HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 648S~IO~: O6 , oO ol LOT: O30.001 NY 014 - Full Cov~'~m & Wmmmty Dggd Indlvidu~ o~ Corlmrmli~n (Sin~e Sheet ) (NYBTU 8003) ~ONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUM£NT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWY~I~ ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made thc l&th day of JANUARY , in the year 2005 BETWEEN CORNELIA THI~ARIDES, RESIDING AT 803 MAPLE AVI~IUE, SCXrfHOLD, NY 11971 parlyofthefirstfntrt, end CORNI~I.TA ~IDES and NICHOLAS P. THEOHARIDES, OR THEIR S~SOI~ IN TRUST UNDI~ THE COP, NE[.]:A THI~HARIDk~:; L~VING TRUST, DATED .JANUARY 14, 2005, AND ANY ~ THERETO party of the second peri, WITNESSETH, that the pert~ of the first part. in consideration often dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby trent and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and nsigns of the puny oftbe second part forever, ALL that certain plot, pi eec or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHI!DULE "A" ATT~CltED liEREID SUBJECT IO AN UNRESTRIi:r~D LIFE ESTATE IN CORNELIA THE0fIARIDES, THE GRANTOR tlEREIN AND SUBJECT TO AN ~ICI'~:D LIFE ESTATE IN NICHOLAS P. TH~OflARIDES. TOGETHER with all fight, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets and mada abuuing the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appunenancex and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises he.in granted unto the party of the second pert. the heirs or suceeosors and ossi~m of the party of the second pen forever. AND the peny'of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that thc party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust ~und to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply thc same first to the payment of the coat of the improvement before nsin8 any pert of the toml of the same f'or any other purpose. AND the party of the first pm1 covenants os follows: that said party of the first part is seized of the said premises in fee simple, and has good right to convey the same; that the Mux'y of the second part shall quietly enjoy thc said premises,' that the said premisas are free from incumbrance.s, except os aforesaid; that the party oflbe first part will execute or procure any further ncce _~__ry assurance of the t~tle to said premises; and that said perry of the first part will fo~ver warrant the title to said premises. The word "party" shall be construed os if it read "parties" whenever the sense of'this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party ofthe first part has duly executed this deed thc day and year first above written. IN Iq~F~IENCE OF: L/~A¢~/~O~ZF./k'~N?FORM ~tow W/THW~'~' YO~'~TAT~ O.XZY: S~te d N~ Yo~ County of J ss.: ~ ~ ~y of in tho the ~bmE ~ to the fo~ing i~tmm~t, wi~ whom ~ly a~in~ who. ~ns by me duly ~om. did d~se exK~e the same; and ~t ~id wi~ at the mine lime sub~db~ i/YE ACt~'OU ZF_.DGM. BW'FOWM Mfl. O#' #~TIIi, v NEW Y[OI~ ,~J',4FE O,X/.I .': State or New YoFJ~ County of ) ss. On,he dayof in thc yem' Ix*uoml]y Imown to ne et* proved to me m d~ txmis of .,udsrncmr~ evide~e m be de ind/vMua~s) who~e nme(s) is (~e) subscribed m ~he the ~ the in//v/dml(s), orLhc pcrsm indiv~s) ~ exec~ed On the ~y of in ~e y~r befoff me. ~ ~de~i~ p~.ally a~ ~lly ~ to me ~ ~v~ m me on ~ b~is ofs~sf~ ~i~ to ~ the individual(s} wh~e ~s) i~ (a~) ~b~ to · e wi~ ins~m~t and ~knowl~ m ~ ~t hd~hey ex.ted ~e ~e in high. ir ca~i~), t~ ~ hi~/~eir sighings} on ~ in~enC ~e indlvid~l(s), or ~e ~n ~n ~lfofwhich t~ indkqd~lfs) act~ ez~ ~e in~t, ~ that ~h indi~du~ ~e ~ch np~e ~f~ ~e u~e~i~ in ~ (huen the ciO' or other political su~flvlslon end tke state or ~m~, ' or olker place the acknm*~edgm#nl ~zu take~). WARRANTV DEED CORNELIA THI~RIDES TO O~IA THI~IDES LIVING TRUST FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COM PANY OF NEW YORK IATOIIPJIdTI~ 1~2g ,g, Fidelity ,.~/ ~c~,~n~.o.4?~.~@t/ssro~ fidelity National Title Insurance Company of New York RETURN BY M.4IL 70 JOSEPH A. FXSIIE,~, PC 585 .','.t'l:,WAl3' AVI~, SUITE 326 GARDI/~ CITY, N'Ig,,/ YORK 11530 SCHEDULE "A' ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, at Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of a certain right of way distant the following courses from an iron pipe set in the easterly line of a private read, 49.5 feet wide known as Maple Avenue, which said iron pipe is distant 864.85 feet southerly as measured along said easterly tine of Maple Avenue from the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly line of Maple Avenue with the southerly line of Main Road; 1. North 85 degrees 01 minutes East, 242.00 feet and from said point of beginning; RUNNING THENCE North 4 