HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 702 i i - -7, I W --) First Artier[can Title Insurance Company of New York B ARGAI.._ N and SALE DEED, with COVENANT 'Il' AIainst Grantor's Ail! - Individual or Corprllion CONSULT YOUR I.AM, N'£R BKF41RK $1GNI.~G TIILq I.NSTRUMF~T-TIIIS INSTRI. IME,~T 81IU, IILO UIr tIMED #V i~WYER.~ ONLY. TH IS [ N DENTURE, nade the 6th day of December, in the )'car i005 BETWEEN Nan~:: Peter S. Rur~o Address: 13 Oyster Point. Sth Street, Greenport, NY 11944 Narrate Dorothy R. Rus~o Address: IJ Oyster Poiflt, .~th Street, Greeeporl, NY I 1944 parly of the first parL and Name: Camille Passaro Address: 8 Wall Court, Massapequa. NY 11762 party oflhe second pan, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first pan, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable co]tsideration paid by the party of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second patty forever, remises also kno~rn as 13 Oyster Point, 5th Street, Creenport, 1~/ 1196~ EE SCHEDULE A FOR PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Being and intended to be the same premises as conveyed to the parties o£ the t~lr part in deed'dated 3/5/99; recorded /~/15/99 in Libor 11957 page 683. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of thc party of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines tbereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and fights of the party of the first pan in and to raid premises; TO ]lAVE AND TO HOI.D thc premises herein granted urea the party of the second pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the patty uf the seco.d pan forever. AND the party of Ihs firsl pad covenants that thc party of the first party has not done or suffered anyfl6flg whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with .',k'ction 13 of the Lien La~; covenants thai the pany ofthe first part will receive the consideration for 1his conveyance and will hold the right to recciw: such consideration as a trust fund Ia be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of tit. improvement Ix'fore using any pan of the to]al of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS ,,WHEREOF, Ze party of the first pan has duly executed this deed Ihe day a]ul year first above written. Signature of Peter S. Rosco DECISION 2000 Ri~.~S,L ESTATE SERVICES INC. SCHEDULE A CONTINUED Title No.05-08-5224 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being a part of a Condominium in thc ..... l.n.c, orp.orated. Vjllage..o.l' Orecnpon, To.wa .of Southold, County of Suffolk and State. of New York. known an.d designated as Unit No. 13 together with a 113,4 undivided fractional interest in Ihe common elements of the Condominium hereinafter described as the same is defined in The Declaration of Condominium hereinafter referred to. The real property above described is a Unit shown on the plans of a Condominium prepared and certified and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on thc 10'h day of November 1986, as Map No. 146 defined in The Declaration of Condominium entitled Oyster Point Condominium by Oyster Point Associates under Article 9-B of the New York Real Property Law dated October 8, 1986 and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on November 10, 1986 in Liber 10164 of conveyances at page 431 covering the property therein described. The land area of the property is bounded and described as follows: All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Oreenpon in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a monument on the easterly line of Fifth Street. said point being distant 2S0 feet southerly as measured along the easterly side of Fifth Street form the corner formed by the intersection of Ihe easterly line of Fifth Street with Ihe southerly line of Clark Street; Running thence from said point or place of beginning along land now or formerly of Satkoski, South 82 degrees 43 minutes 10 seconds East 166.15 feet to land now or formerly of Ellen Birenbaum and Mary Jean Roman: Thence along land last mentioned the following two courses and distances: 1) South 7 degrees 17 minutes 40 seconds East 36 feet; 2) South 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 r, econds East 166.15 feet to the westerly line of Fourth Street; Thence South 7 degrees 17 minutes 30 seconds West along the westerly side of Fourth Street 220.8 i feet to the ordinary high water mark of Greenpon Harbor; Thence along the ordinary high water mark of Greenpon Harbor the following 1.3 tie-line courses and distances: I) South 34 degrees 45 minutes 00 seconds West 22.49 feet; 2) South 25 degrees 27 minutes 00 seconds West 69.80 feet: Representing Chicago Title Insurance Compan~v DECISION 2000 REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC. 3) Soulh 24 degrees 46 minutes O0 seconds West 67.00 feet: 4) Souih 17 degrees ] 4 minules O0 seconds West 65.00 feet; 5) South ] 2 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds West 79.00 feet: 6) South ]4 degrees 28 minutes 00 seconds West 87.14 feet; 7) South 6{ degrees 06 minutes 00 .