathan Baker, County auperintsn- Huntington, 1; Islip, 3; :Smithtown, Thursday, Nov. 1.919. Present Republican C:ltrvtsrnor, t,'alviti t;'alarliclge, "For it 1onx;• tirrie rrc+rerl f'rta' latr;,�apr! Y, _ , So- dent of poor, submitted a report to the� 2; Brookhaven, 6; Southampton, 1;: i • p to party crri«I b,ettar lonrrlcirtyr fiiutlitia.; has bream i pervisar Tuthill, Town Clerk Halloek, Twenty- ar supervisors ehowin that the total re- Easthampton, 2; Southold 7 Shelter was reelected,but t,1wras were t pa y l p lt,fav ittt:a sh olrairge ltu ilio s in ficautlt-! � YL'el�'�a � � g 1 , 1 ,f, r Justices Griffin, Corey, Fleet, Terry cel is at the almshouse. from all Island 2•c g Old :tiros r°zrtra #y, Ali otlort; rratw rzt:trlc � r , Quit '.. lilies in the xa-suit. A sloughing vat„» I p y, 3;other towns none. icor hast been wont issr low aiiil rrrcicsr, and Hine, Supt. of Highways Flet sources amounted to $62,466 61, that The report also contains this. Mrs. k. y , I$%, ratrrt° livollhi who der lira+tl at larrTMt r 4 ,p Rev, Dr. J. G. Oakley gave an till p patriot should i'cJoice. Trren- haanl, ho,rce, and folt that a tr•u:;t cold- and Counsel Case. h ,,- r the total disbursements were $37,756•- Ruth Overton is matron, and the home ` y p dress in tile. Epworth League Le.etura d river at i a ,l . .._._ ._ 6i:trrV wt•cattl+l lra ;t sorvo that whole vast-Wilson frarxi hr.a st5k fired dent the ;. , The the resignation o£ William A. Fleet Course. 23, and that the, at the endo under her management,is very much , tlnvernor tliial- r t n oud tri Long lAaml bo-yorid River.. to take effect` the fiscal year amounted to$24,466.88. improved. Jpllowing tolegraw to ; la lid, fit obtain at trust. eompany (-hill,. as Juatiee of the Peaces, Dr, Alexander F.Carroll of Brooklyn, e� "I congratulate you upon your! ,,-• },t,vordii *lv at notivo of irakrrittton s was aces ted with re ret. . Mr. Baker in his annual report for » it p # a i p, at one , p g writ knower in Southall, died, aged l8 Jq plan its a victory fair law anti r,^tt ptil,li;•hr°cl rvrtlt tr list pit sixteen James T;1, T ambo of Mattituck, who the Children's hams shows fatal re- James Eightielh Birthday s too r,;elit,a c,l i•tUvkholdvl-s f'ronntlutellogity the s Ce to years. ceipta of $19,535 50, disbursements of ' order. When thin is the issue all was elected Justice of P a s 7ihq fall rxtssting of tits �trfPoik Couu s, � to Oriollf" Tht° c°corilcrarry was to be and a balance on hand of Henry W. Prince, President of that Americans stand together, t.,avtarnnr take office San. 1, 1920, was appointed , $12,811.61, t vniritarlierol tit $100,t10t1, tarsi later it ty PreaCkaexa Association was irtld iir between Southold Savings Batik and Veteran cif l a's teat victory la 125,t1tatl ria» ,.,. ,Coo id y Y rm,a,, olrrralaeal to .twirl. with it surillus of g l Justice o! the peace to h11 the unex- $6,623.88, or a total balance b ,ej• .• r - the M. B. church, � the Civil War, celebrated his.eit;hi:ireth f o'rlt marks the first referendum ori i Sw50,000, withitat, ca vii share tell for'' fired t+�xm of Justice Fleet, the two institutions under his Care of y p _...�. » .. ..__ ._, birthday on Monday, Nov. 17th. !firs - issue of maintaining lie "Lill, `fhre staoo^k rr'nia latrrv1y over - e rent for olein laces about$31,000. „ . �„..; ,,,, #ha nlear-Cut id tt , Voted that the polling p rcri°ihod. I'ho e itit{!r•t r.taacl rasiel #batt sit, 1tVillard Howell, why has been the High cost of living had no terrors far Prince's daughters gave ii dinner tai 1i., . rity of the Government, , „,icor une ,it u° it Vortifl be$10,00 for general elections and$5.00 g g c ire rrrc t a l i i # r honor. The guests included his brorl,ki- ” r•, Registration Days, = local (none of the A. and P. Stars tiie Almshouse, the report shows, for 9� c':tt+ cif`orgaaraizatticort iu,r;� he gi.€rtt:a rl, far Primary and g er, Orrin A. Prince, and tine oflic:uI a,8' k CHARTER ��t r c ct sl:trlm«ter i.lte it t tl'or't;i to t far the general for some tittle, has gorse to Riverhead, it Casts 32 cents per capita per day to REFUSE It aai l will not t the same to take effect g Ft eed the inmates, or $2,24 per week. he is lororitS ttbottrt the alaarriro.�,l i•csstrlt. t119. where he be the manager of the � , p the Bank, with wham ,r 1?'rc:tt >•ic�'€ �`'. I 'ictttlrotl+l ilio:t buys° lar tl.arr lotttrl,tuir eleCtian of 1 p y, UTHOLD TRUST 4 . ; ., . Hpz, OCIt 'l'nwn Clerk etartrarry's store tbc:re, Itis lace at the other hand it seems to Cast sail H. Howard Iiutat,tt fig, fa vilitie and :€lth+ough t vlmrter 'Ceti J N ' ,, Southold is taken by Hugh Janes, who ,Dere to keep a child than a grown per K. ferry, Itensse!enr G. Terry f 1u, Far mol s, `i i tt:=t t,r,nrla.€ny has, ltt,cra at the Children's s Y y ,,a:; wr dl t. f a' stagy t. ` ' 6 ; ' „ , Master )David Lehr picked black•black- comes Frain liridgshaniptnn, son, for the per capita ' Israel P. Terry, ka wburii la,: cli me il,ther a r oc,tiarc,,t •sit hill,tli.tt,€t - +ornr: latices° «liar, rya hco+c: Dost t'a€i e1i;,- berries Tuesday of this week, If this n flims is laced at 68 cents a day, Mx. pleasantly remembered. r Bunk (if Soutbold Wills in Claim That 1 � y ° t.oar t rrr, ;ghtil'1 lo, able to sectir•te ai continues we will be favored G�orge l'I. Stelzer was appratad o p Another interesting fo;�ature r,;' tiara f+a t?t rota itiiin llaittle t i ti'aedc°(I in „ weather con Upton, for i3aksr explained this, when asked the r 11 tlurrtet, Camp'` l e k of MautT olil oillivials when with a second Crop, _ at the bass bnspital, da was the plantingof a Che i v r t .r,i, ;Tt That Village l ha 1;ra appendicitis,endicitis, ti€is week. llltr. Stelzer 4ueatian by a member of the hoard, by b yMr. PainCe on his home pyre... ME, int.cervic°w of 1,;t° :iii E agly reporter, 1p wairk alt fro camp far iiia saying there is nn farm connected with Y Mrs, John H. 'Young bas moved into % , • .,,, ita€vq* out t1w ro llowin; ait:ateltierat has been at the Children's Home. tx:°e was presented by N. Tifa i o.c r:i .� Th" cfilert.- of Dr, .1, Il, Marshall ,.il`11ia ilirart;oi°, r,r rho ll;t:rik or ;oath•- her newly purchased residence on Beck- a past year. At this throe there are 162 inmates at Cleveland, taatsl totlii, trt,Cl l rro,wn mon an Southold r .tl havte fcf that opposition ossition to tiro with Avenue, Miss Lizzie Beebe is I t 11 Fred C, Leicht has rssignCd as over Mr. Prince inane of Southold'%; t i,at, i to air• I€oi>z e what tat a ester°turn sen;sr.. e f3atnlc of ,rrtuthohl rwanc; entirely urr- with her. the Almsbouse, chargeable as foilawa: ,., .. . r • , - ._.. sear of highways, after sight years of Iluntingtnn, 10; Babylon, S; Islip, 13; honored citizens, and we extend } w,^rpt.+l?1 1}« stn crf; rr,:.itacrn l>.tir1e iia the c.allt rl Fitt <€tirl f.h;tt the fu,l+l clul not r i „ ... ,• S. 0, Salmon and daughter Al- a hits brru sit of rittttlici Mrs. service. t+ulat. of Highways T�test hast congrattxlatlans and fir st wr,h, ,, . . r a• > o• till, err?;, rr.ti t,itit. the. r.t t Smithtown, 12;Brookhaven, 37; south- "al ,: f,,inl� oo. ,•ratt,lr at ( Ii,irr, £ r 1 ,e art , • ,.; ;,•avin an, c°on- ' an Mrs. A. Truett sd Ila mond W. Terry in his trust there may be many happy:<^ through ki.tnl; hiss.. , f:it .a t, ice are to accompany appoint y (amptnn, 21, Easthampton, 6; Southold, to m ent, sit it;,.,t, kat vn lefe att•cl t ,, iy,aatic d, tho Southold 8,a vine o; l3zanl: is ass the winter, none; Riverhead, 9; of the da . State, „ ,, • to the city to I place. _ _,._I l4; Shelter Island, no �" she formal ,rt.tion of tile. State flame- cin plo for the ,tcc rantrar,tel,ttn,n of .ill " a> Sark r South- it ars settled T'totttrnan Variety Shop in the Suffolk County, 33, Pecnnic; Nov, 15, at the seEtcic:aorc=. of ;rttt DeN artnio,nt, which hire, dens�il the n flit., lata,tlrty,snail tlr l .ar 1, oaf, lith T, W', Wood and fam Y The i' it oici Ctarni hits, ample Cato°ilrtites 'Feer the~ Mrs. Thos. rite was o as nsd last Saturday, a is what the count farm proms brides parents, b Rev, Wm. 1l. .t;3yc1, " applimition for it I,arto°r for the f in the pleasant home with 13rTC1c St l liar �" y Pohl it svrr•v.4." Irving 5tepben Houghton of lir o,ao,t ,n l ra"irrrnt rs" `T'rrtst fi sts, It promises to be true to ars tams, and duced during the season: find Miss Florence may, dturiwltt (if R a., baplirrrccl rtcirr° tli:it the men irr- H. Wood. 1 rs and attractive variety o£ Y' t iott h the tt i ilitaiaticrrr w a„ for- t •t°cestml in r°,;tablishing tine trust acorn- offer a cart, Acres Bushels Mr. and Mrs Winfield S. r Ndrys6. A 1 1 1. 1 1 _ --- ,tT ,,,- ago 't °:tn, rel qty :r«+eels it c:hatr•to`r era locate itPotatoes' are selling for $1.76 a articles. 24 600 as, ri.ril4 clr.nia.cl rrr«crc. th,air .r tris,.L r l• - l � ., ._..: Wheat s „c oithrar• in Green tort or Orient. tr<t sic t aarrtil 51«orirlav cote the, w c.l I bushel. g .' -- Thursday was the Coldest txiarnin of ll.ye .,.,a. .,..., 22' 300 r Twenty-Five Years �,�� �,w i ry than tho in orinatacori lout°attiic4 latrhatr. 26• 400 Williarir I Hagerman saw torChris the season, the thermometer xsgiste Oats....»,.•..... Sia f.^tr• rr, it i,, pubiitefy triven cant, no ioFr Grattan, parcC1125x358fcot, . indblewagate. Patataea.,-»»..,.,. 24 3,600 Steamer Long Island made Iter hist ., a° ii-rildto rceatsou a: irr°c rr key, tilt! 13atatk- Twentytcapl Jsseau true, ttclj lirricl o£ James Ing Z2. The w w he «ah.ttitt•r is rte f� !� 3 u E Boi noir rrr' ol"illey of Corn................ 42 3,500 trip for the season. l ; rag file a,artrna.oit r h t / Mi, and Mr,,. Fuge •=n5 r:cl) + ;,ta, ,r,:,;acl to zrl Grattan, Southold, , Onions............. 25 Edward J. Carey was'appoitited Eta- .s,= s, Cu, d. nd, it i:. t,a I z of L hodowiCk l,sa' s moved Froin be ting to thea r;tc,t the€t the ll<anit Mary M Grifting to Michael 1T Trow Kpelyn have moved eta �outliuld.^ Carrots ........•... � 240 tion agent at Bay Shore, " , kti.rnvc Orient to Southold to carry on tiie rirti Ca acres of woodland, more ori ,,. cn aYcci in carpentez S00 Korn started a 'meat :esti°kat talat:ttorlcl, er°laic lr hit, b ,ii an a , (iric n , ,. Mx.Tilley is 8 in, carpenter ,. ,. . .„, s thebusiness ld Lumber and loNs, airi' Avoodlanrl of Mary M II 'Bay a Mrs, `turnips., .. ,.,... 8 L. W. t rtinrl,a.a rrf 1+,ra itr,r ly tills of tiro Southold J was formerly , Aa nom, Ing, Mrs.'Tilley � �' Beets.............. 1� 1,200 p the shop formerly occupied lay A.. R. g .. k, rte .........,. lraa e,; iv tit r ole or that,,c a ti<,ta, goal C,; . at Southold wharf, tort, �nt r?t; , rzat;r rt st< rn :rtautlttilti hwv o. Anes bit nnett of G1eri Grtave,a term 110 200 tons Vail. t: • #t.., ries .{ Cbarhta H. Hommel sold big oboe t y kloy a ri oic ,ky attt,o»ra°.,t..l itt tiro, vf'ftrrt.. Wm N Carey to Peter J Mahon- returned to er resident of Southold. , Beans 3 80 Thanksgiving services were: field in €asitias to rr:stabli h it tri:t c oniltittry lruaititcss at Sayville Arid to e lot on Hummel Ave, ads land "' l Y, w o Cabbage; 2,000 heads; pasture 38 theMethodist and Universalist Cliurchss, w t thcr°c, A d it r,. ,ralrrrrttr.at, t;ott, that, 1,outhnld. Anna Tiummel, Southold n m Fdtivard Butler anti family hove ensile e 6 acres, 35 tons, The Itev. William l+.Whitaker of Oratil;s, evo,rr aal+!itlihr frit lrt,. live+rr calv;(.4.4 rest tartan Church SaCiety _.._ acres,ensilage, o a r flies Milli: o£! 'the P y t the xegidenee crf moved into 'gni. 0. Horton s hots•e, form has 8 horses, 20 cows, 6 heifers, N.3,s accepted a call to the Pastorate It rs t lotion,1 b;, b i n s at Southold Mouthohl that t'cslh�wving tilts took gave a social in Honor of Rev, Cao» I), s , are s, a a '' the bride's parents, 19�r. and Mrs.Fred» an liortoii's L;1zre. ,r=, ,t. • w {., � ;r �r�;ar ra res a ilia retiring aster, eY, WrD, R, . . .. 6 calves, 2 bulls, 400 fowl, 15 breeding of the First Presbyterian Clitrrcli o 3tw } }rt>lclt,...w int. this, of n .Qtly 1 x, Mill r, g p crick Fickeissen, by R - ,, w to Mary %t hogs, 6 old hogs, 68 pigs, two sbaats, Albany: if`:f, rwherr l)r, latra:kr:til r``aa:, circa a ivil rrntri' ". _.. _..- Sergeant Ed F. C,aets of Ai<el 11• Lloyd, S g J Leo Thorn' & g , keis- y 0x'96 feet, e g Beckwith Mr, Baker says in bis report tbat flay. Willard S. Ballon aCc,c_p6;ed a t«r;t the dire or talar l,rtnl. ai '�uutla° T ield of a les at the orCbai d of� e Minn., and Miss Florence Fic young, lot t3 A Clark. � r� W- old 11e lot ptita ,lain, ti-t aac;arni„ce tires They pp roe , :ave;, ads land of 4trrah i l ge l nnlcoCk Fruit Farm this season was een, xioni. under the care of Mr, and Mrs. A. W. call to the pastorate of the T4riiit;ingtarr trust trait stony: ltiaw latarpc,:wci„be ui{„ •,rs •Yo Grit H, ;outhold, Young, keeper and matron, the Alms- Universalist church. t r p its llartic of record breaker, The fruit is band Central Islip, Nov. 11, Bryan it wits t°ltatrti.a cl, t,r rnr.ir•a tile a r and lice Anna H. 666 Weet 1T8 SeCoto T F Daly, w n in* el vexttr of Southold house bus been canomically managed Prof,fS. M. Spedon ave a lecture in ;s :lo,trt.holrl in it, a it.lictr through getting some, being large, firm and shapely. tI e s Tia Ave, adj land Mrs R he inmates kindly cared fox, the 1 pwarth League Lecture Course. ,l-ol of a mco cart of thc> stock or „ shl bduller of Central Islip. _ fat y and t s writ T Y a Apple King Booth is making p- _.. , Fat Or turmdoxf, Southold nom ' d, r laiiarncr s iawta fa coin rt tart.r i lay. F'a S The population at the +children s t,o ttrrii.., y k Oct. 80, by _._._ ; . u ,, for he tru.