HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12021 P 576ANNELIESE BURZYNSKI. individually and as survtving spouse of Frank Bur'zynski, deceased 12/20/94, residing at 2116 North 35th Avenue. Hollywood, Florida. 33021 puny ortho first M~,H.~EL ADLER, residing at 306 Maple Street, W. Hempstead, New York, Ibc part) ot lac second pan. doe,. hereby grant and release unto Ihc pan.,.' of the second pan. Ibc heir~or .,;~~ assigns of thc puny of thc ~econd pan fore,,'cr. ALl, that certain plot. piece or parcel of'land, wilh thc buildings and impro,.'emcnt~ thereon crc:ted, situulc, lying and V1flage Of GreatlY. Toww Of ,~xlthok~. Couffr/Of Suffolk Iud Stile of New York. t0gether with U~ iadldingl l~d BEGINNING It a Polar orl U~ ea~lfty IMe Of Fifth Av~. f0mtef,r/known N Klplan Avenue. at th~ iouUwve~efly comor of W~ or fonne~/of Leila ~; RUNNING THENCE in · genend el~efty direc~lofl (107'J fee( m0re 0r latl Io a point: RUNNING THENCE in a northerly dimctk~ aloflg the ea~en, y line Of lald land of Geehreng. · distance Of abdeen and W hundre(l~ (16.0~ flat mom or I~la to a mint; RUNNING THENCE In · la~ directlan Mmtg Ihe weeteety line of laid i~nd of Hitcheac.k · distance of eighty (80.) fM ~ ~r ~ to a Ix~tl on the nmtheny I~ Of land now or fm. mm, ly of H~, R~NNiN~ T~ENCE w~M~y ~ag ~ ~1y "~e Of ~id~and Of He~ ~ diNa~ce ~f ~Ry ~') f~ t~ ~ p~i~ ~n ~he ea$te~f B`te of Wand fotmMff of I, p, RUNNING THENCE northe~y RUNNING THENCE in a wlatedy dlr~ ·long the no,he,fy i~e Of land Of HaDock · d~ of oM hundrnd le,~ (107.) flat mo~ or le~a~ to the eeo, truly #ne Of Fhlh Avenue; RUNNING THENCE in I notthmty direction ilong the ea~tedy line Of Fifth Avenue. · diltance of fifty (50~ ~eet mom or ~ to the point or p~ce Of BEGINNING. THE GRANTOR her~n being the lame per,on ·$ o~e of the named grantNl In 0ced reco~ i~ Libor 3953 page 339, TOGETHER with all right, title and intcre,~t, ir an,.,, or thc pan), or thc first pun. in and to any street,~ and roads abutting thc above-described prcmi~,c~ to thc ccntc; lines thereof: TOGETHER with the appur1~'nancc~; and all thc estate and rights of the puny of the first pan in and to said prcn)ises: TO tt AVE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein gr.'anted unto the party of Ibc second part. thc heirs or successors and a,~,~ign,~ of the par~y of the .~econd par~ forever. AND thc part)' of thc first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or ~uffcred anvthing whereby thc said premises have been encuotbcrcd in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. ' ' AND the party of thc fir.~l part, in compliance with Section I.'4 or thc Lien I.aw. covcnant~ that the party of thc first part will receive Ibc consider;trion for thi.~ conveyance, and '.,,'ill hold Ihe right to receive such confider- aliGn a.~ a trust fund lo be applied fir~t I'or thc purpose of' paying the co~.t of thc improvement and will apply the same fir,~t to the payment of the co~t of the in~provement before u.~ing any part of the total of the ~amc for any other purpose. ' The word "pUny" .,.hull be cnnstrue;J tis il' it read "partie~" whenever the ~,en,~., of' Ihi,~ indenture so require,,. IN TVITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the I'ir~t part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above writlcn. ' · · ANNELIESE BURZYNSK~[J · , R~=AL ESTATE 'TORRENS Serial #_ Certificate # Prior Cfi. # Deed / Moflgage Instrument Page / Filing Fee Handllng TP-$g4 .Notation "-...:..EA-52 17 (County) g :'. EA-5217 (State) ~ ~ Comm. orE& FEB '1 7 2000 TRANSFER T.,~( ~,UFFOLK COUNTY 29429 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES SubTotal ': 00FEB 1'7 PHI2;h2 f:LERK OF SUFFrJt. ~; ~0, .,,;TY Recording / Filing Stamps I.'Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec./AsslL Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town. Dual County Ilcld for Appoflionment Transl'"Tax . 