HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 556CONSULT YOUR LAW~ER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMeNT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, madethe let dayof June · ~ 2005 BETWEEN NAU~EEN ?. OLLEN residing at 7§-26 Bell Soulevatd, Apt. SE, Hayside, NY 11364 asexecuforof the Eetate of Thomas V. Ollen thelastwillandtestamectof ,late of Thomas V. Ollen 75-26 Be[[ Boulevard, Apt. SE, Baystde, NY [1364 ,deceased. party ofthefirstpart, and D).~IEL J. OLLEN resid~ng at 5 Longview Court, Huntington, NY 11743 THO.~AS P. OLLE~ residing at 2 Princeton Road, Cran[ord, NJ 07016 NA~T~EW R. 0LLEN residing at 94 Floral Parkway, Floral Park, NY 11001, T~rustees o~ thee Peter H.~llen Trust dated June 1, 2005 party of the second Dart, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. by virtue of the power and authority given in and by smcl last and testament, and in consideration of Ten + 00/100 ($10.00) dollars, paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and usigns of the party of the second part Iorever. ALL that certain plot, piece Or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the SCHEDULE A ts attached Being the same premises transferred to Thomas V. Ollen by deed dated 2/19/1993 r~corded 4/6/1993 in L~ber 11624 page 379 in the Office o[ the Suffolk County Clerk. Section 065.~0 Block 01.00 Lot 014,000 Premise.s i..s known as 2845 Hobart Ro.a,d, Souchold, NY TOGETHER with all right, flue and interest, if any, of the ;]arty of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and slso all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedect's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue ol said will or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the i~remisoa herein granted unto the party of the SeCond part, the heirs or successors end assigns of the i~arty of the second pa~ forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first Pad has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in comoliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the lirsf ~t. tw. ilLrec~ei~, f~l.~.~c~.,.n.,.~id~e,[~i...o~n?or this Conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a t rusl,.fu ~d,:;ojt~e a~tJ .e-~f~s.,t, ,f~o~t he ~urpose of oaying the cost of the imorovement and will apply the same firsl to the i~a~menl~of,ihe'c~..o~the iml~rovement before using any part of the total of the same tot any other ?uroose. T~C?(~I-~i~i~. ~[~d'o~sir~d as If it read '*parties' whenever the sense of this indenture so requ,ros. 'IN WITNESS WHEREOE Ihe,;)artY of the first Dart has duly executed this deed fha day and year first above written, PRESENCE OF: Estate 9f Thomas V. Ollen Haureen P. Ollen, Executor ALL that certain plot, pXece or parcel of land, with the buildings aha /mprovements thereon ereoted, situate, lying and being at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated at Lot No. One on a Certain map entitled, 'Map of Subdivielo~t of Propert~ Of Jonathan T. Overt~n,~. situate at Southold, N.Y., ~u~veyed by Otto W. Van Tuyl, nloensed Surveyor, Greenport, N.Y.'