HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12371 P 271Stlndald N.Y.B. TJJ. Foal 8002 - Bllglbt and $lkl J, Jlh COvllant .ig~llt Grlnl0¢l A~i - OnJfoml CONSULT Y(~R LAWYER BEFORE $1~NING THl1114~TRU~-~ INITRIMENT 8HOIJLO BE USED BY LAWYER~ ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 1st day of FEBRUARY, 2005 BETWEEN MELISSA P. ALLEN and NICHOLAS R. MARTIN, I'~$~Ci,r~j O..'1'. JO. rix. I ioo(y ..party of the first part. and JE~E BR'O~ER ~ JUDn'H CLAIN~ ~l~,~lmm,~¢~ ~,.,,~,, ~ ~-e... 151 W. 15'rH STREET NEW YORK, NY 10011 path/of the second part. W~NESaWTN, the~ the pa~y ~ ~d ~, ~ ~ su~ ~ ~ ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buddings end improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the ALL that omrtsin plot, pl~,e or parcel of land, Mtuata, lying and being in the Inomrporatod Village of Grsanpolnt, Town of 8outhhold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and deMgnated os Lot 68 and Lot 68 Il said Lots are ohown on a certain Map entitled, 'Sterling lienor, Property'of John A. lioneMI, surveyed by J. W. Case, on May 24, 1873", and filed In office of the Clerk of the County of $uff(dk on June 10, 1873 as Map No. 53; sam Io~ when taken together are more Parflcubdy bounded Ind de~cHbed sa followl: BEGINNING at a point on the .Iouthedy side of Monesil Pllom where lama il Intereeoted by the division Une between lots Nos.: 87 and 68 on laid map; said point also being easterly sa measured along marne from the intersection of the saltady side of Starling Place with the southerly aide of Monsall Place; RUNNING THENCE along the Iouthedy sidb of Moneell Place North 72 dagmi 26 monutel 20 seconds Eost. 84.82 feet to the dMsion line between Lots Nos. 69 and 70 on laid map; RUNNING THENCE along said division line 8outh 17 degrees 33 minutes 10seconds East, 11g~8 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 72 degrN8 26 minutes 20 saoonda West, 84.82 feet to the division line between Lots Nom. 07 and 68 first abovementionecl; RUNNING THENCE along said division line North t7 defreos 33 mlnutsa 10 saoonds West, 119.88 feet to the IoutJledy side of Monsall Place it the point or plaom of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with Mi right, twa and Interest, if any, of the party of the first Part in and to any streets end roads abutting the above dascrMd premises to the center lines there~ TOGETHER with tho appurhmencas end a~ the asta~ and rights of the party of the first part in and to .id promises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or luc:cassorl ~ assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the flint part covenants that the pm~y of the first part ~ not done or suffered anything whereby the Mid premises hM been encumbered in en¥ wily whsteve', sxcept ~8 aforesaid. AND the party of the fi~t ~ b~ ~ce w~h ,~s(~on 13 of the Uen Law. covenants that the pa~y of the first part will re=eKe b%e mxts~era~on for ~dl conveyance end Mfl hold the fight to receive such censicieratJon as a thJSt ~Jnd to be applied first for the purpcee of paying the celt of the Improvement and wig apply Ihe epme rnt to the payment of the coM of the improvement before using any pa/t of the Iolal of the asme for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be censtrued as if it read 'pedie~ when ever the sense of this indenlum so requires. IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, the party of the first pm1 has duly executed this deed the day and year first M)ove written. IN P~CE OF: TO BE _lJ~Fn ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 18 MADE IN NEW YORK STATE iXi~onall~ laxMn to me or imwed to ma on Um b~i~ of ~w~M,~xy evidonm to be Ihs kxIMdum(s) Mae nme(s) I~ (ore) subsodbod to tho MIMn instrument end edmawledged to me II~t he/shMhey exiGuWd Iho mrna in hil/tmdth~ ~ (lee), ~nd that by hkAwhhdr dgnelme(i) on the inlmmw~, ' the indMdu~l(i), ar the pemon ulx)n beh~ of which lbo - IndMd,~(s) , Inilmmem. (llgn~lure and ~Jf~ tiking Widomen~ No. 41-,4flEXO State of Now York, Gounty of On tho day of in the year bMore me, the underiigned, pemormlly appeared personsUy known to mo ar proved