%--'conds Eas{ 14.51 feet: 8) South 38 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds Wesl 2.00 feet; 9) South 42 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds Easl 24.14 feet; 10) South 26 degrees 06 minules 00 seconds West 17.35 feet: ] 1) South 33 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds Wes145.42 feet; 12) North 61 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds West 18.26 feel: 13) South 7 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds We.si 105.24 feet to a monument and land of the Incorporated Village of Greenport: Thence North 82 degrees 42 minutes 00 ~conds West a{ong the iasi mentioned ]and 242.7l feet to the easterly side of Fifth Street; Thence North 7 degrees 18 m}nutes 00 seconds East along the easterly side of Fifth Street 559.50 fcct lo land now or formerly of Elizabeth Meyer: Then. ce along the last mentioned land the following three courses and distances: l) South 02 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds .East 144.16 feet; 2) North 07 degrees ] 7 minutes 40 seconds East 30.00 feet: 3) North 82 degrees 41 minutes 18 seconds West 166.16 feet to the easlerly side of Fifth Street; Thence North 7 degrees 18 minutes 00 seconds 'Fast along the easterly side of Fifth Street 206.00 feet [o the point or place of Beginning. For Information Only: District 100] Section 007.0t Block 01.00 Lot 013.000 Representing Chicago Title Insurance Cotnpany First American Title Insurance Company of New York ii B ARG/I~IN and SALE DEED, with COVENANT · Aftainsl Granlur's Arts- Individual or Corporation STATE OF NEW YORK '~ ~.: COUNTY OF Suffolk J On the ~ day of Decelpb. er in the year 2005 heft)re me, the ~dersi~d, ~mo~lly appea~ Petec, Sn Russo~ I)nn~lhy R. RusNo. ~onally k~ to n~ or p~ved to me on the basis iMivid~l(s) w~sc wilhin instrumenl and acknowledged ~o ~ t~t helsheltl~y ex~cuted t~ ~me in hi~dtheir ~pacit~ies). and t~t by hi~r/th~it signoras(s) on &e iz~mem, the individ~l(a), or Ihe peraon u~n be~lf of ~ich the individ~l(s) actc~ ' ' · . Signature and Office of hidivJdual inking ~cbiowl~gn~nl For acknowledgments taken in New York State. ROBERT M. STEINERT NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 30-9173300, Nassau County Term Expires July 31, 2006 Sargain anaC Safe ~OeeaC WITI I CO¥ F.,NANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S AC'l'~ TITLE NO. Peler S. Rus$o & Dorothy R. Rus, a TO CandUe Pnssaro Sheet Section BIoek Lot Plate Volume Pollo Distdct TaT Mop Des. Courtly or Town Streel Number PREMISES 7.01 01.00 013 1001 1001-007.01-01.00-013.000 Suffolk 13B Oyster Point, Greenport, NY 11944 J~.~'-,.ndcd AL ReqtieSt of Firm Anleri~n lltie Insurance Company al'New York i(ETIJi(N B%' MAll, TO: Arthur J. Giorgini, Esq. .126 South Wellwood avenue I.indenhut~l, NY 117~7 Number of pages TORRENS Serial Certificate Prior Crt: Deed / Mor~g_a.ue Instrument Deed i Mortgage 'Fax Stump CLERK OF Recording/FiSng Stamps FEES Page / Filing Fcc Handling. 5. O0 'FP-$84 Notalion FA-52 17 (Coumy) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. or' Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Sub Total Reg. Copy OIher Sub q'olal __ Grand Total Real Property 'Fax Service Agency Verification 05049608 zooz oovox ozoo 01.3000 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional 'Fax Sub Total Spec,/Assil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX ~ Dual Town .~-- Dual Count.v ~ I leld tbr Appointment....__ ~ Transtar Tax t:~b Ob; Mnnsion Tax The property covered by Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES~ . or NO I t' NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # ~ of this instrument. Community Preservation Fund :PF 'Fax Due Improved Vacant [.and 6 RECORD & RETURN TO: Decision 2000 Real Estate Services, Inc. 169 Roanoke Avenue Riverhead, New York ! 