HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 284and Sdc DL~d wiamm CO~UIoT YOUR I,AWYEM Tills INDENTURE, made the ~ I '5~da)' or AUgUSt BETWEEN · in the year 2005 JAMES BONDARCHUK AND NETI'IE BONDARCIIUK, as Ilusband and Wife, residing al 741 Jansen Avenue, Essinst~n, PA 19029-1110 ofthefirmpa~. ~.,.., :'. .. . :.' . CHRISTINE E. NOVELLI~ residing nt 264 Lincoln Road, King of Prussia, PA, 19406; and KATHLEEN B. DI DOMENICO, residing at 1530 Woodland Road, West Chester, PA, 19382 party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in cotuiderstion of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideretion puid by the party of the second part. does hereby grnnt and rele-',~e unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plot· piece or parcel of land, with the building~ and improvements thereon erected, siluate, lying and being in thc SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MADE PART HEREOF· TOGETHER with nil right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first p~t of. in and to any streels and roads abutting thc nbove-descrihe, d premises to the cL'nt~r lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances nnd all the estate and rights of the party of thc first part in and lo said premises; TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD the premises herein greoted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or succes,=ors and ar'Signs of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first purl. in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that lite party of the first part will receive the consideration for thi~ conveyance and will hold thc right to receive such considemtio~ ns n trust fund to be applied first for the put, se of puying Ihe tort of the improvement and will apply the same first to the puymeot of the cost of the improvement he fcee using any part of the total of thc same for any other purpose. Tltc word "pafly*' sl~all be construed ~ if it rend "parties' whenever the senate of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party or the nrst pa,t has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. L-4 pRI~VE,NCK 01~ SCHEDULE PARCEL ! ALL that eertain plot. piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Arshamomnque.in the Town orr Southold, County of Suffolk and State ol'New York, being more particularly deacribed as follows: BEGINNING at point on the southerly line of land of Holder at the northwesterly corner of land ofthe party of tho second part and the northeasterly comer of Innd of tho party of the first part; numing thence along said land of the party of the second part and partly along a Private Road known as Island View Lane South 26 degrees, 53 minutes 50 seconds East, 175.0 feet;, thence through said Innd of the party of the l'mt part two courses: I) South 63 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds West, 100.0 feel: thence 2) North 26 degrees. 53 minutes 50 seconds West, 198.57 feet to said land of Holder; thence along said land North 76 detp~ea 22 minutes 00 seconds -East, 102.74 feet to the point of BEOINNING. Containing 18.679 square feet TOG£TiIER with and subjeet to a 34 foot right orwny along the most southerly line and a portion of the easterly line of said premises as convcyx.'d to the party ol'the Iirst part in said deed recorded in reel 11012 pngc 179 SUBJECT to n water easement over the southerly portion of the premise SUBJECT to the Doclaration of Covanants and Restrictions filed on September I l, 1989 in ~el 10922 page 320. The Grantor being the same persons as the named Ipantees in a certain deed dated September 30, 1960 and recorded on June 7, 1961 in Liber 4997, page 206 PARCEL I! ALL that tract or parcel ofland situate, lying and being at Arshamomaque, in the Town of $outhold, County of Suffolk and Slate ol'New York,. hotmded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on the nntthcdy line ora highway shown as "Island View Lane= on 'Revised Map of Peeonic Bay Estates", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 658, at the point whore said northerly line is intersected by the easterly line of land conveyed by Kerwin to Pekunka; said point or beginning being also about 33 feet northerly along said easterly line of land of Pekunka Imm the point where said easterly line is intersected by the northerly linc'of Parcel 3 as shown on "Amended Map A of Peeonic Bay Estates'', filed in the SutTolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 1124; from said point ofhoginning running along said land of Pekunkn, 2 comtes, as follows: (i) North 26 dean.'es 53 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 125.86 feet to a monument: thence SCHEDULED "A" Condnued (2) North 68 degrees 56 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 214.58 feet: thence along land of the perry ortho first I~U~, South 4 delPees 19 minutes 30 seconds W~t a distance of 78.48 feet to said northerly line of"lsland View Lane"; thence along said northerly line ot'"lsland View lane". 