HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12408 P 682 TAX MAP I~dONATION DiSl.: 1001 Sec.: 002.00 BIk.: 06.00 Lot: 022.000 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE. mudc thc*d:~_ dM' of Jmu. 2005 BETWEEN RANDALL PARSONS AND PATRICIA T. PARSONS, ~!~tntt. at ~ lloyd Sm*ct, EI Humpton, l~k..w Yodr 11937. po~, of ~ tim pm, und MBP REALTY C'ORP, with offices ut 1~7 Third Street, Oreenp~ New York 119.44. pn~. of WITNESSETH, dmi the ptrty o( the tim pm~ In coniMcfmion of Ten I:Xdlm's and other ALL that cemdn plot. plec~ or lurcel of land. vdth the Imlldinp and impmvcn~ms Ih..mon Ie~;~;~ ~,_;~... lyin8 md heinll in the Villnp of C.~enfx~ Town of ~mthdd. Suffdk Count],'. New yo~, bonndai und ,b,~bed as fallows: REGINNING nl n point on ~ cnst~y si,b of 2d Street distain 200.00 felt sOUtherly ns RUNNING THENCE Noflb 83 6.'ltn:es M minutes 20 seconds Ibst dons ~LB,~ now or fmmefly of Decia C. PI:L 150.19 fL~ to'h" hnd nmv ~ fmmedy of Rondm J. I *mlnmi; THENCE South 06desrccs 48 minmesO0secm~lbstaloaIthe hmmemioncdhnd ~0.91 fm m lund hONOr faflnefly of Het'aefl L. and Butty J. IGdln; THENCE South 83 depees 13 mir...'- 00 seconds West along the lut mentioned land fc,.q m the ~mlerLy side of 2'~ Sm,'eL; THENCE NinTh 06 de~n,'es 4? mir.d~ lO seconds West nlonll the cmt~ly side of 2n~ ~ 51.84. feet to the point ~ jdnce of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO RE the some pst*miles conveyed to thc G~ I~' ~ nub byChsbde Flallock. as Exccmm'._~___m~_ Jlm~2.~0.t, undmmofof Jone 12. 2003, in Uber 12255, pule 788. in dw Suffolk CourtLy Oed~ Offiee. the Ommo~ herein hein~ the same dnscdk~d as Ommcc In mid I~L'd. TOGEI'HER with all fi~ht, tide nnd interest, if an},. of th~ party of the tint IXUt in and to uny sm~ets nd mods nburdnl the above dcscrihed Ix~mbes to the c~ler liges dm%'of: TOGEI'HF.R wi~h th~ nppummnnces und nil the eslme nnd rIslus of the pnfly of d~P tint pan In nndto mid pmnlMs: TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D the premises herein pined ~ the pnny of the AND Lhe pray of th-' tim peri covavmls thut the plmy of the tim puff Im nol Gs,~ m' sm'Ta~ onythJnti whereby the said promises Imve bL'on e,~,.,~bemd in any toy whekw~r, eXCLTI US ad'muaid. AND ~he pm, ty of the tim puff. in cumldinnce wJth.*~:cdon 13 of the Lion Law. covcmmts thut the pen, y of the tim ptm will receivo Ihe ~ for this ~ md will hdd lbo risht to n:cci*,,*esuch omuidemlion us n nmi fund to ~ hr, idled flrzt for the purlx,~ of puyin8 the cmt cd* the impnwcmcut nmi will npply the muue fi~ to tl~ pnymem of the cunt of the impnA'cmem The wad 'irony' shdl he comlrucd ns if It laid 'plmics" v. ilmever thc s~nsc of Ihis indmon: so IN WITNESS WHERKO!r, the pert)' of the tim pm bus duly m:al:d this deed the day and !yt~r first nlxwe M4ttm~. S,-te or New York. Conty or ~OlY~} n: Sure or New York. Couty or } --. Onthe dn~orJum, intbeyeur2(X)S, bcforeror, d~ Onthe duyorJnae, inlboyGu*200S, bd'mcn~.ihe undenlped, personally up~-red RANDALL undmilord, INpnonaliy nplNnu~ FATRIClA T. PARSONS per~y known lo nm or proved fo me PARSONS, permadly known to me or pt.'ed to me whose nome Is subscribed, lo Lbe will,in im md wlmee nme is sublcdbed to IM within lasu~ iud aclmowk, dlind lo me tlhm be esoruled tbe nme Iff MI acknowhpdis'dlo me ibm ~ esKuled the mine in cqndty, ond dm by bis dpmurena the iormmmeL ,b mpndty, naddm by herdinmu~qe du~ imrumm. ~ individual, or die per, mt .upoo beiadf of which No. 01KI,f~S878 State or New York, County or } ss Onthe dnyof , in d~ )'..'