HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12374 P 37Please do not Publish R~m E ll~l.i- [d .~1~ Dad, Tills INDENTURF~ ~ th~ Y'day of February, two thousand and five part, and MARTIN )&BEFIT arid .N~iE ALBERT, huM)and eno w~e, Gum rasmmg m ]~ ~ ,m uaw[ 6C), New York, New York 10128, party Gl' the sa.'~nd part, WITNESSIL'TH, that the party of the fi~ part. in considera~n of Ten Doitam and other ~tmd and valuable consid- eration paid by the party of thc aecond part, does hereby ~rant and relmm~ unto the pasty of thc second part. the heirs or suc~essom and n__~!Sns of the party of the .,~:ond part forever. ALL that ~rtain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Viila~ of Gmenport. Town Soutbold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yoflt, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the casterly side of Main Street dimnt~ 166.~0 feet northerly from the corner fomned by the intersection of the .~mtarly side of Main Street and the northerly side of Case Street; RUNNING THENCE Noslh § de~o,.~ 50 minutes 50 sm'ends West along the 'easterly ~[de of Main Street. 3.3.00 feet; THENCE North 84 degrees 19 minut~ 10 seconds East. 166.00 feet; THENCE South 6 dq~rees $$ minutes l0 seconds -East. 32.72 feet: THENCE South 84 degrees 13 minutes West, 166.04 fcet to the camerly side of Main Street. lo the point m place of BEGINNING. TNE GRA~froR herein ils the ~tme pemon as the Grantee in deed from Chrism Boyajisn, dated February 17, 2000, recorded in the ,~Jffolk County Cisrk's office in Uber 12024 of Deeds, at Page 838 on Mamh 2, R000. TNiS CONVEY,~ICE is made in the ordinary course of buain~m of the party of the first part and does not cormtiluto the male of all or ~ubstnnlially all of the assms of the Grantor. THs= PREML~E~ HEREi# are Identified on the Suffolk Coullty Real Property Tax Map as DISTRICT 1001, SECTION 03.00, BLOCK 04.00, LOT{s) 005.00. This [eferan~e is for identifica- tion only and is not intended to alter or modify the des~iplion ~M forth above. TO~I*~IL*R with ail ri~t- tide and in 'terest- if any, of tl~ party of the first part in and to any streets and r~ds abut- and rights of the patty of the first part in and to the said promises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prcmises herein ~ranlcd unto the party of the second part, the heirs, .m~l~om and asai~lm of the paxty of the r,e~nd part forever. AND the party of the flint part ~wenanta that the party of the flint part has not done or suffered anything ~hereby said premisas ~ been encumber,.*d in any way, except as aforem~kl. AND the party of the FL,~t part, in eomplisnce with Section 13 of the Lien Law, cov~nant~ that the party of the first paxt will receiv~ the consideration for this conveyance and will bold the ~ht to mee[ve such consideration as a trust fund to he applied First for the put'pose of paying the cost of the improvement and wiii a~ply the asme first to the pay- meat of the ,'*mt of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any ot~r puqx~se. The word 'party~ shall be ~onstrued as if it read "patrick" whenever the r~'nse of this indentme so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of thc first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above writ- STATE OF NEW 7~:IK: COUNTY OF NEW YORK: ss.: On the 7 day of February in the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared ,~)AMUEL P. 81FTON, peraonally known to me or proved to me en the ~ of aalMA,_~ eviclence to be the individual(s) whoss n&me($) b (am) sul~oribad to the within Imraument and acknmdebged to me that he/she/Ihey executed the aame in hla/her/~hee bapaoity(ias), and that by his/her Iheir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the pamon upon in- mmment, behalf of/Mti/the., .. ~'individual~'/~oted' exeouted the / O.alln.d I. Nm,,. Cou.t~O.