HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12396 P 819i00o . CONSULT YOUR LAWYER B~ORE SJGHING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS UiSTRUMHIT SHOULD Il USED BY LAWYERS ONLY TH~D£h'FURF. mnd~ 0o=¥ f, BEFWEEN JUDITH E. BARKAN, residing at 78-11 35=h Avenue, Apt. 2F, Jackson Heights, NY 11372 and v£fe, res£ding at 10 Beechwood Road, Hohokus, NJ 07423 party o! the second part, ~VJ'FlU~qq.I;TH that the party of the first part, in~.,.of~deration of Ten Dollars and other valuable paid by the party of the second part, does hercht'~4~t .and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs ~)r mrs an~ at~iSns o.f. the party of the seCONt4:I/t~fo,~v~, ALL Ihet eeruin plot, j~ieee or parcel of ¼n~"vfltl~i' t.hk buildings and ?j~ro.v.ements the?n e.reet..ed, lying and being in the Town of South ,~.. (~ounty.of Suf=olK, SKaKe oi Aew orK, more oar=icularly desc=tbe4l'~: ~llows. TOCL'THER with nil right, title and interest, if thy. ul the part) o! tho first part in find to any streets and roads abutting the ulmvo described premises to the'center linee thereo[: TOCETIi£R ~'ith the uppurtennnee;s and,all.th?, cf4ate end rlb'hts o! the party o1' the Erst part in and to said premises'- TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the.pr~m~,~'h~e~i~."Granted unto the part)' o! the second part. the heirs ,r suceesenrs and aseigne o[ the part)' of ',h~ .~.nn,I p~,:t [nrever. · .~ :. AND the part), of the first part covenants that the party of the first part Ires not doue or suffered anything whereby the said premises Jmvc been enemnlsered in any wa)' what~ver, except as aforesaid. ' AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the f.ien Law, envenants that Ib~ par. ty of the first part will receive the co,sidcration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such conssderation as a trust ruud to be applied first for the purpose ofpayiug the t.ost of the improvemmit and will apply the same first to tho payment of the uost of the improvement before using any part o! the total of the same for any uther purpose. The word "party" ~hull he construed as if it read "parties" wbenever the sense oJ' this indenture so r~qmres, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and )'ear first above ALL that cert~iin plot, piece or parcel of land, with tho buildings thereon erected, ~itunte, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of S~ffolk and State of New York, shown and designated as Lot Number 6 on a map entitled, "Subdivis!on Map of Foundcm Estate~, Inc., situate at Southold, New York.", m~de by Otto W. Vnn Tuyi, Engineer and Surveyor, Grempo~ New York, March 1927, and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's ' Office at Riverhend, Suffolk County, New York, on th~ l0th day of May, 1927 aa Map Number 834 and being more particularly deaoribod as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the wasterly side of Founders Path distant 100.11 feet northerly from.thc comer formed by thc inm~ction of thc northerly side of L'Hommedieu Lane and the westerly side of Found~s Path, as measured along same; RUNNING THENCE South 64 dogreas 05 minutes 00 ascends Wast for a distance of 145.32 feet; THENCE Nor}h 25 degreas 55 ngnutas Wast along land now or formerly of Cassidy a distance of S0 feet; THENCE NotCh 64'dcgrece 05 minutas East for ~ distance of 142.98 feet to the westerly side of Foundom Path; THENCE along the westerly side of Founde~ Path South 28 de~rees 35 minutaa 40 seconds East for a distance of 50.06 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Stote of New York, County or' New York ss..* persoflalTyappeal~.'d 3UDITH E. ]LARKA~ tou evidence to be the individud¢~) wlmfe rume(~} is (~e) subscribed Io du withifl Irmrumem md ecknowla~J lo me b~U ho'she~h~ etecu~l the sw, e in hi&'h~ cq~i(y(les), and ~m I~ hL,4u~'/t~r siirum~s) ~ ~b~ immnnem. Ihe indl- vidual(s), or ~ pemn .