HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12407 P 346NY 005 - hrlaln and 'S~ Deal win C'mc~m ~in,a (Irdn~r% Aris hllvidud ur ('.oq~nn~lm (Sinl~ Sh~ll (NYIITU R~l) CONSULT YOUR LAWYFAt BFJrURIt SI(;KIK(; THI~ II~TRUA! ¥,%'r. 11n$ II~'TRUMItA'r SHOULD lil~ USIB! BY I.AWIt~R~ ONLY BgTWEF. N Poorboy Enterpri~.~ Inc. having offices at 127 Sterling Avenue, Greenport, New York HIIA.ID .A AIOIRTAq Dawn fln~dingq. It 127 Sterhng' Avenue, G~enpork N. Y. On.Third undlvid~ intemt hny R~ding at 6~ C~wford R~d, Cape May, N~. On~ird undivld~ ln~t Joseph Sthoenstein residing at 1060 Moores Lane, North, Greenport, N.Y. One=Third undivided Interest. party of tho second park ~ETH, that ;he p~ty of d~e first po~, in ctaisideration uf TL'u Doilar~ and other valunide consideration paid by Ibc party of the sm:and pm"t. does hereby ~ran; nad I~l~'dso utufl tho pndy of tho imtofld port. th~ hoi~i or SlleCeSf, O~ ~ nsaip of tbe ix~y of tbe sacoM port fo~vcr, ALL thor cemin plot. piece or pam:l of ~tl, with th~ huiidinp -',,Ri Julpmvemants th~q~llll ~ f!r,M% [yifl~ and hoil~ in the SEE SCHEDULE A ATrACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. BE~IG AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to:'the party of the f~rst part by deed dated November 14, 2003 rscorded December 3, 2003 ~n L4ber 12287 cp 690. Th~s conveyance has been made ~n the regular course o£ bus~neas.o6£ the party of the l~rst part:-.and has been made v~th the unanimous consent ~n wr~t~n$ of al! the oe. E4:ters.:o£ thb party of the £~rst part. TOG k'TH ER with all ~l~ht. title md i,mn:st, if uny. of Ihe pofly of the first pan of. in #ltd 1o a~y streets and rtmdi abonifl~ tho IbO~~ pfazlisL's tO the k'CIIb:f l ilKs thon.'nf; 'iYOG ~rli ER with the lippm'Eelmi~es mid nil the esln,,' and d~ht~ of the patty of the rim lX~ in and to snid pn.,mi~.'s: TO HAVK AND 3'0 HOIJ) t~ p~mises herein grouted unto d~ pady of tho second part. the heirs ur suo:essors and u~iGns uf tho pofly of She second port fot~vcr. AND the party of the first part cuvcnanis thai the irdrty of the firs; part 'lure nm dune L~ suffered afly~hini~ wbe~eby the said peereSses hove been incumhored in any way wh-.,tewr, except as af, m.,snid. AND tho party of tho first pm~ in oon~pliank'e with Sect;tm 13 of dm Lk'n Law. cuvenant~ thai tho pa:ty of tho first pail waft receive tho consideratiou for this cnnveFance und will lmld the riLtht tn neo~ive such oJnSideratlon n,t a truss fund to be applied tint for the purpose of I~yinl~ the ~ of tho impnwemenl and w~li apply thc same llnt to thc poyment of lho cost of imlxovem~t hofmv urdn~ any pon of the total of Ihe sau~ for uny uthor purlmse. The word "p~ty" shall be cmmlrued us if it r~d "l~u'6cs' whcne~.'r the sense of this indenture so requires. IN wrrsKss WIIKRKOF. [he p~y ,f tho first ir. irt has duly CXk'~uted lids dk'~d thc thy and year first above writtm. SCHEDULEA ALL that c, ertain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Viflage of Greenport* County of Suffolk, State of New York, being .more particularly described as Lot No. 3 on the filed map entitled Minos' Subdivision for Dawn Heard filed with the Sulfolk County Clerk on September 2:~, 2003, as Filed Map No. ! 1007. Subject to proposed sewer easement ten foot in width running parallel to the northerly line ofthe lot. (lns,.rl d~ ¢ir). nr (~i~. prdi:i~Yd.mhdiuLrian and lite xlate or counlry or BA~Am & Poorboy Enterprises, inc. Dawn Heard, Benny Rose, Joseph Schoenstein II FmEUTY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY /M'Uif,U~IMo I~..J DI.qrTRICT S P.t.'f lot4 BLOCK COUNTY OR TOWN ~Charlt~ R. Cuddy, Esq, PO Box 1547 Riverhend, New York ] 1901 Number oF pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortg, age Instrument 4[ ' Page I Filing Fee Handling .TP-584 Deed I Montage Tax Stamp Notation EA-52 17 LCounty) EA-521 ? (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. A~davit Certified Cop)' ·. · Reg. Cop)' Other Sub Total Sub Total GRAND TOTAL Real Prope~.y Tax Service Agency Verifi_,~_.ion Dist. Section · B idek Stamp ~2 1001 00~00 0400 031003 Initinls '7 Satisfactions/Disc~a~'~'l~eleas~ List Property Owners Mai RECORD & RETURN TO: lot Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. PO Box 1547 Riverhead, New York 311901 2005 Sap 02 03=2?:09 Pti Edward P, Roeaine CLE~ OF SUFFOL~ COUNTV L I)00012407 DT# 05=05129 Recording I Filing Stamps . Mortgage.Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. Or Spec,/Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town~___. bual Coumy~ Held for Apportionment Trnnsfer Tax L":',~ ~ iVlansion Tax 'lite property covered by this mort~ge is or will bc improved by a one or two family dweilin~ only. YES__or NO~ If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page ii ofthis instrument. Community .Preservation Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S~ Improved Vacant Land TO //~ TD TD Suffolk C, This page forms pert of the attached Poorboy Enterpriaes, Inc. TO Darn Heard, ~ennyl,Rose, Jr. Joaeph Schoenstetn i~,( I~,'1-'~ -~ T'LID! 1.n ,, ~ w'"~ ~ ~ ~ ........ Title Company Informntiou Co. Name Title ii Recordin& F. ndorsement Pa DEED (SPECIFY TYPE OF INST~ ) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNI~, NEW YORK. made by: In ~.e Township o£ h the VILLAGE or HAMLET of 8outhold GreenporC SUFFOLK COUHTYCLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE T~pe o£ Znstzmment: DEEDB/DDD Number o£ Pages: 4 Receipt l~-~er : 05-0092925 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-05129 1001 Deed Amount, Recorded= LTBER: PAGE: Sect:ion ~ Block: 003.00 04.00 $o.oo Received =:he Followl~ Fees For ~ove Tnstrument ~empk Page/Filing $12.00 NO Hand14rig cee $5.00 NO NY= SRCKG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA- HTATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert. Cop4es RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Trans£er =:ax $0.00 NO ¢£ ...... .Pres Fees Paid TRAI~BFER T~ NUMBER: 05-05129 THZS PAGE ZS A PART OF THE TNSTRUMENT TH'rB TS NOT A BTLL Edward P.Rosmtne County Clerk, Bu££olk Count:¥ oo/o2/2oos 03=27z09 PM D00012407 346 Lot: = 031.003 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.0o $o.oo $o.oo $242.00 NO NO NO NO NO