-t,vont airnv had xnents daily to supply outsfde demands New York,. s and Miss Barn rch dot Mx. a has been materially reduced &,ors to M find^ay, a li.titc t art I ,. ri Lester E. Denni d t I.at m , Nov, 10, to H Wood, G T+, . e bank cltil e,,. c r his excellent fruit. el Neer uthold an, eeause of the work of n rd adj land W. Hamm t , i,te.rr t.,a.tnt<.+T still the Y for U dun g T _ _ lot n a 11iai , � .:i Stasia Rnmantski, both 8o stili yrs. Arnold P. Danz, a son, :_...... il the_yeai�b .:. is Cutebogue t+lew York. John Nisbet, e .., 9/ 9 A table hiiwinlr tht> aasscaiiite-1 value Mary Nesta 92 6j fi ..NnoTono Nor Ow ttintzil iltiul fra1- Mise " iPrick,and Hilda Uller-! James Duceylttilkt,lt , « isia4irlt li itle92lragle Roialskt gg +� ,l,i aF Ialtr3ii i.,, 3 rasa I lw rori their, Jerome Grattan 9` � Horace Symonds 8 lyra lotow, . , g .; - "I'l e 4iOatbtiIj `own llwtrd trit°t at; � x rr lt.,l to ich, Itavi,ijt trntvhn4i t.lerr, tour s#3 nt 2 ,, 8 trstt >atiol Ip4t t+ri g p a# et:lls t i. t t I,,,t, .,. Vincontina Kr Henrietta'�, +t "nt p4a 11, � .ltt ,, , t,t ._ zi #i r.:. f#;r lncllvrciutll N.Y. upaki 94 � levier 83 6 to Out Iles ti. f't+1°#°, ls. lut•�am'bt,I lattitttt.k, <,aturd4y', N-v. �,, l t.avv'1„. r sGtrtly at tilt* Iriiilrat` flnsjPitttl,N Muriel Young 90 ` p Noreen Wiseman 91 p eii fiatriil11ttAmt, 1;:rlierviaor iltWl,Town t"ezl , asttrCity, aru +ltT0ingi a short titne with deter Warciska 90 Late nor absent� ill itrapt,jbirt. liallovk, 3,1,41icrtz t-rart"•gip° #hitt It tit t3#i ,011 thtail' r'taliatiV0.1a. I heading Howard Caley ari•ttieat+t4 it 1 +5 ;ista,'..ie+t ,3,,,733;4ep4 . and Mrs, J. F. Honoy have. par- ,:Ujat, of Ilighwa,ls l'"taint and t't unit€'l <:ai+�- klim,l .,. *'M73,Rp{,,14p4 tlz,rtzlg.#G � ] � Bertha Hipp 9g �tefna Yuliwuda „tii.t+i+i ti 14,649,4aa4 t,881 1.#ii ,l 1113 Southold Chapter of the hist; Helen Krukowskl Helen Yoliwoda e f Miss J. W. ljorto strip of t;aset» � � 9$ y �y g irts,x�riteiiri t p ?,d";qt.a! ,4���.+ati ( ,,yy Norma"Van WyCk 9g Jeanie ItOmaRltal"ni low 1 toot front and sh ioop t the fair #s"8iitart wik r{'C'64iitil I'e8n1 teR ,'i `r3dru42}SktR'eYi ii;a1M,`.i�l,uai a,7p,�ta CrUSs 3ecure'id ijEl ttrembera during � i 2 1 3 A I RIP"I.a4a# a ax,144.t+4 James Duce* gg Helen Roznanski walrith of their roflidoni This adjOition tett#orttty tr,rivrA rdiletivo to hitt, ml}-1 11,,41.gtp it #.,as,,4rsl.tiw a3 ;„I;tt.#ops the; riec:ent infill (:all. Anita N:asta iisateii8t't,,a, .., ., i ,1. „.3+tl,sdt d'aprald.4,,a:.4 _ 96 GRADE III Martin Berdinka a Iy to fire telae of their lot jaropritition voted at the lest '&'pz�zz” m The thermometer registered 17 Wed-' 96 Arithmetic titttte.s<'ta 19$1,v34 ,ta 8 4tl Yp1li.t 8 Of yl e ptiri (sir ttoi 4°xtiondittlre of *,',,i-ts f"rp.i,zt'�i++ ,4R 4,3aati.n i � a 49pornin »fire coldest of tris ten. Joseph Cybultaki yb " a 1 1 h the real tat > lR +,it + y g Frances Wadsworth 94 Dwight Bridge 92 It lehti C Baill k h sok; Iris: rl�z�yt ar lti.tit Ilzzrl the 4#�riir-a yarn iY,� • I + 4 Helen D1Ck0rBon 92 ' I"`inti little I tiriitinai err. Ti4rorrie Grattan 9 J,%,% to jouintaaiti wit=alar:arv, w6tvr furry "Violet Roergesson 98 Ernest Dickersca, 92 farm at nor' Hill, $tlttli tis# n hiltor' I Ira all of tli y tvir town.; izr Suffolk Rev. and Mrs S l t a ty have Sophie St.ejrnoskiA 92 Alice Downs 9c, t+r i#ai+ lP=^$t r tio-i a;r+i�itfattPt �, l A. a.�. li g r r x lhiriei Duce dlsa�t fat k kl of lf"ir 3 lit.. ,, " t p t"aa€++;t� ry#rt �t°t arltlry tee instrr�s uF tih� � Stefna Poliwoda 90 y 91 llaRi#l, ititr r+jtitztr4zt ttf riser Att#srRtet'; p solei their plass at lrarrnlizrlalc, ant). . 1 lsa�rij}l€�itri� i"+plzsitr"rl tel be, risco rr=7sttt4sca."4 # ) Helen Warrirok#► 90 i{taAazctata(xc>rtion 9ti t`l�at"lt°a ta,OiYa^y' Nwi »t,ltl hit fill?III GoIii+rill wavi lh4t Clot pits,°rt.iasrt wAn "Rif a r8i,,iltl i+t8:y' ", liiltlMtltjll i«t 9r.°rt4C3iri3l will Move tot Bristol, Conn. I l�si1 Joizncon 90 ..:- i t w ., arra Brat� pp' to ae ., , �A�ralitit is Mian«icltired lstrkan. or k Muriel Young 9i1 Annie,Poliwoda 92 kY i evolaiv t�4i JA+•#t-lih t;rt tllvx4 c:ticz o,f, l.a Tally riilzizi4tto t, as t It a 1 i r I ,I a rs. JoAti lhsne williall 4on ba:1 writ l Writing x l Y hliNNvIA to itie"iir ally ifojl«t"tt•tlaas-rtot $,x,1 yet iti in tht. fuc�t that in solni� Oaf the l part.y r S s.Po iwodz q Slil'ith 92 Iltiy It-it, l 1 very :tti.ill town,, lrkci She'tcar Islktrd, ltetrirtiftil jaiatc:ta rrz tbti wvc°i3t;r„tr i Birt `�tefc l 97 d 400 i Terry 92 e'a+jtt fast tRP rl jppirj,oaxat!#. ; I,i tats villa a"i! tit s Irnuel Dieki*rson. � James Ducey 93 c r 'ftzi sntziiis.'t the Iuiaiiunt of erPttintil to t t't"test Warciska r+ Evelyn'Van Wyek J.. J. Addiatin ININN ur h ti rt 44 hilt In view of ttit44 oi4;rii-it, tbt+ d+8tt,'Rr, pertt1wrty° found t#y tilt* itwp riii.,4ors is s Strasser J,2 #. : a ,., t. p .faun to It isiNhAe!ll, lot Francis : arsser l:angus4�3 farm to vitizI"frt t tlR, $' t+ I'milyd wltirtlRit mAlt" v4st."ti k4 r#•qa hitt t•8 _ t,r4 ntR 1 thine in smn (if th larger i"Y Young t 91 � �.'W➢r l31 "t`ulii3.vH 93i 'Nit, i a`a r t°t a, a#' t?%�'t "€lztrl :=3i.i #8 zitll ' wealthier ttt1A€aati. ! ad land C l'. Ter Anna gVeiBkr 90 Mata tttara�l;zitt pt f9st+ rias lith+.t4 of t iwao, #aetimt at tial jiri vi 4 z itis iz 1. f jip S iijacnb'cs Laney ) � � ;4i.a L)pctcr:rson �f! # s + rt r"4","iter! k rift+ {,43C, l+#d ';. t'`,tjjiA i; tiro table ;iho int:, thP. r I'1t4," 1e5 ea.�!(.itl j t.iaP4p¢t1 lGu Yy ,S3) Drawing ll_4ar l iii ins rtotg, � it ' WON, itri flit M.imtt l ++tail, atl8iaa4rnt (if 1pvrsonal ii`.,,iv.i�iiT vnt talons Anna Nasta 9g y flP:#imp i(an i3 i+t Iof j(A`'tr flit Ir Aoltaiiloo :4p1t fja pia ate i'4401 ti.4wit; SCHOOL ykrydNOTES Stefna Poliwoda 98 4, +::iarta Van Wyck rFloratoi Appli;l#�” lm i N Hld live in yr furry ,`si'R®`:4'R.` l#t'l wt"ik,"rz 4 ari'el114 tat �,.,, 'tk�r�reHi�t fit#;ai � Anna ZtiveHkl 9$ aM"�ve lllijt, 1- ' lit tr#39l 't*I Carat to alit Kull, otrtsf $4t*lit r I^v'a•ittt, F nxR Sita°ovR,ea<n ,,,...,, , 3r3U t8tt1#e.tWl % ♦ Pt-ter W&rCIdlea 0$ Dridge l 1 tsti tattts,.apti ,, 1e.4,4 t.t4s lienor Ittill for First Quarter Mar Nasty 1 'iia•S#r ra tri4at8ai 1g44i.itt IMI 96 t 'ar it DIGkt!i'`3ca11 Tho drawn ltwoll the ll 'va8' pit 1l ilela,n Warciska ;)6 s, ijouttis '4" Rat ,`ir4 )t til! ''°t"p'p':e. i .::.. s..aisr .........:... ..... .,,,. `�' Pa.1e8.z ,` ' + IORrrtei-;i I IM.A .ii a' .": "w: 3 st: j8r48lia8iittlrzi° ra+kl,l, rci3li48i8j' trp8iti tl«t' leimtt'r4i8a.t ,,., ti.'rif4f8.4H txHAl,il, I �t'lillrord Wiseman 9Q Ducey ::3( t>+,,,pia,#"p tri M czr Mnttiturk.p�ow "tof,dLi rwol iii rtes l+sly 1t ,.,ih1a 'i,» ..,. Steffan i la 9#3 James Ducey 90 -�, a a s Gordon U9 Ifr .feta aia,r8 Tiara e: isa ,ot Norma Vain Wyek 93 'Vincentina Kra ski 96 as l ,. al t1Rr`ttu b lwiiias of I,-oviti i it» 1.1p .., i,,lcin K%art :t . . ! t8at$p.it.te a t' .. .. ,. 11e4"rita4rttiA 7a.3aa.ri: Jarnel; Ducey t:3 CritAllE II ale I%p'ril twal i iia � l tatia iaril t,".k, t.j#t, �?i) Eugene t"Middy W. 'l�'ts kloiln 1%;Area•, C'ttatlR.� -�sasta9ae4 raga .:,�isi.t4,ttp.o Violet Boerjt+tt$#toia 111 . g :a "v clittin °� I x 1,41 riP� "Ill• I. Wells lis,#t J. Vit, 1.at;etas#i, l ,Anna Na mtii 91 Language mi Pohwoda tint fay lrti, Agnes M. lftaiiiartt," rs,nizl,tix,rs '1ivrHel°#r WPrcNka tg EHther Booth r , 91 s.,it+:y ,3rtiitlR Nk; • brook lyn, Nov, ltf, at flee M. �' � 16619811.1f.i.:32 at lull Value � A 3 JIirI'sini t;xrattaan la) Juba Gybulski 91 \. ,< t Stepu4sici It €attolk Iters, John Wil{n of .1jos, tdtill I-Ndl til' tilt, '11%vits hied assesses t,liffior#! Wiitzrrnau 89 Marie l)ajthorty 92 !d.a stc-panoslai l;i, Edwards Inc.Inc a former pastor of tiara s�outht#lel M. �R. 1 + 1, Berths,Hipp 88 Robert Gagen 91 , Tri full � #lu.a :at tlri? riate� of a+lrializa- c;!4ta�o a i aaR'ey 1irPa. Moretti aged n y' 3ersttla#tad is ter have.a az ea tdrm under ',thole iha ,'oulit„v wt,i:dld haevca $Ir1bi989,- � Geor e Htepnot, 88 liosemary Ca�aktun 91 � �,aro`1'lpcamjPron `!6 r j Peter Warciska £i13 � JPanie Romanski 90 i P rite iia+ala t#f e;s tfii 4l szdw, Irir. t#o , in rrialt:y %%jutes, the etrpualizerra t,a,,-,:.yn'Vein Wyek W ,t i' alit, olid°itlt+#1 si;t f#s1lRztv::; Mary 14nsttl 87 Walter Williams 90 ticngrHkhy ” `I"hi dire"rtiasri ria Wzzt, "I'. trait i°it stir! ;'' t c Muriel Young 87 � Noreen Wiseman 93 !t �3i ltatt83jili l'. t't:rriell ref 1,tai 1Prara eci 1#c I�ritlge ;rl eotttiiitl#l, i. ) tiitietfi 9^reticle Warlsvvorkh g7 Arithmetic c:ioii Dickerson e,4 I d Ilalijt rurrihas of lir"wiRt W. 1`lztrra n t,ilvrttrdit and FAwor.l S. Ed- �l F xanlimatioe} Anna��a>r�raki 8 Esther Booth 96 holrivCst, Dickerson a+l. ` rarlp tris#zi8 ata Sr•8, . Iriol#liat'k Frio lx#kwpir t8 .,., �t �k.�$14.1 I"rraneii% Strasser $� Julia b111N3�1 t 3 4)� .4 tt. s3.crr C J6 it,c•Downs is c ri I ti,sr su Av. s rra€arrlps ct# t rier4t, serail It i4a y w..,artia sport .. n tsaa:aaz Helen K,roukowski 85 y l t.. #fav, Gr^a#rix IP. lalliar +rete€lied las l of N. , City, lhpr #iii#lir €tz°i : AVret, .,hoo ar ts.agnat � �aarre I3ogherty 92 ea: Ducey 93 l l Y- „ „ozicsrti ... ,,,.,. 1',",.r Its M.aa Jamest Carey t36 Robert Gagen :. farewarll Trys t" �a tear of the limy , (joi +ori Pfd+ t=lt'ala a lay *j=)a l , ;rr4;..: .};tx,rias xi , ,,. ,... .,, td,bp 7317,rri , p �sent nor tardy � 96 � �icn!#3 Gordon 911 t s 1, « j Neitht.r tab: Marguerite Gallagher 92 lipl az hart ti tl$. haasriz» t 1t,. +S itusa'i 45 ,.,, ,, t ,ua 3iG»i"1 91 tiirrs jtrealrlt^it ; i. I`1 t�rpiai I�t rsr,aizt t a iid#, ,. , ;3'.��ts.its,"3 ��' �tnrjts:rtrt Kart Helen I'ollwoda � 91 " �s+.r+l��y Smith 91 The tax rattp ;in :loutlttpl� "r � r anti troitrt4r••r, The tulle it4 1i�a« sa,tt saki t. ,1+4 � .;tailley Poliwoda Heim Rnmauski 95 c%te Ste noski 9i tl '� P4+s'ri baa, ai✓a�ri kt Y •S i",'ti,4SiEat78i .,, .i" Ij ii asaatna rata tfnpitulizetl fiat a,t,i f» l'lta y ti�vca )n,a#t.):r,.trtt ....., ,,,. „� ;,,�tsas.ta �l Language Noreen Wiseman 94 iPataa,Terry 91 Where was a Bre at the revii,if.ot"or i porch aaisrl fit kir , ;AittRn llartairti4pl t1w,, ° o t" Spelling i,nnris'Tholnpson 91 o sr4.d..trit ,at;. la Bertliaz fllpjt 96 S William I s4sr h 1:� Normn Vaan W ck 96 Esther Booth. 96 �,.acl�ri Van Wycls 9; yr but trot manta damage, last utast of Mr, ria a"ri e areal j a; Averiiito GRADE V t.arna r.;atey uU ! / / j tarries Cngail 96 ; flora G A y CIt«rgr#1Re°riy Average E. Leicht has purchased of D. T. A7St3kJI G0,000 C,. 1.1 CDS ' ppleb to Dillie'A', Dwight In^i•tar, ;t1 s Katherino Milliard 96 {)I' CIDER AT C.l.'1'C l0GU 1-8 of an sere of woodland n ts Lid' t' Katherine Billiard 94 Daniel :itait.h 91 Conklin about 1j acres back of his lot I tie creek adj land of parties of the .rrtp^sat lli i,br esus ]tri 01 r Envious cZ:s iia t,t:iri c toward t,wl , •,. li r"y Jatrava Cog Clifford Tillinghast 31 I Un Beckwith Av, and running back of t,utchof;ur> aaxcl v,czli ty sins� the t,ews` i ural and aecand parts, Indian Neek` i 1C 1,tt 1 r k t ,boat' Rh liolitl dtsir�4 19.raa,>« I D1' Walter 7.,twtpskr 90 H. L. Jewell's and across the railroad. ear 1?econic ,� , o _.,.,. ;al It°Ecirrt Ilat±►t�cDta '�1 sprc�.tl that <rl:luut fii>,A01f gallon; of 1 _ s_ 'lnd, l t, e leli heading I'el�viax II I3r4ttivn w to l;ditlx Ii 1\1 iappl n<._ tiva pressed out; at one E SEdwards and wife to Gagen uP� tile Frnr•«�,•,, t,,t,.3;=t} ll Wrtlt,,r.?:cvc.klLge tit«lunrt ]f'lea's Alt>crttttrn `J a:xrsoli, ]ries 4, xnap o.f Shore 1*or.; c if l inlii i�� thnt nd�itl�e mill i.�still Edwards, lot s s Hummel Av, fly"l,"rt E ,rt t C loarles] Vr r j7 1 ast few montes a loll Abet«13icstrrnilFrld !tl r' U ad land L i A R, Southold nom f le,t rr„ yti.l;,v.,rr p;,3 Margam t ]taker 9l1 ropc.rty Of Taclwin II Brown, Ess I 1Dai,ittt Smith l7 SRariorrC�ati:y a 'tis, Southold, nonl.,l itx ulcrrtt.nn: 46 00; r nvi a Ballon, j � 4trisi 1+w s» , tat "�Sm ttl'tilt 87 ltatltrrt Carroll 17 ., c.,e 1„e�zltinm p71ce, t.hp rider niitlxlat W T Gagen to Gagen Edwards St'uielti,y` ,, ril t« Mary t p 111 that til ugressxve little villafi' is lot a s Hummel Av, adj land L I R A ttt•rt t,•l,rs¢»ills t, Harriet 1Diokerston 3Ci Jairxea Co#xan 96 Trains Cut Of worth ,,l0,0OO. � rise ' C"ants C;nla« 85 ]Catherine. Hilliard hi,t t=lo:o-ti y DaniA Smith 91 A reduction of 10 per cent in the pite United Starer; Sulireluc Clourtl R, Southold nom "relict "tliasais{girt SH, Spelling Bernice Simons ;DI has decided that Tsai t-bile plohib-; Mrs. A Hummel to'E S Edwards, % rear,Tvtry .3D `lo Albvrtson 98 sat 96 Long island Railroad service took.of tion w a•; con,tittitiot,zl, but cult i'-'� lot e•s Rummel Av, adj land L I R C.