HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 299CONSULT YMM LAWYER BEF(XIE IIMIl~ 11M 1148TRUMENT-1HJS II~INI~IENT IHOULD BE U~ED BY LAWYERI ONLY BETWEEN 127-137 LUDLUM PLACE, INC., ~ ~ M~ Nodh Mklway Rml.d, ,!1pLter IMand, NY 11964 party of the first part, and ROBERT JAROSAK: rmiding et 7 Bar, on Road, SL James, NY 11780 WITNES~ETH, that the party of the flint part, In conMdemtion of TEN end no/1001M ($10.00) dolbm I~id by the party of the leeon(J pm't, doe~ hereby grant end release unto the party of the mmond pert, the helm or successors end assigns of the party of the .ecxmcl part forever. ALL thM Gertaln plot, piece or pM'GM of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and bebg in the SEE 'ICHEDULE A" ANNEXED HERETO ThJ8 (xxr~jmx:o 18 being mode with the wril~en (xm~ent of ell of the holder, of the outltanding shares of the TOGETHER with MI right, title end intem~ If any, of the party of the rum prat In and to any streels end roads abutting the above de~m'lbod pmmbM to the =enter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenanca~ end ell the estate and rights of the party of the firm pert in and to Mid premMe; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the 3remlses herein gmntod unto the party of the second pad, lhe he~ or .uc(~siM. and assigns of the party of AND the party of the first part covensnt~ that the pmly of the flint part hM not done or lufferod anything whereby the Mid premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, exempt as Mormmid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants Ihat the I)a~/of the timt pet wll receive the ~msideration for thiB conveyen~ end will hold the ~ to reoMw .uch consideration es · ImM fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvumeflt Bed will upply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement be(om using -,ny pert of the total of the .ame for any other purpose. The word "party" .hell be conetnJed B8 if it mad "partiel" whenever the sense of this Indenture .o IN WITNF.~8 WHEREOF, the party of the flint pert h~ duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: Title No.: 712-S-014~ SCHEDULE A AT.i- that certain plot, piece or imr. d ofland, situa~ lying and being in th** Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stat~ of N~w York, botmdM and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly sid~ of Ludlam Pla~ distmt 167.04 feet easterly as measured along the southerly sid~ of l. udlam Plar~ from thc ~omer formed by its intem~ion with tl~ easterly sid~ ofC~ Str~"t; RUNNING 121ENCE North 75 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds East along thc southerly sidc of Ludlam Place., 207.60 feet to land now or formerly of Frank A. Field Rmlty, Ira.; THENCE South 16 degrees 15 minntm 10 se~mls East along said last mentionM land, 86.27 lust (a~toal, 86.36 feet - Deed); THENCE South 74 degrees ! 1 mimes 00 mmmls West along land now or formerly of Richard D. Walker, 19.80 feet (actual 19.87 feet- Deed); THI~CE South 73 d~]grees 55 minutes 00 s~cmds West along land now or formerly of Shmv~ & Mulligan, 43.46 feet; THENCE South 72 degre~ 38 minu~s 40 seconds West along land no~ or formerly of Hc~ry, 22.16 ~f~ THENCE South 74 d~grees 01 minutes 10 seconds West along said land now or formerly of Henry, 10.86 feet;. THENCE South 74 degrees 00 minutes 00 m:onds West still along said land and later along ~ now or formerly of Lmw. ard, land now or fonnmty of Warner and land now or formerly of Bums, 120.30 feet to land now or forjn~y of Geot~ W. and W. F. Hubbard; Tlfl~CE No~h 10 d~grees 40 minu~s 00 seconds West along said land now or formerly of Hubbani,-93.$0 fe~ to tl~ southerly side of Ludlam Pia~ and lira point or pla~ of BEGINNING. TCI lie fl~fl ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT Il MADE IN NEW YORK BTA'[~ S'tmle of New Yolk, Courtly of ~k (sm) .ulnaixid t~ the w~in initmmJnt .nd ncknowledged lo me Ilml I~ mJcutJl Iii .mne In hi./hadthdr Irmtmnl~t,/Bje~ug](~, or tho person uixm beMif of wNah ,glat~ of New York, CouMy of me thai ho/dw/Owy executed the oamo Iff his/MdlMir mq3.d~l~), and mat by ~s~.r~r .lon.lurW) m the In~ument, Ihe Indivkl~l(.), m' lira pem.n ~ ~ of ~ me k~didtJ[(.) .md, ~ ~he h.mmwt (~ldgrlMum nmi ob of incl~uM tnMng ncknoM~t) TO BE ~._~__n ONLY WHEN THE _ _a~__.