HomeMy WebLinkAboutWesnofske, Eugene LSOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD PUBLIC HEARING September 9, 2008 7:34 PM This heating was opened at 8:06 PM Present: Supervisor Scott Russell Justice Louisa Evans Councilman Thomas Wickham Councilman Albert Krupski Councilman William Ruland Councilman Vincent Orlando Town Clerk Elizabeth Neville Town Attorney Patricia Finnegan COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday~ September 9, 2008~ at 7:34 p.m, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the purchase of a development rights easement on property owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske (Eugene Wesnofske and Chrvstal Wesnofske, as contract vendees). Said property is identified as part of SCTM #1000-69-4-8.1. The address is 36450 County Road 48 in the A-C zoning district and is approximately 960 feet west of North Road By- Pass in Southold, New York. The proposed acquisition is for a development tights easement on a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326± acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726± acre parcel. The exact area of the acquisition is subject to a Town-provided survey acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee and the property owner/contract vendees. The pumhase price is $68,000 (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre for the 6.2326± acre easement plus acquisition costs. The easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds. The property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value; and FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Wesnofske DRE 2 September 9, 2008 I have a notice here that this has appeared on the Town Clerk's bulletin board outside, it has appeared as a legal in the local newspaper. I have a notice, a memo here dated July 14th from Mark Terry, the principal planner and the LWRP coordinator and the relevant sentence is 'based upon the information provided on the LWRP consistency assessment form submitted to this department, as well as records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is consistent with the policy standards and therefore is consistent with the LWRP.' I have a short environmental assessment form, all filled out for the project and signed and I believe that is all the information in the file. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Would anybody like to come up and address the Town Board on this particular preservation? MELISSA SPIRO, LAND PRESERVATION COORDINATOR: Hi, I am Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator. As noted, this public hearing is for the town acquisition of development rights easement on just over 6 acres of active farmland. The total property is 8 acres within an existing residential dwelling and several accessory buildings. The landowner is excluding the dwelling and accessory buildings from the easement, for those of you that can see, the excluded areas as shown on the aerial map. The farm is currently owned by an estate and it is farmed by a family member, Eugene Wesnofske. Eugene is the contract vendee, who will be purchasing the property from the estate. Eugene is an active, traditional farmer. He farms the property, in addition to farming property across the street, County Route 48. He runs a farm stand on the property and he is purchasing the property so that he can continue to farm. Although the farm is small, it is all prime agricultural soils and it contributes to the rural characteristics of the town. There are approximately 170 preserved farmland acres to the south of the property, across on the other side of the railroad tracks and there is 35 acres directly across County Route 48. The farm contributes to the scenic view shed on CR 48 and the Land Preservation Committee requires that an agricultural structure area, to be located behind the existing dwelling and barn, to ensure the protection of the scenic view shed. The property has been before the committee for quite a while, as the family has worked through some estate issues. The committee is glad that the issues have been resolved and that the town, the estate and the contract vendee can move forward with the preservation of this important farmland and that the farm can remain in active production. The committee and I thank the estate and Eugene for preserving this important farmland and both the committee and I recommend that the Town Board proceed with this purchase. Thank you. SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Thank you. Would anybody like to come up and address the Board on this particular hearing? COUNCILMAN WICKHAM: Is there anybody from the family here? (No response) This hearing was closed at 8:10 PM. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk MELISSA A. SPIRO I,AND }:'RESI~RVATION COORI)INATOR melissa spiro(~t town southold ny us 1 clcphone (631 ) 765-571 I Facsimile (631 ) 765~664(I DEPARTMENT OF LAND PRESERVATION TOWN OF SOUTHOLD OFFICE LOCATION: lown llall Annex 54375 State Roule 25 (corner of Main Rd & Youngs Ave) Southold, New York MAILING ADDRESS: PO l~ox 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 To: From: Date: Re: Supervisor Russell Town Board Town Clerk Land Preservation Committee Town Attorney Planning Board Suffolk County Division of Real Estate Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator December 8, 2008 WESNOFSKE to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD plo SCTM #1000-69.-4-8.1 Tax Assessors Building Department Data Processing Town Comptroller Stewardship Manager Peconic Land Trust, Inc. The Nature Conservancy Please be advised that the Town has acquired a development rights easement on the property listed below, If you would like additional information regarding the purchase, please feel free to contact me, LOCATION: SCTM #: PROPERTY OWNERS: PURCHASE DATE: PURCHASE PRICE: TOTAL PARCEL ACREAGE: EASEMENT ACREAGE: RESERVED AREA: ZONING: FUNDING: MISCELLANEOUS: 36450 County Road 48, Southold part of 1000-69-4-81 Eugene Wesnofske, Jr. and Chrystal Wesnofske Monday, December 8, 2008 $408,977.16 (based on 6.01437 acres @ $68,000/buildable acre) 8.08046 acres 6.01437 acres 2,0661 acres A-C CPF 2% Land Bank This property is listed on the Community Preservation Project Plan list The land is actively farmed, Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of September 9, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-874 ADOPTED Item # DOC ID: 4204 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-874 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2008: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold held a public hearing on the question of the purchase of a development rights easement on a certain parcel of property owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske (Eugene Wesnofske and Chrystal Wesnofske, as contract vendees) on the 9th day of September, 2008, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Town Code, at which time all interested parties were given the opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, said property is identified as part of SCTM #1000-69-4-8.1. The address is 36450 County Road 48 in the A-C zoning district and is located approximately 960 feet west of North Road By-Pass in Southold, New York; and WHEREAS, the development rights easement comprises a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326= acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726~ acre parcel. The exact area of the development rights easement is subject to a survey acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee and the property owner/contract vendees; and WHEREAS, the purchase price for the easement is $68,000 (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre plus acquisition costs. The easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds; and WHEREAS, the property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the development rights on this property is in conformance with the Generated September 12, 2008 Page 53 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of September 9, 2008 provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Town Code, and WHEREAS, the proposed action has been reviewed pursuant to Chapter 268 (Waterfront Consistency Review) of the Town Code and Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) and the LWRP Coordinator has recommended that this action is consistent with the LWRP; and WHEREAS, the Land Preservation Committee has reviewed the application for the acquisition, and recommends that the Town Board acquire the development rights easement; and WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it in the best public interest that the Town of Southold purchase the development rights on this agricultural land; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the Town Board of the To~vn of Southold hereby elects to purchase a develoI}ment rights easement on agricultural land owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske {Eugene Wesnofske and Chrystal Wesnofske~ as contract vendees) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 {Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Code of the Town of Southold. Said property is identified as part of SCTM #1000-69-4-8.1. The address is 36450 County Road 48 in the A-C zoning district and is located approximately 960 feet west of North Road By-Pass in Southold, New York. The development rights easement comprises a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326± acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726± acre parcel. The exact area of the development rights easement is subject to a survey acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee and the property owner/contract vendee. The purchase price for the easement is $68,000 (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre plus acquisition costs. The easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds. Town funding for this purchase is in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands Preservation) of the Town Code of the Town of Southold. The proposed action has been reviewed pursuant to Chapter 268 (Waterfront Consistency Review) of the Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) and the Town Board has Generated September 12, 2008 Page 54 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of September 9, 2008 determined that this action is consistent with the LWRP. