HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 56NY'~0O5 -- U~lab md Sak ~ ~& Coq,~pma qdi Stamp's Am-- ladlq, ldml w Cmpmaflon ~s~ 5h,m) CONSULTYOUR LAWYER BEFORE BIGNINGI THIS INSTRUMENT--TI418 liS'I'RI~EHT SHOULD BE UGED BY LAWYERG ONLY. Tills INDENTURK, made the IILr'I'WEEN 9t:h day of November . in die year. 2005 Davld K. Sykes and Douglas R. Frtedlanders ns JolnC Tenants, bo£h res/ding 309 South Street. Greenport, New York t1944 party of thc first pa~l, and Jayne A. Reeser, resldtn8 al: 310 ThJ. rd Street, Greenporl:, New York IL94~ patty of die seco.d part, WI'FNF. SSK*Fli, flat thcparty of the first pan, itt considemtimtof F~rt ~ol/dt'S ddA~ e,tier ~qoos(d**d) paid by die party of the second pm, d~q hereby grant and release unto lite party of thc seco,d part. the heirs or s,cces..,urs .',,.I n.qsiGiis (d' Ihe imlly ur ihe se~'~l isnll folev~r, in the Tcmn of SouthoXd, County of Suf[o~, and State of Ney YoEk See ScheduZe A atl:eched and made a parc hereto. BEXNC AND ZNTENi)F,I) TO BE l:he came premlsea conveyed to the part/es o~ the I/rat pat by deed dated February 1, 2000 and ~tZed Ln the O£f/ce o[ the C~erk o[ oho Counl:y oE Suffolk on February i$, 2000 in Llber of Deeds al: CP885. TOGETI iI..'R with all rJghl, title and interest, if any, of rite party uf the fi~t part itt nad to m~y strccls and rands nbuuins dm described premises to tis: center lines litereof; TOOE*I'I ll~ wilh thc appurtcnances and all the estate and riRhts of lite party of tire first part in nnd to said premise.q; TO HAVE AND TO IlOLD lis: prmnises Ilereht 8raated unto tile party oflhc second part, lite heirs or successors and kqSJglm of the pafly of lite set.*ond pttrt forever. AND Ihe parly of Ih~ first ~,l-¢ove. nnLq Ihnt Ihe party of Gte first part hns Iml ckme or suffered n,tydd.g whereby thc s;dd pretmses h,,ve been enc.ml~.s~ tn any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ANl~llte ~fly of lite first pan, in'compliance with Sectio, 13 of' the Lien Law, covens, Is Ilmt lite pafly of the first pan will receive Ute conside~aiion.for this'conveymJee and will laid Ihe rJsht lo receive such consideration as a trust fund to hc applied first for tile purposc of payilis the cost of the imMoventent arid will apply tile same first to the pay]t~tt of the coq[ (ti' Ihe improventenl is:fore us|nS any pat of the tolal of lite sane i'or any odter purpose. Thc word '.pJuiy" shall hc coilslaucd as il' ii rcnd "parties" wltenever tis: sense of this ifltJcllture so trequJfe.q. IN WITNES.N WIIERF, OI,', lite part}' of die first part tms duly executed dtis deed IN PRF-ql~.NCI[ 01;: :ts ucm dle~.j~ay mxJ,.,_ycar first stave written. LEGAL DESCRIPTION ~T.?.. THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE, OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYTNG, AND BEING IN VZLIAGE OF GRF-~PORT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK BEII~3 MORE PARTICI]LARLY BOOHDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: NORTHERLY BY HOUTH STREET 44.00 FEET MORE OR LESS; BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF SOUTH STREET TH~ FOIAA)WING 2 COURSES AND DTSTANCES FROM THE CORNER FOP34~D BY