HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 305DIST. 1000 SECT. 070.00 BLOCK LOT 012.000 NY I1(~ - B~in and S~k. D~:d m~. C~mmc ~uilml Gr~m~'~ A~ ladl~id~l w C~L~m ISinl;l~ .~ h~l i t~¥ B'I~ ¢:( i.N.qU 1.1' YOUR I.,%W%'ER #EFORE SIGNING 11115 INS'rRlt.%ll:.."~'f- THLq I~b'I'RIJMENI' SIIOUI.D lie USE. It #%' I.A WYI.'ILq THISINDENTUR~madethe \'~"~- dayof (~'~r~'C. ,intheye~ 2005 BETWEEN LOUIS F. BAKER, residing at 50620 Main Road, Southold, New York, 11971, and BERTHA L. BELL, residing at 9055 Pillsbury Avenue, Bloomington, Minnesota, 55420,as tenants in common, p~mt~l~p~,~d KEITH.~. BAKER, residing at 230 The Greenway, BOX 277, East Marion, New York, 11939, arty of tl~ ~cond p'm, WYI'N I'~.qETII. that the parly of the fiat pnA. in ~'ot~.~ideralion nfTen Dollars and other valuable cun.~idern=ti~n paid by the ).my ol'the,~nd I~, doe~ hereby Rrn_nt and relc~.~e untn Ibc ~ny of thc ,~-'cund pan. thc heirs or succ'e,~rs and u.~igtis nf the party of the ~ect~.J p~n forever, A~u~enuin~c~pie~mpn~ceh~i~h~he~mi~dh~.`mdimprm.%m~sthe~mer~tumc~ying~m~isWinthc at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as followss BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Main ~oad (S.R'. 25) distant 393 feet northerly, from the corner formed by the inter- section of the northerly side of Jockey Creek Road with the easterly side of Main Road (S.R. 25)~ T~ENCE along the easterly side of Main Road (S.R. 25), North 12 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds East, 66.00 feet to other lands of Louis F. Bakerl THENCE along said land, South 77 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds East, 125.00 feet; THENCE South 12 degrees 58 minutes 50 seconds West, 66.00 feet to land now or formerly of Albert and June Guillani; THENCE along said land, North 77 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds West, 125,00 feet to the easterly side of Main Road (S.R. 25) and the point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT TO a life estate for Louis F. Baker. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises transferred to the party of the first part by deed dated February 5, 1980 and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on March 13, 1980 at Liber 8792 pagq 106. TOG ETHER with all fight title a~ ime~k if uny, of Ihe party of ~c ~ml p~ nC in a~ m ~y st~c~ and roads ~mltiq I~ a~c~rihed premises to the center lines the~t,~ TOGETHER with ~e n~u~'nu~es ~d ull the e~ate ~d ri~ls of the ~ of the fi~l part in and to said p~miz's; ~ HAVE AND TO HOLD thc p~mi~s he.in 8mn~d uoto the pa~ .f I~ .~mld ~rt, ~e hei~ or su¢~,,iors u~ ~igns nf the ~y !~f ~e ~ ~rt ~'r, AND Ihe @arty of the Ii~t purr covenaot.'~ thai, thc p~y of the fil't,I purl ha, not dime or .~uffercd unythin8 whereby Ihe .~aid l~remi~c~ have been incumhered in any way wherever, ex*.~.'pl u~ aforesaid, AN[} the party of the tiaa part, in ¢omplinnee with Seclion 13 of the Lien I..