HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12221 P 128BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDM_DUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU fORM 8007 CA b'TION: TII~S AGRF.~ SHOULD BE PRA~'AR 1-.'~ ) ITy AN A~O~ ~D R~IEW~D BY A~ ~ ~l ~ rR ~D INDE~HRE, m~e the ~1o~ ~ 2002 JOHN S, ROSS, am aurvivin~ teummt by the entirety Marguerite S. Rod, de, eased, remid~ al 2S55 Youegm Ave., Unit C, Soathold, NY 11971 of thc first pan, and EI)WINA G, LATSON, realidioRal 522 Tmea Creek L~ne pa~'y of,he second part, P/JTNESS£TH, that thc party of ibc first p~ in consideraimn of Ten Do lan and other lawful consideraaion, lawful money ortho Untied States. paid by thc party of thc second pan. does henry gnmt and unto tho party of thc fo~cv=r, second pan. the he,rs or successors and assigns of the patty of the second pan LL thsI certam plot, place or paree of land, with the buildings and improvements thtxeon ~ted, situate, lying and being at Soul. ho{cl. Town o{'Southold, Counly of Suffolk and Stale of New Yofk~ SEE SCIr{EDULE 'A' ATTACHED HEP. lETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Thc grantor ho-ri:in is thc same {x-Tson and thc grantee in i)ccd dated 5/17/94 and recorded ~/I 8/94 in Libe~ I {677 Page 240. TOGETHER wilh all right, litk and interest, if any, of the party of/he firs{ pan in and to any streeLm and roads abutting thc above described p[emis~ to thc center lines thereof. IOGE]~IER with the appurtenances and all thc estate and rights of thc pa,,ty of thc first pan in and to said premises, /10 HA t.'~bWr3D TO/IOLD the p~emise, s herein granted unto the party oftha second pan. the heirs or suc¢csaors and assigns of the party of thc second pan forever. dPfD time party of the first pa~L covenants thaL {he party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything wharel~, the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as afoL~said. ~4YVD thc party ofth~ first pa~L in compliance with Section 13 ortho Lien Law, covenants that the pan), of the firsi part will receive the consideration For this conveyance and will hold the risht to receive such consideration as a trust fund to hc applied fi~ for thc pu~ or payin8 th= cost ortho improvement and will apply thc same first to the paymem or,he cost of thc improvcmcnt before using any pan of the iotal of the same for any o~tcnc gurposa. The word "party" shall be construed as if it = "panics" whenever the sense of~is indenture so requ{nes. IN WITNE.,V.$ WHEREOF, thc party of thc first part has duly cxcc. uted lhi~ dccd ~be day and year firs~ above wri.en. Rea{ STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On {he ~ day of October, 2002, before me, the undersigocd, personally appea~.d 3OHN petsouaU¥ known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) su~bed to i~ within instmmen~ and acknowledged 1o me that he executed t~ same in his capacity[iesL and tha~ by his sisna~ur~(s) on the h~strumem, the individual(sL or the p~rson upon behalf of which the in,~ividual(s) acted, execuled thc . DEED [ Title No, ROSS To LATSON Section 06~.01 Block 01.00 Lot 028.000 County or Town SUFFOLK Return By Mai! To: PIERRE LUNDBERG, ESQ. I P. O. BOX389 RIVERHEAD, NY 19901 Reserve This Space For Use Of Recording Office -2- ---- FirstAmN .com Insurance Company of New York Ti~e No. Ll~001866~-h~$X $CItEDUL A The unit known as Unit No, 16;C h~xdnafter called the '%Jnit~ as deignated and d~cribcd in th~ E)oflaratJon establishing foundc~ Village Condominium I (ho'~fler called the made by the Gnmlor under ~e Condomkdum Act of the State of New York (Arlicl= 9-B of thc R~ai Prop~y Law of the State of N~w York) dated May 20, i985, recorded in the O~ce of the Suffolk County Clerk on the 3~ day of June 1985, in Libor 980I, Page 369 (h¢~/naf~r called the "Dec]stat/on") and designated.as Tax Lot No. 28 on the floor plans ("the floor pl~qs") building in wh/ch the unit is [ocated (h~, inafier called "fla¢ building") certified by S~ve iS. Tsont~k/s, ~neer, filed in the sa/d County Clerk's Office as Map No. 115, the build/rigs an: fi,own on a s/re plan as filed in the ~d County Clerk's Off't~e as Map No. i 15. The land on which t~hc building contaim_ng the unit is located (and on which the other units forming a part of thc property ar~.located) is described