THE INTER~ECTTOH OF THE WESTERLY SIDE OF THIRD STREET AND THE E~X~THERLY SIDE OF SOUTH STREET: 1. SOUTH 85 DEGRKKB 44 MINUTES 50 BBCONDS NBST A DISTANCE OF 86.09 FEET A~ONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF SOUTH STREET; 2. NORTH 82' DEGREES 47 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE S(KJTHERLY SIDE OF 80~"TH STREET A DISTANCE OF 9.05 FEET; RUNNING THENCE FROM 8AID POINT OF BEGINNING, SOOTH 00 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 20 SECONDS' WEST A DISTANCE OF 41.55 FSgT TO A CONCRETE HONT~4ENT; RUNNINO THENCE SOUTH 03 D~GREES 23 MINLFTKS 00 SECONDS EAST 41.31 FRET; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 86 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST 31.80 FEET; RUNNIN~ THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 17 MINDTE~ 50 SECONDs WEST 39.50 FEET; RUNNING THENCE NORTH 12 DEGREES 10 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST 92.57 FEET TO THE SOUTHJ~LY 8IDS OF SOUTH STREET; RUNNING THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDE OF SOUTH STREET, SOUTH 82 DEGRF~S 47 MINUTES 30 SECONDS BAST 50.26 FEET TO THE POINT OR P~ACE OF BEGX/qNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1001 SECTION 004.00 BLOCK 08.00 LO£ 041.000 -LEGAL DESCRIPTION- STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ~ On,he 9t:h dayor November Jnthoyear 2005, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared David E. Sykes ,,nd Dous].es R. rried].ander · Iterson~lly known to me cu' proved lo ina on Jhe haste of'sa,tat'mary evidence to be rite individual(s) whose .nme(s) is (are) l~bscdhed to the within ins~mmem and m:knowl. edSL'd tu me lira he/.qlte/ll.:y exert,ted Ihe snt,m in I:b/her/lhelr cnpm:il]Kiex), and Iht by his/herAI,eir sipmure(s} on the i,l~lnfn~.fll, I1= imlivkhJal(s), or Ihe person uti helmlf, uf which the itxfividunlls) acted, execuled Ibe JflsllU'll=fll. Notary BERNARD j. CEI.ARDO Co Qu~ifled In Suffolk Co .u~y rm~nJofl Expires Ma-ch 18. STATE OF , COUNTY OF On Ihe day of in d= year . bef.-m n=, the u,tdet3ifpted, ~ Notary Public iq and f.or said .qwe. , R,dm.'ribinf~ wilnexs lo thc foreS, ring inslrument, with whom i ,-n personally ncqu,aiqled, who. IminS by me duly swmn, did depose and Say th:ti I~d,~hhL7 ~cside(s) in (ii h~e IdOCe d,e6dnE~ b b adtT. hdudc ~ s~rt~ md smTt md~r ifuy, tbmd)~ tim, IJe/fdJehhey kt.m,{s) I(, be tim i,Jdividunl deR:rihed in ami who executed the fores, iris Jrts~mme. I; dmt SaM subsclibill~ wJtllCS.q wits iWC~llt lind saw said execute Ihe nn=; and thai said Witllexs al lite sail= dna subscrJl~ed hiMter/Iheir name(s) &q. witness thereto ladd tim f, dknvt.S ifih~ ackm~]edltmem b ",.~m OULside NY Smel ami dm ~akl suhscrihhig wit,eat flmdu such nppmuce before Ihe iJlil~.