HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12373 P 291CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 81GNING THIS 148TRUMENT-'II~ INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE UBED BY LAWYER8 ONlY THIS INDENTORE, made the. ~ [ day of February, 2005 BETWEEN 124-128 LUDLUM PLACE, INC., w~h ~ at 79 North Midway Road, Shelter legend, NY 11964 ;~ty of the first part, and ROBERT JAROSAK, residing et 7 Bacon Road, St. James, NY 11780 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the ~ of the first pet, In consideration of TEN and noflOOttm ($10.00)dollars paid by the party of the second pa~t, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the ~K:Oncl part forever, ALL that Gertn~ plot, piece or parcel of land. with the buildings end improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the ~EE "SCHEDULE A' ANNEXED HERETO Thb GOnVeyanM is being made with the wrlUan ~ns"nt of eH of the hoh:lers of tim outst"nding shares of the coq~mte grantor herein. TOGETHER with ell right., tltJe end Intsresk if any, of the party of the first pet in and to "ny situate end roads abutting the above der, alhed promises to Ibe (=enter Iine8 thereof; TOGETHER with Ihe appurtenances .nd ell the e~tate and rights of the pm'b/of the film part in and to ~ prembes; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the perry of the second part, the helm or aumesaors and nMign~ of the party of AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered nnything whereby the ~eld premises have been encumbered in "ny why wtmtever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in (=mpli"nce with Section 13 of the Lien I.Bw, covenants that Ihe party of the fkst part will receive the canlidemtlan for thb conveyanm and will hold the right to receive mJch cormidoration · s a trust, fund to be applied tim for the purpeee of paying the cast of IJw Improvement "nd will apply the s~me ttst to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the totid of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shill be construed es If it read "parties" whenever the ."n.e of tht~ indenture ~o requires. IN Wn'NES8 WHEREOF, the party of tho first part has duly executed thb deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: Title No.: 712-$-01463 8ClI~DULE A ALL that cet~in plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and d~ribed as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Ludlam Place at the southerly comer of land now or formerly of Priscilla and Richard Johnson; said point being distant easterly 220.13 feet from the corner formed by the inte~eetion of the eastorly side of Carpenter Street and the northerly side of Ludlam Place; RUNNING THENCE North 13 degrees 45 minutes 30 seconds West along said land now or formerly of Priscilla and Richard Johnson, 106.15 feet to land now or formerly of Clayton P. San~, THENCE North 70 degrees 11 minutes 00 seconds East along said land now or formerly of Clayton P. Sauer, 68.90 feet to land now or formerly offish Express Corp.; THENCE along said land now or formerly ofFish Express Corp., the following three (3) courses and distances: 2. 3. Ludlam Place; South 20 degrees 05 minutes 00 seconds East, 22.80 feet; South 62 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East, 16.52 feet; South 13 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East, 79.22 feet to the northerly side of THENCE South 75 degrees 44 minutes 30 seconds West along said northerly side of Ludlam Place,, 83.37 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. AMENDED TOGF. THF, R with all d~e right, title and interest of the party of the first part, of, in and to the land lying in the racet in front of and adjoining said prembes, TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK Stel~ of New Ymk, County of Suffolk Onlbe It/ dllyofFdxumy Intbeyelr2005 bofom me, Ihe under~n~, pereondy el~e~red JAMES P, OLINKIEWIGZ persoflal~ known to me or pmvecl to me on the bern of satistactmy evidence to be the Individual(s) whoN r~me(s) I~ (~re) 8ubeabed to the vathln Instrument md ~:knm4edged to me that he/Mm/lbey ex~uted Ibe ~ In hk~hedh~r capacity(~), mci thld by hil/herAtmr ~l~rmure(s) on the I~ b)d~iduel(8), or the person upon behalf of which Tam F.~kI~ OcL 21...~C~ m: On the d~ of In Ihe year before me, the under, ned. persoflilly appeimcl pemmmlly Known to me or proved to me off the bmk' of S~Sf, ctofy evidence to be the Indlvlck~(e) whcm n~me(s) is (me) mJbeat)ed to the within Indnmm~ mKl mdmowledoed to c,pBdty(Im). ,nd th,t by his/tmdtheir ~rmum(e) on the InMrunmnt, the Indlvklu~l(e), or toe person upon betmlf of which me indivldmd(.) acted, mmcutod the kmmment. (signature end offlcm cd' indivlduld talcing iKdcnowledoment) T~ BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTBIDE NEW YORK BTATE State (or ~ of Cdumbi,. Territory. or Foreign Counby) of 88: On the ~ of in the y~r before me, the undefl~gn~, per~n~lly eppeamd pereom~ ~ to m or ~ to m on ~ ~ of ~ ~ to ~ ~ ~~) ~ ~) is(m) subecdbed m Um within Inslmment .