HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12370 P 932BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 bL~weell CARLOS E. CASTELLANOS and KRISTIN J. CASTELLANOS, husband and w4fe, residing a! 634 Carpenter St., Greenport, NY 11944 party of the first part. and GORY and BEVERLY GREGORY, husband and wife, residing at 1049 Noyak Rd., Soutbamton, NY 11968 party of the second part, WITNEXSETH, that the party ofthe first pan, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other lawful consideration, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party ofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the patty of the second part forever, ALL that ccrtain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lyin$ and being at Grcenport, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. SEE SC! IEDULE 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF The 8rantors herein are the same persons as the grantees in Deed dated 2/21/04 recorded 3/22/04 in Liber 12308 page 565. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party oftbe first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights oftbe party of the first pan in and to said premises, TO HA YE,4ND TOHOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany ofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns ofthe party of the second pan forever. AND the party of the first part, covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any why whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost o£the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total ofthe same tbr any other purpose. The word "party'' shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense ofthis indenture so requires. I~V WITNF.:~ WHEREOF, the part), ofthe firs~ pan hu duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. 'STEL NYSIIA Residential Real Estsle F~m~ oe IioIDoel& 19/00) -t- STATE OF NEW YORK ) 7 ).ss.: On ,he 23rP~ay oF ,.,/,1~.,~.~.~,. CAR~S E. CASTEL~NOS and on the ~is o[~tis~em~ evid~ee to ~ ~= individ~ls who~ n~ ~ su~ ~ Ihe wi~in innmment ~d ~knowl~ inst~ment, the individ~ls, or the ~n u~n ~halfof which ~e i~ividunls ~t~, e~u~ th= ins~menL GHERYL B. AU88EI.~,,:'; ,:.'. NO. 01RUe100?44., '" - .c t'. D~_,~ ~le No) CASTELLANOS To Section 003.00 Block 04.00 Lot 020.001 ,County orTown SUFFOLK GREGORY Return By Mail To: KATHLF, EN SCHWARTZ, ESQ. 149 HAMPTON RD. SOUTHAMPTON, NY 11968 Reserve This Space For Use Of Recording OMce NYSBA Pasldmiid ~ ~ Fonm on Iloli)oa~ (9/(}0) COl~ilhl Cals~I ~ .. '$-9213 D Cnn O -. ALI. that ~ 'plot, piece or. parcel'of land, with the tntildin~ and improvcrncn~ thereon erectS, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenpo~ Tow~i of $outhold, · County of .,.,.,.,~olk and State of New York, bcing more particttl~ly bounded and .. · described as follows: BEO~O at a' point on the easted~ side of Cazpant~ Strcct at the southwesterly oomer of land now or formerly ofB. an'~ said point or place ofbe~itming distant 417.12 feet northerl:~ as measured along the ensterly side of Carpenter Street from thc comer formcd by the intersection of the enstm'ly side of Carpenter Street with the northcrly side of St~'ling A~nue; RUNNING THENCE from said point or place of be~nning al~mg .said land now or formerly of B~arrctt north 83 degrees 45 mln~'ms 20 seconds east I42.40 feet to land now or formerly of Saeli; eUNN]NO 'I~EN_ C~.' along said land and along land now or formerly of Raynor south 2 grees 15 ~ 40 seconds east 68.47 feet to other land to be con'veycd by the party of thc first p~t to the party ofth~ second part; RUNNING ~CE westerly along said land s~)uth 83 degrees 39 minutes 30 seconds west 136.87 fi~ct to the easterly sidc of'Carpenter Su'eet; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side'of Carpenter Street north 6 degrees 55 · ,~m~,a ! 