~r b~m~ me. ~ undrdsrfd, pem~ly .;pemed thc subscribinbt witness to the foP;~ohqJ Ir~ w#h whom I mu pm,x~ally ad:quaimed, who. being me duly sworn, did depose and say that M resides) in know(s) to be the IndividuoJ demflhed in nad who enacu~d fot~'8oiM Immmtcm: d.u mid suhecflbinB wiuwss ~m pms.miand mw mid c~. ecme the stn.,~nad ~ sdd wJtl~.S m th.. same subscdlz'd his/b.',rAbeir mm(s) as n witness there~ die individmd, or Ibe pemoa upon bdudf of' which indlvidunl I&lal. e~,kled ,h* im~ Ontbe dayor . in th~ ]~nu* befna~ me. the undenir, ncd, pmomlly apptmed p:eqoadly known to me~ IEM:d to me on the basis cd' Salisfnclo~ evidcm:e to be the Indivla~.~!~) wb~e nmee(s) is (sre) subecdbed to Ibc within insmncm rd acknawiedged lo me tha la~shc/tl&-y e.~culed the smnc In his/berAheir napaclLy(ks), tlmt by Idifllorllheir sijnatmt'(s) on the imumorm, the individudtsL or thc pmsna upon behalf or wbJcb the jndJvidulKs) uct0d, executed tl~ iormlmcnt, and tht such individud BARGAIN and BALE DEED Tide RANDAI,L PARSONS and PATRICIA T. PARSONS TO MBP REALTY CORP. DIBTRICT: lO01 SI;CFION: 002.110 BLOCK: 06.00 LOT: COUNTY OR TOWN: Somhdd TAX BILLING ADDRESS: 137 Third SUCeL RESERVE TDIS SPACE FOR USE OF RECORDING OFFICE Number oi' pe~s ~ TORRENS Cenifi,'-,e # Prier CI£ # Deed / Mon~le Inmmmm '1 I~ I FilhlS Fee Handlin~ TP-:S~4 EA-~2 I? (Coumy) EA-~2 ! ? (Sqee) Cmnm. of Ed. A~K~viI C~ifled Copy R~ Copy ~ OO I'? Deed I I~ TIx S~.,,v FEES Sub Trod .G GRAND TOTAL ~ SL, p 12 1211~$1 Edv~rcl O.~0F ~UFFOL~ L D00012408 P~82 D7! 05-06196 Mon~ Am~. I. Buic Tu 2.. Addifimml Tu Sub Totel Or Spec./Add. . TOT. MTO. TAX Duel Town IleM I'~ ,4 Tmmlb Tu will be impro dwdli~ mi),. YES__ If NO, lee, Dual County by · one or two family Im~e# 1001 00~00 OSO0 0~2000 ~m~ E'COOIm Li~ I~y Owners M~ddnll Add~ RD & RETUI~ 1'O: 178-15 OnJgm ~ ~, 14~ 11~66 Considermion CPF Tax Due Fund [ 8 I 'Fi!!e Comlmny Inromaflon SuFfolk County Record? ' (OVER) IIIBIlimiBIE fief FOLK C'O~HTY CLRP. K T~pe o£ ZnlCru~ont: , DurOB/7~)D ~hmber 04' ?lgelt 3 RoGe'tp~-. li'umb'er · 05-0095248 'L'RMTSFBR TAX HUHBUR: 05-06'~96 1001 PA(3B: Seo~ion~ Block~ $485,000,00 o9/x2/2oo5 12818851 PM D00012408 682 022.000 Page/Yi3.L325 $9.00 HO HandXAng COB $5.00 BA-CTY $5.00 HO BA-HTATB 584 $5.00 HO CeEb. ~opiee RPT $30.00 HO Tr~u~£er ~u~ $1,940.00 HO TAX MO~BER8 05-06196 TH'rB PAgE Z8 A PAIt'T OF -A'u :T..MBT~UMENT THX8 Z8 MOT A BXLTd $5.oo. HO $15.00 HO $75.00 $0.00 HO $0.00 HO $6,700.00 MO $8,789.00 Zdva~d P. Roma:Lne Co~mty Clerk, 5u££olk Cou,uf, I" I 111944 I I I 1001-002.00-06.00-022.000 I I I I J I I I mll~ dim "d ir Ill INli gr bdl II . I I el IMI ifil m Iful lid 4ml~wl ill Ikl kll Ir mS' lilllldp i kill) 'md I IldlJild k Iii Illilbl M'I j b iMI~iiiI M' M ITid bllIM d IIIl~ld i I~ MIl ~ IdMkl IIk IIIk~ IBI ~11 M'ilMI m NEW YORK STATE COPY