HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 696o .00 THIS INDENTURC madet~ /O~'~yof November, 2005 ROBERT PHILLIPS amd JENNY PHILL~PSw residing at 414 Nassau'Parkway, Oceanside, Ne~ York p~yol'theilr~pm%ond FRANK COVINO '~c-= CC."..':=LiA COVI~O, residing a~ ~ ~- ~.~ · , ~..~ ~ ...... . ~y~t~. . t~ ~ of t~ ~ ~. d~ ~by ~t a~ ml~ unto t~ ~y of the ~ ~, the ~1~ or ~ ~ &~' ~at ~n ~, p~e or p~l of hand, wi~ ~ ~i]din~ a~ implements th~ ~ situS, lying ~ SEE SCEEOULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO Said premises being the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated November 10, 2003 and recorded November 22, 2003 'in Liber 12285 page 467. Said premises being known as 445 Burtis Avenue, Peconic, and being in District 1000, Section 067.00, Block 04.00, 018.0Q0 of the Tax Map of Suffolk County. New. York Lot TOGETHER with nil right, litln and interest, it' aa),. of the pa~y of the tim part. in and to any s~ents aad roads abuttin8 the above-de~tihed primises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appuRenaacts and ail the estate and rishta of the party of the first part in and to r~id premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises heroin granted unto the party of the second pai't, the heirs or succaiors and ~.saigns of the party (~f thc ~te. cofld pa~ forever. AN~D. the part of Ihe Nt~t part covenants that Ihn party of the firsl part h,.~ no; done or auffernd anythinlt whereby the said .p~mises.havc .been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ~o2... '".l '. ' ' ' AND the party, of;the firat'p-'ir~.':in compliance with Section I 3 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of thc first part will receive the 'c,nsideralion for this conveyance'and will hold the righl to receive such consider- ,aria. a.,. a Iru.',t lurid to .be applied first.for the purpt~se of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same iir,;t t~ th'e payment of the cost of thc improvement hefnrc usin8 any part of the total of thc same for any other purpo,,e.. The word "parly' shall be ctmatrucd as if i~d "pattie:*' whenever Iht: scn,,e nf this indenture so requires. · I~NriuWe~.TNESS WHgREOF, the pa~'ty/d'th~ fi~i.l!an.~.l~ly eaccu,ed this de. the day and year firm above ALL STATE ABSTRACT CORP. Title No. CTS72193-1SL SCHEDULE A AIL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stat,, of New York, known and designated as Lots numbered 104 and 105, on a certain map entitled, "Map No. 2 of Peconic Shore, Peconic, L.I. NY, property of B.B. Bailey and C.H. Bailey", D.R. Young, Surveyor, Riverhcad, N.Y. and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on September 15, 1930 as Map No. 654 which said lots are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Westerly side of Burtis Pla~e, distant 437.79 feet Northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of Burtis Place and the Northerly side of Fn~bender Avenue; RUNNING THENCE South 54 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds West 134.74 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 29 degrees 46 minutes 20 seconds West 90.44 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 54 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds East 137.98 feet to thc Westerly side of Burtis Place; RUNNING THENCE South 25 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds East aio.n.g_t, be Westerly side of Burtis Place 91.42 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 11"1E MORTGAGED PREMISES I$ OR WILL BE IMPROVED' BY A ONE OR 'TWO FN,~IILY DWELUNG ONLY FOR CONVEYANCING ONLY The policy to be Issued under this report will Insure the title to such buildings and improvements erected on the premises which by law constitute real property. TOGETHER with nit the right, title and interest of the party of the first part, of, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and Adjoining ssid premises. State of New YOrk. County Of Suffolk , as: November Oft ma ,/~) clay of . in the year2005, before me. the undaralgnacl, personally apl)oared Robert Phillips and Jenny Phillips personally known to me or proved to me on the basis Of satisMctory evidence th be the thdlv~lual(s) whose name(a) m (are) subscribed to the within inslrument and sclmow]edged to me that he/she/thay executed the same in hie/her/their capacity(lea), and that by hls/t~er/thelr algnature(a) on the instrument, the individual(a) or the person upon behalf of which the indivMual(s) asMcl, executed the instrument. Pclcrl E. BGHAM-. SR. NOTARY PUBUC, Stats of New York No. 018CS055220, -quffolk County Commission Expires February 5, 2008 YO~ Stm State of Now York. County of , On the day 6f , in the year the undersigned, personally appeared ,betom me, the subscdbthg witness Io the foregoing ins~umont, with whom I am personalty acquainted, who'being by me duly sworn, ~ld depose end say, Ihet he/cha/IhW resides) In .mat tw .s e/umy konw(a) to be Ihs individual dasathed in and who executed the foregoing lac/rumania