HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12219 P 826L P BETWEEN MARION MURDOCK, nasiding at 321 Ivy Avenue, Westbury, New York 11590 I~ of Ihe ~mt pe~ and A. RODNEY MURDOCK, resting at 163 Chettenham Ro~d, No~th Babylon, New 1170~; PATRICIA O~HAN, re~k]ing al 25 Dumbarton Drive, Hunt~gto~, New York 11743; KEVIN MURDOCK~ ~ing at ;370 GabgLeZla CoUrt, I,h'ttt:Ltuck~ ~'~' 11 952 EUZABETH MURDOCI~ mskling at 124 S. Park Avenue, Rockv~lle Centre, L~' ! 1570 Peccmlc Shotes' located at Peccmic L.L, property of Wllliam B Coding, now hecea~ed, and known ~s Lc~ No. 13, Map TOGETHER ~ all right, title an~ interr~t, ff any, of lite pe~y of the first part In ami to any stme~ am:l mao~ abu~ the a~Aeve de~rihe~ premisaql to the cenler lines thereof: TOGETHER with the apeuhettlflce~ and alJ the estate am:l fights of the party of the first pert iA a~l to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlo the pe~ of the s~::ond perL the heks or successo~ and assigns of the patty of the secxmd part AND the petty of the fitat part. in c~m~im'~e with Sect,~n 13 of the [JeA Law, covenant~ that the I~ly of lhe I~ pert will receive the constderalion fo~ this conveyence and will held the n'ght to re~k.e such mmideration m a ~ payment ~.tlte ~ o~ ~e lm~t ~ using any peri of the Iotal of the ~ ~ any olher puqao~. ~ LN ~ES~ WI~4EREOF, Ule pa/4y of the fir*at pert has duly executed th~ ~ the day and year fVlt a~. ~ _ ,j 10 BE ~D ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWt Fr~a~= .~r 18 ~D~ IN N~ Y~ ~AT~ 10 BE U~D ONLY WHEN THE ~F~lr Is BARGAIN AND ~)AI.E DEED M.K.M. ABG"'II~ACT SERVICES INC. 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD MtNEOLA, N.Y. 11501 (,516) 7424700 SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS RecMm~ at Request ~ COMMONWEALTH LANO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN ~ MAIL TO: John Newman. 100 Jericho Quadrangle. Suite 226 ~c~ho, New York 11753 g TORRgN$ So'M# '1 2002 Nov 14 10~42122 O. EI~ 0F L 000012219 GP. AND TOTAL ~I anl ~ Tax~ ~ v~t'~ 02043476 ~ooo 067o0 0200 002000 ~kfa~~ Li~ Prope.~ O~ Ma{lbi{ Addm~ Sper~A.~L TOT. MTG. TAX Dmd Town Dual Comt.v will ~ ~ved by a ~e ~ ~o ~{ly ~ ............ Considermion Amoun!: CPF T~ Due $ Tide Compan Info marion UOXJ3S 5 *l}~O 9 .Iv~UST BE TYPI~ OR FIU?~ iN IN. ACK. iE',~ 0NLy PRlOP. TO ~~ ~ R~. ' ] . Suffolk County Reeordin_g & F.n~orscment Page ~ ' '" -'- ~ .- -' ,=~or ,~~p////~ [Iff[HIllHllHllllUllillfll[llll]lJllllllilflHJli[ ~ COUNTY CLERK ~S O~ZC~ RECORDZ~G P3U~ ~ o£ Znet~mment: I:I~F~DS/DDD ~mb-_c o£ ]~ag~e: 3 ~I~R T~X _Nu~m~*~: 02-15066 D£s ~c£ct: 1000 Section: Block: 067, O0 02.00 $0. O0 Received the Follow/rig Fees For Above Instrument TAX N~i~R: 02-15066 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE ZNSTR~MENT Edward P. Rcmm/ne County Clerk, Suffolk County At: LZBER: ~/~4/2002 $0:42:22AN D000~22~9 826 002.000 $5. O0 lm $15.00 NO $25.00 No $0.00 No $0. O0 No $0. O0 No $99.00 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY,WHEN WR{TING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS; hltp://www,orPs.state.ny,us or PHONE [518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RP - 5217 J SFJ. LER NEW YORK STATE COPY