HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12455 P 128~:)NSULT '~'OUR LAWYER BEFORE 81GNING THIS INSTRUME#T--THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY t. AWYER$ ONLY. Tills INDENTURE, made die ~ day of{~',l., bt die)mr 2005 BETWEEN BRUCE GROSSMAN uqd SHARYN GROSSMAN. his wit*c, ri:siding ut 220 Madison Avenuc. Unit 2C. New York. N.Y. Itx)16 party of the tim p-m. nnd BRUCE GROSSMAN ,'md SHARYN GROSSMAN. residing {il 221) Madison Avenue. Unit 2C, New York. N.Y. IIXt 16 :md RACHEL THEA GROSSMAN. residing al (,69 Bo'gm Slreet. Brooklyn. Ney,. York 1123l{ ns joinl lenflrllS with rillhl Of IXm.',' of the second pun, WI'I'NESSETHo dial the parly o1' the firm purr. in consideration of No dol 'lars paid by dic p.my o1' die sccond pan. does hereby grant ,'md rei~ue unto lite pnrty of the second part. lite heirs or successors und .'usil{ns of tl,e party of die second part forever. ALL th-',l certain plot. picot or par,xl of I,-md. ~,~th die buildings lutd inqxm'cmenls thercon crcctcd, situate, lyinB and being in Otc SCC Schedule All:,ebed TOGETHER with -',11 rillht, litlc and interesl, if uny. of die l~my of the firsl par1 in and lo any slrcels and roads nb, ltiqg thc nbove described premises to tho c~nler Ii,es dieroof; TOGETHER with die nppurtennnces und all the e~lat¢ and ri~ts of the pray of the firsl ixm in and to said premises= TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thc premises herein granlcd unto the puffy of die secmtd pm'l. Otc heirs or succc-ssors nnd assigns of the p.my of the second p.m forwcr. AND die p;uly of thc first p~ut co,,'enunts thai die IXUly o1' thc first part 'has not done or suffered nnydiing whereby thc said premises ha,;c bccn encumbered iq ,'my ~'ny ~,~alover. e.xccpl u~ afm'esaid. . AND the party of the tim p.m. in compliance with Scction 13 of the Lien Lnw. covenmtts diat lite p.my of die first part will recek'c die considcmtion for this con~'~.-dncc und will hold die ri~tt to receive sueb consMermion ~ a trim ftmd lo be · ' applied tim for thc propose ofpa.vifl~, the costa of the inkorovement and will apply thc same tim to Otc pnyment of thc o~t of Otc imprm'cment before using ;my palm ol'thc total of the same For -',ny other purpose. Thc word "pun)" shall be consu'ued ns if it m~d "p;umies" wh,.mtevcr the sm.me of this indenture so reqnires. IN WITNESS WIIERKOF, die puny of die first part Imm duly exceed this deed thc day and year first above writtm. IN PRESENCE OF: SH MAN S~hb~lul~ A Pamel 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Greenport, Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Main Street, distant 265.80 feet northerly as measured along the easterly side of Main Street from the comer formed by thd intersection of the easterly side Main Street with the northerly side of Casa Street, said point of beginning also being where the division line between land now or formerly of Hergreuter and the premises heminaltar described intersects the easterly side of Main Street; RUNNING THENCE North 06 degrees 50 minutes.50 seconds West along the easterly side of Main Street, 69.70 feet to land now or formerly of G. Laden; THENCE North 84 degrees 30 minutes 20 seconds East along said last mentioned land 165.83 feet to land formerly of Abraham Kaplan, now or formerly T. Christ]an; THENCE South 06 degrees 55 minutes 10 sacendm East partly a ong sak~ last mentioned land and partly along the westerly side of Carpenter Street, 68.18 feat to land now or formerly of Hergreuter; THENCE South 83 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds West along said last mentioned land, 165.90 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Said premises