that Mid subscribing wltnaM present end saw said execute the same: and that said witness a't the same time aubscflped bio/hedtheir name(s) as a witness Ilmreto. / ?J ( The Judicial Title ins Lrance A encT.Ll,C SS0 Mamaronecl~ Ave. mm Seventh Ave.. Suite SUIte 2O4 New YOrk. NY t0~06 HMI'ISOn. NY 1DS2~ ~2~-TITL~ IB4~S) Tel: (914) ~1-6700 (212) 43~-327~ Fax: m4) 3~-315t Fmc AolmawW~onw~ t~mn In Nw~ Ym~ 8~te Slam of New York. County bi Oft the day of . in tho year the undersigned, personally appeared · before ma. personally known to me or proved to me on tho t)eals Of eatinlactory evidence to be the individual(s) whsae name(m) is (am) suhecrg)ed to the wJthth th~rumem end ackflowMdged to me that ho/she/they oxocutocl tho same in his/her/their capeclty(ios), and that by his/her/their ,ignature(s) on instrument, the ~ndlvlduaJ(s) o~ em paean upon belulf of which the Indivl~ual(a) acMd, e~"uMd b inutmrnant. · State of , County of · (or Insert Dint~ict of Columbia, Terrde~/. PoeMasion or Foreign Counlry) On the day of . in tho year tho undersigned, personally appeared , be~re me, personally known to me or proved to me on the basle of satisfactory evidouco to be tho indMdtml(a) whoso nemo(8) It (are) subscribed to the within instrument and admowlndged to . me thai ho/she/they executed the same in hM/har/thelr capacity(les), that by his/her/their signature(a) on the instrument, the indtvidnal(a) or the pe~n upon bah~ of which the Ina'Mdual(a) aofed. ___m~a_ ted tho Inst~ment. and that ~ individual made such sppsarsnce belors 1be unde~igned in Ih, (add the city at pofltinof subdivision and the sMto or _-~,__,,~ry or other place tho actnov~edpement was Mken). District 1 000 SECTION 0 67.0 0 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 01 8. 000 COUNTY ORW~;~ Suffolk 8c r+ 's Peco RER/RN BY MAIL TO: RUSSO, FOX & KAR% 400 Townline Road Hauppauge, New York '11%~8 ZIp '1' Numberof'pages -~ TORRENS Serial # Certificate,ti Prior Qr. # Deed / Mort~ge Inslrument '1 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES RECORDED Nou 23 01:15:46 Edward P. ~oma~ne ~F~K ~N~ ~12421 P 6~ Recording I Filing Stamps Page I Filing Fee Ilandling TP-$84 Notation · EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.'r.s.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Ceni fled Cop)' Reg. Cop)' C~her __ Sub Toml ~ O0 Sub Total -- GRAND TOTAL, IvlongageAmt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spee.lAssit. Or Spec. 1Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town.__ Dual C. ounly__ Held for Apponionmenl __ Transfer Tax I ,~'~0 · '~ Mansion Tax The property coveted by this monpge is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # __ of this instrument. Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification · Dist ..... Section_ .. B.Iock. 05045999 ~ooo os?oo 0400 oxeooo Stamp /"~'~ T-~'~ Due $ L~te / I-'' ~' (~iNA ~A) Improved Initials L.and Satisfactions/Discharges/Releason List Property Owners Mailing Addrem RKCORD & RETURN TO: Community Preservation Fund Conaideration Amount $ TD l'U 1 0 TD ~-"'L~)~'~//~ G" I s ] Title, Company Information · /,-).7. //~7~oo [Co. Nume ~,,, .S=~-,~ ,~uT.,,er' q Suffolk County Recorc Endorse* r ; t Page . This page forms I~ ofthe attached (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSIRUMEt~T ) 'Ibc pzemises herein is situated in SUffOLK COUN'~, NEW YORK. made by: TO . In tl~ Towmhip of~r'O OTM Or_f--) /~"'~-~o~' 12t~t.,6~r) In the VILLAGE or HAIVlL~ of ~ BOXES 5 'iTIRU 9 MLJST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RF. CORDING OR FILING. · 8U~"OL.K COUN;Y I~CORDg OFF'rc1~ ~pe o£ ZnstFument= DE~DS/DDD Receipt Mmnbe= = 05-0122460 ~ANSFER ;AX NUMBER: 05-16438 1000 ])ee~Amount8 Att LZBER: P~GE: Sect$ont Blookt 067.00 04.00 EX~XINgDMIDrm~RGED~ FOllOWS $355,000.00 11/23/2005 01t15t&6 PH D00012421 696 018.000 Received the FolXowing Feed For Above P&ge/F~l~ng $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYB BRC~G F~-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce~c.Cop~es R~T $30.00 NO BC~H TFans£er tax $1,580.00 NO C~.Pres TAX NUHBERz 05-16438 PAGE ZS A PART OF ~HE ~NSTRUMRN~ · HZH IH NOT A BILL $5.00 ~O $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo No $o.0o No $4,900.00 NO $6,632,00 Edward p. Roam~ne County Clezk, Bu££oZk Count~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.$tate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY , I ,.-.,, __ _~. ! Cl sw~s Cad. ~L-~LJ.~L,.~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · t I~A'~.~,. STA~E OF NEW YORIC ' RP - 5217 I $ou-r,.co~ p ] il~'/I i Adm I I II / Io lo_O'I A B C D E 13. Full 8.~' P~e I . . ! ! · ltlmkMlthavnluedpemenal [ [ [ t [ ] i ~. 0 , 0 [ [ ~SSME~ IN~RMATION · O~e ihould m~ t~ I~est Final As~.ment Roll end Tax ~11 [ ! ! t J I ] I CERTIFICATION I I CeflJ~ thM dl d the Ittms of inkflnat~m ~ on th~ hfln art true nnd LN~N~Ct lin Ibc bi~d ~ my ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~.kl~ BI)Y~R BUYER'S ATrOI~JEY I NEW YORK STATE COPY