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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 344r~[ Nii~flC&I Ti~ II1~ CO Of NSW YOll ~ 1~ HENRY E. RUTHINOSKi, JR. AND DIANE C. FORDE, ~s Husband and Wife, residing at 516 Main Strcot, Greenport, NY i 1944 pet}, of the first ixut. 8nd CAROLINE WALOSKI WEINMAN residing at 350 Convent Avenue, New York, NY 10031 pnny of the second pan, wrr~K-rH, thet the .p~ty of the fi~ ~, in c~s~on ~Ten ~11~ ~ ~ v~ie cons~gon ~M by ~ 'of~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~t ~ ~e~ un~ ~ ~y of~ ~ ~ ~ ~i~ ~ s~ ~ ~ns of BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF MAIN STREET. WHERE SAME IS INTERSECTED BY THE NORTllERLY LINE OF LAND OF KEOGH, FORMERLY OF TUTHILL; SAIl) POINT BEING DISTANT ! 8 !.05 FEET AS MEASURED ALONG SAME FORM ITS INTER~ 'ECTION WITH PARK STREET; RUNNING THENCE ALONG TIlE EASTERLY LINE. OF MAIN STREET THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES AND DlSTAI~CES: · i. NOR'IH 07 DEGREES 04 .MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST, 26.06 FEET; 2, NORTl106 DEGREES ~0 MINUTE~ $0 SECONDS WEST, I 1.44 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF QUIMBY: RUNNING THENCE ALONG LAND t.AST MENTIONED NORTH 82 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 20 SECONDS 166.56 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF CARPENTER STREET; RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF CARP~%'TER STREET, SOUTH 06 DEGREES 55 MINUTF.~ 10 SECONDS EAST 37.50 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF KEOGH: RUNNING THENCE ALONG LAND LAST MENTIONED SOUTH 82 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 166.51 FE. ET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF MAIN STREET ATTHE POINT OR PI.ACE OF BEGINNING. BEING THE SAME PREMISES CONVEYED TO THE PARTIES OF Tile FIRST PART IIF. REIN BY DEED RECORDED ON 8/7/2000 IN I.iBER 12061 CP 59. TOGETHER wflh ~!1 right, t,tl~ and mlerest, ifany, ohhe party of the f'~t part of, in and to nny streets and fonds abustin~ the above-dos~fibed promises to the center lines thereof: TOGETHER with the nppurtenan~s and all the estnt~ and ri~h~s of the i~ny of the first p~ in nnd to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein ~'an~-d unto the pnrty of the second p~, the heirs or st~.'c~ssors nnd n~igm of the p,~ty of the second pnrt forever. AND the party of the first pan covenanU that the part)' of the first pan has not done or suffered anylhing whereby the ~id promises have been ineumbe~.d in a.ny way whatever, except u nfo~.said. AND Ihe party of the first part, in oomplinnce with Section 13 of the Lien Law, eovennnts tim ~m party of the first pa~ will receive tho consideration for this oonvey-nee and will hold tho tight to receive such eomid0rntion as a trust fund to be npplied first for the p~ of payin~ tim cost of the improvement and will npply tho same fast to tho i~ymant of the uo~t of the improvement hefom usinG any part of the total of the same for nny other puslx~e. The word "i~ty" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the ~ of I1~ indentme so mquires. IIN WiTNF. SS WHE~JF. ~ p~y of ~e nm part has d evidmce to be Ihe indivJdunl s)~ name(s) is (are} subsc~bod to the sisnann~(s) on the immiinnt, the individdl(s), or the pcfiat upon beblr c~ which the individu~) ~. · 10 ~ QuMItbd in Suffetk county _ . ~ Commission Expires June ~O.'~dl~,~, IM subscribin~ ~ m r2te fme~oin~ inmument, wire whom ((f the idace of re~lence it in a cio: inclade tim ttreet and ttreet number. ~any. r~m~; that lu'slB/they know(s) ~o be Ihe individml dcsc~bed in nnd who excreted Ihe foresoi~ insmunent; that saki subscribin8 witness was [susent and rdw said e~.cute the same; and that ~ witness m ~ ram time subscdhed his/lwr/th~ name(s) ns a witneu th.