HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12391 P 93313nrlptin a~d Sale Deed wilh Covenants against Gran~r's Actp · CO..NSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNINg THiS JNS'~RUMENT-THIS INSTRI~MENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 23~ day of May Two Thousand Five BAYBERRY BUILDERS, LLC 29 Gladys Road Wading River, New York AND party of the first part, CHRSTINE MCCABE 8~ Old Harbor Drive New Suffolk, New York party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the firsl part, in consideration often Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the sacond part, does hereby granl and release unto the part~ of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the parly of the second pm forever, all that certain plot, piece or pnr~! of land, situale, lying and being: SEE SCHEDULE A ATYACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. DIST: 1001 SECT: 003 BLOCK: 04 LOT: 031.002 SAID PREMISES KNOWN AS: 128 STERLING AVENUE, GREENPORT, NEW YORK BEING AND INTENDED TO BE lhe same premises as acquired by deed dalai October 21, 2003 recorded November 17, 2003 in Liber 12284 Page 272. This conveyance has been made with the unanimous consent in writing of all the members ortho party of the first pm. TOGETHER with all right, title and intetest~ if any, of the part)' of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abu~ng the above-described premises to the center Haas thereof; TOGETHER with 1~ appuflenanees and all the estate and rights of Ibc party oftbe tint pan in and to said premisas; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pa~y of the second pa~ the heirs or successors and assi~rts ofthe party of the second part forever. AND the party ofth¢ first part covenants that the party of the first pan has not dong or suffered anything whereby the said premi.~'s have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 ofthe Lien Law, covenants that the party ofthe first part will receive the consideration for the conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part oftbe total ofthe same for any other purpose. The word "party" shah be constructed as ifil read "patties" whenever the sen.re cf this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part bas duly executed this deed the day and year first above B~mber ST*ATE OF NEW YORK, COU~i'Y O~ SUFFOLK) On ~he 23~ d~y ot'Mmy ~ ~fo~ ~ ~lly c~e ANTHONY NICOLE~! ~onally ~own to me or pmv~ ~ me on ~e ~is ofsalbfactow ~iden~ to ~ ~c individual ~ ~e is su~ri~ to the within in.merit and acknowl~8~ to mo that he ~u~ ~e ~ in hb ~i~, ~d ;hat ~ hb si~ on ~e ins~ment, ~e individual, ~ ~ ~n on ~hdfofwhich ~e i~ivM~l ~, ~=ul~ ~e ip~m~l. JOYCE V. CHIUUJ Nc)Mr),. Pub/ia, 8tare of New Y. odr _No. ~'1~ 48, Suffolk Coumv ~,;onun. Explr~ 8epf. 81, ~ TJUgNo.: 3805-00143 CHICA{30 'nTLE INSURANCE COMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEG/HNZNG AT A POINT CB; THE N0~THERLY BIDE OF B-~L'aS~r.TtW3 AV~3E DZBTANCE 385.06 FRET lg~.BTEHLY FROM THE CORNER PO--m4gD BY THE ZIiTBRH~Z~ OF THE EAgTERLY HIDE OF C3tI~P~ 8TRKET WITH THE NORTHERLY BIDE OF 8T~'~T.TIq~ AVENUE; i~HNIBG THENC'g NORTH 1'7 ~ 06 M]:HOTR8 00 8BCOHDH WBBT AX&)l~ LAND NOW. OR, FORMERLY OF R&B 8T]kHAM 85.00 INET TO LIktiD NOW QB, FORMERLY OF JOHN AND RZTA NORTH '74 Dscmgu 24 ~nmTss o0 sacoH~ EAST AL~ SA.ID LANO HOW 0~' FCmmLY OF aOHN Arm R_--TA Jemcn;'~ 02.22. FaST TO THE tmTERLY SIDE OF LOT HO. 2 THENCE HOUTH 15 DRGILEE8 36 MINUTE,9 00 iuE(:~JHD~ gAST ALONG HA,ID LOT NO. 2 84.97 FEET TO TH~ NORTHlglUaY SIDE OF BTERL3:NQ AVEHUB; THENC~ SCX]TH 74 DgG~man 24 MINUTES 00 SECOHIIgWBBTALO~G~ NORTHERLY 8IDR OF $TERL/NGAVEHUE 90.00 FRBTTOTliE POINT OR PLACBOF BBG/HNING. FOR ZNFOHMP,.TZOH ONLY: DISTRICT 1001 g.I~'Z'ZON 003.