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Louisa P. Evans, .~ustice AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated September 12, 2008 Page 55 Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of September 9, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-867 ADOPTED Item # DOC ID: 4203 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-867 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2008: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Southold wishes to purchase a development rights easement on a certain parcel of property owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske (Eugene Wesnofske and Chrystal Wesnofske as contract vendees) pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands) of the Code of the Town of Southold. Said property is identified as part of SCTM #1000-69-4-8.1. The address is 36450 County Road 48 in the A-C zoning district and is approximately 960 feet west of North Road By-Pass in Southold, New York. The proposed acquisition is for a development rights easement on a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326± acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726± acre parceI. The exact area of the development rights easement is subject to a Town-provided survey acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee and the property owner/contract vendee. The purchase price for the easement is $68,000 (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre plus acquisition costs; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that this action be classified as an Unlisted Action pursuant to the SEQRA Rules and Regulations, 6NYCRR 617.1 et. Seq.; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Town of Southold is the only involved agency pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations; be it further RESOLVED by the Town Board of the Town of Southold that the Short Environmental Form prepared for this project is accepted and attached hereto; and, be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby finds no significant impact on the environment and declares a negative declaration pursuant to SEQRA Rules and Regulations for this action. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER: William Ruland, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated September 12, 2008 Page 42 #8990 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1__ week(s), successively, commencing on the 4th dayof September, 2008. Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this ~ day of x,~/f.~ 2008 of Southold hereby ~ i~g ~ property i~ i~entified as part (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per build- CHRISTINA VOLINSKI NOTARY pUBLiC-STATE OF NEW YORK No. 01.VO6105050 Qualified in Suffolk County #8990 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Karen Kine of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that she is Principal Clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1__ week(s), successively, commencing on the 4th dayof September, 2008. x.,~/rincipal Clerk Sworn to before me this ~._. day of / 2008 Li~GAL ~ MOTIC~ O1~ pUBLIC I~ING NOTICE IS II~REBY GIVEN ~at 17 (~ P~a~on ~d) and ~ ~ p~ ~ ~n~ ~ pa~ ~ffi ~~ ~ A~ zon- west of N~ ~ By-~ ~o~, 'vendee~ ~e p~chase price ~ $~,~ (s~W~i~t ~ous~d dollars) per buRd- VOLINSKI NOTARY PUBLiC-STATE OF NEW YORK NO. 01-V06105050 Qualified ~n Suffolk County OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 LOCAL WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM COORDINATOR TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Town of Southold Town Board From: Mark Terry, Principal Planner LWRP Coordinator Date: July 14, 2008 RECEIVED SEP - 3 2008 Southold Town Clerk Re: Pumhase of a development rights easement on property owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske (Eugene Wesnofske and Chrystal Wesnofske Location: 960 feet west of North Road By-Pass in Southold, New York SCTM# 1000-69-4-8.1 Zoning District A-C The proposed acquisition is for a development rights easement on a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326± acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726± acre parcel. The action has been reviewed to Chapter 268, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department as well as the records available to me, it is my recommendation that the proposed action is CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LWRP. Please contact me at (63 I) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above recommendation. Cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Melissa Spiro, Land Preservation Coordinator 617.20 Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENV/RONMENTAL A$SESSHENT FORM For UNI/STED AC1/ONS Only PART Z-PRO3ECT ZNFORMAT/ON (To be completed