HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 584Form 8005-A (3100) - Uxccutor's Decd-lndividttal or Corporation BETWEEN MOLLIE PEGGY KURS. 1404 Lowell Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 as executor of the last will and testament of MELVIN KUR~ . late of who di~ on the 16t~ d~y of Me~n two t~ous~n~l and, party of the first pan, and MOLLIE PEGGY KURE and MICHAEL KURS, es Trustees of the Mollie Peggy Kurs Arli~e FIFTH Trust u/w/o Melvin i~y of the s~.~nd pan, WITNESSETH, tl~l wlxere, an letters testament~y were issued to thc party of the first part by the Surrogate's Court. Nassau Count),, New York, on July 14, 200~ and by virmc of the power and authority 8iven in and by said last will and tesrsmanl, and/or by ^rd¢le I I of. the Estates. Powers and Trusts La~; and in ¢onaiderition of tell paid by the party of Ihe second ~ does hereby Arena and release unto the party of'the second pm. the distributnea or auccassms and assigns of.the party of the second pan fon:,,cr, ALL that cm'.ain plot, piece or pnecol of tend. with the buildinp end impmv~ ~on e~, si~. lyi~ ~d ~nK in the Pe~n~ In ~e T~n ~ ~u~, C~n~ of ~lk and S~te ~ N~ Y~. b~ ~m ~dy ~un~ a~ d~d as f~: BEGI~ING at ~ ~r ~ed by ~e I~ of ~e N~ side of ~mi Argue (a pdvate mad) with the ~s~ sma ~ ~ ~ A~nue (a ~ ~d) RUNNING THENCE ~h 27 d~a 15 minutes West. al~g ~ ~s~ s~o of Sound ~ew Av~ 1~.4 feet; ~CE N~ ~ ~es 45 m~u~s East 48.7 ~e~ ~CE S~ 26 ~ 00 minu~s ~ 1~.4 feet ~ ~o No~y side ~ M~mi Avenue; ~CE So~ 62 d~ 45 min~s W~, al~g ~e ~ ~e of M~ml Av~. ~.4 f~ ~ ~GINNING. ~E~ER ~ a ~t~y for ingm~ ~d ~ ~ ~ml Avenue, ~ ~m ~ a~e d~M p~ ~ Mai ~d Avenue. BEING aM IN~DED b ~ ~ ~me p~ ~n~ ~ MELVIN KURE ~ d~ ~md Ju~ 10. 1 ~1 a~ ~ in ~ S~ ~n~ ~e~'s ~ ~ Ju~ 12, 1~1 In Libor 112~ Page TOGETHER with all right, title nnd in~oresk if any, of thz pony or,he t'Mt ~ in and to any sUneu and roads abutting t~ ~ovc- dsecdhed Memisus to the center lines the.'~of; TOGETHER with the apput~'nances and ~lso all the est~¢ the~'ein, which the party of' the tim pa~ has or has po~cr to convey or dispose of. whether individually, or by vi~uc of sakf will or o~c~vise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises he.in ~'anted unto the paxty of the second p~, the dist~utnes or succ~sors and ~si~ns of the pe~7 of ~c second pm threv~r. AND the party of the first part coveaant~ that the pe~y of the r~t pa~ h~ ~t ~ne or suffmd ~ing w~). ~c ~ ~mis~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ~ p~ of~o tim Ma h~ ~ly ex~u~ ~s ~ ae ~y e~ year tim ~e A~nowtedgement telmn In N~vYork State On the ~ day of .~..PTe. L(~.f., in the year 2005, before me, the under41Onad, personalty appeared MOLLIE PEGGY KURS pemooally known to me or proved to me on the basis of ca§steGtory evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(a) is (are) subsetbed to the within instrumest and ecknowtedged fo me that he/she/they exesutad the same in hie/her/thalr capacity(les), end that by hie/her/their signature(a) on the Instrument, the indlvidaal(e) or the person upon hoholf of which the individual s) acted, exso NatalYl~ 01JMit 1~1925 Ackno~vtodgement by 8ubeatblng WiMesl taken In New Yo~ State State of New Yo~, County of , SS: On tho day of , in tho year the underalgnact, pe~sonaliy appeared the subsorJbing witness to the tomgoing instflJmont, wJ~ whom am personally acquainted, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he/she/they reside(s) in that he/ehe/they know(e) to be the Individual des~lbed In end who executed tho foregoing instrument; that sam subaoJblng Witness was present and saw said execute the same; and that said wimass at the ~ame time subac~bed hie/her/t~alr name(a) es a witness thereto. Estate of Mbivin Kuru Mollie Peggy Kuru A~Jcle FIFTH Trust uMIo Melvin Kurs DistrUsted W Chicago Title ]murance Company Aaknowledgement taken In Nw York State Stets of New York. County o~, On the day of , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared i before me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of esfisfacto~/evidence to be the Individual(s) whose name(s) is (ere) su~c. dped to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their napa;Ity(les), and that by his/her/their