HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 767JAC HOLDINGS, LP, a New York limited partnership w~th offices at 3400 Lighthouse Road, Southold, DONNA N(~IIT. HROP, re~icling at 155 Jenninga Road, Lloyd Harbor, New York 11743, the party of WrI'NESSETH, that the PaW of the flat part. in co~skJera~on of TEN and 00/100 (S10.00) ...dollars. and Other 0and ~nd valuable ~onskJemtJon paid by the pmly of the second pad. doe~ hafeby grant and release unto Ute pa~/of the second J Shorts at Arshomomague, Town of Southold, Suffolk CourtLy, New York", made by Otto W. Van Tuyl esd Son, L.Ioans(ad Land Sur~wo~, Gl~flpO~ FMw Yol~ dated luly 1, 19~3 and flbd In t:he Office of thp aerk of SufTolk Count, New York on Aucjust 29, J963 as Iqap Numher 3853, being mcxe parUcularty bounded and described accxx'dlng W saki map as ~dJows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Nbacore Drive dbtant 376.88 Feet eastarly hmn the comer formed by the Inker~:Uon on the nofthen~ side of Nhecore Drive and the eas~edy side of Hain Road (S.R. 25); RUNNING THENCE No'th 31 degrees 01 mlnul~s 10 seconds Fast, 175.M feet; 'THENCZ South 63 degrees 52 minutes 30 seconds East~ 100.00 f~ THENCE South 26 degrees 07 minu~es 30 seconds Wast; 175.00 fee~ m the ~ sfoe of Nbacore Drive; TI'IENOE along the no~y slue of Nlxacom Drive Nmth 63 deg~ 52 minu~es 30 ~ West, 115.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND Ih t udDED TO BE the same premises conveyed tx) the party of the ~ part by deed diaked 8/26/02 and ~ 9/20/02 In Uber 12210 page 95 In the Suffolk C~ Oerk's Of 11(:e, the grantor homin being the same aa the grantee in deed re~orded in Liber 12210 page 95. TOGETHER with all right, ~ and interest, if any, of the patly of the first part in and fo ~ly streets and abutting the above de~cdhed promises to tha contsr lines ttmmof;. TOGETHER w#h the ,ppudenm~es and adl the estate and rights of the pafly of the first part in and to add prem~ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi,es herein grmltscl unto the patty of the second pad, the helm or m~ceslom aM al~igna ~ th~ party of apart forever. AND the party of Ute first pad covenants that the party of the fiat part has not done or suffered anything whereby the gid pmmimm have been eh=umbered in any way wheteve~, except es afmasaid. AND the party of the first part. In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the pady of the first I part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to recei~ such conaidemlion as a trust fund to be apl~md fit'at for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will ~ the .ama f, mt to the payment of the co~t of the Improvement before using any part of tha total of the aarna for any other purpoes. The word "party" shall be conatmed as If It mad "prelim' when ever the sense of this indenture ~o requires. IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, the party of the fir~ part has duly ~0~cutsd ~i~ deed the day and year first above IN PRESENCE OF: J&C HOLDINGS, LP By: Mia Tirol, Inc., General Padner By:~~~~L Christine C. Hurbado. President TO BE II&ED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGIdENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE CHRISTINE C. HURTADO saU~ac:~my eddmce to be the indivldu~s) vame nam(s) is ~m~fm:my evidence to be me indiviclu~e) whme nmb(m) is (are) sub~c.bed to me within ~mUumont end m:imovdm~d to ~tlm) ~ub~dbed to me wilhJfl imlnmumt Ind m:lmo~MmJ~d to me