to mo on tho tmsi8 Of ~lblm:lmy evidence to be Um JndJvickJol(s) whoso name(~ (Ire) sul:lcflbed to tho within instrument Ind acknowledge me thot he/sheflhoy oxoaJtod the some in hL1lherhheir cai (lei). and that by hliaw/their lionaiure(s) on the irmmme the indlddull(i), or the person upon IMhalf of which Md~, Ull(l) liGted, e~ tho Mb'ument. (lign~ure mnd ~ of ImlMdull liking Klmowtedg TQ I~ u~Fn ONLY WHEN THE ACCENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE StAte (or Dlitr~ of ColumiM, Ten'II~A or Foreign Counby) of On the d~y of in the year before me, Ihs undomlgnod, pemonll~ 8ppemed pemonally knawn to me ar paved to me on Ihs blldl of iMJlMGIMy evidmml to be the indMd'ml(s)who~e n~me(s) Is (are) thlt by hll/Iml'Mmk' IigrlltUm(8) on the inllmmeM, the kKIMduel(i), ar the parian upon behlll of which the IndividuaJ(s) me In (InNn ~ Clly ar alhm pe4W:~l iubdMmn) (md ~ h'm 8t~ or Counby m Mher plum ~hs a~ment w~ U (ligrilure end offme M individual tldung acknowlod~ Bargain and Sale Deed wml COVEN~rr AGAINST GRANTORS ACTS SECTION BLOCK LOT 0~.0o0 COUNTY ~RE~ ~D~ f~coeded at J~Jqoest or Number of pages .=~ TORRENS Serial # Cmificate # Deed / Mortgage Instrument 31 Page / Filing Fee . Handling 5. __ Deed I Moflsase 'FaA Stamp oo Notation EA.$2 17 (County) EA-$217 (Stnt~) R.P.T.S.A. Cornm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other I 4 Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Sub Total. RECORDED 2005 Feb 14 09:41:41 i~l Eduard P. Roaaine 9JFFOt.K COUNT~ L _.~J~__ 12371 P 271 D,T~ Recording I filing Stamps. Mortgage Alit. 1. B. uic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tom] SpecJAssit. Spec./Add. TO'L MTG. TAX Dual 1'own Dual County Held for AMxjJntment ~ Mansion T~ ~ _ The prope~y cove-ed by this mortgage is or will i~ improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES ..~ or NO If NO, see clause on pn~e # ~ of this instrument. Scc o cot oq 1001 00200 0200 026000 Considemtion ,$ 1001 00200 0200 041002 CP~TnxDue' $ ~ , ~ I improved ~' 6 [ Sndsfactions/Discharge.q/R~.leases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Preservation Fund The premises heroin is situated in Su~.'OL~ cou~,'Y, ~w YO~K. In the T~)wnship of In thc VILLAGE BOXES 6 TLIRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTF~D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR I,'H, ING. This ~ forms ~rt of the attached ~' made by: (SPECtPY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Com an XnfoFrnation suffolk County i ..ecording & Endorsement Page Vacant [,and ii I Illll Ilil IIIII IIIII IIIii ~111 ~111 IIIII IIIII IIII IIII I lll Illl lie ~11 Ill SUFFOLK COUHTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFZCB RECORDZNG PAGE Type o£ Xns'cFumont;, DEBDB/DDD Receipt Z~,,her : 05-0016456 TRANSFER TAX HUHBBR: 04-28555 District: Z001 Deed Amount: LZBER PAGE Heation: Block: 002.00 02.00 $568,000.00 o2/14/2oos D00012371 271 Lot: 026.000 Received tM FoXX~ing Fees For Above Page/Filing $9.00 HO Hand~LzLg COB $5.00 HO HYB 8RC~g BA-CTY $5.00 HO ~-8TATE TP-584 $5.00 ~ Cer~.~piel RPT $50.00 ~ 8~ · =~.~e~ ~ S2,272.00 ~ C~.Prea Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX~3MBBRt 04-28555 TKZ8 PAGE ZS A PART OF THE ZNHTRUMENT $5.00 NO $ls.oo HO $75.00 HO $0.00 HO $0.00 No $8,360.00 NO $X0,801.00 Bdwaxd P. Romaine County Clerk, Huf£olk County · . ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orpB.etate.ny.u, or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY -- ...... ~o~ ~Nm~'nO~ ! . '.._'u,'~',,~l 0.~.~' I ~no~l Plo. r-., ~,~: r,"¢,~ P)o.c.~. , ~.Tes Im~ M~ ful~ Tm~ Dim M~ W be m~ I $;IIIIT NUIIIII AIID IIlilT Nd 7. Cbmel ~ ~ ~ ~ mMt mmmm~mtl ~ ~ m d ~ i~NimW ~ (~ I~n~l v~m I~t~ ~ DI I N~n-R~ldmmUml Vm ~ F. Mmdnn~ I Amu~ INFORMATION 11, ~mb ~mwmt Omo ,,.,.,,.,.,,.. I , , , ~-'b,~.o.o .6. a. a, ! ! · (Full {gig Pfk~ k tho ~MI mtount plid 'lin' the pg'opmW badadl~g I~Oe~l M, imam I BI ii b d Bulinlm W bldudld in Ball Prim ~a. kdomtbovubedpmuui ~ & 0, 0 I ~ &.,.&.,.k,4 &. ~....&.. I I I I I I I I ASEEBSMENT INFORMAllON - Dm ihould Mm the im Fmflmm M.~,nt Mi .~, 'ru ~ I i i i iii ii ii IlK I I ~ ,~, ~o~ I I NEW YORK STATE COPY