~ Page 1 of 1 pages Commission F. xplras Nov. 30, Pag~ / Filing Handling T?-584 ·; i~'oution '" EA-5217 (Count.) EA-$217 (Sure) Co~ of Ed. Amd~vJt Ce~fie. d Copy Reg. Copy ~her Sump Date Initials Sub Total :' . '"'; ..:' :.'.. : '. , Real Properly Tsx Sctvic~ ~ Y.'ificetiofl D osoo7977 1001 00300 0400 OOSO00 Satisfact. ions/Dischar~es/Rel~ases L'~'P.l'b~ ~.Ownm Mailin8 Addre. · RECORD & R~TORN ,TO. · 2005 Feb..2~ ,12: ~: 50'. PH SUFFOLK COUNTY L ." ... P.O~? · ,'" · ' I. It~i~ '1~ 2. Additional Tax " ' Sub Tots) .SpecJA#it. .0r si~..IA~L,' ....: , ~r: ~'~. ~'.,&' ' · ' . D~ +~./~ :". ~, ~u.~y ' H.~g for A~I~nl '~ ~1~...-. · · ~ili be im~mved b~ ~ one or two d~U~ ~y. ....... 'Y~?;.. ' ~NO. ci~e on pqe'~ ~~on Fund· . Cbnslder~flon. Am6bnt cP~ T~ P~.".~ ':'; s '*'"-' ".'?..F: Vacant Land. ~~ or t'I.,A, lv'I~"T'of.__~C~i~~__~ Box~ ~ T~u 9 ~, , Be, ~m o~ ~~...... ~ B~ ~.o~, Y mo~. TO ~0. ~Dn~o. O~ rtU~O. . ,., , . , (SPEC:~YTYPEOFINSTRUIvENT) ~,4.,a,.;e.L ,f'.s,l, Pri~ '~ ........ ; '--',, t._. ,."'"'- ' ~ · Jz"eltn.q~,llel'etnts~l,'tl, ml~j,n $~ ~ ~o~,~YO~ SUFFOLK CO~ CLERK RECORDS OFFTCE ILECORD3:NG PJ~E Type o£ Znstr~nent: DEEDB/DDD l~mber o£ Pageas 2 ReoetptNumber I 05-0021606 TRANSFER TAX IqUMBER: 04-30656 1001 Deed Amounts Recorded~ LIBER: PAGE -. Hect'l on z Block z 003.00 04.00 EXAHZHED AHD CHARGED AH FOLLOWS $43.5,000.00 o2/28/2oos ~2~37~50 PM D00012374 037 :Lot I 005.000 Received tl~e Following Fees For Above znstruno~t Exempt Page/F~lLng $6.00 NO KnnctlJ~g COB $5.00 HO NY8 SRCHG FJL-CT~ $5.00 NO RA=BTATE ?P-584 $5.00 NO Cert.CopLes R~T $30.00 HO SCT~ Transfer tax $1,660.00 HO Ccgma. Pres Fees PaSd TRANHFER ?Axon, 04=30656 TH~H TH NOT A BTLL $5.00 HO $~5.00 NO $75.00 HO $0.00 NO $0.00 HO $5,300.00 HO $7,106.00 Edward County Clerk, Hu££olk County '-'PL~-ASE TYPE OR PRES~"FIi~MLy WHEN WRmNG ON FORM "... ' INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www.orp$.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I FOR COUNTY USE ONLY _ I/ ~ ..~ ~' ~ ? REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT c1. swIs cM~ I/.'T,/,'.J, c~,c,", · I · ~ ~! A. .TA~MNEWYMiC .mxdmd ~ ~ ~ . ITA~ mOMD M ~.AL mmo~nY ...w~s 1.~1 619 I Main Street I ~'~Jl' IgJ~JBI J'mllJT Ii~J I nreen~r~ i I11944 i z~ J Albert m .Mmrttn m I Mber~ I g..e I I~IW ~T~ One Family Jl i Vme. am ~ Nen-Resldm~ Vaclm Land I~. Diti M klI I TmlMI 1~ M ~Me F~k~ J i I & ~ ~ k Cmazmlm~m [] m Enmlalnmem I Ama#mere I 11 / 20 120041 ~ Day Year I 02 I 09 120061 ~4mmuntv i Fom~ Al C, D E F Onto M ~1 B.vmm k Imm ~l~l~ D~d Typ~ nM W~InW m BI. Mn Ind ~Me ~w~Y Bmkw4 ,4, 1.5, O. O, 0. O,Ol ! ! · ~or ~r ~1 ~n~mr4 C~i~l in I~oix~ ~ T~ ~.W. md SM. D~ Nme , . , a , 0 I the ~ Fina! ~ ~11 and Tax Bill .3 1 0 0 I ' ' ~ i 1LYmrdMm"m"mMM~mml 0 5 I l?.T. MMmmm~VmimMdFmmmimb~tm.mM~l I Greenport Vtllaqe I ~O. Tax lMp MImdfl~ l lkl idmYadd O~ m tlap lour, MtB~ dmet wia ldgliond Wl I 1001-003.00-04.00-005.000 I I I I I I I \ ,?~ ~'Ot"J ~eutsch I Paul J 140 I East g5th Street (Apt. 6C) j iT~m J iTmZT ~ IArlI:R I~Lra New York I NY i 10128 212 I 593-4702 I NEW YORK STATE COPY