(trt M 1*�' c k 9In Flora to a Clifford Tillinghast ,ae t,tn a.t i Avis ]lisle l 96 C'harles 'Vraeland 91 � fwet on 'Wednesday. The managers drinkers on Ioi,< 7 land are :,..yin"; R, Southold nom I."offerl, iitt#w1Urieo { Alice Illrournlleld Jit ---- say that it i's�ioped that the change "we should.rvoi i;l•" _-----'- A daughter,Elizabeth Lydia,.vvas a 't"t'illooil COvyr I Jtitta�ph llcsiid 9fa Writing r, will onl be temporary and as soon as�, -�- --- 1 J,�'t«l.lr li xs;it+,w ki Clarlis t,'WeY J°l Flora Albertsozl 1<, � Y y 7 �AlbertG. Case,who, k Al!„rt t,t r„rtkt i Marion Care Margaret Baker J0 the coal shortage is over the full ser a few months' born to Mr.. l”•ferry on i • 9 o n phio, an Sunday last.,. 1'ltrotr,ra l'a°rry ltt,liarvt it',arra+ll `1:3 Mary Nierorizik a0 vice will be restored, The train leav- ago went to Youngst w -- a lis r+ 1 +«wrrat Harriet Iwtic:.k`rtcon 1 Perfect Attendance ing Greenport at 7.24 a. m° for Brook- company with Herbert W. Simons A son,George Henry, was born on lit+rtiaat Cttllaighr«r 1 n and Manhattan and the train lean to ;tJork at his trade of carpenter- tit 14,14 ]+isle' t, 1115 Carlis C,aley Y Henry VV: . lCottktc�rina« llillisrtl r � ing lies returned home. At the be- GRAD IV Martin Lehr it4 Frederick Kart ing:Pennsylvania Station and Blatbush ing, ,has to Mr. and Mrs.f ^ ,, olaary lrtrarilzik ,t� Addy loskonki Av. at 4:58 P. m. for Greenport have '.ginning of the new year Mr. Case t 1 orto t attendance I b. +"+ will bo to New York to wont in the ' Mary Norkrl+tn I a Charles Vreeland I ren discontinued. - I The total tax due the county from Butt' tie Crrage'n IInni*,I �Srititli U2 John Shields _ - the several banks, exclusive of trusts ; _ l luyii 1�tri W}tilt llcrrtoici*Sittions fill Harriet Dickerson ZLrS � ® Morse Shipy is over companies,is $27,432.36, and the totals llritirtr�rtrt I°lc°lt,ia,xt»rt Anna Vojik Twenty-Five Ye g 'Novy that the coal strikevalue of capital and surplus of Ill e: Shipyard. _ , Doriq I,wilt t ;tI Florenco Warner �C) c1 J !3,44,3 r ` t,.tllrard"I'illirtkgliat tt ;).l , the Long jsland Railroad Co.wall 71 era] banks amounts to.$2,743,241.- � Garnet 'Vreae•lanti i' r , Mrs. S. T. Terry rented]her farm to The total amount sent to each town Lilh tti 4,teolze=r AArne Vo jik ,and lit restore.on F rlday of this week train 4;tiar;vii Vreeland TW(1111 �-Frye dears .Ago J , r Ari lirizettir. h'lorvnev Warner lit; Dolan Goodwin, r , of Peconic. : 205, leaving Greenp at 7:24 a. M. � for distribution is as follows; ort East Hampton, $1325.73; South-. t rrz� ro ° and Witlivr Zuvoliki rtes ¢:.- Itev. Albert E. Keigwin of Wilming- I aixla;ton, $4,20'04; Southold, $3,460: r tltntaley"1%ritktotvtaki !tl1 N. reached in the Presbyterian for Brooklyn and New York, r Lillian sto �t.r• 93 E nOsti C). A. Prince started for Warsaw, ton, Del., p train 214. leaving;Pennsylvania 5ta haven, a Riverhead, $1lgHP,,; Brook- Xrwia Trr:y ;#„� Stit Y., with Rev. Geo. D. Miller's..horse church. V_f .. 4032,31, l°`li,rat Alta rtwton tion at 4:58 P. m< for Greenport. Babylon, $3,42$09; Huntington,'$4,- C 1Ca'ttrling Margurc•t. . niter 91. tint]carriage. Anew steamboat was to b® built for 95 Conrad Ilipi)built a barn on his re- - — 605.91; Smithtown, ies are William liar«rags»Aatarr05. 6s# lr,ttct,lt I;,+tirl C the Montauk Steamboat Co. Q6® The trust companies are not talced iterartt«eta lard a` It° Xnthvrittp+ Batter 93 [:meetly purobased property. protection Engine Co. elected. the �1 elow for local purposes; they pay a tax. k inorn 1 lilariaolt C;,rs .1°, X-cc, buret I,ti lot taD "� I C. I, Allen of Floral Park gave a fallowing officers: Foreman, R. `S. The tliexmometer registered six be, direct to the State. a lratrtrrt C;r,t; iri the ,:a Orth League Lecture Asst. Foreman,'A. T. Dicker- 3tvt+ lCparrintot,lt i lit ret It#°rtt4in ilii lecture in h i l w g Sturges, __lien Haa'ntington are valued far hi lxer`; t l.stlirtri t, ac«r Ilalrri•t. t r ., r r, �r peon`; a'reas°, F; T. low zero at zraidnleht oTu a yneadao ].he shares r stock id the Bank af" r 1ti titlir•rirr`" ilrlhorei "s Caourse on Looking Toward Sunset, pun, Sec., 0, y w tibials any other bank in-the conn C>rtorto 1°rp F ieartal °Dei a The cold elle]]c�anae on cite a leo , VVortsas r rtlo ;tom Mary Nivro l:tik JlD I'tcov. Father Crowley was appointed p4ells, in- it was 12 above, and we had q I$D90 per share. a ilii Warner t:a fury or"ki-lan e 1 pastor of tile, Church (if the Immacu- Rev. William F. Whitaker was night. Pdednea-, I'ollo.ving is a table showing thy' Iinlal0$atitla l y stalled as pastor o£ the Firat Presby- fall of snow Tuesday I book value per share of each of ,Dl ;t;aeilliiag llerriit cA i rattx 110 late Conception, Brooklyn, one of the it cues 14• day morning __.-_ - banks and the amcunt of tax ea Corey Allivrtiam :tla .li trrti`l"i1 irapCliast 91 rolrlaas$t acid liriest parishes of the city. terian Church of Albany. _�_.._. P p late bank must pay for local ur Daae: t.ar, Rarrkos ki ;ria ;er r+^r;tzr trdrarnt�r 'illi 1''sttlaer C�rrtwltry was srleceeded ae pas- i. George G. Conklin and Miss Addie �The Will of Agnes S. Korn, Value l Ijrtrtia l ,.,t„$1 'at William Z ]puska tit) for of St. Patrick's, Southold, by M. Newbold were married. R; a .. r: i and Miss: of Southold, 000. sReobe A�Newe I share Tax Lsilrnit ,t+ r .1l Walter I,, a.,hi l��it;tit=r Iyic>tt C3'12ellly. Cralbert Watson Horton, Jr., $1, +3z.a4 sl,a2s.4s Atinio Wurrwr :t,I OOU. Aritliinwtie. valued at even $1,000 and Osborne Bank i t'tells« Ytr'arraa r :+ta ~µ Alice E. Morrison were married, bold; nephew, 1 g 1S P,vi is B, on National 23$.98 .697.80 l#;t f the estate be- Pecanic Banh ...... 180.68 451.67 Flora ra , ll,r+rttrtro +�- reS'due O hus- Southampton Bank . 18511 386112 Ott +t1D Southold is to call another special 1 _---- ----- . --.-- -- - - the ® the testatrix s ri,,:t National, Southampton 209.89 1,049.48 1,trglt, Martroar+t littlta r } ® ® X84,42, �� school inf eting to vote on the ,'lues a�ls Al�r�r aa�Ze Clueathed t I;lectiOnS COmmlS- 13r,rlee Hampton National 188.18 47N46” IlrLLilrle tt.t le at katrstati +# .laatt?lrli ll<rtrl I , in a new $65,000 school SUtp� �' y band, formes: yid the let- s aside Bartle §. tit tion t f c i e.ct c I.tllrrtrt °+f'?a"r °iia {",tti"iisM I ivy house. ti with ri aaSem- movement t0 reorganize tli0 BOy I�®rn, a l'e'st National, Greenport 224.84 1121 : • <o, rrJ h.iuse. equip e gym, A movem g sioner I,ewi•- W • CC a5 exeCUtOr. _ I'roplc's National,-Greenport Y81.04 Rr%111 I.t rr { rel+rrttrii t-%,rry a : 4 l.tl hill], ann r rig (`.1k1+if3 r00mS slid elle old ha0 kleen'started by r iS ]lamed —.__--- �U nit of Southold .. 147.22 3rt800 , )lt SCDnta in South te___ liattrtueIt Bank ....... 262.11 36sE ' t,rsett l ria]size] tri lainc< t'r,p.cn e like'. Tooker & Mar h are the archi- t'sa'l't t#> 1 a group of citizens, Ata meeting held "Dr.J. H. flQarahall is at Summervitte,I I t 14ytritila,gy llarrir t 1 st k a tests of a plan that seeing to meet tz P sntf. Co. Nat'l, Riverhead .209.16 i;�ss,. taiel'ngto,r it l im rovella0nta p,tehosne Stony ••• 171.18 5 .3 4vttlion t #artltra , with a roval las to deli n, tut at the residence of E. D. Cahoon plans superintending P ttlr� All .t)t ,)ta pp S. C., sup ?lank F Center Morrehes .. 225.32 5 K alit°rirtp lliilioarrl r the tli a rice will thin it can discussed and Archie W. Symonds Selo .made to the estate be recently 367.52 tttet s Ili rortaatil l 3#rxr i,. t to lir lel $ whether wr t t were disco beingltanit of Part Jefferson Marc Nivto,,•zik c, afford thr tlnitilinC rr«rosins to lee autmaater, with William 7t life, la ret it l� , vas chosen ac , urebased there. rust Nat'l, Port Jefferson.. 20619 1,828:97 t,llarlr•M 11ra rrlatiiri p first National, Bay Shore .. 1626& {>tr,t�r.tl,ksy gal een, Thr, special ineoting will be, Wells and Tunis Bergen as seals- -- oz]sass moved from Glen smith side, Bay shore .° ]sear,. _ 474,so, i, Willirtrn V bromkra r llaYlcl oil ,Jan. 7.4. ] H, ,oseph Gorn 189361 47451•' Iteraria^flat Ile Nia,Od°rl ° 4it•tka el# tantr3, is said laoxxna at,Soutbold and ]anal National, Islip 122,07 306 as tart]' , G+0 first National, East Islip 1sriti brayI • `!'1 VO tali fPestermen's, Sayville 299.69 ,1,498 i', Walter r f} ++ski A. iI. oaden of Southold has a The Scout committee eonaiata of Dr- will do automobile paintzng, in which I, lso.6s 6 &lit Wei ;,rt_rth !.> nt of BaUylon 178.10 6vography eepted the Commissionerahip for the J. W. Stokes and A. H. Cosden. The I 'i •1.,,len National valva ei expert. - First National, Lindenhurst. 167.69 g lioml 92 Count Council of Bo Scouts, lan is to develop ei ht of the former he is an P ----—-- Corey llfrrikett :i ,7r15r°ltli, t ' y '� p g - '-_ First National. Amityville .:220.59 1 hrriiar« Hilliard le _. 375.68 e t ott i°tt' fi+tilt`' til hat second-Claps Scouts into first-class Sank of 11 ti to I3 rs t tl to Slit a barn purchased a ill scalae the Estate of Betsy C. Tuthill, late ,,auk of 11 ti 990 06 SVOOL olm"ort Dari Jannis 0094 Frank Hortop has the p i Scouts and they, in turn, of Southold, gross, $3,690.25; net, rust National, xuntm8ton• 16346 ;; cele rir a tarn down and will Y'irst National, Northport 17812 ?+ 1,111144 ata° 2 rr ., Iliac y of 1Velson ]fish p i Scoutmaster and his assistants in train $3,196.10; vex, $63.92; rebate if 1$4311 +r National of Smithtown %'resin Terry tea Margaret, l3akr:r 9Cl haus a burtgtilow put upon his lot at ing the recruits. it is planped to enlist paid by April 12. All net to China I e T1 yea witotaworth S«i 91 Jost'loh Bond , all'boys between the ages of 12 anti 17 f ° t�aflicr Wars rAr #i;; 9J the bay later. -•� A. Booth, Southold. Ittlria Will,ttazzs tDfi ]'retia-rink llridge in the movement. _ - y � -�- J3 G racy French 11 q +g� New Suffolk, Dec.'21, Michael Sulli• County Clerk's Office Did`,l3ig Brae. f Maarctaarte '1'aa lastrilsaetltiu Helen Cothran 90 Sofl Tax Rate van, aged 44 years, 8 months,Alices Petty 1 day.. nese in 1919 , "1"ira ttzt,sera»rat, 1pe•el wi*l,gOw ,u;7vr,. County an !tater DickersonirDickerson }4 BeatriceHodgins 93 pawn, ti State 1.06 Peconic, Dec. 18; Jacob Hipp, aged i a a c,r +tlwr wli tNtt 11W 10,A zt++q`tvaape Stanley Ste pnoski V2 Irma Horton 90 57- 19 years. 3 montba, 28 days. According to the official relia�af, Ink Inaba! +art rrt1++R; t`stai3:1 ° rat++rl;.atat•4 Helen fayre 93 Hilrbwsiys County Clerk James F. Raehardson` a ui, .;; Ilistor , , 93 Greenport Village 1.03 TiY�ll y"five 1-4rs Ag® t e receipts of the office for 1919 to-, filed dta+•atsa, tip„ r,€s t s € ycnra lielcn`lois l g aarsa+,aant*A isr .° ," s t"a, renal ihst thea Robert Booth 92 :rtsutltald bighting District 31 �^ at than last86, has.ich $6 280%j rlaanve to 1", ,ls to+l=s,„tgrl. Es1t r lFsa P livien Thompson 011 Geometry File `,+ 0000 � �!'t� greater than last year. It• is,al$o; ,a ca 05 �','4...�- - itr.t x.rrgrrir f„• ., ::gra ":sash t + 21, 3L.i 1ltssilny mita"ptinaki ll `I`om Hall 93 ,: ,. . R� U25 There was excellent skating on Great, stated that the profit,to the co€��y Park will be about $10,000 for 1919, til 191, half of gal,:,ala ;"AV4 to !lee» swill., +Uaath rine'I"ksompson 91 Engene Lehr 94 as 485 Pond and the creeks. a a k4fate 1+'ire work having been done with no rnorej And than rttlit r~ I.,a r t i rt �1rat+, r Reading Examinations The faslh4wirw t1al,!t. IuAv� tl:t> taitral'' � '° Lighting 14 Terry Bros. and W. A. WilliaYns r`hel °'than the year previous. nnyotrrtt !rata! is«+ra1 zeas+a°tir,trrrd t°a"t°ens'ire! rthor Cisgtarn 90 French I .07 filled their ice ho useB at Great Pond Q�er items in the TeppoTt which. -3 N I Melon Thompson ,ltl lUftastluito " dicate the vast amount of busine�as"; frorn r arb t.wit sear;l the tonal +esus tea Helen Bond 90 _ _ with 5 inch ice. done in that office-showin be a ligir°staartaral: Marton Albertson 9kl h"reracla IY g the a0,i 110,1011 iltlissnsu 911 School District Tax Rales Southold wharf was completely tivity of the county in real estate matt "t"W 1+-°aa"s"sse04 t'atheriraas Thompson tl0 Irma Horton 90 c covered by the highest tide ever known tern--show that there were- 8,611' taxa at ,a,t,a„+, s 0:' r1.r€t F"8 Dist, 1 Orient Point �Q 1,�4i.;a Alfred Wadsworth 911 Geometry 1.'i0 here. deeds, 4,244 mortgages and,2,038 zrals� aa+x a a a, 4-,,t ” 3 Orient I. 0. C. T,, celebra- cellaneous papers recorded in the xt gt- a3*r,9_ a 1, aw as Langoilg'e Eugene Lehr 92 Banner bodge, aseRobert 3 1i;sett Marian a,> istrar branch of the office; that there- kb a Y 1.t 1 i R ob'ert Booth all „ r ted its 14th annual anniversary. were 809 searches made; 1,722 not - VI Years l 1+1..htarr lylaald H`i"t Southold Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., elected , ,vr +rr „ .Vit"N t 'ir isril'r€aCl t„B•, a9n t '° �' '�($ �` ' „ aries certificates issued; ..and 4089'. 1.40 Papers • sl Perfect Atteriddnce � 5 ��"€catstlaatcl See., L.other departments of the offic - `;,- tt '' the-fallowing officers: N. G.S 13enry miscellaneous a era handled in the taeata9eu >,at 1#aa a S N,i"1'.,a." air. .. 