HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 24CONSULT Y()I~ I~WY~R BEF()Rr, FIIST lllkllW 111U IInW~ t, OMllk7 ~ IIL~ VOmi THIS INDENTURE, made the; '~ day of November, Two thousand Five BETWEEN ROSE HOROWIT~ residing at 80 Nortb Moore Street, Apt. 25~ New York. New York 10013 pat'th or the first part, and PETER GUNDERSEN, residing et 39S Crltt~n Lane, SouthoM, New York 11971 parties of the second pitt. WITNESSETH, dut dsc party of the rust part. does hereby punt and release unto the party oftbe second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party oftbe second part forever, ALL dmt certain plot. piece or parcel o£hnd situate, lyin~,*nd bein8 in die Incorporated Village of Oreenpo~ Town of SOwhoid. County of Suffolk nmi State of New Yoflr~ bounded and desen'bed ns £oilow~: BEGINNING at a point on the Southerly side ofBridge St~'t; and RUNNING THENCE along said Southerly side of Brfd~e Street, North 73° 47' 00" East, $$ Feet to n concrete monument set at the intersection of the Southerly l,ine of Brkl~ Street with the Westerly line of Atlantic Avenue: THENCE along the westerly line of Athntic Avenue, South 17 33 00 East ~6.68 to a ix)hi of~co~er of Land of PelI; " THENCE South 73° 06' 40" West, 55 Feet to a point; THENCE in n 8enemi Nortl~ly direction 97.33 feet to a point on the Southerly line of Bridge Street at the point or place of BEGINNING. Snid premises bein~ known as and by the street number, 215 Bridge Sirra, Oreenpo~ New York · BEING the same premises conveyed on AuBmt 27, 1984 Rose Horowitz nnd recorded as Deed 9629 on Page 434 Dlstrlc~loo/ Sectlommr:oo TOGETHER wifiJ nil risht, tide and interest, ifnny, oftbe IMrty oftbe f'nat part in and to ny streets nd roads abutti~ tbe ahovc described premises to the ornter lines thereor; TOGETHER with the aplaammnces and nil the estate nd fiF, hts of the party oftbe first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tbe pmuises herein granted unto the party of the seconds part, the heirs or successors ndnd anJ~tu of the party of the seconds part forever. AND the party oftbe first party covemmts that the party of the tim part has not done or mitered anythin~ whereby the said premises have been eneumbeml in any why wharf's, except as afolTsaid. AND the Imfly of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the lien taw, eownants tim tile party of the first lxzrt will receive the consideration for this conveyance nnd will hold the fight to receive such comideration as a trust fund be npplied lust for the purpose ofpayin~ the cost oftbe hnptovement before using any part oftbe total oft~ same for any other purpose. The word "party" shah be construed u if it read "parties" wbenever the sense of this indenture so requires. RETAININO A LIFE ESTATE FOR ERNST ACKERMANN IN WITNESS WHEREOir, the party ofthe tim pafly has duly executed this deed the dsy nd year first nhove wriuen. IN PRESENCE OF: ROSE HOROWITZ ~ .~. STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OFq~q98Rtl ss On the/~day of ,//d~ ~ 2005, before me, the uaclcrsigned, a Notary Public in and for the Statc. personally appeared ROSE HOROWITZ personally known to me or proved m me on tbe basis of satisfactory ~,idencc to be the iedividml~ whose nir~M JKMe) sub.bed to tie whhln instrumt~ and acknowledged to me dar be/sbe/tluy executed de same in bis/ber/~ cnpacity(4et); and that by hbrner/tle~ silpumrefM~n thc immanent, the individuaKM, acted. ~'~A~I'E O%F NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU SS On the day of 2005. before me, the undersipJed, a Nom~ Public in and f'~ the State, pmon ly appeared Ixrsonnlly known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is{am) subscribed to the w~thin instrument ~d acknowledge! to me that he/sbe/~y execm~ de same in his/her/dteir capacity(h), and thnt by hi.q~er/their sil~tu~s} on the imtnnnent, the individuaRs) acted,' executed the instrument. Dis~ict 1001 Section: 002.00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 010.002 County:. Suffolk Town Southold bARGAIn SAtE Ol: .O Wfl'H COVENANTS AG .AIN~ GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE NO. 900 J --- 10 ¥ ! 