HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 350CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT--I'H~ ~I~INJMENT &qOULO NE USED BY LAWYER~ ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, mndethe 2$th dayof ,"L~y .intheycsr 2005 BETWEEN DAm GRACE COLLINS, residing at 165 LtHonnedieu, Southold, New York 11971 panyofthefimpart, an d .- ALBERT J. PANTINO and BARBARA A. PANTINO, his wife, residing ac 81 Ontario Avenue, Nassapequa, New York 11758 puffy of the .e~cond pail. WITNESSKTll, thnt the p~ty of the f'trst pan. incomiderationof TE~I DOLI. ARS ($10.00) and othe: vel. uable considerat'lons dol 'la~ paid by the pafly of the second pail, does h~eby grant and relense unto the party of the second part, thc heirs or sacce_~__~ and assigns of the pray of ~'second pa~ forever. ALI. that ce~ain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings nnd imprm~tments thereon erect~L situate, lying and being lethe Tmrn of Southolds County of Su£folk and State of New York, known, end designated es P/0 ~-ot 7 and 8 on a eert:a:Ln map entitled, "Nap of Founders ~etatee' and f~.3. ed in the Off'-ce of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on Hay 10, 1927 as Nap No.3834, said part of lots bein& and bounded and described aa +'ollo~s: "SEE Schedule A Attached He:to And Nade A Part Hereof** BEING AND INTEI~DED ~O BE the same premises conveyed to the pa:ty of the first part by deed dated Hay 19, 2005 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on May-19; 2005:'~n'L~b~:'.&f Deeds D00012388 at page 083. TOGETHER with nil right, title and interest, if nny. of the p~ny of the first pan in and to any streets and roads abutting the above de__~,ibnd premist-~ to the cen~r lines thereof: TOGETHER with Ihe nppuflenance$ and all the uslate and tights of the party of the tim pail in and to said premises: TO I lAVE AND TO HOLD Iho I~emise~ herein granted unto the party of the second pan. · e heirs or successo~ and a~sians of the patl. y of the ~.~.'ond pan fo~-~er. AND the ixmy of the first pan coveann~ that the pafly of the first part has not done or suffered anything vdereby the said premise~ have been encumbered in any way whatever, except a.q afore,said. AND the pafly of Ihe first pan. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the pm'ty of the lust pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to re~:eive such consideration a~ a trust fund Lo he applied first for the purpose et' paying the co~t of the improvemem and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the ~ame far any mher purpu~. The word =party*' rthaH be construed us if it read =patties" whenever the sense of this indenture ~o requires. IN WI'INF..SS WHERF. OFs the party oflha first pan has duly oa:~.uted this deed the day and year tim above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~ ,~CIIIr, I)UIoR A ALL Illal ceflii. Idul, piece urpircel u! laird with lite buildl.p ami improve.sds thescu e sclc s luale. I}mgandlel~llt lite ru~a of~outhoLd. Coulsty sE Suffolk and State u~ He~ ~urk. k.uvu and deeLSnated ae'~7 And 8 on a ce~tatzl map eat/tied, "Map uE ~uunde~n Estates" IILr. UIHIILIIO at a moaumeilt el: ~he Ilutt|lel:J.y aide o.