2 courses, as follows: (I) North 85 dc~p~-es 40 minutes 30 scconds West a di.~nnce o£ 53.46 feet to an iron pipe; thence (2) South 36 degrees 10 minutes 20 seconds West a distance ol' 142.47 feet to the point o1' beginning. TOGETHER with a fight of way over said "Island View Lane" Imm the southwesterly comer ol'the premises cnsterly about 950 feet to Bay Shore road. The Grantor being thc same persons ns named Grantees in the deed dnted June 22. 1990 in Libor I 112, p~ge 338. Sate~New York. Count~-or Suffolk ! ~.: Onthe~l ~ay~ AUGUST ~ 2005 JAM~ ~NDARCHUK wilhin imL*um~t and admowlcdlpM to me that lx~ilm'~ey e,~,__*_~ width immunem nnd ncknowled~M to nm that ~ executed the rune in hisA~:~lL, ir ~:~'yf~k aM ~ ~ higher~heir tl~ mine in his~nlqhelr cnpaettyfles), aM thnt by ~ si~sl ~ ~he inmumenL the individuags), or d~ person upon I si~) on ~he ilmmmmt, the individual(s), or the pason upon berm]f of which die' b behalf of which the individmlts) ~ e.xnt~d the insmld~enc I M~vidunl(s) actedf eaecwasl ihe innnnnenc , _.'~,:_o.~ntr.,o~ ._ ' ' ' ~..-a~dlngUtl°~'°~'~' .~.,x - ' - ACla'~#~gI~I~TFOI~IFO~Uv~WI~Ili~NIDgFOIIL~TA~O~yL~ ACxTA'OWI~JJGMF. ATFOI~I~OItU~OffI~IDKffI~YOIIL~TATR('A,~Y: ~o b~ dx: individmd desct~xM in aM who ex~.'uted the f~ itmruma~ thru mid subs~bi~ wimess was pzum and mw hid execme ~he ~n~. and d~ said whness m Ihe mrne dine subscribed his/herAheir namers) n.4 a witness dz'reto. Onlh~ thyof in the year beh~ me. d~ ~ ~c,...mliy nppeaul 9monafly known m mo or pm,~d m me ~m the trusts of mlisfactoty evidmee to bo Ihe individml(s) whore nmle(s) is (arcj subscribed to the ~ddn ismnmlcnt mid nckuowiedp.*d to n~ that hO~n/lhey e~cuted dz mnc in ~ cop~'ity(Ju), thru by hb~n~ ~ch' sipan~(s) on the limflmla~ du: ind~vJduld(sL ~ lIE perma upue txdulf o( which thc iMJvJdml(s) ~ exccutcd d~ infaurn~m, aM ibm ImL*h individual made such al~.-,u~m~e beft~e the undersip',ed in the (In~n the cily or MM BARG&L'~ & SALE DF, ED TIrO'NO, BONDARCHUK TO NOVELLI & DI DOMENICO FID~LITY NATIONAL TITLE OINSURANC~ COMPANY O~smc'r 1000 $ p~'not~ 57 B t/.x.~ 2 42.4 C~;h'l'~Oit TOWN SUFFOLK / SOUTHOLD PMdity Natioml Tltb Immnee Cmnpnny PAUL A. CAMINITI. ESQ. PO BOX 846 53345 MAIN ROAD, UNIT ~ SOUTHOLD, NY 11~1 2005 Oct 2~ 01:~1:12 ~ Edward CLERK (~ SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012417 .. P284 'DTt 05-12e~2 Deed I Mm~pse Instrument. Deed I Mm~pSo Tax Sramp ] [t~xmJin8 1Pilin~ Stamps ...... -~" I 1. Bpsic Tax. Inndlin~ :5. O0 2. )~dditional Tax Sub Totnl SpecJAssit. Dual Town Dual County I-l~ld far Appoinlmcnl~_ '~rans. r='rax Mansion Trix : The proiwty covcrcd hy this ,nongnge is or 'will be imMoved by a ~me ur two fnmily dwelling only. YES. or NO If NO. ~ apt~vta'iato tnx clause on Consideration Amount Vncant 'land -.~'" :TD Dist. Block Lot ~ 0~288~-~'ooo os~o'~ o~oo 04~oo, ex ~vic~ ,/-p T ~ ' Information * Suffolk & Endorsement This pa~e foRns p~t of tbe nUacbed TYl~ OF INSTRUMENT) The In=nises herein is ;itumed in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In thc VILLAGE or HAMLET of : B.O. XES ~ THRU g MUST BI; TYPF. D OR PRINI'I:ID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING, (over) SU~FOT.K COUH/~ RECORDB RECORDTNG PAGE T~pe of Xnst~*umontt DE~DG/DDD Receipt ~m~eF , 05-0113763 ~SFER TXX ~OHBER: 05-12982 1000 Deed Anount= 8ection: Blockz 057.00 02.00 EXAJ(ZI~DAHD CHARGED A8 FOL~OMB $0.00 P~je/Filing $15.00 NC) Handling COE $5.00 HO ~S 8RCHG RA-CTY $5.00 NO n-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies RPT $30.00 NO BCTM Trons£er tax $0.00 HO C~.Pres Fees Paid TRAHBF~ TAX HUHBER: 05-12982 County Clerk, Su££olk Count~ 10/28/2005 01:55:12 PM LTBER: PAGE: Lot: 042.004 D00012417 284 $5.oo HO $15.00 HO $165.00 HO $6.25 HO $0.00 HO $0.00 HO $251.25 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM · INSTRUCTIONS: http:/I www.orps.state.ny.u$ or PHONE (518) 47~7~o2 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY -- .,, I · . ~' ,ff. >, ~ ~ (8 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ct. smSCod, I~, ~,~, ~, ~/I I ~ "" Y' _ RP - 5217 ~'~l 1100 I Island View Lane I j Southold j Greenport J 11944 J ~ j Novelli j Chr4s~ine E. j j D4 Domenico. j Kathleen B. j a Sd~ I Sondarchuk I j Bonaarchuk j Net~.Le BL_,J J or 3 Fm~ ~1 ' C L,~y,J RiddmlJll Vram bnd DI I ~on-Rmldemld vau~m m,,~ I J, muMm~t IS~l; ,NFO.~N I A R I-: F H I J SMa M ~naM Il Indeded In ~Me Prtm J .&K~C~SMENT INFORMA'flON - Dm ml~uld refbct the Imm Final Mr, Nm Roll and Tax Bill J J 1000-57-2-42.4 I I I Xathleen B.iDtDomenLco ~ELLE~ None