~.m. Onlhe dnyof in the yenr before m~, d~e undersigned, ~y spl~ , .pe~y, to n~ on lhe bIsb of satisfn~tory evidenoD lo be the indivld~s) whom nnmKs) is (am) subscribed to the wilhin insmmunt and acknowledged to me that hdbhcdhey executed tho same in his/hndheir capacity(h}, and that by his/her/Iheir sipmure(s) .~. dm i,~m~... ~M individual(,,), ar ~ lmson upon behalf of which d~ individ,~e{s) acted, executed the insuum~nt f Cmt4w t'eaM eia~ MM, Cmu~ t~a~L~ er M~it(aMio) , On the day of in the ye'dr before me. the undmiin~ pctnnally appenred . .IX~mully known to mo or ixo .v~d m a~ m d~ basis of smi.qfact~ evidence to be the inclividual(s) whcse nun.s) is (&-e) subscribed to thc ~ ~ in ~ ..n~.. it~bs), that by hisflu~ their sipmtu~s) Qn me s~t. the individud(s), m the person upon behalf of whJcll ibc individual(s) acted, executed Ihe insu~nt, and that such individual _n~.,~ sm:h appearance tv, tore Ihe ~ in th~ {Intert tim ci~. or other polidcal t. bdiv~ and the ttate or count~, or lJARGAm & S~uJ~ DDJ) TO co,. o,, To-'. P.F. CORDED AT ~F~U~ OF Rddity Na6mml TIM Imurame Cmupany of New York ilETtlIW BY MAIL TO Number of' pages TORRENS L S~rinl #, Cmificat, # ,Deed I Mortgage Inst3.ument Deed I ~e ~ ~ 4 J FEF~ P~e I Filing F~ ~ Notation EA-52 17 (County') EA-$2 i 7 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. ofF. d, Af~Jdavit Certified Copy Res. Copy Other Sub Total $ O0 ~ub l'otal GRAND TOTAl. Real I~lm'ty Tax Servi~ Agenoy Verification Dist. Section B lock ~_~L_5 AJg 02 02~4S57 PN Edward P. CLERK OF SLFFOLK COI. M¥ L DOOOt2401 P 344 DTI Re~ordinl I Filing Stamp MOfll~ge Amt. 1. lhsie Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./Assit. Or Spe~./Add: TOT. MTG. TAX Dual 'i'own~ Dual County__ i covered by this mortgage is or be improvod by n one or two family YES or NO see approprJato tax clause on pare # __ of this instrun~nk ~ Preservation Fund iderntJon Amount 3; Tax Due $,~"~ Land I s I TitJe Company Information Co. Name ' I Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page f~ ~ of~ ~ ~e ~ .... mndc by: (SP~FY ~PE ~ ~~) (OVER) i1111111 IIII Illff I1~1 Ill !!111 riel Ifil lie IIII III! SUFFOLK COUNTY CLER~ RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE Type of Tnatrument= DEBDB/DDD ~,mho~ of Pages= 3 Receipt ~,mher : 05-0080275 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 05-00408 2002 Deed Amount~ Recorded= 08/02/2005 At= 02z34~57 iq( LTBER~ D0001240:~ PAGE: 344 Section = Bleak = Lot t 040.00 03.00 029.000 $750,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Znstrunenb Page/Filing $9.00 NO COE $5.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO RPT 630.00 NO Tranm£e= tax $3,000.00 NO TRANSFER TAX HUNBER~ 05-00408 Handling $5.00 NO NY8 BRC~3 $15.00 NO .EA-HTATE $75.00 NO Cert.Copies 80.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO C~""'-Pres $12,000.00 NO Fees ~&id $15,149;00 THZ8 ZB NOT A BZLL EclvLrclP.~,.~-ine County Clerk, Bu££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN ~R'ITING ON FORM ' · INSTRUCTIONS: http:/I or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY , I Cl. lml ~ ~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I tn'q~A. ~TAT~. NEW YONK ' '-- '" ' .'-'-" RP- 5217 I BllUng IfmtwtlunlwlwmdrmmlxmmM/o,m) I I O, 0 , I 01YM lOgll ,,.-,, I Ixl Io.I 1, 2l I I. kgm Jr. I [ ~orde D.4 a,e C. 2 M :3 Flmlly ~ ~ neddmM! Vmzm Lend .4pmmem Non-R#idemJal vm Lind Emlnalnment I Amu#mem I~ ,Nr-~RMATION I Cl~k tl~ INNI IM~ # tl~ q~. Type k ~ ~ ill I Buye' or Sdkff b Gownmmflt Agincy or Lencllng InldWdon Died TR~ nm Wirmmy ~r b~lln md ~l~ L~dlv ~lowl Sign/fir. dM Change In Prolwrty Blmiln Tniblo SMiJO find SMoDew' I I I I I CEh~lFll.~llT~Oi:l I II Bagwtn R~even ¢. I 914 747-7070 I I NEW YORK STATE COPY