HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12367 P 994THIS INDENTURE, made the BETWEEN CAROLYN HOT?, Maine 04572 residing at 29 Bremem Road, #aldoboro, pa~y of the fimt pad. and ELMER G. TUTHILL, residing at 735 Stars Road, East Marion, New York 11959 and NANCY LEWIS, residing at 600 Main Street, Greenport, New York 11944 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, thst the party of the fist pa~ in considaretion of TEN & NO 1100 ($10.00) clollam paid by the party, of the ascend part, daes hereby grant end redeems unto the pmly of the ~cond part, the heim or successors and assigns of the party of the ~cond part forever, ALL thatcerteinploL~e~eorparcel~ and, withthabu~ingsendimprovenlentsthemonerscted, situate, ~ng snd beingintha Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described on Schedule "A" annexed hereto and made a part hereof. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Ceed dated June 11, 1996 in LLber 11930 page 1709 TOGETHER WITH all of Grantor's right, title and interest, if any, in and to any lands lying to the West of the subject premises (which parcel is shown on the Suffolk County Tax Nap as 1001-3-4-14.2) having been owned by Rose H. Tuthlll, the parties hereto being the sole distributeas and heirs at law of the said Rose H. Tuthill, who died on March 10, 2004 at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York, and the said parties hereto, together with the said Rose H. Tuthi11 also being the sole distributees and heirs at law of Elmer G. Tuthill, who died on September '30, 1972.at Greenport, Suffolk County, New York. ~ TO~ETHER with aU right, title and interest, if any, oF the party of the first part in end to any ~ and roads abutling the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and au th~ estate and r[ghte ~ the ~ of the first part in end to ~ premisal; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the promises bemin granted unto the party of the ~cond part, the heim or euoce~ore and assigns of the party Gl' AND the party of the first part covenartm that the party of the firs~ part has not done or ~uffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any wsy wherever, except es aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance ~ Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the fist part will receive the considereUon for thi~ convey-nce end wUl hold the flflght to receive ~uch c=neidemtion es · trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the co~t of the improvement and will aPI~y the same first to the payment of the cc~ of the impfTwement before using sny part cd' the total of the same for any other pu. qx~e. The word 'party' ~hsll be construed ms if it read 'parties' when ever the e4nse of this indenture ~o requir~ IN WITNES8 WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wlitten. IN PRESENCE OF: Standard N.Y.B.T,U, Fomt 8002 - Bargain and 8~le O~ed, with Coveg~nt ~galntt Grmtlor't Ac~ - Unikxm Ao~nowlldgmem Form 3290-3 ml~iE & Number :or pages' , ,.TORRENS Serial # 4 Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortpl~e imtmment Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp FEF~ REgal)El) 200~ 3~n 26 10:4~s51 Ed~rd p. Rm~ine L IXX30123~7 P994 DT# 04--26046 Reeordin8 i Filin~ Stamps PaBe / Filins Fee llandling TP-$84 Notation EA-~2 17 (Cou~y) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. AITidlivit ~ Certifi~l R~8. Coi~ Date Initiats 7 '1 Sub Total ~ OO ~ub Total GRAND TOTAL. Real Pmperty'lax Scrvice AlEut' Verification !. Raxi¢ Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeeJAnit. Or Spec./Add. 'lOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held f. Apportion=~l~_=~ ]l~e property covered by thb moflgnse' is or will be improved by · one or two family dweilins only. YES , or NO if NO, see q)pmpriate tax clause ou lmge # of Ibis inslmment. l)reservntion Fund Dbt. __S.ection- .R i~k. -- f-"', ~ideration Amount -'-0.~3~3~83 xooz oo3oo o4oo 02.4003 ~ I' Tax $ .V - I Satisfactions/D'ischarges/Relea..,es List Property Owners Mailin8 RECORD & RETURN TO: THOMAS T. MoVANN, JR., ESQ. 100 MILL ROAD P.O. BOX 827 WESTHAMPTON BEACH, NEW YORK 11978 Co. Name Title # improved Land TD TD TD Title Company Information Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page made by: 'll~is pal,e forms part of the attached DEED (Si~I~' 'l'Ylq] OF .R~"IRUMENT) Thc premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. CAROLYN MOTT. TO Ill the Township of SOUTHOLO EL.ER O. TUTHIL.L. and lnthc VJLI.AG~ ~An~¥ T.~wIS or HAMLEI' of BOXES 5 Ti IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK, INK ONLY PRIOR TO 'RECORDING OR Fil.ING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFZCE RECORDZNG PAGE T3rpe o£ Znetrument: DEEDB/DDD ~m~Or O£ Pages: 4 Receipt]lumber : 05-0009017 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 04-26046 District: Section: Block: 100~' 003.00 ..... 04.00 BXAHZ~ ]L~4D"~GEI~) .AS FOLLOWS Deed' ~dnount** $1.38,436 Rece'~'~;ed the Fei.lowing Fees For ~ve :Znet~t Exempt ' Pag~/Filing $1.2.00 MO Nand1.ing CeE $5.00 1~) NYB 8RCKG RA-CTY S5.00 TP-584 S5,00 ~ Cert. Cop~es ~ $30.00 T~e~er t~ $554.00 ~ C~.P~ea Foes Paid TRANSFER TAX ]~:7H]3ER: 04-26046 T~ZS PA~E Z8 A PART OF THE ZNHTR~MBHT THZH Z8 NOT A BZLL Recorded= Att 01./2S/200S 10:43:51 AM LZBER: PA~E: : . 014. 003 $5.00 $1.5.oo $75.oo Ss.os $0.00 $0.00 $71.1..00 D00012367 994 NO NO ~0 NO NO Edwaz~d P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffo1.k County l. Tn PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpW w.orps.state, ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 RP - 5217 111944 I I .! I I t mi' Rmn~ie OR N Pan of · Pineal 1111121~I HkIT I , SiAl& IOnh, Il hut d i Pmreel~ Ctmk m, Ihwf ~. Hmm Diy Your e ~..,,J 2 or 3 Ferule. Rosldombl DI I ~.-~ v~ ~ I &4L.E INFORMATION !1. I·ll Comrml Oltl l~. Om~ M ~d~ l Tmmkr & Ommddp l'yp~ is Coodomlnlum [] & New Oo~lr~ion on Vaoam IJ~l [] 1M. Pmpmy Lmalad Mdtldn m Agrkula,~ Diatdct [] 1BB. OuIpw meodved · ,,bde~uf~ md~ imicafing [] Comnlm~bl kdulUkl En~t~lnn~nt I ~unue~wnt r. mam IN/~A / ~ /.. I A B C D II ! J (Full ~ Pflm im Ihs total emo~m ~ fo~ lhe ~ Imdu(Jlng mi ~. 1~~~ I , ,o,O.Ol ~ME~ INFO~T~N - ~ ~M ~ the ~ Final ~ Roll I~ T~ ~ll I Sds o~ F. metbtd or Lam tlum Feo Intur~ f_ ~ _~,~,~lfy_ bioM ,~Onlr~,mn& ChemOe in Propedy Betwe~ Tmug~ 8mare md S~ Date. Salo of BUablm~ ie induclod in Sate Ih4c~ Olhff Unum~l Fm Alkmdng bk Price (6pediV Bdowt I SO. T, ax Map ~ I Ikdl ~ 0f mom tlmt Iour, mmgt ebg~ wllh midkbnd kiammkrld) 001-003-04-014.001 ] I I '~:~\-0°'3",.>'4," =\~'\-='Q~- I I I '"'~"~ I ................ 631 ! 288-65O0 M~VANN ' IT~flMAR T_: JR. ,