HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12422 P 338~~,me~ ~1 ~ ~yof November ,in~eye~ 2005 ~W~ Heard ~esi~ns ~t 127 S~iingAv~ue, Gre~per~ NX. On~ U~d~ Interest B~.Ro~, Jr., r~g at 6~9 Cra~o~ Rold~ Ca~ Ma~, N,J. On~d Undi~d~ Interut Jos~h Schoens*~n ~i~ st 1060 M~s L~e~ Nor~ G~po~ N.Y. ~d patty of the secoud pm, WITI~I~ that th~ paffy of the first pa~t, ill consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pafly of tile second part, docs hereby grant .and retease unto the party of the second part, thc heirs or successors a~d assil~s of the party of the second part forever, ALL.that camm plot, piece o~ pa~ of ..' .litpd, with .the b~ildinss and impmvenmnts tit=eon e~ situate, lying and being i~ the SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART ltEREOF. The grantors herein is the same pm't~ and premises herein is part of the same premises as. described in deed, dated August 2,-2005' and recorded September 2, 200s in LJber D0001240'/* page 346. TOGETHER with all fight, t~tle and interest, if any, of the party of die first pail of, ~ and to any streets and roads abutting thc above-described prmnisas to the c~n~r Ibm thexeof; TOGKTHER with the appufl~na~tceo and ~ the e~tate and fishts of the patty of the ftrat pm in and to said prmmise~ TO K/~VE AND TO ilOLD the premises herein granted unto th~ party of the second PU~ tim b~rs o~ successor~ and a~signs of the party of the second paxt forever. AND the party of the fixst pat~ covenants that the pa~y of tim fi~st par~ has not done or sufferzd anytl~ wbm~by the sa~d promises have been ~ncumbered irt any way whatever, except as tforeoaid. AND the pafly of the firot part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, coven~o that tixe pax~y of th~ fi~st pail wili receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold thc tight to zeccive such consideration ali trust fund to be applied [list gq thc putl~ of payin~ tim cost of the JallC~Oveffleltt ~ will apply file same first to the paymel~t of the co9! of the OnlXovemont before.using any part of the total of the s~ for any other purpose. '..shall hn ~'a'mAtrued as if it read "nat'ties whclteve~ the sense of ~ in&,"ntore so r~quire~. llq ~ WHEREOF, site party of the first part has d~ly eotecuted this deed ~ day and yea~ ~st above wriuc~. IN IT, ZSENC~ 0f: JJosaph Scho~nsteJn Feb. 7. 2007 IO:05AM .... N0.4359 P. .' t ieee, or parcel of land situate, l¥£ng and beCng o£' as follows: the Su~£Olk County Clerk on ~ep~e~ber 25. 2003 aa Filed Map NO. 11007. FIRST NBW YORK TITLE A~"Y LTD. Feb. 7. 2007 IO'04AM No. 43~, ~. ~ ACIqVO~ FOP, M FOlt U~R W~I'IIIN4~ YOIt~ STA~'ONLY: [~ew York $~i~ W~ ~owte~nt S~ ~NewY~ ~ Suffolk }~: ~21 4~ November in~cy~ 2005 p~ly ~u~, who, ~ ~ ~ duly say ~at ~sh~ ~id~,) ~ w ~ ~e i~vidu~ d~ ~ ~ who ~u~ i~mmt; that s&d ~dbJ~ ~m~s ~ p~t ~d ~w s~d ... :. ~~ ~s) ~ a w~ ~. CHAnL~$ R. CUD~~ Notary Publk~. State of New York No. 5672225 Ouaflfled In Suffolk County Commission Expires Deoember 31, 20..~ WITH ~ 4OADIST GitM4*~m's X~ Dawn Heard, Benny Rose Jr.~. and Joseph Schoenstein TO CLO Realty Corp. (ln~ert the coy or oth~r political s~bdivision and tl~ sta~ or country or ~o~r plac~ th~ acknov~g,r.,nt was SECnO~ BLOCK COUIq~Y OR TOWN Fiddity National Title Insara~ce Cempm~y RETUP, N BY MAIL TO Peter Danowsid, Esq. PO Box 779 Riverhead, New York 11901 TOIUtF, NS RECORDED 2005 Nov 29 10:52: tB RIq Ed,~ard P. Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUICrV L D000124~2 P S58 I'Ve / Fgiog F~e TP-5~ ~-S217 (St8~) Re~ C~y Sub Tobil Mo~ts~8e Amt. .. 1. Bm~,,'T~t .. 2. Ad~oual T~ S~ To~l S~./~sit. O~ GRAND TOTAL 00300 0400 031003 RECORD & RETURN TO: PETER DANOWSKI, ESQ PO BOX 779 RIVERHEAD, NY 11901 This pa~ fonm ixu't of the arrayed TOT. MTG. TAX Du*ai Town __ Du~i County Held for Apportionment . _~ /'.,,~ Tho property cove~ed by t~ mortgage i~ or ~ ~0 If~O, see ~pr~ ~ cbuse on puge · o~,~.~,~.~!/~/OS/ s , Comn~ ~~n Fund [ 8 [ Title. C .e~l)illy~Infonnstioa .... I Co.___..~_~tme FIRST NEW YORK TITLE AGENCY. LTD , J Titb # ~=NY 05-gs4~-S ~ED ~de by: DAWN HEARD, BENNY ROSE JR & JOSEPH SCHOENSTEIN To CLO REALTY CORP TI~ premises hmo, in, is simat~ in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NI~W Y01LIC tile Town.~p of _-_ the VXLLAGE or HAMLET SOUTHOLD GREENPORT l{OXY..S S TtlRU ' Ml]8~ BI~ TYPED OR l'lU]gfl~B IW ]JLA(3( INK OlVI,Y l'{llOR TO I~COIU)II~O OR FILING. .... Feb. 7. 2007 IO:04AM No. 4359 P. 2 II I I II I SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE .: R~.CORUING .P~:..,.. Type of Instr~ent: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0123734 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER.' 05-16935 District: 1001 Deed A~ount = Recorded: At ~ LIBER: PAGE .' section = Block: 003.00 04.00 ~x~n~'~ ~'D C~ZD AS FO~.~.OWS $635,000:00 1~/29/2005 10:52:18 AM D00012422 338 031.003 Received the Following Fees'For Above Instrument..,. Exempt : Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COE $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA- STATE TP- 584 $5.00 NO Cert. Copies RPT $ 30.00 NO SCTM Transfer tax $2,540, O0 NO Comm: P. re8: Fees' Paid. TRANSFER TAX-NG~BER~ 05-16935 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $1ss.oo ~o $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $11,200.00 NO $13',982,00 Edward P.Romaine .County Clerk, Suffolk County