HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12430 P 405h~ain in;Salt' I~d.wllh Cmcnants Agalan; (;~alor'$ Acts- Individual or ~orporatba THIS INDENTURE, made the ~:~ daY of December. 2005 BETWEEN CERREDWYN ROSE HARPER HORRIGAN, residing at 193 Garden Street, Needham, MA, 02492, as Executrix of thc Lazt Will and Testament of,lANE DANIELS, late of Suffolk County, deceased. Suffolk County Surrogate's Court File No. S81P200S, and JUDY L. DART, residing at 7930 Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York, 119-~8 party of the first part, MARY KIRWIN, residing at 49SS.Skunk Lane, Cutehogue, New York, 11958 party of the second part: WITNESSETil, that the party of the first part, in cor~ideration of Three Hundred Seventy Thousand (S~70,000.00) Dollar~: lawful money o£tbe United States paid by thc party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and a.~igns of the party of the .~cond part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel nf land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being SEE SCHEDULE 'A' ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE same premises conveyed to the parties ofthc first part by deed dated November 26, 1985'recorded in the Office of Ihe Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January. 7. 1986 in Libor 9950 page 373. TOGETHER with all fight, title and interest, if any, of the paxty of the first part in and to any streets and mad~ abutting the above described premises to the center lines tbe~x'of. TOGETllER with the appurtemmces and all the estate and fights of the parly of the first part in and to said premises.. TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD the premises herein gmntcxl unto the lr~)' of thc second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part Ibrever. AND the party ol:the first part covenants that thc party of the first part has not done or suftL'red :~n.vthing whereby the .said ~rcmiscs have been incumlx, red in any xvay whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party, of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the I.ien I.aw, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration Ibr Ihis conveyance and will hold the fight to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applkxl first for the purpose ofpaying the cost of the improvement, and will apply the same first to the pa.. yment of the cost of thc improvement belbre using any pan of the total of ~the ,same for any other purpose. The x~rd "parly" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever thc ~nse uf this indenture su requires. SCHEDULE The Unit known as Unit No. 19C (hereinafter called the "UNIT'), as dasignated and described Declaration cstablishing Founders Village Condominium I {hereinafter called the "PROPERTY") made by the Grantor under the Condominium Act of'the State of New York (Article 9-B of the Real Property Law of the State of New York) dated May 20, 1985, recordcxl in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on the 3'a da}, of Jun'e.. 1985 in Liber 9801 page 369 (hereinal:ter called the "DECI.ARATION") and designated as Tax Lot No. 43 on the Floor Plans (hereinafter called "THE FLOOR PLANS") of the building in which the unit is located (hereinatter called "THE BUILDING") certified by Steven 0. Tsonakis. Engineer. filed in said County Clerk's Office as Map No. ! 15. The buildings are ~own on a site plan as fih.~l in said Count)' Clerk's Office as Map No. I 15. The land on which thc building containing the unit is located (and on which the other units forming a part of the property are located) is described as follows: ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, said property described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Railroad Avenue, 963.39 feet southerly from thc southeasterly end ora curve connecting to Middle Road, County Road 48, said point being the southea.stefly · comer of land of Chamcws and the northeasterly comer of the premises herein described; from said point of beginning, RUNNING THENCE along said westerly line of Railroad Avenue: two courses: I. South 8 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds I~st 60.70 ii'ct; 2. TIIENCE South 13 degrees 53 minutes40 seconds East 298.50 fl.'et to other land of Founders Village: THENCE along said other land the following seven (.7) courses and.distances: I. South 76 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds West 270.00 tbet; 2. South 25 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds West 50.00 feet: 3. North 64 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West 75.00 feet; 4. South 84 degrees 21 minutes 12 seconds West 310.40 feet; 5. South 68 .degrees 06 minutes 20 sccon~ West 210.