'a'a, n,. s� 0,o r Bay "Vieeav (4 , `x«; 1 a «a r. t ltlmritan s$Itaertritpn sonflay r:igljt L4 wi tbt"csalrlttrat of tiles =� 7 '1.1c comic .7, Bauer V. G., A*See.,GaW. H. Terry,tal of 16,611 outside of the searches. llel0,n lisriaasaaata � e ,06 W. Korn, Per, Vr, :,to �,"�;F�S.f r_ �}ii ft".3t f!^ l�l 1.bovt'. zero. � a' `8 1 ;a 4t Cuteho"leeGeo.. .._ Mary Stramoier t Treas., J. E. Davis; Trustee, Geo. C. era tl'a<® sitast6hut"trate of the rutultv"i ydlltisna Mrllean � l"!€tip M. P", elsasir l,re'�Ivoto tllo organ. ! +f 11 Mattitucak x.a'1 Myron H. Clover and Carlisle Goch- ,s re deli aaeversl taewwa tailor $11,- ! . 1.552 ' Terry. Vill t*1tAVE i;,A, lalrir€s .lasls•�l l.. liol8mvml, with a box 0,i 10 Gre�eupr+rt t _ __..__ ran are lrelpint;at tho_Southold Savings, 914,8,tt, and the iworlporatt d villages, ,r E pit aitntittnr ry¢, t�aasst€sir+itsi as hilirdstianta as tAe:;i+aaraunastj+trrss) G5 n 13anit during the rush period, „ t Spelling 11. i.riaurt 1 Southold SaVIH S u0h _ _ ____ .Itnsile tllaa+rtstirk sf10 rause'! of nicsne y. 1.2'85 _ 12 tlutell0gtie For the first time an its history the 1ir,lli:rsn 1€a at,dr Av;�> is henry, t� a SCHOOL NOTES ,lanes;, iloludille ro nted Mrs. lali "V, !�tioc+, s „tri 8 l+•i fcct, More,& l lfnviat Wilkinson4Vilkinsota {#' s 1,1 l)rt oil 1.01 li f r C Arles lriznun Jl Htaws ll'ts form. � ' �� over one rmillion nlz shows a surplus ¢ avis ial o e, ad1 !lint! of aK s 'a a' 15 i<li'.w �rufl'ala� _.. off ovbold Savings B cittltaa'a. The Bank r,+�es .r.;,• �. 1, ;�oalth�lrX,_Wont VI Vel Ca11A ,g 1 y 9 Is"v. lt,ilris l t!» Clvaatti:i recre.rvt;tl i - a r �S tee$ rre ala Examination 11,raa#G a �� � , � was founded on bed-iocslt princi�tlea and it:nnie Albertson 00 unat,iaietaus dill to ter+ p,aAorcattt of the S T Salmon, to fI C]Prince,Tot va those priuci les have hided it all Marion Allis"rte«alai HIGH SCHOOL tli•ttrataa=. Ave, I'rtaslay tt ri as church of through its career. The management a Railroad av, sdj other land Sal= a Itrrie�ae boios,t&au til ltr+otaklyn, It will only {add to the laurels of g anon, �aouthold, ttom: I trrfect Attr ntltana z ___.. ____ " ;ins sled Silnara" if wa tli:ink him for has always been safe rami conservative. ._. - tis,+tar.Ara,islsz t r 1"ins°closing rinanhtar of tlic. IYatiw€trth l • ' absolutely safe investment is econic, Dec. 27,at the residence of, Marlen Itctath i p• " g An y P Matra bivkvrtoin 8,a ,tars Ana, Lecture C our o swat, a concert � ioejudiaai i'ht Tuesday Marniza Caliilr in t Ilat.rarraa l'italdor I t. €' itis with no mention of thebrid aspireota,byRey.C.A•Knesal° r A tris ;�hlasit �a,a �,i t „ �.n +laiotra klnand.alin aria! 4'ipeal his liµta3f s,ssict promised to those vUlro entrust their ' It a&t era stare'1'#atrrtaisaton ll Alvah tat l It+rnt b by tea f r 1 ., b.ugsinti l.a>i1r 1 a' art+•l ray Cl,r. !any tttr€atlas! cairn, The ami�sien gives funds in the charge of this institution. ,Walter �. Prince, of S,outhold,: an l aspire Cox lite b'rances l.t,icht t�ii a us all ti t ictrtnnity to publish a report; And that is what t,tio peoplo want and Wm.Miss Ct Gr daughter of Mr. and !±drag,. ttatberFt Rooth s i `a`liv !amid:!! p arlad of the Southold l l work dans by this Club ol,en_ N. J., Dec. 30, E. Wi11za I artifratl txsgt=sa kasl Altus I rriitli of 1,110 helpful u° should have. klub s llaetttt Terry 1�'iro l.tar131arLuwret 'roan held an Christ- The 123d semi-aurins! statement, is- Hllslasa 110 g1rtl+aces k,fl , during isy sasiatenee. This report was J elens tris arra til' l Willie CUrolt txt:sri, bine ago, but mtsdesty or sued Jan.1, 1920, ra one to be proud of: 'Louisaasll3rillrens of Hoboken. > Alice faett ilt3 1lulirrt blevwbtatd Israael Caase Terry of Southold anti rt,iari srsint g y i , other reations prevented its being Pula- The resources amount to $6,845,198.99. Dr. Janath ii Average 1 Mrs!. oiaili li€tlme of Miller! Place he total amount due depositors is 9outta,d, DeC• -26p Writing 1 lisahed, '1'lie lsiitslit;ity committee has T aged $3 years, Helen, Bund 89 w+.rt, intaaried, Greece ,!resitting, Arieirsyv^ C°yllaalskl +,}pl -. ss,c,4irt+l it anti here it ia: $5,835,$82,32. The sorplua it Pa ,months, 7 day . _ — — 1 aiufred t,lsgvn t4l llioraraaa 11111 !t9 Euscone Lahr 91 1'ho report extends back to 1913, value is $1,009,31ti.b7; surplus ee�1�S 6 !,trial€ter ilardilikaa th.l I �; '�$ h rgl �g�p ��� ® 'v0, Y Bits laialdtrrsain `fit b;nttliata Examinations J l.ailip for LO. L. I. H., $10.75; rug for market value, $1,017,1120,40; suxplutr at 0000 rg' a e a 111 �': t•:tt aaurailsarr gar flits it1. Il, 'Itic-r i!:. la, I. II $+itl; 'ala. for 5, Library, investment value, 1,(136,590.73, The tie ps+!lite; Reatrr a H(;ldgtna 11p«, is S. J. P,, Fanning and F. A. Bly urea 1 1 t Irene Della Til , its will l+trait}ctura> by the $;t;; ccmtrihution to S. Library; $1$; total assets at market value area$0,,856,- elected Trustees off &Izs Presley h1urcellit Ittatint•tt 1149 '1renelae Ills 91 ,,lure t-,a ur. tet` l alas rt ltaaritti ;r`Ml pia4it,tax nsC tlss,k athtlrcla, ilasv, 1. `1'. St,ca'f~ S. Library, $5`Z; J3elg tare Relief Fund, 902 721 and at investment value, $ , 0,1 ! Arttaarr tis fan 11 Eugene Lehr 04 l $` 8'72,473.06. church. T g i !'carol, site "'a1 atOlsir+gl'1'hroutah G"OrtriN $28 lA}; to Ptageant, 35.46; Caal E, L. Asir#row t ytizslki +,l History + i I }I;, 18; E. L. No is the time ,,.o start an account J. T, Beebe was bui3ding a haus ; f- I» H. $120; Bbl. le 0,r '1'1111 a0, s1 Itrtt +n Friday c:vtniog, ,leen. .•. iter. Etta I. 13. $11.50; Trimming,1 n , , Average ,, ,,ii a l.rai of fiver 3 a sir's old wa:,a la'larir, l+], L. g, with this institut.ic+ri. Deposita mads Fred Hutchinson. i 0,ranrea tilrrtts i ,lir ill t e l a y ,, Walter Cl�eta " , lsc�i°iii€era's, ll&vara°l1 to tlica 'pieces 11. V. I: 5., $5; Brooklyn WO- on or before Jan. :lR� will draw interest the following officoxaEagle Hook and aa Faxeinan,lel�. Alivo 1 otl,y .11 c ill the Batt. t f ll y, M. C. A. from San,1. E G Mari,ota a"tittertarnti 1 Eugene I,,talrr a .`i+1a° Ikea la�cturcr i".3 et.riilltp:la!tl trf r�nain- s �' rri,, $6; __----__-"� �. Ga�t:li; Asst. Foreman, en ori B !relic f {la __ _.__ `irgisais Mahrrlirorg $a'J Cuss Work l. 1 y ins rslsrial fll,3 1 i+t.irras'c,s, aretl vat, !cunni will prove ver $1110; E L. I. II., $S ryS Library, $10, �O�I�11SS1� o i a111fOr ]d®wee➢;Sec., L. W. Korn, Tireaa.,, kisael 1 to 113 Rose Aeksln 90, Iced Cross Chapter, 25• Easter offer. �i r'' fo aoso Pirdinka l Millie Vojtk 911 iratssra^ tiirg. Game. asst°It lS+ia r t sacra 0 f i` . ing llcd Cross, $10; Chairs E. L I.H,, A ,f t le Board of JJttaa7ratraatsarl (zri s 1s l sl�zrii'al.+, Irrr,, .sic (itliiig S Library, t the last moo s€s Ernest W. Morrell and Miss Edina a l rad i g M. C. A., $100, llelarrss Its+l�attl Asa 041 g" , $ . y Supervisors the till , ctl Commiasinner B. Spooner were married. ' r loorr C�b,utski 93 Thomas .fall 93 thta r two luras ic:e, houses at: C:arttat. $10; "Southold Room, L. L. I» kI„ p A y U. The resolution Atlee t;earilairs lie.lim Terry 9t) li, -- !',€teal, tvl€itsh r..ira y xt ul.t tl of W. e�- $50; flowers on occasions, $9, making; off Jurors was a�r t-Qsi 7 to 3,' L. a`5{ was carried by '4114141041t, Latina' Exarraitaaations ialitlsraarr s, avitlt Hato t)1 heels is,�I. a total of gifts of near,y$700. Smith, Davit) 'W- Tuthill and vital Statistics n Ilarlsar 1 Mary Stroomer 9i Ia, rine tltelartr 921 Thervon Fielder by aim of the Club may be sooaabzl- Charles;I.L Smith, Dernocrats, were ; t o Marjory hisgaarrraasr Jk r bass Aria Ilallock, tylia is studying nt but it is plainly* evident from the Who oNtpo:ed The Board During the year 1919, the It t,stlreritrs"llYrtrnapasa lt8 5 ity, Wadsworth "I'karatrtas1ti1t 91 ' vard is liorrit for the holiday vasa Alfred Watts Unr , preceding that ire purpose is also to :the three ,Bl appoint the 6 era;rn�is loner and fix of Southold Town recorded 72' th mraasics , itltJ Ruth "Vail 90 and 80 deaths. This does net; Ilorrry Dicktreasrr 137 Irrcnch I tiitai. extend whelping hand Iiia salary. --- _ the incorporated village of Greeilpar r , Helen Ifranrl 1t3 -- Vincent Poliwoda &w to Benjamin Protection Engine Co. County Reaps Profit F, Gaffga, about I acre, e s Laurel ave, adj land now of the heirs of The annual meeting of Protectl The Suffolk County Clerk's office has James and William Wickham, east of, Engine Co. was held last Friday eve made a profit of about $10,00() during the village of Southold, now ing. Officers wE,,e elected as foliowor the past year, the total from all I Frank Klos &w to Michael kisher. Foreman, Fred T. Jennings; Amat. sources being $30,166.86, about $G,500 lor.0-6whth of an acre. mare or less, Foreman, Teunis S. Btrgen; Secretury� more than 1918. The profit goes to the r e ; Pa"onage lane, adj land now o late of Willison H If Glover, South- Rens-elaer G. Terry; Treasurer, Fred - y the office being on a flat salary am l,ton. now erick K. Terry; Trustee for three Jane without an increase in clerks, rumba W Horton to Theresa year, Wm. 11. Terry. R. S. 6turL system. All of the business has been 'je a years, R. S. Sturges; Trustee for Reney, lot 15x82 feet, e s Youngs r", Mr. Richardson says. ave d' lands. late of George C who bag served the company faithfully Mr. Christie of Islip, is now roan- We you for many years as foreman, and 0. V.! ave, th Id aver of the A. & P. stone, taking the Annie McCabe &ano to Anton Scip. Penney, who has also served faithfully anoski, 52 acres, more or less, n s an Secretary for a long period, did not place of H. W. H. Jnn(�g. who has North road.adj land of.Thoinas J But- desire re-election. Their services am, been transferrej to Jamaica. Mr. er, Southold, ;15 2.2 no", greatly appreciated by the Company. Christie and family Ire � 0ccnp.ying R099 M Case &w to An(trew J Us%,. An excellent clam chowder w" the furnisti,-d 1�1 rooms(�f iss Abbie 1% acres, more or less, s a Main served by Chef 0. A. Prince. Teague, over W, A. Williams' store. Southroad, adj land of Joseph Dietz, Peconic, E agle Houh and Ladder Co. H. C. Prince has commenced re- C. Bulak to Anton Berkoski, 3.L e annual meeting of Eagle Hook" modeling his house on R. R. ave. acres south side of Main road adjoin-1 Boas Henry Goldsmith is doing the ing land of M. S. Hawkins, Cutch- and Ladder Co. was held last Thursday -.0, ogue, $8,000. evening, when the following of Mrs. Martin Strasser has recently Twenty-five Years Igo were re-elected: Foreman, Nicholas purchased a weaving loom and is pre- cla'.), 8,44's, Carey; Asst. Foreman, Benj. F. Gaff= Secretary, L. W. Korn; Treasurer, pared to weave carpet, guaranteeing Rev. Stephen W. Righter preached Nat. E. Booth;Trustee for three yean in the Presbyterian church. A. W. Albertson; Tillerman, Gen. H.- satisfaction. 4 D. D. G. M. Joel S. Davis of Baby- Gaffga; Janitor, John Barry, 8r. Mr. Gagen & Edwards, Inc.. flnished, lon installed the officers of Southold Carey ham completed twenty-one years filling their large ice houses at Great Lodge, I. O. 0. F. e am Foreman, and the members of the the Pond on Monday. The last of ice The Universalist Sunday School elec- company say they expect to re-elect harvested was nine inches thick. ted the following officers: Supt., him for another twenty-one years. Fred E. Booth and Alfred R. Vail Frank D. Smith; Asst. Supt., Mrs. A. After bu.