HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe CommonersQUITCLAIM DEED '1'$115 INDi-:N'i't. IRE..mdc I1~ ~. ~"day ol'Juiy, ni,~u:n hundred and ninct?~xcn l)t:l~' EE~ Iht Tm~ ol'~ ~op~ors of thc Comma and L'ndivid~ Lands and by the State Legislature in Mcad~ws of S~thold Town. a Co.ration fo~~~ .~ ~ ~ R~ , · C'mcI~Su~ N~w Yo~. a~ ~ ~ud~d Town Bo~d o~T~. a municipal k~l~d al 531P)~ klan K~. P.O. Bo~ I 17~. S~l~ N~ York. h~cinaher rei~rr~d W ITN E~5~:FII. II~ t~ GRANTO~ in co~d~tion of I~ doi~s p~d by the GRA~EE. d~ I~ l'~i~, r~ ~d q~t~m unto tt~ ~R,.kNTE~. the h~irs or ~c~ a~ ~ o1' d~ ~n~' o1' the GRANTE~ ALL dml c~ain pk~L p~ ~ par~ of land. ~ ith ~ ~Idin~ and Parcel I: Appro~n~d~' Ip ~ ol'w~i~s ~o~in~ of ~'eral m~ow i~ia~s m d~ ~a~m~ o1'~ Cr~k a~'a E~'s C~k. Baldwin Cre~k ~a M~ Cr~ ~ Hayw~s Co~ ~wn ~ d~ on a map pa~ ~: Ap~o~dY 18.5 ~r~ o~t~ ~inS of a ll~t mm~ ~Y appm~nmtdy I~ t~ ~g ~d ~. tl~ ~ ~h~y aions t~ w~ of LiO~ Cr~%~ a~ro~inmtdy S~ t~ to tl~ l~d Ibf~' O~ ~ KotL Noah: d~'~ &u milmt~ W~ Ibr [~t) 1~ lo a ~itc n~)nun~m. L~ ~Y appro~mmdy ~ 1~ ~g ~ ~d~ ~d~ ug w~ A .875P 579 I~armcrly o',~'m..'d by Kul[. tl~cncc South 70 de.~zjrecs ~) mmut~..,s 20 sc, conds dcsi~n:ucd on a m;,p am]cxcd hc,'cto and marLe~l [~xhihit 13 Thc ah{,x c Iwu pat cul.s of lazid ~ ill tx~ olli¢ially d~.'~i.~nalcd o. Town ;I,% 'l'illt' ~OllilllOtlt'l"S Prk'3l.'tq/¢o 'l'O(JE'rll ER ~ith all riL_.i~L lis. lc a id mm'est. U any. o! lh¢ GK:k~NTOR i~l m~ to any ~s~l~ and ro,d~ abut~m~ thc a~c dc~rib~ pr~tli~5 to thc Cmltcr lin~ II~r~ul~ T~E'FHER ~ith i Ira ~pul Ic.anc~ a.d all thc ~tate and risfus ol'th¢ GRANTOR in and h~ .~d p~m~s~s. 3Z) HAVE AND TO HOL,D GRANTEE, the hdrs or ~cc~rs ~d The GRANTOR m~es Ufis ~r~nt upon the condition that titan: ~I ~ no development of alt? IlillUl'¢ Wl~l[~4.,l~/t.:l' O1'1 Ihu premises or in the waters or la.ds undc~ walc-~' adjaccm then:to. The bu,'d,:,, of this cov~.'~m~t shall run with the ImvJ and siuslf I.k: bilwJi,~s upon s,be parti~ hereto and s,her ~Jcce~sors.and assigns. Thc word "party' shall be construed as if read 'parties' whene~- the ~ms~ ol'this indenture so requirm. IN WITN E~S WIIEREOF. the party of'the firs~ part has duty executed this dued the day and year first above written. .~.~,~ Trus~ STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ;TATE OF NEW YORK SS: :Oi.(NTY OF SUFFOLK ,I~.WARD P. ROMAINE, CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND CtI=RK OF THE SUPREME COURT NEW YORK IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY (SAID COURT ar=lNG A COURT OF RECORD) ~ HEREBY.CERTI_FY THAT I HAVE COMPARED THE ANNEXED COPY, OF DEED I1~?.<;'~ AT PAGE , .~"7'~ RECORDED ~ ~D THAT IT IS A JUST AND TRUE COPY OF SUCH ORIGINAL DEED AND OF THE WHOLE THEREOF. TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREI~TO SET MY HAND AND AFFIXED THE SEAL OF SAiD :C~UNTY AND COURTTI-lls ~ DAY OF ,;,~,~.. 199~' CLERK - - ~.- -_re Iiandlk*$ ~ . I. I~.~cTmc . 'I"P-5,84 .'~ . 2, ,~lkk'mld Tm . , . ~ "*~_..~J%..C~.G.q~_,,~:~ '"** '~ "- , , ·: ;The Memtn~s II,c~;n is Idtualod bt Stll~r~OI.K C04~N'I'Y. NEW YO~K. In I1~ VIL. LA('~ m' I IAMI..ET o( BOXES ~ TI IRU 9 MUST Bi; TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY flUOR'lO REO~RIXI~ OR FILING;