HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12220 P 437C i001 OS.00 004.C,00 party ofthe t'wst ~ ~ TUT'dILL a~ SEATRXCE E. TUTHILL. both rest4:l:tn~ at a~ ~~ RUNG, ~ch res~8 at 65 ~orCon Hew York, N~ York assigns of the pm~ of the second and beh~ in the Town of :~thokk County of Suffoik and Statc~ or-New YORK. ll~O~ aS lind ~ Iai shown on a cern ~ ~itled, *Map of Property :of Nathan Kaptnn' and filed in the Office of the Clerk oft~ ~ of Suffolk (m i/15/1875 ~ Map Number 33B and be~ ~ nnd dascdbed as follows: BEGINNING a~ a poi~ on the easterly side of Fifth Argue where the nor&westerly c~ner of land flow or fommrly of~in nnd the soundly comer orrises ~reinnfler described imcrs~cts same; sam poim being dL.-mm 393.90 ~ ~ty ~ ~~ along the eas~erty side of Fi.fib Av~nu~ imm tim ~ ~ by tim inmrsection ofthe ~y si~ of Front Street .d ~ cns~crly s~ of Fifth Avenue; RUNNING THENCE Along thc casted),: side of Fifth Avenue, ~ 14 degrees :49 minutes 00 seconds Fast. 50.~ feet to ~ i.ow or fmmctly of Randall; RUNNING THENCE Along said land, South 76 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds ~t, 107.05 ~ to land now .or f.or~..cdy of Tyler; RUNNII~G.TH~NCE Along said land and !and now or Formerly of ~[ain, So~ 14 degrees 50 mlnul~ O0 seconds Wes,., 50.00 feet; RUNNING ~ENCE Still along land now or formerly ofPcpin, Noflh 76 delp'ees 26 minutes 30 sec~ 'West, 107.~ fee~ to the easterly side ot' Fifth Avenue, ~ poinZ or plnce of BEGINNING. B~NG AND IN~DED TO BE ~c ~mc ptem~ conveyed m the ~ oftbe first p~ by dee~ d~e~ I ~7/98 ami recorded in the Suffolk Co~ty Cl~'s O~ on 10t29/98 in Uber 1 t925 ~ 752. TOGETHER wi~ aH riEhL title ~ inter~ :if'any. of~ pnrty ofthe first ~ of, in ~ to m~y streets ~ ~ abu, inil ~ nbove-descri~ premises m the center tines thereoR TOGETHER with the appm'tmmnces and all the ~ ~ righ~ of the party of-the first ~ in and to ~ ~; TO HA~ AND ~ HOLD t~ pr~n~ herein ~nted umo the ~ oft~ ~ond ~ the he~ or ~ a.~ usilpa of the party of ~ s~.eomi ~ foyer. AND ~ ~ ofthe fit~ ~ ~enanl~ that the pn~ ofthe ftr~t pa."t h~. wot done or suffered nnythin~ whereby tl~ ~d ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~y ~y ~. ~ ~ afo~ F~ ~ ~H ~i~ ~ ~~n for ~ ~~e ~d ~!1 ~ ~ fi~ ~ ~i~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ESS WHEREOF, ~ ~ ofthe first ~ ~ duly cxevated ~s deed the day arid ye~ tim ~ written. ~ or New York. Omuiy of } m I[ ] ] 1111111 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TO SECTIOCq B~ COtr~,,T~ OR TOW~ Cenit'~ # A~davil Ce.in .d Reg. C~ ~ 1 Mong~-,e Tax Stump Sub Tmal G~ Tolal Bilk 00400 0800 004000 SetisfacdondDi~s/Rehrasc~ Lisl ~ Ownc~ M~dling Address ...... RECORD & ~RN ~: 2002 ~ 18 SUFFOLK L DO00:I~ Df# 02-i~?0 1. Buy, lc Tax 2. Addilml Tax Sub Tomi S~JAssit, Spec. IAd~. TOT. ~. T~ . ~ai T~ :~a! ~my M~Sion Tax ,, ~ will ~ im~v~ ~ ~ ~ or I~ ~ NO If NO. m ~~ ~ c~ ~ Consideration ).mount CPF Tax Due $ ~"o~, tmpn,v~d~ ,I suffo County Recording & Endo ement Pa e This page fonm ~ of 0,,c at~ ....~ ,~"'~"Z..,~ ISPF. CIFY ~ OF IN~UMENTI TI~ premiss ~in is sit~ in SU~K COU~Y. NEW YORK. In Ih~ Town~ip of in ~ VILLAGE ~ HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU Il MUST BE TYPED OR Eih~'E) IN BLACK INK ONLY ~IOR TO RECORDING ~ RUNG. I' '11 IIIIIII I I I Illllll Illl mi ~ Illll i1111 Illll lira lilll Illl ~ i illmlllllmil!ill!lll ~~ TJOC ~: 02-15570 1001 Secti~: Block: 004.00 08.00 ~ AMD: CHARGED AS ~LLOW8 S390, 000 · O0 11/18/2002 07:19~&9 AM DOOO1322o 437 00&. 000 TRAHHFER TAX ~t 02-15570 $5.00 S2.$.00 $25.00 S0.00 S0.00 S3,800.00 059. O0 Count:'~ Clez'k, Suffolk ~E OR PRESS F~RMLY WHEN'--'WRITiNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://~.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5t8) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY US~ ONLY C l.$WIS Co cie L~_~~ PROPERTY ~ $outhold REAL ~OPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IB~ARD OF ~A[ PROP~ S~CES RP- 5217 WILE Tax Add~ri~ RUNG ROSALIE J Greenport 1 1.~_4 ~ TU~I~{1LL 7 Clrmek the b~x t~e/=w which mo~l ~ccuratea¥ ~be~ the u~e el t~a I~Gp~rtv ~.~~ Date of ~ate / Tranafe~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY NEW Y( RK STATE COPY