HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 652· WCB~ {~nifcm~ck.) DisC.. 1001 Sec. 004.00 Blk. 08.00 Lot 002.000 $~amda~d ,~. Y. B.T. IJ'. From IQ02 · -Bul~in ~ S~lf D#d. w~b Covt~aa~ ilai-# G.mM'm Acsl--lndividu4 M gstFMa~ion (dqb CON/4&T YOUR LAW IElOil SIMaNQ TNIS INSTIUMBIT--TliJS BlSllUMB~ MOULD Iii / ~Y I,~WI'J~ ONLY. Bob Kehlta Home Zmprovemenc8, Znc. 242 Fifth Avenue Greenport, NY 11944 , in the year 2005 pmyoftheftrstpm't, and Robert A. Kehl 237 Fifth Avenue Oreenporc, HY 1194& pafly of the seeond part,. WITN~ that the Mrtv of the tint pitt, in co~iderition of Ten Dollars and ~ valua~. ~'.ma - '='"* ~=- -" ' the lletrs mid by the marly of the second part, does ~ ~rant an~J. rekstse unto the party of tlr secona Imrt, SEE SCHEDULE A AT~ACHED HERETO AND FADE A PART HEREOF. BEiNOAND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed Co OKaucor by Deed dated October 1, 2001 and recorded October 29, 200~ tn Ltber D000121&9 Pase 906 tn the SufEolk County Clerk*s OE~tce. TOGETHER with ill right, title and interest, if any, of the pnfly of the first part in and to mty streets ami ronda abutting the above described prentisce to the center lines thereof; TOGETHF. R with the appurtenanr~ and all tim estate and rights of the party of the first pazt in and to mid premises; 'FO HAVE AND TO HOLD the preniises herein granted unto the party of the second l:m*t, tim heirs or successors ~ a.ui~ns of the imrty of the second part forever. ~l~p~, .~l.._~t~.. 'lflum ~ ~ O~gll~q tu ~.~prJllP Cartu~ AND t~ ~rty of the first ~ ~v~n~t~ ~~ ~ h ~t ~ or suffered w~r~y the mM p~i~s ~ ~n e~u~ 'J~ ~y ~y ~er, e~ as ~r~id. A~D t~ ~y of th fi~t ~. in ~pl~ with ~ 13 ~ tb ~ ~, ~u iht t~ tb Rut ~fl will ~ive t~ ~?d~t~n for this ~n~ a~ will ~d ~ ~t ~ ~u s~ ~id- emt~n as a trust fund to ~ ~1~ first for the ~ of ~ t~ ~t of t~ impr~ent ~ ~11 a~y t~ n~ fi~t to t~ ~yment of t~ c~t of t~ im~nt ~fo~ u~ng any ~ oft~ ~t~ ~ t~ ~ any other Imrpose. The word "irony'' slmll he con,trued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN wrrl~ ~V14~, the i~rty of the first iJrt has duly executed this deed the day And year first above written. hr ~s~xcgos': Bob !~41;['s Honte/~laprg.vements, Inc. By: ~fbert A. Kehl, President SCHEDULE "A" DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot 10 on "Map of Kaplin, Nathan", filed in the Office of th~ Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 1115/1875 as Map No. 338, said Lot being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of ~ Avenue distant 68.05 feet southerly from the comer formed by the intersection of the southerly side of South Street with the easterly side of 5· Avenue; RUNNING THENCE South 76 degrees 29 minutes East 107 feet; THENCE South 14 degrees 49 minutes West 50 feet; THENCE North 76 degrees 29 minutes West 107 feet to the easterly side of 5= Avenue; THENCE along the easterly side of 5· Avenue, North 14 degrees 49 minutes East 50 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLI~ TI~ unde~, pmoaally eppeared RobertT. l~ehl , pa3onally known to me or proved to me on the beds ofnddbctm'y evidence to be the individu](s) wlmoe nmrJe(e) is (~e) subocribed to the within instrumem and acknowledsed to me that he/she/they his~/their glpmture(s) on die instrmnent, the individul](S), or the persml upon beh~fof which the indivMtmks) acted, executed Ihe instrum~nL STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss..* COUNTY OF ) On the ~ day of m the year before me. the un~aiSnea, pa~]y appe~ , personally known.to me or proved to me on the bums of mmf'actory wideace to be the indJvidud(q whose nnme(sJ is (are) subscribed to the within instnmumt and acknowledged to me thai he/she/they executed the nme in his/her/d.~ cqmci~ees), ,nd th. b~ htsfl~rAheir ,isnttme(s) on the hummx, m. the individual(s), o~ the pe.o. upon b~.helt'ofwhich the individual(s) reed, executed the imtnnnent. Individual uldu! tdmowiedlmat Notary Public * For leknowJed~meuts ttkeu bt New York State. :IktAR(JA~ET O. ~ ** sut o t.tCo,mb . rfltor , ro.sd. or ro L'T" i SiJuture ltd Oflke of JndivMiml tikimg nckuowJedpuent On the -- dayor in the year ~ bet'ore me, the undmisned, personally aR~etred , peraoflally Jmowu to me or proved to me off the basis of mfishctory evidence to be the tndJvMnal(s) who~e name(s) is fare) subscribed to thc within imtrmnent tad ackllowledged to me thtt he/ahWthey aecuted the same in his/hedlbek capacit~(Jes), that by hiMler/their sianamre(s) on the mstmmmt, the individual(s), or the perm, upon bebalt'or which d~e individual(s) acted, executed the instrument, arid that such individmd nude such q)lx~runce befbre the undem~ned in the . (lnsm the cst,/or o~her pohticai sulxttvimon and the slate or country or other ptace the acknowledsment was taken). For tckmowiedllmenta ttken outside of New York State. Slptture nd Office or indlviduml.tnldng llckwowled~neut WI I H COVENANT AGAINST C;RANI'OB~J AC! S m mm Bob Kehl'o H~e I~r~emento, Znc. s~ox 004.00 ef.(X:tC 08.00 ~or 002.000 cotmTv mcmm~ Suffolk Robe;t A. Keh! Reeorded At Request of Flor Admrkln 31tb Immmace (batpm~ or New York ItTUIN my IdAIL TO:. Patricia C. Hoore, Esq. 51020'Main Rosd Southold, h~ 11971 {I Num ,b?bf pages TORRENS Serial/ii Certificate # Deed / Mortgage Instrument ! 4 ! , ,~'Page / Filing Fee 'Handling TP-~g4 Notation EA.s2 l~ (County) EA-$21 ? ILP. T,$.A. Comm. of Ed. A~dnvit Certified Copy Rag, Copy Other Stamp Date Initials Deed I Mortgage Tax' Stamp FEF.,8 Sub Total 2__nC~_ Haq 24 09s26s34 Edkmrd P. Roaaine CLEI~ ~ 9,FF'0LK COUNTY L 000012:I88 P 652 DTt 04-41894 R~ording / Filing Stamp~ Mortgage Amt. !, Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.lAssit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Apponionmem Transfer Tax Mansion Tax The propert7 covered by this mortgage is or j~roved by a one or two ramily Sub Total dwelling only. / . YE8 t/ or NO Real Pmper~,,Tax Servic~Agency Verification [ 6 Community Preservation Fund .... Dist.___l Section 1_ Block · .1 .... Lot._, .-'Consideration Amount $ 60,000.00 toi 05019684 zorn. 00400 o8oo 002000 Satisfaofions/Disch~ra~q/R~lcases Li~t Property Own,r~ Mailing Addm~ RIgCORD & ~ Pagr~c~a C. ~ore, Esq, 5L020 ~n Road Sou~hold, ~ 11971 CPF Tax Due ss S - Q Improved Vacant Land TD TD TD .. 