~tJsned in the (mt IheChy m mites i~dilicd Jubdivbiom Bud ,he Sale or count), or other place ,he Immf was ,el, m). STATE OF On lite day of in the year . before me. dm undersigned, personally .ppemed , persormlly known lo me tN' proved to me on the b~s or ntisrmory evidence lo be Ihe individual(s) whose title(l) is (ire) subscrilmd lo Ihe wMdn insuutnalt and nckm~vl- edged to me tim1 he/she/t~ executnd Ibe San= Jfl hh/hedfl=ir c-..pecity(ies), and that by hiM~er/~belr sisnetum('.) on Ibe ia, amelia. Ihs indjvJduaJ(s), or Ihs person on behalf'of which individual(s) acted, executed fbe instrument l,,dd ~ talk,winS ir the .cbm4edsmm h ,,,tm mmide NY Slst~l and tha~ Said mbscrJbins wilness nude such Oltx~rance before the undmJsned in the bsa d'~embrlddndsdl,iismlleSiet u,,,d,7 or ed, ar I~ d' dm, ldlm m t,lmQ. STATE OF , COUNTY OF On the d.y uf iii Ihe y~ar beff~e nm personally col,= to me known, who. be]ns by nm duly swum. (lid dejx)s~ and ny tim he,esidex m tim he is the uf dm corporation demibed Jn and which executed the foreguJns inAtr~ment: that be knows the teal oFsaid corporniim,; thai seal afl]xed to nad imlmment'Js sm:h cmposnte acid; I1~ il was ~t flmxed hy ruder .f the hoard nf director~ of Said corpmnlion. and dm he sipled h nmtm thetetu by like Order. WITI I CO¥1?,NANT AOAINST GRANTOK'S ACTS m.l~ No. David E. Sykes'& Doug].nsR?riedlander Jayne A. Reesec STEWART TITLE* INSURANCE COMPANY .10o. F, AST 4ZM STi~ :l~r. I(Xb I:I.(X)R NKWYI'NtK, NEW Y(JIIK Iai7 ,2 I21922.0LPJO Ira tZIZ) qgj. i I.Ij SL:CI'K)~ 004.00 BmOC 08;00 LOT 041.000 CO~ORIOWN Southold nRF. E'TAI1DRKSS 309 South Street Greenport, Hey York Recorded at Requexl of STEWARTTI33.Eo RI.-'FURN BY &Mil. TO: ViXl/em 11. Price, Esq. P.O. Box 2065 Oreenport, New York 11944 Number of prates TOKRr-N~ Serial # Ceztificat~ # Prior Ctf. # ,I Deed ! Mofl~e l,mru .]~ent Da~ I Mortgage Tax Slamp Page / Filing Fee HandlinB TP-$8d · ~" Notation · EA-52 17 (Cotmty) . R.P.T.S.A. '~~ Croton. of' Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy : · . R~CORD& RKTURNTO: Wfllfam ~. Price, Esq. P.O. Box [2065 Greenpor~, Jew York 11947 20~ Hou 21 12-'16:05 P~ Edward P. Roaaifle · CLE~ OF SUFFOLK COUN~ L D0001242! PO~ DT4i 0~-15935 Recordius I FiliJq~ Stamps IVioflga~e Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tu Sub Total SpecJAssiL Or Spec./Add.' TOT. MTG. TAX Dual 'rown.~ 0~al County~ Held for Apportionment Trnnsfer Tax The property covered by this mortgage is I David E, Sykes f R. Douglas l~tedlander 'l (SPECIFY 'I'YPE OF INS'IR~) 'Ibc ptemiscs hercin is situated in SUIq"(X,K COUN*IN', NEW YORK. made by: In thc Townsldp of Southold In ~ VILLAGE or LIAMLEI' of Creenporc llO¥1~q q 'FI.IDI I O kal I~'F~. IZU~ 'TN~OCTN ~fl nnlx .... ,N r~v ,-,, , ,...,, ,., ................................ ~tnched Bargain & Sale Deed i Co. Name C'~,, ,t,,~ '-J~ [ Titlo# 3 ~0~$ O0~,q~. ' S~61k Recordin & Endorsement Title Company lnformatioq Reg. Copy ! / ,., _/' will be improved by a one or two fumil - ? Sub Total /~ ~ dwellhqi only. Other /.~ ~ C I y~ or NO ' : t',ua~Js~ T~TA t /%~:~ ~' If NO, see appropriate tax cJnu'-~e o'--~ paso ] Dist. _[ Section [ B lock I~L°t [ Consideration~tz'~ount S ,_. _. ...... .... _ . ___, "": i, L 'mprovedX_ ',,,,,, 'I'D TD II SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDTNG PAGE Type of InetL~2monC t DBEDS/DDD l~nnber of Pages ~ 4 Receipt l~,--~er z 05-012L207 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-15935 lOOZ Deed AmotLutz Recorded: LZBER: PAGE: sectXon: BZock t 004.00 08.