HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 111[\ Tax Map Designs! Dist. lO00 Sec. 064.00 Blk Ol.OOco~ Lot; 024.00~ CONSUI.T YOUR ~WY~ I~ORE ~NG TH~ ~N~RUM~ -~IS ~TRU~ ~OULD ~ U~ ~ LA~S GERALD J. LANGELIER, RONALD A. RICHARDSON and JOHN ROWAN, all residing a~ 315 Maple Lane, Southold, New York 11971 as Ooin~ Tenants and as Successors ~o ~he ~n~erest of WILLI~ R. KARVELIS, Deceased, party of dm tim pa~ and GERALD J.LANGELIER, RONALD A. RICHARDSON and JOHN ROWAN, all residing at 315 Maple Lane,.Southold, New York 11971, as tenants in Common, without Right of Succession, party of the ~cuad par~ WITCH, the! the part)' of !he first part, in .~'."~con~si. derntion of Ten Dollars and other valuable cmmider,Uian. ImM by the party of the second part, does hereb~*~LXa, nd releMe unto the pafly of the second part. the heirs AII the! ce, frei. plot, piece or imrcel o! Innd.~'~[hvth-~ buildings anti improvemem~ thereon erecl~ oi!ua~ ..d ,he Village and Southsld, Countr of Su olksnd State of New YOrR, bou,n~l~B.,'~'nd described as follows: BEGINNING at s monumen/'.t~.~he easterly side of Maple Lane . where same is int~rsec,t~],d~By~ the northerly side of premises herein and land n~w./or /f, ormerly of A.Byrne; RUNNING THENCE Nor.~t.~,~'73.'}{d~g$~es 07 minutes 10 seconds East along said last mentioned/~l.'a.nd 184.96 feet to a monument and land now or fo~merl~y.\ofkL.P. Edson{ THENCE South 16 degr,e, es~6,~.mtnutes 30 seconds East along said last mentioned [~%~d~:112,5,.1§ ~eet to a monumentand land now or formerly of I~,.~'~arrinflton{ THENCE South 73 degreee ~.0,9.~ninu~es 30 seconds West along said last mentioned la~,'~)1'8~4,.95 £eet to a monument and the easterly side of THENCE North 16 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds West along the easterly side of Haple Lane 125.03 feet to a point or place of BEGINNING. ~EING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the grantors herein by Deed dated 2/13/92 and recorded 2/25/92 in Liber 11422 page 509. on T(.l(';/:,~r]ll{I( wilh all right, title n;.I i.lnr~l, if al.v. ,,I file party uf Itu I~r.~ ~,nrt in and to ar. Atreel~. ;:tel I ,li~uo~/,pa.h..u, ttinl~Jhe nJ,-%'e ,le~,:rib~d pre. tif, e... tn thr'L~.tcr Ii. Ps IhP. rr¢,f 'rO(~,~l IIER wit ~ the n~,purlcim ~a.~] aU.i~:~n~[~hts of th. ~.v of the ~m ~rt .a m.I lu ~td i,~rm~: TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D *~'~e~~ , el- the ~fl~' .f the ~- i~r. the I e r~ ,,r su~x'~s ~ n i ae~i~ [ tim jmrtv of A.NI) ~h. pu~[ of Ihe lir~ I~rt c~'~..t~ thai the ~)' ,,I l, hc fir~ ~ar~ h~ nol d,,.e .r ..~er~l ..yl~ing thc ~id prr.tt~ havc [~n intcumhe;~l iii mJv way whit vcr. e. xcc]~ a~ afnmid. . ' AND the ~fly ,,f the fir~ Imrl. in comlJlJa.~ w~lh ~cliort 13 of tim Lie. ]~w. curenamb ~al II~ ~rt)' of t~, parl ,.,'ill ~ive the *'onsidernlion EoF this ,',mvcvnn~ MuJ will h,,Id lite ri~hl t. ~ive iuch ~Jdernt~n trust ~un(I I- I~ alqd~d tim [or the pur~ flf/m~'in~ ~e c,~t ,,f ~e impFovcnmnt and w,II .ppi)' the *~ first ~ ~yment .f the c~t ~f the Jmpr.v~fll ~for~ usin~ shy Imtl ~,[ Iht h~a] ~f the ~nmt, fi)r any ~e.r purp(~. ~e word "~rty" ~hell ~ e.n~ru~ as if it read ~Ft~" whcfle~r the ~nm of thiA indenture ~ IN ~ WHEREOF, the ~rty .f lh~ ~rrt pan he- duly ex~cute,I this ,l~,l th. dray and year ~ wr~J. Gerald J.~ar~elie~ -- onald A. Richardson ': A~ IN N~/YO~tK STATE (HPL ~ State oF New York. County of ~"'va~/~' s~.: I~"rs°nullyaPpeamd Gerald J. T.angel.~.er, Ronald &. RtohardBon. & John Rovan,. iory eviden~ ~o be the individual(sJ whine nanlc(s) is (~e) ~ul~ctibed m ee within itmmmem and aclmowled~ed m nm ~t hc/si~/Ibey exec~ed ~be ~ in hLq~efftheir cq~eily(ies), und th~ by hi.,~L'r/theif si~s) ou the insmmlLmL ELm indi- vidu~..