that he/lheiltmy mmaJted the .mnm in MMmr/l~r rne ~ be/eimRhey executed me ~ bt NMmr,IMh' pemoneily known Io me or proved to me on me basis of luf, isbcSmy evkJenca to be me indivMud(m) vdmee mime(m) is (mm) mubsamed to me within inmtmmont and m:knowisd~ed to me tbet be/~he/they executed me same In hiWhor/llmir cKom:ity(bs), and that by his/her/their slgcature(m) on me Irmmmonk me indtvtdu~m), or the pemon upon belmlf of widc~ the inG~vidcaKm) m:t~d, executed the inatmmerd, and tbet m.:h MdMdcal mede mJch mppeamnca befixe me ondefMgnmi in me in (In~mfl the City or other poliUcal md~MMon) (mhd klort ine ~1~ m' Country m oinmr pim~e I~ m:lumqdgcl~m~ v~ tarn) (aignatmm mid of~ of in~M~l inldng ~at) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED wT'r. COVENANT AGAINST G~ANTOR'8 ACT8 Tm No. J&C HOLDINGS, LP TO DONNA NORTHROP Commonwealth SECTION ~'~', O0 BLOCK 49(, OO COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Ret:oriel at Request of COMMONWEAL.TH LAND TITLE II~URANCE COHPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: Number of TORRENS Se. Hal # Cmificntc # Prior.Cfi. # Deed I Mortgnge lnsuument P~e I Filing Fee Handling No~fion EA-$2 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. .Comm. of Ed. Afl',d~vit NY$ $umharse 2~6 3.m 10 11z~..4~ M GERt(OF ~FFOU( ¢0UNT~ L D00012429 P ?67 DTt 0~-22~ Deed I Mortan~ Tnx Stamp 5. 00 P__~_ _.~n~ / Filing S 'tmnl~ MortSaSe Amc 1. Basic Tnx 2. Additional Tnx SubTotal Spec./Add. · TOT. MTO. TAX =. Tr~f,'r T~ · ~0 iVln,,~iOll Tax The pmpmy ~overed by this monllase is or will b~ intl~oved by n one or two family dwelling only. J Snfisfuctions/Discharsgs/RMeuses List Property Owners MailinB Address RECORD &-RETURN TO: cordin &, Endorsement Pa e 'l~is p~ forms past of thc atlached ~/ nmd~ by: (SPI~..IFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN'I~ SU~ ~U~ ~ Y~ or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU S MUST BE ~ OR PRJNt]:~} IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FIUNG. (ov~l I I#illl illillllllllillllll#l llillllllllllllii SUFFOLK COb~r.L'~ ~T.RRE RuCOP. DB OFFZCu RECORDING PAGR Type o£ Tna~rmnent;s DBBDS/DDD NumbeF of Pagog8 3 Re=e4p~ l~umbeE t 06-0002589 ?RANSFuR TAX HUMBBR: 05-22594 1000 LZBER: PAGE: Bectio~ s Block J 057.00 01.00 $850,000.00 oz/zo/2oo6 xx:48:48 Al( D00012429 767 Lot; s 020.000 Zxenpt Pa~e/FLling 80 · 00 Ho ~and'~ 4 ng cob 85 · 00 ~O NYe SR~iG ~-~ $5.00 ~ ~- BTA~ · P-S84 eS.00 ~ Cert. C~e. RPT $30.00 ~ S~ Tr~w~er t~ $3,400.00 ~ ~.~ew Fees TRANSFER TAX N~MBEitt 0S-22594 TllZH PAgE ZS A PART OF TH~ ZNSTR~IiENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt 85.00 ,o 815.00 No 875.00 HO 80.00 HO $0.00 HO 814,000.0o HO $17,54 9. O0 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.sta{e.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I~lll~mM~tmm~dm~h~dmd I . ,I. I iofP.n~b OR PIZ~Ihrell &DIM ~ I Ixl '1~1 . . .~, .3 I &Idlir I J&C HoZd~n.=s~ LP I I I IOMf W Iqit M m Iqiii~ ~lI~ m tMV ~ BIi~ 2 or I Fimiiy RidimM F~iI CIrJlI InduiMII I)l IN'/l~Ibnd HI I Emi.I/I, FI SALE INFORIdATION I I~. DMI M IMi I TIMIr i!2 / 28 / o5'I ~ DW Yiir [] [] 14. bdIIIBlIidlI~aII I .... , O · 0 I malIty"'"dd b Ia i II I~ · / ASSESSMENT INFOI'I1ON - Olll Ilmdd rIllI tim II FlflII AIment floll and Tax Bill I .5,0.01 l&Yid MII 17. T/I Vlld ~ hi I ~::::: ~: ~ 0~,/051 ~w=i L~L~-I I ~&Im~II~ I Southold I t000-57-1-20 I I I I I I J I CERTIFICATION I - ~ I NeyerlI I Natasha : , o_,,_ , · . · I I NEW YORK ST^~ I