5~,P 7;' '~ Mansion Tax a one ortwo famil' ~:;' '=-.:-' ~-. YES If NO, lee apprOpriate tax clause on pate of this Instrument.= .. ,-, '.~: Preservation Consideration Amount Real, ,~-y Tax Service AS~,~-y Verification ~: :' Secton~. :~.:..Block ..::, .~'. Lot:,".:. . CPF Trot Due-: ~,: :~ '.,.!;:',.:7.... ; ,:,,:.- .. :, ,. RECEIVED Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Pm~y Owners ~a Hn '. :":':'~:,;::'-: :,-' --,.* RE~ n~UnnTO~ ' FEB ~ 7 2~00 , ;' 2':;-,..:' .'_ '.'..- . . pRESERVA ~ ~,~ .: .., .. ; .,:~. Title Company Infomalion Suffolk Cotinty Recording & Endorsement Page .r (SP 'EOI~ TY~ Or II',m'R~) ;~;~,.,/, _ -. , .;,. , Theprenlsesherelnlssimatedin C2~ ~Date ~ Recorded Month Day Year ', Y' RMA+ION PROPERTY IN O ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://vvww.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE 'OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP- 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3/97 1. PrgpertyI 236-38 I I Location STREET NUMBER STREET NAME I Soubhold I Gt~.xgx:~t: I 11944 I I I I I CI~ O~ TOWN VILLAGE 2. Buyer I aP]~]~q. I MICHAEL Name LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME I FIRST NAME LAST NAME / COMPANY 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Rills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) I Address LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME ZIP CODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment 1 [-'--] (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: Roil parcels transferred on the deed I . , I # of Parcels OR Part of a Parcel 4A. Planning Roard with Subdivision Authority Exists [] 4B. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer [] 5. Deed Property I I X I I ORI ,2 2I ~c. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided [] Size FRONT FEET DEPTH t ~ ~ACRESI i ZIP CODE Name LAST NAME / COMPANY I FIRST NAME LAST NAME / COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the. use of the' property at the time' of ~ale! 2 or 3 Family Residential F Residential Vacant Land G Non-Residential Vacant Land H 11. Sale Contract Date 12. Date of Sale / Transfer Agricultural Commercial Apartment Entertainment / Amusement 8 / 10/ 99I Month Day Year Month Day Year Community Service ndustrial Public Service Forest' C-'hccl~ the'boxes belov~ as'the? apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium [] 9. New Construction on Vacant Land [] 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District [] 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating [] that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: A B C D E F G H I J Sale Bit, vein Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Compames or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) 13. Full Sale Price I , , , I ,4 , 0 4 , 2, 5 , 0 , 0 I (Full Sale Price is the total~amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal [ ~ i ~ ~ ~ I ~ 0 ~ 0 '1 property included in the sale 5 5 · I,A~SSESSMENT INF0.,RMATION - pat? ~hguld reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from 198,99 1 17: Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I which information taken ' 18. Property Class ,~* , I , 0. ,_, , 19. School District Name ' 10 -- ~f~'/~p~/~'~ Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 3 9 0 0 ½ , , ½ , , ½ , , I 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) / Roll Identifier(s) (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) I +001-004 . 00'...r.08.00-003. 000 I I I certify that all of the items of information entered on this form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belie~) and;I undemtand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the penal law relative to the making and filing of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY BUYER SIGNATURE DATE STREET NUMBER STR~E~r NAI~Ir(AFTER SALE) crrY OR TOWN ' ~' ,~TE ZIP CODE SELLER LAST NAME 516 292.0812 AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER FIRST NAME