0 a~comfs west 68.62 feet to the point or ~lace of BEGINNING. Number of pages TORRENS Serial #, Certificate Deed / Mortgage lnslrument Page / Filing Fee Handling TP.$ibi Notation EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total Deed I Mortpge Tax Stamp FEES RECORDED 2005 .F.eb 09 04:09=36 PH Eclvard P.P. oaaine CLEI~ ~ SUFFOLK COUHT¥ L D000~2370 P 932 DT# 04-2'~ Recording I Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt:' I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssiL Or EA-$217 (State) S~c./Add. · _ :_ ~,~a~/'~_j_ \~ Dual Town__ Dual County ,Comm. oF ~. ~ co ~{ ~1~'.~'~.· ~B Held for Apportionment . · Ret Couv ~ill be improved by a one or two ram ily -' .... .~,k'r'~,nl ~lwellin~ only. . Othcr ' · ....... ~ YES or NO~ ~ ~ ~.u A~r~ .~'v~,~ I~ ~' , ~O , I I~NO, see appropriate tax clause ori pa~e.~ ....... I r,.. I o ... I ~-, i nt$ Btam :l ; ........... · 0S004801 ~oo2. 00300 o4oo o2ooo~. Initials ' '""--"/ , -- Vacant La Date '1 .~ Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases List Property Owners Mailing Addres~ RECORD & RETURN TO: KATRLEEN SCI~ARTZ, ESQ. 149 Hampton Rd. Southampton, ~ 11968 TD TD / s Title Company Information ICo. Name South Bay Abstract, Inc. .Tide # S-9Z13 Suffolk Count Recordin& Endorsement Pa e ' This page forms pert ofthe attached Deed CARLOS E. KA3TELLANOS AND KRXSTXN J. CAWI;~-L,L,~U3 (SPECIFY TYPE OF INST~~) Thc lxcmiscs herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. made by: RE TO In the Township of SOUTIiOLD GORY AND BEVERLY GREGORY In tl~ VILLAGE. BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPIg3 OR PRINTED IN BLA~ INK ONLY PRIOR TO REO3RDING OR fiLING. · (OVER) SUFFOLK COOHTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE Type o£ Znstrunent: DEEDS/DDD Number o£ Pages: 4 Receipt ~--hez t 05-0015522 TRANSFER TAX IIUHBER: 04-28298 District,; 1001 Deed Amount,z Recordedf L:LBERs PAGEs 003.00 04.00 uYM(ZNEDAND CHAI;.Gs~AH FOLLOWH $455,000.00 02/o9/200s 04:09z36 PM D000~.2370 932 Lot., 020. 001 Received t,he Foll~l~ Fees For Abo~ Znst,~.uae~t, Page/Filing $12.00 NO Kandltng COB $5.00 NO NY8 SRCKG EA-CTY $5.00 HO RA-HTATE TP-584 $5.00 HO Cert.Copies RFT $30.00 NO SCT~ Tranefe= tax $1,820.00 NO Co=ri. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX HUMBERt 04-28298 TIIZ8 PAGE ZB A PART OF THE ZNHTRQMENT THZB ZB NOT A BZLL $5.00 HO $15.00 ~0 $75.00 NO $0.00 HO $0.00 NO $6,100.00 HO $8,072.00 Eclw&Ed P,R~naino Count,¥ Clerk, Suf£olk Count,y PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (516) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YOIIK RP - 5217 ~C~ I B [_J 2 or 3 Family Ruidml~l (*' I,,*--I Rgddendal VKam Land DU N~dentbl Vaaml I~nd I INFORIVI TION I Agr~dtuM IL_j Commun~ ~ Entertainment' I AmuNment Fo.t I z~ /22 /o~ I M.r.m Oa~ Yea. aa.nm oe/ 15. Cl~k Mm M mM. d th.i .MUMMy-- qNtiM to trmd~. A B C D F ~le ~ ~ Coml~nhm or I'Br~mm In Budneas One of the Buyms iB -bo I ~Mi~ luyor or Sdlor ii Gowmm.~ ieoncy or LMxl]ng I~ [)ced Type not Wanan~ or Bargain and Sale {Slw:ily Ilelow) 4 5 5 0 0 0 IZ Ful, kdeP, k4 I ....... 0 , 0 I (Ful SiM Rdm) hi tho tolll imoul~ paid fiw lira, pn~mly Indudmg pMlm'ml i~y.. I This W nmy be In the kvm d crab, olt~ ixap~y or goodl, or Ihe iliumpdon o~ j 14.1mBl:ltethevldulofpM~onll ] ..... 0, o I ASSESSMENT'~F:ORMATION. h should reflect the latest Plnal Ats~smnent Roll ,,nd 'tm( Bill l& Yai'dAmemmeetRog~Mn I 0,~/ I 17. Totd/mMMedVdue iddllmrad~inblml~rJ I ~igrAM~ Ch.neo In Property BMwlln Tmlbl. SmmB md Silo Dltol SMi o/B411nell il Ind.dld in Saki IM~l OIhM UtmeM FK~OfS AffKdne ~le P~e ~xdfy BMow) ;NMle ' !001-003.00-04.00-020.001 I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I BUYERS ATTORNEY BUYER NEW YORK STATE COPY