degrees 59 minutes West, 20.00 feet to the northerly side of said Right of Way and land now or formerly of Jocet; THENCE Northeasterly along last mentioned land, along the am of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 36.82 feet a distance of 49.32 feat to land now or formerly of Whiteside; THENCE South 63 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds East, along last mentioned land, 215.00 feet to the ordinary high water mark of Town Creek; THENCE Southwesterly along the ordinary high water mark of Town Creek, a lie line course and distant of South 4 degrees 29 minutes 40 seconds West, 218.97 feet to land now or formerly of Moeller; THENCE North 63 degrees 13 minutes 30 seconds West along last n~enfJoned land, 170.00 feet to other land now or formerly of Jo~. st; THENCE Along last mentioned land, the following two courses and distances 1. North 10 degrees 21 minutes 30 seconds West, 172.35 feat; 2. North 52 degrees 40 minutes West, 29.58 feet to the southerly side of ~e above mentioned Right of Way, at the point or place of BEGINNING. Together With a non-exclusive Right of Way, in common with others for ingress and egress over an existing 20 fool Right of Way, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly line of a private road, known as Maple Avenue, said point being 864.85 feet southerly as measured along the easterly line of Maple Avenue, from the comer formed by the easterly line of Maple Avenue with the Southerly line of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of beginning, North 85 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds East, 242.0 feet; RUNNING .THENCE No.rth 4 degrees 59 minutes West, 20.0 feet; THENCE South 85 degrees 01 minutes 00 seconds West, 242.0 feet to the easterly side of Maple Avenue; THENCE South along the easterly side of Maple Avenue, South 16 degrees 06 minutes 30 seconds East, 20.38 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Number of pages TORRENS Serial # CcllJficstle # Prior C*'t f. # Dccd/ Modgag~'hutmmenl PaRu / Filing Cee I-landlinB 'rP-584 ~Olalion FJeed I Moflgage Tax Slnmp EA-52 17 (Cmmtyl.. EA-521'7 (Stnle) R.I¥1:S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Cerlified Copy Reg. Copy OIher Sub 1brai Total Oread Total d .4 [ District Real 05007792 zooo 06400 o~oo o3oooz : Ag~cy ' Vefifi~llon 6 [ Sndsfac. lions/Disclulrges/Reb.~x?_~ List Dmpedy Owners Address Muilipg RECORD & RI~lfI. IRN TO: RECORDED 20~5 Feb 25 09:~0:~ RI~ Edward P.Rom~ine CL~K OF ~UFFOLK COdJHT? L DO0012~?~ P 645 Recording / Iqling gl~ml~ Idortgng~ Anti. I. Basic'lax 2. Addilional Tax S,h 'r~al ~;pecdAssil. 0£ Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual 'lhwn __. Dual Cmmty __ .. Held for Aplx~intmenl TranSfer Tax '/'~ '" Mansism Tax Thc property covcrcd hy Ih.is morlgage is i or will he improved by st on= or two f~mily dwelling only. YE.g or. NO ! f* NO, see nppropfint= mst clnus~ on Community Proaervation ~nnd · ConnJdernfion Amount $ * CPF Tax I'}tJe S ~" Iml~mved, Vacant Land TD TI) : [ I 'hUe Company Information ICo. Nnnm ABSr~'RAC~St TNC , . ['~t]o # ..~,-r~,.,.~..i.~q ~ ,, s I Suffolk County' Recording & Endorsement' Page 'lltis pngc fomts part of the attached (SPECIFY T~PE OF INSTRUMENT~ The prcmises herein is simaled ih gUIq~OLK COUNTY', NEW YORK. ]node by: SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Instrument; DEEDS/DDD NUmber of P&ges~ 4 Receipt Number ; 05-0020946 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-30357 1000 Deed Amount~ Recordedf At= LIBER: PAGE: Section; Blockl 064.00 01.00 EXAMIh~ANDCHARGEDAS FOLLOWS $0.00 02/25/2oos 09i30z55 AM D00012373 648 ~otz 030.001 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument P&ge/Ftling $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYS SRCNG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coptes RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO Coca. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NTj~BER: 04-30357 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $o.oo $0.00 $152.00 NO NO NO NO NO NO Edward P. Ro~aine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · INSTRUCTIONS: http://wWW.Orps.state.ny,uB or PHONE (518) 473-7222 8TAI~E OF NEW YOI~ I ~..o., ~c,.,.,., . ~_~'~, RP- 5217 ..o.~.w INFORMATION ] I I 11q71 I I I I I I FIRST ~ ~1 IxL JoRI . . L-.. I F Cornrn~al A [] One Fas~ly ~tl~l C ~ P, eeide~ Vacant ~ I)U No~-FI~Me~W~ V~cam Land I SALE INFORMATION I I 1 / lZ~ / O5 I 12. Det~ of 6eh I Tlln~m' Community B ~ZF~Pr,k~ I ...... ~ 0 , - , 0 , 0 I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should refleat the latest Final A~el~rnent Roll end Tax Bill I 803 I HA[:rt'E AVI~Tu'~ ~16 I 222-45/~ NEW YORK STATE. COPY