HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 83THIS I~DF-NTURE. made the 19 th day of Nay . in the year 2005 BETWEEN FRAI~K KEELEY, residing at 165 ].'Eo~edieu, Sou:hold, New York 11971 and DAlai GRACE COLLINS, re~iding, at 165 L'Hom~edieu, Sou:hold, New York 11971, as Joint Tenants With Right Of Survivorship. pany ofthefirstpart, and DAI4N CRACg COLL~IS, resid~nS at 165 L'aonmedieu, Southold, New York 11971 party of the second pa~, WITNF. J.~qETH, that the party of the fir:.'-,: pan, in Consideration of / '.- ~ x,..'7'~. dolla~ paid by the I~.Y of the second pa~. ~s hereby grant and ~clcase unto the party of the ~econd pan. ~ h~irs or s'uc~ssors 'and assigns of the party of the second pa~ forcwer. ALLthntcertain ~okpieceorpafcelofland. wlth the buildin~sandimpmvementsthereonerccted, silua~.lyingandheing inthe To~n of Sou:hold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as P/O Lot ? and 8 ou a certain map entities, '14ap of Founders Estates3' and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of SUffolk on tiny 10, 1927 a~ ~4ap No.3834, said part of Los being and bounded and described aa follows: "See Schedule A Hade A Part Hereof and Attached Bare:o" BEINC AND INTENDED TO BE the sane pranises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed da~ed September 16, 2004 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of ~he County of Suffolk on September 16, 200A in Liber of Deeds D00012363 at page 797 TOGETI IER with all right, title and interes~ if any. of the party nf the first part in and to any s~eet~ 'and roads abutting the above described premises m the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the mtme and fights of the patty of the tim part in 'and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premise~ herein granted un:o Ihe party of the second part. thc heirs or successors and a.~igns of the pa~y of the second part forever. AND thc party of the rial p',~ covcnams that the patty of thc first part hns nm done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except ns afor~aid, AND the party of the first port, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first purl will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the fight to ~ceive such consideration ns a Irust fund to be applied first for the purpo,.e of paying the co~t of the improvement .,md will apply the .*.amc fi~t to the payment of the Cml of the improvement heforc u.qing any pan of the total of the same for nny other pu~.~se. The word "pony" shall he construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture au requires. IN WITNF. SS WIIEREOF, the patty of thc firs: pan ~ duly executed this deed thc day and year first above written. $OIIEDULK A ALL that eerta!n plot, piece or parccl of land, with lite buildings and in*provcmeuts thereon erected, sltuatc. lye:lb and beln~ tn the Town of Soukhold, Count)' of Suffolk and Stets of New York, known nnd designated ae"~/~/.~t 7 and 8 on a cerkein malt entitled, *'Hap of Founders gstaten" and filed in Cite Office si Cite Clerk of the Couuky 5f Suffolk on Nay lO, 1927. ns Hap No 834, said park of lots being bounded end described, es follower SECINNING at a monument of kite Northerly aide of L*lioamedieu Lane dj. skeet 75 feet Westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of Cite Northerly aide of' L*llommedieu Lane attd Cite Westerly aide of Founders Faklt~ RUNNIHG TIIENCE South 6~ degrees 05 minutes West along the. Noktherly side of L*llommedieu LAne 75 feet to a monument; . 'I'ilEHCE North 25 degrees 55 mittutes West aleug the Easterly sides of Lots 3 attd 4, 100 [eet to tile Southerly aide of Lot 6; TIIENCg North 64 degrees 05 minutes Eask aloe8 kite Southerly side of Loc §, 75 feet to a poink; q-~IENCE through Lots 7 and B,' South ~5 degrees 55 minutes East, ~00 feet to the Northerly side o~ LVllo~edteu Lane at tim ps,nc or place' o[ BEGINNING. STATE OF NEWYORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk O, the ].9 dnyof Hay intbeym- 200~. befete me. d~e undr. r~,ed, pen;onnlly ~ppe.=ed Dawn Garce Collins and Frank Keelay · pe~oflaJly known to me ~' t~wed to rr.c on the ba~s or' MdSracm~ evig,~-~, to be Ihe iedividu~s) wher~ name(u) is (me) subscribed to gm wilbln insa'umem and achmw~l. edged Io me tim be/she/lhoy execmed lie nme in hid'ne~Mmir ?paci~(ies). and ~ by hisaeOtheir si~nmum's) on ~e mslmme~. Ihe JedJvldunl(~,), or the person on behalf of which individual(s) acted, exeeumd the imm'ument, Notary Public that he/she~hey know(s) to he the individual dc,.~fib~d in nnd who executed the foregoinl~ instrument: th~ slid M~bscribing witnes,q was ix~-sent ned Mw said execLte the ~nme; ned thru Mid wimes~ al the s~rfle time so~hed hi~herAheir namers) n.q a wlmc~$ thereto ladd t~e foJk~inI il'lhe ~-.,~ kdf, mnt is token oma,b, NY &ate i and that Mid sub~'ribinn whn~.s nmde Mch appearance hefo~e Ihe unde~i~lned in ~be tin'.e~ ~le city ~' o~er polilical ~uhdjv~0e and die ,~ate m' ~n~)' (~r olher p[a~e 0~e pfoof v.