HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12219 P 825TI-IlS IN[DENTURE, made the ~.~.b~ clay of ~l~p.~;~.~ , ~ B~ ~ION MUR~K~nd PATRICIA OSH~ Tms~ of ~ MUR~K ~S~ ~A~ENT TRU~ ~ a ~e ~r v~ ~ust ag~t d~ ~ ~ ~y ~ J~e, 1~ ~ ~e ~ of ~RION MUR~F~ ~I )W A~n~. W~, N~ Y~ 115~ _ ,~ party of the ~rst part, and MARION MURDOCK, residing at 321 Ivy Avenue, Westhu~ry:~ New York ! 1590 WITHES-SETH, that the party of t~ first par~ in consicleration of ~rs pak~ by ~e party of the second pa~ does hereby grant and release unto the patty of the sacral part. the I'~rs or successom and as~igr~s of the pa~f of the second part ~orevet. ALL th~'-t certain p~. piece ~r pamet of brad, with the buildln9s end improvements thereon emctsd, siluete, lythg end being in the Township of ,c~3uthold, at Pecomc, Long Island, said ~ot being knov~ en¢l de",=~-ibed as '~ of Peconic Shores' located at Peconi¢ L.I., property of William B. Coding, now deceased, and knoem as Lot No. TOGETHER ~ all tight, title and interest, if any, of ~he party ~ ~ first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the atx~ve desc~ pmrnisas 1o the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with ~ appurtenances and all the estate end rights of ~ party of the fimt part i~ and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premir~s hereto gra~tsd ~nto ~e party o! the second part, the t',~rs or succassom and asa~gns of the party of the second part forever. · ~D the patty of the firs~ pa~t c~vena~ts t~t the parer of the fimt part has ~ot done or suffered anything whereby the said pmmisas have beer~ er~,cumber~ in em/way what.er, except as el~reseld AND the party of the first part, in COml~iance with Section 13 o~' the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the ~t part wi~ receh/e the consideratk)n for th~s conveyance and will hold the right to rece~ such conside,'ation es e trust fur, d to be applied first tot ~ pu~sa of paying the cost of the improvement ar~ wfl~ apply the same ~ to the ~t of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be co~stnJed as if it read 'parties' wher~ ever ~e sense of this indenture so req~res. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has du~y executed th~S deed the clay and year first above widen. PRESENCE MARION MURDOCK.ITrus[~e '" PA'~RICi^ OSHAN, T~ustee ~ N.Y,i~.T.U, Focm 8002 - Bucj~n ind $~ Deed, ~ Ce~rm~t ag~ir~t ~inloft ~-tJntfotm Ack~menl Ferm 32~0 Marion ~e~sor~ (a~} ~ te me that t~eh State Of Naa' Yo~ I~ Suffolk Oount¥ ~ ~ before me, the ~nd~s~. ~,er'~*~ly appeared ' Patricia Oshan ~ JOHN N~N / N~ Public, St~ Of ~ No. 01NE4~1~ ~ Ou~lfla~ ~n S~k ~dn~ ~ TO BE USED ONLY WHEH THE ACKNOWI-EDGMENT IS MADE OiJTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (or Oat~lct of Co~, Territory, or Foreign Co~nlry) of On ~ day of in the year (signature ar,~ efflce of btd~v~luai taking BARGAIN AND SALE DEED IRr~"rt COVENANT AGNN~T GRANTOR.'S..~CTS. .//~. SECT,O. BLOCK LOT STREET ~ESS TO '::)NI S9::)lh2iaS [O J.SgV _._.d Recorded at RequeSt of COMMONWEALTH LAND TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY R~RN BY MAIL TO: John Newman, Esq, 100 Jericho Quadrangle, Suite 226 Jericho, New York 11753 i'ORRENS Cergfica~ # ~ Ho~ 14 10:42-'22 I~ F.x~;a rd P.Romaine SUFFO~ L D00012219 P~2~ i)T# 02-1506~ Reconlin$ / Filin~ Stamps __ SubTotal Su~ Toad -- GRAND TOTAL q'~ L B~lc T&x 2. A_d~itlonsl Tnx Sub Total Or TOT. MTG. TAX I~nl Town .......... Dual Courtly ~ Eeld for Apporfionmem ~ Transfer Tax ~e ~ ~ by ~ m~ ~ or will ~ Improved by · one or two If NO, ~ ~mc ~ c~ on ~ Date Bto~ Lot. 02043474 xooo oa'~oo 0200 00200o Consideration Amount rCPF Tax Due In thc Township of In th~ VR,LAGE or HAMLEr of ,~ 5 THRU 9 tvFJST BE TYPED OR PRINIH) IN BLAC.K IN~ ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FiLiNG. TO SUFFOLK COUN/"~ CLERK ~CORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inst~-~nt: DEEDS/DDD Numbez of Pages: 3 TRANSFER TAX N~JMBER: 02-15065 District: 1000 Section: Block: 067.00 02.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS ~OLLOWS $0.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COg $5.00 NO NYS SD~HG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TF-584 $5,00 NO Cert,Copies aPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer ~ax $0.00 NO C-mm. Pres Fees Paid TRANS~TAXNUMBER: 02-15065 TBIS PAGE IS A PART OF TBE INSTRUNE~T Edward P.~maine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~corded: At: LIBER: PAGE: 11/14/2002 10:42:22 AM D00012219 825 002.000 Exe=pt $5.00 NO 815.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $99,00 PLEASE TYP~. OR PRESS FI?~v!LY,WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUC~¥1ONS: hL£p;h: www.oibs.state.ny.us Or PHONE t518} 4737222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 J CE RT!FICAT O~'; J .... NI!W YORK STAT[ COPY