~w. ¢ow:nanl~ thai thc party of ~hc I~ml part will rccei'*'e thc consideration fo§t hi.*,.conveyan~,..~.c m}d...wi]! hold the right to receive such com, ideradnn m, n tm. st fund to bc applied fir~ for the parlx r~o~ying thc 7%~, ~ l~c'ir~{pruvcrncnt und will a ~ dy thc same Iimt lo the paymcm .f the cu.~ ~,i thc improvement hefod~l,~iog, la.ny part ol' Ih~.tnla! 9.f thc ,-.ume f,w an)' othur Thc word "p.my~r~alliW[eo~t,.m. ed .~l,~re~.d.:'parties' whene,.'er the y:nse of this in&'nlurc .~) requirc.,~, IN %VITNF..~'q WI II,'R£OF. lhe puny of the fiat pan hu.,~ duly executed ihi~ deed Ihe day and year ~r~t ahcJve writtca. Ust: at.~'O#'I~JXWt~T tv~t.u at'.t. Ow wm lL~ N~' Fr~ ~'Ta T~ O.YL r: SmteofNewi%rk, Counlyof SuffOlk Ou t~20dayoi' Sep%e~er in ~ ~r 2005 Lou~s F. Ba~erano'~ertha L. Bell ~]ly km~'n b~ m~ ~r ~d to I~ ~ ~ h;~i~ ,~t' ~ti~f~ within in~tl und ;~k;~wl~=l thc s~ in hi~hr~r ca~i;ydc~;. =ud Ihm ~ hi~r~hcir sis~t~(~ on d~ il~t~l~nL thc i~i~id~]{~), ~D ~376625 ~f~lk ACIG%'OWIJ~J~tfF~T FORM ~R U~' W~III.¥ On ~ ~y of in Ih~ yc~ ~f~ m. I~ un~, ~nlly up~ lbo s,~dhing witn~ In I~ ft~in ~lly ~in~. whn. ~ing ~ty lhul h~llhcy ~Xl~(~) ( ~1~ ph 'e ofn.yidentY, b i. ,I ff uny, Ihe~: Ihat hWs~cy m ~ ~ indiv~l ~k~d~l in inst~nenl: I~t ~id ~ub~dbing wiln~ wu~ ~nl excite I~ ~: und ~1 s~ wimp, s at hiMer~eir nat~(s) u~ u ~'il~s~ BARGAIN & ~ALE DEE. l) . · lrr/~,YVo. FNP-O121fi' .. LOUTS F. BAKg*R .ancl BERTHA L. BELL L KEITH H. BAKER " FIDELITY NATIONAl. TITLE INSURANCE OCOMPANY OF NEW YORK I~SF. ACKA'OWIJ:,IX;MIf, NT /4'~,51 B/-3J;W W/THI,%' t%'/~' )'()RE .%"r,t TF.. 0,¥L¥: ,edat e or New %'orlt, (~ runty of J f~.: O~l die day of iu thc .w'ar bel%m: me. zhe un~.'igned, per, really apr~*an:d pcr~onal])' km~wn ,x ],c ~r prnx~d I)) me tm ~c ~i~ ,,f ~ti~f~l~' cv~ce Io ~ I~ individuah s) wh(~ nmos) i~ tam] s~L~ m t~ ~ilhm ins~umem and ~-km~wk~d the ~ id hi~hcir od~ilyt~L ~ut hy h~ff Ihcir sig~[u~l on ~ i~tmn~L Iht i]Mivid~]~sl. ~ thc ~'~ u~n ~MI' .r which · c bMivid~lt~) ~lt*~ c~cul~al Iht m~nl. and tha s~h itoh vidual (I z.ven t~, ~ty or ,thcr l~lilictd .~A~vi(. and IlK' .~late (,r c, ntnl~' ,,r : .ther ~'e the t~.km~l~gm~ht t~ts t~'enL DL'rrKIC'T ' 1000 SECnO~ 070.00 · R[.OCK 02.00 " .].kn' . , 012.000 Cou~ oR TOW~ quffol~Southold F~dlly Nat~l ~lle I~m~e C~tpany.r New York HELEN J. ROSENBLUM, ESQ. 1287 EAST MAIN STREET RIVERHEAD, NEW YORK 11901 Naiub:r of pages TORRENS Serial # Ccnific:,le it Prinr elf. 19 Deed / Mortgage Inslrumcm Page / 15ling Fee Handling 5. O0 Deed I Mortgage 'lax Suunp I-~ES TP-584 NotutJms EA-52 17 (Couuty) Sub 'lbtul EA-5217 ISlate) R.RT.S.A. Comus. of :Ed. Allidavil Ccrlified Copy NYS Surcharge Other I I000 I 4 IDisL I S~tion Real I~roperty 'lhXAgencyScrvic'~ Vcrificatiou 5. 