~ I.'llumaled/eu Little dlel'mit 7.5 |eel: Henterly J:rou ells cot.et f:ormed by Clio ~.nteteecl:lon sE |:he Xo£therly nLde u[ l.~llummed~.eu I. ane a.d tile Hear'et'l}, side sE Fuuuders Path; IWHS/Xtl TIIENCE .qoUl:|! 6/I degrees 0.5 #tlnul:ea West nJ.u.e. Ute IIoL'l:iierly ,Jde .r l.~llumJued/eu l,mte 7.5 |eel:' l:u a mumtment| 'J~IIF. IICE tlotUi 25 deEtees 5.5 si.utes Weal: stung the Faietecly alden uJ~ IOO lest to the $outhecly side sE Lot 61 TIIEItCE Ilorth 6/1 deKreee U5 utuiJl:ee East alu. B Ella Suqtl:het'ly sLde uJ[ Lot 6, 75 [est TIIEXCE th£ous|t i.ul:s 7 and B, 8uuth 75 degrees 5.5 m/mil:es ~aal:, IOO lee|: tu Ute tlurl:lterly eJ. de of: I?llumuedieu I,wte st the pain: or place of DEGINNJ. HG. t:/ . · STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Su£folk OnCe 26th dayo( Hay ind~year 2005 before me. thc unda*xiped, pezxonally nppeared 'PAo.,,., (Zr, c, Git;,., s . peixonally known to me or proved to me on the hi~ of sali~factmy evidence Io be Iht individualis) whose name(s) |$ tare) sui~scvibed lo Ihe within inmumenl and aeknowl- "died ~o me tim he/dwAhey e~um4 ~ mine in hid~-rAheir capocity(ks), and th~ by his/her/their si~mtureis) on the innmm~m, d~ individual(s), or the pe,~on on b~alf of which the individurd(s) act,/ed, ~,~.md the instrument. Not ary/~rdb l:tc RO6ERT J. 6HANAHAN No, 01SH30.g796266 cm~mon Exph~ khr/31, Z~.427 STATE OF , COUHTY OF Chi Iht day of in the year befm me. tl~ undeni~l, a NOla~' Public in and fw said StYe. pur~onally aplz*umd .the ~uln,:ribing witne~ to the ro~*soins in~lmmcnl, with whom I am ptrtonnlly acquuinled, who. bein8 by me duly ~won~ did dep~ and ny that he/~ne/they re~ide4,) in {if k lda~ of r. ldm~ i,d~ n d~y. inckdr k nme md mm ,.m~ iY uy. dmx~ that I~/nhe~they know(s) to be the individual described in and who executed Ibc fo~.8oinl~ ir~mm~t; I1~ ~id mb~cribin~t witnttl wu pfedem nnd saw Mid e.tet'll [u Ih a; ~ Ihul ~aid wilne~ al Ibc same lime h|..OIw#lheif name(~) sa a wilnt~ Ihetzlo STATE OF Onlhe dayof in theyear b~t'o~ me. ~o u.dmi~d, pmo.ally ~ STATE OF , COUNTY OF 0.~ dayof in ~he yeur I~fo~ mo per~amlly came to me known, who. beins by me duly swmn, did depmc nnd say that thai heis the of the corporation described in and which "~'~'d Ihe fm'e~ninll imtrument; tirol hc Imows the se=l of said coqxxafioa; sanl affix.~d to said in~t~ment is such CmlXX~ta seal; th~ it w~.~ ~o amxed by c~ler of the bo~J of dimctms of said coq~or~ion, w* · DAli GRACE COLL'rNs TO ALBERT J. PANTTNO and BARBARA A. PANTZNO 064.00 02.00" 023.000 co~m'vosmwN 1000 Southold Sl'n~---TAZ~mdSS 165 L'Ho~edteu Southold, N~ York 11971 RecordedmRequesiofSl~WARTTITLE· ILgI'URNBy MAILTO: Chkrleue Kuhl. Esq. 670 Broadvay Naaaapequa, Ney York 11758 Number of'pnkes TORRENS C~rtlficate # Prior Ct£ # D~d / Mofll~uKe Iflsb-umeot Deed./Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES 2005 Jon 0~ 02:22:18 Ed~mrd P.P. onair~ CLE~ OF SUFFOLK COUHT~ L P 350 DT# 04-4:S975 Recording I Filing Staraps Pase I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of 'Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other __ SubTotal ~ OO Sub Total GRAND TOTAL stamp Dam Initial~ Real Property Tax Service Ag~.cy Verification -- ~- Section. B lock Lot 05021709 zooo 06400 0200 o2aooo Sotis£aotion~Disehnrgos/Releas~ Li~ Pmpe~y Owne~ l~iling ~iid~,, RECORD & RETURN TO: ' Charlen~ Kuhl, Esq. 670 Broadvay t~assapequa, New York 11758 Mortgage Amt. I. Basic 'fax 2. Additional Tax Sub Totnl SpecJAssit. Or Spec./Add. TO1'. MTG, TAX · Dual Town Dual County Held for Appo~un .mc_~ __ h~ion T~x The propet~y ~ovcmd by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one ortwo Family YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax claus~ on page # __ of this instrument. CPF Tax $ Improved TD TD s [ Title Company Information Co. Neme Title 0 9 ] Rec din & Endorsement Page ]~spagc£ormspa~of~cattached BArgatn& Sale Deed (S~ ~PE ~ ~~ ) Dm~ ~acm Co~Ztn8 '~C ~ ~in is ~t~ ~ SU~ ~, ~W YO~' mede by: TO Albert: J. Pant/no and Barbara A. Panttno Intho3bwnshipof Southold Infl']tVILLAGE orHA/v~l'~rof Souchold BOXES :5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRIIVIF. D IN BI ,ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. IOVFRt SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PA~E Tl~e o~ Instrument: DEEDS/DDD ~ece/pt ~mhsr I 05-0061352 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-43975 1000 Deed Amount: Section: Bloakl 064.00 02.00 EXA,M.T~]smAND CHARGED AH FOLLOWS $429,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrmnent Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Coptos RPT $30.00 NO SC'AS Transfer tax $1,716.00 NO C--.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX N~MB.ERI 04-43975 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P. Rcma£ne County Clerk, Su[folk County Re=orded: 06/08/2005 AtJ 02;22:18 PM LIBER: D00012391 PAGE: 3 50 Lotz 023.000 ' $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.0o $o.oo $5,580.00 $7,448.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE TYPE OR PRES,~ FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ......... INSTRUCTIONS: http:/I www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY .~ I c1.,.~., ~, z~, ~, ~, ~ ' ~. PRO,=. ~.s~. ,:,.,,.D.,,,..~ , .~';~ ~, I~ .Ta,.,,--o,,...,.,BO,~.~, · "~. ". "'rd ;P' S21'7 165 I L' Ho=Bed:Leu I SouthoZd I Southold 1~1971 j Pantino j Albert J. j Pantino j Barbara A. j 4. Indiana dte numbM M AMeMmJ~t Collins I r ---j jOl~ JJ Pill iJ i flllJl~ JJllJl ii JJllj, ijljl~, , l J #ofP~l. OR ParloflParcal 4~14JmlngJo~dwlthSdldl~ml~,~yJ~ll~ Io~1 ',0,. , .[.e71 ..S.b,W,.~G~.,.~--~,,**d~T.,.~ Dawn Grace I DI I Ne.-P.e~I Va=m t,~t AgdculmM Commembl 5 /L /os 5 /,,~ 105 I}~ I 13. Fu~S~ . I . . . /4.2 9 0 0,0 . . O. 0 I ! F · 14 .~..tM~l.edl~m~l I ~ , , . 0 , 0 I J ~SE~ME~ IN~R~ON - ~ should m~ Ihe Ii~t Final ~e~ ~1 and Tax Bill J 1LYwM~M~iO.~ 17. T~V~e~d~l J Southold ] ~P. Tu M~p ld~tfflM~ l M k~Y.~l~ ~ r~r~ dsm four. ~t M w~t mMi~ma~ blm~M~J) L 1000 I I 064.00 i I 02.00 I I 023.000 I I C~.T,Fr~nON I ~R Itassapequa j EY I 5-26-05 26-05 Darn Grace Collins BI. IYER'S A~ Kuhl [ Charlene 516 I 795-1800 I NEW YORK STA"i'E COPY