HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12418 P 887District i001 Section 004.00 Block 06.00 I.otlsl 019.003 ~di~~ ~l'| ~ ' ~ll( [I L'I,.~N S L~q, I1Y/~I ,~ LAWYI'R Ill:bY.~.l'. SIr. iNI.NO T! I15 I N.~fRLJMENT I ~ 115 INS I RUMFJ4T ~iOULD BE LL~J ) nY I AWYF..RS (~ILY DEED OF REblAINDER INTERF-~iT THI$IiNDENTUR£,madathe l$' dayor O heye- :nos, II~TWEEN CARMELA SCHIAVONI, residing at 320 Second Street, Greunpott, New York i 1944, party ofthe first part. and MARIA COCKERILL, residing at No # Rambler Road, P.O. Box 1835, Southold, New York ! ]q71, ns to a 2/3 interest as Tenant in Common and FRANK SCHIAVONI, residing at 325 Second Street, Gn.~.-npurt, New York ! Iq44, ns to a I/3 interest ns Tenant in Common party of thc ~'cond part, WITNEg,SETH, that the part)' of thc first part, in consideration often Dollars and othcr valuable consideration paid by thc party ofthe second part, does hereby grant and release unto the part)' ofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan fon.wcr, a Remainder Interest in ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings a~d improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenport, Town ol'Southold, County of SulTolk, Slate of New York, bounded and described ns follows: BEGINNING nta point on the wesK'rly line of Second Sweet, where the southerly line of land, formerly of Rose Rackelt, inlerseets the westerly line of Second Street: Running Thence southerly along the westerly line of Second Street, a distance of fort)' (40) £~'t to land of Schiavoni; Running Thence westerly and parallel with thc southerly line of land. formerly or Rose Rnckett, to other land formerly of Gertrude Warner, now of Osborne Douglas; Running Thenco northerly along land of Osbome Douglas. a distance or forly (40) feet to land formerly of Rose Racket: Running Thence easterly along land formerly of Rose Racket to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises also known as 329 Second Stn.'~.q, Grcenport, New York. Being and intended to be the same premL~s conv~l to the party of the first part by deed dated 12/16/0"- and recorded on 07~05/03 in the Suffolk County Ch.'rk's nfl]ce at l.i~'r 12234 at Page 115. Rt~el'ving to the party of the first part an interest for her lifetime. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, ofthc party ofthe first part in and to any streets and roads abutting Ihc above-described premises to the k~.-nt:.'r lines thereof; TOGETH ER with the appurtenances and all the estate lind rights ol'lhe patty ofthe first part in and to said premises; TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the part), ofth¢ second part, the heirs or successors and =il= ofthc parly ofthe second part forever. AND the party ofthc first part covenams that the party of the first part has m~t done or suffered anything whereby thc said premises have been encumbered in any way ~atcw.'r. except ns afon..'said. A,ND the party ofthe first part, in compliance with Section 13 ortho Lien Law, covcnanet that the party ofthc first pan will receive the consideration for this conv~.'ancc and will hold the right to receive such consideration ns a trust fund to be applied first for thc purpose of paying the cost of thc improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost e the improvement before using any part of the total ofthe same for ar~' other purpose. -. The word -party" shall be construed ns it' it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, the party ofthe first part has duly executed Ihis deed the day and ),ear fire above written. IN PRI'..~IL~K'E OF: ~~ x,-~.Arl~t~t~A !~CilIA¥O.NI State of New York, County of Slffdk 1#.: hefore me. the undmjaflcd, persumdly nppeared CAgMELA SCHIAVONI ~.'rsomlly knmm Io me or provL'd to me tm the bash of salisfucltey cvidcnce to bc the individual(s) v,~sc mmv(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and uckmwledf~ zo me that hc/~. execuaxI thc samc Jn hifdq~r/theJr ~-~__,:izy(Jcs). and thai by hisiher/thcir signnturcs on ~e insmum..m, the individual(s), of the ix'mm bpon Ix:hall'of'whlch the individu~(s) Med. L.'xecutcd d~ instu~me~t. ~ u~' A¢&:~Y)#T.&3~r4iEAV'M)I~i ~t~$Df6' #Tflll# AT:'lr )?M;,'.~?A ?A' c).VL):' ,f('K,~YJ#7~.'I;C~&t~.