HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12218 P 642THIS INDE~~, ~~ 1~ ~ ~v of~2~o ~ ,2~2 BETWEEN SHIRLEY LOXLEY, m~ing at 165 East 35~ St~I ~C, N~ Yo~ New York, 10016 ~n~y Of the fi~t ~, ;ETH ~L~MAN and VA.LE~ HALLE~= h~band and wife, both ~id~g at 40 89*~ St~, ApL ~ B~o~yns N~ Yo:~, I 1209 p~y of the second pan., WITN~SETH,' that the party of the :first ~. in consideration ofTEN (S10,00) dollars, lawful money :of the United States ~d by Lhe party of the ~ond pan, docs hereby ~t and release unto the party ofthe second Fart, ~ heirs or successors and assigns of~c party oldie second ~ forever, ALL that cemin plot, piece or pa~e! of land, with the buildings and improvements ~ereon crated, situate, ly~g and being in the SEE ~HEDULE "A' ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same prem~ conveyed to thc paw of the first part by d~ dated June 15~ ~ recorded in the O~ce of thc Clerk of thc County of'Suffolk on Ju~ 20, 2000 in Liber 12~7 page 274, T~ETHER ~ all right, lille ~d intercO, if:any, of th= ~y of thc first ~ in and to any s~ts and roads abut~inLZ the above described prcmiscs ~o the center lines ~ereof. TOGETHER with the appurte~ccs and all the estate and rights of~ party of the first ~ in and to said premises. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc prcmiscs hen:in granted unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or succc~rs and assigns of'thc party of the ~ond ~n forever. AND the patty of thc fu'st Fart ~vcnants that thc parly of thc first part has not done or suffered an)~thing whereby the ~id premises have ~n inc~bcrcd in any way whatcvcr, exccpt as aforcsaid, AND THE party oflhe firsl p~, in compliance with Section 13 ortho Lien ~w, covenanls that Il-g: party of the first p~ will reccive t~ consi~ration for this conveyance ~ will hold the fight to receive such consideration as a uust fund to be applied first for the pu~se of payi~ the cost o£the improvement, and will apply the~ flint to thc paym~m of the cost ofthe improvement before using any ~ of~ total of the same for any other purpose. The word '*parly" shall be co~tn~cd as if it ~ "~es" whenever the sense of this indc. nture so requi~. SCHEDULE ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate., lying and being in ~ Village of Greenpor~ Town of Southold, Count)' of Suffolk ~ State of New York, more particularly bounded ~ de~ribed as follows: BEGINNING al a point on ~¢ east:~ly si~ of $~ Street 100,18 feet southcrl~ from thc comer formed by the intersection of the sourly side of Broxvn Street and the easle~y side of 5 'Street; RUN'NING TIIENCE South 82 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds east 166,07 feet; THENCE South 7 degrees 17 minutes :50 ~nds west 50.00 feel; THENCE North 82 degrees 40 minutes $0 seconds xvesl { 66,08 feel to the easlerly side of 5m Street; THENCE ~Iong said easterly side of 5~t~ Street Norlh '/degas 18 minutes 00 seconds cas! 50.00 feet ~ the poinl or place of BEGIN'NING. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this dccci ~ day and year. first abo~ ~ttcn. IN PRESENCE OF: STATE OF NEW YORK:CO~TY OF SUFFOLr~) ss: On thc ~,-e~ day of ~ 2~2 bcforc mc, thc undgrsigncd, personally appeared SHIRLEY LOXLEY, personally known to ~ or proved to mc on ~c ~is o1! satist'actory evidence to be the i~vid~ whose raune is subscribed to ~ w~n: in~ent and acknowledged to me lhal sh~ cxecut~ the same in her capacity, and thal by her signaluve'on the instrument, the individual, or the ~n upon behalf o£ which ~ i~ividual ~ted, ex~u~l ~hc instrument. b~sT- 1 oo I Number of ~ges TORRENS Prior Cfi. # Deed /~ortg~&e Instrument Page /Filh~& Fac Handhn~ NO~alion ~-~ I? {County} A~it ~ti~ed Copy Copy ~h~ Deed ! Mt.~tg,_ag, e Tax Stamp Recording i Filing Stamps __ Sub To[al aR, AND TOTAL Real P~rty Tax Servic~ Agency Verificatiun 0 10 oo' oo 0300 oo: ooo j Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owne~rs M~ij:ing Address RECORD & RETURN 'FO: Amt. '1his j:mi~ fortaz ~ ofll~ attached 1, Ha,sic Tax 2, ^ddilional Tax Sub Tolal O~ TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Held rat Appo,,lionmenl Ttans far Ti Dual C~my~ covered by th~ mortgage is or ,roved by a one or two t'am dy will be If NO, sec I ua page # Cormnu on F~nd 'Co-sidcration )unl $_320, ~,00 CPF Tax Due ~ ~ S ~ l; ~ ~ Improved x Vacnnl Land TD TD Title Compa.y lltformnliofi Barsa~n and ~e Shirley ~xley (S ~II'W ~PE OF I~iR~M~F:) SUFFOL~ ~~', NEW Y~ ro In ~th iauf~n: and Valerie ~Her In iht Vl~Oi ~reea~rt or H~LS' made by: SUFF0~ COU~TY CLERK REcess OFFICE ~COF~DING PAGE ~e o£ Inst~ament: DE~S/DDD ~er o£ Pagee~ 4 Ti~,NS~R TAX ~ER= 02-14138 1001 Deed Amount Recorded= LIBER= PAGE~ Sect!on~ Blook~ 007.00 0,3.00 EXAMINED ~ CHARG~DAS FOLLOWS $320,0:00.00 11/06/2002 12~52~1.3 PM D00012218 642 003.000 :Received the Foll~ing Fees For ~ove Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.~00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYS SURCHG ~A-~ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-$S& $5.00 NO Cert. Copies ~T $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $1,280.00 NO Co=nn. Pree T~SFIiIR TAX ~ER= 02-14138 ~IS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Exempt $5.00 NO $1S.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $3,400.00 NO $4,782.00 Edward P.~ine County Clerk, Su[£olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM iNSTRUCTIONS: http://www,orps.state.ny,us or PHONE (518) 473,,7222 FOR COU~'T¥ USE ONLY ~RO[~ R'~' ~NFORMATION ~ P~"P~ 220 Fi~th Stree~ [tal let X ! REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~TAT~ ~]~ ~EW YC~RK STATE IBOAFi;O OF REAL ~ROPE:RTY SERVICES RP - 5217 I ~reea_~gr t _....._. 11944 , Seth ValerJe I 100i-~7.00~3. ~'~3 ,O00 BroOklyn INY i ti209 S~LL~R IrsUYAR'S ATTORNEY Fei fer, Esq, Leslie 516 746-804)0 NEW YORK STATE (:C) PY