HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12402 P 93, T ~9 I--,gmbd ~.Y # FU · .. CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BE/ORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT -THIS IHSTILUM~HT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDE~ made an July / // 2005 235 14~LL B?REET, INC., h&vlng an &dd~ess c/o Ho£heLmer G&rtlt= & Gross, LLP, 530 Fl£th Avenue, New York, HY 10036 pay of the firm pm, nd 101 GRBENPOR? PRO~ERTZRS, LT.C, a New York ltn~,ed liability ~oapany, having an add,ess at 10! South S,reet. Greenport, NY party of the secured park WTI~IESs~'rJ4, that the party o! the &fsi Daft. in~slderation of Ten hit-rs Ind od~*r valDable couiderition paid by the party of b second pas does i~"G~,.%a~nd releme unto the Part)' of dm socoad part. the heirs o:,, ,.., o,... ~ Ihet certain Pla, iiiece or parcel of .h..nd.~i.'lbVd~. buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lyinl~ ami beinL= in the :~ncorpora*:ed Vi.f~_I~i,~.~o~ Groenpor*:, ~)wn o£ SouthoZd, Coun,y o' Su: 'oZk ,.nd St:a*:. o" new part: LcuZ.r.ty bonded ,.nd dsscr:Lbed ,., ..,,,,od h,r,to h.r.o,:. ,ZNG ,he ,ams pJ:em4.., co~.e~,,ed/i~..~h.~ par,y o, *:he ,J.r.*: pa,, by deed d~,ecl March 27. 1973 -,nd z~ecord_e_d.~.Ai:;r:L.]..li10_'_,,,'1973 *A L:Lber 7376, rP 49. 8,ockholders o£ *:he party--- ur.: -,.., of~h.e u.~.~F.~.s.~)art' TOGL"rHI..'I{ with mil riehl, tillu mud interem, ii any..,i Ih,.* Imrly u! th, 6r~ part i, and to any rdre~, and r,,nd~ abmtin! the aJ.,ve de,,:rii~d premises t~ thc eeqter lines thereo[: TOGETHER with .the appurtenances aaa .!1 the mate ami rishts ,f the part? ~! the fire pan i, ami t. sold premises: TO IIAVI~ AInU TO liOLD thu premises herei, ffrant~ uflt- t~ Part.v ,,f the the ~.*-n,! piti AND the Party ,,f the. first Part cflvenanbs that the pafly .1' the first Part has not done ,,r sufl'orml a.vthin-, whereby th~ said premises he~'e heen"encumhered hi any way wherever, except af aforesai~L ' - ' A~D the party .f the first part. in c~mpliane, with ..q~c~i~n 13 .f the I.i~.n Law. em'ennni~ thai the Pafly u! the first part will receive the considerati,,n h,r this cnn~ymnre ami will h.ld the ri~ht h, receive such eonsideratinn ms a trust/ual to he apINied firm h,r the purp,se of paying the cu~t ,,f the impruvenu~st and will apply the some first t. tim. payment ,,f t.he e,,si of the impr. venmnt hefuro using any' Part ,)! the t,dal of the ~ame f,,r any ulher purimse. The word "party ~heJl he eons:fuel a~ ir it read 'parties" whenever the ~ense of this indenture ~o requi'res. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partF -f the first part he~ dui)' ex~utmi this davit th,. da)' and )'ear Gm ah,we wriuen. IN PItESENCE JiF: By s Ralpli BLZberman, PresiLden*: ALL =ha~ certain plot, piece or parcel of 1&nd, with the buildin~s and improvemente thereon erected, situate, 1Ting and bein~ An the Incorpora=ed Village of Greenpor=0 Town oX Southold, County of SuEfolk and S~a=e of New York, bounded and described as follows.. S~ee~; ~~ ~e~e Sou~ 8S de~os $7 ~es 30 o~ ~e ~r~erX~ aide of A~ Street. 56.67 ~ee~ ~o · poluz and ~nd o~ ~ Vil~Se of ~reenp~ ~~ ~be~a 6 desree8 SS ~nu~e, ~ se~o~s ~efc, ~2,76 ~ ~es S0 se~ ~esc) 21.84 ~eec; (3) O0 seco~s Ues~, 99 fee~ ~o ~ sou~erly si~ of So~Zh chen~e N~ 85 de~e, ~ ~u~mw 50 om~d, hoc e~ ~e sou~e=L7 sl~ of Sou~ ScreW, 78 feeC Co ~e Wea~Tly r~ ~hen~e Sou~ 6 des~os. 59 ~nuteo ~0 voo~erl7 s~de of F~oc Szrtec,. 231.85 ba~. ~o · C,KHQ'fLOQMU4T m NEW ~Kxq~ STATE pqPt. mkJ .qUite or~qew York. County of' ~ b,~-q- Q'I ~ ss.: On July J I , 2005 before rna. gbe undersi~led. personally appeared RALPH STLBBRNAN penma#y Imown to me or proved to me au the Ixub or mts~- tory 'eviden~ to be the individml(s) whose r, ml~S) is subscribed m de within humunau md ~knowk, d~d m me ~ and der by h~ir sJpmure(s) mt the JmmmJau. the indi* vidual(sk or de penm upon be[ulf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the insmnnenL State or County or ss.: On before me. the undersigned. pa3onaily appcared peflbully known m me or proved to me m Ihe bssis of mis- hc~2ry evidence to be thc individual(s) whose nenL'(S) is (are) subecdbed