by Applicant OR Project) Page 1 of I~'~APP~I. ICA~NT/SPONSOR: Southold Town Board 2. PRO.1ECT NAME: 3. PRO3ECT LOCAT/ON: ~Municipality: S~ O'~ County: 4. PREC/SE LOCA'r/ON: (Street address and road intersections, prominent landmarks, etc, or provide map) 5, IS PROPOSED ACT'LON: J~ New ~ Expansion Hodification 6. DESCRIBE PRO3ECT BR/EFLY' ~' acres ULTiFIATELY$, 2'~2 ~, acres 8. WiLL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WTrH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE REST[LICTIONS? ~ Yes ~ No if No, describe briefly 9. WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PRO3ECT? ~ Residential r- Commercial ~ industriaTj~'~ Agriculture F- Park/Forest/Open space F~ Othe, Describe: 10, DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMI-r APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNHENTAL AGENCY (FEDERALf STATE OR LOCAL)? r- Yes j~ No if yes, ll~t agent(s) and permi~approva/s 11, DOES ANY ASPE~ OF THE A~ON HAVE A CURRENTLY VA~D PERM~ OR APPROVAL? Yes No I/ye5, /1~ agen~(s) anU permlUapp~ova/s 12. AS RESULT OF PROPOSED A~ON WILL EXI~NG PER~/APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICA~ON~ If the a~ion i~ in ~e~ea, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form proceeding with this assessment before _P_A~RT I~"ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSHENT (To b~,,completed by Agenw) Page 2 ~ 2 ~ DO~ A~ON ~CEED ANY ~PE ~ THRESHO~ ~N 6 NYC~ P~T 617.47 ~ Yes~ No~fyes~dinatethereviewp~andu~e~e~//~F B. WILL A~O. RECEDE COORDZNA~O .~ ~ PRODDED FOR UN~D A~O'S IN 6 ~CR~ PAnT C, COULD A~ON RESULT ~N ANY ADVE~E EFFE~S ASS]O~D ~ THE FOLLOWING= (An~e~ may be handwri~en, if legible) C1. Existing air quali~, surface or groundwater quali~ or quantl~, noise levels, existing ~a~c pa~ems solid wa~e produdion or dispos~tential for erosion, drainage or flooding problem? Explain briefly; C2. Aesthetic, agricultural, archaeological historic or other natural or ~l~ral resources; or communi~ or neighborhood chara~er? C3. Vest, ion or fauna fishes shellfish, or wildlife species, signifi~nt habi~, or ~reatened or endangered species? Explain briefly: C4. A ~mmuni~'s existing plans or goals as o~dally adopted, or change in use or intensiW of use of land or other natural resources) Expl~efly: CS. Gro~ subsequent develocment, or related a~ivities I~kelg to ~ induced b~ the proposod ~ioa¢ [xplain C6. [o~ [erm~ sho~ term~ cumulative, or other effe~ not ~dentifi~ in C1~57 ff~laln C7. Other impa~ (iacludin~ chan~es in use of either quant ~ of ~pe o~ ener~)7 ~xplain briefly: i D. WILL THE PRO3ECT HAVE AN IH PACT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTER~CS THAT CAUSED THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CEA? ~ Yes~ No E. IS THERE~ OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE~ CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENT[AL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS~ PART III- Dk-rERM][NAT[ON OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) [NSTRUCI IONS: For eacfi adverse effect identified above, determine whether it is substantial, large, or ut ~erwise si nifican be assessed in connection witfi its fa)setting (J.e. urban or rura );[ robability of occurr ns; fc3 duration' (dO irrever~[gi~qm, r~E~a~cJ~l~e-free-c? should (f) magnitude. ]f necessal¥, add attachments o~ reference suppottmg materials. Ensure that explanations contain su~cient detail to show that all relevant adverse ~mpacts have been identified and adequately addressed. U quesfion D of parL H was checked yes, the determination and ~ificance must evaluate ti~e pote~Oal impact of the proposed action on the environmental characteristics of the CEA. r'- Check this box if you have identified one or more potentially large or significant adverse impacts, which may occur. Then proceed directly to the FULL ENV]RONMETHAL ASSESSI~ENT FORivl and/or prepare a positive declaration. Cfieck this box if you have determined, based on the information and analysis above and any supporting documentation, that the proposed action WILL NOT result in any significant adverse environmental impacts AND provide on attachments as necessary, tfie reasons supporting this determination: i Print of type ~~,~cy . Trtle of R~'~t~onsihle Officel -- i Signat%.L'~df'R~sp~k,i4e Officer in Lead Agency resp;ns~b officer) Page Iofl Cooper, Linda From: Cooper, Linda Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 12:32 PM To: JOAN ANN - Legals Cc: Neville, Elizabeth; Rudder, Lynda Subject: Legal Notice of PH for 9/4/08 edition Attachments: Wesnofske 9-9-08.doc Please confirm receipt of this notice. Thank you. 8/27/2008 Page I of I Cooper, Linda From: Cooper, Linda Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 12:30 PM To: Finnegan, Patricia; Corcoran, Kieran; 'Al Krupski'; Louisa Evans (Ipevans@fishersisland.net); Russell, Scott; Thomas Wickham (wickhamthomas@yahoo.com); V Orlando (vincents32coupe@optonline.net); W. Ruland (rulandfarm@yahoo.com) Cc: Krauza, Lynne; Neville, Elizabeth Subject: Legal & Postion Notices from 8/27/08 meeting Attachments: ABTF 9-4-08.doc; Update Comm Pres Proj. Plan 9-23-08.doc; Wesnofske 9-9-08.doc Tracking: Recipient Read Finnegan, Patricia Corcoran, Kieran 'Al Krupski' Louisa Evens (Ipevans@fishersisland.net) Russell, Scol~ Read: 8/27/2008 12:41 plvi Thomas Wickham (wickhamthomas@yahoo.com) V Orlando (viflcents32coupe@optonline.net) W. Rulend (rulandfarm@yahoo.com) Krauza, Lynne Read: 8/27/2008 12:48 pr4 Neville, Elizabeth Read: 8/27/2008 12:33 PH Notices to be published 9/4/08 Lindn ooper Deputy Town Clerk Town of Southold 631-765-1800 Ltfe ma! not be the parO' we hopedjor, b ut as long as we're here we mights as well dance! 