HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12392 P 113BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVI DUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 CAUTION: THIS AGREEMENT SHOULD I~-: PHI:PARED BY AN ATTORNEY AND R£VIEWI:.L1 BY ATTORNEYS FOR .a ~ SELLER ANn PURCURSF. R BEFORE SIGN~. THIS INDENTURE. made the]0~y of May, 2005, between Bnma Bu~kovich, as surviving tenet by the entii'ely of 2555 Youngs Avenue Unit I I E Southold, NY 11971 · '. ' '' · ' .-.:' ..,, party of the first part, and Ronald,.J.~Butkovzch,1465 B,rl .g~,. tine Drive, Southold, NY 11971and Sharon C. Eichensehr of 14 Molslck Road, Se .y~no~, GT '06483 as tenants in common ~'.T.,c:.. · .. ....... n party ofilie second pan, ' ' * "**' .~ WITNEXSETH, that the party of the first pan, in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00), luwl~l money of the United States, paid by the party ofthe second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and a.~igns of the puny ofthe second part forever, · 4LL that certain condominium uniL more fully described in Schedule A hereto, designated as Unit I I E in the building known by the streel address 2555 Younga Avcou~, 5outhold, the County of Suffolk, and the State of New York, in the condominium known ns Founders Village (the "Condominium"). TOGETHER with the percent imerest in the common elements ofthe Condominium allocated to the Unit, as described in the declaration recorded on February 2, 1987 in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County at, TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any of Grantor in and to any su~-ta and roads abutting said premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of Oremor in and to said premises, BEING AND INTENDED to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed made by DIANE BRISOTrl June 16, 2002 and recorded July 29, 2002 LIBER 12199 page 868. SUBJECT TO a life estate hereby reserved by the grantor BRUNA BUTKOVICH for herself for her lite use and occupancy. TO H.4 YE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pa~y o'f the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ,4ND the party ofthe first part, covenants that the party of the first pan has not done or suflL'red anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the puny ofthe first part, in compliance with Scction 13 ok'the Lien Law. covenants flint the party ofthe first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for thc puqx~e of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment ofthe cost of the improvement before using any pan ot'tbe total of the same for any other purpose. T~c word "puny" shall be construed as if it read "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture so ~quires. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the party of the first part h~ duly executed this cL--cd the day and year first above written. Bmn~ Bu~kovich · ' :/" ~" I,'idelity National Title Insurance Ctmtpany of New York SCI I E~ ti I.E A- I (flL'scti~IIO~) ALI, Ihat certain picot ~ parcel of real ~o~y, situate, l)'i,g u,d bcil~g a ~d of a ~ad~uhxium in tim 'l~w, SomlmM. Comity of ~ul]~gk and ~lalC of ~cw Yo~, knaw, and desi~naf~ us Unil No. I I f~ Io~clJmr wfdl n I/,17% uadJv~ inlc~si Ju lira conntl~l clcnmnls of Ibc c~md~nnillJnnl hereinafter dc~ril~d as ~mc is d~li.cd ia Ih~ I~clamxion ofCoadmuiaium hc~einaticr Kfc~cd ~xc r~l pro~y a~vc de,riled is a unit d~own on thc plnas of a condominium p~P~ and ~dificd by Stcvcn G. 