HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12426 P 869NY 0~- BapJ..r,,I Sik INcd v, hh ~,~inu 4~-mac', AL'. IKivldl. I ac r..~mi.n tSinlk Shin) (NYBTU ,(.YL'~U LT YOUR LAWYKR II.:ORE 8IGNIt~G Tfl~ L~qTR UM~q'T. THIS INaTRIJMY. HT SIII')ULD BI[ UN I'::D BY t. AWY~RS ONLY THIS INDENTURK, made the 9th BKTWKEN GLENN HEIDTMANN, JR. 1725 Anchor Lane Southampton, New York 11971 day of December · in tl~ yea' 200~ party of the tim pm~ and ANTHONY FEDI~.LE 4 Soutberest Court Huntington, New York 11743 party of the ~cond pan, .WITNE,SSETH, that the party of flu: firs~ pm. in consideration often I)ollars end otha' valuable omLqid~mtlon paid by the p.my of the sanond ~ does hercby grant md re]cue unto the party of the smmd pan. the heirs or sucee.~sor~ and assigns of the par~y of the second pa~ rorcver, AU. ilmt ec~in pIOl. piec,'~ or Ix~l of Ired, with Ihe heildi~s md imp~vemeal~ thea:o, eh:till, nitanm, lyi~ ~ bein8 in the Description ofpremim attehed hereto and made a part hereof District: 1000; Section: 057.00; Block: 01.00; Lot: 021.000 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated February 25, 2002 and reeorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Countyh of Sluffolk In Liber 12173 page 418 on March 8, 2002. TOGKTH ER with all fight, title and interest, if any, of d~e party of th,* first pan of. in nM to any Ireats and ~udq aheUing the above-de~eFihed premiss to the center lines theruof: TOGETIII~R with tho appu~mnce, and all thoelmlte and rights of the pafly of the first pan in and Io mid promise, a; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premL,~ herGin granted unto [he party of Ihe second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pm fo~ver. AND thc party of the tint pm covenants that the party of the first par has not done te auffemt anything whereby Ihe .said premises have been incumhered in any way whatever, ~tcep; Lq eforeaaJd. AND the pray of the rna pan. in compliance with Section 13 of the I~en Law. covunanLq that thc pm'ly of the first pan will recclvc the considerdtiofl for this Conv~yunce and will hold the Fight to rcealve such considerdfirsJ as a Iai fund to ho applied flint for the parptuc of paying tho eeat of the improvcmunz and will apply tho same first to the payment of the cost uf thc improvemen~ before eaJn~ any part of the total of the sam~ for any other purpose. The word '*IX]fly' shrill be cotmmtnd as if it reed "pardcs" wheneeer the sonic of this indnntore so requhes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, thc pray of the firsl pan ha~ duly executed this dccd the day and year first above written. ~* ':i' ' SCHEDULE A ' DESCR~P'T/ON '. · :' ' - '. :.. .. .:; . :..': · · : . '.... . ALL that certaln"plo~, piece or parcel of lan.d, s!tuate, tying and being in th~ Town o~' So.ho'Id, County of Suffolk ·. end State of New York, known and designated is. Lot No. 21, a~ shown on a certain map ent;~led, 'Hap of · Southold'Shure~ at A~s~e~omsque, Town of Sou~hold, Suffolk Cnunb/; New .York', made by Otto W, Van TuyI and Son,.llcehs .ad land Surveyors, Greenport, 'New York, dated .]uly 1, ~.963,.and filed In the Office of the Clerk · : .o,f thee C,ounty ut' S.uffolk oh August 29;'1963, as Iqsp No. 3853,., ... '..:*' ..' : ..; ~ · .i.. :. ~. .'..' . ....* ..,' ':...' ..'. .. · ':..' · '~" ..' · . . ..' · :" ":'" '"':.. "": '"'*' .. .: .'. '".. :. '.·' ·" · '.: ' .. .. .... :' .: ~.."'.':,': : ,, .~.. ,:,. , -, *~, -.* . .. :-. :.. : · ........ ~ "..~ · ..:.':~*:~*'~.*..' *..*. ": . .. ... . .. .. · . .' ':' '~:.......::.." ~.: '* ~.. . :. :.. ... . '. .:. - ,..;...:... ..: . . · ....::~ ..... ,. ..' -.... ..:,. '... ..::. ;. · ... ..~ ~ ..*.. .. .. .......* ::: · ,....... · . .. . . .. :: :* ..~. . ~... .... . '. .. .. ~.