as follow: ALL that certain plot; piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and b6ng al Southold, Town of Southoid' County of Suffolk and State of Nece York, said property describod as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Weatxrly side of Railroad Avanu~, 963.39 feet Southerly from the Southeastely etd ora curve connecting to Middle Road, County Rosa 48, said point being the Southeasterly corner of land of Charn~ws and the NoaJ~east~rly comer of thc pr~nises herein described; from sid point oofbeginning; RUNNING T~ENCE along said Wetcrly linc of Railroad Avenue, two (2) courses: South 8 degrees 35 minute 30 soconds East, 60.70 South 13 deb, roe:; :53 minutes 40 soc:onds East, 298.50 fcot to other land of Founders Village; THENCE along said other land the following s~ (7) courses and distances: 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. Sou~h 76 degrees 06 minute~ 20 seconds We't, 270.00 South 25 degrees 06 minutea 20 se~r. onds We.st, 50.00 fe~t; North 64 degrees 53 minutc~ 40 se.~nds West, 75.00 South 84 degrees 21 minutes 12 seconds Wet, 310.40 South 68 degr=es 06 minutes 20 se~:onds West, 210.00 feet; South 14 degrec~ 53 minutes 40 soconds E~. 30,00 feet; ,South 75 dcgr~s 0~ minutes 20 seconds West, 180.00 feet to land now or formc~y of Charles Witkowski; Continued... ~ 't?irst''Arnerlcan ~'~]e Insurance Company o£New York Title No. LI-00028669-~'SX ~HEDU~E "^" Continued TEI'E~NCE North 12 dcgrec~ 29 minutes 30 seconds We~t, along the last m~tioned land, 320.00 feet to land now or formerly of Daniel Chamews; THENCE along the laat m~tioned land the following two (2) course~ and distance: orc~t 70 degre~ 05 minutez 00 seconds Fast, 4~7.72 fee. t; 2. North 76 degrccs 22 minings 20 seconds EasL 567m 10 fcet to ~hc W~terly side orr Railroad Avenue at the point or place of BE:GENNIING. TOGETHER with an ua-divided 1/45% ~terest in the common clem~ts, FOR CONVEYA~NCES The policy to be issued under t~s report will in~ure thc titlc to such buildings and improvements erected on bbc premises which by law constitute real Togc4.her with ail the right, tide and interest of the party of thc first pm't, of, in, and to the land lying in the street, in front ofand adjoining said pre~ni,~c~. S{~'~a{ # Pr{or CtL # Filing F~ / ~'- D~d / Mortgage Tux Stamp Hap~iiing . ~, iX} TP-SS4 f- F~-$217 (County) EA-5217 (Suite) Com~ of Affidavit ~. ~f~l Copy Re~g. COFy { woo Real Agency Verification ..... 6I Sub Total -- Sub Total Grand Total /0 ~ -- 0~.O1 I O1,00 028.000 Section { Block Lm 020¢5052 ooo osaol omoo 028000 Safi~faclion/Discharges/Relea.~ L~t Propen'y Owner{ Mail{ng Addre~ F, O. ~OX 389 RIV/m~/~, {{,/ 11901 2002 {~v 20 03:$1:9 Edward P. Ro~aine SU~ ~0OmV L 000012221 P 128 {)]'# 02-16147 Recording / Filing S~amps ! Monga&c Ami 1, Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total Spec, t AmsiL Spec. I Add. TOT. ~ TAX Dusl Town ~ Dual County Held for Appoinm~n[ ~ , M~ion Tax 'Th~ prol~_rty covered by Sis rn~csag~ is ~ will b~ imp~v~d by a one or family dwellin8 only, ¥E3 NO or II'NO, sc~ approprme {ax claus~ on png~ # of ~ Cnmml,n|t~ Preservation Fund Consideration Amouni $ ~ ~'- O,O~ Improved v~ Vacant Land TD Suffolk County This pa~e forma ~ of the ~n.~ched JO~i S. IK~LS TIUe Company lu~ormation Co. Nanu~ & Endorsement ,~ ' .... made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUM EI~F} The pxemisis heroin is situat~ in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, In/he Township of In ~ VILLAGE or H^~ Of BOX~..S 6 TIm"ROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRI~YED iN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO R.ECORDINO OR FILING. Cover) I IIIllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllll lliillllflllllll IIIIIIiii!111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLEI~ RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE TRANS~ TAX ~: 02-16147 1000 Deed~m__ount: At: LIBER: PAGE: Seotion: Block: 063.01 01.00 $245,000 ~ O0 11/20/'2002 03:51:33 D00012221 128 L~:: 02e. 000 the Following Fees For cog $5.00 gA-c'TZ T~-584 $5.00 lU~ $30.00 T~ansfer T~x $980.00 TRANSFER TAX N~MBER: 02-16147 THIS PAG~ IS A PART OF T~ INSTRUMENT Exempt $5.00 No $15.00 NO $25.00 NO $0.o0 NO $0.00 NO $1,900.00 NO $2,985.00 ~/ward P.~ine Count~ Clerk, Suffolk County