'l'~kis, En~ine~, and fii~ iu lira Ofl~ce of dm CIc~ of thc ~ounly of Su~olk on Iht 2nd hy of Fcbrua~ 1987, Map No. 153, defined in the ~clnmfion of ~on~minium entitled "Founders Village Cmdominium 11" ma~ by I.i~la Realty L~., un~r Article qB oftl~e ~w York ~1 Pro~y I~w dnt~ Fcb~aq 2, 1987, and ~o~ in the Office of thc CIc~ of th~ County of Suffolk on Feb~w Z, Iq87 in Lii~r 10237 cp 178, cov~in~ tl~ pro~y thc~in dcscri~. Tim land a~ or,l~c p~Y is dc~d~ ~ follows: BEGINNING at a ~int on d~e westerly side of Railroad Avenue di~nt tlw followiu~ two cour~ and distances as m~u~d nlon~ the westerly side of ~il~ Avenue from u ~inl where thc ~uXherly line of la~ now or Ibrmcrly o1' Daniel Champs intc~c~ dxc westerly side of Railroad Avcnnc: I. ~u&h 08 de~ces 35 minutes 30 seconds ~st 60.70 2. Somh 13 dc~s 53 minutes 40 seconds East 298.50 f~i to dm point or place of ~&innin~; RU~NINO 'I'IIENCE Souti~ 13 desrc~ 53 minutes-40 ~conds E~t ulon~ tim w~tcrly side of ~iln~d Avenue 160.00 foci to h,~ now or formerly of Mohr; ~4ENCE ~uth 73 dc~es 5) miautcs ~0 ~onds W~I alon~ thc lasl menti~ land 13~.40 feet; TI lENSE ~uth I ] dcG~s ~3 minutes 10 ~conds ~st still ntoa~ land now of fonuerly of Mohr and land lbnucrly el'Arc,tie 100.04 THENCE alon~ land m~w ~ formerly of Avc~[l~ tl~ followin~ two coups ~d disUncos: I. 5oulln 73 d~cs I Z minutes 30 ~onds W~I 89.03 2. ~mh 17 de~s 41 miuums 40 ~ouds ~ ~10 f~l to ~l~c Im~ now or form~ly of ~aelin; THENCE South 73 ~8~os ~ minutes 20 ~onds We~ ukm~ bsl mcntion~ la,~ 113.76 feet to I~d now or fommdy A~way Inc.; TI IENCE alon~ I1~ I~t mentioned had thc followin8 Ih~ coar~ and dis~nccs; i. Somh 74 d~s 04 minutes 40 s~onds West 213.27 2. South 05 degrees 22 minmcs 50 ~conds ~st 3q8.17 3. Souih 17 dc~ccs ZI minutes 10 ~ds ~ 94.21 f~t to land ~w or fo~crly of Ibc ~n~ Island ~il~ad; THENCE South 70 dc~s 30 minutes 30 s~oads West alo,~ thc ~t mcntio~d ~xd 534.10 I~ct to land fom~erly of Gc~e Ahtcrs ~td Da~ Hell,nan; THENCE N~h 17 dc~cs 43 minutes 30 ~nds West uhm~ lira ~l mcntia~ Imvd 635.~4 fce~ to lurid now or Tile POLICY TO BE L~'I/~'D ~r ~h~ c~unJtmcnl will i~uru ~ ~ill~ Io zuch buildings mM imlgu~m~'ntx ~ II~' ~cmff~ which b)' luw cmutlhau r~l ~g CON V~'YANCING ONL E T~etl~r with all t~ right, titlu utul ittt~'~t of the ~ty of t~ ~rst ~rt. o/in ~d to thc I.u~ lyi,g $CIIEDUI, E a - I (I ~.,$cripnunt .... -- mpany of New York TITLE 1~O. 02r3704-42703-SUFF SCHEDULE ( Contlnue~ formerly of Charles Witkowski; THENCE along last mentioned laud the following two courses and distances: I. North 70 degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds East I I 1.80 feet; 2. Noah 12 degrees 29 minutes 30 secouds West 217.84 feet to "Founders Village Condominium P; THENCE along the last mentioued land the following seven courses and distances: I. North 75 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds East 180.00 feet; 2. North 14 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds West 30.00 feet; 3. ]%rth 68 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds East 210.00 feet; 4. North 84 de~'ees 21 minutes 12 seconds East 310.40 feet; 5. South 64 degrees 53 minutes 40 seconds East 75.00 feet; 6. North 25. deg/rees 06 minutes 20 seconds Fast 50.00 feet; 7. North 76 degrees 06 minutes 20 seoomts East 270.00 feet to the westerly side of Railroad Avenue at the point or place of BEGINNING. STATE OF NEW YORK : :S$. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK : Onthe lO'4~ayof ]L~tae~/ ,200Sbeforeme, theundersign~d, a Notary Public in and for said Statc, personally appeared Brans Butkovich personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory cvidcnec to be thc individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on'thc instrument, the individuals, or the person upon bchalfofwhich the individual acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC Ck, ROL A. MILLER N(~a~Y Pul~llc, Stnte of New YMk No. 01MI6003086 Qualified in Suffoll(. comm~on E~es Number of p~ges TORRENS Serial #~ Ccr~ificalc II Priur Clf, # IA, cd I Mon~gc I~u~nt 4 I I~agc / Filing 'IT-~;4 Deed I Mortgag~ Tax Stmnp FEES Nolalion I'2A-52 17 (County) Sub Total F~.-5217 ('State) R.P.T.S.A. Cretan. ol' Ed. Affidavil Reg. Copy O~hcr Sub Tolal GRAND TOTAL $ [ Real Prolx'rty 1';~ Service Agency Verification s,a.~ 05021954 zooo o~o2 ozoo oa2ooo . ~*ei9 Initials ,. ~ Suliafactiu,~oJw,urgeam. c~cascs ctst Properly Ownefs Mailit£g'Addres~ RECORD & RETURN TO: RUDOLPH H. BRUER ATrORNEY AT LAW RO. BOX 1466 RECORDED 2005 Jun 13 0~: lc:0? E--e~rd P. Pa:maine Q.ER~ DF ~UFFOLK C01Mr¥ L 050012:~92 P DT$ Ib.,cordiag / Filing MongaSe Aod. I. Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total· ~pecJAssiL 0r Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town__ Dual County Ilcld for Appurtimmicnl, 'l'rm~s £er T~x ,., ']'hg property cov~'rcd by Ihis morlgage is or will be intproved by a oae or two family dwelling only. YF~ or NO H'NO. sec nppropriatc tax clause pa page # of dfis instrument. 6 Preservation Fund Community Consideration/%.mount J CPI" Tax Due S C Improved '1'1) 'I'D 'rD ° & E.ndorsement Pa e 'Ibis page romps part ofthe atlacl~-xi . _ _ made by: ~ ?{,/,/~ (SPECIFY TYI'.E OF INSTRUMF2¢I' ) Thc pmni~ca herein ia situated in TO · . ' [/[ ~ In d~ VILLAGE ~ or HAMLE'r or~ · BOXES 5 ']I-IRU 9 IvlUST BE TYPF. D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'IX) RECORDINO OR FILING. (OVER) 8TJ"FFOLK COUN'I~ CLERE RECORDB OFFZCE RRCORDZ~3 PAGE Nmube~o£ ~ea~ 5 ~eee$~t ~ : 05-0063803 ~A~BI~R ?AX ND~R: 0~-~569 1000 Re~oz~edz AC s Z,,ZBER: 063.02 01.00 $0.00 06/13/2005 03s18s07 L~M Receive~ 2he Following Feem For Z~ov~ /'nmt~"umenb THZ8 PAGm Z8 A PART OF ~A~n,u :L'M,S'I'RUM~T THZB Z8 MOT A BZLL D00012392 113 ~dwaz'd Cotmty Clork, Bu££olk 032.000 $5.00 $15.00 S75.00 Ss.oo $0.00 S0.00 $160.00 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWI~ Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTV TRANSFER REPORT RP- 5217 1 Rn]]rhnlrl ] Ilq71 , ]' I ~ of Parcels OR I--'--I Piti of a PircM e. SoUer] Butkovich I " t [ SALE INFORMATION .. M. c(,,,~t hr. lZ. OatededelTrm~fsr I 5 / 10 / 2oo~ I I I I uv I I le71 I t OwnotiMp Typo b Con~m~lnlum ~ O H I J 13. r~[s,d.t~ I , , ...... O, 0 , O I ! ! · 14. h~.M. th~,,MMI~,UM~ I ..... ~ . 0 I 'ASSESSMENT - should reflect the latest final Assesr~nent Roll and Tax Biff [ lI. PtmedvCiele ] &.l,, I 1-[_~ It ~.he(dDistdet Name ] Southol& I 1000-063.02-01.00-032.000 ] [ L J I J I ~..~,~.o. I BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY 255 I Younss Avenue Unit lie 631 I 765-1222' ~ . NEW YORK STATE