are presently known as and by the house number and street name of 630 Main Street, Greenport, New York. The party of the first part are the same parsons named as the grantee in deed recorded in Uber 7984 page 75. Parcel 2 All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenport, Town of 8outhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of Carpenter 8tmat, running thence on · continuaUon of the westerly line of Carpenter Street along lands of Groasman, North 6 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 51.94 feet to the northeast corner of the land of Groasman, running thence North 84 degrees 4 minutes 20 seconds East along land of Tuthill a distance of 11.00 feet; running thence South 6 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds East a distance of 51.94 feet to the northerly end of Carpenter Street, running thence South 84 degrees 4 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 11.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Being and intended to be the westerly 11.00 feet of the premises conveyed by Henry I. Lathes and Jean E. Lathes to the parties of the first part by Dc.=d dated April 15, 1955 and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 18, 1955 at Liber 3870 page 82 of Deeds. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE State of New York, Cowlty of New Yurk, x~: On the '"~O day of K lo,Is in the ).-ear 2005, before sue. the ufltk~iLaied, ix'f~maily UplX-an.'d BRUCI'.' C;ROSSMAN mid $1 tARYN GR¢)SSMAN · p~,m~lly ialo~ tu mc (~ imv~q to ~ .n ~h~ ~s of _ . -- No. ~RE~O- -J- ~.l~q ~ inWeSt~r Gou~ ~' / ~ C~I~ Ex,ms July ~, 2~ AC~OWL;~EMENT ~ SU~RIBING WITNE~ TAKE~ IN NEW YORK ~ATE State of New York, County of , ss: On the day of hi the .~.'ar , before rna, die unth,n~'g~ed, a Nolm3.' Public in and tbr and ,";hdc l~nmmll) appcured , the sulmrihing. ~iu~..~.'q to th~ fon.'going insltumenl, with xdmm I ;un per~mally ucquaiuted, who. be, rE by nne dtdy .,oronn, did dq~.e and say that I~...~xq. r~.*si&(.ql iq :il'daf rlkcf of lesrJente Is in ,4 city. in~d"'l'" IJ~ ~l~"t aim Ilzed numk.,,r II'l~. ~l~re~L lo h.. the individual degrilx~d in and ~ho exc, cutal de Ibn:g, ing instnma:nt: that ~id su~'ribing wilnc.~ ~ pn..,mtt and ~w ~id ~,.~'utc the mmc; .nd Ilmt ~uid ~it~...:~ al II~ rome tilnc ~Ull~crik. d hiM~.'r/their tm~s) m aL ~tn~.-~ th~cu~ Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New York. Count)' of , ~ On th~ day of in the ~r un&r~itm~'d. I~-mmidly ~ , I~for~ me, Ibc ACKNOWLEDGEMENT'rAKEN OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE *Slate of . County of . ss: '((~' ins.Ti Di.qlfict of Columbia. Tatitoo', Pum...ssitm or i"omiip Cotm~.) the ~ of in the ]r~.nlr , belbg me mdeni ,gnal r,.~lly ~q I'c'mmidly known to me or proved to ln~ on the k~sis of ~ti.,~fu~toO' ¢vi&,nce to be tl~ iadividudls) whoso numef,q b (ufo) sub~:ribed lo the ~ithin i~,~'mmnlt and ~lu~t~,ed to me ihut he/.,au~thq. executed thc mine in hia~l~/thdr capndt.,,(i~l). Omi by hi.qlxn'llhdr ~igtmutz,.'(s) tm d~ inslrument, the indi6dual(4 ~ thc ~ upon *behidf of ~ich th~ itidividudts)~ed, ~xecutal Ihe ineu~nmt, und that ~u~h iudividml un& such upton: bcfore Ih~ ~lpn~l in thc (n~kl the city ot lx)liticid ~uhlividon m~d tho stut~ or cotul~' or other ptuco d~ acimo~ h.,d~mm ~ Title No. BRUCE GROSSMAN and SHARYN GROSSMAN TO BRUCF. GROSSMAN, SHARYN GROSSblAN and RACHEL TFIEA GROSSMAN DISTRIBUTED BY vo.n.rlrtl [XPLKTS The Judicial Title Inaurnn~e Agency LLC 600-261-TITLE (64861 FAX: 600-FAX4396 SEC'lION: 3 BLOCK. 4 l~rl': I #.0o3 (.'()UN'IT OR TOWN: VIIJaRIE OF (IREENPORT. I'OV, .'N OF SOL.'11101.D, C~)UN'I'Y OF JITIF'FOLJC RETURN BY MAlL TO: OAR¥ M. REINO. ESQ. 13(,0 ~L,'NNY RIIXH.: ROAI) M()I P"OA.