-ineze the "boys" enjoyed have been appointed Deputy Sheriffs F. Lowerre; See., Misss Bertha Fick- one of Nick's famous chowders and a by Sheriff Kelley. eissen;Treas., C. L. Sanford. box of cigars sent down by Sinclair -- -a- — I Smith. J. E. Bloomfield in assisting Collector The tbersnometer registered 6 abets E. L. Bennett in collecting town and zero Thursday morning. Hot Cocoa at School school taxes. Hot cocoa is being served noons at Town Harbor is all frozen over. I Mrs, Minnie Quarty boo purchased a school, thanks to the support of the This winter is quite a contrast to that house on North St., Greenport, of C. Tueeday Morning Club. It is evident of last year. G. Bailey. that the girls and boys enjoy dri'lili"I William Wickham &ors, by the Suf- Through the real estate agency of it with their lunches, for on Monday 14 Trust i 'olk County CO, their guardian, Tasker& Co., Earnest C. Nenert has cops of cocoa were served, and :o Benia"1111 F Gaffga, 8 acres, morei sold his residence on Upper Main lit., Tuesday 37 cups. There is also M -r less, known as Little Island' at Greenport, to Mrs. Josephine William- for those who wish it. The pruemmt Mill ereek- also parcel of woodland I son of Southold. price is 2j cents a cup. The Ingredi- ,Ind moado;V s s Mill creek-, adj land,, ents used are Engle Brand condensed f Daniel and Thomas Terry; also 65 teres, more or less,on South road, adj Mr. and M". William H. Rnfford milk, which also sweetens it, Baker's land of L I R R Co, also 5 acres,more have taken rooms cocoa,Mrs. J. G. Hunt- coco , milk and water. -)r less on old Mill path adj land of, tinge house. Mr. Itafford says thin As soon as Mr. H. C. of L. takes his R Co, Southold, $19,5001 1 way ahead of coming down trorn Matti- much desired tumble, the price will be Elizabeth B Anderson to George W tack every morning to attend to his reduced. I"rathwohl &ajio, 55) acres, more or plumbing business. Cook!in and wife to E Loicht, .ess, ii a Bay ave, w1i land of Maria I D f lot w s land L I R It. ad' land lire J Billard; al.so '�-jtvr" M A Macomber to C G Corey, lot - rnvre or­]­�� e con1pally, lot adj land G R ., w a Beckwith Ave. adj Lnd A T - I W s Bay live, adj laded of party of P�� nom ljenninps, Southold no part, Peconie, )f 7,i��o Dickerson, Southold n 'I w to V C E Terry and wife to M Fisher, jawin F 6:4g, kk inc�.n Riverhead, Jan. IC by Rev. Jose*f Poliwndut, 1 1-5 � , 01• less, lot a a Main St, adj Town Harbor R A, snore . AG. Yeraon, Thomas G. Foster of Green.,' lf,;j�d id' 1, 1 R R Co., Southold, 11C111 lane, Southold Dom 'Irt and Miss Myra FAtells Overton of T W Wood and wife to A Cieracb, gutho?d. Ali-1Evens to Charles A Llown 20 acres n s Main road, adj land J Hicksville, Dec. 26, John R of acre..;, mcre or liss, o �,- A�Iain s Nierodzik, Southold now "bes adi lza" st Hicksville, and Miss Marie Caffey of told. lid of Melrose I BooLh, South Southold. i nor the Board of Education of LTean Free: l�3!ment or the t►anos nereinaxrrr a456- - � School District No. 6 of the "Cowie of ==and the interest thereon when B' a vote of ]38 to 13o—a majority Southold, Suffoik County, New York, said bonds and Interest shall be pays= he authorised, empowered and directed I hle; and shall bonds fn the sum of of eight—the proposition was carried to to erect open the addition to the pree-i $65,000 be issued and be payable as appropriate$65,000 to build and equip a ent site above described, or partly or_! follows: Sixty-five of nail bonds to he new school building for the Southold said additlfm and partly on the present in denominations of $1,400 each, the High School, buy additional land and site, an additional school building, and. first three of which bonds shall be dun than as in the resent to equip said building; and shall the. and payable on January let, 1921, and make necessary g P Board of Education of Union Freethree of said bonds thereafter on Janu- building. School Distriet No 5 of the Town of 'Iry tat in each and every year to and The meeting was held at Belmont Southold, finffol'k County, Now York, including the first day of January, Hall Wednesday evening. T"he meet- be authorised, empowered anti directed 1935, and four of which bonds shall be ing organised ■t time school house, by to expend the sum of $55{100, or Itodue and payable ori the flrr�t day of much thereof as may be necessary, for January, 1936, and four of said bonrls electing J. X. Halloek, President of the the purpose of acquiring the addition thereafter on Jannary T+t in each and Board of Edscation, chairman, and to the present site above described and every year until the said bonds shall Fred K. Terry of the Noard, secretary. the erection and equipment of the ad- ,beve been fully paid! An adjournment sass thin ts.,sn to ditional school baildiog above referred A dmeription of the proposrd build- Belmont Hae?. Fred �. Bridge and to; and shall the sum of $bb,4!Ml he ing, with eats of the school house and raleed by the levy of a tax by install- filet and second floor plats, appears on . f menta, said tax to be sufficient for the cer second page. John H. Lehr were appointed tellers The proposition called out a big at- tendance. The salt for the meeting Descrintio l Of Proposed Southold High School was read. yrank H. Wood. of the The building is-planned with two stories above grade for class-room pur- State Dept. of Education, Chief of poses, and a basement under about one-third of the building. The basement School Buildings and Grounds, was will contain boiler room, coal room, and fan room only. [.recent and wade an address on school conditions, go*. C. Terry, raprenenting N. Hubbard Cleveland, said that Mr. Cleveland wo^!d donate the lot to the north on which to erect the now build- ing. The announcement was greeted with applause, and the offer was _tel greatly appreciated. Tho proposition to vote by taking and recording the ayes and nos was de- ! —�,•, feated, and the meeting proceeded to s ` vote by ballot. There aero 259 votes cast on the propositic*n to appropriate "5,440•-186 for, 130 against, and one ,.r Icy f mr s�� _ mm plank. 1�`! L — a The proposition was as follows, Irw - >1 �r vy a =. Shall the district designate as an ad- -- -: °` V7v dition to the present site, for the Our- �" It 10 n 3 c n ooa. ,os. 'as u r n oL G• t, t. pose of the erection of a new school The first floor, which will' be'but building, and shall the district acq:iire alightly above the outside grade, will ment walls of concrete. by con iemnatiop or othcrwirs, th.t contain a''close roam for agriculture, a' Exterior walls above grade selected certain piece of real property which is common brick of local manufacture. described by metes.and bounds as fol- class room for domestic science, a Exterior trim to be of white pine or lows: All that certain piece or parcel Iforty-pupil class room, a twenty-pupil cypress. of land sitwsto, lying and ioming on the class room, assembly room and gym- Roof to be Barrett specification, wweeterly side of Oak Lawn avenue, in, naeium, boys' locker room and toilets, twenty year guarantee. the village and town of Southold,Coun- and girls' locker room and toilets. Windows to be of the Austral type, ty of Suffolk and State of New York, This is the moat modern type of wsi.n- ad'cinta the resext School site on the The second floor will captain labors- � g lm dew, and permits o: an opening at the north, and were parb*ularfy bounded tart', eighth grade class room, two meeting rails without opening at the and dagcribed re followst Mounded on twenty-pupil class rooms, study room, top or hottom, which as4ures ventila- tile coat, a distance of 100 foot, by Oak principal's office, teachers' room, and tion without draught on tba students. Lawn avenue; bounded on the month, a the upper part of the assembly and The first floor constructioe will con- distance of 228 feet:, by Union Free' gymnasium. As indicated on the plates, sist of, first, concrete laid on earth fill, School District No. kis bounded on the the assembly roorn has an elevated went, a distance of 100.E feet, by land stage. with twvo ante-rooms. Tb-'s as- into which are imbedded wood sleepers, of Moses C. Cleveland Estate, stip over which will ba placed J inch floor- bonoded on the north, a distance of sembly room extends from the first ing, and then finished flooring of maple 814 76 Beet. by land of Wi+lfam H. floor level to the roof. or Bine. The interior walls are to be Terry and Mosez C. Cleveland Latate, The materials proposed for the con- containing 0 600 of an acre, as sur- struction of the building are as fol- constructed of either hollow ti's or +reyod by Franklin F. Overton, M. E., g common briefs, whichever is the cheap- Surveyor, May 27th, 1919; and ah:,i lows: er. The heat ducts are to be built of Footings and foundations and base-i gypsum block. t J ufaature. The method of beating and ventilat- ing is to have in the basement a cast fASIEK--bLY r A o z E-4"rEiron boiler which will provide steam - !M�for radiators, to be placed under win-dows in each room. Steam from this boiler will alo be used to heat vento stacks, over which will be passed.fresh air drawn down from the roof. This Roo Mtempered air is forced by m€pans of a N Dfan through ducts to the class rooms, r t A 3 I u M The tempered air is delivered at the _ upper part of the class room and is ex- 6 baueted near the floor IEvel. The fan which forces the air to the class rooms A 0ILi C Aj a T V L E C L A 55 LOOM- will: be driven by a gasolene engine, but will be so laid out that when elec- tricily is available a motor will replace the gasolene ergine. The heating sys- C 0 L L i D 0 L tem will be so planned that the assem- bly roam and gymnasium may be heat- _ -- ed independently of the rest of the al�u �ocxc rs'�ocrr r RQOM - — •aU4n9 'y' building, and vice versa. The second floor construction, with P o nt E 5 t I C r -A 5 s ; the exception of the stairways and, s c i t n c a nn S I R 1.s'r a l l c r s,�i. 'D•�,: corridors, to be built of wood beams ys'ro �i t with rough flooring, - deafeaiing quilt ' and finished wood flooring, similar to - first floor. Stairways and corridors are to he of G ll:O U N D F L 0 0 0 P L A N reinforced concrete. Treads on sitair- wase will be Mason's Non-Slip Srrety Treads. The ceilings of all rooms to be of pressed metal. Side walls are 'to he lathed and plastered with a patent Plaster. All class rooms to have Datur- a]slate blackboards on two sides of the room. It is proposed to place in the buil& ing conduits, so that at such a time u P P E a: r A e T when the electricity is available, it may A SSErantY I-OOM. be used in this building simply b ANY- ing quires through the conduits pro .6 Y M N A siu m. v ed. -LA H OLATOLV Toilets will be equipped throughout ars G 2-A D E• with modern fixtures of approved marl_ C G Corey and wifa to jUrade- Ski, X35 acres s s Main road, adj andA8Terry, Pcconic nom +LIRCJPAL C LLiDOar✓ A Fogarty to P J Krysztopowicz, 7EALNEt 20 acI'"y s s Main St, adj Depot lane, Cutchogue C M Howell to E I, cht, X'6 Horn ,a e' I acres -CLASS IA n s road adj land late of L It ClareM. C LA S S. ?econ is , { nom STUDY LM-1 •L,M- A BHorton bdito 1'1,or ip8on, lot '18u Main St J L a(iJ land G G Richmo(ld, Southold y F Aa Horton and.J L Thompson, ncm same pruperty last de(icribcd nom a Adaxn M. Schultz, &ors to Stan- S F C 0 N D• F L 0 0 R.• A L A lr- ley. Czel ttka,, 30 acres, more or less tt s` MRin South road, adj. land of G d Q Q L.• " 5 Q V T J4 0 L D• L. I. R, R. Co., Yeconic. F G Appleby to M Kull, iq acres 0 a Indi4a lane, adj land' G441h Wedding AnnlverSM Harry D. Horton, Jr., to Philip -;mith; 40 acres s a road adj I .d ) 9 , H. Horton, Jr., all right, title, and ii Horton, Pecoilic nom� bout 75 friends and relatives of Mr. iinterest in 30 acres, n g Main G R Bidwell to B V Bidwell, lot and Mr. Dania! W. Grattan, gathered Country road, adj, land of L.I.R.R. w s Jacobs lane, adj land C E at the Grattan home Monday evening in Co.; also 10 acres, s s. North terry. Bay View nom honor of the 44th weTeiiig anniversary Country road, adi. land of L. I. R. J LjodiNy and wife to G J Han- of the couple. There were present 10 R. Co., Peconic. $6,500. Tiabury, i-2 acres n a Oregon road, children, 16 grandchildren. The imme-i4Henry D. Horton to Philip H. mij other land Hannabury, Out- diate family present numbered 35* Horton all right, title and interest chogue nom Mr. Grattan was born in Ireland and in 12 acres s s Main highway, adi. Same to G lalacei, So acres n a sma to this country at the age of l lands now or formerly of Martha Oregon road, adj land liannabury nom c . formerly Mi�s R Goldsmith, PecOnic. 0,(r M, Lindsay to M Swiatocha, 30 four• Mrs. Grattan, au iieres s s O'd North road, adj land Malone, i�. a native of Southold. �r. Philip H. Horton &ors to Paul W P Buckingham, Peconic nom Grattan in his early days followed the Bedell tract described above, $6004 ole!, but came to Southold 44 years ago. P H Uorton et al to G H Wells, Tw Five Years Igo Ile h,, always taken an active interest lot e a Peconic lane, wlj land ACS enty-F dadj land A-V,, road,in pubiie affairs. For about 20 years Conklin. lot a s Main I G R Wells, 60 acres in all, Pe- d The sleighs were running. e held the office of Constable conic $27,000 Miss Dora S. -Quarty entered the _Puty sheriff and for as many years William A. Haynes &W to Oscar — Oneonta State Normal School. wu­-I S Case, 5 acres, more or less s s i The Southold Town Agricultural tion.a member of the B-)trd of Ed.n. We extend vioat hearty congrat-I North orth road, adj. land of L. I. R. R. I Society met at Southold and had a pub- Mations to Mr. and Mrs. Grattan and Co., Peconic. I lie meeting in Belmont Hall. I trust they may celebrate man mor, -McBride and 6130 to J Gr" I I The members of Protection Engine anniverraries. Th;a worthy CouPle has F H � North road. raised a AiTe family of sons and chowski, 32 acres 14 F i Co. gave a fine supper to the ladies. rh who are a credit to the adi land C B Tutbifl, CrAtct-091le $6,700 i William F. Woodill and Mies Nellie daughters, Cora A. Smith to John Mac- g• post were married. Gratt= name. Ile weieck, 51/2 acres' more or less, 11 S The will of Dr. T. G. Hunttinjr. Itte Main South road adi. land of Wil- sawhold Savings Ball lian A. Fleet, C�tchogue. of Southold, has been presented for A. Fleet, &w to John The annual meeting of the TrusfeLI, prn,bate. It names his wife, Errivia L. 1 William more or less, 1 of ty Southold gviggs Bank was be�d Huritting, executrix, and beUmeaths the �Macweieck, 28 acres, jItst ThiirsdtAy. The f6lovoirig nffl, entire estate to her. w - adj. lands of party of first part ere ua=ijnowqly re-electeaF l r.