79 ROSE HOROWITZ PETERGUNDERSEN Premises: 215 Bridge Street OP~enpon, New York l 1944 RETURN BY MAll. TO: Robert C.. Williams, .Esq. 77 North Centre Avenue, Stc. 304 Rockville Centre, New York 11570 Numb,'r ofpa~s 3 Serial # Ccrtifiuu~ it Prior CM'. #.. TORRENS Deed / Morlpl~ instrument 4 Page / Filing Fee f Deed / MerISNle Tax .edamp FEES RECORDED 200~ Dec 16 02:37:39 PH Edward P. Ronairm CLERK OF SU:FOtX COUNTY L D00012426 P 024 DTt 0~-19714 Reeordiql I Irdln[ Stamps Mongsse Ami. I londlinf / __ 1. Basic Tax __. TP-584 ") ' 2. Additional Tax I No. ion ] Sub Totnl I EA-$217 (Stale, ~ I SIx.'eJAdd. R.R?.$.A. I TOT. MT~. TAX Comm. of Ed. lleld for Apportionmem__ Afl'glavit Transfer Tax /'~ ~ Mansion Tax ..... Certified Copy / The propemj ¢ov~ed ~ ~his monroe i~ t '~% or will be improved by n om~ or two Pdmily RelL Copy ./ Sub lb111 f ~ dwellin~ only. CMer [ '.. GRANDTO'rAL .... ( .~ I. i It'NO. seeapproprimetaxcln~;o~..l~ge/ 91 This p~e t'onns I~t of the attached 8 I Title Company Information Co. Nome FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INS. CO. OF N.Y. I Title # 3oo1-1o417g SUFFOI.K COUNTY RI.:CORDING DEED nmde by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ROSE HOROWFI'Z To PETER GUNDERSEN The premises herein b situnted in SUFFOLK COUN'fY, NEW YORK. In Ihe 'lbwnsbip of_ ..... SOUTHOLD ..... In d~e VII.I.AOE o~ HAMLET or GREENPORT BOXES STHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR'FO RECORDING OR FILING. lOVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type o£ Znetzam~nt: DEEDB/DDD Number o£ Pages: 3 Receipt l~unber : 05-01306?5 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-XgTZ4 1001 Deed Amounts Recorded; PAGE: 8ect£on: Blocks 002.00 02.00 F, XANZNEDAND CBARGEDA8 FOLT.,O#B $270,000.00 12/16/2005 02:37;39 PM D00012426 024 Lot; 010.002 Received tM Foll~tag Feem For Above Psge/F~ltng $9.00 NO HandLing COB $5.00 NO HYB 8RCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-GTATE TP-S84 $5.00 NO Cert,Cop~es RPT $30.00 NO SCTH Trane£er tax $1,080.00 NO C~.Pres Fees Pa~d TILM;gFBR TAX Iq13MBER: 05-Z9714 THIS PAGE IS A PART OFT HE INBTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.oo No $15.00 $75.00 NO $o.oo No $o.oo No $2,400.00 NO $3,629.00 Edward P. R~naine County Clerk, Su££olk County _.__. p~L PRES~ I-IKMLY WHEN WRII'II~'~)'R-F0-~ INSTRUCTIONS: http:/! www. orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR CO~JNTY USE ONLY ct. SWlS C.d~ I ~' ?, ~P.~P, ~. / I _ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT · " ' '" . RP- 5217 ~A~T IMME I CQMP/d~ r,alT NMi 3. T,,x Indk~o M~o futura Tox Bdk ira to bo Milt nine ifoU~'lhmbu~,m~lxW~ndfam) [ , , ~ L~ST NM I OOMff4NV I IflW~rNUMIIqAM)SfllCCr#.Mi, I I ~. I ~,~ I L Indimte tM numbM d Aummnmt ~ FIICKr I~FT mflH t 8diet Name J D tQ, d~ If Pm at s Fume Ched m they appiv: · I #olF'mrcets On PuRor-Parcmi 4A.~mineSomfwflhSubcGvidm~Exbes [] ~,~) 4L Subcl'Md°n AEqx°vd ' Aecluired for Trmdw ~D loaf . . ',~m''' I ,k'..PmdX,~.,,~f~S.bdvia~,dhM.pP. wid~d & New Ceemmetia~ en VKenl I,.and D ~A. ~ tcca~l ~ldn ~ ~Utw~ I~mia [] Iht the propmy k In nn A~d'~*,'ql OkUtt: B i~ 2 m 3 Family Rmldendal ~ Indumtd C ~ AesidevJM Vacant land ~ PuMb SenMe i)1 I I'~aeW Vmant Lam~ Emmalnmem I Ammement Fem~ I SAL~"~IFOR,MATION I 11, ,~ail (~omttll~'t Oitl 1~. Date d Sale I Tmndw I II / I~ /c)~ t lrk Chilk Ill or I III b i i i # tlilillK A B C D F. F ¢; H ! Saio Bmwmn RdatJves ~ Fammr RdM Sdo BeMmn Reimad CampaniN m Paflrmm In B~inou Oho d the b8 I. dso a Seller Bu~' m SMMr b Gova~m~ A.~,.-~y or landing I~Mutlon Deed 'rvlm nM Warromy m' bqlain and bi. Saia of Fractional o( LMa limfl FN Inte~st [Spadfy BliOM4 S&gnirr, ant ChsnOo In Pmpe~, Betwom Tmabio ~atus md bio of Busineu fs. lnchJdod i. Sole Ollw Ummual Fm A/Mctino Sale Prkm tspecify ] '-'"~lox~K 0'2.00 I t Lo+ OI O. 009_. I CEIrrlRcA'rlON ! I NEW YORK STATE COPY