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Pecon:Lc Abs~Fact:, Inc. , Title # 64t-S-02839 , Suffolk Count Rec°rdin & Endorsement:Pa e Bob KehlWs Home Improyementsm Inc. This pago forms part oftl~ attached Deed (s~-aFy .TYPE OF ~~) ' ~ p~ hewn is si~ in S~O~ ~~, ~ YO~ made by: TO ... In thc Township of Southold Robert A. if, eh1 In the VILLAGE or ]-[ANILET of Greenport BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZN~ P&GE T~pe o£ Znstrument: DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pages: 4 Receipt ~,mher : 05-0055581 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-41894 1002 Deed Amount~ Recorded~ At: L~BER: PA~E: Section: Block ~ 004.00 08.00 EXAHZHED AHD CHARHED AS FOLLOWS $60,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Page/Filing $12.00 HO Handling COE $5.00 HO HYS SRC3IH RA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE ?P-584 $5.00 HO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO SCTM Trans£er tax $240.00 NO C~.pres Fees Pa~d TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-41894 THZS PAGE ZS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THZS ZS HOT A BILL Edward P,Roma~ne County Clerk, Suffolk County os/24/2oos 09:26:34 AH D00012388 652 002.000 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $o.oo $0.00 $0.00 $482.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO PLEASE 'FYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www, orps.state.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473-7222 POR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. 8WlS Cod. I'/'/, 7', ,~, 3,. ~, / I ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPOKT '., ~A ~[ _A, STATE OF NSW YOIIK 1.,,~,tv ] 242 ] Fifth Avenue L4~,itJM1 I, It~b'TNUMIER STILS'T N/dIE ' I Soucho~ I Gceenpo~ I 11946 ~ I Kehl ~ Robert A. Ixl Io. 1 [ 21 FRONT I~ET Dil~)l ' ' ' 'M:~J' · ' Bob l[ehl's Home Improvements, tnt. I J &Deed B ~,j 2 o, 3 Family Re~lom~ ~ I,~ Rmidlm~l VIr, mU Llad D .[:..J No..~sic~l Vac~ ,-nd I I Emetabvnem I Ainu#mere / / Community Sen;ice MdumrtM Fub~ Servkl I / / 2oosl 1ot 9uve~ umiv~, dim:imum nmim k~ [] l& ~ oM or rome M~/n~~ A B C D Sde BemMn RiMivm er Fcwm~c R/aves hie Bmwaen Relied Cempenl# er Paflnml In Busine~ Ofle ol' ~e Bu~m is also a SelLer Buyer m Seller is Gowmmem Aeemy m Lending Inmimflon U.r~UbbP~.. I , . ~ , 6. 0,~0. 0. 0,..0, 01 (Full ~ale Prke is the ~ amoum paid for the I~ Includl~ pemonal pmpMty. ] Thb payment may be In the fona of cmk, a~at prolN~ o~ ~p~. M dm lamJnpdon of j ltlndla~hvduedpaesond '1 .... , , 0 o , 0 I ~SE~ IN.~RW~N - h,n should ~im t~ la~ RMI Wt ~H aM Tax WIII 91gnlgMnl CMn0~ in Pm~ i Taumble ~letue and ~ ~ 8~1o of Bualneu is L,,,~._ __d.~__ In hk Price Othe~ Uno~u~ r-~t~o~ Affee, dng Sale ~ ISlx]Gify ~elow) .3.,0 ,0 I Z0. Tam Map W I RMI Idmgfledl) Ii/moro than Jeer, oRIW IMM with M WI 1001-004.00-08.00-002.000 I I I I I CEKI'iI:ICATION I I ~rt~ h dl d'b llfus or ~ emeHd on lids ronn m the nd arr~t ilo Ibe h d' my k~ d ~ ~ ! ~ h b ~ M m~ ~H~d fkke mtena~ ~ humid EKt lunmb w~ md)Jed m~ ie lb orovblnas 4K pre mhd hw rdstlve to Ibe mslbS mul IIlit~ d' rdm bsm, umum. BUYER 237 I F/iCh Avenue , I!1 lllllEII Blll! NAME ~l ~ Greenport I NY f [1944 BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~[oo~e I Patrlcla C. X]C:X 631 I 765-4330 I NEW YORK STATE COPY