HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 545 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS FORM 8007 CA UTIC~N: THIS AGREEMf'~I' SIIOULD BE PREPARED BY AN AI'I'ORNEY AND REVIEV/ED BY ATTORNEYS FOR SELLER AND PO'RCI IASF-~R U I'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1'1~0 RE STONING. THIS INDENTURE, made the 17th day of Nay ,~l~t 2005 JOHN L. PALMER, as surviving tenant by the entirety, residing at 64 Barrow Street, #2, New York, New York 10014 party of thc first pan, and PECONIC LAND TRUST, INCORPORATED, having a place of bosiness located at 296 Hampton Road, Southampton, New York 11968 party of the second pm-t, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first parL in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($1 lawful money ofthe United States, paid by the party of the second pa~. does bemby grant and release unto the party, ofthe second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party ofthe ..a_.cond part forever, See Attached Schedule "A" BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first pan by deed dated 01/07/74, and recorded on 02/13/74 in Liber 7587, Page 597. TOGETHER with all right, title and intenr~t, if any, of the party ofthe first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first pan in and to said premises, TO H~4 I/E,4ND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party ofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns orthe party of the second pan forever. AND the party ofthe first pan, covcnan~ that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as afore.said. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this unnv~unce and will hold the right to receive such consideration as n trust fund to be applied first for the purpol~ of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of'the cost of the improvement before using any pan el'the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed ns if it read "parties' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. ; ..... · IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party, of thc first part has duly executed this deed thc day and year first above written. IN PRF~.e, ENCK OF: John L. Palmer John L. Pa · Fidelity National Title Insurance Company of New York TITLE NO. 0't -3704-$0883.SS-SUFF SCIIEDULE A-I AMENDED ~4 ALL that rennin plot, piece or parcel of vacant land, situate, lying and being at Peconic, in thc Town of Sout~old, County of Suffolk and State of New York, as shown on Map of Acres of Diamonds inc. made by Otto Van Tuyl and filed in thc Office of thc Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 12, 1933 as Map No. 112g, said parrel being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point being the southeasterly comer of the premises herein described, said point being the following 3 courses and distances along the remerliue of Diamond Land from the intersection of the northwesterly aide of Sound View Avenue with the ccntcrline of Diamond Lane; 1. North 42 degrees 00 minutes 40 ~,conds West 125.00 feet: 2. North 19 degrees 05 minutes 20 seconds West 274.92 feet: 3. North 41 degrees 15 minutes 10 seconds West 141.49 feet; RUNNING THENCE along the ccnterlinc ora 33 foot wide P~vate Road, North 41 degrees 15 minutes 10 sreonds West 506.93 feet to the mean high water mark of Lung Island Sound: THENCE along the mean high water mark of Long Island Sound, North 47 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds r-,st 100.28 feet to land now or formerly of Zahid Realty Corp.; THENCE along said land now or formerly of Zahid Realty Corp, Sooth 42 dcgrres O0 minutes 40 seconds 'East feet; TllENCE South 61 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West 110.22 fret to the point or place of BEGINNING. ,dA~$~C~O w ' " andass~ s over nlon,snd'u nthetwo TOGETHER withes right of way in common 'ira a ~4artha Lateen her grantees 'ils, , g po private rnadways~ihown on said map, namely, thc nnc running northerly from Soundview Avenue to Long Island Sound Beach, and the other a fiReen foot wide roadway running easterly and westerly 340 feet more or less northerly from Soundview Avenue and together with the privilege of using said Long Island Sound Beach for all recreational purposes. The party of the first part retains /or hiuself, his successors and assigns, the right to use the roads and beaches as shorn on said Hap of Acres of Diamonds, lac., for the benefit to Lot No. & alas shovrfl on niad map and as set forth in dead dated 1/7/74, £ecorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 2J13174. in Liber 7587, Page 597, The foregoing is not intended to create any additional or personal rights in the party of the first part, his successors and assigns other than those set forth in said deed and appurtenant to Lot 4 on said map and aa incidence of ovnership of said Lot 4. 