~,~,, behalf of which the '.mdividml(s} [m~nally known to me or provnd to me ~J the basis of satb- fucto~ evidence to be the individual(s) whose mime(s) is (me) sube~bnd [o the within inW-,uuem end anknowled~nd to me that he/Mthey executed the same in his/her/their capacity(in). md that by his/her~eir al~nsm~(s) off the immnnent, the hJdJ- vidual(s), or,he penon UlXm behalf of which th~ indJvJdmd(s} ~ e~ecumi the iesmm~n~ nnd that such individual rns,b such appe&-anes befe~ d~e undn~Jsncd in WHH COM~ANT AGir~rr GUNT(X~a Acu Tm.E NO. RENE F. MORGENT.HALER and ~L~RGARET MORGENTHALER, husband & wtf6 M.K.M. ABSTRACT SERVICES INC. 238 MINEOLA BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 427 MINEOL.A, N.Y. 11501 (516) 742-4700 State of ~ ss.: County or ) personally appenrnd Ihe subscribing wimeas(es) to the fo~goinB imitator, with whom ! mn per~b' ~u~nlnd. whO. ~ by me duly swo~, did depose ~nd say that he/she/they mide(s) in ¢~'rM plm-e o~ ~de~ce b I. d rl~ M~m~ J)f ~ ~ ~ ~, ih'at he/she/d~ey know(s) to be the individual(s) d~fibed in and who executed thc fore- goin~ instrument: that s~d anbm'Jbing wiMess(es') wm~ (we~) present md saw sam execute the same; and that said witness(es) n~ the same tin~ subscribed his/her/their name(s) as a witness(es) ~ ~ asf~? o-W AMY W Mm And that said ~e_ _ _d~_. 'bing wJlmss(es) made such appsaranee before the underaljned in ) Distr.ict: 1000 SECnON 64.00 BLOC~ 02.00 u~r 025.00 co~r~ on To~m Southold RBTURN BY M~TO.* ~arCin J. fiery, an, Esq. 725 Glen Cove Avenue Glen Head, NY 11545 .. ~pNo. TORRENS De~d / MoflSqe Insu'ument Pqe I Filing Fee EA-521?ILR¥.SA(Smc) ~omn~ of E~ ~ O0 P~& Copy GRAND TOTAL Real I~:~fly Tax Sen~ A~n~ V~ Dist. Section B lack Lot 1000 06400 0200 025000 ~i~ns/Discha~-s/Rehses L. bt Property O~m RECORD & RETURN TO: RECORDED £d, aard P. Roaa~ne S'~OLK C~ L P 819 DT& 04-~ R."cord~nl / Pilh~ 8tamps 6ub Total ~JA~i~ Or SI~. A4~d. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dmd Count~ Held for Appofliemnent ~,.,~ ~.. /~//~: A,~n~ion Tlut The property covered by this moflpge is or will bo Improved by a one or two family dweUi~ only. YE~, or NO.~ If NO. He api~oprim tax ¢laus~ on page # ~ ofthb r Pre~a'vation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPP Tax Due $ .~..~?~.~"~ m HAL,R.ET of '" [ ' Suffolk County Recording & Endors_emep_t Page To I0 TD / I' I ~itl, Company Information SUFFOLK COUNTY CT.IRK RECORDS OFF'rCI RECORDTNG PAG~ Type of :rnstrument= DEEDS/DDD l~,~er of~ Pages: 4 Rmcm4pt l~-~her : 05-0071345 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-48285 1000 Deed Amount: Recorded= LZBER: P~GE: Section: Block: 064.00 02.00 BX~(ZNED AND CH~tG~'~ ~S FOLLOWS $429,500.00 o?/o8/2oos 04:38:36 lq( Received ~ Foll~i~ Fees For Above Znetrunent ~t Page/Filing $12.00 NO Hand/tng cee $5.00 'NO NYS SRCHG EA-C~rg $5.00 NO EA-BTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copies RFT $30.00 NO SCT~ Transfer tax $1,718.00 NO Camm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX ND~BERI 04-48285 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THZS IS NOT A BILL D00012396 819 Edward P.Romaine County Clark, Suffolk County Lotl 025.000 $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.o0 $0.00 $5,590.00 $7,460.00 PL~SE ~PE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INS~U~IONS: h~p'J/www.or~.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 · REAL PROPEKrY TRANSFER REPORT I..O.~.~,Nm..~o. I "~ RP 5217 6. t)Nd · ~.. I Barkan Fo~ders Path I Southold I 11971 I I Rene F. I Margaret I I ,J J eo~Porceb o~ [~ emo~,P,,cd I~d~mh,td,NueC~ud~mh,Vep~. j Judith E. j B ~] 2 m 3 F~mdy R~idontiel DJ] Noe,qesidentlel vlam Land IS~" ,.~o.~.~o. I I 05 / 12 / 05 I t3. r~usd,~,k= I , , , A,~ ,q ,~ .f~ ,O ,o.ol ,4. btdem~ovduodoe,sond I ..... 0 I ~'~"' ~'~ ~'""~' i ~ .e, ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON - Date ihould tuftee! the ~t Final ~nt ~11 a~ T~ ill I I 1000-64.00-.02.00-025.00 I I I I I I I ~FI~ON I Bum / / BUYERS ,.J lox 10 I Beechwood Road Hohokus I NJ I 07423 SEU~ER 516 I 676-1610 NEW YORK STATE COPY