~,,, . · ... · ..... ... ...:.. :........ , ...:. ..~. ,..~" . ..... . . ~ *~ ' · ' · . · : ' ". .- I '. · '. · · ..'. "..:' : · .~. ". · '' ~ . · ~ · . .. ...'..... : .... .: .. .. . ... . .' ... . . *** .... ,., · ... ..' · · ~.. .. ... ....'.'. . ... .- . . . .· . .~. .. ... .... . · .~.~:.*.'.~. .* .: f.' . .- ~ . :..:. '... . :. . . . . ..; . ... LI~I~* ACi~YOWLFJXMIKNT F(AM I~LOW #TMIN NWW ¥ (AVA,,fTA ? £ O Ni. i ? ~lle M'New ¥orlG County M, 'OnlM duyor in Ih~ yenr t~fo~ me. dto undcr~llncd, Ix~lly appeared ~.~/(a:cally known to nm er proved to nm on tht bo,ih of smishctflr~ to be thc individual(s) whom mm(s) is (ere) subscribccl · m mM~;mcir c-"~'~"~jes), and dm by his~her/Iheir si~n~un~'s) on Ihe immnmnz. Ihe individu~(s), or the penon upon behalf of which the ilvld.mlls) acid. exeo ._,*a the iTnmm. AOfNOt~F. BGMF.~I'I; O~41~m I]~ O07SR~ NBw fO~ af~me ~. Fw~N G~MI Admowl~ Onthc dayof in d~c your before mc ~hc undcrsiipted, pemmally uppe~d BARGAIN & hiE. D~E.D Glenn HeMtmann, Jr. Anthony Fedele DtSTmCT I000 SeC'flO~ 0~7.00 BI.(X::K 01.00 LOT 021.000 CoOm'y on TOWI~ Suffolk/Sourhold RECT. A~D~ A T P. F..OUI~T OF Advintaffe Title Almc~, lac. .~7TJd~N BY MA//. TO 410 lk'w ¥~4t A~x~u0 H~ NY I I'M3 6314246100 631 424 ~ Certificate # Pri;~r ctr.# Deed I Mon~nge ins~ument 3 P'.~e I Filing Fee Handling ~,;,. 00 TP-584 Notation EA-$2 17 (County} ~.,~- EA-5217 (State} ~ R.ET.$.^. Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Ceflified O*py Deed I Mo~gn~e Tax Stamp RECOR/~ED 2005 D~c 22 09:~4[~4 P~ Ed~dard P. Ro~aine O. EI~ OF 9,JFF~I.K COUNTY L D~0012426 P ~69 DTI' Sub Total Recording / Filing StamJ~ eAmt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additiounl Tax Sub Total SpneJAuit. Spe~./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town __ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax ('~ Mansion Tax . The ..~..~rty covered by this mortpg,, ia or wt]l he improvk'd by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Other Grand Total / ~'~ ;~ / If NO. see npproprim¢ tax elau~e on ~ s~i~. ~'~.-'~- Z/ ...... A~y ~fication ~ 6 I Smisfnctiou.qK). ischmBes/Relenses List Property Owners Mailing Add~n RECORD & RETURN TO: · PAUL m. GREENSTEIN, ESQ. · SUITE 301 · 23 GREEN STREET Improved. Vncnnt Land TD · HUNTINGTON, NY 11743 ? _TMt__Con _n ~rormtion Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This pa~e forms pon ol'U~ nttaehqli _nEc:~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} · GLENN HEIDT.M~,NN, JR. · ANTHONY Fl=nFl The p~.,mises herein is situnted in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of · ,~nflthnld In tbe VILLAGE or HAMLET of , ~.Dr'r'IODI~DT BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPF. D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FLUNG. (over) I IIIIIIIIIIIl lllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllll RuC'ORD~ O~Z(~ Type o£ lnshx-umo, n. ts DREDS/)~ Number o£ Pagess 4 Recelgt ~m~q= s 05-0132248 TPJL~SFER TAX )i~MBER: 05-20346 1000 Deed An~unt: Recorded, Att LZBER: PAGE: Seation I Blook s 057.00 01.00 EXAJiZHRD AND CHARur~ A~ FOLLOWS $0.00 12/22/2005 09,54,34 AM D00012426 869 o21.ooo 830.00 S0.o0 Fees paid 05-20346 'Z'HZB 18 NOT & BZLL $5.00 $15.00 $?5.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $152.00 ~vaFcl P. Rmnaine County CleF)r, 8u'F£olk CO~LU,':y PI.EASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLy WHEN WRmNG ON FORM · · INSTRUGTIONS: http'.//www.o~s.state.ny.u,, or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOIl ~'ouFn'Y USE ONLY I ./ ..... I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER RE~POAT ,..,_ . .~].,~., ,",,~,~,¢,1 J~f~L RP- 5217 [ I I 11. ~le IEOM. I~ DI~II A ~ 8MI BI.lin RIMIIWl M' FMmlf I~NII~II C D F I I ~TTO~EY