signature(a) on the i~trumeflt, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of wldch rite individual(s) acted, executed the Instrumant, Acknowledgement taken outaldn New York State *State of , County *(or inna~t Di~trint of columbia. Ter;itory, Possa~sion or Foreign Countr/) On the day of , Iff tho year the undersigned, personally appeared · defore me, personally known to me or proved to mo on the basis of sa~fantory evidence to be me individual(s) whose name(s) is (am) subson'bed to the within Instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hb/her/their capanity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s) or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(s) acted, executed the InstrumenL and that such individual made SUch appearance before the undersigned in tho (add the city or political subdivision and the sate or country or other pie;e the acknowiedgement wes taken). DISTRICT SECTION 67 BLOCK 6 LOT 16 COUNTY OR TOWN SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: Hawey Schwartz, Esq. Geller Dmyer & Berkey, LLP 845 Th]rd Avenue, 8th Floor New York, NY ZIp NO. 10022-6601 Number of i~gu TORRENS Serial# C~tiflcate # .... Prior Ctf. # 3 2005 Dec 05 11:54:05 Edward P. Romaine CLER~ OF SUFFOIX L 00001242~ P ~T# 05=17~60 4 Deed / Mor~sSc Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Deed / Mo~e Tax Stump Notntion EA-52 17 (County) ~ Comm. of 'Ed. ~ aa Affidavit Codified Copy Reg. Copy SubToml ~ GRAND TOTAL Stamp Initials Real l~.p~ty Tax Service A~ OJsc 8eetiou B lock 0S0, ? 84 ooo o6voo 0600 o 6ooo Lot Sntisfnctionm/~i;~chargc;s/Releanes .'-Imf rmp~r,,.,,,, ............ o Address RgCORI) & RETURN TO: Suffolk Recording / Filing Slamps Amt. I. Buic Tn.~ 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiL 0t /Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County. Hcld for Apponionmee.~ Tmn~[.r Tnx Mnnsion Tax Tha properly cove~ by Ibis morlgngo is or will be improved by a OhO or two famill dwelling ooly. YES or NO If NO, see approprint~ rex cinuan on page Comlmm,,n;~y pr~serv~t;,xn Hderutiou Amount $ 'rD TD TD tO Title Company Information Co. Name Title fi & Rndorsement (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT ) The pmnise~ herein is sip_t~!ed in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORIC In the Tm~ship of la Rle VILLAGE made by; BOXES 5 q]-IRU 9 MUKF BE TYPED OR PR[NTFJ3 SufFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECOP-DS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Instrument: DEEDS/DDD l~--her of Pa~es: 3 Receipt l~w~her : 05-0125952 TRANSFER TAX ~MBER: 05-17860 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 067.00 06.00 EXAmINeD AW~ C~AROEDAS FOLLOWS $o.oo 12/05/2005 11:54:05 ~ D00012423 584 Lots 016.000 Received the Following Fees For Above instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYB SRCHO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Cohen. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-178E0 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $149.00 Exe. mpt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE. OR PRESS FiRMly WHEN WRITING ON FORM- · INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ~::~~ %~i 81'A~ OF NEW YORK 1. Prope~y 3~0 ] ~'t ~m4 av~n*~ I i snuthoXa } I I #o114e ~e~ Kuts ~:ttcle l~_fth Trust lu/v/o l(elvin ruts Ii other Ihan burr MM.,~ (at ~--~.. or fom~ I 1404 Love[l Avenue Ixl I [ Ne~ Hyde Park [ #of~! OR ~ Pl~Ofa~r~al ~tate of Nelviu Kuts I 12. Date M Sab I TmadM Day / Ch~k tho bom bdow m may q~kc 13. Fullblob I I t I ...., 0, 0 , 0 I IFufl SaJa Price ia the tMal ~ paid ~ ~e ~fly i~[ng ~M ~. I ~i. p~m ~y ~ b ~ fo~ M ~ ~E pm~ or ~, m ~ ~fl of J I~I~v~MWM I , O, 0. O I ~ubln~a ~ ~SGSSME~ IN~RM~OH - ~M ~uM ~fbct the link ~1 ~M~t R~i end T~ le'YNrM~i~I~ ~ I 17. T~d~V~lMell~in~] , Executor * o deed m, I ! ! ! P.o].lXe ]L)e~ry,.~a,~c./J~ 'l~ueC ~/v/o IMXv'Xn Ig~ES · By: --re 8 _ ' ' I I L I CEIrrIFICATION I ~ c~.~ ~ha~ d M ~he ~.rm ~ ~n~L`n en~efed ~ U~ f~rm m tme m~d e~rre~ (M ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~ BUYER'S 1404 I Love11 Avenue t~ev llyde Park [ ~ I 110~0 SEU~ ICqr~ta oE HelvXu r-Fo I '%.. Schvar tz I Harvey 212 I 93.5-3131 I NEW YORK STATE COPY