. which said_map is filed in the Suffolk~ County Clerk's Office as Map No. J~.., more particularly beunded'~ and desoribed as follows: BEGZNNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Hobart Road distant 100 feet northwesterly from the corner formed by the lnterseotion of the northeasterly aids of Hobart Road with the westerly side of Terry Lane, and RUNNING THENCE north 5 degrees 28 minutes 40 seconds west along the northeasterly side of Hobart Road 105.0 feat to the easterly lane of lot No. 117 on a certain map entitled 'Map of Founders Estates" flied In the off~oe of the Clerk of Suffolk County aa Map No. 834~ RUNNXNO THEHCE northerly along said lot no. 117 on said map of .. Founders Estates on an irregular curve having a tie line oourse ana distance of north 15 degrees 03 minutes 40 seconds east 118.38 feet distance along said ourve of 123 feet more or ~ess to the point at the terminus of said tie line~ THENCE north 41 degrees 35 minutes 20 seconds east still along the easterly side of Lot 117 on said map of Founders Est. ates= THENCE ~ 51 degrees 28 minutes 40 secondsW~t ~0~ feet~ THENCE south 21 degrees 32 minutes O0 seconds west 120.78 feet ot~ ~ the northeasterly sade of Hobart Road at the point or place beginning. Said premises being known as 2845 Hobart Street, Southold, NY. Sure of'New York, County of Queens J ss.: On~ ]. dayof June inthe~u' 2005 cvidmc~ mba ~a indivithml(s) whoia n~ags) i~ (a~) ma~n'~ ~o ma th~ immm~mt, th~ individml(sl or ~ga pw~a 14xm hd~ ~which Notary Public, 8tote ~f New Ymlt No. 02Y04810~34 Qualified In Queens County Gommtaslofl Exph'o8 July 31, 2005 I~ Fo~ Sub~eHbing Wim~ Aclmowled~,mefl: Cfrtifcate) State of New York.. Coufl~ of } ss.: On the day of in.thc year before mc, the unde--sigfled, personally appeared thc subscribin8 w, imessto the foresoin8 instalment, with whom ! am pet3onally acquamttxJ, who, bcin$ by me duly sworn, did d~ose and say that he/she/they reside(s) in (if rAt place of rmidence b tn a eltO. Include tat ~:~ and street number, if an),. tAtrco/): that hc/shehhw/know(s) to bc thc individual described in arid who cxccutnd the fo~oin~ mstrument; that said subscfibinit wimcss was prmcnt and saw said execute the same; and that said wimess at the same time subscribed highcr/~heir name(s) as a wimeas thereto. Rt~'f OUEEN~ ABSqI~AC~ CORP. State of New York, Count' of }ss. evidax= to ~ ~t~ ind~id~i(s) whosc r, mm(s) b (ma) subscn'l~l ~) ~a same iff hislhcr/d~ir c~ecit~ies), and ~at by hi.~%fir sismn~(s) on ind~dm](s) ~ exem~ed die insu'ummL ACTO~O~LE2~k~f FoI~V FOR (Out or,att or ~ ~e day of in the year bcfo~ mc. the ~dc~i~. ps,sally pe~nully ~o~ ~o mc ~ paved m mc ~ ~e bnis of~tlsf~m~ cvid~ce to be ~ ~thvid~l(s) wh~e si~e~(s) on ~e i~ment, ~e individ~l(s), or behalf of which ~e individual(s) ac~, ~u~d that such indi~dual made such app~cc ~fore ~e undc~iGncd in ~e (Intert tat ciO; or otAtr political subdivftion and tat state or country or otAtr ploce tat acknowledgment wa$ taken). EXECUTOR'S DEED Naureen P. OlIen,i Executor Estate of Thomas V. Ollen TO Daniel J. Ollen, Thomas P. Ollen, 14atthew R. Ollen as Trustees of the Peter M. Ollen Trust da~ed June 1, 2005 Cgnnnonwealth. Land Title Inmran~ Company ~ 3307 SECTION 065.00 6LOC~ 01. O0 LOT 014.000 COUNTY OR T(~IN Suffolk STREET AOORESS 28/+5 Hobart Road Southold, .NY Receded at Re~uest of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO I Karen N. Yost Yost & O*Connel~ 24-t~4 Francis Levis Bouleva. rd ~h~testone, NY 11357 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificatg # Pri~ Of. # Deed / lvlmtpie Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES RECORI~D Dec 20 02-'44.'06 Edward P,Reea~ne O. ERK OF ~UFFOLX CrOUNT¥ L D00012426 DT# Reeording I Filing Slamps P.age I Filing Fee EA4217 (corny) EA-~2 i 7 (statc) R.P.T.g.A. AffidaHt Certified Copy Other SubTo~l Sub Total GRAND TOTAL '1 Stamp Initials Real Properly Tax Service Ai~ncy Verificatian Dist. I smi,, .. I ..