~; I.AKI:. Nr.w YORK 10547 N.,,]l)cr Or'l~eges Serial il CcltJfl¢~fc// J°ri.r Cfi. J/ D~eJ / M6rtga§e lnsfruJ!mu' ' ' Page / Filing Fee ~ .... ': · l'lmulling ~ __ Nid#lhJll EA-52 17 (Counly) L~eL!/.~onl~nge T:~x Sta~np GRAND '1'O'1'^!. __ RECOROEI) ~06'lun I4 09=46:27 Judi Tti fl. Pascale Q..EEK OF SOFFOLK COLIqT'! L 00001245.5 P 120 DT# 05-42481 'Recording / Filh~g gl,amps K'lorlsage Amt. I. Uasie 3'ax 2. Addidonnl Tax Sub Tolal Spec IAssi[. Spec /Add. · rdT. m]'o. T^X Du...I 'l~wn .... Dual Cmmfy .... I lrld for Appo~ionnlent . _ ~ 'lYnn.for Tax . ~ Mansion ']~x ~le p~)pe,~ eovere~ ~lg~:l g~s'nr will he improved by a one or two l~mil dwelling only. YEg ~ nr NO _ ~ t' NO, see app~opria[~ lax ~auS~ On page .5 Rral I'ropeny Tax ~er,~ieo AgenCy Vcrificatian _DisL _. ' -~.minn . Il 06011504 =ooz oo3oo 0400 o186o3- ! ot l~i~i8ls Salisl'uctions/Dis. ch~rgcs/Rclc~sc's List Prnpe~ly Owners Mailing liF. CIIIU) & ii£'I'URfl 'i'O: ~ity Preservation FL]nd ConsiderutJon An.~ount $_._.~__~. .... CPJ? Tax Due $ '--~"----' [nlproved _ Vat.at Land __ TD 'ri3 i" i · i.~T~~' - _ & Endorsement · 'l~is ~g~ Fom~ ~ ot tl~ aUached '" _ .... ........... mgde by. ~e premiss herein is sinml~ in ~Z~~ SLJI?FOI.~ C~LJ~', NE,V YORK. SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instz3ment: DEBDS/DDD N~-n~er o£ Pages: 4 Receipt l~--~er : 06-0057996 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-42481 District: 1001 Deed Amount: Recordedz At: LIBER PAGE Section; Block: 003.00 04.00 EXAMI~D AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Received the Foll~ing Fees For Move Instrument Exempt Page/F~ling $12.00 NO Handling cee $5.00 NO NYH BRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Ce=t.Coptes pOT $30.00 NO SCT~ Transfer tax $0.00 NO Co~m. Pree Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-42481 THIS PA~E IS A PART OF THE INSTRDMEHT THIS IS NOT A BILL ~udith A. P&scale County Clerk, 8uf£olk County os/14/2oos 09:46:27 AM D00012455 128 018.003 $5,00 $15.00 $75.00 $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO - .. ,. o, w.,=. w.,m,.. .. .~NSTRUCT,ONS: ~,.p://.~,w.orp,.,,~,,.nv.~,, or P,O,"= ~SlS~ ,,-"'-72~' -11<1--10-1;--'~ Ir-o. cbu,,rrY us~ Cl. ~ Cod~ I/'}' .7 ,'~ ,~' , O. I I ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~DmD~~ I ~ · ! l~lIGLTtkl~t'lJ ' · ,wh D,y Y.,, ' . nr"'Jl~ .. 5217 ~.~LoMtkmI 630 I Nain Street ~ Southold QTY ~T~ 2. ~ (G.ROSSMAN I GROSSMAN ladir, ati whe, i fltum T~x Illl irI m be Ie~ if c4h~ dim bu~ ~ldrm ~ ~_~ of ~orn~ I I 220 Madison' Avenue 4. k-n--~ the W M AMenment Ildi)JmkWonthedeM I ,Greenport I I I '~RUCE I SHARYN and RACHEL THEA I I New York I NY 11001'6 I [ '~ K)ldy I/M of I PM1Dli] CIIMt # ~ey ~. I #o~Parceb OR Panel. Pamel 4&,iqanninoBoJrdwith~dJlxliviiioeNdh(xityExls [] .1 ~ I 68 Ixl 166 4B.$ulxlividonApprovdw~Rlqui~lforTrinsfer . D ,kl Patrol A~,p,-e,,~d fer Subdi~i~ w~lt M~p Pm~ded [] t~.... IGROSSI'~N I BRUCE ~ ~T IMMI I~ ~ IGROSSMAN I SHARYN ~T NMM S (:QiiPAJW I~I liMFI 7. Chink Ilm box bdow whld~ mare ~llrltdy dmidb# the u~ d tl~ I)rOpedy Id the dine d Mle: lZDIiMlalIITmaIIIr I 11 / 30 /20051 , , i I ,0 ,0,01 ,~Mr~.PM I , , , i . IFIjII 811l PrJa) II ~ ~ amOXil ~ldd for the ~ Jndud/nI pesoMI I~mpmy. I *11~i ~ nmy bi in the Iorm af I MhI~ IX~lIty e~ IoedI, e~ thI #amt~moa of J ma, lg~m m' ather ob~gmlonLI M I ~ MWMWameu~L ~ift p,~mv i,d,d~ k tim. i ~ ' I ASSESSIdEKI' INFORMATION - Dim ihouid ~ the blteSt Flnsl iht Roll and Tjx Bill/' ILYmrdAMMmm~R°Ulr°ml 0 5 ! l?.Tm.liVdueIMdllmablntmnd, rll / inlamIion i ' ' 25 00 0 1LP~C~ I Z 1. 01-L III. SMDi~Iwl Greenport Union Free I I I BUYER New York I NY I 1Q016 BUYER'S ATTORNEY INEW YORK STATE COPY