8/27/2008 Page 1 of ! Cooper, Linda From: Cooper, Linda Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2008 1:32 PM To: Spiro, Melissa Cc: Doroski, Melanie Subject: Legal notice Wesnofske 9-9-08 Attachments: Wesnofske 9-9-08,doc 8/27/2008 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday~ September 9~ 2008~ at 7:34 p.m, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road~ Southold, New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the purchase of a development rights easement on proper .ty owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske {Eugene Wesnofske and Chrystal Wesnofske~ as contract vendees). Said property is identified as part of SCTM #1000-69-4-8.1. The address is 36450 County Road 48 in the A-C zoning district and is approximately 960 feet west of North Road By-Pass in Southold, New York. The proposed acquisition is for a development rights easement on a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326± acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726± acre parcel. The exact area of the acquisition is subject to a Town-provided survey acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee and the property owner/contract vendees. The purchase price is $68,000 (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre for the 6.2326± acre easement plus acquisition costs. The easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds. The property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value; and FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Dated: August 26, 2008 BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Elizabeth Neville Town Clerk PLEASE PUBLISH ON SEPTEMBER 4~ 2008, AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO ELIZABETH NEVILLE, TOWN CLERK, TOWN HALL, PO BOX 1179, SOUTHOLD, NY 11971. Copies to the following: The Suffolk Times Town Board Members Land Preservation Town Clerk's Bulletin Board Town Attorney STATE OF NEW YORK ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, Town Clerk of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the e~/ day of ~ ,2008, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York. Wesnofske PH 9/9/08 7:34 pm Sworn before me this dayof O-,.~_J~ ,2008. '"' 'N~tary Public LYNDA M, BOHN NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No, 01 B06020932 (3ualified in Suffolk Coun~ Term Expires March 8, 20 Il__ Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of August 26, 2008 RESOLUTION 2008-798 ADOPTED Item # DOC ID: 4175 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-798 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON AUGUST 26, 2008: RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 17 (Community Preservation Fund) and Chapter 70 (Agricultural Lands) of the Town Code, the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby sets Tuesday~ September 9~ 2008~ at 7:34 p.m, Southold Town Hall~ 53095 Main Road~ Southold~ New York as the time and place for a public hearing for the purchase of a development rights easement on properly owned by the Estate of Eugene L. Wesnofske (Eugene Wesnofske and Chrystal Wesnofske~ as contract vendees). Said property is identified as part of SCTM #1000-69-4-8.1. The address is 36450 County Road 48 in the A-C zoning district and is approximately 960 feet west of North Road By-Pass in Southold, New York. The proposed acquisition is for a development rights easement on a part of the property consisting of approximately 6.2326=k acres (subject to survey) of the 8.0726a- acre parcel. The exact area of the acquisition is subject to a Town-provided survey acceptable to the Land Preservation Committee and the property owner/contract vendees. The purchase price is $68,000 (sixty-eight thousand dollars) per buildable acre for the 6.2326+ acre easement plus acquisition costs. The easement will be acquired using Community Preservation Funds. The property is listed on the Town's Community Preservation Project Plan as property that should be preserved due to its agricultural value; and FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that a more detailed description of the above mentioned parcel of land is on file in Land Preservation Department, Southold Town Hall Annex, 54375 Route 25, Southold, New York, and may be examined by any interested person during business hours. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Ruland, Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell Generated August 27, 2008 Page 18