¢sL m the pmon upcm behulf of which dm individ~l(.) pen:rurally known m me or proved to me aa the basis of satis- factory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is tmbs~sJbnd In the wilhin imamment and acknowledged In me '.md that by hL, Jber/Ibeir sigoa~ure(sl oat the in.qmunenL the indi- vidu~Jis), m Ihe pe~on upo~ behalf of which Ihe individu~s) ,,~L e~cumd ~e immm~.m, m~d ~h-'- ~ individual made TO Langelier et al AGILqOWI.EOGMRr~ BY SUBSCR2BING Wfruca~c~s) State of I County of ss.: OR ' persotully appenn:d before mc. the undersi~.,d. the subscribing witness(es} Io the foregoing insmJment, with whom I am personally m:quainled, who. bein~ by me duly swo~n, did depos~ md say that he, she/they msith:(s) in fVt~ ~ nj' m~drm~ b i~ d ,'/tv. iar/&~r Jk~ arn-e~ ~ ~rn,~r m~dwr. that be/she/they know(s) m be ~e individmd(s) des~6b~l in and who exL'~uled the fo~ soinS ir~immenc Ibm ra6d ~ubr~ibing wime~s~cs) w~L,~ (were) presant ami ~w said exe~u~c the same; and dml ~ witness(es) al Ibe same lime subscribed his/ber/tbeir namc~s) ~ a wi~(~) ~lo. w~.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u~i~ in .) SECTION 064.00 U~OCK 01.00 LOT 024.000 Dist. 1000 R~TURN BY MAlL TO: John Rowant esq, P.O. Box 1142 Southold, NY 11971 Wp N~ Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Cenificale # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / M~gage Tax Stump Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Nolation EA-52 17 (Coumy) EA-5217 (Statcl R.RT.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other Sub Total 15. 00 Sub Total Grand Total 200~ HaU 19 01:09:49 PM Edward P,Reeaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK. L'00NIY L 000012.188 0Tg 04-41473 Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Ami. I. Bmlic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal Spec./Assit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County __ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate rna clau~ on page # of this 4 Dist.: Real Prolx Tax Servic Agency Verificado 05018164 ~000 06400 0100 024000 Community Pres~r..tton ]'und Consideration Amount: CPF Tax Due $ Improved 6 , Owners Mailing Addre.~s RECORD & RETUR~ TO: Vacant Land TD 8 Suffolk C, & Endorsement This page fon~s pan of thc attachcd OF INSTRUMENT) e~{~ ~ co n~ } ~ .' tSeno/~ In ~ VII.~GE BOX~ S THRU 8 MUST BE TYP~ OR PRIN~D IN B~CK INK ONLY PRIOR ~ RE~RDING OR FILING. (over) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pa~es: 3 Receipt Number ~ 05-0054242 TRANSFER TAX ~u~BER: 04-41473 Dist~ict~ %000,. Deed Amount~ Recordad~ LIBER: PAGE: ,Section: Block~ '" 064.00 01.00 : wr,t.MINEDAND CHAP. GEl) AS FOLLOWS $0.00 05/10/2005 01zOgz49 PM D00012388 111 Lot :' 024.000 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ~xempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHQ · A-CT~ $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 ~ Cort.C~os RPT $30.00 ~ H~ Tr~sfer t~ $0.00 ~ C~.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-41473 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo $149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P.Romains County Clerk, SuEfolk County · -- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ! FdR COUNTY USE ONLY I I --,-.,..',~-,.~,~.' '~-,-.,.,/,~,,',1 ~r._~ m.-..,,. I FROF~RTY INFORMATION I I # of p,~..is OR j'--'l p,d of. e,rc.i 5. D~4d ~. Subdlvtdat ,~=m4d wm R~,ui,~d ~. Tr4n~ ~l~ P.N~Y I Ixl Io~l ...... I ~cP~d~-----~.~ ...... [] A U C D E F G H ] J BUYER BUYERS ATTORNEY