�:; and of Mary M. H. Dayton, Cutch- . .I 0.1701d BooLh 11,,js (jpvned a ILInch ogee. dant, Henry W, PA11101; 131 Vl" runt in the club X from the extent of his Twenty-Me Years A90 dent, H. Zoward Huntting; 2d V; e `,'d restaurant C. C. judging. Drig felt Pisaident, Dr. Ile is filling 3 anHuuttiug, d Treasurer, H. Howard Cell, miss Grace Marks entered a young ,assistant I Treasurert, F redyrick K. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. 130thmsu eraladies' seminary at Washington, L). C. 'r�v- AtLor- & Booth's homo On Orville T. FlAcber of Union Thpolog- Terry and Renmolear G. Terry; Icupying Miss Chin N'L-di'am. wsj and Counrel, Herbert L. I I - , -ay Lvenue. seal Seminary preached in the Presby- three yearn, F, 7 Ovl�rton; worliter of The inercur 'f,,-,e Montauk Steambeat Co. declared I zero mark the forepart of t."_ we"E. 1 Examining COmmitt4a for *hr"' 'Ye'"' Uutcbo,-ue, Jan. 20, by Re a dividend of eigilt per cent. inted a V Fred E. Booth was appo ij. N. Haliock. am beer. as- Knesal, William T. Raynor a�dcif�,-I riff ! Carlisle Cothran, 7bo h h Alice Mae Furlong, both of New Suf-I special deputy sheriff by She �ojsiimg at the Bank duriv! 010 rash folk. O'Brien. I f periods, was engag3d as perzi-,Aner.t Brooklyn, Jan. 10, Mrs. Eliza Ann R. S. Sturges added a dining room r Cl,rk is Israel P. lGlark. TLe outer Weeks Whitlock, sister of Mrs. Harriet and kit,:ben to his residence. I Terry. Gardiner of Southold, aged 79 years. miss Minnie E. Terry went to Brook- The Trustees were the Frie!"s of Northport, Jan, 12, Crept. Charleslyn to study elocution and music under Treastirer Hunttlnl at fn e:,cellent Seymour, jr., formerly of New Suf- Roberts and other great teachers, turkey dinner at the Sonthold Rutal. folk, aged 56 years.L to Alfred B_I James J. Donahue and Miss Mary an tot,I I 1� Lights Mina 1-1, Edwar(t,s Fox were mqrried. Busch, parcel 1()()xloo feet on 20- micilael Fleming and Miss Kate The ledien of the Vil'.196 Improve- foot roadway, adi• land of party Tn., t Society LrL,�investigating the haat- of first part, Horton's Point, Foley were married. died, aged 79 'n or Southold. Southold. Mrs. Hirriet Cole tar of electric lighting I years. They Pre proceeding in a bwinesslille Mary E. Young, as executrix, to ,,,manner and when they have zomething Joseph Zenoski, 30 acres more or Miss Alice Carroll has resigned .1dr4inits to report, they will be heard less w s Cedar lane, adi. land of� I her position in W.H. Rafford's store from. There can"'30 bl.Ngec' in th"'s Charles E. Terry; also 13 acres,3 I highway on account of the illness of her more or less, s 4 Main 1 times. iltime, we shall emir)y and land of William Griswold, mother. Miss Agnes Turner takes I adi. I give trift-1*3 for our Cood set"Y1005 1 View, Southold. $14,500� Miss Carroll's position. 1,ghta till soometbing better comes to Bay talrei their Mime. 11/ 0 / 9 1) ICE CHOKES FERRY �ftenty-Five Years An ,a-Auto Kills BOY -, .4 fatal accident occurred here Sun- To and From Shelter Island is a Real wo�a 'i-ys day afternoon, when Anthony Smith, Terry Bros. finished filling their ice Job These Days houses. t''fie 7-year old son of Mr. and re, ! Peter Smith, was killed by an automO-i It is a man's sized job these days Frank A. B1y hent to North Caro- bile driven by John Moreil of lover- to go to and from Shelter Island via line for the benefit of his health. head. The]ad with others was coast- the ferry. The ice is neither one Rev, James B. Freeman of St. Pan], ing down the driveway of the Southold' thing nor the other—it isn't quite Minn., filled the pulpit of the Presby- Savings Bank and across the main thick enough to walk on and yet is terlan chureb. highway. His sled shot out into the too thick to make easy or safe navi- We bad the coldest weather in four- highway just as Mr. Morell came along gat.ion possible—and during the past teen y='ars, the thermometer register- from the east with his automobile. The three weeks many have sighed for the ing four below zero. la latter jammed on his braises and ran time when '"Nostrand's Bridge" will Rev. Dr. J. M. Buckley gave a lec- the car up onto the sidewalk, clearing be built. tune in the ;illi. E. Lecture Course the sled. However, the boy, having ' At times the little ferryboat has "Peculiarities of Great Orators," seen the machine, had rolled Off the been about three hours crossing from The engine of the west-bd.und m `sled directly into the path of the car. Greenport to Shelter Island, or vice train was derailed a little east of Bois- whichpassed over him. He was taken versa, and then it was a case of land Beau Av. One of the planks in Wm. B. to Dr. Stokes' offers, but di°gid in a few anywhere shore could be reached in- Vail's crossing had been raised by the " minutes. The funeral servicea were stead of at the regular wharves. Of- frost and the engine struck it. ficials who have found it necessary to moww- in the sacred Heart Cemetery. Cut l � held On Tuesday and the interment was get off of the Island have had to go r�Uron i round-about ways, and the mail has Ati� is chogue. Great iavrnpathy is felt for been landed at"almost any old place." Wo Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the loss of their Mlonrlay was grour!sllsog &y, and ac- . The enrollment in the several towns cording to ancient su,°erstiliatl the This dangers�u4 sport of coasting down is as follows: groundhog awakened from his wi'nter's ' Rep Dem So Pr V'd I31'1 a hill across the, hirrilway phoold be ;Southampton .. 2,713 1,149 4 76 1s 531 sleep along about noon and carne out of stopped. It iw unp-s�i>"le for �t1u driv-- East Hampton 1,193 bra 5 41 s 34= his hole to see what was going on Al Shelter Island 245 98 2 1 3 8 ing a car to see a- caster un'.ii he is Southold . 1,494 820 s 56 4 ars: the world. He saw his shadow, so he tlahvlon ....... 1,694 1,994 36 18 1.1 267 right on him. Riverhead ..... 835 411 3 1a 12 5.� must have turued tail and scampered Suffolk Huntington ... 2,454 1,126 36 89 21 26' back into his hole, and the country, or sufioilc UUP Mutual Insurance Il�� Smithtown 93 634 5 6 4 6T Islip 2,536 1,6G6 34 s4 113 srr the part of it it, whch the nun was 13rnokhaven 3,6616 1,853 46 93 IS 58f shining, will have six' w@ejdB more of . The annual meeting of the Suffolk 17,917 9,459 178 461 121 11,329 I winter. County Mutual Insurance CO, was held A. H. Cosden, James M. Grattan and 'rte uoldest Da of Winter T its rooms in 'Southold w r re-eTuvslectay.- William L Williams have been appoin- � 1 The following Directors were re-elect- ted as a Building Committee to act We have bad some genuine winter l ed: Nathan 0. Petty,Jonathan Baker, with the Board of Education in the weather this year, but 'Saturday was Samuel Dickerson, Mlrlreus W. Terry, the climax—the coldest day of the s'ea- l Witham A. Flet Franklin F. Overton erection of the new school building. , son.. There was a sudden drop in the � Frasails F. Post, Archib%ld S. Havens„ - Frank D Peterson &w to William H iimercury Friday night, and Saturday' Samuel 0. Hedges, S. Lester Albert- Ketcham &w, one-fourth of an acre e 1 morning the thermometer registered�2 son, William H. Glover and J. Sheri_ s Third st, dj lands now o1 late of John E Sullivan, New Suffolk, noel j'u'st zero. It tuns not satisfied with 11 dan Wells. Former Supervisor David that and at 10 a. m. it was two below H. Young of ihelte:e Island was elected Stelrban 1~icner &w to Paul Krysz-j lapowicz &ano, 2t; acres e s Alvah's; the zero mark, It never got above t a Director in place of the late Henry,lane, adj land of Wiriebarn A Fleet,1 five above all day, rand on Saturday It. Preston. Cutchorue, norn,i night it again touched the zero mark. w The Directors elected the following ,Southold, Jan. 24, by Rev. Wm. H. It was two above Sunday morning. it officers: President and Treasurer, Lloyd, Harold Duncan Price and Miss From that point the mercury ro4e rap- I Samuel Dickerson; Vice President, S. Vera Lucile Petty, both of Peconic. idly all day, and the cold wave was Lester Albertson; Secretary, Albert I I over. Who dares peep that "old fash- A. Folk; Attorney, Nathan 0. Petty. Southold, Jan. 25, Anthony Smith, ioned" winters are a thing of the past'? Mi ' 4Visliam A. Fleet, Franklin F. Over- eon of r, and Mrs. Peter Smith, aged Z years, 5months, 18 days. Interment S. r- -1 Worst Sturin of winter ton and . Lester AVh>'rtson were elect- at Cutchogue, ed members of the Examining Com- Cutchogue, Jan. 25, Miss On Wednesday a snow and' - mSttpe, a George R. Jennings, C}iarles D. e on Webb Osborn, aged 34;years. Marth � storm namand it sti,rmi d all wo Terry and Lewis P. Wilkinson were Misses Alice Bonand into `I°hursd••y, making it. the Bond, Ethel Jones and Susie May cnnop�et(d the shorthand storm of the winter. The snow drifted re-elected Innpectara of Election, bail and it was ver hard ono_ An excellent turkey dinner was en-� course at, Southold Academy on Jan, y' y g g!i joyed at the Southold Hotel. 30 Miss Dond has a position in the Thursday morning. The Railroad silo Farm Bur,eau office, Itivelilc,ad. plow went up from Greenp°V. Thun-, morning, and the Lwo reigning tra' followed, though three-quarters of hour late. The entire Maine coast is locked in ice, many steamers are jammed Southold, Feb. 2, Mrs. Adella C. 1919 Yield Halyoake Farm LOwe, aged 78 years, 6 months, 2 i in floes, and the fisher villages, days. Gen. W. Hallock & Son, Orient. uated on several neighboring --1 - ands are marooned, and short of Twenty-FIV e Years A90 Potatoes, 35 5-8 acres, 5,977 bbls., food. An appeal has been made 1;7 44" , "_7) 163 bbls. per acre. for ice-breakers. Allad 0. Becker, formerly of this Onions, 14 1-3 acres, 3,802 bbls., office, became editor of the Weekly 265 bbis. per acre. Keep Right On Review of Nyack, N. Y. Carrots,early, 6 1-4 acres, 1624 1-2 Sure we want electrititY. Lots of it. Rev. Daniel H. Overton was installed bbls,, 259 bbls. per acre. Carrots, t late, 4 3-4 acres, 1060 sacks, 223 h�� talk be just hot air- pastor of the Greene Av. Presbyterian Don't let all t I- Let's Church, Brooklyn. sacks per acre. Carrots, late (rent- ­K,ep it all get the before the people I Wouldn't it be fine We had a big snow storm :and the ed land), 4,350 bushels, 870 bushels idea. to have the streets lighted on cloudy trains were blocked for a day.addressed per acre. nights, even though there was a moon Rev. James B Freeman a( Beets,early,5 1-2 acres,1114 bbls., of course there'd be times when we the Local Temperance Society.formerly 202 bbls. per acre. Beets,late,91-2 . . 0 1 W ell there have Capt. William H. Squires, needed more juice. , 1573 bbls.. 165 1-2 bbls. per been tunes when we needed more 988- of this place, was drowned in the ocean acres We got along though. We knew we off Lone Hill life-saving station, when acre. ,, who was trying as hard his three-masted schooner Lewis V. Celery, 4 1-2 acres, 1756 crates, had a "Sup •'0 give us ligbt. Likely he; Place went ashore. Five other Mem- 390 half crates per acre. as la,�could t I worried more than foiko jawed. Prob- hers of the crew were also drowned. Cucumbers, 26 3-4 acres, 76 bbls. At any rate he got awfully I Cucumber crop was a failure. Cu ably. Lg to save the plant. Af- W Weeivs Storm . SpirZts, 19 34 acres, 62,000 qts., burned tuirelectricity a spell we'll 3,100 qts. per acre. Sprouts, 10 ter we've usedThe snow storm of last week Proved 1 wonder how we ever got along without one of the worst on record. The roads acres (rented land), 20,800 qts., it. Handiest thing.in the world, Cook are not yet dug out 10 some sections'1 2,040 qts. per acre. lane tikes right on the table, make cof- There were bad drifts and the heavy, Hay, 4 1-4 acres, 21 tons. fee, boil eggs, etc-, etc INTERESTED crust on the snow made very hard dig-lines I Carrot seed, 75 lbs. long. Telegraph and telephone HAS PECULIAR ILLNESS were blown down and there was a par- Sprout seed, 20 lbs. tial paralysis of traffic and business- Onions for setts, 11-2 acres, 300 Patriotic Peconic Woman Ate Too There was BO electric light in River- bushels. Much Corn, Watchman Says head and the village$ east for several Corn, 18 acres,1,000 bushels, 2,000 days. No freight trains have been sheaves. Mrs. George W. Fitz, wife of Dr. ning, and passenger trains were Home farm,1st crops,72 1-8 acres; Fitz, of Peconic, is in the Greenport run cer- several hours late. This winter late crops, 49 1-4 acres. -covering from pellagra, a I One we Hospital re mild Rented land, 43 1-2 acres. Southern disease of the nerves, which fainly makes up for the In had baffled -many of the nhysicians had last Year- There has been no let- - - locality, says the Watchman. get in. Trains on Daylight saving In this in Mrs. Fitz's case, was up since winter I Pellagra, -patriotism in substi- RAINFALL FOR YEAR 1919 The Long Island Railroad bas a,- caused by over tuting too much corn into a restricted Registered at Peconic by W. 0. Davids nounced that it will run its trains diet. This disease is rare in the January 409 agree with the Daylight Saving Ord North, and none of the many physi- clans who saw her were able to diag- February 3.43 I nance adopted by the Board of Alda'5.92 1 men of New York City. When the nose the trouble for some time. March April 4,88 clocks are set ahead in Greater New Roy C. Wilkinson left last week to May 3.37 York on the last Sunday in March, all enter the employ Of the Hyatt Roller June 2.97 trains of the L, I. R. R. will run by Bearing CO, at Harrison, N. J., where July 5.53 the new hour until the last Sunday in his brothers Merle and Lewis have August 6.13 October. been emp!oyed for some time, September 4.87 October 3.29 George Goldsmith and his son and Miss Elsie Hummel is acting as December 3.20 3 44 daughter are at Southold. Mr. Gold. bookkeeper at the W. C. Albertson Co. November a ,ith spent his boyhood days in Peconic ,tc"(,. with his aunt, Mrs. Jesse G. Case. The deed for the sale of the Samuel Total for year 50.62 inches Since then he has been nearly all over' i-ickerson farm of 55 acres at South- the world. He has been is all but four .td to George 1-1. Wells was recorded Mr- and Mrs. Robert N. Hallock, States in the United States. When s Riverhead this week. The war tax who have been in Chicago for some .ramps on the deed show a purchase time, have returned to Brooklyn,irrest. the war broke out be was in Canada and enlisted and served with the U. S. 