-xl ,dutowledoed to me that he/ehMhey emcnJtod the 8~me in hk/lmfllmir mrmdty(~). ,nd that by hk/her/thelr 81gnelum(e) on Ihe Inelnunenk the Indddu~l(e), or Ihe pinion upon behalf of which the IrKJviduml(s) ecmd, In · gram the C~y ar aemr pa~ ~) (a~d insm the Stm or Country or other pime the ~mnt wm taken) (~la~ Bnd afflm of Individmd raking ~dmowh~domm) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED 124-128 LUDLUM PLACE, INC. TO ROBERT JAROSAK DISTRICT 1001 SECTION 003.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 028.001 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRF~$ ~ at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL'TO: BARRY J. CASPER, ESQ. 300 Motor Parkway Hauppauge. NY 11788 Number of pages TORRENS SerJBI #, Deed I MortM~e Instnunem Page/Filing Fee __~ ~ Handling ~ TP-584 NotaUon EA-52 17 (Coumy) ...~ / EA-5217 (State) 7~ ILP.T.S.A. L_~ Comm. of Ed. ~ O0 Affidavit Other Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEE3 Sub Tmal Sub Tolai GRAND TOTAL Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist Section il lock . _ _Lot RE~OE'D 2005 Feb 2,3 02=54;3~ PH Edu~rd P. Romaine CLERK ~F SUFFOLK COLIfW L O000l 2~/~ P 29t DT# 04-.___x00~ Recording I Filing Stamps I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Count)' i leld for Apportionment ~ Transrer'r~ ~ '"" Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgagn is or will be improved by a one or lwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. Community Preservation Fund Amount $ , ' = 00300 0500 028001 Stamp ' 0~J~ 1001 ,1 Due $ 13 Initisls ~s~u'.~r / Vacant Land ; Sa='=tisfacti~,..........,s~n~u,eases cist Properly Owners M'ailinl~"'~Ad~ress[ / !I'D RECORD & RETURN TO: / / lTD'-''''~=--- BARRY ,1. CASPER, ESQ. / x J I ,oo ,.,-,.,. su,,, / \f I I~_ _RTH S_T.AR. TI_TLE AGENCY, INC. made by: ,] Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page DEE0 'llds ~ fonm pnrt oflhe ntlnched 124-128 LUDLUH PBACE, INC. TO ROBERT 8AROSAK (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTR--) Thc lx'en~ses heroin is sitmted in SUFFOLK COUI~fI'Y, NEW YORK. In the Townshipof SOUTHOLD In Ih~ VILLAGE GREENPORT or HAMLET of BOXES 5 Ti IRU 9 MUST BE 'I'YPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONI.Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) COUNTY CLEILK R~CORDB OFFZCE RECORDZNG P~E Type o£ Znstrument8 DEEDB/DDD Receipt l~_~er , 05-0020222 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-30098 Diatrict~ 1001 Deed Amount= RecoEded8 LZBER PAGE Sect J, on: Block: 003.00 05.00 $800,000.00 o2/23/2oos 02tS4:38 pH D00012373 291 Loft o28.o01 Received the Following Feem For Abm lnmtrumm2t Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling COB $5.00 NO h~ZB SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-BTATB TP-$84 $5.00 HO Cert,Copiee RPT $30.00 NO SCTH Transfer tax $3,200.00 NO Conm. Pres Feea Paid TRANSFER TAX HUMBERt 04-30098 THZH PAOE ZH A PART OFT HE ZNHTRUIJXHT TILTS ZB HOT A BZLL Exempt SS.00 No 815.00 No 875.00 No 85.00 NO 80.00 NO 813,000.00 No 816,357 · 00 Edward P.Romalne County Clerk, Su££olk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON F~RM INSTRUCTIONS: http~/www, orps.state.ny, us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 J 'FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ' * _ . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CI. 8W~C:MJe I ~,"~', ~,~',~ ,! I c,. ..,. D.., . RP - 5217 ~.~1124 & 126/128 J ~.TB Ludlum Place J J Southold J ;reenaort I 11944 I I darosak j Robert I ~T~I~ I J I I , ~ I ,_1 I ~ ~t ~w ~ ' ' ~l' ~ ' 124-128 LUDLU~I PLACE, INC. J I I I I I~. DIIe M IMi I TYMIM I O2 /11 /05 I ~.r~w,.t',k. I , , ,8 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , 0 . 0 I ~b plyment mBy bo in ~hl lorm of MIh. mher preperty M ooodB, ~r lM IImm~dm M M dm pm~e~y k Tn m Agrk~imrd Dimicl Al B~ C D F 8dB &elwNn RdmmJ Complnim (x' Nm In 9ueim OhO of dj Bu,/iq il Mm a Sdlor ~u~/j or ~lor II Gowmmlnl ,IEetW M L~gllno Inllilutim SaM of Fm:lJo~l M Lam ~hJn ~ee Ir~m~ ~ Bdowl ~gniflmm Change In Pmi~,N ~ T~ ~ m~ ~M Dmm ~ d ~ln~ b InrJud;d In b Pricl O~her Uml Fromm Alleging SiM ~ lBimdfY BMow) N~ne l~.ln~.,.vdu, dp,,~ j J F , , . O. O I INFORMATION- ~m ~ ~m t~ btm R~I ~~ ~ .nd Tjx'Bill J 1LY~d~M~I0 4 J 17. T~~V~M~h~I , Greenp~r~ ~v I 1001-003.00-05.00-028.001 I I I BUYER I I I I CERTIFICA~N I i twti~ v~ -n o~ i~j lira d' kdkm.Mkm mlemJ Ja Ikls Iron m m amd mnld (to the laml d W ~ ~ J / I '~ ~ J ~ ~ ATrORI~Y Casper I Barry (631) 273-4400 J~ INEW YORK STATE I ' COPY I