HomeMy WebLinkAboutZBA-03/27/2008 Hearing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BO~LRD OF APPEALS COUNTY OF SUFFOLK: STATE OF NEW YORK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ZONING BO~LRD OF APPEALS Southold Town Hall Southold, New York March 27, 2008 9:45 a.m. Board Menfoers Present: GERARD P. GOEHRINGER - Chairman/Meraber (JA/~ES DINIZlO, JR. - Member - ABSENT) RUTH D. OLIVA - Member MICHAEL A. SIMON - Member LESLIE KANES WEISMAN - Member LINDA KOWALSKI - Board Assistant KIERAN CORCORA/q - Assistant Town Attorney (9:45-end) dAN - 7 2009 Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 O :S:NAL 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 INDEX OF HEARINGS Hearing: Christopher and Elizabeth Graseck #6135 JSC Resources #6137 Paul and Cheryl Ragusa #6138 Frank and Antoinette Notaro #6136 Richard and Pamela Frerking #6141 Robert F. and Patricia Friemann #6139 Karen Mazzaferro #6139 Thomas and Paulette Giese #6143 Joanne and John Gouveia #6144 David Fisher #6126 Lia Polites and Kevin Ferro #6129 Donald and Janis Rose #6130 Spyro Avdoulos #6145 Page: 3-29 29-43 43-105 105-108 108-124 124-145 145-152 152-153 153-160 160-163 163-193 193-208 218-238 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Call meeting to order. Motion? BOARD MEMBER: So moved. HEARING #6135 - Christopher and Elizabeth Graseck MEMBER OLIVA: ~Request for Variances under Sections 280-116 and 280-124, based on the Building Inspector's February 5, 2008 amended Notice of Disapproval concerning a new single-family dwelling (after demolition of the existing dwelling) for the reasons that the new construction will be: (a) less than 25 feet on a single side yard, and (b) less than 25 feet for total side yard setbacks, and (c) less than the code-required 100 feet from the bank or bluff landward of the shore or beach of Long Island Sound. Location: 1910 Leeton Drive, Southold; CTM 58-2-12." CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody that's being heard on this? Hi, can you come up and use the mike? State you name for the record, please. MRS. GRASECK: Betsy Graseck and I'm the PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscri~ionSe~ice (631)878-8355 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 homeowner with my husband, Christopher Graseck, and we are looking to expand the house for two reasons. First, there is some structural weakness in the house and, second, we have a growing family, two small children, age 1 and 4 who now share a room, but at some point they're not going to be happy with that. So we would like just to let you know who we are, what we're doing, and why we wanted to expand it here as opposed to selling and moving somewhere else. Leeton Drive is a very special place for us. Three reasons, first, my husband grew up on Leeton Drive. During the summer both grandparents have houses on Leeton Drive and he is very excited that our children are going to be fourth generation users of the beach. Second is my best friend lives across the street where I'd been (inaudible) with her for the past thirty years until I was able to find my own place. Third, my husband and I did meet on the beach about eight years ago (inaudible) you know where that is. So we're obviously very tied to that area and my mother-in-law lives here right down the block Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 from us and our daughter is already running back and forth since age 3-1/2 to visit (Inaudible) everyday. His dad lives over on Bayview and his uncle lives in Cutchogue, retired Police Officer of Southold. Our proposal does enable us to have, you know, enough bedrooms for myself and my husband, obviously, and our daughter and our son and then, you know, my mom who comes from Garden City from time to time. I heard there was some concerns about the use of our attic, so I asked the architect to change the access to the attic to a pull-down staircase, which is now reflected in the plan. We also are being neighborly in trying to address our neighbors' concerns here and we initially asked for the house to go back, I don't know, something like 26 feet or so. We couldn't go back as far as we had initially requested due to the fact that we needed to have enough room for the cesspools so we had to move it back up a bit and we moved it up as little as possible so that we could minimize the disruption to their view down towards Horton's Point. In addition, we're pulling 5 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 back the second floor deck three feet to make sure that the view that they have towards Horton's Point is as minimally disrupted as possible while enabling us to have a chair outside. Additionally, renovations will require to remove some large trees which are in between, you know, on our property and should impr~v~ the water views for the neighbors across the street. Obviously, the environmental impact it'll have on an ongoing basis improved because it'll now be gutters that'll reduce erosion. Moving back the house from the beach helps dune creation. The new septic system will be a significant improvement over the outdated cesspool and as well the dormers are enabling airflow into the house which is used for the air conditioning. We're excited about the opportunity to be able to improve the property and allow a fourth generation of Grasecks and (inaudible) to enjoy the beach, which has been a focal point of our family and become a part of the community going forward. MEMBER OLIVA: I just wanted to say we Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 were all down there, but I was very happy to see that you've moved the house back from the bulkhead, which looks to me to be in very good shape, by the way. MS. GRASECK: Thank you. MEMBER OLIVA: And you've kept all the natural plantings around there. If you keep that, I don't have any problem with what you're doing. I think it's a good job. MS. GRASECK: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could you just reflect on the 24 percent, which is 4 percent over on the lot coverage? MS. GRASECK: Well, I think that happened because the initial plans that we submitted were shown without the front deck that's right next to the water, there today. MEMBER OLIVA: MS. GRASECK: pull those down. so -- right, which is what exists Yeah. But our expectation is to We're going to remove that, CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: But you're replacing them with a deck? MS. GRASECK: No, we were asked to draw Pugliese Cou~ Reposing and TranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 8 those on, so we have a -- MEMBER OLIVA: Small deck. MS. GRASEcK: We have a front deck that's attached to the house. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MS. GRASECK: And it's my understanding that that one structure is 20 percent. Is that right? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. MS. GRASECK: And then the -- so it's 24 percent? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No. MS. GRASECK: The architect is here. He can discuss it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MS. GRASECK: But the piece, the deck that's on the waterside I mean, that's going to get removed -- MEMBER OLIVA: Good. MS. GRASECK: -- and that whole duck-walk towards that gets removed. So that'll be allowed to become natural vegetation. MEMBER OLIVA: beach grass there. MS. GRASECK: You could plant that nice Yes, absolutely. My Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 husband is a biology teacher. MEM~3ER OLIVA: Oh, good. MS. GRASECK: A~nd he is very keen -- I mean we put a bunch of, you know, in there. ME~ER OLIVA: Oh good. MS. GRASECK: Yeah over the last -- they're very small still. CHAIRMA3~ GOEHRINGER: Before you leave Mrs. Graseck, we need to go down the other side to see if our wonderful Board members also from the other side need to ask you any questions. MS. GRASECK: Sure. MEMBER WEISM3~N: Good morning. MS. GRASECK: Hi. MEMBER WEISF~N: You are actually moving the house closer to the road. I'd like to ask you exactly how many feet closer to the road you'll be in terms of -- MS. GRASECK: Can I ask the architect the answer to the technical questions? beach palms MEMBER WEISM3LN: Sure. C}{AIRMJLN GOEHRINGER: Mr. just mention your name please Notaro, would for the record? Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. NOTARo: Yes, Frank Notaro. I'm the architect for the Grasecks on this project. The drawing prepared by John (Inaudible), the surveyor, shows 58.5 feet from the proposed hip of the house to the road, to our lot line. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. NOTARO: Previous to that I don't have an exact measurement on there, but I do have another drawing that we had prepared showing our lot and the adjacent lot next door. I don't have an exact measurement, but I can give you this drawing and I can Provide you that information. MEMBER OLIVA: We have. MR. NOTARO: The basic house itself from the tip of the front of the old house is moving back approximately 19 feet to the house. The deck takes up and then it goes back out 9 feet to the proposed deck. So, you know, we're moving the house substantially further back. The Grasecks had numerous conversations with the next door neighbor and what the affects of the proposed dwelling might be to their view. So we tried to adjust Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the house, actually, Betsy had instructed us to move the house even further towards the road and then we got negative feedback from the Health Department that there was not enough room for -- P/EMBER OLIVA: For your septics. MR. NOTARo: -- the septic system and also to have on-site parking, too. MEMBER OLIVA: Yes. MEMBER WEISMJ~N: Basically the reason I was asking is cause I can't see documentation of what's existing in terms of the front yard setback. I'd like to have the record reflect the number of feet that you're increasing the distance from the bluff and the number of feet that you're actually changing the setback from the existing house to the street frontage. MR. NOT~LRO: Yes. If you keep the existing structure on the property, which is a shed storage building, the new house is approximately about 6 feet further towards the road from that. MEMBER WEISMAN: for. That's all I'm looking MR. NOTA~O: If I may, I have another 11 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 12 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 drawing that we prepared that I can -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Sure. CHAIRMA/q GOEHRINGER: We'll take it. MR. NOTARo: It shows basically the neighbor's property cause this is how we tried to design the house to accommodate the neighbor. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We'll pass that right down. MR. NOTARO: This is existing and the proposed dwelling. It's an overlay and it's about 6 feet beyond the shed. MEMBER WEISM3%N: Beyond the shed. BOARD ASST.: Just for the record, they are labeled with the date of November 14, '07 and there are two sheets both labeled "A site". MR. NOTARO: If I can give you one other drawing, this is the existing house down the street and this is kind of (inaudible). This puts in perspective our proposed house relative to the other one in terms of heights. This one meets the criteria. BOARD ASST.: What's the height of this house? Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. NOTARo: Well the way they took it I believe from this point (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right, right, right. MR. NOTARo: (Inaudible). That's neither here nor there, this is not an official document, but just to give kind of an idea on what has been built and what we're proposing. M-EMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, this is not a -- these are not site plans we have in our files. MR. NOTA~RO: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Hold on. Hold on. We're just going to reflect that the second submission, okay, is a reflection of a house several hundred feet to the east as it is compared to the proposed house, okay. We're going to mark that. Do you want to put a submission number on that? BOARD ASST.: Yeah, I just want to mention that it's labeled as drawing A3, dated January 7, '07. It says renovation and addition to the Graseck residence, but I don't know that it is. I think that this is the house that's further down the road. MR. NOTARO: Yes, right. Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and TranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t4 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMJU~ GOEHRINGER: Well, this is the Graseck house here. MR. NOTARO: It's not a stamped drawing. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right, thank you. MR. NOT~RO: My client asked for that as a reference so we drew that. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, that's just a comparative site plan showing the citing of the existing dwelling to the west. The proposed lot coverage is 24 percent. On the survey I'm looking to see -- I don't see where the existing because this is a survey of the proposed citing, what is the existing lot coverage of the structure (inaudible)? MR. NOTARO: I don't know if I (inaudible). I can provide you the lot coverage. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'd like to know the (inaudible). MR. NOTARO: What's throwing us over the top is the existing decks out the back, primarily. In subsequent conversations with one of the Graseck neighbors they have also recently pulled back the upper deck about three feet to increase the view of the PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 15 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 neighbor, for what it's worth, it doesn't change the proposed footprint at all. MEMBER WEISMAN: So the existing decks that are on the waterfront side, seaward decks, those are being removed? MEMBER OLIVA: Yeah. MR. NOTARO: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: And a deck be built back there, MEMBER OLIVA: you have. is going to but it's substantially -_ It's almost like the one MEMBER WEISMAN: It looks like on the site plan it says on the survey. MR. NOT~RO: first and second floor decks Oh, that's the proposed. That's the new proposed house and decks. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's what I'm saying, there will be a deck first and second story deck on the new house. MR. NOTD2qO: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: On the waterside. next BOARD ASST.: MS. GRASECK: to the water. MEMBER WEISMlkN: On the waterside. On the waterside, but not You're not going all the PuglJese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2OO8 way up to the bulkhead. MS. GRASECK: Right. So there is a structure right now (inaudible). MEMBER OLIVA: Is it going across the width of the house, the new deck? MR. NOTARo: It will. MEMBER OLIVA: It will and how wide? ~fR. NOTARO: How wide? be from the house? MEMBER OLIVA: Um-hmm. MR. NOTARo: Right now it's proposed at 9 feet. (Inaudible) supposed to have this other set of drawings of the (inaudible) those are the proposed (inaudible) of the house and this is the, I'll open this and show you, the proposed deck coming out 9 feet across the bottom and on the bottom and on the top Mrs. Graseck said that she wanted to bring the deck back three feet. So it'll short little flat skirt on that, so that that deck will only be 6 feet. MEMBER WEISF~AN: 6 feet. The new deck will We're having difficulty Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 MR. NOTA~RO: 5 feet -- BOARD ASST.: 16 6 feet overall. It's about 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 17 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 getting all this on the record. Perhaps you could use the mike, please, we don't have a court reporter here. Thank you, appreciate that. MR. NOTARo: I was just clarifying the drawings a little bit. The proposed deck is proposed to come out 9 feet overall, which gives us about 8 foot usable deck area off the face of the house. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. According to this site plan that you've just submitted of the before and after with the existing and proposed -- MR. NOTARO: Yes. MEMBER WEISMA_N: -- I see which portions of the existing deck are being removed and where the new proposed deck attached to the house is. It would appear that there is, on this drawing, I just want to have you clarify it, there is evidence of the wooden platform still remaining up near the bulkhead. MR. NOT/fRO: Well, I left it on the drawing cause it's an existing condition right nOW. MEMBER OLIVA: You really need it. Pugliese Cou~ Reposing and TranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 18 way, ~fR. NOTA_Ro: Excuse me? MEMBER OLIVA: I would assume that, you really need that. MR. NOTARo: No -- MEMBER WEISMA3N: No, this piece. in a Are you ME/~BER OLIVA: No? I mean just at the top of the stairs. MR. NOTARo: Well, I -- the client is not down for the record as saying that she's removing it. My suggestion to everybody would be, yes, this would have a path up from the stairs back to the house. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. NOTARO: So again you let all the vegetation regrow in that area. MEMBER WEISM3LN: Exactly. Well, I guess what I'm asking is to what extent is this a schematic and to what extent is this a final site plan? We really need to -- in o~her words, what I'd really like to make sure we have -- MR. NOTARO: Yes. MEMBER WEISF~LN: proposed plan. -- clearly is the final Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 19 MR. NOTARo: Sure. MEMBER WEISMAN: This just came to us and I had some questions about lot Coverage and you know setbacks. The setbacks are answered now, but I'd like to see the information. If you remove this piece, although it's at grade, I mean, lot Coverage may be considered differently. MR. NOTARO: It's actually above grade so it's included. MEMBER WEISMAN: This is why it's included. MR. NOTARO: It's a real structure, it's not like it's laid on grade. MEMBER WEISMAN: Alright, so it's on piers. MR. NOTARO: Yes. So we were asked to include that on the (inaudible) site plan. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. If that's going to be removed, it would certainly change your lot coverage. MR. NOTARO: Correct. MEMBER WEISMAN: And that would certainly be moving it forward with something the Board would find appealing. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MR. NOTARo: Yes. MEMBER WEISM3kN: Obviously, the smaller variance we can grant is what we're going to try and accomplish. MR. NOTARo: Absolutely. I have had about 15 (inaudible) back and forth with my clients. This is kind of an ongoing response to -- I have to actually state a little ignorance about that deck. I was not aware that it was actually coming off totally. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. MR. NOTARO: We will discuss that to get you a plan of something that will be environmentally sensitive. MEMBER OLIVA: Give us the dimensions and the lot coverage. MR. NOTARO: Right. MEMBER OLIVA: I have to write it. MR. NOTARO: At this point, we were improving the deck. Again with trying to be receptive to the neighbors, the environment to move the house back from the (inaudible) this is kind of a new idea. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, these are, you PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscri~ionSe~ice (631)878-8355 2O 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZBA To~n~ of Southold - March 27, 2008 21 know, old lots. I live on Soundview, so we're neighbors. I walk by your existing house frequently, daily. This is typical of the lots, they were all small kind of summer cottages and over time I'm glad to see what you're proposing is not another enormous kind of house like many houses along this that have become quite large. So I don't really have a problem with the variances on the side yard because typically the side yards are very small and if you're going to -- and it's very dune-like and if you're going to leave that nature topography, in particular, I think that that works fairly well. I don't see it as a big problem. Certainly there's enough room for emergency equipment to get through and so on, but I would like to clarify what your final proposed lot coverage is and exactly what the front yard setback is, the rear is established on the survey. It could even be a letter, you know, or final drawing; whatever the Board decides. MR. NOTARO: I'll get those to you. MEMBER WEISMJLN: It's important for us to deliberate on the final specifics that you Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 22 intend to -- BOARD ASST.: Now, is this drawing the same as the other site plans because (inaudible)? MEMBER WEISMltN: The one that you've submitted now? I think -- MR. NOTARo: We're going to have a -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Not really. BOARD ASST.: The one that you are going to be submitting. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes, because we need to see if that deck is going to be removed. A site plan that shows exactly what's Droposed and on the survey a new proposed lot coverage. MR. NOTARO: Yes and a dimension from the front yard. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes. MEMBER OLIVA: Yes and where the drywells are going. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The only problem I have, Mr. Notaro, is that on the other two submissions you made today we really need copies for everybody. Do you -- so we need copies of them so we could give them to everybody. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Is there anything you would like to reflect on regarding the neighbors, the Steele's, and their letter to the Board? MR. NOTA_RO: No, well that's -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. NOTARo: -- an interesting question. We could have gone higher with the house, the client chose not to. The pitch of the upstairs roof is about 7-1/2, 7 and 12. We could have gone to a 9 and 12 and that would have still put us below the height restrictions of the Town. We chose not to. We tried to keep that as a iow profile, but we added some dormers to it to give it a little interest and also as just to address (inaudible) it's also to increase (inaudible) of the house. So we were kind of sensitive to the height issues here. The question of what their requirements were, that was given to us and we tried to make that work the best we could on that site plan. So the square footage reflects that. The deck area we have had sort of discussions and the client is willing to cut that back on the second floor a little bit, again, it's Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 24 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 really the requirements that were given to us and again trying to be sensitive to the issues of the property. You know the house next door is a two-story house. It's a short two-story house, but it nevertheless is on the site drawing a two-story house. This is really considered now a two-and-a-half story house and we didn't attempt to go up higher and it's kind of (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could you just give us the elevation of the house in that letter, also? MR. NOTARO: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: that is. The proposed house, MR. NOTARO: Yup. MEMBER SIMON: First of all, I'm glad you addressed the question of the neighbor's letter. I think it's quite laudable that you make efforts, reasonable efforts to try and accommodate the neighbors' concerns in building a house. Just for the record, though, I think it should be clear, strictly speaking, you are not legally required to attend to the views of people whose property Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Sewice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 is off that house. So I think it's good to be responsive to it. That question isn't so much before us with regard to the fact that when Somebody builds a house across the street from you that you don't see as much as you did before. Sometimes, from my own case, I wish it were possible given what's happened where I live in New Suffolk; however, that's the point I'm just saying you're to be commended for taking these things into concern, it's good neighborly, and so on, to the extent that it is possible and reasonable. I am concerned, and in some ways this has been covered by Leslie and by Gerry, the lot coverage issue. Quite frankly, I'm confused and that's why I'm glad that more things are going to be provided. What the application does call for is a demolition and, technically, of course, when you start again what existed previously doesn't have a whole lot of force and, in fact, the lot coverage of the house that is being proposed is almost one-third more than the other house occupying it and I think there are good reasons why the applicant needs a larger house; however, in Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 addition, it is 20 percent more than the Code and so it's very important for us to know, think, exactly what the proposed lot coverage will be. It's important to know which part of the decks are subject to the lot coverage requirement and which parts are not and before we can fully review it and consider the requests for a 20 percent variance with respect to lot Coverage, I think we just need to have this kind of information. MR. NOTARO: Well, that number will go down. MEMBER SIMON: Yes, that's what I'm looking forward to seeing. MR. NOTARO: (Inaudible) the existing deck when it's (inaudible). So that number will go down substantially. MEMBER SIMON: Right. Good. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's wonderful. I don't have any specific questions, at this time, Mr. Notaro. We thank you. Let's see what develops. Is there anybody else who would like to speak for or against this application? Yes, ma'am. Would you kindly state your Pugliese Cou~ Reposing and Transcri~ionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 name for the record? MS. ~2~ELLO: My name is (inaudible) A~nello (sic) and I live next door. UNIDENTIFIED: Spell that, please. MS. ~NELLO: A-N-E-L-L-O. I live next door to Betsy Graseck. I'm the person they were talking about the decks in the backyard and the view. She -- CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: So you live to the west? MS. ANELLO: I live to the west of her. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We have to establish that because we've had some People that didn't know which geographic location when you speak about what you're doing. MS. ~LNELLO: Okay, just to the west. She has been very accoramodating and we now -- we've been talking a lot about how to preserve some of my water view that I'm going to be losing and she has really gone OUt of her way above and beyond trying to help us preserve some of the view that we currently have and I appreciate it and that's why I think she deserves to have this new home that she certainly needs it. Her family is growing and PuglieseCou~ ReDo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 she is just an -- she drove out early this morning to come over and look at -- to stand upstairs and look out the window and say okay so what can we do to, you know, make this good for the both of us and, you know, she really is trying for everybody involved to not try and build a McMansion, which everybody calls the other house. So I just wanted to let everybody know that, you know, she is trying to not make this house into something that everybody is going to be upset about and I appreciate it. I know everyone appreciates it and I know she's gonna make the uDDer deck -- she's changing. She's going to make it instead of 8 feet to 6 overall, but she's willing to cut that a little bit so I don't lose as much of my view and I think it's great. Hopefully, this will work out for her so I just wanted to stand up here and say that she deserves this house and if there's anything that we can do to help her (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you very much. Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Is there anybody else who would like to Speak? Seeing no hands, we just go back to Mr. Notaro, so you're going to give us all the information we're requesting and does the Board have any other requests of the architect at this time? MEMBER WEISMAN: No. I'll make a resolution that we close the hearing, pending submission of the requested material. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Do I hear a second? MEMBER OLIVA: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING #6137 - JSC Resources, James Zizzi, President MEMBER SIMON: "Request for a Variance under Section 280-15, based on the Building Inspector's February 11, 2008 Notice of Disapproval concerning an as-built accessory swimming pool situated in a side yard rather than the code- required rear yard, at 3190 Haywaters Road, Cutchogue; CTM 111-11-13." Now I note that that is a corner property Pugliese Cou~ Repo~ingand Transcri~ionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 3O ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 and I just ask a meaty question which you will not mind. NfRS. MOORE: No, it's not a corner property. MEMBER SIMON: What? MRS. MOORE: It's not a corner property. ME/~BER SIMON: It's not? It's not on the corner of -- it does not have two front yards? MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Then I'm mistaken. MRS. MOORE: That's okay. MEMBER SIMON: (Inaudible) -- MRS. MOORE: Yeah, it's a little confusing over there cause everybodys kind of (inaudible). MEMBER SIMON: Right. MRS. MOORE: It's one off of Kerry Street. MEMBER SIMON: One off of Kerry, okay. MRS. MOORE: Yeah. It's up on the hill. MEMBER SIMON: Yeah, I've seen it. I've seen it and I didn't realize when I walked on that side (inaudible). MRS. MOORE: Okay. No, that's fine. CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: ~Lny other Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 31 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 questions, Michael? MEMBER SIMON: No, I'm just inviting Ms. Moore to explain why there is an application for a variance. MRS. MOORE: Okay, I would be pleased to. Thank you. Good morning. And I apologize, I didn't know that there was one before me so I was premature in coming up to the podium. I have James Zizzi here who is the owner and builder of this beautiful home and pool, and I have Mrs. Hill who is the contract (inaudible) who is hoping to close on this as soon as we have a determination of this variance. From your inspection it would be very obvious why it was necessary to put the pool in the side yard. The sanitary, this property is very typical of Nassau Point properties where they're long, narrow, unusually configured and to show the property itself is, again, long and narrow with a tremendous amount of road frontage on Haywaters Road and relatively the depth of the property is 156 on the widest point where the house is and narrows down to 88 feet or so on the south Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 side of the property. The sanitary system is in the rear yard. The property is well sloped. You can see beautiful terraces that were built and the flat area, the plateau of the property, is for the most part where the house is and where the pool is. So when they were, Mr. Zizzi was designing the structure and the pool, it was obvious that it had to be in the side yard. What happened is just a typical -- but sometimes it happens to people, where he applied with a building permit for the house and the pool to be built at the same time. He got his permit and somewhere along the line there was a notation that they hadn't issued the permit for the pool. They didn't realize it, they had filed away the paperwork, and posted the sign, which had no indication on it. The Building Department inspected it routinely with the typical inspection process that goes on in construction of a house and nobody mentioned that the pool -- it didn't become clear that the pool wasn't included or didn't have a permit until the buyer did a search of the records, which typically is done Pugliese Cou~ Reposing and Transcription Sewice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 33 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 when you're buying a house. The Title company does a search of the permits on the property and, lo and behold, where's the permit for the pool. They went back, looked, and here we are today. They had to properly come before the Board and ask for a variance for a pool in a side yard. I think that given the circumstances, again, the sanitary, the dimensions of the property, the slope of the property and the fact that Nassau Point has routinely required variances for accessory buildings that's either a front yard because of the way a corner lot -- there are lots of streets in Nassau Point or an accessory structure in a side yard. The Board would have, I think, reasonably approved this application. I'm hoping that you would (inaudible) that accept for the fact that it's as-built, there really is no other logical location for this pool. I had Mr. Zizzi provide me, because I know it's an issue that we always deal with, proper drainage with respect to the pool filter. We provided for you or he provided Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 34 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 for me and I passed on to you, the (Inaudible) pool filter system, which is a very unique pool system that requires no drain. It is used routinely on the South Fork, particularly because of the environmental issues that they deal with on waterfront properties and this is the system that is in place here. So when you don't see a drain for the pool filter there are proper drains in accordance with the Code for the house. So the house is all properly - - all drainage issues are covered very completely on this house. The pool has a non -- has a pool filter that doesn't require the drain. So he did provide that to us. I have for you, and just for the record because I know you -- many of the Board members have been on the Board for a very long time and I know that you're familiar with Nassau Point, but I have just a quick research of the other properties' tax map numbers just in the region of where Haywaters and Harrington, I do know Nassau Point is quite large and there's a lot of variances all throughout, but I have a handful of variances that have been issued in the past for very PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscri~tionSe~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 35 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 similar structures in Some -- one instance it's a tennis court, an accessory structure, but otherwise they're pools. So I'm just going to put that on the record for the Board, in the file, but know the Board is Point. I do know (inaudible) I do quite familiar with Nassau I can answer any other question you might have. Mr. Zizzi is here and I know Mrs. Hill would just like to introduce herself and address the Board for just a moment. MEMBER SIMON: Gerry, I'd like to ask a comment first. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sure. MRS. MOORE: Yes, go ahead. MEMBER SIMON: Just to add a comment, I'm glad you addressed the question and discussed about the location of the pool at the very outset and this is a good application, a test that some of us like to use when considering an as-built, that is would the variance have reasonably been granted had it been sought at the proper time and I'm glad that you addressed that point. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just need to ask Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 36 a preliminary question. Is there any enclosure around the pool -- I've been to the site twice and believe it or not I kind of -- I was rather enamored with the pool and I forgot all about looking at the equipment. MRS. MOORE: It is a gorgeous house and (inaudible) I came back from my inspections and gave him a big pat on the back. It is a beautiful, beautiful property and beautiful house. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MRS. MOORE: I know Mrs. Hill and her family are going to be very happy there. There is a fence and there is patio. Everything is showing on your survey. So if you have the survey it pretty much shows all of the terraces and -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: But is there any soundproofing enclosure around the pool filter? MRS. MOORE: Oh, around the pool filter there is some shrubbery. I think there -- yeah, there's (inaudible). I remember seeing it cause I did look. I'll let you answer. Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 $ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 37 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. ZIZZI: Yeah, I'm James Zizzi, Z-I-Z- Z-I. I'm the builder/owner. What I did is I dropped the pool equipment dow~ about 2-1/2 feet, so it's about 30 inches dropped and a stone wall that's actually -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Around it. MR. ZIZZI: The filter system is located more or less in the center of the lot and I have landscaping around the filter, which basically Screens it. So if you're at the pool, you don't even see the equipment cause it's below the wall and the shrubbery there. CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: Are there any -- is there any noise emanating from the filter when it's running? MR. ZIZZI: Not at all. Not at all. CHAIRMiLN GOEHRINGER: That's the reason why I omitted the -- Okay, is there any anticipation on your part or any anticipation from the potential buyer to enclose this pool in any way? I mean roof it over, make a room out of it, make a -- MR. ZIZZI: Okay, what we will consider is probably we're going to make an application to the Building Department for a conforming Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 38 location for cabanna in the rear yard, but it will be in a conforming location. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. Thank you. MR. ZIZZI: (Inaudible) and I've been building for 30 years. This is the second variance I've gotten in 30 years, I've built over 350 homes. This is the first one that I incorrectly build 250 square feet more than an architect did ask me -- where we ran into a problem here is typically the process that comes out of the Building Department with the structure that was supposed to be on it. My office received the paperwork and in the paperwork body is the paper permit that just says, '~Note: No Pool." Ironically, I'm building a house on Nassau Point Road right now and the applicant, the Santiagos, applied for a building permit with a swimming pool in a side yard on a bluff. I received paperwork from the Building Department. I received a letter explaining to me that I'd have to file for a variance and it was very clearly depicted to us on all the forms that we had a problem. When we didn't see this, it's (inaudible) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 39 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 there, it's my mistake. I accept it as the builder, I built the pool, but I had it inspected through the whole process with th~ municipality. The building inspectors were there, they saw it, they never once brought up to us, and if I would have known that I would have corrected it then, and to be honest with you I have a CO of the property, I h~ve ~h~ CA in my file. When the client decided they wanted to purchase it, it was not through a search, it was through our discovery that we noticed that we didn't have a CO for the pool. We contacted the municipality, they told us we didn't have it and we immediately went forward with the ZBA. I apologize for it, it was an error, and I can assure you now my secretary will be reading everything. CHAIRMA~N GOEHRINGER: Before you leave there may be a question from Ms. Leslie Weisman. MEMBER WEISMAN: Good morning. MR. ZIZZI: Good morning. MEMBER WEISMAN: Thank you for submitting the information for the file about the nature of the equipment. The way the acoustics and Pugliese Coum RepoSing and TranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the topography of the citing work there'll 40 be no issue or problem with any noise consequence or any necessary -_ you've done ~v~ry mitigating circumstance that this Board would likely have conditioned any kind of a pool in a side yard for. I would reflect on the record that the topography is such that frora ~aywat~r th~r~ i~ no way you're even going to see this pool because the elevation changes so dramatically. There are so many mature trees along the periphery of the property and it's set back so far from the other neighbors, basically, that -- and again, given the topography, there is no other alternative for a pool, but the location in which you've placed it. There isn't a lot coverage issue and, you know, I see absolutely no problem with this application. MR. ZIZZI: We did do a lot with the landscaping. I brought in quite a few trees cause the neighbor at the corner of Harrington I had met him when he was building his permit house there and I had told him I would plant heavily that border, which I did do, and I PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 41 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 also planted the rear buffer line also. MEMBER WEISMAN: You did, indeed. So it's vegetative screening that is typical of the kind of thing we might have Suggested as a condition and granted a variance of this sort for the very reasons you did the planting, which is to protect everybody's privacy. So you did a beautiful job. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just jumping in, excuse me, Leslie. I apologize. Just jumping in there for a second. You have relatively contacted the neighbors, they're aware of the situation and everybody seems to be okay with this? MR. ZIZZI: The house has been posted. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MEMBER OLIVA: No, just I was very impressed really with the landscaping. The pool is gorgeous and there really isn't any other place to put the pool unless you put a tiny little lap pool in the rear yard. So I really don't have a problem with it. You did a good job. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Let's see what else develops throughout the hearing. We thank you Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 875-8355 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 for your opinion and your statements. Hi, MRS. Hill. CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: How do you do? MRS. HILL: I'm glad to be here and to meet you. My husband, Steven, is sorry he's not going to be here today. He had spinal surgery a few weeks ago and he is home suffering painfully, but we saw this house in Nassau Point and the swimming pool, for his rehabilitation, is crucial because of course for the next two years, maybe the rest of his life, he needs pool therapy. So that's why this pool is extremely important that we have it. We are in the process of retiring. I'm retired. My husband is retired and we're planning on moving out here full-time and becoming an active member of this wonderful community. We've been in love with this area since 1975 when he had his first spinal surgery and we've been coming out here with a small boat since then and now we're looking forward to becoming permanent residents. Pugliese Cou~ Reposing and TranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 just state your name for the record. HILL: Hi. Good morning. Linda 42 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 43 We thank you for your consideration and we hope that the process will be speedily resolved. Thank you so very much for this opportunity. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. Is there anybody else who would like to speak for or against this application? Seeing no hands, I'll raake a motion closing the hearing, reserving decision until later. MEMBER OLIVA: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING #6138 - Paul and Cheryl Ragusa MEMBER WEISMAN: '~Request for Variances under Sections 280-15 and 280-116, based on the Building Inspector's February 11, 2008 Notice of Disapproval concerning a proposed accessory swimming pool and raised terrace structures at less than 100 feet from the top of the bluff, and side yard location for the swimming pool rather than a code-required yard, at 1600 Hyatt Road, Southold; CTM 50-1-6." Is there anyone here who will addressing PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 44 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 this? Okay. The application, so I can clarify it, is for a gunite 16 foot by 32, is that right I can't read my writing, foot swimming pool and a raised stone terrace in the side yard. The pool would be setback at 24 feet from the bluff, while the Code requires 100 feet, and the terrace would be setback at 22.5~ from the bluff. I do have some questions, but I think we'll let you go ahead, Pat, and let you present your case. MRS. MOORE: Thank you. I just brought in a new aid in the process. I know Ural is here, Cheryl Ragusa the owner is here, and I also have Joe Fischetti, professional engineer who's going to be speaking to you regarding certain issues and he's here today as well. The original application that was submitted to the Building Department, my initial reaction to, the Ragusa's and to Ural, I said it was lovely, but I think it's too much and I think the Board may think it's too much. So right off the bat she was very receptive to my comments and we do have some PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 alternatives we would like to be considered because the important thing here is that we don't want to impact the bluff. /Lnybody who lives on the Sound they have the greatest interest to make Sure that whatever they do to their property is respectfully preserving their property. I know the Board is very cognizant about it and I think many of hearings that we had dealt with that issue. So right off the bat I'm going to tell you that the proposal has been significantly shaved down and we're going to discuss how you think it can be more approDriately sited, the pool can be more appropriately sited and the structure can be reduced. I'm going to begin by saying that there was a letter from a neighbor, I don't know if he's here today or not, but there was a letter and I think there were some statements in the letter that I want to clarify for the record. To begin with, this house and I'm familiar with the registered property because I was here before the Board when I came to add a typical second floor on an existing residence. I don't know why I didn't find it the first Pugliese Cou~ Repo~ingand TranscrJptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 46 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 time, but apparently there was an old 1967 variance that was granted for an accessory building in the front yard and actually in that variance it recited the fact that the house was already there and I think in our original estimate of when the house was constructed I assumed from the property (inaudible) it was the late ~60s. but in fact it would have been prior to 1967. So the house was there, the owner at the time was Hyatt and someone else. Weiss and Hyatt. So it was the original owners of Hyatt Road, they were involved in that aDDlication. Anyway, the house with respect to some of the accusations in the letter were that they built this house and didn't leave any room for a pool and, you know, tough on them. They should have really thought about it before they built their house. That's not the case, the house was there. We worked within the existing house, in fact, the addition that connected the new garage because the existing house was renovated and it's a beautiful house today. The existing garage is pushed forward precisely to leave room for the potential PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscriptionSe~ice (631)878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 5 6 7 47 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 patio and potential accessory structure should the time come that they would be ready to ask for it. So there is room or there -- we think that there is room and what I have and I'm going to have, actually, Ural come up because he can describe the different alternatives at this point. Just as Mr. Notaro, I think, earlier pointed out that there wer~ h~ti~ emails going back with the client as to the plan and it's a developing plan, I think we actually have a similar situation where we were trying to design a smaller structure from the moment I got involved and with Ural's held to try to bring something to you that would be acceptable and just keep in mind, LWRP comments and Coastal Erosion comments, and certainly neighbors' comments. Ural, why don't you -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: state your name MR. TALGAT: architect -- Ural, would you for the record, please? Ural Talgat, I'm the BOARD ASST.: MEMBER OLIVA: BOARD ASST.: Speak up, please It's not working. We have to move that up, Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and TranscriptJonSewice (631)878-8355 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 48 sorry. MR. TALGAT: Can you hear me now? MEMBER OLIVA: Much better. MR. TALGAL: Ural Talgat, I'm the architect and landscape architect. I'd like to present to the Board several options that we've been talking with with Pat and Mrs. Ragusa. I've developed five different options. Actually, three primary options from the setback from the bluff back to the pool. Design B, your first sheet should show there's 34 feet 5 inches back from the tod of the bluff to the edge of the pool. This is keeping in line with the house, the existing house that's there -- MRS. MOORE: Also point out -- sorry. MR. TALGAT: Point out, also, the setback from the property line is 15 feet within the setback of bu±ldable area. MRS. MOORE: One more thing we're going to point out, though, Ural cause I remember all these things that we've reduced down. There used to be a patio and retaining wall. The original plan had the pool -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 49 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MRS. MOORE: -- with a patio and retaining wall all integrated. MEMBER WEISMAN: Um-hmm. MRS. MOORE: That was -- go ahead. MiR. TALGAT: There's an existing retaining wall at the top of the page, I'm sorry it didn't print here very well, but there's an elevation mark at 75-76. That 75- 76 is the edge of the existing retaining wall. What we're trying to do also is add another retaining wall going further out towards the bluff and the purpose of that would be to catch any water that's going to be running down from the side of the terrace to that retaining wall and directing that water back towards the property. MEMBER OLIVA: The whole grade from the existing terrace, it just goes right down to the side there and then you have that gully going along the -- MR. TALGAT: Yes, yes. Well, we tried to direct all the water from that edge back towards the property instead of towards the bluff or to the neighbor. Right now it goes Pugliese Cou~ RepoSing and Transcription Sewice (631)878-8355 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 right to the neighbor and we're trying to catch that water, that's the purpose of that proposed retaining wall. MRS. MOORE: installed. MR. TALGAT: Yes, the drywells are still to be installed. MRS. MOORE: The house renovations are -- MR. TALGAT: Right, the gutters on the house, the downspouts. The gutters are still to be connected to proposed drywells that will happen on the property and we're still trying to catch all of the water that hit anywhere along the pool to be redirected back toward the property to drywells and right now we've taken away on this scheme and all the other schemes here, the terrace. We're not adding a terrace. The pool will be on grade surrounded by lawn. MEMBER OLIVA: You're still going to have to move it up with the grade, won't you, Ural? MR. TALGAT: Excuse me? MEM~BER OLIVA: Won't the grade have to be raised slightly? MR. TALGAT: No. The drywells are still to be Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, MEMBER OLIVA: No? MR. TALGAT: The pool at 51 2008 one edge will be level and as the grade falls away the pool will be up higher, but the grade, the natural grade, will fall down. We're not touching that at all. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. Okay. MR. T/LLGAT: The second schem~, D~sign C, is similar, in fact, that it's surrounded by lawn. We're taking away the terrace. We're still proposing a retaining wall along that northeasterly edge to catch the rainwater, but the pool is set back further away from the bluff. It's actually -- everything I based on from the house. It's setback from the edge of the house 6 feet back. So it's further back from the bluff 40 feet 2 inches at the closest point to the bluff and again it's surrounded by lawn. We're directing all of our water back towards the property to drywells. We're not putting any terracing around there. MRS. MOORE: If I could just point out -- we're going to do this in tandem, frick and frack here. One of the other, I'd like to point out that this proposal narrows the pool PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTranscri~ionSe~ice (631)878-8355 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 52 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 down, again, runs it parallel to the top of the bank, but because it's a narrower pool it pushes it 11 feet to the side yard and that was one of the variants initially. So I just want to point that out that we can't maintain in this plan she's unable to maintain the 15- foot setback from the side yard. So just note that on plan Design C. MR. TALGAT: Also, frick here, we're also diminishing the size of the pool from the original size of the pool, which was 16 by 32. In the first scheme to this scheme Design B it's 16 by 20, again Design C is also 16 by 20. We've diminished the pool size dramatically. If we move on to Design D now, there is actually a total of five alternate designs, it's similar, but it's a larger pool closer to the house, but in line with the face of the existing house. Everything, again, is similar, it's 11 feet back from the property line as our original submission to the ZBA. Also, our retaining wall is the same, we're still putting that out there, it's lawn and there is no terrace. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Design E is a little different. We're setting it back from the edge of the house. It's 6 feet back from the edge of the house, again, 40 feet 2 inches from the bluff at it's closest point to the pool. It's an L-shaped pool, which we're keeping 11 feet from the side yard of the property. We still putting the retaining wall out to catch all of the water, but it's just a different design. I think if you move on to Design F, again in this design there is no terracing. In Design F there is no terracing, it's similar to our first submission to the ZBA, except that we've taken out the terracing. We're still 11 feet away from the property line and 24 feet away from the top of the bluff. This is similar to the original application we've put in, except for the terracing. There is no terracing in this design. When I looked at this project, I can see three set -- actually two major setbacks. The first setback is setback away from the bluff. How far back should the pool be? The other setback is setback away from the property line. I've come up with several solutions Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 54 ZBA Tow~ of Southold - March 27, 2008 here for this. The pool in all of these situations have become a little bit smaller. The impact to grade has become much less because we're not putting a terrace down on the property. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Quick question and please excuse me for jumping in. Why is it necessary to have the steps on Design B as all the designs adjacent to the garage? Why can't you push the pool closer to the garage to gain a little more footage and then put the steps on the opposite side? MR. TALGAT: Right now, Design B. Design C, Design D and Design F what we were trying to do with that is have an automatic pool cover built into it. One portion of the pool, the coping has to be three feet in order to incorporate the mechanics of that automatic pool cover. When we do that, we need steps to come up that grade instead of having a slope down to it. Just a natural progression up a little bit higher. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: How wide are those steps? MR. TALGAT: 5 feet 11, Design B shows 5 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, feet 11 inches. CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: They can't be reduced to 3 feet? MR. TALGAT: Yeah, just narrow. We can, we can, but with all due respect, it's kind of narrow. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Because that at it's widest point then puts it 40 feet from the bluff and then at it's narrowest point puts it 37 feet or almost 37 feet. MR. TALGAT: Yes, yes. CHAIRMA2N GOEHRINGER: That could be done? MR. TALGAT: Yes, it can be done. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. I'll go back to -- MR. TALGAT: Can I add one other thing? CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: Sure. MR. TALGAT: This morning, I basically do a lot of fishing on the Sound, Horton's Point is one of my favorite places to fish from either it's surf fishing from the beach or it's from my little boat that I launch from Sound Beach and Horton's Point is lovely. I've noticed that to the east of Horton's Point there's been a lot of slides. This 55 2008 but at that point it's Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 56 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 morning when I walked and looked at this property and all the properties along the -- again it's the east side of this property -- I've noticed a couple of things. First of all, the toe of the bluff here it's flat. There's 12 to 15 feet from where there is no grass and the beach is. It goes in 15 feet and there's natural beach grass that's been growing there for several years. It doesn't look like it's been planted, it's just been naturalized. That's number one. The toe of the bluff starts 15 feet back from that and then goes up. The slope has not eroded away. All the existing trees are there and none of the trees have fallen causing any erosion and of all the properties from Horton's Point to this project property are much more severe in slope than this property and I had to walk that beach and I've seen that beach, I've seen actually landslides to the east and north of Horton's Point and this section of bluff, from my experience and I've been out here twenty years fishing on the Sound, has been very, very stable. MEMBER OLIVA: It looks stable. I looked Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 at it very carefully because we got a good report, too, from Soil and Water and advise the -- Mrs. Ragusa not to dump any leaves or anything else Over, even if a tree goes down, maybe take the tree down, but leave the roots in because it does hold the soil in. MR. TALGAT: Yes, absolutely. MEMBER OLIVA: Because sh~ has two ravines both on the east and west side that can -- MR. TALGAT: Absolutely. MEMBER OLIVA: -- just act as a drain for the water to be very careful that no water gets down there. MR. TALGAT: properties to the This morning there are east that I just saw a recent slide this winter, not on this property, properties to the east of her and to the north between Horton's Point and her property that this one tree had fallen and slid down that it was evident because of all that tree swinging back and forth and that eventually slides when the ground is wet and in this property we don't have any of those situations. It's a very stable, flat slope. PuglieseCou~ Repo~ingandTran$cri~ionSe~ice (631)878-8355 57 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Question, are the stairs at the Ragusa residence stable enough to walk down? MR. T~kLGAT: I believe I've seen them very stable. They look pretty old, they look like they've been there for a long time and I did not walk them. I can say that, but I've also walked the steps at Horton's Point and Horton's Point sticks out the furthest. They're very old, they're rickety, but they haven't moved. That bottom of that stair has been there ever since I've been surf fishing there. CHAIRM3LN GOEHRINGER: The reason I asked that question is because I'll be down over the weekend to walk down there. MR. TALGAT: Yes, definitely. Once you walk down there you see what's there, you'll understand how that bluff has been so stable. Thank you. CHAIRM~_N GOEHRINGER: We'll go back to you, we apologize. MRS. MOORE: Would it be a good time to have Joe Fischetti come before the Board because that may leave -- I mean, we're 58 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (63~) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 dealing with bluff issues and I thought that that would be a good time. MEMBER WEISM3kN: Let me have one look, Pat, just to look at questions I have there may be Some additional ones that -- MRS. MOORE: Yes, go ahead. CHAIRM3tN GOEHRINGER: While you're looking at questions can I just mention on~ thing about advertising? MEMBER WEISMAN: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. I think based upon your specific proposals, we probably are going to have to readvertise so this will be postponed until the next meeting and then we will take all of them into consideration. I'm not speaking for the Board, I will take all of them in consideration. I'm sure everybody will be able to voice their own opinions. MRS. MOORE: Yes. The only problem I have is the April meeting I'm out of the country, so -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MRS. MOORE: If it's hearing then I would ask that Right. going to reopen the it be -- 59 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 BOARD ASST.: In May, it's available in May. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: For May. MRS. MOORE: -- for the next available. BOARD ASST.: (Inaudible) interested if your amended plans are (inaudible) procedurally -_ MRS. MOORE: Well, what we wer~ trying to accomplish here today is giving you alternatives that showed you that if you provide us with, don't go closer than here, don't go closer than there, we will work within the footprint that you allow us to work under and what I wanted Ural to do is provide -- give the client an ability to understand what -- when you do create those setbacks that they're workable setbacks cause the last thing we need is -- BOARD ASST.: No, I maybe didn't explain myself, I'm sorry. The 15-foot setback in the side yard will not meet Code now, it's a new variance that is being triggered that has not been advertised? MRS. MOORE: That wasn't included in the -- cause I think the original proposal was at Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) $78-835S 60 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 61 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 11 feet. BOARD ASST.: has that in there? MRS. MOORE: Yes, the original pool was The original disapproval yeah. I believe that at 11 feet. MR. TALGAT: original pool was MRS. MOORE: That's correct. The at 11 feet. (Inaudible) side yard. knew that the side yard -- MR. TALGAT: BOARD ASST.: on the side yard. MRS. MOORE: noted and so was BOARD ASST.: MRS. MOORE: Yeah, side yard. I'm sorry, okay. This is hearing, but we'll wait and see. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: At the very least, if the people that are expressing a concern regarding this are present they need to see this application as it would be proposed and we have no idea how the Board is interested, in which one they are interested, which we appreciate by the way, collectively, I'll speak for the Board in that respect. So I PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 Yes. The side yard was the -- yes, okay good. (Inaudible). So we may not need that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 62 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 mean that needs to be shown to them. They need to be able to understand that and they may need also to go out and check it and come back and voice their opinion. So we'll leave that at the end of this whole -- MRS. MOORE: Yeah, that's to be determined. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Leslie, I apologize again. MEMBER WEISMAN: I guess this is a hot one. MRS. MOORE: Pools are always such hot issues. MEMBER WEISMAN: Just prior to talking about environmental impacts, I'm looking at Soil and Water. In the previous variance that was granted the Regusas for building the additions and alterations -- MRS. MOORE: Right. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- they were able, because of the fact that they were preexisting as close to the bluff as they are, to take advantage of being able to continue that footprint and build up and landward. There were conditions that were cited in that Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 63 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 variance having to do with, of course, the use of heavy machinery within 50 feet of the top of the bluff favoring being not permitted and being limited only to small light weight construction equipment. I know you're going to take care of roof runoff and all of that stuff relative to the house and drainage. No change in grade of the parcel between the top of the bluff and the dwelling. Grass, you know, a turf buffer area had to be removed between the dwelling and the top of the bluff (inaudible). Now, in terms of the construction of a pool seaward of the existing house, can you please address a little bit more about the way in which -- cause it's not cited, it's not drawn in, actually, either in section or on the site plan -- the way in which you're going to keep the topography unchanged, build a pool and redirect the water back toward the property with a proposed secondary structure, how does that get built without heavy equipment? MR. TALGAT: Heavy equipment, my question is what is heavy equipment? A bobcat, is that PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 64 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 heavy equipment? MEMBER WEISMAN: MR. TALGAT: No. be dug with a bobcat, No. I think this pool can if the Board basically states that. Whatever it will take to build this pool without heavy equipment, I'm sure will be taken into consideration and gone in that direction during construction. Now, with the question regarding grading and slopes. In these designs I've shown, I've tried to keep as close as possible grading up to the existing terrace stair. What I've done is made sure that the existing grades are changed a little bit so it directs water away from the bluff. In each one of these designs, I've changed the topography so to direct water instead of towards the bluff to the neighbor, I~ve been changing the topography a little bit using the edge of that existing terrace as a base point and directing water away from the bluff, away from the neighbors, put in a retaining wall out towards the bluff to catch any rainwater runoff that may move towards the neighbor and direct it back towards our property where we will catch that in drywells. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 65 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER WEISMAN: the drainage plan. plans. MR. TALGAT: grading. Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: them. MR. TALGAT: Yes. Okay, well we don't have What we have here are site This is a site plan with (Inaudible) lines are on the original submission there was a detail of the -- MR. TALGAT: This was the larger drawing showing the wall -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: When you speak Ural, you're going to have to speak to the microphone. MR. TALGAT: Microphone. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 MRS. MOORE: MR. TALGAT: MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) original plan? Yes. If you look at the large -- MEMBER WEISMAN: I doubt that that's really -- it doesn't show a retaining wall -- MR. TALGAT: I'm sorry, the drawing that I made a copy of these, the larger drawing had that double line up on the top of the sheet here. This double line here. Yes. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 66 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER WEISMAN: Alright. You're talking about the retaining wall in the side yard. MR. TALGAT: I'm talking about the retaining wall in the side yard. There's an existing retaining wall -- UNIDENTIFIED: They're talking at once. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We need a cut in between. MR. TALGAT: Sorry. MRS. MOORE: The only retaining wall that you're addressing is one that is along the property line, correct? MR. TALGAT: The retaining wall is on the subject property. It's along side the property line on our property and there is an existing retaining wall, which we are going to be extending out closer to the bluff, but not touching the bluff. It's basically in line with the existing terrace and that retaining wall, even though it may not be acting as a retaining wall, it's going to be acting as a curb to catch water to direct water back towards the property instead of towards the bluff. MRS. MOORE: I'd also point out that the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 67 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 pool backwash system, whether they use a backwash system or I'm going to give them the paperwork from my previous self-contained filter that backwash, the pool doesn't hearing on the requires no create the drainage, the drainage here of this property is the lawn area. The house retains the water from the roof runoff in drywells that are directed now with the new Code as well as with the prior Board decisions. The original house had to have all the roof runoff contained. The water that they are trying to maintain at this point is lawn area or, you know, what's left that is -- was being contained extent with the existing curb, wall curb that was at the edge of the property and that would to control more of the runoff, MR. TALGAT: Rain runoff. of lawn area to a certain that retaining of the eastside be extended out ground runoff. MEMBER WEISMAN: Two other questions before we go into looking at the Soil and Water and Joe Fischetti's testimony. When the applicant originally applied for and had a variance that was granted, why was a proposed Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 68 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 swimming pool not included in that at the time? MRS. MOORE: I don't think that they were even close to being ready to decide on a pool. They're -- remember how they got here was that originally that the Town Code dealt with an expansion of a second floor over an existing structure very differently, so that kind of threw all their timelines, all their plans and their budget completely out of whack. They are close to finishing up the house, ready to move in and now you start thinking of alright how am I going to enjoy my property and this issue comes up, but am I accurate in -- MRS. RAGUSA: Pretty accurate. MRS. MOORE: Come on up. That I can't answer other than -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just state your name for the record, Mrs. Ragusa. MRS. RAGUSA: Hi, I'm Cheryl Ragusa. It also sort of came up that I wanted a swimming pool and originally my husband didn't. So it kind of didn't initially come up because of partially budget issues and whatnot and husband and wife debate like, you know, do you PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 69 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 want a pool, can we put a pool in, can we maybe do a pool next summer? So that's kind of why it didn't -- the initial plans were so overwhelming we honestly weren't even -- couldn't even think about it yet. So that's kind of why it didn't even come up right away. MEMBER WEISMAN: That is a point that was raised in a letter from the neighbor and I wanted to get it on the record with respect to your answer. MRS. RAGUSA: Oh yes. It's just cause it was something we didn't really think about yet. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, so another question then is why not locate a swimming pool in the, since you're waterfront property, the allowed front yard rather than attempting to place it (inaudible) -- MRS. RAGUSA: cesspools, yeah, MR. TALGAT: Actually there's a -- the you can tell them why. On the large sheet that I've just submitted there is shown the sanitary system with the setbacks from the sanitary system. The sanitary system is located in the front yard. The sanitary setbacks from the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 70 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Health Department are 20 feet from leaching pools. That basically takes up the entire front yard and we're not supposed to be driving on those sanitary systems either, so that's another reason. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. Do you want to have -- MRS. MOORE: Are you ready for -- any more questions? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah. MRS. MOORE: Okay, Joe. Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm just wondering, does the Board have a -- excuse me one second, Mr. Fischetti, I'm not trying to take your testimony out, does the Board have any specific questions of Pat or the applicant prior to Mr. Fischetti? We're always willing to hear Mr. Fischetti, but are you willing hear Mr. Fischetti MEMBER SIMON: probably wait. first before we go into -- Well, my question could MEMBER WEISMAN: There's a lot of environmental impacts and perhaps they'll be clarified once he -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Okay, Mr. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 71 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Fischetti, a pleasure seeing you. Would you state your name for the record, please? MR. FISCHETTI: Good morning. My name is Joe Fischetti. I'm a professional engineer. I'd like to start with Paul Tenyenhuis', well it's the Soil and Water, T-E-N-Y-E-N-H-U- I-S, that's why I can't pronounce it, but I know Paul and I've spoken to him. His letter from February 21, 2008 he states, and I was very surprised, he states that the bluff is high and steep. That's not really a technical use of that term. The bluff actually is not steep, if we use the word steep. So I went on the survey I looked at the property and said, well, this doesn't look steep to me, but let me do some calculations. So calculating the toe of the slope and the top of the bluff and doing a cross-section of the elevations, now the bluff is irregular. There are some areas that are steeper than others within the confines there. It's a very irregular slope especially with how the stairs come down and we have that peninsula kind of coming out in the middle. So it's very irregular. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 72 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 So what I've done is basically an average here and the profile shows a 31-degree slope. Now, we all know that sand and gravel on the Sound Shore bluffs have an angle of repose around 37-degrees. So this is a basically stable slope. So you can't really call it steep if it's stable and it's 31-degrees. There are areas within the bluff that are a little more steep than others. So calling this a steep slope is a little bit -- is not correct. I would think that this is -- the better term would be to call this bluff a stable slope. His last paragraph also I really wanted to clarify his last paragraph and I'll read it. It says, "the installation of the pool has same affect as a house." Maybe. "It adds tremendous weight load on the soils." Maybe. Now a house has to be built above ground, but a pool doesn't have to be built above ground. If a pool is built above ground, it will add impact and additional weight to the soil and the bluff above. If it's built on the grade as the Ragusa pool, it actually adds less weight. Water weighs 62.5 pounds and soil Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 73 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 weighs 120 pounds. So if you built a pool you're actually removing the weight of the soil. So "tremendous weight", a little bit of a hyperbole there. Especially, again, if this pool is built at grade the way that Ural has designed it it is at grade and it will not impact any loads on here. You actually -- this, by having a stable slope, I'd like to just give you some ideas as to construction and what happens here actually in the field. You could actually on a stable slope and the internal friction angles of that soil, anywhere on that top of the slope up to the edge of the bluff, you could add additional weight and not add any instability to that slope because that slope is stable. Now, if the slope is any higher than that 37, or around 37, 38, 39 degrees, the slope tends to be unstable and any loads put on the top would impact that and add instability to the slope. Now, let me give you an example. One of my clients just purchased a house right here on Main Road right across from Bridgehampton National Bank. It's an 1860s house. It's Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 74 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 going to be used as a office building and the main house has a foundation of stacked stones and the foundation is a crawl space. Now they want to use, because it's an office, they need air conditioning. So for us to get in there to do the air conditioning I said you need to have a basement. So basically what we did was we cut into the side of the wall of this existing stacked stone foundation and we excavated a foundation and I went in there with a bulldozer and the foundation wall is up here at 2 feet below grade and we excavated down to 5 feet. Now we went out 5 feet from that foundation. His house is still standing, we didn't support it, and I stayed within that friction line and we excavated down to 5 feet. So now here we have this house still standing here and that soil is still excavated it, we put a wall it and everything is fine. So in other words when there. We up, we backfilled you stay out from that friction line, it doesn't matter what load you have to put on there. You will not make that soil unstable, it depends on if we cut in too close, we cut half that friction PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 75 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 line and got into maybe 3 feet, then maybe we would have gone past that friction line and made that footing unstable and it would have collapsed. So look at that in light of the fact of the bluff. You people are very important to make -- to use factors of safety, but you could in essence build a house right at a stable bluff, build at the edge of the bluff and not make it unstable. Now, what we need to look at here and I wanted to bring up this letter that was sent to the Board from one of the neighbors. It was a very good letter, it was a Mr. Toedter. It was a very good letter, written very well and the last paragraph talks about the DEC coming and that the residents should be trustees of the fragile ecosystem and it was a very interesting paragraph. What I realized is that the problems of our Sound Shore bluff are because of the DEC and their regulations. The DEC are causing the bluffs to be eroded because they don't allow property owners to build hardened bulkheads at the toe. It is the bulkheads at the bottom that protect the toe. It is not the weight at the top of the PuglieseCourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 76 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 slope that caused bluffs to (inaudible). If the toe of the slope is eroded you will have - I don't care if it's -- as long as the bluff is stable, the toe of the slope will erode. Now that is the problem, it's not the weight at the top of the slope. It's the erosion at the bottom and if you fly like I have along the bluff or you take boats along the side, you'll see certain areas of the bluffs are eroding. They don't come from the top and get pushed down. No, it's the bottom. As long as the toe of the slope gets eroded, that slope will go. Secondly, certain areas -- yeah, it's the wave action and it's going to get worse in the future because we're having much higher storms with much higher wave action. If you don't protect the toes, that's the problem not the top. So any construction at the top of the slope here is not going to make this bluff unstable. After construction it will take probably either a bobcat or a backhoe either of those won't have any affect on the bluff. It will take a backhoe about three hours to Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 77 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 dig that foundation and get out of there and after that it's all laborers. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: In reality wouldn't you say the backhoe, a smaller backhoe, would be better than a bobcat? MR. FISCHETTI: I -- a backhoe actually I would think if -- yeah, you just dig it out. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: (Inaudible). MR. FISCHETTI: A bobcat just doing in. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Pushing in. MR. FISCHETTI: I would assume, I would use a backhoe. I would use a backhoe just to dig that out very quickly and be out of there. A backhoe would be out in two or three hours. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MR. FISCHETTI: (inaudible) -- Mr. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Fischetti? MEMBER SIMON: Yes. Any questions of First of all, I found your presentation very interesting and I consider it enlightening about, you know, pointing out the relative density of soils versus water, but there are other implications and also your comments on the letter from Soil and Water. I think your point about the -- I Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 78 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 don't think anyone can reasonably quarrel with your points about the need to protect the toe of the bluff; however, that doesn't imply that nothing that concerns the top of the bluff is at all relevant. If you're right, if it's right that that is -- then the Code is deeply flawed in, for example, requiring a 100-foot setback from the top of the bluff. In fact, your argument about how you can build up there would suggest that someone might say, well, why not put it 2 feet from the edge of the bluff and I'm -- I don't have the technical expertise to know why it has to be more than 2 feet, but I'm suggesting that there is clearly more to the story than this. MR. FISCHETTI: Can I answer that? MEMBER SIMON: Sure. MR. FISCHETTI: Well, when we had the Health -- I deal a lot with the Health Department and the Health Department has a Code that says that wells and sanitaries have to be 100 feet from each other. Now, we know because of certain wells can absorb some of the effluent. They do that because they need to -- they have to assume that many, many Pugliese CourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-83~5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 79 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 when somebody lest than 100 feet, if it's okay. Now, MEMBER SIMON: MR. FISCHETTI: applications are going to come in and we want to be as conservative as possible. So now comes in with an application at they'll look at it and see I think t00 feet is okay. It's okay. No, no. I think 100 feet is okay for your regulation also because you have to look at each application in its own merit. MEMBER SIMON: MR. FISCHETTI: Right. So that the 100 feet is okay, but you have to look at is the bluff stable or is it unstable. MEMBER SIMON: Right, right. MR. FISCHETTI: Is there a toe or is there no toe? Is the toe there or not there, how are the -- you have to look at each application, specifically. MEMBER SIMON: You're absolutely right. MR. FISCHETTI: But that's not the same as at 100 feet there's absolutely no construction. MEMBER SIMON: I is saying that. What know and neither of us I'm saying is there is Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 80 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 100 feet and one of the points is how much we commonly give variances, as you know, for a good deal less than 100 feet and one of the important factors as to how close to the bluff we could go is whether it's 31 degrees or 37 degrees. MR. FISCHETTI: That's important. MEMBER SIMON: And so we're in a matter of -- we're talking about 25, 35 and 40 feet, so it is a matter of degree and all of these factors have to be taken into consideration. MR. FISCHETTI: I agree with you. MEMBER SIMON: None of us, I believe, think that there is something absolute about 100 feet or 75 feet and it does depend upon the relevant circumstances, which you cite. So the point about Soil and Water regarding the stress on the bluff, very important, but just, if I may make a more general suggestion, I like the idea that it's going to be appropriate for there to be a continuation of this hearing partly for the legal reasons of having it advertised the alternative plans. When the applicant resubmits, it may be willing to consider just from our discussion PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 81 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 which A, B, C, D, E and F, are more plausible and clearly they may decide not to include the ones that are the most ambitious with respect to the closeness of the pool to the bluff. This is not relevant to Mr. Fischetti's points, but just for the general question of what we all can learn from this, which is to some degree a preliminary hearing on a complicated issue because we are talking about a bluff. Yes, the bluff does collapse because of the toe, but some -- correct me if I'm wrong about this -- but there are some bluffs which do collapse MEMBER OLIVA: MEMBER SIMON: neighbor's point is from the top. Yes, they do. And secondly, I think the on this, yes, it is not reasonable necessarily that this person, the applicant, would want to risk the destruction of his or her own property by having it fall into the sea. On the other hand, owners may be said to be free to take risks where they themselves are the ones who are at risk, but as we know in a number of other cases, if the neighboring bluffs who may also be at risk when the property owner decides to take a risk PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 82 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 with his own property. You know there is a domino effect (inaudible). So it isn't just simply the landowner's choice to decide whether I want to take a risk that my house is going to fall into the sea or not because there are going to be neighbors and that just broadens the point and it isn't just simply a matter of the homeowner, it's not simply paternalism on the part of the Town that tells people that they shouldn't put their own houses too close to the edge of the bluff. That's all I have to say. MR. FISCHETTI: I need to clarify two points. One, the only time, again, that a bluff would be unstable on the top or from the top would be if the bluff is unstable and that's exactly what I said earlier. If the bluff is stable and the angle of repose is below 37 degrees, I don't care what amount of load you put on the top, it will not cause the bluff to be unstable. In that case, if I was excavating that foundation, that house would be gone by now. It just doesn't happen. Secondly, again what's being built at the top -- what happens where property owners may PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 83 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 affect adjacent property owners and you know that is the toe of the slope, if it's protected or not. If somebody builds a bulkhead here and the neighbor doesn't build a bulkhead, that's the problem and we have one this afternoon that's probably close to that, but there's nothing that building a swimming pool -- let's get back to the point -- building a swimming pool that's lighter than the soil at the top of the bluff where it's being requested and having the equipment the way we described, which is beyond the area, will have no affect on this bluff, this particular bluff. Again, we're talking about this bluff, which is stable, 31 degrees and 30 feet out. So I'd like to say that this is -- you just have to make your deliberations on the science and not on fumes here. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just want to hold up one second. I have to tell you that we had a case in Mattituck of the same vintage-type and the Board actually asked the swimming pool to be weighed and you're absolutely correct. You findings were -- are absolutely right. MR. FISCHETTI: Right. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 84 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Because the CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: compaction of soil is much heavier. MR. FISCHETTI: Twice than the soil, so you're making it light. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We need to go on to Mrs. Oliva because she has been not given any chance to ask anything. MEMBER OLIVA: I did. concerned if you had both pool because the slope just I was very the terrace and the going down even to have put planting and that along the top of the bluff and the bluff does look quite stable. MR. FISCHETTI: MEMBER OLIVA: Yes. But just to put a pool, the weight of the pool and a heavy terrace, with that grade, but now Ural has come back with alternate plans which I like much better making the pool smaller, taking away the terrace. I think you can fit it in that little niche there and it will work very well. MR. FISCHETTI: Alright, good. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 the side yard. MR. FISCHETTI: MEMBER OLIVA: Right. I agree with you and they 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 85 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I thank you very much, Joe. MR. FISCHETTI: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, Ural? MR. TALGAT: I just wanted to say one other thing. When you do go out there and take a look at the property, I hope you would walk along the Sound, please take note of the trees on the bluff and how big and mature they are. MEMBER OLIVA: MR. TALGAT: They are. They've been living there for more than 20 years, if not longer, and if a tree has been living on a bluff for that period of time, that shows you how stable that bluff is. Also, please note the toe section of the bluff and how far or how much grass there is growing there that's basically level ground that will also dictate or at least give you an indication of how Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: stable the bluff is. Thank you. Two points in question. Number one is that it appears that we are going to have to recess this hearing. Number two, if there is anybody Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 86 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 who would like to see any of these plans before speaking for or against this application, we can take a two or three minute recess and we can place one set down there so that you may review them. I think that, you know, we've taken significant testimony over these years that I've been on this Board and when there are new issues that come to light or A,B,C,D options, sometimes it helps a little bit to review those. If it does not help, then we will not do that. If there is anybody who would like to see that before we go on to any other speakers regarding this hearing, again, we probably will recess this hearing. The Board has not made any determination based upon these four or five options. Yes, Mrs. Ragusa? MRS. RAGUSA: I guess we submitted a lot of various options because we're -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MRS. RAGUSA: -- trying to work within the perimeter and certainly the last thing we want is, you know, when making such a large investment, is for our house to collapse or PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 87 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 our neighbors' house to collapse. I mean, that's certainly not our goal here and then when Pat pointed out certain things immediately we shrunk it and took out the terrace and anything that would have added weight and height and, you know, but I guess sort of out of these options, if it makes it easier, we just sort of wanted to present as many things to you that we thought might be workable, but I guess my question is if it will help for the next hearing if we obviously prioritize and limit it down to one or two. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MRS. RAGUSA: You know, I guess my question is is there any right off the bat that we should just throw out or try to make it -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I love B. MRS. RAGUSA: You love B, okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Wait a minute, now I have to see what you -- hold on. MRS. MOORE: Would it be helpful if she told you her preference and then, obviously, you know, we all know that when you deliberate you will weigh all of the -- balance all the Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 88 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 equities and -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: of the Board. MRS. MOORE: MEMBER SIMON: can tell you that. MRS. MOORE: Okay. I'm only one member Exactly. I'm not fond of that, I CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You see here's the thing. Here's the problem that you have because everybody needs to go back to the site and look at it. Not only that, you have neighbors that have questions so they should all look at it. Now, let me just reflect upon what you said. Having had a relative that had a piece of property similar to yours all these years and the ability of enjoying this magnificent waterfront and magnificent water view, okay, water runoff is a great concern. Not only to the Code, but to this Board and how neighbors react and you could end of having not a very good neighbor if water keeps on going on their property. So what Mr. Talgat came up with is a very interesting proposal in reference to keeping the water on your property and so on and so forth. So I PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 89 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 mean these are all things that are taken into consideration regarding this hearing. So I, you know, there are many factors and many variables that we have here and we need to pick and choose those factors that we feel are the best and that we can agree to in a democratic way. MRS. RAGUSA: That's also why we wanted to submit various options, to make it the most palatable to everyone involved cause I certainly don't want angry neighbors. I had that once before. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The only other thing you did not submit was any type of landscaping plan at it's closest point to the -- Ural's coming up -- from the -- from that ll-foot or 15-foot side yard. MR. TALGAT: There's existing evergreen shrubs along that perimeter. We shall maintain them, I'm sure if I owned this property I would want privacy there. I would put in, again, screening plants. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, that's what we need to see. MR. TALGAT: Okay. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 90 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MRS. RAGUSA: We actually have planted -- MR. TALGAT: That's no problem. MRS. RAGUSA: -- evergreen trees. You know, some of them have died already, so we need to replant them, but -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We did see those, yes . MRS. RAGUSA: -- we did want to -- it was winter so we really couldn't plant anything, but, yes, we were definitely planning to continue and screen it even more on that border there. MOORE: It wouldn't take very much to add to show the screening. MRS. for Ural MR. TALGAT: Yeah. MRS. MOORE: So we'll CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: you for your comments. get that to you. Thank you. Thank MEMBER WEISMAN: Can I make a suggestion? If you really want, given these particular variations on a theme, probably proposal B and C are the two most -- MRS. RAGUSA: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- feasible to examine relative to shrinking -- PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 91 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MRS. RAGUSA: Okay, so you're basically talking about starting at the line of the house not the line of the terrace? MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ma'am, one at a time, please. MEMBER WEISMAN: Let me just finish. MRS. RAGUSA: Sorry. MEMBER WEISMAN: Since you asked that question and you don't clearly want to continue examining everything -- MRS. RAGUSA: Right. I would hate to put in -- I'm sorry. MEMBER WEISMAN: Proposal B and C, I would think, would be the two that this Board would be the most likely to contemplate. MRS. RAGUSA: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: In addition to that specific site plan, more information would be valuable. MRS. RAGUSA: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'd like to see a site section, you know, north, south, east, and west to understand precisely the elevation of the retaining wall, the gradient slope, the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 92 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 elevation at grade of the pool, what's sloping down toward the bluff so we really can, for somebody who's not familiar with reading a plan, can actually see the potential runoff. You know, it's actually more difficult given topo information to really understand the actual slope. If you were so inclined, indicating the repose of the bluff, you know, taking it all the way down to the toe as a section from the back of the house, let's say the elevation of the house. The other possibility is to consider what Mr. Goehringer intimated at earlier on, which is to reduce by whatever is feasible, three feet is narrow given those terrace steps, but if you can even reduce those steps perhaps a foot or so, make them four feet, that's a fairly gracious dimension. It would, you know, we're talking about tweaking the plans. So whatever landscaping information, since you have the time, perhaps you could spend your energy concentrated on that kind of detail. MR. TALGAT: I'd like to add, I think the most important two lines that are relevant to this project is how the pool is closest to the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 93 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 bluff and how close it is to the property line. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, um-hmm. MR. TALGAT: I can pull those steps back, I can pull them forward. That's minor compared to the most important items and I will definitely take that notion of bringing it closer and it also is the size of the pool becomes a little bit know we're trying to here. MEMBER WEISMAN: smaller or bigger and I accommodate everyone Well, one proposal does not require a side yard variance another proposal does, so -- MR. TALGAT: Right. Here's a question to the Board. I talked this with Pat. I have to do calculations of the property. My first calculations included the entire bluff in terms of lot coverage. My second calculations included only the area that's from the bluff back to the road. Now, if we take a look at those lot coverage calculations and we are only looking at from the bluff back, given that respect to side yards, would then the side yard for less than 20,000 square feet, I PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 94 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 don't know what that is, but wouldn't that diminish the side yard for that piece of property? MEMBER WEISMAN: You're saying the building envelope -- MRS. MOORE: No. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, he's saying the entire piece, Ural. MR. TALGAT: Even though the calculation of the lot coverage was made for from the bluff back to the road? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, lot coverage is the entire lot. MR. TALGAT: No, no. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, it's now been changed to the building envelope. It's the buildable land. MRS. MOORE: Yeah, there -- yeah, there is a unique feature of our Code revision which eliminated -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MRS. MOORE: -- no, Right, sorry. it's okay and this is for the record. It eliminated lot area from your overall calculation just as to lot coverage and also applying accessory setback PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 95 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 structures, but what has happened is you've shrunk the area, but not applied the same nonconforming side dimensional to all your setbacks. So we are facing that that is a problem with the Code and I'm hoping that someday in the near future you can persuade the Town Board to do some tweaking of that issue because what we're doing, what we're facing is dealing with smaller lot coverages on properties that have been reduced, in a sense, on the size, but still applying the setbacks that are applicable to lots that are significantly larger. So it's forcing us to ask for variances to this Board for setbacks that ordinarily it wouldn't make sense that you'd have to apply. So that's -- unfortunately, we put it here because it would -- we would be conforming if we met the size areas buildable area. MEMBER WEISMAN: that we have as I think the bottom line is, and we should move on, is the simple goal which is the least environmental impact possible. MR. TALGAT: Yes. Pugliese Court Reposing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 96 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 should have the smaller in there. MEMBER WEISMAN: And should setting it back a little more from the bluff be the better way to go in terms of drainage plan, than a side yard variance of 11 feet as opposed to 15 feet is a very reasonable thing, provided we understand the consequences of the drainage on the side yard. So that's why I suggest those two strategies are beneficial to look at plans B and C in that each propose something slightly different. MRS. MOORE: That's not a new plan. MEMBER WEISMAN: It is of the large one of the ones he submitted. MRS. MOORE: Oh, that's larger? Oh, I'm sorry, yes. That's actually -- MEMBER WEISMAN: I think if the office the larger size and we all have size (inaudible) dimensions drawn MRS. MOORE: Please do. Good, keep it. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's adequate. I don't need the big one. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We need to continue, please, and we don't want to stop anybody who from speaking or curtail it in Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 97 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 that particular manner; however, we'd like to move to anyone that would like to speak for or against this hearing. Sir? State your name. MR. BUTTERFIELD: {Inaudible) Butterfield, 168 Laurel Avenue, Northport. I'm an attorney representing the contiguous property owners Mr. and Mrs. Carnavalie, C-A- R-N-A-V-A-L- I-E. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: that mike closer to your, Can you just pull sir? MR. BUTTERFIELD: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MR. BUTTERFIELD: We would like an opportunity to see all of the proposals that have now been proposed to the Board. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Fine. MR. BUTTERFIELD: And, at the outset, I'd like to offer a copy of the decision where this Board denied an application regarding I believe it was 1900 Hyatt and there the variance was 25 percent and the variance on this one is 75 percent. So there's clear indication that this Board took into consideration the protection, conservative, PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 98 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 perhaps, but the protection of the bluff and all of the crystal bailing that might be available on a hearing never can be substituted for what might occur in the future. So we would like the opportunity of getting copies of all of those plans and I would also draw your attention to the comments by the County of Suffolk Soil and Water Conservation District, which is an exhibit in your file. It's interesting because it does talk about the potential of eroding of that slope vis a vie the vegetation that is there and we haven't experienced a storm on Long Island of great consequences in quite a few years and we don't know what might occur as a result. It seems to me that the front yard is a possible alternative where we don't have to crystal ball anymore and the front yard as I understand your Code is 50 feet. To that extent, I would like to see where the sanitation facilities are located in the front yard to see if on the westerly side of the front yard the pool could be located and that was a suggestion of this Board on the decision PuglieseCourtReportin§andTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 99 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 that was made by this Board seven years ago. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Could I just ask you for your business card before you leave? I just want to ask you for it now because if we have business back and forth we'll need it. Thank you. MRS. MOORE: papers (inaudible) BOARD ASST.: I'd be happy to send you the as well. That would be great, yes. It would help speed it up. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm sorry to hold you up, but you think of these things and then you leave and I didn't get it from you. MR. BUTTERFIELD: Generally, I carry cards of other folks. Here it is, I use mine for making notes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Did you give counsel one? I thank you, sir. I apologize for stopping you. MR. BUTTERFIELD: Again, we are concerned because we are the next door neighbor that would be environmentally, affected. MEMBER SIMON: Is it MR. BUTTERFIELD: To if you will, most east or west? the east and to that Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 100 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 extent we would like copies, readable copies, I guess the normal size, how it's obtainable I'll find out from your offices. I'd also like a transcript of the engineer's testimony. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MR. BUTTERFIELD: Thank you very much. I don't know when the hearing would be scheduled, but hopefully enough time so that the alternative projects can be analyzed so that we can make each one of them. MRS. MOORE: of our stuff. stuff here. Sorry. cogent coraments in regard to I think you're taking some I'm sorry, we left a lot of MR. BUTTERFIELD: appreciate your time. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: sir? MR. TOEDTER: Thank you very much, I Okay, we'll -- yes, William Toedter, T-O-E-D-T- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: How do you do? MR. TOEDTER: Hi. I see you've received the letter and I appreciate you reading it and addressing some of the issues. The only thing I'll add to that here is that science is a Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 101 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 wonderful thing, but it's not etched in stone. I stand before you being a resident of this property for 49 years and can tell you that our bluff, no matter how stable, is eroding and that without the additional pressures of a swimming pool or other structures, the properties on either side of us because of clearing trees and overhanging leaves and added rainfall we now have ravines going through our property. Now, hopefully, that won't happen in this case, but again I invite the Board to come down to our property. I'd be happy to meet them there show them both what's happening along the bluff here and to the east of our property because I have been witness to it for 49 years and it's a concern of ours because, as the gentleman addressed, if the issue is the toe and the stability of the bluff rests upon that area, there's nothing being done for that. So the next large storm that does come in if it does affect the erosion of the bluff we might have a swimming pool coming down the bluff at some point and all of the sudden you start adding all of those factors in and those Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 102 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 are the things that we also ask you to consider because some of these are likelihoods, some of these are possibilities and it does affect each and every one of us along the bluff. to show you what the years and to So I offer that opportunity I've seen and learned over show you in terms of actuality versus hypothesis. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The problem we have is we really can't meet with anymore than two persons at a time. So do you -- MEMBER WEISMAN: It's and -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: alright you can go Do you want to meet with this gentleman at this time? MEMBER WEISMAN: I think we should do that, not taking up public hearing time. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: You could go together as long as you didn't discuss the merits of the application. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. MR. TOEDTER: If the stairs on the, what was the Wertz property, the Ragusa property isn't stable, you're free to use ours any time PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 103 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 to go up and down so -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Thank you. neighbor to the -- MR. TOEDTER: MEMBER SIMON: MEMBER OLIVA: west. MR. TOEDTER: MEMBER OLIVA: MRS. MOORE: You're the We're two lots to the west. The west. You're two lots to the Correct. Okay, thank you. I would just ask that if you are going to go as a group and meet with him that you give us the opportunity to be there, whether it's myself or Joe Fischetti or Mrs. Ragusa so that we hear what his points are since really all points should be put on the record so that we can address them. I'm always a little bit leery about sidebar, ex parte communications like that because it doesn't give us the opportunity to respond. think he's heard from our testimony and our experts in fairness. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: I will say that that's certainly a way of dealing with it. Also, I don't think the Board should have substantive conversations with the neighbor. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 104 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 I mean you can allow them onto your property with permission, any substantive merits. MR. TOEDTER: sorry. One other when we did have problems with the I don't think there should be conversations about the One other thing, thing I'll add to you know, that is (inaudible) and the 1900 issues and the DEC and the Bay Constables were at the properties, one of the things that they always said to us is that you know even though they've cut the trees or they've done things, we don't have a record of what was here before. MEMBER OLIVA: True. MR. TOEDTER: Okay, you don't have a record of what has happened over the last five, seven, ten years. Ail I'm doing is offering you a firsthand person who lives there to give you that have. One of the things record that you don't that I've suggested to this Town for many years and I think it's important for issues like this is that, you know, when someone is selling and transferring a property in one of these sensitive issues Pugliese CourtReporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 105 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 part of the recommendation would be to add a $20.00 fee for someone to go and take pictures so you do have a record of what's standing there now. So that when building occurs and trees are removed and large machinery comes on and changes the configuration at least you have an idea of what happened before and ten, twenty years from now you'll have that record, but you don't have that right now. So that's all I'm trying to offer. I'm not trying to sway anyone except to tell you because most of the people here are fairly new to the area and I've had the opportunity to be there for a long time, this is what's been there. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MR. TOEDTER: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Hearing no further comment, I'll make a motion adjourning the hearing until 1:15 p.m. on May 29. MEMBER WEISMAN: So moved. MEMBER OLIVA: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING %6136 Frank and Antoinette Notaro Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 106 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: "Request for a Variance under Section 280-15, based on the Building Inspector's January 22, 2008 Notice of Disapproval concerning the proposed location of a swimming pool at the side yard deck with hot tub addition and partly in the code-permitted rear yard. Location of Property: 625 Calves Neck Road, Southold; CTM 63-7-30.1." We are ready for you, sir. MR. NOTARO: My name is Frank Notaro. I'm representing my wife, Antoinette Notaro, in this request for this pool. We had gone before the Trustees originally had shown the proposed pool at 52 foot from the high-wafer mark and they requested that we move it landward back towards the house to 56 feet, which we did, which actually tucked it in closer to the deck that I've built on the house. They felt that the land was stable enough for it. They did refer to it as a bluff, which it really isn't theoretically a bluff because our neighbor has no bluff and our neighbor on the other side has no bluff. If I can answer any other questions, PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 107 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 please. Betsy Graseck took my site survey, by the way when she left before. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's alright. MR. NOTARO: I know it by heart. MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, I was hard pressed to figure out what side yard we were talking out, but now setting it further I realize it's just a small little gap between -- because you built your hot tub -- MR. NOTARO: Right, the hot tub is on that other deck. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- and it's attached to the house it, therefore, changes the creek side of the elevation and creates this small little gap that is the side yard. As far as I'm concerned, I have no questions and this is of no consequences whatsoever environmentally, visually or any other way. So now that I understand why the need for a side yard variance, I have no questions. MR. NOTARO: As the other folks said, it was an ongoing dispute about the pool. I'm a boater, I nearly drowned when I was a child in the water. I like the water, but I like boat -- but be that as it may, my wife is a swimmer PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 108 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 so she's requesting already have the dock. MEMBER SIMON: Yeah, MR. NOTARO: MEMBER OLIVA: looked fine to me. the dock -- the pool. We I have no questions. Okay. I have no questions. It CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The only question I have is the proverbial one and that is you have no intentions of enclosing this at any time? MR. NOTARO: The pool? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes. MR. NOTARO: Absolutely not. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. We'd have a real -- Is there anybody else who would like to speak for or against this application? Seeing no hands, closing the hearing, MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll make a motion reserving -- Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING %6141 Richard and Pamela Frerking MEMBER SIMON: "This is a request for a Special Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 109 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Exception under Southold Town Zoning Code Article III, Section 280-13B(14), sub-sections a-d. The Applicant/Owner proposes a Bed and Breakfast accessory use in their residence, incidental to their occupancy as a single- family dwelling use, with up to three guest bedrooms for lodging and serving of breakfast to not more than ten (10) casual, transient roomers. Location of Property: 235 Lilac Lane, Cutchogue; Lot 117 on the Map of Nassau Farms; CTM 104-1-20." Now, it's my understanding that you're applying for the right to have up to three bedrooms, but the current plan is for only two of them for that purpose; is that correct? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just state your name for the record, sir. MR. FRERKING: Hi, my name is Richard Frerking, 235 Lilac Lane in Cutchogue. Yes. The intention is to rent out only two of the bedrooms. The two bedrooms are on the upper level. Each has its own bath. At the lower level there are two bedrooms there as well, but it's a shared bath situation so that would be strictly for myself PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 110 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 and those rooms would not be available for use. MEMBER SIMON: Now, I know there's a list of requirements (inaudible) of various kinds for doing this and this one has to do with the agencies other than the Zoning Board as far as the particular rules, but there may be other members of the Board who would like to ask more specific questions regarding egress and matters of that sort. So I defer to my colleagues. MEMBER WEISMAN: I had the pleasure of getting a tour of your lovely home and certainly the scale of use, the intensity of use for two of the bedrooms, which require literally no change whatsoever to the interior or exterior of your house would be quite small. I do have, as I think we talked about a little bit when I asked you about your parking situation, a request after thinking about it. Your proposal calls for four parking spaces on the property and from my observations on site the couple of spaces that you're thinking about putting in or that really are already there in the front are PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 111 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 extremely tight and would require backing out and you mentioned the possibility of actually putting down a more defined driveway toward your garage with a turnaround space so that people could not back out onto Lilac Lane, even though it's a small private right of way with not much use, it still does have safety consequences and impacts. With that in mind, would you be willing to provide, on your site plan it's very specific proposal for the driveway, the width of that driveway and where cars could actually be parked in your rear yard and not along the front. MR. FRERKING: Okay, that's no problem. I can provide that. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. I think that would be helpful because we are always as soon as more than a single family begins to use a property then there are other issues that get kicked in about safety and certainly being able to have more cars safely enter and exit a property is very important to us. MR. FRERKING: Okay. MEMBER OLIVA: Yes, I had the privilege of visiting your home yesterday, which is PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 112 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 lovely. MR. FRERKING: MEMBER OLIVA: Thank you. I especially like the glass room downstairs. MR. FRERKING: Thank you. MEMBER OLIVA: It's just beautiful. I would echo Leslie's concern about the parking and we also mentioned about the ladders from the windows and -- MR. FRERKING: Okay. Yes, I did some research. MEMBER OLIVA: -- you will check with the Building Department about the Exit signs and, otherwise, I think you should do very well. Of course, we did mention the road with the ruts and you did say that you would be happy to contribute, but your neighbors do not want to contribute to taking the ruts out of the road. MR. FRERKING: MEMBER OLIVA: MR. FRERKING: MEMBER OLIVA: any problems. Right. Which is unfortunate. Yes. Otherwise I don't have CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just wanted you Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 113 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 to be aware that we have a definite and distinct set of standards that we sent over to the Building Department that they're going to require you to do, so far. MR. FRERKING: if you have not done them Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: One of course is smoke detectors in each room, which you may have already done. MEMBER OLIVA: Yeah, and also carbon monoxide. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Carbon monoxide, right. MR. FRERKING: Yes, I have that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so but they still have to come in and review that prior to the actual issuing of the CO for the use. MR. FRERKING: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So just be aware of that. MR. FRERKING: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay and we thank you. Let's see what develops throughout the hearing and we'll get back to you. MR. FRERKING: Okay. I did have a couple PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 114 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 of points that I'd like to make, if I may? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sure. MR. FRERKING: Number one, that I have no intention of increasing the size of this Bed and Breakfast. It will be two rooms. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It will be two bedrooms? MR. FRERKING: It will be two bedrooms and no more. That is my intention. I'm not looking for full-time work. I retired from work last year and I'm just looking to subsidize my oil a little bit now that I'm retired. So that's the purpose of doing this. I'm not looking for it to be a seven-day a week business. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Alright. MR. FRERKING: The parking, I will -- there will be no on-street parking necessary. No major renovations will be required. I'm only offering breakfast for guests, no other meals, no barbecues. Nothing like that and I have no intention of putting in any swimming pools or anything like that and I will have a policy of no pets. So I won't be having barking dogs disturbing the neighbors. PuglieseCourtReportingandlranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 115 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Great. MR. FRERKING: That's all I really have to say. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just want to caution that in future times, if the Board was so inclined, they could ask the Building Department to ask you to meet specifications on that road. You don't live too far into that road. MR. FRERKING: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: At this particular time, I don't think we're going to do that, but it would require you to improve the road to a better condition to your house, just so you're aware of that. MR. FRERKING: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I went down on that real rainy Saturday and I have to tell you it is one of the worst I have ever seen. I really -- I had second thoughts about riding down to your house, that's why I didn't knock on the door or anything. It was really -- MR. FRERKING: Yeah, there's that one spot, there's a high spot in the road in front of the property to the south of me and that Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 116 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 seems to keep that area. CHAIRMAN you. the water just trapped up in GOEHRINGER: Right. Okay, thank Is there anybody else who would like to say anything? Anybody like to speak for or against this application? Yes, sir. Do you want to use this? He's vacating you can MR. DOWLING: Dowling. (inaudible). Hello, my name is Dennis CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: How do you do? MR. DOWLING: I live at 475 Lilac Lane. I just wanted to voice a little bit of opposition. You've seen the condition of that road. That road, such as it is, is maintained by the residents. I believe there's 12 houses on Lilac Lane. Any additional traffic on there only makes it worse and Tom Sebolski (sic) is also on Lilac Lane. He has use of a tractor every now and then and he grades the road and you know all the -- patch up the holes in front of our houses, etc., etc., but I don't feel that a road which is one-lane at Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 117 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 points is appropriate for a Bed and Breakfast. If you notice that road goes all the way through to Horton, which is dirt out to Pine Tree. It just doesn't seem the kind of road that's suitable for any kind of business enterprise. I spoke to Mr. Frerking this morning. He's been a great neighbor, I have no problem with him. I just, I don't think that inviting however many more cars down that road is appropriate or considerate for the other people who live on that road. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Can I just reflect on that? This law originally went into effect there were discussions with the Boards in this Town to indicate that it may not -- it probably should not go in subdivisions, it probably should only go on public roads, meaning the Special Permit for a Bed and Breakfast use. Okay? Neither were excluded or included. It's a totally included law, okay, and it includes everything. We do have to look at health, safety, and welfare, however, and all the elements of the Special Exception criteria and we honestly don't know Pugliese CourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 118 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 and not looking at each one of those individual standards that we go by, if we are so inclined to deal with it in a health, safety, and welfare point of view. I offer that to the Board at this time. I am the greatest proponent of road improvements and have been on this Board and that doesn't mean that the other people are not, okay, I'm just telling you that I have always been cognizant of 288 standards, which is under the standards that we deal with. MR. DOWLING: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And that is that safety and emergency vehicles have to be able to transverse that road 24/7 twelve months of the year and that exclusion is a very difficult one during the winter months as we had seen it that one day, which did not include ice, it only included standing water. MR. DOWLING: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm just throwing that out. MR. DOWLING: I'm aware that, you know, the Town has never adopted that road, as it were. It was never ceded to the Town in a Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 119 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 fashion where it was acceptable. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The word is dedicated. MR. DOWLING: Having said that, to my knowledge, most of the people on that -- who live on that road, will hem and haw a little bit when it's bad, but after it's graded, which usually happens three times, four times a year, it's not that bad. To invite more traffic onto it, especially on a road which receives no services from the Town, seems to me to be, you know, not too appropriate. Considering also Joan Reddington, who is also a resident, had circulated a petition of the residents, I signed it, Sebolski signed it, well I'm sure she's going to provide you with it, you know, (Inaudible) I don't know if you're familiar with the residents down there, but most of us don't have a problem with the road, but I think to invite more traffic on there is just inappropriate and I have the greatest respect for my neighbor here, but I just don't believe that a Bed and Breakfast is appropriate on a road that's not maintained by the Town, but the Town is going to sanction if PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 120 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 you will a business on CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: use. It was never meant the Special Exception. MR. DOWLING: Well, venture, if you will. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MEMBER SIMON: You're it. It's not a business to be a business use, an income generating We thank you. certainly right, just to respond to you. Yes, it does require a Special Permission and the keyword here is permission and whether you call it a business or not isn't really the issue, but the kind of considerations that you raised are going to be factors that will have to be considered as part of the rational basis for deciding or not deciding to grant the permission. So your points are relevant. MR. DOWLING: I thank you for hearing me and I thank you for the time. MEMBER OLIVA: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ma'am, would you kindly submit your name for the record? MS. REDDINGTON: Hi, my name is Joan Reddington. I live at 135 Lilac Lane, good morning. Good afternoon, which -- now you'll PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 121 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 have to excuse me I'm very nervous and I'm not very eloquent. This is my first time at such a hearing, but I'm going to speak from my heart and hopefully it'll have something. I do have the petition, unfortunately we're not able to get enough signatures on it. It's a (inaudible) and people are seasonal residents on the road. I drove out from Manhasset this morning for this, I too am a seasonal resident, neighbor out there, but I had been out there for over 33 years and I too am a very good neighbor with Richard and I understand where he's going and what he's trying to do and I can appreciate that, but I also feel it's going to have nothing but negative impact on myself and the other neighbors on the road because it is a dirt road. We try to do our best to keep it up. Unfortunately, you went down it the other day probably after a bad rain, it is the spring, cold, snow, and when we do have Mr. Sebolski come by with his tractor he will grade it out, which is as says, he does two or three times a Dennis year. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 122 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 My one concern is it is unpaved. It can be dangerous with all the additional -- well, maybe not but with the additional traffic because of the Bed and Breakfast could be and these people are not aware that there are children on the road. It could be a hazard to the children who live and play on the road. They take their bikes up and down, they go fishing, they go back and forth to each other's yards. My voice is shaking cause I am nervous and I'm not used to this so please bear with me. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You're doing very well. MS. REDDINGTON: Thank you, it's not going to help much, but I'll go on. This could be an inconvenience, but I think more that it would have safety impacts on us. I am concerned for the children. I have my grandchildren out in the summertime and I know Dennis' children are a little older now, but when they were young they used to come over. I know that Mrs. Boyd has -- her neighbor next door, I don't know their name on Sterling, they have young children and they Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 123 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 cut through the backyard to play with my neighbor's children. We live on the corner of Sterling and Lilac so there are children that do go up and down that road constantly. So that's my one concern and also just the increased traffic. You brought up a good point with the parking. Now if he does this additional driveway all the way back and he's going to have his cars parked in the back, that, to me only from a selfish point of view, would take away from what I consider the beauty of that land, which is seclusion and now I'm going to have two or three or four extra cars parked not in the front yard, where it's appropriate with a driveway, but now in the backyard which is now going to be turned into possibly an accessory parking lot. I don't know what you'd term it because I think it's correct and again I haven't measured footage, but there's not that much room in the front to accommodate the additional parking he proposes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MS. REDDINGTON: Alright, now I don't know what I should say except that this has Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 124 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 nothing to do with my relationship with Richard. He's been a good neighbor and I get along very well and whatever the outcome is we'll all live with it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MS. REDDINGTON: I hope I haven't said too much. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, you did a wonderful job. MS. REDDINGTON: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Anybody else? Seeing no hands, closing the hearing, later. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll make a motion reserving decision until Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING %6139 - Robert F. Patricia Friemann MEMBER OLIVA: and "Request for Variances under Sections 280-116B and 280-124, based on the Building Inspector's November 19, 2007 Notice of Disapproval concerning proposed partial demolition of an existing dwelling, and PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 125 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 proposing new construction for alterations additions to the dwelling at less than the code-required minimum of 15 side yard, and less than 75 bulkhead or retaining wall, shoreline of Little Creek. and feet on a single feet from the adjacent to the Location of Property: 2935 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue; CTM 63-1-12; Zone District R-40 Low-Density Residential." Mr. Herrman, would you like to walk me through this? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I just want to ask one question, Mr. Herrman, before we -- we've had a proliferation of -- MR. HERRMAN: Would you like me to put my name on the record? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yes, please do. MR. HERRMAN: Rob Herrman of EN Consultants, 1319 North Sea Road, Southampton, on behalf of the applicants. Sorry, Gerry, go ahead. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We've had a proliferation of foundation problems with existing foundations. We need to know specifically or I need to know specifically if PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 126 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 this foundation is going to be partially demolished, totally demolished, any other being demolished. I'm sure you've investigated it, you looked at it to your wonderful capabilities; what's your opinion regarding that? MR. HERRMAN: I'm going to duck right past that question and go right to Mark Schwartz because you've knocked me right out of my presentation and I was going to talk about -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm sorry about that. I -- MR. HERRMAN: Any questions like that I'm going to direct to Mark, so I'll let Mark step up first. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Then we'll be right back to you and we will let the very qualified Mrs. Oliva grill you. MR. SCHWARTZ: Mark Schwartz, architect for the project. Back on March 1st I submitted to the Zoning Board office a letter stating what part of the foundation needs to be reconstructed. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. Pugliese CourtReportingand Tran$criptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 127 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. SCHWARTZ: There is a small part over the existing sitting room that needs to be demolished and reworked. The rest of the foundation will remain and we're also going to do some excavation where the existing garage is to create a larger crawl space, but the foundation of the garage will also remain. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: On a percentage basis, and I'm not asking you at this iramediate second to calculate it for me, but what percentage of the foundation do you think will be safe? You don't have to give it to me right now, you can give it to me by letter. MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. I would say it's at least 75 percent. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: 75 percent, okay. Thank you very much. We will then start with Ms. Oliva and -- MR. HERRMAN: That was an easy way to start for me. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you very much, Mark. MR. HERRMAN: Thanks, Mark. MEMBER OLIVA: Walk me through exactly what you want to do. Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 128 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. HERRMAN: Yes. What I'm going to do is because there are two variances here, I'm going to treat each variance separately. MEMBER OLIVA: MR. HERRMAN: going to speak to, Okay. And the first is what I'm is what I consider the traditional zoning variance that we're here for which is the three feet of relief from the southerly side property line. MEMBER OLIVA: Okay. MR. HERRMAN: What is being proposed is a second-story addition in effect what is going from the existing product to the new product is going to become a first story house to a two-story house and there are some footprint expansions. One is to the north, which conforms to zoning. One is to the west toward the road, which is labeled on the site plan you're looking it's the two-car garage and mud room. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MR. HERRMAN: And then, of course, the vertical expansion essentially within the existing footprint with a squaring off, if you will, on the southeast side, which will just Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-835S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 129 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 be a one-story addition. So if you look at that, even though we're going up over the existing first, that little square off in the front will only be one-story as that approaches the attached deck. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MR. HERRMAN: So the relief required is because the existing footprint of the house is now 12 feet from the side property line. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MR. HERRMAN: So even without the expansion toward the road we would be in front of you even for the vertical expansion because we are not meeting the 15-foot setback. So essentially what are you changing? You're increasing the elevation of the house with the addition of the second story and you're increasing the footprint of the house toward the road in terms of what's happening on that south side. What I would submit to you is that it is not substantial relief we're requesting because I want to think about what does -- what is the purpose of that side yard setback or any side yard setback under Code, what is PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 130 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 it protecting? Essentially it's protecting two things, one most immediately is obviously what is the impact on the adjoining neighbor and then also more from a community perspective if you're standing out on Pine Tree Road you want to make sure you have that open space between the lots and between the houses. I would say, and as I explained to the client, if this were a vacant lot and we were asking for this relief, we'd really have no defensible reason to be here, but the point is the house is where it is unlike some of the applications I have before the Board and others have before the Board where we go in with a complete demolition and the old sellers sell and the new buyer comes in, knocks everything down and builds the new house. The Friemanns have been here for how long? About 60 years so this is, I think probably what Gerry was getting at a little bit, this is a genuine expansion to a preexisting, in this case preexisting nonconforming dwelling. So we're not getting any closer to the property line than what is already there and one thing that makes this request unique in a PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 131 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 way is that the adjoining property to the south, if you look at the site plan, is actually sort of a reverse flag lot. The house that's immediately to the Friemann south is really a road-front house that has flag access to Little Creek. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MR. HERRMAN: So there is no immediately adjacent dwelling and the next adjacent dwelling to the south, which shows on the site plan is situated similarly to the water and really angled in that direction. So there's really no impact even on the neighbor two doors down. One thing that the property does or I should say the project does incorporate is there is a concrete patio that does exist in that side yard now and that patio is being removed as part of this project. So to some extent we're actually reducing some of the structural area that is in that required side yard. So even though it's really a patio on grade, it is structure adjacent to that side that we're getting rid of. So I think generally we're really not changing the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 132 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 conditions in any way on that side that we're creating adverse impact to those neighbors and again with the removal of the patio we're actually, I think, doing something beneficial as part of the project. The second variance, and Ruth as you know this is my pet peeve variance, because this is the variance from the shoreline structure, in this case the retaining wall where if that wall did not exist we wouldn't be here. I think this is a good case study because the Donlan (sic) residence two doors down, I often speak when I've spoken to you before and to the Town Board in theory, here's a real case where if the Donlans were proposing the exact same thing, we wouldn't even need to petition you for approval because they don't have a shoreline structure, but as you've told me before, the law is what it is until it changes so I won't waste too much of your time complaining about it. Instead what I'll do is try to convince you, which I think we've successfully convinced the Trustees of, which is why despite the proximity or the continuing PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 133 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 proximity of the project from Little Creek the end result will actually be an improvement in the environmental condition of the property as opposed to an adverse impact. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: I think you're right to speak about if the neighbor two houses down if there's no retaining wall because it does reflect on the character of the neighborhood. So if you want to talk about that, you can. MR. HERRMAN: Right, okay. Thanks. Well I included it narratively in my application of pointing out that this is a strange variance because whether you grant or deny the relief, you can't really control the character of the community unless everybody had the same shoreline structure. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Right. MR. HERRMAN: The other thing that I think to bear in mind is I think if you look at the application and just before I talk about the mitigation, the setbacks are deceivingly small because in this case this retaining wall is truly a retaining wall. I mean this is not a bulkhead out on the water Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 134 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 that we're calling a retaining wall. So even though you're talking about a 20-some-odd foot setback from the wall to the deck and maintaining what I think is about a 34 or 35- foot setback to the house, the wetlands setbacks are closer to 50 or more than 60 feet from Little Creek. So part of this variance is also a function of where that retaining wall is and just, interestingly as an anecdote, Bob gave me these photos from the early 60s of when this retaining wall was actually constructed, when Little Creek was dredged. So the wall has been there and awfully long time as well, but I think, and Gerry mentioned this in a prior application, you know, when we're talking about the impacts of these projects and granting these kind of variances and special exceptions on the environment what primarily we're talking about is really runoff is a big issue. In this case because we're on Little Creek surface water runoff and also effluent going into ground water. So this is where the Friemanns really as we worked through this agreed to do almost a disproportionate amount PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 135 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 of mitigation relative to what they were building and I hope that's what I can convince you of. So I'll just take a couple of minutes to go down that and if you have any questions I'll answer them. MEMBER OLIVA: MR. HERRMAN: Good. With respect really first to surface water runoff, one of the things we're dealing again this is not part of this application, but we are going to replace the retaining wall and we're going to raise it 18 inches because right now, as you know, there's quite a bit of a slope from the house to the beach. MEMBER OLIVA: MR. HERRMAN: we're going to do out that slope by Yeah, that concerns me. Yeah, so one of the things is we're going to flatten raising the retaining wall and backfilling it. So the first thing that accomplishes is whatever runoff does exist we're going to decrease the flow rate of that runoff getting to the creek, which then indirectly also decreases the volume because it has that much more time to permeate into the soil, but really more significantly than Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 136 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 that, and I think that the thrust of what makes this actually a great project is the fact that we will, the Friemanns are going to eliminate over 3100 square feet about 10 percent of the lot area of that lawn between the house and the beach and completely eliminate all of that lawn and replace it with a non-turf buffer that's going to be planted with native vegetation. Bob is related to Sandy Friemann who is going to help him with a Plantings Plan, one of the conditions of the Trustees' permit was that before -- I think at the point when the construction would end before we would actually go into implementation of the plan they're going to have to come up with a plantings plan, but what has been stipulated and guaranteed is that that lawn will be removed and replaced with this non-turf buffer. So, basically, when we come in with the sand backfill in stead of replacing all of that with top soil and loam and putting back a turf lawn where you reintroduce some of the same problems, it's going to be non-turf buffer. So not only are you going to decrease PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 137 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the rate of flow to the creek, but now you're going to have a quantitative decrease in the amount of runoff because you're going to have a much larger absorption capacity in this planting area than you would have with a lawn and perhaps even more importantly you're going to have a huge improvement to the quality of the surface water runoff that's going to Little Creek because you're going to be eliminating the fertilizers, fungicides, pesticides, all the various chemicals that the Town is concerned about that goes on the turf. In addition to that, they are going to install -- this is now required by Code, the drainage system of drywells. Those calculations are done on a two-inch rainfall, so even before we're getting to the benefits of that non-turf buffer and the raising of the grade, you're eliminating some of the volume of runoff that is heading to that part of the yard anyway through the drywells. Then, of course, as part of the project which they wouldn't otherwise do, we're installing an upgraded sanitary system. It'll be located farther from the water so setting aside Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 138 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 surface water runoff for a second, you're also going to have now an improvement to the treatment of effluent that's coming out of the house through the upgraded sanitary system. That system has been approved by the Suffolk County Health Department. The project is out of the DEC's jurisdiction. We've gotten the letter of non-jurisdiction based on the elevations and we did also get a Southold Trustees' Wetlands Permit and that permit was granted basically contingent upon all of this various mitigation. The Trustees did also require that the waterfront deck be constructed with non- treated materials. So the deck that'll be on that side, again consistent with the rest of our scheme here is to make sure that we're not introducing any new contaminants to that area. By and by, the shed that's located on the beach is also going to be removed. So that is -- that was also discussed during the Trustee process. So that is a preexisting nonconforming structure sitting in that beach area and that would also be removed as part of the project. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 139 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 So in conclusion I think what I'm suggesting is that with respect to the side yard variance we're really talking about a variance that isn't changing the condition of the property and is not creating new or adverse impacts to either neighboring properties to the south or to the community as a view from the road. With respect, again, to the retaining wall variance, which again, to me is really a variance from an environmental law that was embedded in the Zoning Code before the Town had a legitimate environmental law, I think we look at what is the mitigation that's going to come along with the project that the Friemanns would otherwise not have any incentive to do and I think that given the decrease in that slope existing, the proposal of the drainage system and drywells, and the removal of that lawn and replacement with a non-buffer, at the end of the day you actually get with respect to little Creek and the environmental conditions of the property really an overall improvement in the environmental quality of the site. MEMBER OLIVA: How high is the deck? Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. HERRMAN: I'm sorry? MEMBER OLIVA: How high is the what's the elevation of the deck? MR. HERRMAN: Mark, do you have -- the same as the dwelling, correct? MEMBER OLIVA: It's the same. right out from the house onto the there's stairs leading down -- deck, it's You walk deck and MR. SCHWARTZ: MEMBER OLIVA: MR. HERRMAN: two steps. 140 Yes. -- it's rather confusing. Yeah, there's going to be The deck hits right on the 12 foot Oh okay. And there's two steps that contour. MEMBER OLIVA: MR. HERRMAN: will lead to a path that will go through the buffer that will maintain their access and steps to the beach. MEMBER OLIVA: Okay. As usual Mr. Herrman always gives an excellent presentation. MR. HERRMAN: Thank you. MEMBER OLIVA: And I do agree with the non-turf buffer and I think you've done as as I can see all you can to mitigate any PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 far 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 141 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 runoff into Little Creek. I'm curious, why was the retaining wall put in there in the first place cause it's been in there for so many years and it's (inaudible) beach below it. MR. HERRMAN: Well, correct me if I'm wrong, it serves -- Bob can but I think when that -- wasn't up on your -- MR. FRIEMANN: MR. HERRMAN: sorry. I'll just some of that spoil actually placed It was. -- and this was -- oh, I'm relay the information. Bob Friemann is saying and he's the applicant and again I think what you see in some of those photos is that these properties here were actually built up with the dredge spoil in the early 60s -- MEMBER OLIVA: Oh, okay. MR. HERRMAN: -- so to prevent that hill from dumping back down onto the beach area it is literally being retained at that spot. So again this really is a retaining wall for the upland more so than it is, you know, a real highly engineered bulkhead that's protecting them from a hurricane. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 142 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER OLIVA: Right. That's interesting. Thank you. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, I just want to make sure that I understand this correctly. The existing house setback is 34 feet from the retaining wall. The proposed addition will maintain that setback; however, the proposed deck will be 23 feet to the retaining wall? MR. HERRMAN: Yeah, that's basically correct. What I noted in the application is the existing setback is approximately 34 feet, so obviously any part that's in line or above that will stay that close or farther. The addition that pokes out on the north side, which again is not a subject of this application because it meets Code, but that'll actually be about 36 feet from the retaining wall. So that setback is a little bit farther than what's there. So the true encroachment in terms of decrease in the setback from the retaining wall is as you said, it's about that 10 or 11 feet that comes out variable on the waterfront deck. MEMBER WEISMAN: So it's 23 feet, but it's only 11 feet of the width. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 143 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. HERRMAN: Correct. Yeah, I think the Notice of Disapproval says 22 feet. Unfortunately, when we originally submitted it and Linda eventually had me correct this, but the surveyor didn't show a setback to the retaining wall. So the Building Department basically measured it off and scaled it back to 22. When Ehler's computed it electronically it came out to 23 feet. So -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, that's important for the record because I was going to say that there was an inconsistency (inaudible). MR. HERRMAN: Yes and I meant to mention that and actually -- MEMBER WEISMAN: out? MR. HERRMAN: MEMBER WEISMAN: been covered. MEMBER OLIVA: MEMBER SIMON: As the survey points Yes. Thank you. It's all He did a good job. I have no questions, just two comments. First of all, I think that Mr. Friemann is well served by his representative in this case and also point out that this is one of those cases where the Zoning Board and PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 144 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the Trustees have overlapping jurisdiction and it seems clearly a case where it's easy for us to defer to them since that really is their bailey wick with regard to how they respond to information about the retaining wall. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: My question is what kind of lumber can you use that's not going to fall apart other than Cedar? MR. HERRMAN: For which part? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: For the deck. I realize you can use the new decking, plastic decking -- MR. HERRMAN: Your putting in Mahogany, aren't you Bob? Yes. MEMBER OLIVA: Mahogany. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay and the stringers would be Mahogany, too, Mark? MR. SCHWARTZ: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Interesting. Okay, I have no further questions. Let's see what develops throughout the hearing. We thank you for your presentation. MR. HERRMAN: Thank you. MEMBER OLIVA: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 145 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 else would like to speak for or against this application? We thank you again for your presentation and we wish you, the Friemanns, the very best and we will make a decision on or about the l0th of April, hopefully. We appreciate you all coming in. I'll make that a resolution. MEMBER WEISMAN: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING #6134 - Karen Mazzaferro MEMBER WEISMAN: Ready. MS. WICKHAM: Good afternoon. Abigail Wickham, Wickham, Bestler, PO Box 1424, Mattituck, New York. MEMBER WEISMAN: "Request for Variance under Section 280- 14, based on the Building Inspector's December 17, 2007 Notice of Disapproval concerning a proposed lot (#1) proposed with a lot width at less than the code-required 150 feet in this pending three-lot Minor Subdivision, located at 1450 Horton Lane, Southold; CTM 63-1-12; Zone District R-40 Low-Density Residential." PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 146 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 As I understand it, the three-lot subdivision has one which is already approved with a dwelling and attached garage. The width of the frontage on Horton Lane is 108.49 feet, while the Code requires a minimum frontage of 150-foot width. There was an interesting alternative proposal presented that apparently the Planning Board rejected and certainly they rejected clustered or open- space sub-division because the proposed "L" at the rear of the property was not considered appropriate for that sort of open-space preservation. Other than that, let's see what it is you have to -- MS. WICKHAM: Thank you. First of all, we have several things that are odd about this property, which is why we're here. The first is the shape with that "L" appendage at the back. The second is that the existing home, which is a very old home is located on the extreme northerly corner of the frontage and actually the front -- the side yard that would be proposed to the south of the house is quite ample and if you were to expand that width to 150 feet you really would PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 147 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 have an ungainly side yard. The second thing I'd like to call the Board's attention to is the fact that the property is bordered to the south by one residence on a similar limited width frontage. The self-storage property, which is a commercial usage and to the east by Founders' Village which is a high density multiple residential usage. We've been to the Planning Board for quite sometime trying different configurations. The area of the property is sufficient to support a four-lot subdivision, but that would have required coming to this Board for additional variances, which the applicant decided would be inappropriate. So she is going with the three-lot subdivision and a request to your Board for the insufficient width. Any questions? MEMBER WEISMAN: Yes. I'd like to continue. Out of curiosity, the three-lot subdivision, as proposed to the ZBA, which is on this survey, creates this narrow flag on lot 2 and a right of way that takes you back PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 148 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 to lot 3. MS. WICKHAM: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: This proposal? MS. WICKHAM: Yeah, that was, was one of the alternatives. That is the alternative well that alternative would have avoided the -- this particular variance, although it might have involved another variance because it would have made the southerly part of lot one a front yard. MEMBER WEISMAN: Ah, because of the right of way? MS. WICKHAM: Right. That's the other reason that this proposal has a flag lot for lot 3 accessing also lot 2. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. MS. WICKHAM: Because if all three lots were accessed by that one -- MEMBER WEISMAN: This one right of way. MS. WICKHAM: -- area then we would have front yard issues and rear yard issues along the north and south. MEMBER WEISMAN: Thank you. Now I understand. Just because when I look at the proportion and the fact that it eliminates the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 149 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 frontage issue, I'm wondering why the Planning Board did not appear more favorably inclined toward this configuration, but I -- MS. WICKHAM: Well, I will say originally they were and then they referred it to the Town Engineer and I think they were concerned about the bends in the road. MEMBER WEISMAN: The road for drainage. MS. WICKHAM: Yeah, for drainage and mobility of the traffic and putting -- MEMBER WEISMAN: Well, (inaudible) equipment I suppose. MS. WICKHAM: -- a roadway next to the other -- around the other house. MEMBER WEISMAN: The other house that's MS. WICKHAM: The southerly -- the house to the south. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah. Okay. MS. WICKHAM: So there were reasons on both sides. MEMBER WEISMAN: That's really what I wanted clarification on. I have to write the finding on this so I wanted to understand fully what the -- why the alternative was not PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 150 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 considered a viable one. anything else. No, I think you covered questions had. Let's see what happens. TOWN ATTORNEY: Let's see if there's that I You're fine on all ASST. of this? MS. WICKHAM: Yeah. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: the width issue? MS. WICKHAM: than ample. It's really just Oh yeah, the yield is more MEMBER WEISMAN: They could have done four, but again with the irregular, by rights, they've got acreage, but it's basically the configuration creates very irregular shapes. MS. WICKHAM; I'm very happy to point out that the Planning Board did issue a letter, which you have, saying they were in favor of the variance. MEMBER WEISMAN: MEMBER SIMON: Yes. First of all, the fact that the Planning Board has given us a letter is (inaudible). Sometimes the Planning Board has sent a letter where they're not very happy about it and they say well if you guys PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83~S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 151 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 decided, I guess we'll have to. This is a little bit more positive, as I understand it. This is not a pro forma recommendation on their part. We take it very seriously partly nonetheless and partly because of it. Just one question I have and I don't have questions about this except to puzzle, I understand that the reason for the variance application has to do with the 108-foot frontage along Horton's Lane. What is the frontage for properties 2 and 3? MS. WICKHAM: MEMBER SIMON: is that the idea? MS. WICKHAM: line. MEMBER SIMON: building line. MS. WICKHAM: MEMBER SIMON: The building line. Is the (inaudible) Yes, it's the building It's -- oh, it's the I'm sorry, The width. it's the width. Okay, so that exempt; then the flagpoles doesn't really matter? MS. WICKHAM: No, it would be for lot three. It's quite a wide lot, actually. MEMBER SIMON: This is just for my understanding. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83S5 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 152 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MS. WICKHAM: BOARD ASST.: MEMBER SIMON: MS. WICKHAM: And we have met -- One at a time. Thank you. We have met with the Building Department, Mr. Verity, on this map and he's okay with it. MEMBER SIMON: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't have any questions. MEMBER OLIVA: I don't have any questions. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have to tell you it's a very interesting subdivision. It'll work. MS. WICKHAM: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody else that would like to speak for or against this application? Seeing no hands, I'll make a motion closing the hearing, later. MEMBER OLIVA: reserving decision until I'll second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING %6143 - Thomas and Paulette Giese Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 153 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER OLIVA: "Request for a Variance under Section 280-122, based on the Building Inspector's January 18, 2008 Notice of Disapproval and ZBA Code Interpretation #5039 (Walz) concerning proposed addition and alterations to an existing single-family dwelling maintaining the existing front yard setback, for the reason that the new construction will increase the degree of setback nonconformance when located less than 50 feet from the front yard line, at 90 Sterling Road, Cutchogue; CTM 104- 4-4.1." CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody here would like to speak regarding this hearing? Seeing no hands, I'll make a motion adjourning the hearing until April 24t~ at 11:30 a.m. MEMBER WEI SMAN: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING #6144 - Joanne and John Gouveia MEMBER OLIVA: "Request for Variances under Section 280- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 154 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 124, based on the Building Inspector's Notice of Disapproval concerning proposed addition and alternations to the existing single-family dwelling, which new construction will result in a setback at less than the code-required 35 feet from the front yard lot line and increase in lot coverage exceeding the code limitation of 20%, at 55405 County Road 48 (a/k/a North Road), Southold; CTM 44-1-11." MS. GOUVEIA: Joanne Gouveia. Thank you. We just have an issue with the stairs are very steep in the front of the house and what happens is our moms are visiting and they're in their 80s and they can't get out of the house with their walkers. So what we're trying to is put a platform one step down a platform riser and step and down so they can step out with their walkers. It's just very steep. I've actually fallen off the steps myself, but we'd like to do that and we realize that we could have done the 5 by 6 width, but the stairs are already 8 feet wide and the way the house is built it's hard to do that with having your stairs stick out on either side. So we really didn't want to do Pugliese Cou~ Reporting and TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 155 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 that. We wanted to make it nice, we wanted to make it pretty, and that's the whole idea. On top we thought we'd put a pretty arbor and make it really cute, and a rail. That's all we really wanted to do, but I had to ask. MEMBER OLIVA: Sounds good to me. MS. GOUVEIA: It's already a whole lot of lot coverage over there, but it's really not. MEMBER OLIVA: Well you have a tiny lot. MS. GOUVEIA: It's adorable, but we need to get our moms here. MEMBER OLIVA: Of course you do. MEMBER WEISMAN: Just for the record, not only is this an issue of aesthetics, but it's really an issue of safety. The landing that you would walk in and out of the door simply doesn't have enough depth to be able to open the door without standing on the steps, basically. So it's simply to deepen that for safety reasons and simply to create a slightly more improved visual appearance. So I have no problems with it at all. I think it's very minor and reasonable request that will speak to public safety. MS. GOUVEIA: Thank you. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 156 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER SIMON: I have a question where I'm asking for clarification about the lot coverage. The application says 46.4 percentage. The previous variance specified that there was a condition on the granting of the previous variance to 32.7 percent. So I don't quite understand what has happened after that and up to -- between the earlier variance and -- MS. GOUVEIA: Oh, oh. Okay. You probably didn't know that a few years ago we had asked for another variance and they had squared off the back of our house. MEMBER SIMON: Right. MS. GOUVEIA: That's all been done already and you've now got a new survey because of the bulkhead issues over there and they redrew everything with the new lot coverage and put the whole thing on there. MEMBER SIMON: So you're saying it's a matter of lot coverage is now measured differently than the way it used to be? MS. GOUVEIA: No, no, no. I don't think so. I just think that from maybe what you had originally a few years ago it's been increased PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 157 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 because of the extension. MEMBER SIMON: Okay. Thank you. I just I may be missing a piece of paper that I will look at later on. I read the condition before about the 32.7 percent and I didn't -- BOARD ASST.: I believe that it's possible that the lot coverage calculation is also changed for the lot. MEMBER SIMON: That's what I thought. It is that it depends on what is included, that's why there's a change. BOARD ASST.: That's why you have a larger percentage now than what you had four years ago. MS. GOUVEIA: That's correct. BOARD ASST.: You didn't build anything. MS. GOUVEIA: Oh, no, no, no. MEMBER SIMON: It's not really that you're covering 30 percent -- UNIDENTIFIED: One at a time. MEMBER SIMON: Sorry. It's simply not true that you're increasing the lot coverage by some 30 percent. That's what it looks like if you're comparing 32 percent to 46 percent. The change is in the numbers, not in the land. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 158 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Thank you. BOARD ASST.: We had a different law four years ago than we do now. Ms. GOUVEIA: Linda, I didn't have a clue and if you didn't help me with this I wouldn't be here. I appreciate it. BOARD ASST.: You're doing fine. MS. GOUVEIA: I appreciate it. I did do the application myself and I wasn't really, you know, we're doing such a little thing and I didn't know I was going to have to have a variance right away. Damon, I think his name is, over at Building Department showed me a picture and he thought it matches my house really, really cute and I think it's going to turn out really good. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So it really doesn't have a roof, it's a trellis over the steps? MS. GOUVEIA: Yeah. Yeah, the idea that I have is really cute and it solves the issues because of our house and I explained to Leslie when she was over my house the other day that it's a trellis. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Fine. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 159 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MS. GOUVEIA: It's (inaudible) my front door and I like that {inaudible) and when we decided to do that and we didn't want to put a roof on it because it would mess up our roofline there and that's an original roofline from the original (inaudible) house and we just discovered that our house house, very much original. MEMBER OLIVA: Really? MS. GOUVEIA: And it will is a catalog be -- it was shipped from Dover, Massachusetts. I have all my original tags in my basement showing who it was shipped to and who put it up and it's the coolest thing and we're working on getting it together for the Massachusetts Historical Society. That was very interesting and (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's great. MEMBER OLIVA: MS. GOUVEIA: I' m done. MEMBER OLIVA: That sounds like fun. That's work. That's it. I think it's great. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody else would like to speak for or against this application? PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 160 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Seeing no hands, closing the hearing, later. MEMBER WEISMAN: I'll make a motion reserving decision until So moved. (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING %6126 - David Fisher CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, Mark. MR. SCHWARTZ: Mark Schwartz, I'm the architect on the project. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MR. SCHWARTZ: This Thank you. is really the exact same project we had spoke about on the last month. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. SCHWARTZ: There was an error on the survey. We had the surveyor adjust it to show what's in front of you now. The front setback is now 26 and the rear is approximately 23.6 and the rest of the project really is exactly the same. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah. Just so there's no inconsistency, I'm sure the survey is accurate, but there's a letter that we have here submitted to the Board on 3/3/08 from Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 161 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 you, Mark, that says on behalf of the applicant that the rear yard setback to the north is currently 31.2 feet and that it's proposed at 23.3 feet, but your survey says 23.6 feet and so does the amended notice. So I'm going to make, just let the record reflect that inconsistency and it is 23.6 feet as per the survey. MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes, it is. MEMBER WEISMAN: And the notice. MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. Alright, so now I think all of our questions were answered at the previous hearing. This is just a matter of updating for accuracy's sake and I just want to reiterate that the applicant is taking great pains to do two things. One, to respect the original tenants of Gardners' Bay Estate, which had to do essentially with a cottage environment of one-story bungalow-type houses, and also sensitively attempting to avoid casting large shadows on one of the neighbors to the south. The issue, I think, of the merger of the lots was handled at the last hearing and so on, and the setbacks. Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 162 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 I did take my application to (inaudible) for the few colored photographs just so that would have the alignment of the other front yard setbacks that are existing and the rear yard setbacks and side yards and so on. So now that we have completely accurate information we can go ahead and write an accurate determination. I don't have any further questions. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anybody else who would like this application? MEMBER SIMON: to speak for or against Can we comment? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: comment. MEMBER SIMON: Okay. I assume your answers to my questions at the Certainly you can I take first part of the hearing are still valid and that's fine. I'd just make an observation, this kind of case where the applicant is taking account of the neighbors by willingly not building a house that will tower over the other houses is almost kind of a Walz decision in verse. I think that's kind of interesting. MEMBER WEISMAN: In reverse. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (63~) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 163 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Michael. MR. SCHWARTZ: MEMBER OLIVA: Nicely put, Thank you. I just think it's going to be a nice improvement in the neighborhood. You've really done a nice job. MR. SCHWARTZ: (Inaudible) from the Fishers, so they're the ones to credit. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We thank you for coming in with that information. We thank you for finding it and we'll ask the same question. Is there anybody else? Seeing no hands, I'll make a motion closing the hearing, alter. MEMBER OLIVA: reserving decision until Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) ********************************************** HEARING #6129 - Lia Polites and Kevin Ferro MEMBER SIMON: "Location of Property: 300 Jackson Street, New Suffolk; CTM 117-10-2. The Applicants propose renovations/alterations, and expansion of the existing accessory PugJiese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 164 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 cottage building and in this Appeal requesting the following: 1. Reversal of the Building Inspector's November 8, 2007 Notice of Disapproval which states that the accessory cottage use is nonconforming and constitutes a second dwelling unit, citing Section 280-121A, which provision states: Such nonconforming use of buildings ... may be continued indefinitely, except that such building or use (A) shall not be enlarged, altered, extended reconstructed or restored or placed on a different portion of the lot or parcel of land occupied by increased by any means whatsoever, and Notice of Disapproval citing Section 100-3lA, which provision states: "In A-C, R80 Districts, no building or premises shall be used and no building or part of a building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part , for any uses except the following: A. Permitted uses. One-family detached dwellings, not to exceed one dwelling on each lot"; 2. Interpretation to deal with this PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 165 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 preexisting residential use in a residential zone, applying Code Section 280-122, Nonconforming Buildings with Conforming Uses, which states: A. Nothing in this article shall be deemed to prevent the remodeling, reconstruction or enlargement of a nonconforming building containing a conforming use, provided that such action does not create any new nonconformance or increase the degree of nonconformance with regard to the regulations pertaining to such buildings; B. Reconstruction of a damaged building. (1) A nonconforming building containing a conforming use which has been damaged by fire or other causes to the extent of more than 50% of its fair value shall not be repaired or rebuilt unless such building is made substantially to conform to the height and yard requirements of the Bulk Schedule. {2) Application for a permit to build or restore the damaged portion of any building damaged or destroyed as PuglieseCourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 166 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 set forth in Subsection B(1) above shall be filed within one year of the date of such damage and shall be accompanied by plans for reconstruction which, as to such portion, shall comply with the requirements set forth above. If such permit is issued, it shall lapse one year thereafter unless reconstruction in accordance with the approved plans has been initiated; 3. Alternatively, Variances based on the Building Inspector's November 8, 2007 Notice of Disapproval under Section 280-121A and Section 100-3lA, denied for the reasons that the accessory cottage use is nonconforming and constitutes a second dwelling unit, and as such may not be enlarged, altered, extended, reconstructed, or restored or placed on a different portion of the lot...nor shall any external evidence of such use be increased by any means whatsoever as a second dwelling unit." Now this is the longest Disapproval Notice and it could be the longest hearing. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Maybe I can help. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 167 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER SIMON: Please. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Maybe be the longest hearing ever, MEMBER SIMON: Anything (inaudible). ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: I then it won't I can't promise. you can can't promise that, but the way this Board has been dealing with second dwellings, accessory dwellings such as this on one single lot is like this. Obviously we have a Code right now that only allows one dwelling per lot; however, where they are preexisting we have been advised by the Court, the Appellate Division of the Court System, that the second dwelling, a preexisting nonconforming second dwelling is not to be considered a nonconforming use because its use is conforming as residential. It is to be considered a nonconforming building, therefore, you can't as a right -- you can't expand that building because it, by its nature, is already nonconforming. With a variance you can expand or increase that nonconformance and it becomes in essence a run of the mill Walz variance and you'll have to consider various factors; whether you think PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (63~)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 168 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 inconsideration of the piece of property, the neighborhood, whether the expansion or the alteration or the increase of that nonconformance is acceptable. A potentially sidetracking issue, which I think is a little bit of a red herring, is the issue if that's an accessory seasonal cottage. Our current Code doesn't really grant any CO that is for seasonal use only or restrict the seasonality of use. So it's -- they're adding heat and/or insulation to it is not much -- shouldn't be treated much different than adding onto the size of it or the intensity. If you think that the -- you know, I can imagine circumstances where a parcel is so small or something is so close to a neighbor that making it from seasonal to year round might be unacceptable and you might not want to grant a variance in that instance. It's up to you to determine whether that's true or not here, but legally it makes no difference. It's really just whether they meet the variance criteria. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MEMBER SIMON: Well, PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 Thank you. I would like to call 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 169 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 on the representative of the applicants. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Good afternoon. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just state your name, please. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Francis Yakabowski for Lia Polites. My office is at 456 Griffing Avenue, Riverhead, New York. I know this Board has had a long day already and I'm not going to belabor. I listened carefully, of course, to your counsel's thoughts and suggestions and I for the most part agree with his assessment. The Court decisions relating to your Code, in particular, nonconforming structures with conforming uses is, I believe, the consistent statute to apply here. The Building Department applied the -- both portions of the Code dealing with or interpreting that you just simply can't have a second dwelling on a site and that's that. MEMBER OLIVA: Right. MR. YAKABOWSKI: And of course these are preexisting structures and we believe that under our existing Code we're entitled to make application for and hopefully receive approval PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 170 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 to bring the structure to Code, make it more in conformity, not less in conformity because we're going to add a basement, heat, upgrade all systems and this on a parcel which is 1- 3/4 acres. It's got a lovely home in the front which is -- or up front on the water and we're going to -- and I know you're familiar with the site or I believe you are -- the garage that's there now, as you know, is right up against practically this structure, this house, that garage is going to be moved to an approved location at the rear of the lot closer to Jackson Road. The septic system that exists is underneath the floor of the garage that, of course, is going to be, as you can see, abandoned and an entirely new system installed, which we've submitted the plans to you regarding that and that is before the Suffolk County Department of Health now. So that's our project. If anyone has any questions, in addition to myself, I have our architect here as well as Mr. Polites. Mrs. Polites is recuperating from some surgery. MEMBER SIMON: I would like to ask questions. This is interesting and I think Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 171 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 our counsel's clarification is also very helpful. If I'm right about this and I'm asking you, too, because this application does have some implications even if it doesn't refer to the law itself. In practice there has been preexisting second dwelling units on the property, whether seasonal or not, and they are nonconforming and if they're already being used that way then the nonconforming use. We have not until now, as far as I know, granted permission for people to make extensive renovations on such houses. That may be a bad idea that we haven't done so, I'm saying to you this could be an important decision because there are lots of, not lots, but there are a number of secondary dwellings on properties which are in the town and continue. Sometimes the Board is stumped because of this rule that is cited, 121, that says that they can't alter them, they can just leave them as they are, but you'd think they should be able to do that to any lot. MR. YAKABOWSKI: You see, I think, Mr. Simon, and you know I argued long and hard with your Building folks before getting sent Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 172 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 here and I think that the Building Department folks don't pay enough heed to the provision of the Code pertaining to nonconforming structures with conforming uses. They get lost in the idea that, hey, this is Southold it's a residential zone. MEMBER SIMON: Right. MR. YAKABOWSKI: You're only allowed one house and they don't deal with what is and that is that we have two preexisting dwellings on a lot, which is large by any standard, this is an R-40 zone, and this is nearly 1-3/4 acres, and they get tied up with the thought that there's only one house on one lot and no, you can't do anything with that second home, which is clearly not what your legislative body says in our Code. You can reconstruct, renovate, enlarge, and this is the section that we're looking to have you deal with. MEMBER SIMON: You may be right, what I'm just saying is this would in fact have considerable significance within this town because we have lots and lots of applications that we've seen for people who had inhabited second buildings and they wanted to expand PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 173 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 them or have them acknowledged. What you may want to say, maybe your argument is this is right that this should be grandfathering all second buildings on properties that have been occupied. MR. YAKABOWSKI: No, I don't know that you're doing that. You've got to look at the fact that this is a preexisting, predate zoning. In other words, it didn't pop on the parcel subsequent to the Code. So, you know, and again if you take a look and I know and I'm not trying to teach, but the general idea whenever you hear the word, especial at the Board of Appeals, nonconformity, you're going, aha, this is something we want to eliminate, but really if you take a look at the Code section I'm referring to and that counsel has referred to, the legislative body doesn't take that position with a nonconforming structure with a conforming use. They say look folks it's just a nonconforming structure. You can fix it up, rehabilitate it, renovate it, enlarge it and that's where we are. If the legislative body didn't -- if they hadn't used the word nonconforming, which you PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 174 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 know may throw some people off, they basically should have said if you've got a second dwelling that predates you can enlarge it, expand it, use it. MEMBER SIMON: I -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: May I? MEMBER SIMON: Please. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Alright, I come out sort of in between the two of you, as lawyers sometimes do. First of all, the most important thing to remember is that it's a nonconforming building. It is not a nonconforming use. BOARD MEMBERS: Right. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: So let's get that out of the way. It's not a use that cannot be changed or moved or expanded in any way. Okay, so once we're past that, it's a nonconforming building. Why is it a nonconforming building? It is only nonconforming because it is a second dwelling on a lot, okay. So it's different than if you had a nonconforming building and it was the only one, okay, so then, yes, you can enlarge, alter, reconstruct, etc. This is a peculiar Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 175 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 duck because it's nonconforming by virtue of its existence in any size, shape, okay, height, width, depth. So it's my point of view, we've been instructed by the Courts, number one, it's not a nonconforming use, it's a nonconforming building. Okay, yes, we used to say second homes you can't do anything with them. That's no longer the case. Okay, it's a new world and in recent years we've been treating them differently. Okay, so it's a nonconforming building because it exists at all. So anything you do to make it bigger is going to increase the degree of nonconformance. So where I disagree with counsel is where he says, I have a right and ability to enlarge or reconstruct it. My point of view is, yes, but that's constricted by not increasing the degree of nonconformance and because by its existence it's nonconforming, if you do anything to it you're going to increase that degree, but that does not mean you can't grant a variance to allow that if you find it appropriate, if you find it's going to remain an accessory dwelling to the first dwelling, if you find it's not going PuglieseCourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 176 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 to overpower the neighborhood or the neighbors or really change the nature of the lot in the neighborhood. So that's how I would advise you view it. I hope that's not too confusing. BOARD MEMBERS: No, not at all. MEMBER WEISMAN: Actually, I do have a legal question based on that and based on all that (inaudible) both counsel. So there are three possibilities here according to the Notice of Disapproval. My question is going to be of those three choices -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: What I would do is I would pick three, the alternative, which was I think wise of counsel to give you those choices, even though he might have paid some more money in application fees, I think it was worth it, do you technically need to reverse the first -- you might need to reverse the first conclusion of the Building Department, which found it's a nonconforming use. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Respectfully requested and as I said, I'm not grumbling, I'm here and getting a fair shot at a hearing, but I had that argument for literally several months with the Building Department and -- PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 177 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Right (inaudible). MR. YAKABOWSKI: -- that's all right. We're here and that's the whole -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Agree to disagree on certain things. In that case, I would say 1 and 3, reversal and variance; if you choose to grant it. MEMBER WEISMAN: was questioning. One Yeah, well that's what I is for reversal, one is relative to the suggestion that for variances this is an accessory cottage use is nonconforming, since it really isn't nonconforming -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: The use is not nonconforming. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Right. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. Then I'm wondering about number 3. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: 3 is necessary in my view because you are increasing the degree of the nonconformity of the building. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, but counsel argues they're actually decreasing the nonconformity (inaudible). MR. YAKABOWSKI: Well, again I think Pugliese CourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 178 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 counsel -- I'm sorry. We do have mildly opposing thoughts. My thought on the enlargement and if you take a look at the site plan as to a portion of the building we're increasing the side yard setback to keep it further away from our neighbors for a portion of it, but also again with respect to the enlargement, the -- I'm arguing that that doesn't increase the degree of nonconformity, although I suppose it's just as easy to argue that, hey, if you add one square foot to a nonconforming building that increases the nonconformity, but my other argument is and I think appropriate, is under current Code you're not supposed to occupy as a habitation a home without heat, you know, and certain other amenities, which we're going to be adding to this structure to bring it into conformity with existing State Construction Codes and current Town of Southold Building Codes. MEMBER WEISMAN: The reason I ask these questions is because while each application is specific to the circumstances of that application, it's important how a PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 179 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 determination is written given the variations one could examine in a case like this relative to precedent for future applications. So I want the record to reflect due consideration to the three possible actions we might take in this record. An interpretation is one of them, you know, the second one. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Right that's the -- that was my original application and, you know, as a back up, if you will, ask for a reversal of the determination and/or a variance from the determination of the Building Inspector or Building Department relating to their consideration or their interpretation of the Code, but I do think that the Code provision relating to nonconforming structures with conforming uses is the most appropriate. Obviously, if you feel that, you know, in line with counsel's suggestions to you that rather than carte blanche you're looking at our application and if you feel that by adding, let's say any square footage, forgetting amenities like heat, electrical and the like, if you're adding any square footage adds to the degree of nonconformity, then I would ask PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 180 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 you to, you know, grant me a variance in that regard. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: I'm going to correct myself. I would say 1 and 2. I agree that you have the right provision of the Code, but if you're going to enlarge I would characterize that an increase in the degree of nonconformance in what's 280-122 and, if you're so inclined, grant a variance to that section. MEMBER WEISMAN: Let me just finish, because I just want to make sure, from a legal perspective, which is certainly not my expertise, but I'm smart enough to listen well, the first thing that you described here I thought sounded like number 2, which was an interpretation. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Well, I don't think you need an interpretation, quite frankly, I think you need a variance under 122. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Yeah, I think what Mr. Corcoran is saying is that the statute or the Code provision itself is sufficiently clear that you don't need to interpret it, but, and he and I may have a slight disagreement, my Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 181 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 argument is don't make me get a variance. I'm not going beyond my lot coverage. I'm not increasing -- decreasing side yard setbacks or rear yard setbacks or front yard setbacks, but if, you know, if you agree with his interpretation that adding some square footage adds to a degree of nonconformity, then in that regard I do ask that you grant us a variance in that regard. MEMBER WEISMAN: I will conclude with asking once and for all eternity in order of your priority, in terms of these three possible actions by this Board, 1, 2, and 3, a reversal, an interpretation and variance, what would your preference be? MR. YAKABOWSKI: My -- and I think, and Kieran yell at me if you think I'm wrong, I think the Building Department erred in its application of the Code. I think their initial determination should be reversed. I think, respectfully, that I don't need to ask for a variance of those provisions of the Code they cited to, I think the Code section I'm referring to, which is nonconforming structure with conforming use is the appropriate section PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 182 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 of the Code and, if you feel it necessary, I would then ask that you give me a variance with respect to allowing me to increase the square footage on that conforming -- of that conforming use or the nonconforming structure so that I can continue. MEMBER WEISMAN: So it's both 1 and 2 and if that MR. yeah. ASST. need 3. doesn't work we go to 3. YAKABOWSKI: Correct. Yeah, I mean, TOWN ATTORNEY: I don't think we MR. YAKABOWSKI: Yeah, I think to get to 3 I think we've all made a mistake. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, with 1 and 2 we don't need 3. MR. YAKABOWSKI: MEMBER SIMON: Yeah. I was getting clear on what Kieran was saying and also your comment. The increasing degree of nonconformity, does that or that does not need change in the use? Does it include change in the use? ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: It does not. MEMBER SIMON: Would that mean, for example, that a garage could be, which is a PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 183 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 preexisting building, which is a conforming use could be converted into a dwelling unit -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: No, no. MEMBER SIMON: -- under your interpretation of -- ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: MEMBER SIMON: What ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: before us, but -- No, no. am I missing? Well, that's not MEMBER SIMON: I know, but I'm interested because of the precedential significance of the decision. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: I understand that, but it would depend because if the garage as accessory to the principle dwelling -- MEMBER SIMON: Yes. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: -- it's not a nonconforming building, first of all, it's not a nonconforming use. You would be essentially adding a second dwelling, which didn't previously exist. MEMBER SIMON: Right. ASST. under one allowed. TOWN ATTORNEY: And you'd be stuck (inaudible). It would not be Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 184 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER SIMON: (Inaudible) Code. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Correct. MEMBER SIMON: And which would mean that any existing dwelling, secondary accessory dwelling which is seasonal, Code as I read it could be round and could perhaps be could be under the converted to a year expanded or altered provided it did not increase unacceptably the degree of nonconformity. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: In my view, which is slightly divergent from counsel's view, in my view only if you say so by granting a variance. MEMBER SIMON: Right. ASST. TOWN ATTORNEY: Only if it's okay with you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Are you okay with this, Michael? MEMBER SIMON: Yeah, I'm just trying to understand how narrowly or broadly a decision would or could be written, that's all. MEMBER WEISMAN: That building is still nonconforming, it's just (inaudible) the use. MEMBER SIMON: Right, right and I'm just concerned about the use, as I've said before, Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 185 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 I'm concerned we have lots and lots of applications of people who are trying to take for example an as-built or as-used nonconforming use, which becomes a previous use (inaudible). CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Hold that for a second. Mr. Yakabowski, who do you have other than the applicant that can answer some square footage questions for me because I have some questions on square footage on existing as to -- YAKABOWSKI: Go ahead. Ask me and if I have Mr. (inaudible) my architect opposed MR. I can't here. We have 15 -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: In one of the records I was shown, you were showing existing square footage at 2289. Okay, that I believe adds up to -- MR. YAKABOWSKI: 22-and-change that's for the first floor. The first floor currently is 1500-and-change, that's going to go increase by -- I'm sorry. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Yeah. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 186 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. YAKABOWSKI: The first floor currently 1564 is going to 23-and-change, an increase of 774 square feet. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. YAKABOWSKI: There is currently no second story. There is a small second story of 600 square feet, thereabouts, and that will be the newly added second story. We didn't do calculations because the lower level is going to be a basement level, mechanical, etc. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So I have 2238 on the first floor, proposed, and 690 on the second floor, proposed, a total of -- MR. YAKABOWSKI: Correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: -- 3028; does that sound about right? MR. YAKABOWSKI: 3028 -- excuse me for one moment. MEMBER WEISMAN: No, (inaudible) square feet. Proposed four-bedroom house -- MR. YAKABOWSKI: We're adding 1464 to 1564. MEMBER OLIVA: 64 and you're adding how much, 23? MR. YAKABOWSKI: We're adding 1464. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 187 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 and 690 MR. yes. BOARD ASST.: MEMBER WEISMAN: square feet YAKABOWSKI: Yeah, first floor is 2338. 2338 on the first floor of habitable space -- On the second floor, CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: many, many, so if that's years. I only said many, decades it's only 30 Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 BOARD ASST.: Add those two together and you have? MR. YAKABOWSKI: 1464. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MR. YAKABOWSKI: And add that to the total of 15-and-change for the existing first level and that gives you your total square footage. BOARD ASST.: 3028. MR. YAKABOWSKI: 3028. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: That's what I have. Alright, in the past, we've known each other, Mr. Yakabowski, for many, many, many, many years, okay. You are an officer of the court and -- MR. YAKABOWSKI: Don't ask me to tell my age if that's why we're talking about this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 188 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. YAKABOWSKI: I guess that's about right, maybe a little more. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: If I was to walk in this present dwelling, these are questions I always ask. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Go ahead. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there any dilapidation of the floor as I was to walk into that main room area on, you know, through the -- MR. YAKABOWSKI: You mean the existing structure as it is now? No. No. We'd be the first to concede to you and we show it on all of our drawings, that we're going to raise the home. We're going to examine existing sill plates, underflooring, etc. because as you know this did not have a basement, didn't have, you know, it's the old stone footings, and anything that needs to be replaced or redone in this renovation will be done, but it -- if you're asking me if I walk in the door do I fall through the floor, the answer is no. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, so the floor is relatively stable? MR. YAKABOWSKI: And it's being used. PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 189 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: As a seasonal dwelling, it is -- meaning no heat, okay, no air conditioning, it is a relatively stable dwelling at this time for temporary use for seasonal reasons; am I correct? MR. YAKABOWSKI: Um-hmm. Um-hmm. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. If one was to find all of the sill plates rotted and everything ready to go, meaning because there are no leaders and gutters on the building and MR. YAKABOWSKI: Termite infestation. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: You may have to demolish MR. YAKABOWSKI: No. the Termites, right. entire structure? So far, so far, and we've done a lot of work at the site, we see no indication that the structure, itself, needs to be demolished. No, we intend to, you know, rehabilitate, renovate and we think that there is plenty of sound structure there. As a matter of fact, as you see, we're planning to go up so we're confident that, you know, sufficient structure to permit we've got the us to do that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So you would be Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (63]) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 190 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 raising the existing structure enough to put a foundation underneath MR. YAKABOWSKI: one foot in grade. it? And we're going to go up CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I see. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Just so that we have appropriate drainage. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Is there anything else that you need regarding the structure that you would be saving other than the main portion of the building? MR. YAKABOWSKI: Well, we think, and believe me I'm not an artist or an architect, but we think that we're keeping the structure in the current mode of the neighborhood. I mean this was developed, as you probably know, many, many years ago as a family compound. Currently, the front home is being renovated right now by Mr. Ferro, Mr. Ferro and his wife are Ms. Polites son-in-law and daughter. So Mr. and Mrs. Polites are redoing the accessory structure and it'll be a family compound and Mr. and Mrs. Ferro reside in Manhattan. Mr. and Mrs. Polites have a home in Manhattan and as well as a home out of the country so this Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 191 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 is not intended for rental to strangers. It's intended for family use. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: There was one other question, but I'll leave it at that point. MEMBER OLIVA: No. I understand what Kieran is pointing out to us that it would be a reversal of the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval as far as the interpretation and it is a nonconforming building, but a conforming use, and if you expand and if we decide to, then we would give a variance on that nonconforming use; am I correct? MR. YAKABOWSKI: Yes. That's correct. Mr. Corcoran, your counsel's thoughts are and I'm not here to get into a fight, his thoughts, and I think I'm expressing it correctly, is that if you're going to permit me to add square footage as opposed to renovating and rehabilitating the existing structure just as it is, then his advice to you is that I need, or my clients need a variance. MEMBER OLIVA: Need a variance. BOARD ASST.: That's under 280-122 (inaudible). PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 192 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. YAKABOWSKI: Correct, 280-122. Correct. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Let's see what happens during the hearing. Thank you. MR. YAKABOWSKI: I should point out we did receive two return receipts, Ms. Kowalsky. We did not hear from the adjoining neighbors, the Dills, and basically that's it. We've received no written communiques from anyone other than the fact that the cards came back. BOARD ASST.: Thank you very much. MR. YAKABOWSKI: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Would anyone else like to speak for or against this application? Anybody have any comment at all regarding this application? Do the Board Members have any other questions of anyone that is presenting this application at this time? Okay, hearing no further testimony, I will entertain a motion. Actually, I'll make the motion closing the hearing, reserving decision until later. MEMBER OLIVA: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution. PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-83S5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 193 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 HEARING #6130 - Donald and Janis Rose CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: This is a application from the prior meeting regarding application for an accessory structure on 145 Kind Street in Orient and we will defer to counsel. Please state your name for the record, again. MRS. MOORE: Yes, Patricia Moore, 51020 Main Road, Southold. This is a continuation -- reopening of prior hearing. It's really a continuation of discussions we had at the prior hearing so we'd asked to incorporate everything, obviously, that we discussed before. We -- I'm very pleased that you actually reopened it because if you have questions I'm more than happy to have us reopen it and address it rather than leave unanswered questions that could lead to a decision that no one wants. I do have Nancy Steelman here, who is the architect, and I have Mr. and Mrs. Rose here as well. Just to recap, very briefly, we have an accessory nonconforming garage structure very PuglieseCourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 194 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 close to the property line that my client -- their house is in the Historic District of Orient, right on King Street, and the impetus, really what geared them in looking to rebuild actually an accessory building for both a car, a standard garage, is the fact that Mr. Rose, since he was in kindergarten, and we'll be showing you items to display that, he has been building things. It is his essence, it is him. So it would just impact him greatly not to be able to use his hands and keep himself busy in what is a workshop and the Code speaks in terms of workshop as typically just the generic customary an accessory to the principle dwelling. The Board asked a question last time that I want to clarify. You asked, well couldn't we make this space in the principle dwelling and the house is in poor condition, it will need renovated over time. They're not quite there, yet, but it will probably be renovated. The problem is that the equipment he uses is large, you know, typical woodworking and metalworking equipment and you might stick it in a basement if you didn't have an accessory PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 195 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 building, even though I've seen a thousand and I actually had to go back to the Code as far as workshop goes, it's not spelled out in the Code as one of the accessory uses as a playhouse might be or, I don't know, doghouse might be. I don't remember if doghouse is included or not, but they give you as examples, pool, tennis courts, things like that. The groundwater here is very high they cannot put a basement in this building. So even if they -- if you said to him, no, no we won't let you have an accessory building, the only option is to move away and they love this house. They've had this house, it's a second generation occupying this house. They can't put it in the basement, there is no basement. The fact that it's in the Historic District, they are very, very careful with meeting the architectural standards of the History Preservation District. So there's really no alternative here other than this accessory building. The placement of the accessory building, as we talked about last time, there is a narrow, essentially an alleyway, for a car to pass through and that's PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 196 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 where the garage bay is. That's the start of the garage. So the placement of this structure and we talked about alternatives, if we tried to attach it we'd still need a variance and essentially that alternative is a bad alternative because we'd be in violation of the historic preservation, we'd be altering the structure with an addition that really does not belong attached to the structure. So we're here before you because we need certain -- well the height is fine if we move it away from the property line, but we can't move it away from the property line because it eliminates its feasibility as a garage. We do also, from your inspections you know, we have a two- or three-car garage to the east, two- car garage to the east. A one-car garage to the west, two-car. I'm sorry, two-car, two- story. The house behind has their garage placed on the opposite side of the property, but they are -- it kind of -- the Village is unique. Everybody is tight and the garages are surrounding this property. I want to show you now what he does and why it's so important that he be able to PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 197 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Mr. Rose, you MR. ROSE: had said last things when I continue to do what he's been doing and again it's the workshop in the accessory garage. can describe what you do. Okay, my name is Don Rose. I time that I started building was in nursery school and this is the first thing I built. I did the lettering and all of that after -- it's a little school bus with a picture of my father smoking in the backseat, but I remember vividly in nursery school finding these two pieces from a chair arm and nailing them together. My dad had already t~ught me how to nail, so it s~arte~ then. I build various Ehings. This is just a nice little Caligraphy letter R. This is a driftwood frame. The thing that's important about this is that there's no cut mark. I'll show you more closely. There's driftwood inside as well as outside. So it doesn't look as though it's something sawn on, it looks more a piece I think. I also do metalworking. little aluminum box that solid piece of aluminum. This is just a was cut out of a If you want to take Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 198 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 a important thing powered model. take it apart. look at that. This happens to be a model, but the is this is actually a steam- It's radio-controlled and I'll This is a two-cylinder steam engine with a boiler powered with propane butane and it's radio-controlled and I made this engine myself. This whole assembly comes right out and you can get it all fired up and put all (inaudible). In fact, I had it on display at a convention of metalworkers and woodworkers in Pennsylvania in January. It made a pretty big hit. Steam comes out the stack and it's a lot of fun, I only recently got into bringing the small steam engines. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Very nice. MR. ROSE: This half boats I built. show itself. I mean, to build things. My is one of the one-and-a- I guess that's it for the I build things. I love retirement is going to be working in creative endeavors like this and I can't not do it. I'm glad it's not booze or something like that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I have specific questions to ask you, but Leslie -- Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 199 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MRS. MOORE: Sure. MEMBER WEISMAN: Pat, over the information that thank you for going I think was well covered in the previous hearing. I think I'd like to go back to that hearing when you described your desire to continue in your retirement home the woodworking that you are now doing in New Jersey, where you live, in a woodworking shop that I believe you stated was about 1000 square feet and that you need additional space over what you already have for your woodworking hobby. May I ask you, I think perhaps what we're really interested in is clarifying the intensity of use of that space. MRS. MOORE: Right. MEMBER WEISMAN: What you've shown us of examples here are very modest in size. They certainly would constitute a home hobby. We're concerned with the possibility of a home business. We are aware of a website that shows the beautiful work you've done in custom furniture and cabinetry with built-ins and it's clearly advertised as a business and so rather then wondering what's going on we PuglieseCourtRepo~ingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2OO ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 thought let's clear the air and find out exactly because business use, as you know, is not the intent of that kind of zoning nor is it something we would be able to grant. So it's important that you clarify whether you're retiring from that business to do things of this scale or whether you will be continuing to do custom furniture, larger scale, and advertise for sale. MR. ROSE: No, I'm not and here's the explanation. When I retired four years ago I thought well what I'll do is design and build furniture. I did that for about two years and I earned about $15.00 an hour and I gave up on that. In fact, my customfurnitureone.com website ends in, I think, July this year and I'm not going to renew it. I really -- I thought heck, I'm going to really get going with this and the answer is I tried it, it didn't work, I'm not happy that it didn't work, but it's -- it works out to be I'm okay with that. I guess I'm just not proud that it didn't work, but I'm not with Don Rose Works, LLC. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: going to continue My question is, Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 201 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 being a woodworker myself, nothing to the degree that you are, sir, how do we soundproof that building so we can make it more palatable and create less concern to the neighbors? You know, I live in a house that's both 2 by 6 construction and 2 by 4 construction and I did that, specifically, cause I had no convection in the house at all in 2 by 6 MR. ROSE: Yeah. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: So the that are on the house are 2 by 4. convection, okay, unfortunately I little more money for heat, but I construction. additions Now, I get spend a get the air to move around a little, but I have to tell you when that house was originally 2 by 6 you didn't hear one blessed thing that went on outside unless you had a wind that was in excess of 50 miles an hour. So what I'm asking you is how can you help me understand how you can, with this machinery, okay, soundproof that building since you intend to put air conditioning in, you intend to put heating in and this is a test that I'm asking you because conceivably there will be more people that want to do what Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 202 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 you're doing and that's the concern I have. MRS. MOORE: Nancy, maybe you can describe -- MS. STEELMAN: I think somewhat you answered your question. Nancy Steelman, Daniels and Steelman, Architects. I think in some ways, if I understood what you said is that your previous house had 2 by 6 studs, I'm assuming 6 inches of bat insulation, the sound was fairly good. Windy days, you know, you weren't really hearing much. It was very tight. That's typically how we're building everything these days. There's nothing thai we've done in 25 years that's been built all 2 by 4. So that was always originally planned with those 2 by 6s with 6 inches of bat insulation. We're required even by Code in the roof structure to go with R-30 bat insulation, which is close to 9-1/2, 10 inches. That's just for energy code for a heated structure. We can go to the next level and do a double wall on the exterior and stagger those studs. That's another way that, you know, you can use stud and bat insulation to create a Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 203 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 tighter acoustical wall. option, too. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: experience, Nancy, would suffice? MR. STEELMAN: equipment. I'm not So there is that But in your you think the 2 by 6 wall I haven't heard his -- you know, I haven't been around a lot of woodshops and different things like a lot of the contractors. I'm not sure of the size and the type of equipmen~ he has, but I'm assuming that with a 2 by 6 padded insulated wall that you'd be fine. MR. ROSE: One mitigating factor is that I'm pretty fussy about dust collection. Everything in the machines is enclosed already to limit the propagation of dust. So that may muffle some of the sound tc begin with. I'm not an expert, but that would be my guess. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: See, that was the question that we failed, that I failed to ask at the last hearing cause there is some concern regarding noise and it's -- when you're a hobbyist and you feel so inclined it might be at different time~ of the day when people might be sleeping or whatever. PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 204 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MRS. MOORE: There you go. I asked him that question. Go ahead. He comes up with a great answer. MR. ROSE: I've got all, you know, knock wood I've got all ten fingers. I also enjoy my cocktail hour starting at 6:00 and my machines don't run after 6. It's daytimes, weekends, but not after 6. MEMBER SIMON: I have a question about your craft. I noticed with some admiration your steamboat and the metalworking. Are you a machinist, do you machine those yourself? MR. ROSE: Yes, I did. MEMBER SIMON: Because that, of course, as I understand it uses louder equipment than woodworking machines, doesn't it? MR. ROSE: Actually it's the opposite. MEMBER SIMON: Really. MR. ROSE: In a manufacturing environment in metalworking there are very aggressive depths of cut, feed rates and so on that create a lot of noise, but the machine tools that do the cutting are considered expendible and they're expensive and that's all part of the job in the manufacturing environment. In Pugliese CourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2O5 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the hobbyist environment I'm going to utilize a very light depth of cut, very slow feed and speeds in order to maximize my tool life. In other words, I might have a cutter that's $80.00. I want that to last for as long as it can. Any time that I hear real noise in metalworking, that's either chatter or vibration or squealing, I'm doing something wrong. So I would argue that my woodcutting saw makes much more noise than the noisiest lathe or mill. MEMBER SIMON: work you were doing before you retired? MR. ROSE: Well, I -- yes. I was in the pharmaceuticals business. Okay, I -- MEMBER SIMON: So you haven't been covertly running a manufacturing business for thirty years -- MR. ROSE: That's correct. MEMBER SIMON: -- out of your house in New Jersey? MR. ROSE: I was training sales managers how to work with their sales people. MEMBER SIMON: I mention that because that adds considerable credibility to your PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-835S Can I ask you what kind of 206 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 hobbyist argument. MR. ROSE: I guess it does. MEMBER WEISMAN: One follow-up question with that, just so we're clear on the record, will you be advertising at all or in any way selling any of the products or the objects that you'll be fabricating? MR. ROSE: No, I will not. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay, so this is really genuinely for your own use? MR. ROSE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: This is primarily why we wanted to talk to you. MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) that's very good. MEMBER WEISMAN: Hold on. Because you know, there's an important distinction between a home hobby, which you are clearly describing and a potential business use. So no one will be coming to your studio for the purposes, other than just showing off and enjoying showing things off, they're not going to be coming there to look at things to buy in particular? MR. ROSE: Yeah, I -- that's correct. By Pugliese Court RepoSing and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 207 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the way, I never did get any business through the website. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's all word of mouth, huh? MEMBER WEISMAN: What did you do with all that beautiful furniture? MR. ROSE: It was word of mouth, yeah, and I'm frankly surprised, I had Googled Don Rose Works and never been able to pull up my website. I'm surprised you saw it. MEMBER WEISMAN: I have one other question and then to you, Michael. MR. ROSE: Yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: Relative to lot coverage, okay, so we've got that. As far as I'm concerned, we've already in my mind addressed the issue of use, the intensity of the use. Maybe this is something Nancy wants to answer, I'm not sure. The request for increased lot coverage to 33.43 percent, okay, let's see, should that additional lot coverage not be granted, from a design perspective, now we understand why you need the side yard and rear yard setbacks to remain with the height to make sure you have an adequate second floor Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 208 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 for the use of youg workshop, right now it's a kind of an L-shaped structure and you've kind of squared it off and made a rectangle out of it. An option would be, of course it would change roof pitches, that's why I want you up here cause you're reducing sill plate height in order to equate to lower the profile of the actual building. If that L was simply turned around to parallel the existing garage, let's say, rather than be perpendicular to it and that filled in you would wind up with -- you could still wind up with a second story. You could still wind up with the side yard, rear yard setback. You would wind up with slightly less inside of the workshop because the ground level and the second level would be reduced by amount of that fill-in. Are you following the me? MS. STEELMAN: I think I do. You're adding with the infitl of that one rectangular area you see on the site plan 55 square feet - MEMBER WEISMAN: Correct and then again upstairs another 55 square feet. MS. STEELMAN: Upstairs also for 110 PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 209 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 square feet. MEMBER WEISMAN: Right. MS. STEELMAN: So you're saying to remove that section and just reconfigure the shape. What are the consequences from your -- I just want to enter this for the record for consideration and the fact that we discussed it at the hearing. MS. STEELMAN: Okay, so to reconfigure this -- that's where I'm missing it. MRS. MOORE: Okay. MEMBER WEISMAN: Shall I show you? MS. STEELMAN: Yes, could you. Oh yeah. MEMBER WEISMAN: Do you want to approach or shall I come there? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just one statement at a time, please. MRS. MOORE: Yes. MS. STEELMAN: square footage. MEMBER WEISMAN: It would be the same No, what we're talking about is this fill-in, this little rectangle that's being filled in. So the Board can see also. MEMBER SIMON: Yes. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 210 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Before you answer you need her to stop. I'm not directing you, Nancy, I'm just asking you. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. That's the 55 square foot additional requested lot coverage, basically. Okay, should that be denied, okay, that's going to mean 55 on the ground and 55 above, okay, so 110 square feet addition. Let's just explore if that wasn't acceptable if this piece here could wind up going this way. MS. STEELMAN: Right. MEMBER WEISMAN: This piece gets -- this is deleted, okay. This piece gets shifted to about here like that. MRS. MOORE: You're filling it in. MEMBER WEISMAN: It's a box. MS. STEELMAN: It's still a box. MEMBER WEISMAN: And it simply, now the roof pitches will change slightly within the - but I want the record to reflect the discussion about the consequences of not granting the additional lot coverage. MRS. MOORE: Right. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 211 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MEMBER WEISMAN: From your perspective as an architect what will that do to the pitches so that the profile will appear higher or would it appear higher or would it appear iow? You know, if that was a part of consideration. MRS. MOORE: Nancy you have to put it on the record so you're going to come back. MEMBER WEISMAN: Yeah, now you can go back. I just was -- Thank you, Pat. MS. STEELMAN: Based on Leslie's potential redesign my concern with this would be the roof lines. I think that overall the structure itself going with an 8-foot plate for the structure, 6 inches to the top plate with a pyramidal-type roof will appear to be a lot larger in proportion than it would be as we have it currently designed. We have currently set up a different roof structure so that there's different elements. I think the scale of the building is more broken down with what we have now. I think to square-off the building it would be basically a square and we would set up a pyramidal-roof, a hip pyramidal roof. I think basically where I would be Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 212 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 concerned is also Landmarks. We've gotten a tentative from them, not an approval because they wanted to meet with the ZBA first and they basically liked what we were doing. This I think could create some problems for us. MEMBER WEISMAN: I was going to ask you what the -- cause we know that you have to get a certificate of appropriateness for the LPC and I wanted -- MS. STEELMAN: Correct. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- to ask you where the status was. We don't want to put you in a position where we've experienced you going back and forth. Has there been a public hearing on this? MS. STEELMAN: No. The way it was left, we did -- we brought these drawings in, met with them for probably close to 45 minutes. 15 minutes of that was that they were, before they would establish that public hearing, they wanted a complete set of working documents. I advised my clients that it didn't make sense for us to do a whole set of working drawings prior to getting our variances. So we have just put them on hold until PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 213 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 this was resolved and then we would then go back to them. MRS. MOORE: You could get their comments and input. MS. STEELMAN: Yes, yes. MEMBER WEISMAN: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Let me just say this for the record, what would really look neat on this building and I'm not here to design this gentleman and lady's building, would be to eliminate that box on the second floor and to just put a little shed roof then it would just look like a little farmhouse in the back and that would really look cool, I have to tell you. MEMBER WEISMAN: What? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Take the 55 square feet off of the second floor, okay, and a little bit of a shed roof off of that and although you wouldn't see that from the front of the house, okay, from the front of the house toward the back, it'll look just like a small little country farmhouse. MS. STEELMAN: So you're thinking of rectangular with dormers, shed dormers? Pugliese CourtReportingand Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 214 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Not a dormer, a little shed roof. Just a little shed roof. MS. STEELMAN: Shed roof? CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Over that front fill-in that you're putting in. MS. STEELMAN: Oh, I see. Not doing a second floor. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Not doing the second floor. MS. STEELMAN: Putting a little shed so you still have the first floor area. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MS. STEELMAN: And just -- I think architecturally we could do a lot of different things. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MS. STEELMAN: I think it's -- what we've tried to do is maximize Don's workshop space. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Of course, and my concern is noise. MEMBER WEISMAN: in -- MS. STEELMAN: MEMBER WEISMAN: Noise we can deal with Right. -- a particular manner. If the variance for lot coverage is granted on Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 215 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 the ground floor, I see no reason why the second floor -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I'm only making a statement, I'm not designing it. MEMBER WEISMAN: -- given the same (inaudible) and the sort of scale and massing and roof pitches that that denial of additional square footage on the second floor should -- I just wanted to explore the possibility of and wanted the record to reflect where you were with the LPC and what the consequences might be from a scale perspective of changing the roof pitches and creating more of a square than a rectangle. Okay. I have no further questions. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I don't either. MRS. MOORE: Let me just address two points that I know my client was clear for me and I hope I can express it correctly. Woodworking equipment creates sawdust, which ruins metalwork equipment. Metalwork dust damages woodworking equipment, so the reality is that the -- I think the metal, high precision-type metal -- Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 216 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MR. ROSE: Would be on the ground floor and the woodworking -- MRS. MOORE: the woodworking them physically damage the very -- on the ground floor and is the second floor to keep separated so that you don't sensitive equipment cause it's precision work not mass work. So the precision work really is much more sensitive and that's why he's trying to create, and as he said, he has containment for the dust, but even with full containment there's always threat of contamination. So that's why I think when Nancy was designing this that was kept in mind to keep the equipment segregated. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Anybody else like to speak for or against this application? MEMBER SIMON: I have a question. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, I just wanted to see if anybody else was going to raise their hand. Go ahead, sorry. MEMBER SIMON: Just regarding the -- my only questions really did concern intensity of use, which is related to sound, just cause my understanding is the boundary between running a business and having a hobby isn't Pugliese CourtReportingand TranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 217 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 necessarily, as far as I understand it, whether you sell any items. It's my understanding that if you make four decoy ducks in your basement a year and you sell two of them, you would not be on the wrong side of the home occupation law. So you don't have to be -- it's not quite so rigid as do you ever sell anything. It is (inaudible) as a matter of degrees so you don't have to be able to feel if you get this and you sell one lousy little item or one -- MRS. MOORE: and it's okay. MEMBER SIMON: So I (inaudible) -- MRS. MOORE: (Inaudible) (inaudible) jewelry box. jewelry box. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I could buy a box from him Right, it would be okay. very, very much. back. MRS. MOORE: to have Always need a Alright. Thank you We appreciate you coming Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And I offer the normal resolution. MEMBER OLIVA: Second. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 218 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 (See Minutes for Resolution.) HEARING #6145 Spyro Avdoulos CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ms. Moore, we're ready. MRS. MOORE: Okay, I want to thank the Board for getting us on your calendar so quickly. This is a situation where we have all the materials purchased, plans drawn up, the contractors hired and waiting and it really is financial hardship to the client this stall -- this stop, which I've come before the Board based on two bases, two reasons. One is to overturn the determination of the Building Inspector and the other is a variance. What I want to point out is our original application to you is very thorough. This project would have been very simple if it had been a renovation of the existing house with a roof change, but what prompted us to make such a complicated application was our intention to make everything more conforming and to do that the Coastal Erosion Line bisected the seaward portion of the house. So when we began this PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 219 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 process we convinced the client that really they don't want -- the Town doesn't want to see us renovating or rebuilding in the Coastal Erosion within the Coastal Erosion Line. So to the extent we could take the same house cut away the portion of the house that was in the Coastal Erosion Line and essentially convert the existing foundation that was closest to the water, make it a patio and start the house what would be 7 feet back where the next foundation wall is in place. There is a full basement here. While the house was up, obviously, Angel Chorno the architect, he went into the basement, looked at all the walls, looked at the substructure that was there to the extent that it was visible and everything looked fine. When the contractor began, the first thing he obviously had to do and was all described in the original application to the Board, we're cutting off the second floor of the house. It's clearly a whole new second floor because, in fact, we were changing, again, in our efforts to keep things more conforming, a second floor rather than PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 220 existing house has to meet Code. The asbestos shingles State Building -- we gave you, you know, you guys asked for a lot of information. We had the same house that the elevation that was presented to you is what got converted to construction drawings. So the windows were shown. The new siding, we have to remove the asbestos shingles. We have to put in the PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 starting at the wall or at the line of the east side of the house we were stepping back the second floor so that it would meet the 15- foot side yard setback. So, again, our efforts were to make things more conforming not increase the degree of nonconformity. The Board -- in the decision that the Board wrote, it describes what our request was, which involves the keeping of the existing foundation without disturbing -- without disturbing it and converting it to a patio after removing the north first floor wall that is over the Coastal Erosion Line. The house was built in the early 50s and these renovations/additions will bring the home into current Building Code standards. So the 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 221 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 proper R-rated insulation. We have to make sure that all the substructure is tied down with straps, all the hurricane standards. The engineer -- houses can't be reconstructed without making them more conforming, so that's what was the plan for you and the submission that was made. We still have the existing foundation and the contractor said, alright, if I have to remove this foundation how much more is it going to cost the client. Aside from the fact that changing the foundation, at this point, well he gave me a bill for $78,400.00. That's how much a full foundation plus -- I mean it's not just foundation you have to remove what's there, you've got to pour a new foundation, you've got to put the waterproofing, you've got to build a new chimney because the chimney is still at -- the fireplace is still in place and all that involved is the $78,000.00 bill. Whereas, the problem we have is isolated to the east wall, which was a very deep wall constructed deep into the ground, but it doesn't have a pad underneath it. So we -- obviously it couldn't be seen until the PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 222 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 excavation started taking place. It's the crawl space and I'll give you this one. It's just, I'll put it it the direction it is. This is the east wall and remember this portion of the wall was new always because we were cutting the house back. This is the Coastal Erosion Line. This is where the house was beginning because it was being stepped back from its original location. So it's this wall here that doesn't have a footing underneath it and the price that we got to remediate that wall was $5,000.00. That's what it cost to fix the problem. We offered and we offered to you, we said we won't touch the foundation. If you don't want us to touch the foundation, we won't touch the foundation, we'll use steel. Well that obviously came back to this are. didn't -- we Board, here we Our plan has not changed whatsoever. The foundation wall is one of those things that you discover unexpectedly during construction. It could happen at any time. It happens all throughout there are changes that have to be made onsite. It was not the intention of the Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (63]) 878-8355 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 223 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 applicant to do anything different than what was submitted to you right from the beginning. This isn't one where we said to you, you know, we're keeping the same house, but we're just putting a second floor. We said, no, we know we can't do that because we're cutting the house away. The only wall that's remaining, essentially, because of the sticks that are involved, we have the east and the west framing that's still there, the existing framing, that on the east side it used to be an enclosed porch. So when you take out all the old windows there's not much frame left. On the west side we still have significant amount of framing, but again the window placement is going to be popped in and out. It's closer to the end product, so you see more of that, but the important thing here is it's a significant foundation and that's what we presented to you right from the beginning is that we want to use this foundation. We want to limit the amount of disturbance here, we're pushing the whole structure back and the Board granted the variances and we moved on ahead. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 224 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 So at this point we're back to you. We have not increased the degree of nonconformity in the sense that it's exactly the same plan that was submitted originally. Our surprise, obviously, is the foundation wall, which is not going up higher than the house was originally. It was expected to be structurally sound with footings underneath. It would be replaced with the same dimensions, it just needs footings underneath. It needs a pad underneath. That's what we're here before the Board to ask. I have Joe Fischetti who is here and one of the issues and it came up late, very late yesterday, was the neighbor to the east, it's the same owner, the owner to the west and the owner to the east had a visitor that doesn't understand Coastal issues and got her all upset and thought maybe her house might be jeopardized by our plan and, fortunately, without my even -- without realizing it, she went to see Joe Fischetti and Joe was very familiar with this project because he had designed the sanitary system, which by the way we have sanitary approval, so I'm going to PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 225 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 have Joe just put on the record as far as our plan, does it impact weight, does it change any of what was originally submitted to the Board. MR. FISCHETTI: I'm Joe Fischetti. Nice to see you again. Yes. The neighbor to the east called me up. I have done other engineering work for her and she says, I'm concerned about a project next door to me, could you help me? I said come on over to my office, bring over the surveys and let me look at it. When she brought the surveys over I started to realize, I said, Amy, I'm sorry, but I did work for the neighbor next door. I can't be your consultant, but I said let me see what you got, what's your problem here? She told me what her concern was and again I'll tell you what I told her. I said somewhat to what we said this morning is that, I said this house has been here. They're adding a second story, they're not adding much load to the structure. It will not affect the bluff any. There -- you have a bulkhead there that's very stable and PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 226 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 then she told me that she didn't have a bulkhead on your side. I said, well, Amy, that's a problem. I said what are you doing with that bulkhead on the east side. So she says, we're replacing it. I said that's good because that's more dangerous than what's happening next door. I said you have to repair your bulkhead. So what I said to her and I'll say on the record here is that nothing that's happening on this project will affect or cause any damage to the neighbor to the east. The second floor or any of the structures are very stable. The bluff is actually at a 25 degree angle and with the bulkheading it's a very stable condition. So there will not be any damage to the neighbor to the east. That's just to put it on record. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: How do they take care of this situation? MR. FISCHETTI: What situation are we talking about? MEMBER OLIVA: Loss CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: foundation. MR. FISCHETTI: There's of foundation. With the not much you can Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 227 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 do, Gerry. It's a block wall. If it was concrete you might be able to pin it, but because it's block you can't pin it. So you end up having to remove it, and build it back up again. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: put a footing in So that's the only real way they -- it's the only (inaudible). MR. FISCHETTI: Yeah. It's something that just was missed. It doesn't change the context or the flavor or anything, it jus~ happens to be a missing footing. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Just for the point of question, do they saw that wall out or do they actually break it out. MR. FISCHETTI: It's block. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's block, they break it out. MR. FISCHETII: It's going to -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Sledgehammer it out and -- MR. FISCHETTI: Just knock it out, put a footing and probably -- I don't know if they're going to put block or concrete, but it's really meaningless. It's still an 8 inch wall and it's still the same height and it's PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 228 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 going to be put back exactly the way it was before, except it'll have a footing under it. It's just something you have to find -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: In your estimation and I have to ask this question, you've already answered most of it and that is it doesn't change the integrity of the rest of the foundation. The foundation will then become a unit again and it will then be able to be constructed upon. MR. FISCHETTI: That's correct, yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Any questions of Mr. Fischetti, at this time, ladies and gentlemen? MR. FISCHETTI: Thank you. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Where do we go from here, Pat? MRS. MOORE: Do you have any other questions or -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: No, we can see what develops throughout the hearing. MRS. MOORE: Okay, fine. I do have from the contractor the cost of what this foundation is worth as far as value, aside from the fact that all our plans, PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 229 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 everything is designed with it in mind, I do have a price tag. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay, is there anything you want to discuss regarding the LWRP? MRS. the LWRP MOORE: Well, I think to begin with talks in terms of the Coastal Erosion Hazard and that's what really triggered our whole plan. We were trying to eliminate the portion of the house that was inside the Coastal Erosion Line. So they -- is it inconsistent? Well, based on the way that they interpreted distance to the bluff, but you don't have -- you have a property that has a bulkhead. Joe has already pointed out that it's a iow one, it's only 25 percent slope. There's a jetty on the property. The property is very stable. I think Soil and Water had given us a green light. There really was no issue and drainage is being covered by our standard drainage conditions. We also have imposed a non-turf buffer, which was imposed on the original application, the original approval. So what's frustrating is to give this PuglieseCou~ ReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 230 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 response back, it's -- we're in the midst of construction and there's no way of making this more conforming other -- beyond what has already been implemented. We implemented an entire mitigation measure initially by pushing the house back and building on the existing foundation that was there. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Ail the drywells are still intact, everything that you were -- MRS. MOORE: Absolutely, everything in the plans, the construction drawings and our drainage, everything has to be implemented. We are on pause right now because of the one wall. Everything else is already in place. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: give us a letter to that have it, you know -- MRS. MOORE: What's CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I think you should affect so that we that? -- as a reference to this received. MRS. MOORE: Yeah, I mean -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: have it. inconsistent aspect that we just I'll give you whatever. Okay, so I mean we Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 231 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 MRS. MOORE: I'll give you a letter, but you already have it on the record. I'm happy to give it to you in writing that I've already CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Well, we can incorporate whatever you put in the letter. MRS. MOORE: Okay, into the decision, that's fine. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Into the decision, which is important. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The last thing is, did you go to the Trustees with this aspect, yet or have the Trustees -- MRS. MOORE: I have it on for the next meeting. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: The next meeting. MRS. MOORE: Yes. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. MRS. MOORE: Unfortunately with the Trustees, they weren't paying attention when I submitted the original submission because they started talking to me about a first floor and I was talking to them about a foundation. So I had questions -- I don't know if you've ever been to a Trustees' meeting where all of them PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 232 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 talk at once. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: But you were three feet apart. MRS. MOORE: Yeah, just a little. So we're going back to them for that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. MRS. MOORE: One issue I guess we have to clarify. MR. CHORNO: My name is Angel Chorno and I did the drawings and the original drawings that were approved the walls on the east and west were supposed to be kept and add 2 inches, 2 by 2 in order to put all the insulation that we needed because 2 by 4 would not take the insulation. When we opened the walls it turned out that on the east side the wall had practically no studs and they had windows so the wall actually was no wall. So I had to, in the new drawings, revised drawings, show that I put in a new wall, 2 by 6 wall there. If I'm required I'll keep the few studs and whatever frame inside the wall I have to build in order to support the room, but that wall is not there. On the west side, yes, they have studs PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 233 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 and I can do, but at this point might be more practical instead of adding 2 by 2, just put one 2 by 6 next to the existing 2 by 4s and get the depth I need so I made those modifications in the new drawings I submitted and I want to clarify that they are different from the original drawings that were approved in those terms. That's about it. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: sistering up the joists; MR. CHORNO: In one CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: And that's called is that correct? case, I'm just -- On the west side? MR. CHORNO: On the west side, yes. the other it's replacing because -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Studs, yes. Excuse, me I meant studs. MR. CHORNO: Yes, is to -- CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. MR. CHORNO: -- beef up the wall. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MR. CHORNO: That's CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: else who would like to speak for this application? Anyone? In Right. Thank you. it. Is there anybody or against Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 234 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 So I guess we'll ask your question, Mike, if you wouldn't mind. CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: Michael Verity, Chief Building Inspector. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Mr. Fischetti testified to the fact that if they cut this wall out and put a brand new wall in with the footings, the proper footings, that the unit of the existing foundation and you know that we've spoken about older foundations in general. I did go down and look at the foundation, I'm not a building inspector in any way, manner or form, and some of the block looked pretty good to me. Some of it, you know, and I looked at the hole. I saw the hole that was there, does that suffice for you in reference to the integrity of it for the load from your standpoint? CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: As a building inspector, yes. I'm not a licensed profession, not an engineer, but I would say as a Building Inspector, yes. On a personal note, if I was at this point, I would not PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 235 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 build a new home on that foundation and that's not speaking for or against this project, I hope you understand that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: I hope you don't mind me asking that question. CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: Not at all. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Okay. CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: Not at all. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's not meant to be said in a derogatory manner toward that foundation or anything -- we're still learning on this whole aspect of the reconstruction of homes on existing foundations. CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: Yeah, I know Pat recently had another project, not to bring them into the mix, but that project there was a discussion on whether the foundation went or not, that was pretty much the same question is what I'm trying to say. In the future, I think that should be always the discussion because there's very few that they do save and, at this point, why do you save it. Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 236 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Right. CHIEF BUILDING INSPECTOR VERITY: Again I'm not speaking for or against it, but it just doesn't make good sense to do that. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: We thank you for your opinion. Anybody else like to speak for or against? Any wrap up? MRS. MOORE: Just wrap up as far as why owners, I mean aside from its placement, you know, that's obvious, but there is actually a significant cost savings that if you can preserve a foundation, which 90 percent of this now that it's exposed it appears it has the footings. So you know that's why in most cases I think the effort is to retain what you've got because it's a savings to the overall expense of the project. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: If it's foundation or if it's house, as you heard in the clients that Mr. Yakabowski represents, I mean, we always try and ask the percentage basis and you know does it exist, is it stable enough and all of the specific questions that reflect PuglieseCourtReportingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 237 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MRS. MOORE: Right, sure. Sure. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: -- that type of situation. MRS. MOORE: Right. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: It's for life. BOARD ASST.: year foundation. would be stable, MRS. MOORE: So it would be like a 50- I mean for a long time it right? Yes, I guess -- houses are meant to stay there for 100 years. Yeah. I mean -- BOARD ASST.: I mean, it was stable for - MRS. MOORE: BOARD ASST.: already. MRS. MOORE: -- the house has been -- -- probably 50 years Oh yeah. The house has already been there for at least 50, yeah, 50 years old. BOARD ASST.: I mean the old foundation supporting the new construction will probably MRS. MOORE: Yeah, if you recall the house had been almost a two-story that the -- PuglieseCourtRepo~ingandTranscriptionService (631)878-8355 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 238 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 Angel reminds me that the difference between one-and-a-half and two-story house is often times just the ceiling heights. There was a full second story here. It -- so the house is essentially staying the same and remember we're adding a whole new foundation on the landward side, the addition. So you're actually spreading the weight even more so than where it originally was. We're moving, you know, significant part of the structure to the landward side. BOARD ASST.: Right. MRS. MOORE: So I think if I've answered your question. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: MRS. MOORE: Okay. CHAIRMAN GOEHRINGER: Thank you. Hearing no further comment, I'll make a motion closing the hearing, reserving decision until later. MEMBER WEISMAN: Second. (See Minutes for Resolution.) (OFF THE RECORD) Pugliese Court Reporting and Transcription Service (631) 878-8355 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 239 ZBA Town of Southold - March 27, 2008 I, Denise Gasowski, certify that the foregoing transcript of tape recorded Public Hearings was prepared using four-track electronic transcription equipment and is a true and accurate record of the Hearings. Signature ' ~ Denise Gasowski Agency Name: Address of Agency: Pugliese's Court Reporting and Transcription Service 4 Saddlebrook Lane Manorville, New York 11949 Date: January 4, 2009 Pugliese Court Repo~ing and Transcription Se~ice (631)878-8355