-aq id~en L ·rATE OF Onlhe dayof in ~he ~- heror~ me, tbe undeaigned, pcrsonnlly apl~'ed · Fetsonally known to me et ixoved to me un the ho~s of satisfactmy evideme to be ~e iedividual(s) whose name(s) is (mT) sob~'dhed tn d~ within inmumem ned ~clmowl- edged lo me thai he/she~ executed the same in hi~neraheir capacity{iesL and tim by hL~et/thoir si~alme(i) on Iho inslmmenk the iedJvidunl(sL et the pertain on behalf of which Ihe iedividual(s) acted, executed ~e inrammem ladd ~ae r'Ulaedn~ if me sdra~e.'led~em is ta~m amside ~ y Smel and Sat said sab~.YJhing witness made zucb appe~mee before STATE OF , COUNTY OF Onthe dayof in the }~ar hefo~ me pemnalJy crime lo me k~vn. who, being by me duly sWiSh, did depO~ and ~y t~ ration ~fi~d in ~ which e~u~ t~ f~g~ng i~m~ni: t~ ~ k~ ~ ~al ~ ~ ~ati~: ~ ~ ~al affi~ to ~ i~nl is ~h ~ ~: t~ it ~ WI'ri I ~F~A~ ~Al~r G~'S A~ Da~n Grace Collins and Frank Kee~ey Da~mGrace Collius smv,~ 64.00 02.00 BLOCK 023.000 LOT cou~r~oa~ow~ Southold 1000 s~u~ 165 LeHommedieu Southold, New York 11971 title Insurance company " Rt~,~dm Reque~ofSTEWARTtttt,Eo RETURN BYMAILTO: Willia= C. Gog&ius, PC P.O. Box 65 Nactttuck, l~ 11952 Numbs' of pages TORRENS Certifiuam # Prior Cfi. tl De~d I Moflgnge Instal.: ant Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Page / Filing Fee Handling -~ TP-$84 .~ Notation EA-52 17 (County) ~ i __ Sub Total · F.A-5217 (State) ~ Comm. of Ed. :50Q Affidavit . Certified Copy ~ Reg. Copy GRAND TOTAL 2005 ['leu_ 19 11:55:46 Eduard P, P. ou, aine CLERg OF SUFFOLK COLI, IT¥ L 000012~ P0~3 DT# 04'-4].456 Recording / Filing Stamps I. Basin Tax 2. Addition~] Tax Sub 'fatal SpeeJAssiL Ot Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. 'FAX Dual Town Dual Co/tory .... Held for Apportionment~/ 'rra~.~ fa- Tax M~nsion Tax The pmpe~y covered by this monga~e is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Ir'NO, see appropriate tax clause on p~e # or Ibis ins~mmmt. Stamp Data Initials Real P~.y Tax Service Aa~cy Verification Dial Section B lock 05018986 xooo 06400 0200 023000 Satisfactions/Disehnrges/Rtleaaes List Property Owners Mailing Addre~ · RECORD & RETURN TO: William C. Gbgglna, PC P.O, Box 65 · ..qattituck, Nhw York 11952 ' Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF 'l'n.n Due ' Improved Vacant Land TI) TI3 181 Title Company Information ICo. Name .,, [Title # Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page made by: Thispagefortmpartoftheottneh~d Bargain & Sale Deed (SP~'I~EOF m~r) Frank Keeley ~ ~n~sit~ in SUFF~K ~, NEW Y~ TO ltl Ihe Towaship of' Sou thold Dawn Grace Collins In'eVIl.rAGE or HAI~.~'r of Southold BOXES 5 'II-IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIN'~ IN BLACK INK Ch'qLY PRIOR TO I~F_.CORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruments DEEDS/DDD ~,m~er o£ P&gess 4 Receipt ~m~er s 05-0054174 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-41456 District: 1000 Recordmdz L IBER PAGE Section s Block s 064.00 .. 02.00 : $0.00 05/19/3005 11t55~46 AM D00012388 083 Lotz .*. ' ' 023.0Q0 Received the Following Fees Pot Above /nstrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO ~ndltng COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATI TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Transfer tax $0.00 NO C~,Prem Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-41456 THIS PAGE iS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL ExEmpt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $5.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $157.00 Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 'PLEASE TYPE--OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FOR'M INSTRUCTIONS: httpV/www, orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 COUNTY USE ONLY __ _ /? I ' . . RP- 5217 I Southold I Southold I 11971 Zauvir r Collins I Darn Grace I I I Ixl Io~l .... I ~ ~ ~=,~,.d ~ r, ubd~J~ ,,,~ M.p ~ Col*lin.= I Da~n Grace Kee'ley I ~rauk I)1 I Nnn-I~mkt~mlalVmmnlIJmd Ill I i ~'~ ~.~o. I Ls- / ]9 /05 I & ~ip Type Is ~onHom~nium [] lzomMble/Tmubr I 5 / 19 /05 I 13'[[uJISdltPfl~e I I I , ~ I I & I , 0 , 0 ] 14.1M~M~Oth~vdU~Ofp~raMml I .... 0 , 0 I I ~SSME~ IN~R~ON - ~m 8h~M mfl~ tho b~t Final M~ent RM[ and Tax Bill I ~L~ I 2 ~0 I-~ ~L~N~I 20. Tm Ms~ Idm~lflmIM I fl~l IdsmllM~ Iii mm~ ~'~n ~, inagh iIm~ with midiikmd idmKlfl~dsl) I 2ooo I I 064.00 I I 02,00 I I 023.000 I I ,'.=...c~'no,, I Dmwn Grace Collins 165 [ L 'Hoeaedteu Southold I NY I 11971 I 5-t9-05 BUYER'S A'rrORNEY G°aglns I l~il] tam C. 631 I 298-4200 I NEW YORK STATE COPY