~___~'q~ ~=r~'.-u~=NT I~ _M_M]_~_ OLIT~_LnE NL-:W. YORK ~I'ATF ~ (o~ ~ of C~lund~, Tmttory. or Fm~lBn Counby) of Onthe da/of In 1ho yoar that by hiiWr IlgflMuro(a) on tho butW, tho irdlvldimJ(a), or lbo person upon behalf of which tho Jnc~nJ($) ~'t~l, exocutod tho Imtmmont. and that ouch infirm, tml mado ouch .ppMmnco bofom tho ~nod In the (irmwt ~. City ~' olhm' poi~ .ubdlViBim) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Title No. ~ 127-137 LUDLUM PLACE, INC. TO ROBERT JAROSAK ~, DISTRICT 100t SECTION '888:9~ OC)~". O0 BLOCK ~ C)'t,OO LOT ~ OLq.c)c)t COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Reaorded ~ Requelt of COMMC)NWEN.TH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY I4/dL T~. BARRY J. CASPER, ESQ. 3OO Motor Pnrltwny 8ulle 120 Hauppauge, NY 11788 ,N, umber of pnB~s ,, TORRENS / I Cenil'mate # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp 4 I FEES Pase, Filin8 Fee /~-~ __ Handlin8 ~' TP-584 ~ Notation · EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State? R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit RgB. Copy Other ~ O0 ~bToml -. '" Sub Total ./.~ Initials L Real Properly Tax Service A~.ncy Verification .Dist, Section .... Block Lot o ~oo3 oosoo o¥o~ 7 Satis~ctiondDischarg~s/ReleasesLitPropertyOwn~rs'MailinsAddr~, RECORD& RETURN~ BARRY O. CASPER, ESQ, 300 Motor Parkway, Sutte 120 Hauppauge, NY 11780 RECORDE~ 200~ F~b 23 O,T:C~:O3 PH Eck~nrd P.Ronaine CLE~ 0F ~UFFOL~ COUNT'! L P299 DT# 04--30103 Recordin~ I Filin8 Smnps Moflgage Amc 1. Basle Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeeJAssit. Or Spec. ladd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County~ IleM for Apportionment ~ Tmmfer Tax Mansion Tax The property mort~aSe is or will be imp by a one or two family tax clause on p~e # Preservation Fund Considers :ion Amour S.9.~0~.,.[~0. CI'F 1'ax S 16,000.00 Improved X 'I'D TD 'i'D Land /4 I 8 [ Titl~.,,Company Information * I S ,uff, olk County Recording & Endorsement Page ' 'ibis pa~ forms part oflhe ntmei~Deed (SI~CIFY TYPE OF INS'IRUIv~F ) The premises heroin is situated in SUFFOLK ~, NEW YORK. made by: 127-137 LUDLUM PLACE, INC. TO in the Township of. SOUTHOLD ROBERT JAROSAK ,r In the VIii.AGE GREENPORT '~ o~,o.. 3 ~ or tu~,,-sr or BOXES 5 T! IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI,Y PRIOR 'ID :REKX)RDING OR FIIJNG. lOVER) ii ii I IIIIIii il Ill frill Illll Ill Illll frill Illll Ill[ Iii ~leCOP. DB OPPTC~ Type o£ Xnat, rument:: DI~EDB/DDD lf,,,,,her o£ Pages: 4 ltec~eipt l~,,,,~ez' : 05-0020240 TRAI~BFI~R 'lAX ZlUZ~R: 04-30103 1001 Deed Anmunt: Recorded: LZBlZR PAGE: Beet:ion t Block: 005.00 01.00 ~~ ~ C~ARGL'r~ A~ FOLLOWS $950,000.00 02/23/2005 03z09=03 PM D00012373 299 017.001 Received the Following Feeg ~or Abo~ Zn.~trumont Page/Filing $12.00 NO Hand. ling COB $5.00 HO ~ $30.00 T~a~e~ t~ G3,800.00 Yeea Paid 'I'RA~BFEI TAZ NUNZZZ: 04-30103 'I'HZB PAGB ZB A PART 0~ ZNBTRI~J~HT THZB Z8 ]~OT A BZLL $5.00 HO 815.00 HO $75.00 HO $s.oo HO 80.00 HO $16,000.00 HO $19,957.00 Bdwaz~l P,Romaine County CXark, 8u££olk County I Southol d zk,,, I Jarosak '1 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY-WHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orpa.state.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I Ludlum P1 RP - 5217 I Greenport I 11944 I I Robert., ~be RIOMT FeFT ' DFfm ' aDlilI ~ka., I~7-137 LU0LUH .PL..R.CE~ ~N¢. 43I I . , I I la JL~J 2 or 3 Finally RledietiM ~ Cemmmdd Indulldll CI..J R#iMmid Ymnt Lind ~ FuMe DI I No~I~MMM Vm~ Land Emenem~m I ~ Fm IZ DMe M IMi I TmMM [ 12 / 17 / 04 I 02 11 05 / / I Greenport ] ,5I I 1001-005.00-01.00-017.001 I I I ~ELLER 127-134 LUDLiLM PLACE., INC, I i--,.,,- Casper I Barry (631) 273-4400 I INEW YORK STATE I ' COPY