HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12245 P 370370 CONSULT YOUR i.&WYEI BEFORE SI~,NIN~, THIS INSTRUMENT--THIS INSTRUMENT'SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. Sc~CC Dunne 75-36 Metropolitan Avenue Middle Village, h~ ~1379 Tax Hap D~slgnaCton Dlsc. 1001 Sec. 006. Blk. 02. Loc(s): 025 part), of tl~ first pm't, and Hary Teresa Dunne 105 Third Street Greenporc; NY 1194& .~I~I&'M. ~, tlmt .the p~r. ty of the £r?.part, in .considerGtio,.o[ ten doilat~,pin3~d~he second per.t,, ooes..l~ereby renu?,, rmeue re. nd qut.tclmim unto the party ol the second ~rt~Mb~iMipucc~. rs a~d )....8~ id tM l~rty of the second part torever, . :- ALL that certain plot, ~ or. ImrceJ of lend, with the buiMin~s 'and improVbuent~th'~s~u~,~Ef~ld, situate, ~ ud beinf Jn the ZncorpormCed Vil].sge o£ G=eenport, Toys o£ Sodthold, County of Su£folk and Scare o£ Ney York, bound~)described as £ol].ows: ' BEGZNNTNG aC e point: on che vesCerl~--~..d.~.\of Third Street:, diet:ant 52 feeC norcherl¥, as me.eured along tho es e, from foxed the n e.ecCion of ' northerly side of Wlgglne Street v.~4~h-~pL~,~ west:erly side of Third Street, Bald point belng also st: Che NoccheasC(~o~er! of lend now or formerly of Rhodes; RUNNING THENCE aloz~ said land, S'o?u~:h ~892 degrees, 39 minutes, 00 seconds Wesc 112.63 leer t:o che eas~erl~ sideJo~£ ~.n~ nov-or £ocmeriy o£ LibbXei THENCE along said land, Neigh 6./d.e'kre. e. 8,, 10 minuces, 20 seconds Vest 40 £eet: t:o the sout:herly' side of lsndTl~aV~o~/J~)~m~.~y of Valker; THENCE along said land, No~t:h~V"'/-84 ~l;'~g~:~e~e~ 33 minuce8, ~0 seconds Ease 111.63' feec C6 ,he vesl:er~y side o£ Thf~r_%~_St:rBa~P_S~_o,u_J_l:h 6 degrees, ,0 minut:es. 00 seconds · East: .50 feet .to t:he po:Lnt or ~lac~ti~c~INNIN6. . Llber 8~72 ac page 274. ?C)~. ~IbT~H..~.R _with .all r~.ht, t!.de,lt,d in?rut, i.! In~, of ~ piny of the first pitt in and to any street, ~nd ro,~m....uruq [~e ._~e~e~_.u. escrt~o~, prenuses to trim center t,nes thereof; TOGETHER with b -. Co,._. .a.na~,m.~ ..me. eslzto, l~n? ri~. &ta-'of'tl,e. ixlLrty .of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAV£' AND TO z'&~L.U U~ tpr~ .e~_o~d~m~,rimed un~o the piti, Of the second pin. the heirs or -ucc-;~_-s and ,;_-!~ns Of A.N.D ~e party of...the fl.nt ~l~.rt, in . .c~mplia. nce. with.Sec~o,~ 13 Of the Li~n 13w, hereby covenams that the Imrty or ~t.r~m nrs~ pGrt W.~i r~c. eiv~. me .c~n. m. ae~ rate.on tor thLs conveyance and w, ll hold the right to Fcceive such cortsid- erg mn is.e tFUSt .rung to be upp, eeu nrst for the purpose of Imyinf the cost of the improvL~nem an, I will appi~ t~e same nrst to tM payment of the cdst of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other pmlmse. 'l'he word 'pm~' W~LI] be construed ~ if it read "lmrtJes" whenever the sense of this indenture .so requires. IN ~1~ ~, ~ patty of the first part lure duly executed thi~ deed the day and yelr first abo~ written.  utme or New York, County or .~ ~o~ ~ ss.: nary evideu~ to be ~be individnal(s) wh~ee name(s) is (am) he/~. e~ the ..me in bbVl~ir ctpscity(ies). and M by h~ sl~nafum(s) an ~e irmmmm~ ~e indi- "v..idud(s). or th~ penm upon behalf of,v,h~ch fhe hdividual(s) Uuasifi~d ir Comm' ~ Nnssou Coun~ ~ rnWn hOb.s Ju~ lS _C2~.9.4_~ .... ' pmmmidly ~ m nm ar Ixuved to me od tbe besis of smis. ham3, evidem:e m be the individual(s) w6obe name(s) is (are) subem'bed to ate within imtruw and s:knowleds~cl to me thru be;sbnMmy exfcumd the sarhe in his/bet/their vJdmd(s), ar Ibc person upon ~ M' which the indJvM,--iCs) I:md, exemiaf 1be immmJmt, and lhat such individual made TrrLs No. Stnte or I County of ss.: On befare me. ~e undersi~l, perwnally Ippeired .:..... the subscribir~ wimess(e~) to the fm~'foin~ inmument, with whom I sm personally inluainted, who, bein8 by n~ duly sworn, did depose and ny ~htt be/she/they tuow(s) to be the individual(s) described in and who execuef~ ~he faf~ ~ insmm~t: that said ~bin~ witness(m) wu (were) Ix~sent and saw said execuu~ Ibc name;, mid ~hftt said Wil3mM(es) It the same time subscribed his/he~l~ir nmne(s) ss a witness(es}' diere~ ( I'i ~mbw,.,,m~ JVfw tM* ]h,M h.m c~ ~.peM~mSdM, b, fd...~ wiUwn(es) nmck such ~ before the umMnijned in COUNTY OR TOWN · .BTL'RM BY MAIL TO: . ~'.