~T RW~t ~ ~ O~q~OA'.¥£Jr )?P.A' .~?A~' IA'cf Y, Nqt.gJ~M:rdq~ #~w~,.4~ L'fnflle~MI State of New York, County of Onthe dayof in the vmr I~fi~ me. the undersiBncd, personally appe~ the subscribin8 witness to the forc~lins instrumm~, whh whom i Bm lx'rsomlly acquainted, v,~l, being by mc duly sworn, did depose and suy Iher he/she/thcy rcsi&'(s) in thui he,/she/thcy kno~(s) to bc the individual dm:rilx.,d in ond ~o executed the fon."8oinS insmuqenz: that said subscribin8 witncss was pfesem #nd saw said cxccute thc same: and Ihut said witness ur the same dmc subscrihed his/hcr/thcir nmne(s) us a wimms thcrcto. Onthe dayof in the ymr ~for~ me. thc Lmdmisrlcd. personally appca~ pmunaliy known to me or proved to me on the hsis ofsatbructory' cvidcr,:c to be thc individual(s) ~tzose names) is (irc) subscribed thc within insuument and ucknowledscd to me that he/shc/th~~ exccut~ thc safl~ in hLs/he~/theJr capb:ity(ics), tim I~' histhcr/tl~ir sJffmltuf~s) on the imirument, the individual(s), or thc person upon ~ludf'of which thc individual(s) acted, cx~m~d the inslrumcm, arid that such ifldividu~ mede sm:h q2peemncc boron: the undersigned in the BARGAIN & SALE DEED of Remainder Interest with Covenant A~ainst Grantor's Aets Title No. CARMELA SCHIAVONI TO MARIA COCKERILL As to a 2/3 interest as TIC and FRANK SCIIIAVONI. As to a !/.t Interest as TIC SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RETURN BY MAIL TO: William F. Bates, Esq. ! 20 Court Street Rivcrhead, NY ! 1901 Number of paget · TORRENS Certificate P }~ior Cfi. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgase Tax Stamp FEES 2005 I¢ov 07 02:26-. 06 Pit Ed~tard P.Ronaine ~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D00012418 P 88;' DT41 05-!4227 Recording I Fills8 Stumps Page / Filing Fee Handling ff TP.S84 ~ Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notation EA-52 17 (,County) EA-S217 (State) ILP.T.S.A. Camm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Cop)' Reg. Copy Other /,~ Sub Total GRAND TOTAL Agency Verification S ] ._. Real Propert)"r,.x Sen'ic~ '1 i Dist. I Section Biod~i LOt oo,oo o oo , Initials ',,~.~o~r,' ,  stucuons~utscnarges/Keleases List Pr6per~.."CS~n-e~'s-Ni'~ilin$ Address RECORD & RETURaN TO: ~il~iam Y. Bates Esq. 120 Court Street R/vethead, NY 11901 Co. Name Sub Total tie # Spec./A.~,t. Or Spec./Add TOT. MTG. TAX Dual '[own Dual CounLv, Ileld fo, Apportionmcm ~ Transfer 'Fax Mansion Tax The property covered by this monsage ~s will be improved by a one or two ram,I dwellin$ only. YES or NO~ if NO, see appropriate tax clause o, page, of this instrument. /,~.../~ I F C onsiclermiun ^mOunt :$ ~-- CPF Tax Due s O_ Vacanl Land TD /0 ' TD TD Title Company lnfor,nation Suffolk. County Recording & End..orsement Page This page fonm pan of the attached DEED OF REIL~INDER lNT~-ltllST (SPECIFY 'I~'PE OF INS'IRUM~'I') made 1 'Uae premises herein is situated in SUITOLK COL~I'Y, NT.W YORK. TO in thc To~,ship of Southold ~i_R!t 'CO~._!_RILL as to a 2/3 Interest ?IC ln~e ~LLAGE or H.,LWI. ET of Oreenport ~aA1~q~ ~IiTAVO.NI as to a 1/3 intecest TIC m-,','t:C e~ Tl4lll i 0 K-II IRT BF. 'I~TED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INk ONLY PRIOR TO RECOP, DING OR FII.ING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CT.ERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDTNG PAGE Type o£ Tnst~,M~t: DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pages: 3 Receipt NUmbez : 05-0116983 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 0s-~4227 District: 1001 Deed Amounts Recorded~ LIBER PAGE ~ection: Block, 004.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $o.oo 11/o7/2oo5 02s26:06 P~ D00012418 887 Lot ~ 019.003 Received tM Foll~ing Fees For Above Instrument hempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYH SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO St"TH Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~ ....... .Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUNBERz 05-14227 THIS PAGE IS A pART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IB NOT A BILL SS.OO NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $o.oo NO $0.00 NO $149.00 Edward P.Romaine Co--ty Clerk, 8u£folk COunty. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COU. NTY USE ONLY __ __ Cl. SWIS ~ode I ~ ~,~,, ~ ~, /I ~dmK' REAL PROPEKTY 'T1LA. NSFER REPOR' C~. Dlt~Dj~dlJJecoed~J I' /// 7 /~-I ~ ~TATEJO,MIDOFRF. J~I~OI~.RI~.RVN~B · . _ ."-"" . _,, RP- 217 1. phony 329 Second Street Sim'IT NU~# $1~Lrr ~ 4. Inclleete the number M ANoNmoM RdlpMcdstnuldenidonthedeed I . [ 1.. I Iofhrcds z. ~ I COCI~ERILL, [ Harta NIIme &Ai, T ,NNIIZ I C:OMI',~aY /ll~T NMM I SCHZAVONI [ Frank ~Jdl IMMZ I COI~AAY II~IT NAMF ,,~ ~,,~.r,,..~.,,.r.~..~___~_. 0,~,,., I ';¢*/IA vo~ / I ITIl[Lrr WUldBE q AND S~IEIT Iddil ~T~ &Deed I IqlONTff. r.T Ixl ~ Io,,I . '~; .0,7 I SCHIAVONT carmela LAST I~ I COM~ FliaST k~: I~ Nd~ ICQ~ II~ST IMME 7. Cheek the box helow wldah mom amr. umtdy dmMb(m the nee M the prolsmty at the time 9g aais: 2 or 3 Fandly RmkbntlM ' C(xamm~dM . fl#kammd Vamnt Lind Apamnlnt Noe-Reeidendd VMmnt Land Entmainment I Amusement INFORMATION ! 11.81de COMIlet DIItl I I I I Monlh Ddy Conlmmd~ SeMce klduWid Public Forest 1~. Date d SM I Twmndor I 10 if..; i 05~ I 1~ FulSdel,,i~ I ...... 0 , ii, 0 I Ful S411 Price I. Itm IoMI ImouM iMid for I~ pnNw~ ind.dng potion41 ~. I This I)lyment n~y be In the Iorm M c#h. a4her propety or g(x)dl, or tho #sumptJon of J None 1Llackl~thevMuedpJ~ond I . . , , , , 0 , (Il . 0 I ~.o I "' ASSESSMENT IN N - Data should reflect the latest Final Aasessment Roll and Tax Bill ~ ~ ~ or ~rn, ter / hie Between Rdmed Complnbl or PMtners In 8usinma Ona of tho Buwrl is aiso m Seller Buw or Sdlw is Gove~n~nt ~ or ~ In~ut~ Sale d Fracliorud or La~ then Foa Immem ~pecify 8ek3w) Slgnilic~nt Change in Prot~tY BelwNn Tixaido Status and ~ Sd~ d Budnam is I~,,_~,_ __d,,,~_ _ in Sale Price ' ~ UnusuM ~ A~ ~ ~ ISped~y BMowl Z~ T. x Ml~ W l RM kkldler~ M mom thln four. Jt~Kh dmt wtlh lid~md Wl J 1001-004.00-06.00-019.003 I I I I i I c EKnFICATION I I catJly ,h-, d d'tke Imm et kterjatioa W m thk, tarm are trge i~d carrKt flo the bmr at W ~ M ~ ~ I W ~ / ~ BUYER BUYER'S ATTgRNEY FRANK SCHIAVON1 ~,L 329 j Second Street STRIIIT NUi ITII~L'T ~ L4nl~ SMZl Oreenporr I NY I 11944 CfW Ole ~ SLATE ZIP COCE BATES [ William 631 I 727-0050 I NEW YORK STATE COPY J~~ TO ~ ALPHONSE SCH~VON'r AND CARMELA SCHIAVON'F ASSET MANA(~EMEHT TRUST Pursuant to the powers reserved, under Article 4.1, to us, Alphonse Schiavoni and Carmela Schiavoni, as Settlors in the Trust agreement dated 12th day of April, 1994, between ourselves as Settlors and Alphonse Schiavoni, Carmela Schiavoni both of Second Street Greenport, County of Suffolk, State of New York and Ronald E. Tyler of Center Street, Jamesport, County of Suffolk, State of New York, as Trustees, in which Frank Schiavoni is named as beneficiary, we amend that trust agreement in the following respects: SECTION I ARTICLE 4 - TRUSTEES Section 4.1 of the Trust agreement entitled "Identity" is hereby amended by the Settlors by cancelling the following paragraph: The Trustees of this Trust shall be ALPHONSE SCHIAVONI, CARMELA SCHIAVONI and RONALD TYLER, or the survivors thereof. and replacing it with the following paragraph: The Trustees of this Trust shall be ALPHONSE SCHIAVONI, CARMELA SCHIAVONI and MARIA COCKERILL or the survivors thereof. SECTION II RIGHT TOAMEND QR REVOKE PRIORAMENDMENT The right to amend or revoke the preceding amendment in whole or in part is reserved. In witness of the above, we have executed this amendment of the above-referenced Trust agreement at Greenport, Town of Southo__l~ County o~. Suffolk, /a - dayof HONSE SCHIAVONI, Settlor CARMELA SCHIAVONI, Settlor State of New York, on the 199 , , 7 The Trustees hereby accept the amendments to the Trust agreement known as the ALPHONSE SCHIAVONI AND CARMELA SCHIAVONI ASSET MANAGEMENT TRUST created by this instrument.  ~~- ~-~r~ residing at ONS, SOHIAVONI, Trustee / ' CARMELA SCHIAVONI, Trustee MARIH COCKERILL, Trustee STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK)SS.: On the / O day of ~~x~.~..~-- , 1997, before me personally came ALPHONSE SCHIAVONI, CARM~LA SCHIAVONI and MARIA COCKERILL to m~ known to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that they executed the same. NOTARY PUB~ · Robert S. Hughes. Hotary J'ublic, State of Hew No. 02flu5029422 Qualified in Suffolk Comdy Commission Expires June 20,19.~.~