15. Sub Total Grand T,,tal I/)*'0 0Block 0504374Szooo o,ooo 0200 oz2ooo ISatisfactions/Discharges/Releases Lisl Property Owners Mailing Address 6 I RECORD & R£YURN TO: RECORDED 2005 Nov 03 11:~:29 Eduard P.Roaaine CLE~< OF SUFFOLK COUNI¥ L I)00012418 P ~05 R~cording / Fili.g Stamps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tan 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolai Spcc./AssiI. OF Spec./Add. 'lOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town .-- Dual County __ Iluld for Appoimmcnt Trunsl'er Ta.x~__.CI Munsiou Tax The property covered hy this mortgage is or will be improved by u one or ~wo family dwelling only. YES. or NO If NO, ~ appropriate lax clause on ~agc # __ of Ihis inslrUlUCnt. Prostration Fund ~ommunit~ IConsideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due I Yacant I.and _ I'I:D TD 'FD I ? I Title Company lnf. rmation ICo. Name Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of Lhc alluched (SPECIFY~/'PE OF INSTRUMI]NT) The promises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW Y()RK. in U~e Township of .... ~ r~ I t~'~l / I~ In thc VILI.AGE or IiAMLE'F of made by: BOXES 6 TI-{RU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FIIJNG. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument= DEEDS/DDD ~mher of Pages= 3 Receipt Number : 05-0115786 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-13773 District: 1000 Dead Amount= Recorded= At= LIBER PAGE Seotton: Block = 070.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $133,333.00 11/o3/2oo5 11:40=29 AM D00012418 305 012.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SC~T4 Transfer tax $534.00 NO Co~n. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER= 05-13773 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE II~TRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.oo $75.oo $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $683.00 Exen~t NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Eomaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY .~ /; I CI.~NI~_~d, i.L./, ~,, ~), Od:'.~'. ~1 I R~PROPER~T~NS~RE~ ' '" RP - 5217 giving Ifomerthanbuy~'addree~o~bem~flT, dfom~ I I I [ (Oely il Pm d m Paaad} Chm:k aa they apply:. , , ~ ~ # of Pafceia OR Pan of a Parcel 4~.4A' Planing ~°erd veth Suixtiv~i°n AUdl°rilv E"-I~-Subdivimo~ Agprov~l wa~ Required faf Tmnl#r ~ o~,~. '/onl .... *c., O"Z"OI 4~.Par~lAglarO~dfi)rSubdlvi,ianndthMapPmP~Med [] A [] Oaa Family Ro~loatid I~. [] Agricultural E~ 2 0r 3 Family R#idendel E-'L.~ Commerclll C [._j Residential Vacant Land G L~ Aoartmem DI I Nen-RelddenllalV~e. aatLa~d ltl I Enteeminmerll/Amulalme~t SALE INFORMATION J 11. Side Contrlet Da. I rc / , / o~ ',~.ht.o,b,./T,,..,,,,I ~'~ / ~'~"/ O~ I 14.1rdfletteihovMu~dlMf~end j . , · . , , (~ . 0 , 0 I pml~rty Indnd~d I~ the gale il ! · I A~S£$$MEN? INFORMATION. Data lhould felloct the Iltest Fil~l A~selsmen! Roll ond Tax Bill I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I rd' ~y wOlf~ ~ ~l ~ m~ ~ h~4m ~1 ~b~ ~ to I~ ~td~ ~ the ~ law ~U~e ~ b i~ i fl~ ~ ~ ~ BUYER'S AWORNEY OAIk NEW YORK STATE COPY