~. - -.;~ . t Number of pages TORRENS Seriul # Certificatc# Prior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instruntent Page I Filing Fee "~ Handling 5. Deed / Mortgage Tax Stump O0 TP-584 ~'- Notation EA=$2 17 (County}, ~ EA-$217 ~.Statc~ o~ _~"'"' R.P.T.S.A. ~ ~ ~ Comm. of ~. S. O0 A~davit Certified C~y Reg. Copy Ot~r /~-- ~ Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Sub Tolai. Sub Total Grand Total _ DOG.oD ~ection [ Bloc~ ;2. OD I Lo?a -' 03012184 3.00z 00600 0200 025000 6 [ Sutisfactions/Di~hargcs/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Addre~ RECORD & RETURN TO: RECORDED 200~ Apr O~ 04=00:16 PM Edward P. Ro~aine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COI. NTV L D000~224~; P ;570 DT# 07-~4910 Recording I Filing Stamps Consideration Amount Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. tlr Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ~ Dual County Held Ibr Appoinmtent Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this motlgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. or NO If NO..eec appropriate mx clause page # __ of this in.~truntent. CPF Tax Due/$ p V i',2 sl Suffolk County Recordinu & Endorsement Page (.~PECIFY T~PE OF INSTRUMENT) made ~ The premises herein iS situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~.~ In the Township of ~ _ ..... TO ~.tl~-f ~ "~ e~.6.'~ u.~A~t~..e.-=-~ inthe VILI.AGE .~-~' ~'- or HAMI.E'F of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR I:iLING. Title Company Information (over) SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Vnstrument: DEEDS/DDD TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-34910 100l Deed Amount~ Recordedz Atz LIBER: PA~E: Section: Block~ 006,00 02.00 EX~KINEDAND CHARGE,DA~ FOLLOWS $o.oo 04/09/:2003 04..00~16 PM D00012245 3'7O Lot, 025. 000 Received the Followir~ Fees Page/Filing $9.00 C0E $5.00 gA-CrY $5.00 TP-584 $5.00 RFr $30.00 Transfer tax $0.00 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER~ 02-34910 For Above Xnstrument Exempt NO Handling NO NYS 8URCJIG NO gA-STATE NO Cert.Copies NO 8CTH NO C~-;'......Pres Fees Paid T~IS PAGE IS A P~RT OF THE INSTRUNENT Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.00 No $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $99.00 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code C2. Date Deed Recorded P.O.E.w ,N OmA ,ON Local}On 2. Buyer Nome PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.n¥.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 LAST NAME t COMFANY LAST NAME ! COMPANY REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 R}'-$217 R~v 3,97 VILLAGE ZIP CODE 6'Lr-~ "' e2 'c' / 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form)L t 4. Indicate the number of Assessment (Only ff Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: Roll parcels transferred on the deed 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 4B. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provicled ~ # of Parcels OR L_~ Part cfa Parcel Property Size FRONT FEET DEPTH ACRES Nam~ LAST NAME /COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Cheek the box balow whi~ mosl acoutately describes the use of the prope~y at the time of sale: 2 or 3 Family Residential Commercial Industrial Residential Vacant Land Apa~ment Public Service NomResidential Vacant Land H ~ Ea~mment / Amusement Forest isALE I~ORMATION I 15. Ch~ on .....re of these ,onditions as appli,ble m ,an~er: Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Propar[y Located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the propeily is in an Agricultural District ~A 11. Sale Contract Date ~//"3-. ~~J r ~Aonth Day 'fear 12. Date of Sale ! Transfer 13. Full Sale Price I _1 i 0 ? 0 (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obi gat OhS ) Pteas¢ round to thc nearest whole dollar amount, 14. Indicate the value of personal ~ property included in the sale ~ ~ i Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives ~J Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business · One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional Or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) G Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sara Dates !Sa~c of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None ASSESSMENT iNFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll add Tax Bill 16.whichYear OfinformationASSessmenttakenROll from ~ 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transferJ --~ "7 18. Property Class ~-~-L_.~_ 19. School District Name L OD ~-..~.'.~O P'~' J 20. Tax Map [de~tilier(sl / Roll identlfier($} (if more than four, a~ach sheet with additional identifier{si} I certify that all of the items of Information entered on this form are true and correct (to the best of nay knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false s'ta~ement of material fact herein will subject me to the rovlsinn.n of thc anal law- relative to the making and filing or ihl~ instruments. SURER_ BUYER ai~NATURE D/~TE NOMaER SI'REET NAME [AFTER SALE) CI~ OR TOWN 8T~T~ ZIP CODE SELLER BUYER'S ATTORNEY AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMaER NEW YORK STATE COPY _1