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AH FOLLOWS $405,000.00 11/21/2005 12:15:05 1~ D00012421 056 Lot: 041.000 Received the Foll~tng Fees For Above Znstrument Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO HYH SRCKG RA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATB TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTH T~ansfeg tax $1, S20.00 NO C~nn.pres Fees Paid TRAI~FBR TAX HUMBER: 05-15935 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL ~xe Ss.oo NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $o.oo NO $o.oo NO $5,100.00 NO $6,872.00 Edward P.Rcmaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY US~ ONLY Cl. SWIS Code C2. Om ONd neaxd~ I I/ C:3. Book I .,/,.2 , ~, ..~, /lC4. Pspl PROPERTY INFORMATION I 1' 1 309 I SIRSIT liJIklgilt S l~f& ! ~ PL~a,-~-TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stete.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE BOARD OF REAL ~ ~.RVIC~ ~outh Street .,, RP - 5217 I Southold ] ,. I Oreenport 111944 I (:111' 011 1OWq Z hV'* I Reeser 3. Tex W. LAG~ ~p C_r~E_ _ I Jayne A. I i I I LAST NJdME I~ FIIIST NAM[ I 4. IndkmtB tim mmler d A#menM~t ]. I--'--I II~lpInmllWonthedNd [ · . I fofParceli OR P~rtofePa~M L Sd~ I ~v~== I FrLedlander I lqR~T I~ME (Oflly If Prat d i IJmud) h m thmV ~. llavtd E. Douglas R. 7. Check the bo~ bdow wh~h mint matdy d#eflbm tho mo of the property it the time M q~. i~ One Study Reskimtbd i~ AOdcul~ul i~COmmun~y SeMre 2 ot 3 Fmdy RMidmtM ' Commer~al Ind,atrld Rl~(iimiM Vicar Lend Apartment Pulik: ~ervicl ~id V~nt i.mKI Enmrmlnrne~t I Amummem INFORMATION I 11. ~de Contl~-'t Dite I 07 / 27 / 05 I l~. Dm d Sdo l Trender lit / 9 /05 I Mae~ D~f YMr ChM the Imatm bdow Il Wey ~,G,%: & Ownemlip Type b Condominium [] a New Cenmp___,ct~n__ an VKmt IJnd [] IOA. Pmlx~ Lomed wkhh ~ AOrkdtural DM~ [] lOB. b ra:ehmcl .. diKtomJ~ nmim k,gc, dng [] tim the pmlwty b kt m A0~uau~ Dtmtct 1L C~ me or mom of throe mn~ m q~ tD t~. E F O H I J lZr-MI,kk, PW;~ I . . , & , 0. 5 . O. O. 0, 0 , 0 I ! ! · tF~dl bb Prim ig the 1oral I~oum pMd for th~ property inclucl~g pemmlll pmpmty. 14. irdmueuvduedpeumd [ . 0 , 0 [ ASSESSI~I~' INFORMATION ;. ~ ihould refle? tho ~m FIn-I Ane~w~ent Roll and Tax Bill I Sde IJeem#n Rela(J~e m Former Rdstives Sde BeM, oen Relstad Campefd~ or PMnora In Buainmm One of tho 8uwrs b 8bo e Seflor Buyer o~ Sder ie Govemm AemW o~ Lendb~ hutitudon ~ TVl=e Mt Wm'an~ or BMgMn and S~de CSpodfy BelowJ hb of I~ or Leto than Fee M (SpecilV B~ 5ale of Budne~ la rnduded in Sale Prk:e Other Ufy, mm Factom Af~ ~e Price (Spec~ Below) ~ Y,,,~MM,,,,,~M n,i~rom I0 .~1 17. ToulAmmosdVflm(ddparodsbtmMwJ I Greenport 1LPrqwty(:h~ I ?, !.n_ I-I ! l~.~lmdl)MM~N~m I ~O. TM Mq) W IRol kiemJIIM(d 0/rome thru four, ettaeh eheM wkh Mditim~ ~d! i t001 , I I 004.00 I I nn_nn [ I nAl.nnn I I certEy iii d Of tim bum d' b~anmdm etmsmi m lids [one ire true msd cw~cl (lo Ibc bmr er my ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ b M~ M-;10-9-05 309 I South Street SIlIECT NUM~A 8TBEEI* NAME (AI~R &~l E) Oreenpoct i NY I 11944 O, lV Oq lO,~d I~TAI~ ~ ICO0~ .David E. Sykes I 10-9-05 BUYER'8 A'n'ORNEY Price L~T NMd~ [ #llllanH, I b77-1n1R Ew YORK STATE COPY