~ I 05049197 z~O'O--OeSOo m. oo 0',4000 7 J Satisfa~tiondDis~harges/R~lenses List Property Owners Mailin~-'~'~ RECORD & RETURN TO: MorlpSc/Unl. I. Basic Tax 2. Addigonal Tax Sub To~l' ,Spoc.lAssic Or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Courtly Held For Apportionment ~ Transfer Tax ~ lVlension Tax Thc property covered by this mortF~aga is or v/iii bo improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES~ or NO .. fine, sen appropriate tax clause on page # ~ of {his inrdnunenL Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ ~ CPF Tax Due S Improved Vaca.t Land TD TD tO 'I'D Is J Title Compaqy Information Suffolk County Recording ,& Endorsement Page ~his page forms part or the attacl~cl ~ e ~o,~ made by: SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the 'rownship of In lbo VILLAGE e '/~/. or H.,~U~ of TO -s. oil., BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINrI~ IN BLACK INK ONLY PIUOR TO -RECORDING OR I;ILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument~ DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt l~,--~er : 05-0131657 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER.' 05-20111 District; 1000 Deed AmounC: Recordsd~ At: LIBER: PAGE: Section .' Block: 065.00 01.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 12/2o/2oo5 02:44:06 PM D00012426 556 Lot .- 014. 000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYE SRCHQ EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copiee RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~n. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-20111 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County IFOR COUNTY USE ONLY I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT PROPERTY IN, FORMATION I 'cp,~/ 2865 Hobart ~ Road 2. Buyer Blmg ifmha'mMb~y.raddmm~bGm3m~fom~l I ] 75-26 Bell Blvd, Aot SE Ollen I l~aureen I 5. Deed Size 6. Nam I Bavsida IN .Y 111~64 I I ~o5 Ixl 12o Io~1 F {Only Il hn d a PMaM) Chick is tlwf q)p~. I # of ParcoI' OR P.n M a Pa~cM 4a4;k Pl~nbg Bo~l wilh Subgiv~ Aab~dw E~i~su~J~ien Ap~ovM w~l Requ~od Im Trar,~ef ~[~ . I 4c P.r.~J ApprMd for s~dM,Ion.dm M,p ~ [] Estate of Thomas V. Ollen, Maureen P. I Ollen, Executor I I I I 7. ChKk tim hex b41ow wNch mom s~u~atdy dwrfb# tho uM d tim iwope~y It t~m Umo d i~: A [] O~e Fen-~y Rasid~nUM ! ~ B I~l 2 or 3 Family Rasldeml-I ~ Cl~I Residential V~m IJnd D[ I Non-Rllidential VK~nt taad I SALE IN MATIO. I 11. SMa ContTlct Dire 12. DIM of Bib I TmndM i6 / ~ /o5I I ~MENT IN~R~TDN - ~to ~u~ ~ct the IK~ Final ~mme~ Roll o~ Trax Biff 1LYwMmMRMIhm 0 t~ I None T=ans£er= No Con$:Lde=at:Lon ,or ~"~ TI~ Map kJlaglll~l) I Raj1 W M mere thu I~w, M M v/~ ~Jl~km~l MlaW'~,~)) L Section 065.00 Block 01.00 Lot 014.000 j I I I CERTIFICATION I I cert~y tirol sB d' the Ilem~ d'infoflnat~on em~fed m Ib~ rom m.e I~ .nd co~T~ flo the I~,1 ~ ~. ~ / ~ a~ I ~ h ~ ~ or .n~ wllWd hJ~e ~'uent d nulefl.l bd IK-A,b MI sddeet me to the pro~rLdINlJ~ I)l' Ihe Ilellll hw rt~dllh.~ Io Iht, IBllddlll ~a~d filing.. ~( ~l~lie ky, liMIIleld& BUYER Floral Parkway Floral Park Iffy [ 11001 SELLER YOST BUYER'S ATrORN~y 718 I 767-6600 I NEW YORK STATE COPY