'bon Canada 8 ,irice of $35,000, ly to the pleasure of all concerned, in- Army in France. Before that he had ovaiftn- eluding Mrs. Elallocks parents, Mr. w A Baker and wife to V spent morn@ time in Australia, New [9 acres on Maple Ay, adj land and Mrs. J. E. Corey. Mr. Hallock &aland and Mexico. He came h Williams, Peconic sr.i has a responsible position with A. G. Sfrom Louisiana, Spaulding&Co. c Gas and Electricity ested enough to do this, I will sign Twenty-Five Years Ago y next to him. Get busy; call and see 'p—, (f. 4,1 There has been much said about the me. Hot air will not give what you / exorbitant price charged for acetylene desire. But we moat have better ser- Rev. D. W. Howell received a unani- moue call to remain as pastor of the gas for lighting. it is like the article vice with electricity than they are get- recently printed in tbeTRAVELEx about ting in the western villages. M. E. church for the next conference bil position as skating rink, swimming pool, recap- Y Superintendent of the year.A tion ball, etc., in connection with the Gas Company is still open to any one Frank L. Wells sold his farm to proposed new school. Everybody knew that cares for it. F. E. 1300TH lames Gagen. Orville T. Fletcher of Union Theolog- that was not true, and I will prove, We never had better sleighing, but ical Seminary preached in the Presby- also, that the chargee made against where are the sleighs i We fail to see terian church. the Lighting Co. are just as false. For man on our streets. In the The Universalist Society gave a Val- y '`,goad example, will take the following cue- old days" everyone who owned a horse entine Party at the home of Miss Jera- tomers—ten residences, one store, Bel- had a sleigh, and it was the height of sha W. Horton. mora Hall and the Suffolk Co. Mutual happiness to take your "best girl- out I Miss Lillie E. Conklin died, aged 17 Insurance Co.---from Jan. 1, 1919, to for a sleigh ride, There was no ,music years. Jan. 1, 1920, which I collected from at so sweet as the sound of the sleigh. p y the advanced rate of two and a quarter bells. Those were happy days $25,000 Suit Pending cents per foot; Dr. J. M. Hartranft According to papers filed in the Sur- $21 86 During the illness of Ur. Stevens, rogate's Court, a suit for $21i,C00 dam- Henry C. Prince 14 99 Dr. Hartranft hoe again buckled on J. N, Hallock 28 82 the harness. The Doctor's intuition ages may result from the coasting ac- J,Mahoney 26 22 is ae keen as ever and hie hand bra not cident at Southold a few weeks ago. Wm.W . H. Beebe 23 48 In the accident Anthony Smith, aged 7 O. V. Penney 18 03 forgotten its cunning. M. I. Booth 26 69 - years, son of Peter Smith, was killed William Moffat 20 88 I William H. Beebe, William A. Mof- when he dashed out of the road east of Nat E Booth 19 67 fat "Phomas Foy Harr Jennings, Ed- the E Boisseau 23 82 Yennn lS , the Southold Savings Bank unto the Belmont Hall 29 27 win Donahue and Benjamin Diller are main Highway and rolled off his Bled in A. W. Albertson's store 24 48 attending Farmers' Week at Cornell front of a motor car driven by John Suff. Co. Mutual Ins. Co. 12 00 University. Morrell of Riverhead. Mr. Murrell did Figure this out for yourself and you For the first time in nine days we not see the boy until he was right on will find it averages a trifle over six bad a freight come in Wednesday him. The papers in the case contain a cents per night. Some people think night Two freight trains came in petition for the appointment of the that electricity will be very much that night. lad's father, Peter Smith, as adminis- cheaper, Any company that will un- William H. Clark is acting as relief trator of the child's estate and it is set dertake to furnish light cheaper than forth that the assets of the estate con- our local acetylene company, will have operator at Mattituck during the Tres- sist wholly of a possible suit for$26,000 my sympathy, tion of Station Agent Charles Gilder- "Interested" told in last week's sleeve• damages for the death of the child. It nice electricity would be to is understood that Adolph Ruger of issue how pancakes, make coffee boil e 3 L Case to B F Gaffga, 139 Brooklyn appears as attorney for the cook A eggs, acres n ■ Main road, adj land W father. etc., right on the taLle. I would like Poliwsda, lot e is Old Mill path, adj — - to ask him if he knows of any one that laud M Ho'w'ard, Southold nom New York City has been calling does this cooking with electricity? A B F Gaffga and wife to J L Case, oil every one, from the police and 139 acres n s Main Road, 3 ad land firemen on down the line, to as- man at Mattituck told me this week W Poliwads, lot e a Old Millpath, silt in fighting the tie-up due to that he bought a toaster, but he could adj land M Howard, Southold nom the storm. It has the situation not afford to use it. Bytbeway, I was Josephine l Williatiison to Sun�uel farily under control, now, Al- in Mattituck Tuesday and everyone i)i(:kerson, three acres e s Main st, though the surface cars are not was cursing the Electric Light Co. ,m1lj land of Charles; S 'i vli�. `�outh- yet running, and the side streets At Mattituck they have had no light "I1�, 110171 are not open. The milk situation since last Friday, and candles were in Peconic, Jan. 31, at the residence of is more serious than during the. great demand. the bride's parents, by Rev. F. G. I last week, however, because the ,. Beebe, George Carleton Dickerson of :trains from up-state are unable to Interested" says keep right on. Southold and bliss Lisbeth Grace, It would be a good idea for this person daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd W. get through on account t of the heavy fall of snow, and.thereis no to agree to wire his house and find out Vail, . way of the producers getting the how many more there are in this vil- Cutchogue, Feb, 8, John S. Lindsay, milk to the city.. lage that would be willing to do Iike. aged 38 years, 6 months, 16 days. wise. He would want to explain, of Indianapolis, Feb. 4, Lieut. Gordon We have had bigger falls of snow, course, that it would cost about $300 Case, son of Jesse L. Case of Southold, but we never had a storm in our re- to equip an ordinary house for electric aged 34 years. inembrance that caused more trouble. ity, and it would be agood idea to on our highways. Some of our roads Mrs. Geo. M. Hahn has joined her are not dug out yet. The trouble was! have them sign an agreement for in- husband in Newbern, N. C., who re- caused by the thick crust on the snow, � stalEation. If Interested is inter- ports wages high and plenty of work. making it very hard to dig. there. I -- The Southold Town Board met at the I 1 E ar rr al lar ra ports just re- The Five Years Afs 0 office of Supervisor Tuthill, Greenport, I a'1 o nr ;35o New York Stat, � � — Saturda Feb. 14, 1924. :'resent, I x es during; 1920 are. c "` 2, o©4 y� ! r: i rfl to .;vera,*e about, 14 per E,.: d'ra'nk L. Wells purchased a farm at Supervisor Tuthill, Town Clerk Hal- r .a. ;Bali they were in 1919. T'Ll: lack, Justices Griffin, Gorey and Ram , e -,vlll be about the sante, as a.. Fair Ground.. bo, and Supt. of Highways Fleet. W11(1)1.1:,-' 'i w in farm wages each y I F. K. Cochran purchased the painting .i ce 1`)l , The reports of the, rnarl business of W. B. Tillinghast. It was voted that the rate for dig- Ia (11:41 , a c of exptr enred licit and Ladder Co. attended `j ging snow be fixed at 35 cents an hour r,� ,i I'v l Ih irorth ,liar i;Sv 1914 Eagle gook Q� r I the annual Hook an n'a parade at Green- � e raise of five cents an hour--to be i v prnbil'ife rV-nzL,, of the unit ell , Yrfliectiva Feb, 1, 1920. !,r 11+1, r- lai .,,u sr a a•r c"e{ as, port on Washington's Birthday. e g, •, :.,,, A unanimous call was extended to Marvin Sheibler of Shelter Island , )'etar• 'l'ir9s Y .1.. Rev. ,lames B. Freeman of St. Paul, was present and addressed the Board ('1920 j r191{ I Minn., to become pastor of the Presby- in regard to the appropriation voted at .,,rr provilied with terian church. the last Town Meeting to expend $500 bora rd . . . .. . . �f..,.;,ri " Ildr. and Mrs. William H. Richmond for the year 1924 and the same sum for ,err riot boardedri but provided ivtlr died of pneumonic within a few days of 1921, to provide adequate winter ferry •a house. and some each other. Mr. Richmond was 631 service between Shelter Island and Farm products . . (34.2,i f;d,0 years old, and Mrs. Richmond, 67. Greenport. The Attorney General In =:,n ral wtig,es aro highest na-, Viola May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. gave an opinion that the law was not Yara.k City za d in the more Pr— Lewis W. Karn, died, aged 3 years. properly brought before the people, so 1uc i-,a "E}ant c_ {This ss e r+�ra19,, Ira r r tO ar`E 111 5uf elk r 9 the sum asked for was not placed in I; t vc:s.r) but comp` ants of tht -u the tax levy, Mr. Scheibler asked that arcity of labor comhorn all 1 J O`p �� � the Town Board approve an enabling the stat,,. 1'he steady inerva.s„ , On Tuesday night we had another sct to be brought before the Legisla-I " LSE `ln'f' 1 +1 r is shown by big fall of snow. It was light and the it :.hlr b,?loti�. The rigurt•� for 1 1'. heavy wind caused it to drift very bad- lure. flus r from those given above, bees•. Iy for several days. Many of the roads And now comes the flood. alae. avurag 1 not i-Arictcd to a . are again impassable, particularly the vs t:h experience. "Traveler Lake" is rising. 'average Wages of N,ale Farm Laslurr North Road and cross roads. The cute, Another snow storm set in Thursday in'New York Statt�-Ilirert by thr which were dug out, are filled to the morning. Year '4'�ilh Board top, and "then some." People in r,ur llo"t°a sleighs are obliged to go through the Harold Booth has gone to Syracuse, „ .;',430) fields. The appropriation made by the where he has a position. 1 a7; . . . . ., 14 i o The thermometer registered nine ? Town far digging snow, which was 1•>1a, _9,au thought to be ample, will not begin to above zero Monday morning. i 11:, " pay the cost of clearing the roads, and O. A. Prince now has charge of the r , °,. , 1 ,,.i ia,anl r rEtu r , that means we will have so much less lunch-room at the Men's Ciub. r,r.i [h ;,1w re wort lossr c to keep aur roads in good shape. The ind out what was the average. -,v a,,;_ Hannah C. 1.','ard 9 at.. rsf ;;tills paid to farm labor hest y=ear. Eaclr L. I. R, R. snow plows kept running ;eilcl, w,eluc T t)00; tax ;.1011 Qieharai� tarrnc°r present �vrate cant tlrtr 3� a�t> Wedneeda and the trains were on time StLu r4. ncpli"-,-,'• tccalve:; tIa arra es 1 syr, paid last year.' These -,vert. avec that day. Wednesday night the freight i.1 tate. ;,g erj and it. was found that the, a-,r Y train, bound east, got stuck in a snow- E H Brown and wife to A Miller, ag . ra,ag" paid to yin"plc men ineluda l; bank between Cutchogue and Matti- lot n s North road, adj land estate board was $.51.50 per month; the. a i G W Dayton and several other par- age, to men hired lav the -,e.:r, utcim'_ tuck. A rotary plow came down from inr house rent. milk, pot atnes, etc.: the city to get it clear. At time of cels, Bay View nom i vas $73 e5it^r month .and the aver%Ke writing {Thursday at 12 m.