to the within insu~mem ,nd m-knowled~d to me thn he~sbeflhey ex~ned the same in h~ir calnci~ies). and ~( by his/ber/tbeir siF;nam~s} on de instrument, de indi. vidual(s), or de person upon behalf or which de individud(s) such ~ beb~ de undersisned in WrrH COVLqAJT Aoiu~s'r GbXTOn'S Acrs TFrLE NO. 235 MZLL S?REE?, ZNC. ~9~ GRERNPOR? PROPERTIES, LLC State of I ss.: County of personally appeared before me. de uncla3i~. de subscribing witness(a) to the forefoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who. being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he/shehbey reside(s) in /dm? f~ m~dmrf /~ /, ~ ,'if~. i,w'/mk ~&r 8TAHL.EY J. LACHER No. 4905605 02mmlsalofl P.~ros,o, ugust zq, ~,. th,- Ira/sim/they know(s) to be de individmd(s) described in and who executed de fore- loins instrument; thru said subscribing wimess~es) was (were) l~u~nt efld saw said execute the same: and that said witness(fi) at the same time subscribed his/her/their name(s) as a witness(a) thereto. whness(es) mad~ such alqxmut'e before the undersigned in SECTION 4 BLOCK 9 LOT 7 COUNTY OR TOWN Su£toXk P. BTURN BY MAIL TO: Bernazd S. ~a=k, Boq. 40 Cutteg N111 Ro4d GFeat Neck, NY ~p N~ 11021 Number ~,f pages Serial # Certificme # i'rior Ctf'. # TORRENS Deed I Mortgage hmtrdment Pase I Filing Fee Handling 5. TP-584 Nolnlion Deed/,, Mortsaso Tax Stamp EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (Slate) R.P.'I:$.^. Comm. ol' Ed. Affidavit Cerlified Copy NYS Surcharge Olher Sub Total 15. 00 Sub 'ibtal Grnnd 'lbtal __ 2005 I~g 05 t2slSI04 PN Ed~rd P, Roaaine CLERK OF IUFFOM( _mi__.siT? L IX10012402 =:' ' P O93 · DTI 05-Or002 Recording I Filifli Stamps' Mortinse Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./AssiL or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. 'I:AX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appointment Transf'cr T/sx~'~.. -1,~ p..m..p~rty, covertd by this mortgage is fr will bo ilnproved by u one ur two [arnJly dwclling only. YF.,S or NO see appropriate lax clause on ~. of this '4 Block Real Property Tax Service Agency Vu'ri fie:trion 0S029934 zoo~. 00400 o9oo oo7ooo 6 { Saiisfactions/Discharges/Releuses List Property Owm~rs Mailing AddFess RECORD & RETURN TO: Consideration CPF Tax D. ue Il,uproved Vnc~t L~nd-' - TD ~O C_u~ ~;~ R.~d , .' . ¢c~ 7 [ Title Company lnfonp_nfion , .' . In,,, C~t - lq ~ · t si Suff0 County Recordsn Endomement PaRe This pagc forms part of die nttachcd 2 _z._? /.,f~//! (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Thc prcmisca hcrein is situalcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ma,~by: '..'% I lmlllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllEIIIIIIIII IIIIiilIIHIIIIII]]ll XeooXpC IhUld)e~ 8 05-0081738 ~8~ ~~: 05-01002 1001 l'.'r~.~R: 00&. 00 08.00 $736,050.00 08/05/2005 12t38s0& FM D00012&02 093 007.000 ReGeXved the ~oXXowing reee rozAbove Znatrumont ?tge/rLXLna $12.oo No HHdl~ug COZ $5.00 nC) ~YS SRCHG BA-CTY S5.00 ~ ~ S30.00 ~ TRAHHrERTAXNUifBBRs 05-01002 'X'EXB ~AGg X8 A ~JLRT OF TH~3:M8~ THZ8 ZB BOTA BXLL $5.oo mo $15.00 N0 6165.00 NO $o,oo NO $o.oo NO $11,721.oo NO $14,909.00 r, dw&Td C~otmt2r Clerk, ~u££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ................ INSTRUCTIONS: httpV/www.orps.state, ny. ua or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I G~eenpo~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~I'A'~ OF NA'W YOlK STATE BOAIID OF IAL IIII0PURTY IIWlCE8 RP - 5217 J. Tax IT M 235 Kill S=reet, Znc. I I I I I Lind Noe4be&~d Vo.n~ Land H E~ln~l ~ Fm'l SALE INFORMATION I 11. SdlCOalrlMDltl l °u~5 / ow°3 I,. os I I '"'/ /11 atd~ DW Year 1~. Ikll, dl kb I Tmndl~ ltMMiIM. I , , ,7 ,3 ,6 ,0 ,5 ,0 ,0.01 (Full bb ~ b ~ tuMI emmmt MM b ~ ~ pormmal ~, A B C D E F ..,,,d,~U.....d,--.., ~ . , , . . rO-.O.ol IIqIt~ kIkM k III MI ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data Could mllI~ ~he ~ Final, ..A..Mment l~l and lox Bill 1LYaxrdMMlmmatRdhm I ~l I~. Tax MIp iklWJJllll l lllll W ~J nll lJiI bw, ltlldl lllNI wiIh ldllkxIl W I I I I tt P:oper~'tes, T.LC: 101 South GreenL:)°rt I IIX Kark R~r~ard B. I I,~fr m IM 516 466-0410 I  NEW YORK STATE COPY