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 031.001 Number of pa~es ~ TORI~NS Prior Ctf. # ~ / Mortgage Deed / Mortsase Tax Stamp PaBe I Filia~ Fee Haadlin~ TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Corem, of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharse Other Sub Total 15. O0 Sub Total 2005 Jun 13 10:21'-21 P~. Eduard P. Rmmine ~.ERK OF SUFFOLK COUHP/ L D000i239I · P93~ OT# 04-44439 Pacordinj I Filing Mo~sa~e. Amt. . ---- L Buic Tax -- 2. Additlom~l T~x _ ~ Sub Total Spec./Assit. or Spec./Add. ~ H~ld for Appointn~ent The l~opcrty covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a on~ or two family dwelling only, YES .___._.. or NO .. 'If NO, see a~roprlate tax clau~ on ,'°° ~0~ 1001 00300 0400 031001 ~ Ag~cy V~on E Safisfactions/D~cs/Releases List l~ol:ert70waets Mail~ Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This pase forms p. art of the sm~ch~d ~S--~pI~II~T~PB ON I~1.~-~.~ .made, by'. Vacanl Land _.___ TD 7 i Tit!e Comps_ny Informg, tion , , In the Township of or HAY~.~T of ., BO~-q 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BI.ACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECO~ING OR FILING. (over) TO 'I'lm premises h~min is situated i~ $UI~OLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. I IIIIIII ill i1111 IIIII IIIII IIIII Ill IIIII llll ~11 IIII I !11111 IIIII !~11 Ilil III! T3~o o£ ~nltFumonC s Z~BDS/D~D Roae4pC ~,m~Or z 05-0062516 TRAN8~ TAX N~NBBA: 0&-&&&39 1001 PAnEl 003.00 04.00 $535,000.00 06/13/2005 10t21821AM D00012391 933 031.001 Poao/FXXLng $12.00 NO He,ndl~ COB S5.00 NO ~-58& S5.00 ~ C~t,C~el ~ $30.00 04-44439 · 'HZ8 Z8 ~ A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo No $o.oo No $7,700.00 NO $9,992.00 CounCy Clerk, 8uf£o:].k COlUzCF PLEASE TY'FiE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpW www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE {518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~/ "/ ,'~ ~'/,t 1 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl.$Wl~Codl I~., /, ~'~ o,, C~,'! I ~ · ° /,, I~Jl ~ A. STAI~QFNEWYORK I . T' ' RP - 5217 I I I U4IT IMME I I:OMIIMIY FIIIT IMME &'I'KIlT I~N A/m IIl&k I I1~ Ixl NIGffTf~T s. Dlld 0kPIH · ~t. I lofP, ircell OR C3 Panol.l~r~l Io.t , . .~... ~1 I · Bayberry Builders, I fins! ~ I ?. Cil~d tim bo~ b4dew wldch ma~t _?_?ltdy de~dmi the me of tl~ IWOpe~f Bt the time M Mb: U I--.J 2 m 3 f~mily MldentMI ' CI~ Re~k.m~l V~snt L~d DI I Wm~kntbl V.r~t t~ I S~E ~N~O~M^~ON I 11. ~b Cgatm~ Oete [ 03 / 02 / 0,5,1 I, kIM1 I~ ¥1m Commun~ Sm~i~e Indu~rlll Publk= Fmlm lZ. Omteol~le/Tmn~M I 05 / 23 / 05 I I~.FMI~dlIPI'I.I I , , ,5~3,5,0~0,0,0.01 ! ! · IFull S.le Prim il the total amount l~ld for IM prol~ty Including personal l=operty. Thb ~ may be ia ~lm from of cMh, Q~er ~GC, iay or ~.~I;, Or the I~umplion o~ 9. N~w Con~mcdon on VK~m Land [] tOA. Pmpe~V tar. md Win m Agrk:ulmM ~ [] A I! C D E F I 1001--003-04-031.002 I I I I I I I I C..T.=,CAnON I BUYER j BUYBr6 A~ INEW YORK STATE coPY