} the C D Tuthill & wife to A Mat- to the men hired eight or nine inoillea morning trains had not left Greenport. wieczki, 131 acres n s Middle road !Bala din Hous+ rent, milk, potaat"•a The thermometer registered 16 shave ail' land E R Lupton, Cutchogue nam a r'•, was `�rS,c+tl ',along these fig:urc.; g J p - - they added to L1iEsc }vza�e:s a farartcc:i, zero Thursday morning. Winter set Rahway, N. J., Feb. 11, at the Hos- per ccnt. increase as inheated in the in good and proper in December and �? pit.al, John W. Greeley of Southold, rmoort from thc. C.' S: Department o: we have failed to note any "tbaws" aged 71 years. Interment at St. Pat- Agriclulftirc, which wns i fair incre.a-(< since then. The "oldest inhabitant" rick's Cemetery, Southold, I Over last year, Tl1e following tal),A: can remember nothing like it, No Cutcbogue, Feb. 12, Amelia, wife of SZ a,,�. per ;Month signs of an early spring yet. `I Charles Williamson, aged 65 years. Last 14', Ma,titLu,!i Cutchogue, Feb. 14, Maude E., year 1n- f+rano.. on account of the non-arrival of the widow of John S. Lindsay, aged 28 c.reas<; ;s ,stc=I Thursday morning mail train, we have years. r':;la' won. ;`°'r all N.58 '1 no Greenport news this week, as our Ctchogue, Feb. 14, Stella, wife of 5 c a; mcrr +3.2's 83.5 ll Frank McBride, aged 22 years, 2 4 or 1 mos.. . 7:1.519 39,"1 ' ,,s Greenport "copy„ was on that train. months, 25 days. No wonder our road makers cannot purchased Daniel H. Overton, Jr., of Union get the highways in very good shape Joshes urchassed home on Beckwith Corey hes moved to Theological Seminary,has been licensed in some places. The ice was from 14 ois newly pto preach by the Presbytery. to 16 inches to be cut through. tvenue. TRAIN FROZEN TO RAILS " Did Peabody Pew Five Years Ago.-_ Queer Items About Progressive Storm The "Old Pea bo ly Pew," by Kate' " 1 Are Still Being Told DcAiglas Wiggin, will be given in the Lelebt :ted the first floor Methodist church, Wednesday evening, .Sennent of G. Uahn's house, ng' Steamer hijelier Island msde %er­ `We've long been familiar with pro- March 10, at 8:16 o'clock,by a very fine I 'S-SiVe card Parties, progressive I first, trip t 141.1s city. local tstlont caste. Admission, 25c, rip o 1'­1`1el1cOns and progressive this, that payable at ti(jor, for those w Nape March cans, ib like a lamb, -n�d the Other, but this winter some who ha The 50th annivereary of the First r,uy invented a progressive storm. No not the r.gul-r lecture course ticket. Church Sewing Society was held at the one knows exactly who he is or where PROGRAM I residence of Mrs. R. L. Downs. 110 call be found, but there are a lot of Carpet Committee of the Southold The beadqaarders of U. S., Grant prople who'd like to know. And in I Dorcas Society f',RMP, Sons of Veterans, were' i i th r Baxie , e minister's wife, trans- Ellite of the many discomforts that Mrs, (erred from Greenport to Southold. , Isabellethi I Chap provi.ded he has also pro,- brie. The E. LeAr.ht store was vii considerable amusement. for BB oisea u.Uri, purchased ok, President of the Dor- by L. W. Korn for$2509 47. 110­,who can look at life philosophic- cas Society, P orence Moffat. The F. Maxwell place was r,urchaRed l -�IY; particularly is this so in learn- Mrs. Mell Miriam Boisseau. by Josephine A. and Florence Maxwejl 9 of sOulu of the unusual hapwn-, Mrs. Sari village historian, Eve- for $8,610. Ti gs resulting from snow and ice. leria Anden-o). The Echo says tbitt all train sched- The Widuw Buzzell, Mary Conklin. ales, were upset on the Wading River- Miss Lob- lia Brewster', who Is no The mercury registered five above Branch of the Long Island Railroad zero last Friday morning. Monday rilorning. T'h,3 'wf-stbound lover of meu, Frieda Williams. t,ajmi were all fi'�oni 15 minutes to aan 'Miss Maria Sharp, quick of speech, 4 hour and a quarter late in leaving the Ruth Conklin. fj1eup of L. 1. Re Re various stations. The delay to the Miss Nancy Wentworth, who has Last Thursd!!Es and four earlier trains was ca.lsed by the Friday'a t Lce over the tracks, which waited for her romance ten years, of th a Long Island Railroad wasth Sunday, and the water froze during Doris Hagerman. worst that has been experienced t�)ia ;drat night. The trackmen gave dan- and winter on the East End, despite the &Nerj Signals at %-f�.yious Points and the Justin Peabody, sola living claimant fact that only a few inches of snow ns Weril SIOWerj lip, Train No. 025 o the old Peabody Pew, W. A. Wells. caused the trouble. As fast as rotary 0 -on t sed to leave Port Jeffer, at ing 'clock that nic-iml and which had snowplows would throw the dziffing "lain overnight wi a sidetrack iva, Reader, Mrs. Minnie'Terry Smith, snow out of the cuts the driving wind try tlrail,,; ird coIul not he Incidental music, Miss Mary Conklin, sweeping across the level farm I.-und ilr(,; n loos-- frf;ra at., Sir "A ­'olclitly bnnij�ed by n Director, Margie W. Jennings. would burl it back. Nearly all of !uI Q freight car omploy,�d far this puli- Wednesday night and Thursday Lig Architect Touker, of the firm of crews of men battled with the d-ifts on! racks. At one time seven engines, Tooker& Marsh of New York, again the tracks,Now Commisslon House met e the Board of Education and the and three Snowplows, including the big: Oliver V. Penney, ,he hes been with Building ing C', rotary itself, were snarled up in thei mmittee last Thursday 1,lion beteen Cutchogue and Matti the Wm. C. Albertson Co. for thirty evening in regard to the plans for the 1h years, will open a new commission new se,no n I building, it is hope tuck. Finally a big gang of Eilluvelers d to house for potatoes in the spring or have th, PIN] s ready for bids from relieved some of the powerful engines summer. Mr. Penney is well known builders in a short time. It is Planned enough to let them get a fresh start as an authority on the potato market, now to get as many Of th® grades as and a hole was bored through. Two and has been of invaluable assistance Possible in the new building, i plows slipped off the rails. While they to the heads of firms employing him. to the high school. If it is n additiondecided ton were being gotten on again snow blew His embarkation for himself will have agricultural and domestic science in behind them. That was the sort of doubtless bit is planned e attended with the success departments, work the snow fighters contet,did with anned to Put them he has been instrumental in bringing to in the old building. for many hours. Freight trains stuck others. His motto will be ""cash on. _ - I on the midiugti were other hindratices, the spot for every potato bought," The remains of Lieut. Gordon Case, I Near Cutchogue the cut was filled with and that sounds promising. The Lu8i- who died at Indianapolis, Ind , on Feb. Flow higher than the tops of the cars, nese will be located at Wm. J. Grat- in the family plot at Friday evening it took six hours to ton's produce building on Hummel Ave 11 Cemetery on Sunday, drive the plow through the cuts be- New Suffolk, Feb. 18, Sophia Kru- Fred Mannweiler and family are tween Riverhead and Greenport, a dis- Uance of 22 miles. At some places the koski, aged 11 months, 4 days. to move into Mrs. Eimer's house on o'low was 'Inly able to M--ke headway lipper Main Street,and Mr.and Mrs at the rate of two miles an hour. 'I.e Brooklyn, F,A). 24, Martin ,roost, Moses Taylor, who are now occupy' Friday evening trains arrived about "atlher of Arthur M, Joust of South- i old and Brooklyn. 78y. ng Mrs. Eimer's house, will move midnight. into the rooms in Miss Beebe's resi- james alien, tne Laitor, u,. Bence on Oak Lawn Ave., vacated chased a farm in Rhode lslan�;, snot by Mr. Mannweiler, ",M move there soon. Eastern Long Island base hall 4, players and fans are delighted, but Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwan are T t)ti- -BIInard and F100d not surprised,to learn the Harold F. soon to move to Islip, where Mr. The Maroh Blizzard of 1924 was not Goldsmith of Peconic, ha,i been of. Schwan has a goad position, as big as the March Blizzard of 1888.i fered a contract with the Brooklyn 'The Polisn snnernaser, wno nae but it was severe while it lasted and National Leaguers this season. Frum �been located in Geo. Stelzer's base- caused a great deal of damage. Rain, the excellent work that "Goldie" meat for the past few months, has flood, sleet, snow, and a 74-mile gale did in the Eastern L, 1. League for I characterized the storm of last week. two seasons past, it was freely pre, moved away. Roads, cellars, houses, barns, outbuild. dieted that, he would soon make the Long Island potatoes advanced to Ings and railroad tracks were flooded. big I-ague. His clueing game in the $10 50 per barrel ou Monday, a gain of Bowery Lane was closed for trsflic, as, League last season was the feat that $1 50 since Saturday. $15 per barrel at there was a great lake all over t :wholesale is regarded as a strong possi- road to the depth of several feet. O brought the Bir League scouts burr bility of the hear future, the Brooklyn er roads were also impassable on ac- zing pleasant things into his ears. Eagle says, count of the floods. The warm spell of '.l'nat was on Sept. GSI. th heti Inver- last Thursday and Friday caused the head attempted to get Mattituck'a Then. Nenninger has sold his store snow to melt very fast, and Friday scalp- and failed. Mattituck had bu€riness to Christopher J. Grattan. night we had a heavy rainfall, which been going strong all the season,hut Mr. Grattan will move from the changed to sleet and then snow Satur- Riverhead was fast climbing. For Baumann store this week and take day morning, and the wind blew a gale, possession next. Monday. He will con- making a veritable blizzard. Many of tbis game Riverhead put Bradley of duct s combined meat and grocery the roads were again made impassable the R,-�chester Internationals on the business at his new store. by the big drifts and where there were mound to oppose "Guldie." It went not drifts we had frozen lakes. The fur 13 innings and neither side was POTATOES AT "9 t LLT' Potatoes are ref Jirng; now, for nine train Friday night had a hard time get- any nearer to a score when it ended, {.aor,rils :r 1,uund tl,, 1 prick ti Lr ting through the floods on the track, on account of darkness. At the close known in the ml:it wi ri i.t-t:+. of New and then we saw no more trains until Goldied" was, apparently, as fresh York City. 1cet tilors ii . I,redicting Sunda y still higher price , ithi su next two y night,S , and no mail from Friday I as when he started. That contest is ,ter.l- ah there t4 :c i wtae ill the night until Monday noon. From R.iv- i still the talk of the League. rnttl�]r y, Oto t of ww trio 1 :t. tat even#. erhead east on the main branch of the eutncs frutn tilaatit l „ a.arti •t•u F, the first; time kizeL it was ur g .Long Island Railroad, and from West syr 1t too :,l the Long Island Caulifloner pratatcaeswtrc r+yttri n„ ,a,i rti,5rt untl hampton Beach on the Montauk. line F 1, i<tciott <<rtfered a loss last seas- $,a despite the wwartimi! dellmild. ort which arta Ter d to lss last 5`?,- the tracks were litered for miles with a lei and .3 Quik, according to the Kingaton, N. Y., Jan. 14, Emily A., the tangled wreckage of telephone and .r' and $of President g.hato B. widow of the late Aurin I'. Somes, for- telegraph line equipment, and deep I �', i lw at tileuttnual meeting of the merly of Southold, aged 82 years. washouts showed at intervals through -.k°mialders of they association held the banks of snow and ice. Officials of zae ihV Court house here Saturday ati- the railroad said that from tine stand- te,,i Oil account of the deficit ttw(. board of directors of the associa- pout of damage iniilcted the storm was tlr„) ItAl not declare any dividend, ane of the wor.+t it had ever expert-, Tio, ysuciation has train a dividend of enced. One of ttie most serious rail-, rF, , 14 1wr cent, ever since it hats bee"I road washouts w,is beiween Mattitu i rw wotr C ory ,nizrttion. and Cutchu,gue. VPlile waidn;— rlr sea,bon w a.rs declared to have as o•t. ;he mos, disastrous ever ex- carloads of cinders tory fill that bolo t rrea, :A by cauliflower growers of, wind suddenly shii{t; to tha nur?h, the the:. ti,.tnty, the chief reason for flit! rain turned to a 1,..-.,,i.ng saow-turm, 6 failtirk of the ct , beinv clue to Virg-� and before the crrrdesrs cuu d arrivN' favi; . le weather ronditfons, which ,prc�va i, ed the cauhtiowvrr from bra 1-' deep cuts an the railri,ad had bren fllr- ink• t„ perly. The lo:-:; sustained by a=d solid full of snow again. 1'o make !the cauliflower r rowers of Rivc:raec w' matters worse the wind increased to arxi S(wthold Towns is e0inint-i A,' velocity, snapping of telephone poles Sev,:ral hundred thousand dollars. ! In at normal ,ear, as high as 300. by the score and dropping them in the 040 twatckages of 'eauliflower, Lint: railroad auto, along with their am @ of t<cans . nd Brut st is ::,pronto are wire, and these obstructions were quick- pu d throo 0the, ;j,4soeiation. Lair ly covered with deep snow. Poles more ,eatson tit -.,,i,tI ruraber of pacicages: than a foot through were snapped off was 5,'6to2. which included 179 bar ?•, w eau'`iower; 40,670 crates of like pipe stems. Immense trees went lith ;r; : .r94Q cra'-ns or, firm a, down with deafening crashes. The: <' ]V', b. v of bergi<. thaw of Friday, followed by the tor- rential rainstorm at night, changing `ff_hil' No. tai later to the snow storm and drop in PATENTED created in the wake of the flood, created storm conditions unequalled on the Island this winter. If this is an "odd-fashioned” winter, give us a new- , •i.a__ i_-_3