1901 ICo. Name Title # 'rD TI) 'I'D Title Comp,any lnfor ,mation Decision 2000 Real Eslate ~rvices, Inc. O5-08-5224 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of thc attached Peter S. Russo and LX~rothy R. Russo (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOI.K COUNtry. NEW YORK. made by 'FO in the Township of Southold in the VII.I.AGE Camille Passam or HAMLF. T or' Greenpon BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BI". TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD h~,m~er of Pages: 5 Receipt N-mher : 05-0131933 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20214 District: 1001 Deed Amount: Recorded: At: L IBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 007.01 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $650,000.00 12/21/2005 11:47:23 AM D00012426 702 013.000 Received the Following Fees For~ove Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $2,600.00 NO Co~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20214 Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO ~0.00 NO $0.00 No $10,000.00 NO $12,755.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUM~.NT THIS IS NOT A BILL ', Edward P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County --P-L~ASE TYPE 0R'PRI~S-S'FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FdRM - --~'~-' ..... INSTRUCTIONS: http:# www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK S'rATE BOARD OF PEAL HtOPEK~ SERVICES RP - 5217 [ Southold/Gceenport I I I19A& I Z. Buwr [ Passaro I Camille I Nlme 4M'r ~ ~ ~MFAHY RRST ~ 3. Tax BU#ng Address 4. IndlMte the numbM of Assessment Roll pareds smnsb~red on the deed I Deed Property SI~e adler ] Name I LAST Ill, MI I COMliaJW Indirate where forum Tax 8iJb Me to be sent il other ~ ~ atkll lit ___h~Lefj of fomll $'riiEET NUMbeR AND STR~II'"NAMI // /I r--"l f IOnly ff Part of e PIISEl) ~hldc se they ap#y: · # of Pameb OR Part of · Pardi I Ixl RIO~,! I~lrl? ~ 4A. FMrming Board with SubdMsion Aul~orily Exists [] 4B. Subdivision Approval wac Required for Transfer [] I OR ] · [ 4~ Pm~l Approved for Subdivision with MIp Provided [] m.d ' ',zwJ' ' lAST NAME I COrdPA~dY Russo I Dorothy R. I 7. Ch~,~ the box below whirl1 most ecrmmtdV dseoribse the use of the property at the time of ulo: ~J [~ 2 or 3 Family P4aidenlbl Commordd C I~ Regdendal Vacant Land Aportment DI I Non.l~rJdemial VKam Land Emmtilnmem I Amucemem 11. Sale Contract Date I x2, /,06 / 05 t ktanfh D~y Ylar 12. Dm of Sale I Trmufor 13. Full Sale Prkm I , , , 6, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 01 ! ! · IFull SaM Price ia the total amoum paid inr tho property including personal IWoperty. This prfmem m~/be in the form of rash, other pn:q)MW or goods, or Ihl iBmJmptJon of mongag~ or other obligotionc.) Pb~n round M fha neam~ wtm/e do//ar amount 14. Ina'r. ltn tbe value of parloed [ , , , 0 , 0 , 0 [ Community Sewma Indultrlal Publk Sarv',ca Forest ChKk the benes bdow se theV eppIV:. g. Owneship Type la Condominium [] ~. New ConslruGtion on Vacant L~nd [] 10A. Property Located Mthln an Agricultural Dktrict [] 10B, i~r ,ecdved a dbck~ure re)ties kxheet,ng [] thot tho property b In an A~rlcu~ml Oi. trk:t 1~. Chsek orto or mom of ~Mse Mmdaons as oppJJudde to tmndff: A C D E F H I J Sale Between Pddotlv~s or Former Rehltivse Sale Between RMMKI Compan/Is or Partners in ausinosa One of the Buyers is nile · adler Buyer or Seller ta Government A0onoy or Landing institution Deed Typa Net Warmnly ar Bargain end Sale (Speaify Below) S,,la al Fraotiond or Leal than Fee Infarct ($peGify Below) Significant Change in Properly Between Taxable Status end SaJe Solo of Business is Included ,n Sale Price O~her Unusual FWom Affm:l~O Sale Price (Speclty BMow) None propm~/Included in ~ho Nde ~, · ASSESSMENT INFORMAT~N, - Data should reflect the latest, Final Assessment, Roll and, Tax Bill 1L Vosr of A.N~mont Rail from I ~,~ I 17. Total M Vdue (of .. p~, h ~,~l I ...... wldeh Ioformmlon tikon /~ 20. Tax Mop Me~diorts) I Roll MostFurffi Of more than low, ~tt~h duoet with edditfond identilieddl I too! I I 00?.Ol I I Ol.O0 I I o]_~.onn I I ' I tTrti~ ~ dl d' the Items or Inromultbl emen. d oa Ibk rom m~ true ~ c~yect Ilo the bcst ar my Imaubdi~ and helkf~ and ! undL*ulmnd lint the nmk]na or an). wilirul rabe Mntemem ar mMerbi Ib~ herdu wjU sdJjeff, me to Ibe I~rvLdm~ ar the ,,..nM Illw relnlhT to the ~ und fl~ or BUYER ~LLER BUYER'8 ATtORNey L~ST MAdE Fret NAM~ 516 238-1750 I INEW YORK STATE COPY Gtorstnt Arthur J. l