¢~0 feet; 6. South 14 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds East 30.00 feet: 7. South 75 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds West 180.00 feet to land now or formerly of Charles Witkowski; TI-IENCE North 12 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds West, along the last mentioned land, 320.00 feet to land oow or formerly o1' I)an. iel Chamews; THENCE along the last mentioned land the lbllowing two (2) courses and distances: 1. North 70 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds "East 487.72 feet; 2. North 76 degrees 22 minutes 20 seconds I.~qst 567.10 feet to the westerly side of Railroad Avenue at to the point or place of BEGINNING. TOGETI-IER WITH an undivided 1/45 interem in the Common Elements. II~'~/~¥~ES~ WHEREOF, the par,y ortho first part has duly executed this deed thc da.v and year first above ~,wittcn, IN PRESENCE OF: ~RIGAN EXECLJTR~ STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the !~,~_ day of December, 2005, beibre me, the undersigned, personally appeared CERREDWYN ROSE HARPER HORRIGAN, personally known to mc or prow'el to me on the busts of satisfactory evidenc~ 1o be the individual whose uames is sub~ribed to thc within instrument and ack'nowiodged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on lhe in.strument, the individual, or thc person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public STATE OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the ._/~._ day of December, 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appea~-d JUDY L. DART, personally known to me or puoved Io me on the baals of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose names is sub.~ribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, execuled the inslramenL Nmary Public Nmnber of pages TORRRNS Serial # Ccniticatc # Prior Cfi. # Deed. Mortgage Ins~mmem Pa~e I.Filiug F~ I landlin§ Notalion Deed I Mor*tgu~ Tax Stamp EA-5217 ICnunty! FEES Sub Tmnl ~ SUFFOLK COUNTY P 4O5 ~'~" 'DT~ R~mrding I Filing Stamps Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional 'lhx Sub Total Spec. I Assit. ar $~.'c. / Add. TOT. MT~ TAX EA-5217 tStatc) i)ual Town Dual County R.P.T.S.A. ('OntuL of Ed. '5. O0 Man.~ion Tax Affidavit The pm~ny cove~ by this mmgage or will ~ improved hy a one or two Centred Copy family dwelling only. YES Reg. Copy . Sub 'lhml If NO. ~e appmpri~c mn clau~ on Other Grand Total Pm~y Tax Ser,'ic (CPFT~ Agency Verification 61 Smisfacli,n/DischargedRelcasc List Property Owners Mailing Address RI:;CORD & RETURN TO: Gary Flammer OIsen. Esq. OIsen & Otsen, I,I,P PO Box 70~ Cutehogue, NY 11935 improved xx Vacant [.and TD I O TD TD l? [ Title Corn .p~..ny Information I Co. Name Libel'? Land I'itle A[~ene~v ,,, [ 'l~:le # L39467S s [ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'll~i,~ page tbn,s pan of thc attached Ba~aln and Sale De~ {SPECIFY TYPE OF' INSTRUMENT) .~]'.eNL" 0']?'~-~lt~ O'rlr~tn j~O.)e I~u~'/~_ The pmn,lsis herei, is silualed in ._:,. SU I:'OL COU 'I' : YOr . In Ihe Township uf ,~mthold ..M~' Kirwjll In thc VILLAGE made by: or HAMI.E'r of Southold BOXE~ 6 THROUGII # MUST BF. TYPED OR PRINTED liN B/&CK liNK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILIN(i (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~her of Pages: S Receipt ~,--her z 06-0003833 TRANSFER TAX humBER: 05=23098 District= 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded~ LIBER: PAGE: Section8 Blockz 063.01 01.00 EXAMINED AND ~GED AS FOLLOWS $370,000.00 01/12/2006 02:43:01 PM D00012430 405 Lot ~ 043.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Page/Filing $15.00 NO Handling COE $S.00 NO NYS SRC]HG EA-C"I"Y $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 ~ Cert.Cop~e. RPT $30.00 NO S~ Tr~sfer t~ $0.00 ~ C~.Pre8 Fee8 Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBERs 05-23098 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE XNSTRUM~NT THIS IH NOT A BZLL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $4,400.00 NO $4,555.00 ', PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS I~IRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ·, INSTRUCTIONS: http'.//www.orps.stata.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY U~. ONLY ,q I [ -- I ~a ff~l A. 2555 I Younlzs Avenue~ Unit 19C j Rnuehnld ] gout:hold ] llt)71 ] 5. Deed ~.~, I Ixl Io~1 , , , 1.81 a Sek~ [ The F, state of Jaue Dan:Lela I L Dart 12. D~t® of S aMI Tran~M ~T ~ [ Judy L. I 11~ BuI~ mce~ad a dad4~. ,,~ve bld~ [] I I0 / 2~ l 20051 I t2 / ~L /2005__1 A B ¢' D E P (; Il [ J ~0- Tax Map IdaflM'~e} I RoO kl~l~ Of ma1 limn four, at. eh Mmet wWa addltJonal Id~l 1000 - 063,01-01.00-043.000 I I I I I j I ta:m,-sCArlON I ret~fy Ihal all ~' BX. Itetl~ et bd'mmlMbm enlertd im ibk~ tmlz ire imf ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ / i ~ ~t ~ ~ uf my ~ UJ~l gel~ W d' makdaJ tacl he~4fl ,~i imbJetl hie ~) rix. Ihe Imv IMMhe k) the llk~ aad tliql ef gldse W . .BUYE~ SELLER BUYEIrS AITORNEY Olsen, Esq. Gary Flanner I 631 I 734-7666 NEW YORK STATE COPY