7'111'~ POLICY TO R~: I.~.$'I./15D umlcr Ihr~ t'o#illlJlllR'~ll will i,sm c the ti/lc t, .~,ch Imildmg.~ m~d i,q//~n','mc~l.~ ~ Ih,'j~'cmi.~,'.~ u'hi~ h FOR C'ONI'I;I)/NCTNG OtVL E' Together with nil II~c right, tRic and i~ forest ~IAc par(v of tht. fin't Imrt, ~.f i, mul to the hind h'btg tit I~t' no'ce/in~'ont of lllld ~l~OOJlliStg ~obl pretniaYs. .'~ 'IIEI~Iq. IL4-1 flA..~rrtptm.I STATE OF ~k,O ~.: COUNTY OF 2005 On thc 17th day of t4a~,, , ~ before me, the undersigned, >.~Y~i~oi$~mml 4he.sa~.ii~ae, personally appeared John L. Palmer, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Number of pages Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # TORRENS Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Hnndling 5. __ TP-Sg4 No 'ration EA-52 17 tCounty) F_.A-5217 {State) R.RT.S.A~ Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Sureharg,- Other Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Tota{ Real Property 0~03~2~ :1.000 06800 0~.00 00~,000 Tax Service Agency Verification 6 [ Satisfactions/Dischnrgez/Releases List Ownen¢ Addre~ Property Mailing RECORD & RETURN TO: REC,0P.0EI) 2005 ~ep 12 08:~5:01 F..~ard P,Romaine CLERK OF S~FFOLK C0UNT¥ L 000012408 P 545 DT# 0~--06067 Recording I Filing Stamps Mongage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecdAssit. or Spec. ladd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax /i ,.~.'~3~, Mansion Tax The pmpany covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a ~me or two family dwelling only. YES or NO &t+~.~. p ] If NO. ~ee appropriate tax clause on ~J [ page # __ of this }nstmment. ]~o~ 00I.~ sIlco==,,.,t~ P~,..~.aon l~nd Consideration Amount $ ~"'~ D~/. ~ · ¢ Improv~ Vacant Land t.,-,-'" TV TD _. . .,, .... f7] Title Comoanv lnfomation · !~ U/.X4Z4,~-/Tt, C~ - ~---.-'. ---c-:-:-- Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached ~ made by: 7~ ~/A] ~. ,SPEC'FY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~__ h f'} L. ~..~/ The premises herein is situated in ~ ',~/I V/A) ~-- ~/~J~, J'T-' SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. or.AML TOf BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TY~'D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. lover) Eluff'z,'OZ~. CO0'~'X~ CLER~ RECORDS OFFZCB RECO]tDZNQ ~Q~ ]~ce~p~ ~,mt~ ; 05-009503~ TRANSFER TAX~MBERz 05-06087 1000 Beotionz Blookz 068.00 01.00 RX~MZHEDAHD(~ARQ~DA~ FOLLOWS $300,000.00 Received the Following Fees For A~ovo Z~bz~e=t Pnge/Ftl~ng $12.00 HO H~udllng COS $5.00 ~0 ~Y8 8RCHO RA-C~ $5.00 ~ ~-STATE ~-S84 S5.00 ~ Ce~.C~es ~T S30.00 ~ Fees Paid TRANSFER ?AX H~iBRR, 05-06087 'X~XH PAGE X8 A PART OF TH~ ZNSTR~ME~ THZ8 Z8 NOT A BZLL · ,d. wezd P. Roamine Cou.u~.y C3.ork, Su££olk Cotmt:~ Reco~edl 09/12/2005 Afl 08z55z01 AM LZ~R: DOOOZ2&08 545 001.000 Ss.oo ~o $~5.00 NO $X65.00 NO $0.00 so $o.oo Ho $o.00 Ho $1,442.00 PLEASE TYPE oR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http'.//www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY ....... REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ -' " ~ RP- 5217 1. ~ I lqO~ I Diamond Lane I I Southold I ~-~ I~ {C.- I11971 ] z. au~ [ Peconic Land Trust Incorporated [ [ ,,~,w I Ixl Ioel . 3.2 .60. I mmng Roll i SALE INFORMATrON I I 09 /09 /04 I A D E F G H I J [ ~SE~E~ INFORMATION - Data s~uld ~e~ ~ late~ Fi~I ~nt Roll aM Tax Bill [ lt~ ~ [-U l~h~Ob~Nm [Southold Se{o ~elw~n Rdat~l Cempan{aa ur P~rmem in Buslmm~ One of tho Burrs is elm a ~{ler ~ ur ~eiler '* Oovommem Agency or Lending 16 .5 0 i ' ' i ' 01 I ]0oo-068.00-0{Loo--~,t,e~Z. ~'~[,~0 I I L J I I CERTIFICATION I BUYS.__.. · I BUYER'S A'ITORNEy f,~,,-ev. I{.T, -' t / ""- L?7 John L. Palmer